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S MO0010.1177/2050312119827096SAGE Open MedicineWoldeamanuel et al.

SAGE Open Medicine


SAGE Open Medicine

Effect of nutritional status of Volume 7: 1–7

© The Author(s) 2019
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pregnant women on birth sagepub.com/journals-permissions
DOI: 10.1177/2050312119827096

weight of newborns journals.sagepub.com/home/smo

at Butajira Referral
Hospital, Butajira,

Gashaw Garedew Woldeamanuel1 , Teshome

Gensa Geta1, Tesfaye Petros Mohammed2,
Mulualem Belachew Shuba1
and Temesgen Abera Bafa3

Back ground: Maternal nutritional status influences the developmental environment of the fetus which consequently
affects the birth weight of the newborn. However, the association between maternal nutritional factors and birth weight is
complex and is not well characterized in Ethiopia.
Objective: To assess the effect of maternal anthropometry and biochemical profile on birth weight of babies at
Referral Hospital, Butajira,
Methods and materials: Laboratory-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 337 pregnant women
at the hospital. Socio-demographic and obstetric characteristics were collected using pre-tested questionnaires. Blood
sample was collected from each pregnant women for determination of total serum protein, total serum cholesterol and
hemoglobin level. However, maternal dietary habits were not assessed in this study.
Results: A total of 337 pregnant women were involved in the study. The mean (standard deviation) birth weight of
the newborns was 3.14 ± 0.46 kg. After adjusting for different maternal factors, parity (p = 0.013), hemoglobin level (p =
0.046), pre-pregnancy body mass index (p < 0.001) and weight gain during pregnancy (p < 0.001) were positively
associated with birth weight of the newborns, while the associations with total protein (p = 0.822) and total cholesterol (p
= 0.423) were not significant.
Conclusion: This study has shown that nutritional status of pregnant women as indicated by maternal anthropometry
and hemoglobin level was associated with birth weight of the baby. Therefore, nutritional status of the pregnant women
should be improved to reduce the risk of low birth weight.

Anthropometric indicators, biochemical profile, birth weight

Date received: 23 August 2018; accepted: 7 January 2019

Introducti great extent.2 Pregnant women need adequate

on energy and nutrients to meet the increased
nutritional demands for growth of the fetus
Maternal nutritional and metabolic factors affect the devel- and to satisfy the increased body demands of
opmental process of the fetus which consequently influence the mother.3 Poor maternal nutritional status
the birth weight of the newborn.1 During pregnancy, many has been related to different adverse birth
physiological and metabolic functions are changed to a outcomes including intrauterine
Health Sciences, Wolkite University, Wolkite, Ethiopia
1Department of Biomedical Sciences, School of Medicine, College of Corresponding author:
Medicine and Health Sciences, Wolkite University, Wolkite, Ethiopia Gashaw Garedew Woldeamanuel, Department of Biomedical Sciences,
2Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, College of
School of Medicine, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Wolkite
Medicine and Health Sciences, Wolkite University, Wolkite, Ethiopia University, P.O. Box 07, Wolkite, Ethiopia.
3Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, School of Medicine, College of Medicine and
Email: gashawgaredew05@gmail.com

