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UMass Lowell 63.

College of Management T. Sloan

SPC Example Problems with Solutions

1. Super Fizz Cola Company wants to use SPC to monitor its bottle filling process. Every 20 minutes, they
took a random sample of four bottles from the production line and carefully measured the amount of cola
in each bottle. The results are reported in the table below.

Sample Milliliters in each bottle

1 351.2 350.9 350.6 350.7
2 350.3 351.0 351.1 350.8
3 351.4 350.9 351.3 351.2
4 350.8 350.5 351.1 350.1
5 350.6 350.9 351.4 351.1

a. Is the volume of soda in a bottle a variable or an attribute?

b. What kind of control chart should be used to monitor the average volume of soda in each bottle?
Determine the three-sigma control limits for this chart.
c. Plot the average bottle volume for each sample on the appropriate chart. Is the process in-control
with respect to the average volume? What action should be taken?
d. What kind of control chart should be used to monitor the spread or dispersion of values? Determine
the three-sigma control limits for this chart.
e. Plot the volume range for each sample on the appropriate chart. Is the process in-control with respect
to the volume range? What action should be taken?

First, compute the mean and range for each sample:

Sample 1 2 3 4 5
Average 350.85 350.80 351.20 350.63 351.00
Range 0.60 0.80 0.50 1.00 0.80

a. Volume is a continuous measure, so it is a variable.

b. An x-bar chart should be used to monitor the average volume. The process mean and standard
¯ = 350.895 and R̄ = 0.74. Now we
deviation are unknown, so we use the numbers above to compute x̄
can compute the control limits:

UCL = ¯ + A2 R̄ = 350.895 + 0.729(0.74) = 351.4352 Ml.

LCL = ¯ − A2 R̄ = 350.895 − 0.729(0.74) = 350.3548 Ml.

The value for A2 is obtained from the table in the textbook (Table 6.1, p. 220) using n = 4.
c. The x-bar chart is shown below. All points are within the upper and lower control limits, so the
process is in-control with respect to the average volume. No action is necessary at this time.
d. An R chart should be used. The control limits are computed as:

UCLR = D4 R̄ = 2.282(0.74) = 1.6872 Ml.

LCLR = D3 R̄ = 0(0.74) = 0 Ml.

The values for D3 and D4 are obtained from the table in the textbook (Table 6.1, p. 220) using n = 4.

351.4 1.6 UCL

Average Volume (Ml.)

Volume Range (Ml.)

351.0 1.0





350.4 LCL LCL


1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Sample Sample

Figure 1: x-bar Chart for Super Fizz Problem Figure 2: R Chart for Super Fizz Problem

e. The R chart is shown above. All of the values are within the upper and lower control limits, so the
process is in-control with respect to the range. No action is necessary at this time.

2. A company manufactures valves for industrial use. Ten samples of 15 valves each were taken from the
production line and tested. The results are reported below.

Number Number
Sample Defective Sample Defective
1 3 6 2
2 1 7 0
3 0 8 3
4 0 9 1
5 0 10 0

a. Compute the fraction defective for each sample.

b. Construct a p-chart for this process using control limits that include 95.5 percent of the sample means.
c. What comments can you make about the results? Is the process in-control? What action should be


a. The fraction defective is computed by dividing the number defective by the number in each sample,
n = 15. The results are reported below.

Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
p 0.200 0.067 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.133 0.000 0.200 0.067 0.000

First, we compute
b. q q the average proportion defective: p̄ = 0.0667. The standard deviation is: σp =
p̄(1−p̄) 0.0667(1−0.0667)
n = 15 = 0.0644. To account for 95.5 percent of the random variation in the
process, we set z = 2 (two standard deviations). So the control limits are:

UCLp = p̄ + zσp = 0.0667 + 2(0.0644) = 0.19548

LCLp = p̄ − zσp = 0.0667 − 2(0.0644) = −0.06215 → 0.

Note that we had to round the LCL value to zero — it is impossible to have a negative control limit.
c. The control chart is shown below. Samples 1 and 8 are above the upper control limits. We should
investigate possible causes of these out-of-control values.

0.20 UCL

Fraction Defective




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 3: p Chart for Valve Problem

SPC Formulas

For x̄ Charts (unknown process mean and standard deviation)

Centerline : x̄ ¯ + A2 R̄
UCLx̄ = x̄ ¯ − A2 R̄
LCLx̄ = x̄

For R Charts

Centerline : R̄ UCLR = D4 R̄ LCLR = D3 R̄

For p Charts

Centerline : p̄ UCLp = p̄ + zσp LCLp = p̄ − zσp

p̄(1 − p̄)
σp =

Factors for Computing Three-Sigma Control Chart Limits

Size n A2 D3 D4

2 1.880 0 3.267
3 1.023 0 2.575
4 .729 0 2.282
5 .577 0 2.115
6 .483 0 2.004
7 .419 .076 1.924
8 .373 .136 1.864
9 .337 .184 1.816
10 .308 .223 1.777
12 .266 .284 1.716

(Same as Table 6.1 on page 220 of textbook)

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