043 Img 1768

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Cation, You are growing and changing.

although many important traits of your percent of that first impression is an
character and personality are set, and impression of your clothing. The
you probably have matured physically second impression is formed after you
to the point where you can determine utter your first sentence, which forms
what type of clothing suits you best. the 10% of that first impression.
This is the right time to start planning In those first crucial moments, the
an integrated wardrobe of pieces that viewer is forming that impression and
will work well together — a valuable, making decision concerning the follow-
enjoyable learning experience.
ing factors:
1. Economic level — is he rich or
TAKING STOCK poor? Is he working or unemployed?
2. Educational level — Is he a high
Ask yourself the following questions: school or college graduate? Maybe he
 Has my body size, weight, height, pro- is an attorney or doctor'?
portion changed? 3. Social position — Does he live in
 Has my lifestyle changed? o ne o f the vi lla ges? Doe s he bel on g
 Has my attitude changed? to the upper socio-economic level
 Have my friends, school, or workplace or the lower level?
changed? 4. Level of sophistication — Is he the
 What amount of time do I have to party-hopping type, the social register
devote to the upkeep of my ward- type? Probably he is the "provinciano"
robe? type.
 What are my monetary limitations? 5. Family background — What is his
 What impression do I want to make? social, educational, and economic heri-
 Do I want to make any changes in my tage? Assumptions about these are made.
current style? What is the position of the family in
 How can I express my the community? Are they known by
adaptation of the season's trends their family names or not?
without sacrificing my fashion 6. Successfulness — Is he successful?
statement? Does he have a car, a house and lot?
 Is there a role, or roles, I would enjoy Is he important in his company? Is he
acting out through dressing as I seek known by his business associates and
to discover varied facets of my peers?
nature? 7. Moral character — Does he look
honest? Is he the type who will put one
In order to create an image that you over others? Will he cheat me?
want in the eyes of the beholder, you
must be able to convincingly and natu- You may protest. That's unfair! You
rally perform precisely those acts that can't judge a book by its cover! But you
will create the desired image. do! Over the years, you've learned to
Wh e ne ver peo ple meet yo u , t he y read a person's clothing, appearance,
expressions, and gestures. It's a silent
form an instant judgment, even if
language, a visual shorthand, and it
it's on a subconscious level. This is
helps you form decisions about t h e
what is c a l l e d "first impression". This
other person's honesty, background ,
is on a visual level and it crystallizes
even before you even open your mouth. friendliness, attitude, and in te n t. You
may not be aware you are making


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