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Isa3oal dra Rabba Rabbi Shim‘on said, “How fine! The Ancient of Days will open his eye upon you. “It has also been taught: White within white, and a white including all whites. ‘The first white shines, ascending and descending to three lamps on the left side, and they glow and bathe in this white like someone bathing his body from what was coating him. “The second white shines, ascending and descending to three lamps on the right side, and they glow and bathe in this white like someone bathing in fine ig him before." ending, and a radiance of white- It strikes the black hair as needed, and the brain within the head, and illumines the three remaining fragrances and aromas from what was he third white shines, ascending and ness emanates from deep within the bra and the head crowns—as should be revealed, if it pleases the Ancient One, concealed of all.’ “It has been taught: This eye is not closed, and they are two, turning into one. Allis right, there is no left. It neither slumbers nor sleeps, needs no protection, No one protects it; it protects all, watches over all, From the watching of this eye, all are nourished. “It has been taught: If this eye closed for one moment, none could endure. herefore it is called open eye, supernal eye, holy eye, eye of watchfulness, eye that neither [130a] sleeps nor slumbers, eye that is protector of all, eye sustain ing all. Of this is written He that has a good eye 77137 (yevorakh), will be blessed (Proverbs 22:9). Do not read yevorakh, will be blessed, but rather 799 (yevarekh), will bless. For this is called He that has « good eye, through which He blesses all..” 53. It has also been taught... Rabbi exhibits no duality of right and left. See Shimon supports and amplifies Rabbi Ab- above, note so. ba’s teaching. The “three lamps on the left 57. He that has a good eye 37'3> (yevo- side” are the three sefior Hod, Gevurah, and rakh), will be blessed... ‘The full verse Yesod, See above, note 51 reads: He that has a good (or: generous) eye 54. three lamps on the right side... Ne- 3733" (yevorakh), will be blessed, for he gives of ud Tiferet 55. from deep within the brain... Of Arikh Anpin. This third white strikes the black hair of Ze‘eir Anpin, when it is necessary to mitigate His harsh Judgment. The “three ‘sah, Hesed remaining crowns” may refer to Hokhmah, Bina, and Da‘at (namely the three compo- nents of the brain of Ze‘eie Anpin), or perhaps Hokhmah, Binah, and Shekhinah. See below, note 235, 56. they are two, turning into one The two eyes of Avikh Anpin turn into one eye, since this realm of pure Compassion hhis bread to the poor. By a change in vocali- vation, the verse is construed differently: He that has a good eye 3792 (yevarekt), will bless, See BT Sotalt 38b, in the name of Rabbi Ye- hoshu’a son of Levi: “We give the cup of blessing for the recital of Grace after Meals only to one who has a generous eye, as is said: He that has a generous eye 33¥2% (yevorakh), will be blesse Poor. Do not read yevorakh, will be blessed, bout rather 3132 (yevarekt}, will bles.” See Devarins Rabbah (ed. Lieberman), p. Tanhunsa, Vezot Haberakhah ¥ Tanhuma Jor he gives of his bread to the 339

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