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3 336 rue zou Iga29b Rabbi mon said to his son, Rabbi E'azar, “Blessed are you, my son, by the Ancient of Days! You will find favor of the forehead when you have need of it “Come and see: Among others below, when the forchead is revealed, impu- dence prevails, as is written: You had the forchead of a whor ashamed (Jeremiah 3:3). Yet here, when the forehead is revealed, desire and complete favor prevail “7, wou refused t0 be , and all wrath subsides, overwhelmed by it < rom this forehead shine four hundred courts of Judgment, as this Favorable Willis revealed, and they all subside before it, as is written: Judgment sat (Daniel 740)—that is to say, it sat in its place, [12gb] and Judgment was not executed.” “Ithas been taught: H. it is revealed and air does not exist in this place becaus not covered, so that Masters of Judgment will gaze and subside and [Judgment} will not be executed.” “It has been taught lamps from supernal E Eden. Supernal Eden is not rev. looms. In order to assuage Judgment, the compassionate forehead of Arikh Anpin (or the Ancient of Days) is revealed in the after ‘hoon, ensuring that prayer will be accepted. On the quality of the time of minhah and the assuagement of Judgment, see Zohar 95b, 132b, 182b, 2300; azz1a (Mh), 36b, ‘8b, 15605 3:64b, 28%b (12), 293a (17); Moses de Ledn, Sefer ha-Rimmion, 875 Tishby, Wis- dom of the Zohar, 3:963-64, On the patriarchs instituting the daily Prayers, see BY Berakhot a6b: “Rabbi Yose son of Rabbi Hanina said, “The patriarchs instituted the prayers.”... Abraham instituted the morning prayer....Isaac instituted the afternoon prayer. J ob instituted the eve ning prayer.” See JY Berakhot 4:1, 74-b; Be reshit Rabbah 68:9 ‘The verse in Psalm 69 is recited near the beginning of the Sabbath minha prayer be- fore the Torah is taken out from the ark. On this verse, see Midrash Tanna‘inn, Deuteron ‘omy 3:25; JT Makkor 2:6, sid; Likhah Rabbah 3:60; Bikhah Rabbah (Buber) 3:44; BT Bera hot 7b-8ai Pesigta de-Rav Kahana 24:2; De varim Rabbah 2:13; Tanhuma, Miggets 9; Tanluma (Buber), Miggets 1% Midrash Tehil- lint 65% Zohar 1:105b, 16; 22156, 253 (Heiki); 3:58, 136b (IR). ed, but sealed in concealm his forehead extends through 270,000 illuminating len. For it has been taught: There is an Eden illumining int, not branching 43. Among others below... Especially within the realm of Ze‘cir Anpin. In the verse from Jeremiah, the forehead implies brazenness or impudence. On the phrase the forehead of a whore, see Zohar 323ib, On the phrase as applied to the fore head of Ze‘eir Anpin, se below, note 248. 14. From this forehead... From the of Ankh Anpin. The full verse in Daniel (describing the Ancient of Days) reads: A river of fire was flowing and gushing from His presence, a 1 sand thousands serving Hint, a myriad of ray fads attending Him, 30 371 (Din yet). Judgment lor: the judicial assembly| sat Lor was seated], and books were openci. Herc Rabbi Shin’on interprets. Jug “Judgment sat still” and was not carried out See below, note 120; ef, note 208. See also Zohar x64); 2:227b, where the verset YHVH sat at the Flood (Psalms 29:10) is interpreted to mean that YEVH (symbolizing Compas sion) sar alone, uninvolved during, the Flood. while unmitigated Judgment inundated the whole world, 45. Mai The foreh does not exist in this place.. sad of Arkh Anpin is free of any hair, so that it may be completely revealed, subduing all forces of Judg ent,

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