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INTEGRITY is doing the right thing even when no one is looking.


I. TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE is the statement is true and FALSE if the statement is false. (20 points)
1. Fr. Matthew is a British- Nigerian diocesan priest who founded Puso ng Ama Foundation.
2. Fr. Paul Uwemedimo is a priest from France who founded Tulay ng Kabataan Foundation.
3. Frank Padilla is a taxi driver in New York who returned the pearls accidentally left behind by a passenger and is
someone who stayed true to his most authentic self- on capable of good faith and honesty towards others.
4. Nestor Sulpico wrote the book “Bringing Glad Tidings to the Poor” which discusses extensively the spiritual,
socio- economic, and psychological dimensions of poverty and its alleviation.
5. Pope Francis said “Nobody is so poor he has nothing to give, and nobody is so rich he has nothing to receive.”
6. Pope John Paul II said “There is no worse material poverty … than the poverty which prevents people from
earning their bread and deprives them of the dignity of work.”
7. Pope Leo X wrote On the Condition of Labor on May 15, 1891 to address the dehumanizing conditions in
which many workers labor and affirms workers’ rights to just wages, rest, and fair treatment, to form unions,
and to strike if necessary.
8. The poor are people who are in need of special care, support, or protection because of age, disability, or risk
of abuse or neglect.
9. The vulnerable are people who lack sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in
a society.
10. VP Leni Robredo referred to the poor as “nasa laylayan ng lipunan”.

II. IDENTIFICATION: Identify who/ what is being asked in the following statements. (20 points)
1. It simply means having a roof over our heads, food on our table, safety and security in our own homes and
neighborhood, our basic human rights protected at all times and being able to achieve our purpose in life.
2. It simply means poverty begets poverty and is a concept that illustrates how poverty causes poverty and traps
people in poverty unless as external intervention is applied to break the cycle.
3. It is a foundational text (encyclical letter) in the history of Catholic social thought, establishing the position of
the Church on issues pertaining to the proper relationship between capital and labor.
4. It is human intelligence which takes many forms and cuts across various fields.
5. It is one proof of the brilliance of humanity.
6. It is the unquenchable stirring in every being- that which knows what is true, good and beautiful and that
which does not rest until it is honed and practiced.
7. It is the zone where human beings are fully awake to life and its possibilities with everything that’s inside of
8. It refers to the practice of hiring employees who would render their services for a finite amount of time,
usually, for a few months only.
9. It demands individual transformation.
10. It is one cause of poverty according to the book “Bringing Glad Tidings to the Poor” which can be a result
of laziness, immorality and irresponsibility.
11. It is one cause of poverty according to the book “Bringing Glad Tidings to the Poor” which is an event causing
great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster, homelessness, diseases, among others.
12. It is one cause of poverty according to the book “Bringing Glad Tidings to the Poor” which is about
stereotypes, discrimination and factors regarding belief systems.
13. It is one cause of poverty according to the book “Bringing Glad Tidings to the Poor” which also includes lack
of education and job opportunities.
14. It is one cause of poverty according to the book “Bringing Glad Tidings to the Poor” which is about the actions
of other people towards others.
15. It is an effect of poverty which means a lack of ability to read and write.
16. It is an effect of poverty which means a family or individual result to an action or omission that constitutes an
offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law and other illegal activities.

17. It is an effect of poverty which makes it difficult for people to get the healthcare they need and, when they
do get care, burdens them with large medical bills.
18. It is an effect of poverty which is a circumstance when people are without a permanent dwelling, such as a
house or apartment.
19. It is an effect of poverty where a human being is not respected and is degraded by the society.
20. It is an effect of poverty where people especially from the slums always get sick because of hunger and their
living conditions.

III. A. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS: Analyze the following situations and identify the cause of poverty. Shade the letter of the
correct answer. (20 points)

A. Choice D. Social or religious factors

B. Calamity E. Wrong action of other persons
C. Lack of Opportunity
1. After struggling through a tough winter, Remi and his mother are soon elated to see that their father has
returned home - but he is not the man that he used to be. Cold and distant, Jerome soon secretly sells Remi
to a traveling entertainer; and thus Remi's hardships begin.
2. Cornello tried to dominate the world by using his power, the people in the area are poor and believed that
Cornello will be the one who can save them from poverty until Edward and Alphone Elric exposed the wrong
doings of Cornello to the entire town.
3. Hina Amano and Nagisa (Nagi) Amano were left alone to live on their own. Being a young girl, Hina wasn’t
given much opportunity so she had to lie about her age.
4. Hodaka Morishima opted to move to Tokyo to pursue his writing but, unfortunately wasn’t able to find a job
of his liking.
5. Ra-on is popular and street-smart, she was raised as a boy by her mother and makes a living by disguising
herself as a male because of the discrimination happening during their time.
6. Sataka Gintoki is content lazing around, gambling and drinking whenever he gets a chance. If he continued this
kind of lifestyle, he will not prosper in life.
7. The Day the Earth Moved is a film based on the 1995 Kobe/Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake, which killed more
than 6000 people and left over 300.000 homeless. The story follows a group of friends in the aftermath of
the earthquake. They will have to deal with death, help each other cope with personal loss and empathy.
8. The year is 1945, and the Japanese war effort is grinding to a halt. In Hiroshima, the Nakaoka family is
working hard to survive in the midst of poverty and persecution.
9. Tokyo experienced a big calamity which caused the people to not be able to sustain their needs.
10. Towards the end of World War II, Seita and Setsuko’s parents died. They try their hardest to live from day to
day. Though when food becomes ever more scarce and no one is willing to sell what little provisions they
have, life for the pair is increasingly difficult.

III.B. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS: Analyze the following situations and identify the right of workers being violated. Shade
the letter of the correct answer. (15 points)

A. Right to be paid a just and living wage

B. Right to security of tenure alongside right to be dismissed from work only on just and authorized causes
C. Right to social security
D. Right to self- organization or the right to form unions
E. Right to respected work hours and rest days

1. Contractualization is against this right for it has virtually made it impossible for workers across the globe to
attain regular status.
2. Depriving a worker of work and its corresponding entitlements is against this right of workers.

3. It is one right of workers which involves a safe working environment and benefits that will redound to the
advantage of the worker and his/ her family.
4. It is one right of workers which involves the right to collectively bargain with the employers on terms and
conditions of employment and to stage a lawful strike.
5. It is one right of workers which means a worker should not be deprived of work and its corresponding
entitlements without a valid reason or cause.
6. It is one right of workers which means that a worker is given a period to recuperate from the rigors and
demands of work.
7. It is one right of workers which means that one’s toil entitles him/ her to a pay that will rightly support his or
her needs.
8. This legal and moral imperative allows the worker to honor other legitimate needs that demand his or her
9. This right asks the worker to thrive and when proven to be fit in holding such employment, the workers
deserves such work at all times.
10. This right also dignifies the position of the worker by allowing him or her to organize with fellow workers.
11. This right empowers the workers.
12. This right entitles a person to a pay that will rightly support his or her needs.
13. This right entitles a worker for a just payment if he or she works outside of designated work hours.
14. This right informs us that a fundamental principle behind wages is that it must enable life with dignity.
15. This right involves that the workers are given provisions of social security.

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