Acceptable Use Policy PDF

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Subscriber’s use of the Service is subject to the following rules and guidelines contained in this policy. This
policy is designed to ensure that Subscriber’s use of the Service does not break any law, hinder the efficient
operation of Service Provider’s network, and interfere with the rights of other subscribers and other
internet users.

Subscriber shall be responsible for ensuring that his/her use of the Service and internet account (if any)
complies with this policy. Subscriber shall also be responsible for any use of the Service by any person who
gains access to the Service or Subscriber’s internet account (if any)even if such access and use was done
with or without Subscriber’s knowledge or consent,.

Should Subscriber become aware of any violations of this policy by other subscribers, Subscriber should
contact Service Provider at Service Provider’s Customer Service Hotline (+632 7301000) or 211 via
Subscriber’s Globe Mobile, Globe Stores or Subscriber’s account manager .


Subscriber agrees to use the Service only for the purpose agreed under this Agreement. Subscriber must
not use the Service for any Prohibited Activity/ies, whether local or international.

“Prohibited Activity/ies” include (but are not limited to) the use of the Service for:

(i) Any activity constituting cybercrime offenses under applicable law;

(ii) Any of the following activities:

(a) Using the Service to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to any computer,
system or network;

Accordingly, if Subscriber does not have authorization, Subscriber must not (nor attempt
to): (i) access, monitor or use any data, systems or networks, (ii) probe, scan or test the
vulnerability of a system or network, (iii) breach any security or authentication measures
for a system or network, (iv) access the account or private information of any other person
or entity, (v) access any server in violation of any acceptable use policy of that server.

(b) Using (or attempting to use) or distributing tools designed to compromise security
including, but not limited to, password guessing programs, cracking tools, packet sniffers
or network probing tools;
(c) Knowingly transmitting or disseminating any information or software which contains a
virus or other harmful feature;
(d) Using (or attempting to use) the Service in a manner that may interfere with the technical
operation of the Service or any other computer system, network or telecommunications
services, including (but not limited to) denial of service attacks, flooding of a network,
overloading a Service, improper seizing and abuse of operator privileges and attempts to
‘crash’ a host; or
(e) interfering (or attempting to interfere) with the regular workings of Service Provider’s
systems or network connections.

(iii) Accessing, posting, reproducing or disseminating content which may be identified or classified
as contrary to law, regulation, industry code of practice, good customs, public morals, or public
policy, including, without limitation, content/material containing (a) excessive physical and/or
sexual violence, implied or simulated sexual activity, or materials which deal with issues or
contain depictions that require an adult perspective, (b) detailed instruction in crime, violence
or drug use, child pornography, bestiality, excessive violence or sexual violence, and/or (c) real
depictions of actual sexual activity or criminal activities;

(iv) Accessing, posting, producing, reproducing, or disseminating content which violates the
copyright or other intellectual property rights of other persons/entities. You assume all risks
regarding the determination of whether such infringing material is in the public domain;

(v) Accessing, posting, reproducing or disseminating content that defames, harasses or abuses any
person or violates any data protection or privacy law or regulation;

(vi) Any fraudulent activity, multi-level marketing scheme, pyramiding scheme or other illegal
soliciting schemes;

(vii) Any other fraudulent activity punishable by law, including impersonating any person or entity
or forging anyone else’s digital or manual signature; and/or

(viii) Any activity that constitutes a Bypass or Simple Resale. These are activities where a subscriber
resells or uses the Service in violation of existing laws for an illegal purpose or uses the Service
as part of ringback, dialback, or similar operation, or avails of ringback, dialback, or similar
services utilizing the Services provided to subscribers.

Subscriber shall be responsible for any misuse of the Service, as set out in the preceding clause and shall
take reasonable steps/precautions to ensure that unauthorized persons do not gain access to the Service
and Subscriber’s Internet account (if any).

Subscriber shall be solely responsible for the security of any device he/she chooses to connect to the Service
including any data stored on that device. Subscriber shall have full control and responsibility for ensuring
the security and confidentiality of any software application, codes, passwords, IDs, and the like used with
the Service. Subscriber agrees and acknowledges that any and all transmission made either through voice
calls, Short Messaging Service (SMS) and, data/content originating from his/her account shall be
conclusively presumed to be Subscriber’s transmissions and has been authorized by Subscriber. Further,
Subscriber acknowledges that it is his/her sole obligation and responsibility to obtain the consent of all
recipients of transmissions made using the Service.

For security purposes, Service Provider recommends against enabling file or printer sharing of any sort
and further recommends that any file or service made available for remote access be protected with a
password or other appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access. Subscriber must immediately
notify Service Provider of any unauthorized or attempted unauthorized use of the Service and any other
breach or attempted breach of security.

Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that he/she will ---(a) use the software application provided and
installed by Service Provider (”Application”) on Subscriber’s Device or CPE in a proper manner and will not
re-configure or tamper with the Application as stated in the relevant software license agreement or user’s
guide; (b) not allow the installation of the Application to any other Device, CPE, personal computer, or any
other storage device such as a network server unless covered by the relevant software license agreement;
(c) not, without Service Provider’s prior written consent, resell or transfer, rent, lease or lend the use of the
Application; and (d) not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Application.
Subscriber agrees to promptly report to Service Provider any problem with or damage to the Application,
as well as any circumstances or act of other persons which Subscriber may reasonably believe may cause
damage to the Service.


Some activities that Subscriber can perform when accessing the Internet may be harmful or may cause loss
to Subscriber or to other people that may access the Service, or Subscriber’s Device or CPE. Such activities
include (but are not limited to): (i) downloading content (including receiving emails) from the Internet
which may introduce viruses or other harmful features to Subscriber’s Device or computer, (ii) purchasing
goods or services using the Internet, (iii) transmitting confidential information over the Internet (such as
Subscriber’s credit card number or other personal information), or (iv) accessing and viewing content on
the Internet or otherwise available through the Service that may be offensive to some individuals, or
inappropriate for children (for example, it is possible to obtain access to content that is pornographic,
offensive and/or unsuitable for children).

Subscriber bears all risk associated with the activities referred to in the preceding paragraph, and Service
Provider does not have any liability for any claims, losses, actions, damages, suits or proceedings arising
out of or otherwise relating to such activities.

Subscriber may minimize the risk of accessing illegal or offensive content as well as managing use of the
Internet by using a filtering solution. Service Provider may provide access to one or more of these filtering
solutions at a reasonable cost to Subscriber as part of the Service.

Subscriber shall be solely responsible for any content that he/she publishes via websites, email,
newsgroups, online forums or other publishing mediums accessed via the Service.

Accordingly, Subscriber undertakes that he/she will:

(i) not publish (via websites, email, newsgroups or other publishing mediums accessible vie the
Service) any content/material when such publication may be classified as a Prohibited Activity;
(ii) take appropriate precautions to prevent minors from accessing or receiving any content
published by Subscriber that may be inappropriate for them. Such precautions include
implementing a restricted access system or the use of appropriate warnings and/or labelling
systems in respect of content which is likely to be considered unsuitable for children.

Service Provider reserves the right to block access to, to remove, or to refuse to post any content, in whole
or in part, that Service Provider, in its sole discretion, deem to be offensive, indecent, or otherwise
inappropriate regardless of whether such content or its dissemination is unlawful. This includes (but is not
limited to) obscene material, fraudulent or deceptive statements, threatening, intimidating or harassing
statements, or material which violates the privacy rights or intellectual property rights of others, or is likely
to be defamatory of another person.

Service Provider reserve the right to remove certain prohibited or potentially prohibited content from its
servers or to prevent users from accessing certain Internet content. Service Provider may take any steps
necessary in order to ensure compliance with any relevant industry code of practice, or notification or
direction from third parties, including removing any content (including part or all of a website) from its
servers, blocking access to newsgroups, closing or suspending Subscriber’s account, filtering the Internet
content made available to Subscriber or restricting access to a particular website. Service Provider may
take these steps at any time and without notice to Subscriber.
Service Provider reserves the right that allows copyright owners or their agents to direct Service Provider
to remove copyrighted materials from Service Provider’s servers or to prevent users from accessing such
copyrighted materials. Service Provider may take any steps necessary in order to ensure compliance with
a notification from a copyright owner or their agent, including removing any content (including part or all
of a website) from its servers, closing or suspending Subscriber’s internet account, filtering the Internet
content made available to Subscriber or restricting access to a particular website. Service Provider may
take these steps at any time and without notice to Subscriber.

Service Provider is under no obligation to monitor transmissions or published content on the Service.
However, Service Provider (or any of its agents) have the right to monitor such transmissions or published
content from time to time to ensure that Subscriber is complying with the terms of this policy, and to
disclose that content as required.

By using the Service to reproduce, publish, display, transmit or distribute content, Subscriber warrants that
the content complies with this policy and authorizes Service Provider (or its agents) to reproduce, publish,
display, transmit and distribute such content as necessary for Service Provider to deliver the content in a
timely manner.


Subscriber must not use the Service to send spam, scam messages, or bulk and/or unsolicited texts or
messages. For avoidance of doubt, “spam” means unsolicited texts and broadcasts for the purpose of
offering services, selling products, or otherwise disseminating information about a promo, event or
advocacy sent from any device and/or application, whether or not such messages include accurate sender
information or contains an unsubscribed facility. ”Scam messages,” on the other hand, means unsolicited
and fraudulent and/or bogus texts or messages with the purpose of getting any form of gain or benefit from
the recipient thereof, whether the sender is known to the recipient or not.

Spam and/or scam messages include, but is not limited to, commercial advertising, informational
announcements, chain letters, and political or religious messages. Subscriber must only send such
messages to those individuals who have explicitly requested it.

