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School system in Algeria and Pakistan

Education is the backbone of every nation. Without education, no one can find the
proper right in this world. Education is actually the delivery of knowledge and skills from a
teacher to students because of that each country developed an educational system to ensure
the effective education. Among those countries are Algeria and Pakistan .Although the
educational system of Algeria and Pakistan are similar in many points but still they have
many differences.
The educational system in Algeria and Pakistan are similar in a number of points. First,
the pre- primary education is optional for both countries and they presented for children from
age three to five to ensure their mental development .Also .in primary schools there is only
one teacher for all subject .in addition the subject that taught are the same which are math,
science, social studies, history reading and writing .the only exception is in the foreign
language that taught in Algeria is french ,but in Pakistan english . Also Algerian and
Pakistan educational system are the same in religious education because both of them tech
religious as subject to increase student religion.
Despite these similarities, the educational system in Algeria differ from Pakistan in
many areas. The duration of one class is 45 minutes in Pakistan but in Algerian schools one
class takes 60 minutes. In addition, the language of instruction differ in Algeria the teach
using Arabic language. Whereas, in Pakistan we find that some schools teach using English
and other using Urdu .also school grading differ, Algeria teachers use description to grade
their student for example ; very good ,good quite good ,sufficient while in Pakistan the use
letters like ; A+,A,B+,B ,C.
Another major difference between Pakistan and Algerian educational system is the level
of education .In Algeria there are four levels which are ; primary , secondary ,vocational and
tertiary education .however, in Pakistan there are five levels are primary ,middle
/secondary ,higher secondary /intermediate ,higher education .furthermore , the major
difference in Secondary Education , In Algeria it Consists of three streams which are
General , Vocational and also Technical in it Student study electronics, electrical
science/technology, mechanical science, public works and engineering, chemistry, and
accounting, agriculture, Bio chemistry. Whereas, In Pakistan secondary education is
subdivided into Middle (Grade 6 to 8) Secondary education (Grade 9 to 10 higher secondary
Education (Grade11 to 12).
Also a major difference between the two education systems is the levels of higher
education .In Algeria There are three levels of higher education: Bachelor’s Degree for the
accumulation of 180 credit ,Master Degree 120 additional credits , Doctorate .However, In
Pakistan ,There are four levels of higher Education Bachelor’s Degree ,Bachelors of
Education and Library sciences (1 year) , BA /BSC, Bachelors of law (2 years) , Bachelor’s
Honors (3years) ,Master Degree (2 years) ,MPhil Degree (2 years) and Doctorate (3 to 4
years). The number of students attending institutions of higher education in Algeria is higher
than Pakistan.
A final major difference between Algeria and Pakistan is rate. In Pakistan, the literacy
rate is 54.9 giving it a rank of 199th among all countries (World Bank report). (67 % for
males and 42% Females). However, the literacy rate in Algeria is 79.61%, giving it a rank of
118th among all countries .
Even though Pakistan and Algeria seems very similar in many ways , but their educational
system are actually quite different .but they still have the same purpose which is better


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