Eng G Mqnqgement

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Problem P1.

For each of the following systems, give two examples of how a mechanical engineer would be

involved in its design.

 (a)Passenger automobile engine

1. A mechanical engineer crafts the combustion chamber for each cylinder as they are

available in various shapes like wedge, pancake and hemisphere.

2. The design and selection of cooling system to prevent the engine from overheating is

been decided a mechanical engineer.

 (b)Escalator

1. The power requirement for the driven escalator

2. Passengers’ safety is ensured as they may lose balance while moving up and down.

 (c)Computer hard disk drive

1. Material which is suitable for the design of the rotating disc

2. The arm assembly

 (d)Artificial hip implant

1. The yield strength of the implanted material

2. Elastic modulus of the stem material

 (e)Baseball pitching machine

1. The adjustment of the speed of the machine

2. The mechanism used in the design

Problem P1.2
For each of the following systems, give two examples of how a mechanical engineer would be

involved in its analysis.

 (a)Jet engine for a commercial airliner

1. Determined the thrust force needed to take off from the ground level which will be base

on the type of jet engine needed

2. The efficiency of the cooling system will also be analyzed by a mechanical engineer to

prevent the engine from overheating

 (b)Rover robot for planetary exploration

1. The legs and tractor thread feet which enables the robot to negotiate conveniently on a

rocky surface is been designed by a mechanical engineer

2. A mechanical arm mounted on top of the robot which enable the collection and

preliminary analysis of sample of site is designed by a mechanical engineer

 (c)Computer ink-jet printer

1. The mechanical movement of the paper from the paper tray to the scanner is from a

mechanical engineer

2. The shape, I mean the container, in which all the hardware that made up the printer is

enclosed is been designed by a mechanical engineer

 (d)Smart phone

1. The shape and the size of the smartphone is the expertise of a mechanical engineer

2. The hardware of the phone is also a design made by a mechanical engineer

 (e)Can of soda from a vending machine

1. The shape and size of the can, designed by a mechanical engineer, should be attractive to

the customer
2. The material used in manufacturing of a soda can is been determined by a mechanical


Problem P1.3

For each of the following systems, give two examples of how a mechanical engineer would be

involved in its manufacture.

 (a)Graphite-epoxy skis, tennis racket, or golf club

1. The type of material used to design the central structure of the ski which determines its

characteristics is determined by a mechanical engineer

2. The epoxy resin used to hold together all the individual parts of the ski which determines

the strength, weight and flexibility of the ski is determined by a mechanical engineer

 (b)Elevator

1. Standard metal cutting welding, and forming techniques is used in manufacturing

elevator’s cars which is approved by a mechanical engineer

2. The determination of the kind of elevator shaft that needs to be used based on maximum

load capability of an elevator from the beginning through to the fully erected building is

based on the knowledge of a mechanical engineer

 (c)Blu-ray player

1. Blu-ray player were molded and shaped using sheet metal through the expertice of a

mechanical engineer

2. The lens mechanism rotates the disc to a certain speed in order to read the data on the

disc. This capacity of the motor doing this rotation is been determined by a mechanical

 (d)Automatic teller banking machine

1. The housing of the machine is made with the help of plastic molding process which is

normally designed and approved by a mechanical engineer

2. Cash cartridges are used to stack the cash in the machine which requires some

mechanical movement with the machine. This is part is designed by a mechanical


 (e)Automotive child safety seat

1. Shell molding is the part that the plastic used in shaping up the look of the seat is a design

made by a mechanical engineer

2. The parts made by the vendors such as padding, cover, harness etc is also a design made

by a mechanical engineer.

Problem P1.4

For each of the following systems, give two examples of how a mechanical engineer would be

involved in its testing.

 (a)Hybrid gas-electric passenger vehicle

1. The engine components are being tested using the powertrain dynamometer which is

conducted by a mechanical engineer

2. The hybrid vehicle power train dynamometer test system is used to control the entire

testing process and is done by a mechanical engineer

 (b)Motors for remote-control cars, planes, and boats

1. A mechanical engineer helps to identify a battery pack that is suitable for the test for the

motor not to revolve too high

2. The mounting of the motor into vehicle and the testing is been conducted under the

supervision of a mechanical engineer

 (c)Bindings for snowboards

1. The back of the binding strip which presses against your calf and provide support and

response is composed of composite materials which is determine by a mechanical

engineer and helps to determine how well its providing support

2. The binding of the snowboards is examined on the snow surface where its easiness of

functionality is checked, this is with the supervision of a mechanical engineer

 (d)Global positioning system (GPS) satellite receiver

1. Accuracy of the calculated location of a GPS is determined by mechatronics device with

which mechanical engineer is much familiar with

2. If the signal is interrupted, then how long does it take for the receiver to recover will be

determined using mechatronic devices and mechanical engineer is familiar with the use

of these devices.