We have responsibilities under the NTC Memorandum Circular No. 03-03-2005, as amended by NTC
Memorandum Circular Nos. 03-03-2005A and 04-07-2009 (Rules and Regulations on Broadcast Messaging
Service) to take steps which attempt to minimize the amount of spam. To assist Service Provider in
minimizing the amount of spam and scam, Service Provider may (i) restrict Subscriber’s ability to send
and/or forward spam/scam emails, texts or messages; (ii) limit Subscriber’s access to the Service to a
closed user group relevant to Subscriber’s use of the Service; (iii) scan Service Provider’s allocated IP
address ranges for misconfigured mail and proxy servers and suspend Subscriber’s Service if Subscriber
fails to rectify any problem found within a reasonable period.

Service Provider may also require Subscriber to take actions to comply with, or which assist Service
Provider to comply with NTC Memorandum Circular No. 03-03-2005, as amended by NTC Memorandum
Circular Nos. 03-03-2005A and 04-07-2009 (Rules and Regulations on Broadcast Messaging Service).

The Service must not be used to: (i) send messages to any individual or entity who has indicated the
he/she/it does not wish to receive messages from Subscriber, or (ii) collect or redirect responses from
unsolicited messages sent from accounts on other Internet hosts or messaging services which violate this
policy, or the equivalent policy or any other policy of any other Internet service provider or website.
Moreover, unsolicited messages sent from accounts on other Internet hosts or messaging services may not
direct the recipient to any website or other resource that uses Service Provider’s network.
Subscriber must not: (i) obscure, alter or delete the source of the messages that he/she sends or forge
message headers, (ii) send numerous copies of the same or substantially similar messages, or send very
large messages or files, to a recipient with the intent to disrupt a server or account (for example, ‘mail
bombing’), (iii) send chain letters, whether or not the recipient wishes to receive such mailings.

Service Provider shall not be responsible for forwarding or storing messages sent to any account that has
been suspended or cancelled. Such messages may be returned to sender, ignored, deleted, or stored
temporarily at Service Provider’s sole discretion.

In addition to the previous clauses, messages posted by Subscriber to online forums must comply with the
written charters for that forum. Subscriber shall be responsible for determining the policies of a given
forum before posting a message to it. Data files may only be posted to online forums that specifically permit

Posting or cross-posting the same or substantially similar messages to more than eight online forums is

Subscriber must not disrupt or attempt to disrupt online forums by posting a large number of messages
that contain no substantive content. Disruption occurs when normal discussion in the group is significantly

Subscriber must not use the Service to connect to an online forum from which Subscriber has been
previously banned.


Subscriber agrees not to resell, redistribute the Service or any portion thereof to any party, whether
temporary or permanent, for value, or allow any such other party to occupy, use, and/or gain access to the
Service without Service Provider’s written consent.

Subscriber further agrees that he/she will not use the Service as part of another telecommunication service
or as a medium of promotion, publicity for any campaign for whatever purpose, of whatever nature, by
whatever name called which is likely to generate a change in the usage of the services in excess of his/her
daily usage of the service, and/or likely to cause congestion in Service Provider’s network.


If Subscriber, or someone with access to the Service, uses the Service in a way that Service Provider
reasonably believes violates this policy, Service Provider may take any responsive action it deems

Such actions may include (but are not limited to) temporary or permanent removal of content and content
publishing capabilities, filtering of Internet transmissions and the immediate disconnection, suspension or
cancellation of all or any portion of the Service.

Service Provider may take any other legal or technical action it deems appropriate to identify offenders or
violators of this policy, including taking action against offenders to recover the costs and expenses of
identifying them. If Subscriber’s use of the Service causes loss to third parties and Service Provider is
required to pay compensation, Service Provider may require Subscriber to reimburse Service Provider.

Service Provider is not obligated to regularly monitor Subscriber’s usage of the Service (including any
content posted, disseminated or accessed by Subscriber); however Service Provider reserves the right to
monitor Subscriber’s use of the Service to identify violations of this policy, and to protect its network, the
other users of the Service, and other Internet users.

Service Provider reserves the right to investigate any use of the Service that it reasonably suspects violates
this policy, including the gathering of information from the users involved and the complaining party, if any,
and examination of transmissions and material on Service Provider’s servers and network. During an
investigation, Service Provider may suspend the internet accounts involved, interrupt transmissions
and/or remove material that it reasonably believes potentially violates this policy.

In order to enforce this policy, Subscriber authorizes Service Provider (or its agents) to cooperate with the
law enforcement authorities in the investigation of suspected criminal violations and system
administrators at other Internet service providers or other network or computing facilities. Such
cooperation may include Service Provider providing, for example, the username, IP address or other
identifying information about a user.

Upon cancellation of Subscriber’s internet account, Service Provider is authorized to delete any files,
programs, data, and email messages associated with Subscriber’s account.

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