Final Project - CAFE 309

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Changes in Market Trends

Ever since the launch of Café 309, there have been multiple changes in the market, ranging from
changes within the vicinity, i.e. National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) where it is
located, and outside the vicinity i.e. Islamabad.

1. Opening of new cafes within NUST

Café 309 has faced increased competition in the past few months. When it initially started
operating, it only had 2 major competitors other than the routine university cafes, Café Wall and
Café Jango. However, in the pas few months, new Cafés have opened (Café Margalla and Library
Café). These cafes are offering a wide variety of food products which are giving competition to all
food outlets in Islamabad.

2. Opening of new restaurants in Islamabad

Other than cafes inside NUST, many new restaurants have opened in Islamabad recently which have
distinctive product ranges attracting the foody student community to eat outside NUST and try new
food products, rather than trying the generic food product ranges offered by cafes within NUST.
Students prefer to try new products rather than the same usual routine ones.

3. Increasing preference for fast food

Students of NUST have had an increase in their preference for having fast food to eat rather than
the traditional product line offered by Café 309. Students prefer sandwiches, burgers, pastas and
pizzas to eat once they are done with their classes rather than having parathas on a regular base,
which are offered by student Concordias as well.

4. Events

Students are increasingly celebrating birthdays, and not the usual birthdays, rather birthdays in
which they put in effort by making proper fancy arrangements. For such events, they prefer to
arrange birthdays within university cafes.

5. Increase in Internet Usage

Internet usage has rapidly increase within the university and outside as well. The number of internet
servers have been increased by the university administration with internet being provided almost
everywhere in the campus. Other than servers, students always use 3G and 4G internet once they
cannot find internet connectivity i.e. students are using the internet 24/7, ever during class lectures.
Direct Marketing Opportunities
Keeping in view the target market and changing market trends, Café 309 can use the following Direct
Marketing Opportunities:

1. Expansion of Social Media Marketing

Café 309 already has a Facebook page, but it isn’t much active. It can make it active, add all new
features of Facebook and then start boosting posts according to its specific target market which are
students of NUST. Facebook advertisement has become much more specific which will help Café 309
in reaching out to its market easier and it will become more effective when the shared posts are
what the students will like. Other than Facebook, Café 309 should also shift towards Instagram
which is more commonly being used for food reviews.

2. SMS Marketing

SMS marketing will be the most direct way of reaching out to NUST students with all new products
and promotions. NUST administration already has an entire database of all the contact numbers of
students associated with NUST. The same data can be obtained and used for SMS marketing,
especially during break hours when special offers can be texted to students so that they can come to
Café 309 to avail them.

3. Usage of University infrastructure for ground marketing

Café 309 can use university infrastructure for direct marketing. It can place pamphlets and ads in the
most populated areas because it’s a university campus with many spots which act as central points
for student hangouts. Other than placement of pamphlets, Café 309 can also place ads on desktop
computers of all possible computer labs in the university campus where students are always found
working on projects. Having desktops of Café 309 promotion will always catch their attention at
least once while opening a file.

4. Email Marketing

NUST’s most commonly used medium of communication is email. The administration has an entire
database of active email addressed which is used for conveying important information all day long.
Café 309 can obtain the very same database and use it for its own marketing. It can get special
offers communicated through NUST emails as well.

5. Events

The one thing students in NUST love the most is events. Café 309 can always host small events
especially when they are aiming to promote specific products. For example, hosting a cricket
screening while promoting a new drink. Student run to events within NUST and Café 309 can
capitalize on this point.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Opportunities
Type Advantages Disadvantages
Social Media Expansion  Least costly method of  Graphic designer will need
marketing to be hired
 Has many features which aid  Large quantities of
in directly reaching out to boosting social media posts
the market can end up increasing costs
 Boosting will directly send to some extent
ads to the relevant market
 Everyone is using the
internet 24/7
 Catchy graphics increase
interest of people viewing
the ads
SMS Marketing  Database is already  NUST administration might
available not give the database
 People always have their  Students often get
phones opened in their annoyed by too much SMS
hands, even during classes ads

University Infrastructure  Very cheap method  Administration might
 Can be customized change the desktops soon
school/department wise  Students might ignore
them since lab are used for
projects only
Email Marketing  Cheap  NUST administration might
 Database is available not give the database
 Very direct medium  Students often ignore
 The campus wide internet promotional emails
facility will aid this method
Events  Market is always ready to  Costly
attend them  Time consuming to arrange
 Chance to improve brand  Smaller events attract
image smaller crowds
 Chance to get promoted by
social media platforms of
every individual who
attends the event

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