Some Engineering Properties of Locust Be

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Journal of Food Engineering 55 (2002) 95–99

Some engineering properties of locust bean seed

L.A.O. Ogunjimi a, N.A. Aviara b,*
, O.A. Aregbesola a

Department of Agricultural Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria
Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria
Received 2 June 2001; accepted 13 December 2001

Locust bean was found to be a protein rich crop whose seed is processed into local food condiment ÔiruÕ in Nigeria. To explore the
possibility of developing handling and processing equipment for the seed, some engineering properties namely: size, 1000 seed
weight, true density, bulk density, porosity, static coefficient of friction on wood, angle of repose, specific heat and cracking force,
were studied. At a moisture content of 10.25% (db), seed length varied from 0.80 to 1.20 cm, width from 0.60 to 0.85 cm and
thickness from 0.45 to 0.60 cm. One thousand seed weight averaged 0.283 kg with a standard deviation of 0.00264. True density lay
between 1098.0 and 1215.7 kg/m3 , while bulk density was between 538.02 and 565.30 kg/m3 and porosity was between 51.0% and
53.5%. Static coefficient of friction on wood averaged 0.43 with a standard deviation of 0.021, angle of repose 20.32° with a standard
deviation of 1.84 and specific heat 1415.3 J/kg K with a standard deviation of 103.81. Minimum cracking force was obtained by
loading the seed along its thickness. This force averaged 174.38 N with a standard deviation of 10.21. These results indicate that a
mechanical dehulling process to obtain whole kernel from locust bean seed should be possible.
Ó 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

Keywords: Locust bean; Parkia fillicoidea; Physical properties; Thermal properties; Cracking force

1. Introduction mashed in the mortar with pestles or feet and by the

action of the gritty sand on the cooked seed, the seed
Locust bean (Parkia fillicoidea) is a savannah land coats are removed. The mixture is washed several times
tree crop whose seed is processed into a local condiment in clean water to remove the floating chaff and the
ÔiruÕ particularly in south-western Nigeria. The locust denser sand settles to the bottom of the container. The
bean fruit consists of bunches of pods which form the cotyledons are then separated from the sand.
edible part of the plant. The brownish-black seeds in Ajayi (1991) developed a shelling machine for the
each pod are enveloped in a yellow pulp, which is also locust bean pod, but the dehulling of locust bean seed
edible, as it contains a high percent of sucrose. After the using a mechanical device appears not to have been at-
shelling of the pod by cracking and tearing, the pulp is tempted. To overcome the tediousness of the present
washed off and the seed dried. The seed coat is tightly process of dehulling locust bean seed and develop im-
attached to the cotyledon that it encloses; but it is the proved methods of handling and processing the seeds
cotyledon or kernel that is processed into the local using suitable machine and equipment, the engineering
condiment ÔiruÕ. As a result, the seed is normally de- properties of the seeds need to be known.
hulled to remove the coat. The objective of this study was to determine some
The process of dehulling locust bean seeds using the engineering properties of locust bean seed namely: size,
traditional method is not only laborious and time con- 1000 seed weight, true density, bulk density, porosity,
suming but also yields a low quality product. It involves static coefficient of friction, angle of repose, specific heat
the cooking of the seeds to the point at which the coat capacity and cracking force at a safe storage moisture
splits. The cooked seeds are poured into a mortar and content.
mixed with washed sharp sand. The mixture is then Several researchers (Deshpande, Bal, & Ojha, 1993;
Dutta, Nema, & Bhardwaj, 1988a; Fraser, Verma, &
Muir, 1978; Oje, 1993, 1994; Oje & Ugbor, 1991; Om-
Corresponding author. obuwajo, Akande, & Sanni, 1999) determined the size
E-mail address: (N.A. Aviara). of seeds by measuring their principal axial dimensions.
0260-8774/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
PII: S 0 2 6 0 - 8 7 7 4 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 2 1 - 3
96 L.A.O. Ogunjimi et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 55 (2002) 95–99


cc specific heat of calorimeter (J/kg K) P porosity (%)

cs specific heat of sample (J/kg K) T thickness of seed (cm)
cw specific heat of water (J/kg K) t thickness of kernel (cm)
db dry basis Te equilibrium temperature of seed (K)
L length of seed (cm) Tsi initial temperature of sample (K)
l length of kernel (cm) Twi initial temperature of water (K)
M mass of seed (kg) W width of seed (cm)
m mass of kernel (kg) w width of kernel (cm)
mc mass of calorimeter (kg) W1000 one thousand seed weight (kg)
ms mass of sample (kg) qb bulk density (kg/m3 )
mw mass of water (kg) qt true density (kg/m3 )