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ ) which permits non-commercial use,
reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open
Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).
2 SAGE Open
Woldeamanuel 3
growth restriction and low
et al. requirement during a effect of nutritional status
birth weight (LBW), which pregnancy, it may cause l of pregnant mothers on
can have lifelong the mother to prone for s birth weight of babies. The
consequences for nutritional deficiency ane- study was conducted from
development.4–6 Thus, mia.12 The maternal 5 May to 6
improving maternal anemia during pregnancy a J
nutritional status before is a major public health n u
conception and during problem, and it can lead to d l
pregnancy are essential to fetal growth retarda- tion y
improve birth weight of which results in reduced ,
newborns.7 However, the birth weight of the
e 2
association between neonates.13
maternal nutrition and birth Maternal t 0
outcome is influenced by anthropometries during h 1
different fac- tors. Thus, pregnancy including o 8
understanding the weight, height, body mass d .
relationship between index (BMI) and total s
maternal nutrition and birth maternal weight gain have Study
outcomes is important to also strong association S populatio
prevent adverse birth with fetal growth and birth t n and
outcomes including LBW.6 weight.7 Pregnancy BMI u
During pregnancy, the and gestational weight
d techniqu
fetus is entirely dependent gain were the most
on maternal nutrients important determinants of y es
intake and store, mainly birth weight.14,15 When The participants of this
fats and protein. Thus, there is appropriate s study were pregnant
inadequate intake of fat maternal height and e mothers who meet the
and protein leads to poor weight, there will be a t inclusion criteria. All
nutri- ent availability to better growth of the fetus
t pregnant women were
the fetus.7 In addition, and also better birth eligi- ble for inclusion in
maternal nutrient intake of outcome.4 i
n the study if they were
protein and fat have strong Birth weight has long between the age of
influence on fetal growth been a concern of different g 18 and 37 years, those
and birth outcome.4 Result clinical investigations and with singleton term
from biochemical studies a target for public health a pregnancy (37–
showed that maternal intervention. In particular,
n 42 weeks) in labor and
blood lipid concentrations considerable attention has those who were
in late preg- nancy were been focused on the causal d
volunteered to par- ticipate
associated with newborn determinants of LBW, in in the study. Pregnant
anthropometry. The order to identify potential d women with history of
elevated serum lipids risk factors. There are only e taking tobacco, alcohol and
during pregnancy are few published reports in s drug abuse, history of
essential for opti- mal Ethiopia that assessed the
i chronic diseases,
development of the fetus.8– birth weight of newborns. diagnosed as antepartum
11 Even the availa- ble studies g
Poor fetal growth did not address and bring n
oligohydramnios, fetal
results not only from a together the broader This study was conducted anomaly and still birth
deficiency of protein and picture of multiple nutrient in Butajra Referral were excluded from this
lipids but also from low deficiencies. Therefore, Hospital, which is located study.
maternal hemoglobin this study was designed to in Butajira, Southern The required sample
concentration during investigate the effect of Ethiopia. Laboratory- size for this study was
pregnancy.4,6 Maternal maternal nutritional status based cross-sectional calculated using statistical
hemoglobin level during on offspring’s birth weight. study was conducted to formula for single
pregnancy has greatly assess the population proportion by
influenced the neonatal taking the prevalence of
anthropometry especially
a LBW as 27%,16 95%
the birth weight of confidence interval and 5%
newborn.4 If a woman’s t marginal error. Hence, a
diet does not contain e total of 337 preg- nant
enough iron to meet the r women who fulfill the
increased nutritional i eligibility criteria and gave
4 SAGE Open
birth during study period 18.5–24.99) and
were consecutively overweight (BMI,
recruited in the study until >25).17 According to 2009
the sample size was filled. Institute of Medicine
guidelines, women were
Data classified as having low,
collection recommended or high
gestational weight gain
procedure based on the pre-pregnancy
s and BMI.18
definition Maternal venous
of blood, approximately 8
variables mL, was col- lected
before delivery by
Before the data collection, experienced laboratory
ethical approval was technician with appropriate
obtained from Institutional aseptic techniques.
Review Board (IRB) of Immediately after col-
Wolkite University, lection, 5 mL of the blood
Wolkite, Ethiopia. Then, sample was transferred to
written informed consent tubes for the preparation of
was obtained from all serum. Serum was
study participants. Socio- separated by centrifu-
demographic gation process at 3500
characteristics and r/min for 10 min. One-
obstetrics information of milliliter ali- quots of
the pregnant women were serum samples were
collected on a face-to-face obtained by centrifugation
interview using pre- tested and
questionnaires. The data
were collected by trained
midwives at delivery ward.
After collection of
characteristics and
obstetrics data,
measurements were carried
out using appropriate
measuring instruments.
measurements of height
were made without shoes
to the nearest 0.1 cm using
erect height measuring
device. Weight was
measured using a weighing
scale with light clothes and
without shoes to the
nearest 0.1 kg. Maternal
BMI was then calculated
using height and weight
(weight in kilograms
divided by height in square
meters). Based on BMI
cutoffs developed by the
World Health Organization
(WHO), it was
categorized into three
levels as underweight
(BMI, <18.5),
normal weight (BMI,
Woldeamanuel 5
et al.
6 SAGE Open
