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(32304) Idra Rabba eye and a left eye; there are two, in two colors. However, here there is no left eye: both of them attain a single rung, and all is right. Therefore, eye—one, and not two. “It has been taught: This eye, the eye of watchfulness, is constantly open, con- stantly smiling, constantly joyous—which is not so with those below, mingled of red, black, and green: three colors. They are not constantly open, for they have a lid, a fold, over the eye. ‘Thus it is written Awake! Why do You sleep, O YHVH? Rouse Yourself! (Psalms 44:24); Open Your eyes (Daniel 9:18).°° “When they are opened, on some they are opened for good, and on some they are not opened for good. Woe to him upon whom they are opened and the eye is mingled with red, and red confronts him, covering the eye! Who can be saved from it? “As for the Ancient of Days, a good eye—white within white, a white in- cluding all whites. Happy is the share of one upon whom He gazes with one of these whites! Surely it is written: He that has a good eye will be blessed (Proverbs 22:9); and it is written: O House of Jacob! Come, let us walk in the light of YHVH (Isaiah 235),°° “It has been taught: Even so, the name of the Ancient One is concealed from all, never expressed in the Torah except in one place, where Ze’eir Anpin swore to Abraham, as is written: snvawa 72 (Bi nishba’ti), By that which is within Me I swear, declares YHVH (Genesis 22:16)—declares Ze’eir Anpin. And it is written: By you shall Israel bless (ibid. 48:20)—Israel above. And it is written: Israel, in You I glory (Isaiah 49:3)—Israel spoke this. Yet we have learned: ‘The Ancient of Days spoke it.’ Both this and that are fine." “A fold” renders xw0 (surta), which may be based on x10 (sitra), “side, hem, fold.” See Zohar 1:x32b (Vol. 2 p. 24, n. 322); 3:63 (Vol. 7, p. 417, n. 184); Derekh Emet; Luria, Va-Ye'esof David, s.v. sutra 64, When they are opened... When the eyes of Ze’eir Anpin are opened, if the color red (signifying Judgment) dominates the eye, 62, Why is it referred to as one?.... The singular wording a good eye implies that the {wo eyes of Arkh Anpin function as one, since in that realm there is only Compassion (sym- Dolized by right) and no Judgment (symbol- ized by left), In the realm of Ze’eir Anpin below, there are two distinct eyes, right and lefi, colored white and red (signifying re- spectively Compassion and Judgment). See then the divine gaze is dangerous. above, note 50. 65. the Ancient of Days... Avikh Anpin. 63. This eye, the eye of watchfulness... 66, the name of the Ancient One is con- cealed... The verse in Genesis 22 records The eye of Arkh Anpin is always open and beaming, whereas the multicolored eyes of God's declaration to Abraham following the Ze"eir Anpin are sometimes closed. binding of Isaac. It reads in full: He said, On the multicolored eyes of Ze'eir Anpin, “smvawa 2 (Bi nishbati), By My own Self See Zohar 3:136b-137a (IR). The verse in I swear, declares YHIVH, that because you have Psalms reads: Awake! Why do You sleep, O done this thing and have not withheld your Lord? son, your only one.” Here, Rabbi Shim’on 341

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