Aviara and Haque (2000), Carman (1996), and Joshi, 1978). Aviara and Haque (2001), Oje (1993) and Oje and
Das, and Mukherjee (1993), Makanjuola (1972), Suthar Ugbor (1991) used the method of mixtures to determine
and Das (1996) in addition to measuring these dimen- the specific heat of fababeans, oilbean seed, thevetia nut
sions, also correlated their values for the seed and kernel and shearnut kernel respectively. Dinrifo and Faborode
of watermelon, pumpkin, karingda, lentil and guna, (1993) studied the pod cracking behaviour of cocoa by
respectively. Aviara, Gwandzang and Haque (1999) carrying out compressive loading tests to obtain the
Deshpande et al. (1993), Kaleemullah (1992) reported force-deformation characteristics.
the variations of these dimensions with moisture content
of guna seed, soybean and groundnut kernel respec-
tively. Dutta et al. (1988a) and Aviara et al. (1999)
employed the arithmetic mean of the three principal 2. Materials and methods
axes, their geometric average and effective diameter in
calculating the volume of gram and guna seeds respec- A bulk quantity of locust bean pods was purchased
tively with results that approximately predicted the ex- from local farmers in Saki, Saki West Local Govern-
perimentally determined values. ment Area, Oyo State, Nigeria. The pods were shelled
True density has been determined by some research- and the seeds extracted and dried to a safe storage
ers (Joshi et al., 1993; Nelson, 1980; Suthar & Das, 1996) moisture content. The moisture content of the seed was
using the gas displacement method, while others (Aviara determined using the ASAE (1983) recommended
et al., 1999; Dutta et al., 1988a; Oje, 1994; Oje & Ugbor, method for edible beans. This involves the oven drying
1991; Omobuwajo et al., 1999; Shepherd & Bhardwaj, of seed samples at 103 °C for 72 h. The samples were
1986) employed the water displacement method. Most allowed to cool in a dessicator after which the weights
of the investigators determined the bulk density fol- were recorded. Four samples were used and the average
lowing the AOAC (1980) recommended method. The moisture content was found to be 10.25% (db).
relationship between porosity, true density and bulk To determine the seed and kernel size, 100 seeds were
density has been frequently used to determine porosity randomly selected following a similar method to that
of grains and seeds. Mohsenin (1986) gives this rela- employed by Dutta et al. (1988a). For each seed and its
tionship as follows: kernel, the three principal axial dimensions namely
length, width and thickness were measured using a
P ¼ ð1  qb =qt Þ  100 ð1Þ
vernier caliper reading to 0.10 mm. Since size of seed
Methods that have been used to study the coefficient of was considered to be an important parameter in pro-
friction of agricultural products include moving a given cessing (Aviara & Haque, 2000), bulk samples of the
surface against the material (Lawton, 1980), tilting an seed and kernel were classified into three categories
inclined plane, (Aviara et al., 1999; Deshpande et al., namely large (L > 1:10 cm), medium (0:95 6 L 6 1:10
1993; Dutta et al., 1988a) and the use of shear box cm) and small (L < 0:95 cm) for seeds, and large (l >
equipment (Osunade & Lasisi, 1994). The structural 0:95 cm), medium (0:85 6 l 6 0:95 cm) and small (l <
surfaces usually employed are galvanized steel sheet, 0:85 cm) for kernel based on their length. The ratios of
wood and plywood. Studies on the angle of repose of various seed and kernel dimensions were determined
grains and seeds have been conducted by various re- and the relationships existing between them established.
searchers using a specially constructed box with re- One thousand seed mass (W1000s ) was obtained with
movable front panel (Dutta et al., 1988a; Fraser et al., the help of an electronic balance weighing to 0.001 g.
L.A.O. Ogunjimi et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 55 (2002) 95–99 97

