What Are The Health Benefits of Gayatri Mantra ?

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What Are The Health Benefits of Gayatri Mantra?

Gayatri mantra is originally found in the Vedas, the highest spiritual texts of the
Hindus. Made up of around 24 syllables, they create both physiological and
psychological effect on the body of a human. There are several health benefits of
Gayatri mantra. Check out the few given here and start practicing its recitation for
faster results.

Here are some health benefits of gayatri mantra

Brings Calmness to Mind

Gayatri mantra

The mantra begins with Om. When you recite the Gayatri mantra, its recitation
triggers off a vibration that starts from your lips and then travels along your
tongue, palate, back of skull and throat. Due to this your body releases relaxing
hormones and helps to calm your mind.

With regular recitation, you become more focused. It is so because the syllables of
the mantra improve your concentration and bring peace to your mind.

Improves Immunity to Diseases

One of the biggest health benefits of Gayatri mantra is that it improves the
immunity of the body. Regular recitation ensures that you are protected from
common diseases and infliction of infections. When a person puts pressure on
tongue, lips, palate, vocal cord and other body parts connected to the brain during
the recitation it creates resonance in and around the brain.

The vibrations stimulate the hypothalamus and your brain starts functioning more
efficiently. Hypothalamus is the gland that regularizes the functioning of several
body activities including immunity. Gayatri mantra recitation also excites the
extrasensory energy points or the seven chakras in your body.

Proper functioning of these chakras is of utmost importance to ensure that the body
stays protected and the immune system works in topmost condition. Vibration in
these chakras thus helps to increase the energy levels in your body and immunity.
Improves Learning Ability, Increases Concentration

An International Journal of Yoga recently revealed that people who regularly

chanted the Gayatri mantra had better memory and concentration. It is because
when you chant the mantra, it activates the first three chakras in the body. These
are the third eye in between the eyebrows, throat and crown chakras.

Since these three chakras are directly connected to the brain andthyroid gland they
help in improving concentration and memory by stimulating the associated glands.

Helps Improve Breathing

When you chant the mantra with deeply controlled breathes it improves the
functioning of the lungs and also the breathing. Deep breathing oxygenates the
cells in the body thereby keeping your whole body fit.

Deep breathing is also good for the heart and even lowers hypertension.
According to British Medical Journal, one of the greatest health benefits of
Gayatri mantra is that its recitation synchronizes and regularizes the
beating of the heart helping it stay healthy.

Improves Functioning of Nerves

When you chant Gayatri mantra it strengthens and stimulates the functioning of
the nerves in your body through vibration. This guides the body to release
neurotransmitters properly and helps in the proper conduction of impulses.

Keeps Depression & Stress Away

Regular chanting of Gayatri mantra helps you to beat the damage caused due to
toxicity and oxidation. It reverses the damage caused due to regular stress
and depression. Many doctors especially prescribe chanting of this mantra to
overcome depression symptoms and stimulate positivity.

Reports indicate that Gayatri mantra stimulates the vagus nerve that affects people
suffering from depression and epilepsy. Chanting of this mantra stimulates the
vagus nerve and penial body thereby encouraging the release of endorphins and
other types of relaxing hormones.

Gets Rid of Toxins

Apart from the health benefits of Gayatri mantra, there are certain beauty benefits
as well. The vibrations caused due to the recitation of Gayatri mantra stimulate
vital point in the body as well as on the face. It, in turn, helps to eliminate toxins
from the body and facial cells. So regular Gayatri mantra chanting helps to make
your skin glowing and looking younger.

Helps in Improving Asthma Symptoms

Gayatri mantra chanting directly affects breathing and hence indirectly provides
relief in asthma. Regular recitation improves heavy breathing problem as it also
improves the functioning of the lungs. Having a proper schedule for chanting this
mantra gives fast and expected results.

What’s more you can also overcome several other breathing problems by regularly
reciting Gayatri mantra. Since it bring massive changes in your body, pregnant
women and young children should practice its recitation only under proper

So there are some of the health benefits of Gayatri mantra. You can always try the
recitation at home. But learning its proper chanting from an expert helps you to get
optimum result.

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