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Article I

General Provisions

Sec. 1 This Constitution and By-Laws shall be known as the Constitution of the
Precious Literary Society of Precious International School of Davao – Senior
High School Department.

Article V
Rights of Students

Sec. 1 Every student has the right to enjoy responsible freedom of speech and

Sec. 2Every student has the right to conduct and participate in all of the
organization’s activities.

Sec. 3 Every student has the right to be credited for the content that they
originally create and produce.

Sec. 4 Every student has the right to information on all the issues and matters
concerning them.

Sec. 5 Every student has the right to vote, to be nominated and be elected into

Sec. 6 Every student has the right to be represented in the different meetings
and assemblies of the school on issues affecting the welfare of the
organization and its members.

Sec. 7 Every student has the right to due process.

Article VI
Duties and Responsibility

Sec. 1 Every student should abide by the Precious Literary Society constitution and

Sec. 1 Every student should discern with honesty, integrity, and reliability in
gathering, reporting, and interpreting information.

a.) Test accuracy of information from all sources.

b.) Never plagiarize.
c.) Support open exchange of views.
d.) Always question source’s motives before promising anonymity.
e.) Avoid stereotyping by race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation,
disability, physical appearance or social status.
f.) Deny favor treatments that may compromise integrity and damage

Sec. 3 Every student should treat sources, subjects, superiors and colleagues as
human beings deserving of respect.

a.) Avoid conflict of interest, whether it is real or perceived.

b.) Be careful when seeking sources of information regarding sensitive
c.) Recognize that gathering and reporting information may cause harm
or discomfort.
d.) Show good taste. Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity.

Sec. 4 Every student should be accountable to its readers and listeners.

Sec. 5 Every student should exercise his/her rights and do his/her responsibilities as
a Precious Literary Society member.

Article VII
Powers and Duties of the Precious Literary Society

Sec. 1 The Precious Literary Society shall have the following functions
and responsibilities:

a.) Formulate and recommend activities that will exercise the writing skills of
every member
b.) Promote creative and conventional writing methods and tips to improve
writing skills.
c.) Plan and implement programs designed to serve as a platform for
students to showcase their talent and creativity of expression in writing.

Article XII
Meetings and Quorum

Sec. 1 The Precious Literary Society shall conduct regular meetings every Friday or
as agreed upon by the officers of the Precious Literary Society.

Sec. 2 Special meetings of the Precious Literary Society may be called upon by
the President or by a majority of the organization’s officers.
Sec. 3 Majority of the officers of the Precious Literary Society (50% +1) shall
constitute a quorum.
Article XIII

Sec. 1 Budget and finance shall only be raised when there is absolute necessity
to secure one for club programs and activities.

Sec. 2 Officers shall coordinate with the administrators and the Torch Bearers for
the budget that is to be allotted for particular club programs and activities.

Sec. 3 Officers shall be held accountable for the monitoring and evaluation of
the financial records of Precious Literary Society.

Article XIV
Impeachment, Resignation and Vacancies

Sec. 1. The officers of the Torch Bearers maybe impeached on the following
a. Culpable violations of the Constitution and By-Laws;
b. Gross misconduct violence to person in authority, negligence,
and disloyalty to the cause of the Torch Bearers and the school;
c. Non-attendance in regular meetings for six (6) consecutive times;
d. Abuse or misuse of power and authority.

Sec. 2 Two-thirds (2/3) vote of the officers of the Precious Literary Society shall be
necessary to decide after hearing a case of impeachment.

Sec. 3 The decision of the Precious Literary Society officers shall be final.

Sec. 4 Resignation shall be in writing and subject to the approval of the officers
and moderator of Precious Literary Society.

Sec. 5 Any vacancy in any of the positions for the reason of death, resignation,
impeachment, shall be filled subject to the recommendation to the
Precious Literary Society members.

Sec. 6 Any vacancy in any of the office positions shall be filled within thirty (30)
days from the day the position is vacated through the same electoral
procedure. The officer elected shall serve the remaining period.

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