Table 1. Socio- hemoglobin level of l completeness
Medicine and
demographic characteristics pregnant women was consistency. In addition,
of pregnant women To ensure good quality of
determined from the whole double data entry was done
attending delivery room of data, standard procedures
Butajira Referral Hospital,
blood using Sysmex XT to avoid data entry errors.
and safety precautions
Butajira, Ethiopia, 2018 (n = 2000i hematology
Variables were followed during
337). analyzer. Then (%)WHO
sample collection and all S
Age (years) categories of ane- mia for
pregnant women were
other laboratory t
⩽27 187 (55.5) procedures. The accuracy
⩾28 used for this150 (44.5) study. a
of chemis- try analyzer
Religion Anemia was defined as t
and hematology analyzer
Muslim hemoglobin concentration
178 (52.8) was controlled by run- i
Orthodox less than 11 g/dL. 81 It
(24)was s
ning quality control
Protestant further classified 36
samples. Before the actual t
Catholic (10–10.9 g/dL), moderate
42 (12.5)
Residence (7–
data collection, training i
was given for data c
Urban 9.9 110 (32.6)
collectors. The ques-
Rural g/d 227 (67.4) a
tionnaires were pretested
and the necessary l
Illiterate an 33 (9.8)
E Primary school 144 (42.7) corrections were
d High school
sev 77 (22.8) undertaken. The a
u Certificate and above
ere 83 (24.6) collected data were n
c checked daily for
Occupational status
a (< a
Employed 80 (23.7)
t 7 l
i Self-employed g/d 55 (16.3)
o Unemployed L). 202 (59.9)
n 21 s
The newborn weight i
l s
was measured soon after
birth using a standard
l All statistical analyses
beam balance by trained
e were performed using
personnel. Based on the
v SPSS version
e birth weight, neonates
were classified as LBW 20. Descriptive statistics
l were used to describe the
(<2500 g), normal birth
weight (2500–4000) and socio- demographic
macrosomia (>4000 characteristics of the study
g).22,23 participants. Univariate
linear regression analyses
were performed to explore
D associations between
a maternal factor variables
t and the outcome of
a newborn birth weight.
stored at 2°C–8°C prior to Multiple linear regres-
processing. The serum sions analysis was also
q performed to explore
samples were analyzed for
the estimation of total
u independent effects of
protein and total a maternal factors. The
cholesterol. Total protein l variables that were statisti-
was assayed using Biuret i cally significant in the
method19 and total multiple linear regression
t models were reported as
cholesterol was assayed y
using cholesterol oxidase/ the best predictors of
peroxidase colorimetric newborn birth weight. The
(ENDPOINT) method.20 c results of the analysis were
Measurements of total o presented with texts and
cholesterol and total n tables. A p value < 0.05
protein were performed on was considered to be
t significant.
ECHO XPC automatic r
chemistry analyzer (Edif
instruments, Italy). The R
Woldeamanuel 7
eet al. multigravidity was found in
s 50 (14.8%) women.
Majority of multiparous
women live in rural areas
l and also most of gravida
t one women were rural
s residents (Table 2). The
newborns in our study had
So a mean birth weight of 3.14
cio ± 0.46 kg. About 320
- (95%) of them belonged to
de nor- mal birth weight and
mo the remaining 17 (5%)
belonged to LBW.
c Anthropome
ch tric
ara characteristi
cte cs of the
rist pregnant
ics women
A total of 337 pregnant In this study, the mean
women were involved in weight and height of
this study. The mean age pregnant women were
of the pregnant women 64.08 ± 7.31 kg and
was 26 ± 5 years, within 157.71 ± 4.27 cm,
the age range of 18–37 respectively. On the basis
years. Majority of the of pre-pregnancy BMI, 29
pregnant women were (8.6%), 280 (83.1%) and
Muslims followed by 28 (8.3%) pregnant women
Orthodox Christian. On the had BMI (kg/m2) value of
basis of educational status, <18.5,
about 144 pregnant women 18.5–24.9 and ⩾25,
had primary school respectively. Overall, the
education and majority of mean pre-preg-
them were unemployed by nancy BMI of the study
occupation. Of the study participants was 25.72 ±
participants, 227 were rural 2.59 kg/m2.
residents (Table 1). The study also revealed that
the mean weight gain of the
mothers was 9.99 ± 2.29
Obste kg, within the weight gain
trical range of
4–16 kg. Based on the
chara pre-pregnancy BMI, 164
cteris (48.7%)
tics of
In this study, about 138
(40.9%) of the women were
nullipa- rous and 126
(37.4%) were multiparous.
About 114 (33.8%) of the
pregnant women were
primigravida, 67 (19.9%)
were second gravid, 57
(16.9%) were third gravid,
49 (14.5%) were fourth
gravid and grand
8 SAGE Open
Woldeamanuel 9
et al.2. Distribution of parity and gravidity by residence Association of maternal factors with
of pregnant women attending delivery room of Butajira
Referral Hospital, Butajira, Ethiopia, 2018 (n = 337). birth weight of newborns
Variables Residence Total In univariate linear regression analysis, birth weight was sig-
nificantly associated with parity, maternal BMI, weight gain
Rural Urban n (%) during pregnancy, hemoglobin level, total cholesterol level
and total protein level. Bivariate associations were further
analyzed using multiple linear regression models to investi-
Nulliparous 82 (24.3) 56 (16.6) 138 (40.9)
Primiparous 35 (10.4) 19 (5.6) 54 (16)
gate the independent predictors of newborn birth weight.
Multiparous 93 (27.6) 33 (9.8) 126 (37.4) The maternal factors—age, residence, educational status,
Grand multiparous 17 (5) 2 (0.6) 19 (5.6) hemoglobin level, total cholesterol level, total protein level,
Gravidity pre-pregnancy BMI and weight gain during pregnancy—
One 64 (19) 50 (14.8) 114 (33.8) were entered simultaneously into a multiple regression
Two 47 (13.9) 20 (5.60 67 (19.9) model. After adjusting for these factors, parity, hemoglobin
Three 41 (12.2) 16 (4.7) 57 (16.9) level, pre-pregnancy BMI and weight gain during pregnancy
Four 35 (10.4) 14 (4.2) 49 (14.5) remained significant predictors of offspring’s birth weight
⩾Five 40 (11.9) 10 (3) 50 (14.8) (p < 0.05; Table 4).