True density of seed was determined by the water compression operations. All experiments were replicated
displacement method as reported by Shepherd and thrice and the average values are reported.
Bhardwaj (1986) and Dutta et al. (1988a). Samples were
coated with very thin layer of exposy resin to prevent the
absorption of water during the experiment. Increase in
3. Results and discussion
seed weight due to the adhesive was negligible (<2%).
Bulk density was determined using the AOAC method.
The size distribution of locust bean seed and kernel
This involved the filling of a 500 ml cylinder with seeds
are presented in Table 1, and Fig. 1 shows the frequency
from a height of 15 cm and weighing the content. Po-
distribution curves for the length, width and thickness of
rosity was calculated using the relationship between it
the seed. About 71% of the seed by number and 78% by
and the true and bulk densities.
mass were of the medium size, 21% by number and 15%
Angle of repose was obtained using a specially con-
by mass were large and 8% by number and 7% by mass
structed box with removable front panel. The box was
were small sized seeds. Larger seeds were broader and
filled with seeds and the front panel was quickly re-
heavier than the medium and small seeds but only
moved. This allowed the seeds to flow to their natural
thicker than the small size seeds. The following general
slope. The static coefficient of friction of seed on wood
expression can be used to describe the relationship
was determined using the inclined plane method.
among the dimensions of the seed
Specific heat of the seeds was determined using a
copper calorimeter placed inside a flask by the method
L ¼ 1:41W ¼ 1:85T ð3Þ
of mixtures. A sample of known weight and temperature
was poured into the calorimeter containing water of
known weight and temperature. The mixture was stirred Numerically, the seed length in cm was 3.69 times its
with a copper stirrer until equilibrium was attained. The mass in kg.
final temperature was noted and the specific heat of the About 68% of the kernel were of medium size, while
sample was calculated using the equation: 24% were large and 8% small. This shows that some
medium size seeds may have produced large sized ker-
ðmc cc þ mw cw ÞðTe  Twi Þ nels. Similar result was obtained in guna seed (Aviara &
cs ¼ ð2Þ
ms ðTsi  Te Þ Haque, 2000). The kernel shows the following relation-
ship among the dimensions
The cracking force was determined by performing
compression tests on seed samples. Loading was done l ¼ 1:39w ¼ 2:85t ð4Þ
on both the lateral and vertical axes to determine the
axis with least breaking resistance. The equipment used Numerically, the length of the kernel in cm was 5.42
was a tensiometer which was capable of performing times its mass in kg.

Table 1
Size distribution of locust bean seed and kernel at the moisture content of 10.25% (db) with standard deviation in parentheses
Particulars Length Percentage of sample Average Average Average Average Average Average Average
(cm) (%) length width thickness mass (g) length/width length/ length/
(cm) (cm) (cm) ratio thickness mass ratio
By number By mass
Ungraded 0.8–1.20 100 100 1.01 0.72 0.55 0.28 1.41 1.85 3.69
(0.07) (0.06) (0.03) (0.04) (0.14) (0.16) (0.53)
Large >1.05 21 15 1.11 0.75 0.54 0.29 1.47 1.85 3.89
(0.03) (0.06) (0.03) (0.03) (0.11) (0.61) (0.44)
Medium 0.95–1.05 71 78 1.00 0.71 0.55 0.28 1.42 1.80 3.61
(0.03) (0.06) (0.03) (0.04) (0.12) (0.13) (0.54)
Small <0.95 8 7 0.89 0.73 0.52 0.23 1.22 1.72 3.87
(0.04) (0.05) (0.03) (0.03) (0.10) (0.07) (0.48)

