23 - Zohar - Idra Rabba (Zohar) - Idra Rabba-Extracts

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THE ZOHAR e was! to be _ e lower eye “It has been taught: There is no illumination for the low rite light © of its redness and blackness, except when it is bathed by a hs this super supernal eye called He that has a good eye. No one Looe viteot® holy eye illumines and bathes the lower eye. And the suPr® destined to see this through wisdom, as is written: For e610 When? When YHVH returns to Zion (Isaiah 52:8). And it is Ww" e supe You are seen, YHVH (Numbers 14:14). Were it not for the we 4 single mome! and bathing the lower eye, the world could not endure fo ness from “It has been taught in the Concealment of the Book: ae of the of lower eye when radiance of above gazes upon it and that Sn sare seeth above penetrates the one below, as is written: For eye-to-eye (Numbers 14:14). 10-0" en: For eve" nal eye Suing ayere Him “It is written: Behold, the eye of YHVH is upon those who ett 7 338), and it is written: The eyes of YHVH range {over the whol he revere 4:10). If people are worthy, the eye of YHVH is upon those ea plow! eye above. If they are not worthy, the eyes of YHVH range—' “For it has been taught: Why was Joseph worthy of not the evil eye? Because he proved worthy of being watched good eye, as is written: A fruitful son is Joseph, a fruitful som the eye (Genesis 49:22). Why is he a fruitful son? Alei ayins say, because of the eye watching over him. Deing dome wer by the SP * y wy (ale av? 1! by the eye" jsit why erbs 22:9)" © it “Itis written: He that has a good eye will be blessed (Proveros argh re is ow the referred to as one? Come and see: In the eyes of the one bel (Buber), Vezot Haberakhah 1; Bemidbar Rab- $ where ois the eof YHVH = aid 60. Behold, the eye i oe jt i balk 21355 Zohar nax8a-bs 3:63b, 147b, x87b, this verse deseribes 2 i™8 ab, s of the Oe sir verse in Zechariah speak " 58. There is no illumination. for the lower eye... The eye— f of ao e eye eye gular pertains (0 a tains to reflect Judgment, signified by the color red whereas the plural P or black; and this that ee F rxptains (RAE pi YHVH, Rabbi Shimon exPIIP uh eyes—of Ze'eir Anpin is harsh quality can be re- moved only by the white erst ote 5° ye ve “eit Anpin. See aboves ° aa mae light of the eye of 6x. A fruitful som is JOSEP.) uit ‘kh Anpin. ye seades A fiuiful som i8 Eee ‘aco {Rv verse in saah now implies that the pa (ali ayn) BY ae pea ‘eho wil ee the eye of kh Ain gazing midrashic inert ee into the ee) of Z'ecAnpin, Similar, the implies that Joseph and tis ere Vena t Numbers implies that Zeer Anpin protected from the

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