Table 3. Mean anthropometric and biochemical parameters Discussi

of pregnant women attending delivery room of Butajira Referral on
Hospital, Butajira, Ethiopia, 2018 (n = 337).
LBW is a major 24public health problem, and it is associated
with increased risk of newborn morbidity and mortality.
Measurements Mean (SD) The birth weight of the newborn is an indicator of the moth-
er’s nutritional status.25,26 Hence, the objective of this study
Height (cm) 157.71 (4.27)
Weight (kg) 64.08 (7.31) was to assess the effect of maternal nutritional status as
Weight gain during pregnancy (kg) 9.99 (2.29) indi- cated by maternal anthropometry and biochemical
Pregnancy body mass index (kg/m2) 25.72 (2.59) profile on the birth weight of the newborns.
Pre-pregnancy body mass index (kg/m2) 21.73 (2.51) This study revealed that the biochemical profile of
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 11.89 (1.41) pregnant women as indicated by hemoglobin level, total
Total cholesterol (mg/dL) 185.29 (24.06) cholesterol and total protein level were positively associ-
Total protein (g/dL) 5.89 (0.87) ated with birth weight of the newborn. However, there
was no significant association between birth weight and
SD: standard deviation. total cholesterol level, which is in line with studies con-
ducted by Misra et al.27 and Geraghty et al.8 who found no
women had gestational weight gain within the recommended significant association between maternal serum total cho-
range. The remaining 151 (44.8%) and 22 (6.5%) women lesterol and infant birth weight. Similarly, the positive
had low and high gestational weight gain, respectively association between birth weight and maternal total pro-
(Table 3). tein was not significant. In line with this finding, a previ-
ous study that assessed maternal protein intake during
pregnancy reported that protein intake in the second tri-
Biochemical profile of the study
mester or later showed no significant association with
participants birth weight of the newborns. 28
Table 3 also illustrates the result of maternal blood sample In this study, statistically significant positive association
analysis. The mean (± standard deviation (SD)) maternal was found between maternal hemoglobin level and birth
hemoglobin level was 11.91 ± 1.39 g/dL. Based on weight of the baby. In line with this finding, several stud-
hemo- globin concentration, about 72 (21.4%) mothers had ies24,26,29,30 showed that with increasing maternal hemo-
ane- mia with 79.2% (57/72) mild and 20.8% (15/72) globin level, the incidence of LBW was decreased. Hence,
moderate anemia. Severe anemia was not found in this mothers with lower hemoglobin level during pregnancy had
study. Moreover, the mean total serum cholesterol level of an increased risk of delivering LBW babies. In conformity
the mothers was 185.29 ± 24.06 mg/dL. Total cholesterol with this result, studies done by earlier researchers29–31
level less than 200 mg/dL was recorded in 73% of women showed that anemia during pregnancy was associated with
while a significantly increased risk of LBW. The rate of delivery
24.3% and 2.7% of women had cholesterol level between of babies with LBW was significantly higher in the anemic
200 and 239 mg/dL and above 239 mg/dL, mothers as compared to non-anemic mothers.32 Reduced
respectively. Maternal blood sample analysis also revealed levels of hemoglobin lead to abnormal placental angiogenic
that the mean total serum protein level was 6.22 ± 4.33
g/dL, with 80.1% and 19.6% of women having total
protein level less than
6.7 g/dL and between 6.7 and 8.7 g/dL,
Table 4. Univariate simple and multiple linear regression model examining the associations between maternal risk factor variables
and birth weight (kg) as an outcome in Butajira Referral Hospital, Butajira, Ethiopia, 2018 (n = 337).