Ungraded 0.75–1.10 100 100 0.92 0.66 0.50 0.17 1.39 2.85 5.42
(0.06) (0.06) (0.03) (0.03) (0.15) (0.94) (1.07)
Large >0.95 24 26.5 1.01 0.69 0.50 0.19 1.46 2.03 5.26
(0.03) (0.06) (0.02) (0.02) (0.14) (0.13) (0.65)
Medium 0.85–0.95 68 66.5 0.90 0.66 0.50 0.17 1.38 2.02 5.45
(0.03) (0.06) (0.03) (0.03) (0.13) (1.85) (1.22)
Small <0.85 8 7 0.81 0.66 0.50 0.15 1.25 1.63 5.47
(0.03) (0.08) (0.03) (0.03) (0.20) (0.13) (0.94)
98 L.A.O. Ogunjimi et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 55 (2002) 95–99

development of seed and kernel sizing and grading

machines, and in their separation from undesirable
A summary of the results for all the measured pa-
rameters at a moisture content of 10.25% (db) is pre-
sented in Table 2. This show that the seed length varied
from 0.80 to 1.20 cm, while the width was between
0.60 and 0.85 cm and the thickness between 0.45 and
0.60 cm.
The 1000 seed mass was found to range from 0.280
to 0.286 kg. This parameter is useful in determining
the effective diameter which can be used in the theo-
retical estimation of seed volume. The true density of
locust bean seed was found to lie between 1098 and 1215
kg/m3 . The true density is thus higher than that of
breadfruit seed (Omobuwajo et al., 1999), groundnut
kernel (Kaleemullah, 1992) and oil bean seed (Oje &
Ugbor, 1991), but lower than that of gram (Dutta et al.,
1988a), pumpkin seed (Joshi et al., 1993) and millet (Jain
& Bal, 1997). The bulk density and porosity of the seed
were between 538 and 565 kg/m3 , and 51 and 53.5 re-
spectively. The bulk density of locust bean seed was
Fig. 1. Frequency distribution curves of locust bean seed dimensions at higher than that of groundnut kernel and guna seed, but
10.25% moisture content (db).
lay within the same range as that of thevetia nut (Oje,
1993). The porosity was found to be higher than that of
The ratios of locust bean seed dimensions to those of
the above crops.
its kernel were found to be as follows:
The static coefficient of friction of locust bean seed on
L=l ¼ 1:098; L ¼ 1:098l ð5Þ wood was 0.43 with a standard deviation of 0.021. The
angle of repose lay between 20° and 23°. The angle of
W =w ¼ 1:091; W ¼ 1:091w ð6Þ
repose was higher than that of groundnut kernel and
T =t ¼ 1:10; T ¼ 1:10t ð7Þ thevetia nuts, but lower than that of guna and breadfruit
seeds. Specific heat had a maximum and minimum value
M=m ¼ 1:647; M ¼ 1:647m ð8Þ
of 1694.6 and 1130.7 J/kg respectively. The specific heat
The ratio of the masses shows that the kernel constitutes of locust bean was found to be lower than that of
more than 60% of the seed by mass. The above pa- thevetia nut (Oje, 1993), soybean (Deshpande & Bal,
rameters would be an important consideration in the 1999) and gram (Dutta, Nema, & Bhardwaj, 1988b).

Table 2
Some engineering properties of locust bean seed at 10.25% moisture content (db)
Particulars Values
Mean Maximum Minimum Standard deviation
Length, L (cm) 1.01 1.20 0.80 0.07
Width, W (cm) 0.72 0.85 0.60 0.06
Thickness, T (cm) 0.55 0.60 0.45 0.03
1000 seed weight, (g) 283.1 286.3 280.7 2.64
True density, (g) 1147.2 1215.7 1098.0 108.51
Bulk density, (kg/m3 ) 558.6 565.30 538.02 11.3
Porosity (%) 51.4 53.5 51.0 2.20
Static coefficient of friction on wood 0.43 0.44 0.40 0.021
Angle of repose (degree) 20.32 23.15 20.00 1.84
Specific heat (J/kg K) 1415.3 1694.6 1130.7 103.81
Cracking force
Loading on lateral axis 197.60 220.19 177.06 10.62
Loading on vertical axis 240.38 268.86 200.00 15.94
Loading on thickness 174.38 204.30 154.36 10.21
L.A.O. Ogunjimi et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 55 (2002) 95–99 99

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