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proper undergarn trYing clod

mad Aft just as you develop an err for or Find

ient:s fon. the kinds of
a sales.
era or tole for cagily. However, f clothes you will be at st:
eV ash- person and tell him what you are looking Doc
st0e must be develctped mak
..nder trit of rood taste. Many for. Listen to his suggesltiboiensanidf sincere.
times t to dress appro- $e presses you as knowle4, ' Lool
mentsto h angers
Be sure that you return garIlents

ie* and in pry_ .Age for an occa-

.-,- it is to in a mannerly ifyou decide against buying them and let
the salesperson know your decision. is in
2 you arrive. There are too
to misbehavt in dress When searching for items to add to the high
clothes you already have, consider versa- vatil
tre are in To avoid them,
k: be 77 7):toI
.ndress- tility. Do not choose a costly blouse/skirt Do
_ properly to also
that goes with nothing in your closet, or
the first that complements a skirt/pants that may these
; -1140111 have only a few months of wear left. long
beE: the occasion Choose what you feel has the staying with
the store
- faon based power to become a tradition and what
_ -- es of past in di
works well:_a with your on-hand wardrobe
inventory. Never pick a trend if you feel depai
you could wear it for a few months only. of s
t . 17 Y.: appropriate- Treat youreslf to a touch of today's trends may
: asion but but also invest in timeless traditions - se- and (
le, and lect the best quality you can afford.
Do not overlook underclothing. • Not Dres
the only are the right undergarments important may
in achieving a finished look, but fresh and if yo
pretty ones make you feel lovely and sexy. your
Once your basic wardrobe is ready to go, that
7 1 I.,riate you can consider the fun, trendy things, time
and 7.; =.-_ STU dy, the dessert" that follows a well-
and t.ria: and balanced meal. But as with a chocolate of h
w311 1 re- sundae, a little goes along way. Remember whet
it is that you will soon tire of the splashy,
yam= to tae- rules. of especially if everyone is wearing it, and
- what
tan. to the _es of you will begin to feel that you have lost the
your identity and taken a step backward parti
from a style of your own. Remember that sure

establishing a personal style is your goal. have

Remember too that to discuss the price of Tc
axe. - with as:Fr' = trd anything is never in good taste. whet
rnade layoff
Pr-eshoppin2 or v, indov, shopping is recom-
_ basic
mended before actual buy int). Clothes are shoo
txpenshe and mistakes are both expensiNe of g
and time-consuming_ After y ou have looked
11/2 ov er : , our closet and hat e remoNed

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