Maternal factors Simple regression model Multiple regression model

Beta SE 95% CI for p-value Beta SE 95% CI for beta p-value

coefficient beta coefficient coefficient coefficient

Parity 0.190 0.050 0.091 to 0.289 <0.00 0.137 0.055 0.029 to 0.245 0.01
Hgb 0.088 0.017 0.053 to 0.122 <0.00
1 0.035 0.018 0.001 to 0.070 3
Total cholesterol 0.004 0.001 0.002 to 0.006 1 0.01 0.001 0.001 −0.001 to 0.003 6
Total protein 0.088 0.029 0.032 to 0.144 0.02 0.007 0.029 −0.050 to 0.064 0.822
Pre-pregnancy BMI 0.045 0.010 0.026 to 0.064 <0.00 0.043 0.010 0.023–0.064 <0.00
Weight gain 0.080 0.010 0.06 to 0.100 <0.00
1 0.072 0.011 0.052–0.093 <0.00
1 1
Hgb: hemoglobin; BMI: body mass index; SE: standard error; CI: confidence interval.
Numerical data in bold indicate statistical significance (p < 0.05). Multiple regression model is controlled for maternal age, residence and educational level.
development, limiting the birth weight among first- population. Thus, further l
availability of oxygen to born infants could be a large-scale studies using e
the fetus and consequently consequence of biologi- other maternal parameters d
causing potential cal immaturity as are required to elucidate g
restriction of intrauter- ine compared to later-born the relation- ship between e
growth and LBW.33 infants.39 maternal nutritional status m
This study revealed that This study assesses the and birth weight of the e
maternal anthropometry effect of maternal newborns. Despite these n
including pre-pregnancy nutritional sta- tus during limitations, this study t
BMI and total weight gain pregnancy on birth weight provides valuable s
during pregnancy showed of newborns. However, information about the We would like to thank the
significant positive this study still had some relationship of maternal midwifery staffs and
association with birth limitations. The study did anthropometry and laboratory techni- cians at
weight of newborns. not include information on biochemical profile with Butajira Referral Hospital for
the birth weight of the their cooperation and help in
Similar to our findings, dietary nutrition intake of
data collection; all the women
several studies4,7,26 reported pregnant mothers. Another babies.
who participated in the study
that maternal limitation is that the study and Wolkite University for
anthropometric parameters did not include all C funding this research project.
such as height, weight, trimester pregnancy and G.G.W. designed the study,
BMI and gestational weight the subjects were not
collected and analyzed the
gain have strong associa- observed longitudinally. n data, interpreted the result and
tion with birth weight of Furthermore, the sample c prepared the manuscript for
the baby. When the size was estimated based l publication. T.G.G. devel-
maternal height and weight on the prevalence of LBW oped proposal, supervised the
u data collection, reviewed the
is appropriate, the better is which gave rise to small s draft of the manuscript and
the growth of the fetus and sample size. This small
better is the birth sample may limit the
i performed data entry. T.P.M.
o obtained funding, supervised
outcome.4 Women with generalization of the study. the research project and
normal BMI before However, efforts were n reviewed the draft of the
pregnancy promised a made to ensure that the This study has shown that manu- script. M.B.S.
better outcome for study participants were nutritional status of participated in designing the
pregnancy itself and also representative of the pregnant women as
study, data entry and
for the outcome of baby general interpretation of the results.
indicated by maternal T.A.B. supervised the
birth.34 Our result also anthropometry and bio-
agrees with previous study research project and involved
chemical profile was in manuscript preparation. All
on pregnancy which associated with birth authors read and approved the
reported that birth weight weight of the baby. Baby final draft of the manuscript.
was lower for infants of born to poorly nourished
mothers with inadequate mother has a lower body Decl
weight gain.35 weight as compared to the arati
This study also revealed baby of better nourished on of
that parity was mothers. Hence, the conf
significantly associated pregnant mother’s diet ictin
with birth weight of the must contain adequate and g
baby and primiparous balanced nutrients to inter
mother had a higher risk of decrease the percentage of ests
delivering LBW babies. LBW babies. Therefore, The author(s) declared no
Concurrent with this result, different strategies such as potential conflicts of interest
other studies24,36 showed inten- sive health education with respect to the research,
that pri- miparous mothers should be planned and authorship, and/or publication
were shown to be at of this article.
carried out to improve the
particular risk of delivering nutritional status of the
LBW babies. This might pregnant women and to
be due to limited uterine reduce the risk of LBW.
capacity in the first
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changes that occur during c
the first pregnancy k
increase uterine efficiency n
in the subsequent o
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