 (e)Motorized wheelchair

1. The motor used to drive this wheelchair is been tested to know the capability which is

done by a mechanical engineer

2. The movement of the chair is also tested by pushing the joystick and this should be done

in the presence of a mechanical engineer

Problem P1.5

For each of the following systems give an example of how a mechanical engineer would have to

address global issues in its design.

 (a)Dialysis machine
The global issue addressed by mechanical engineer in the case of dialysis machine is that the

air gets into the blood tubing during dialysis. This can be prevented by inserting two air

straps in them. One strap will be inserted before the dialyzer and the other is after it.

 (b)Microwave oven

The occurrence of blown fuse due to power surge or old age may be fix by replacing the fuse

affected in the system.

 (c)Aluminum mountain bike frame

Aluminum is the material found to be suitable for the design, but the cost of aluminum is

very high and mechanical engineer have to look for an alternate which must be of a

similar quality to aluminum.

 (d)Automotive antilock brake system

The leakage in the seals of the master cylinder piston. This braking system allows the

wheels on the automobile to maintain the tractive contact with the road surface and

prevent the wheel from locking up and avoid skidding.

 (e)Lego toys

The lack of efficiency is making their new products not to be successful and it could be

fixed with the help of mechanical engineer by firstly fixing what is wrong mechanically

with the failed products and finding a lasting solution afterwards.

Problem P1.6

For each of the following systems give an example of how a mechanical engineer would have to

address social issues in its design.

 (a)Dishwasher
Even after the complete drainage functionality, it is normal for a little water to remain in

the dishwater basin after the washing cycle. This dirty water causes problem of blockage

of drainage parts and strainers. This could be prevented by increasing the efficiency of

the drainage functionality.

 (b)e-Book reader

The issue of piracy of e-books ahs been a major issue for publishers and authors who

have been very reluctant to distribute their subject matter in digital forms. Mechanical

engineer could work with other branch of engineers to fix this.

 (c)Coffee maker

The tubes can get clogged with calcium. This happened in the case of aluminum heating

tube. It can be solved to run vinegar through the machine once, and then run two batches

of water through to clean out the vinegar.

 (d)Cordless electric drill

Faulty drill motor may cause serious problems which can or cannot be repaired.

Mechanical engineer will determine what the possible of the problem and precautions of

not to happen again.

 (e)Infant high chair

Social issues of an infant high chair are generally concerned with safety. The chair may

not be spacious which causes infant discomfort. The base material of the chair can cause

irritation to the child. This can be addresses by a mechanical engineer.

Problem P1.7

For each of the following systems give an example of how a mechanical engineer would have to

address environmental issues in its design.

 (a)Wetsuit

Generally, wetsuits are made of neoprene which is light and stretchy in nature and so

neoprene has a short life span. The neoprene is made of petroleum products which are

toxic non-biodegradable materials. This can be addressed by the mechanical engineer.

 (b)Refrigerator

The leakage of the refrigerant which is stored in form of gas can make the surrounding

atmosphere toxic which is hazardous to the health.

 (c)Space tourism vehicle

Both space and tourist vehicles liberate carbon gases such as carbon monoxide and

chlorofluorocarbon which deplete the ozone layer rigorously. This can be addressed by

making sure the engine of space craft and automobile produces less gases that pollutes

the environment.

 (d)Automobile tires

The synthetic process used for the casting of rubber tires are toxic in nature and makes

the surrounding atmosphere polluted. This can be fixed by mechanical engineer by using

a less toxic material in this process.

 (e)Infant jogging stroller

The combustion process that results in the process of joggling strollers in open

atmosphere can cause air pollution which can be addressed by mechanical engineer using

some other method that will be less polluting to the environment.

Problem P1.8

For each of the following systems give an example of how a mechanical engineer would have to

address economic issues in its design.

 (a)Clothes dryer

The transportation of clothes dyer may be very hard some time if you do not have a truck

or big vehicle to carry it from where it been purchased but this could be fix by making

sure it is been produced in different shapes and sizes.

 (b)Robotic lawnmower

Some lawnmower can be so expensive to maintain but the mechanical engineer could fix

this by manufacturing a very effective but a low-cost maintenance one.

 (c)Retractable stadium roof

It is known that the construction of Retractable stadium roof always commands a

significant amount of cash. The cost could be lowered by the mechanical engineer

providing a low cost and durable material in building in this type of roof.

 (d)Toothpaste tube

The plastic or polymer material used for the manufacturing might be toxic and not safe to

put food in. The mechanical engineer should make sure this is safe and economical.

 (e)Paper clip

One of the economical issue of paper clip is stiffness of the used and the mechanical

engineer could address this issue by making sure the material used for the spring used

should not be much stiffer.

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