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you shop.

Young Filipinos are on the thin- The time spent on keeping your
ner side, so there is not much problem, clothes in order will be repaid when you
except to gain a little weight. to have more —
do not have to hunt for things while
figure". dressing for an important party or when
3. Shop wisely ... and well — Since you have overslept on a school morning;
as an added bonus, your clothes will last
your clothing needs are determined by your
longer and
lifestyle, ask yourself where you spend look better.
75% of your time. Is it home. work, school,
socials, travel, or sports? You should also YOUR SEARCH FOR STYLE
Lake your budget into consideration. If you To achieve true style your clothing and
e mill a student, from now on, do not buy accessories must complement and com-
clothes. From now on, buy more pliment your body and be an expression
formal skirts and blouses, slacks that are fit of your individuality. This does not
for office use. Prepare yourself early mean that you can ignore style and fash-
enough for that first interview and that first ion, which, incidentally are not synony-
job. Start window shopping and look for mous. Style is timeless and fashion is
things that match. Imagine that a few changing, current, even trendy. Style is
months from now, you will lasting and durable while fashion is fickle
spend 75% of your time in and commercial. Style is the best of all
an office, so look for clothes past fashions — the features that have
that are appropriate for work. proven to be the most flattering, the
most comfortable, and the most prac-
YOUR CLOSET Unlike fashion, you cannot buy style.
With sufficient money you can go out
and purchase a total seasonal "look,"
Think of your closet as a resource for but style you must cultivate yourself
your lifestyle. Your closet should be set up through a knowledge of what is really
Ince a fine specialty shop. It must beautiful and lasting. It takes honesty
e scTu;nilously clean and free of junk. and discipline to evaluate yourself in
Blouses, shirts, skirts or pants, sweaters, relation to trends but style is a priceless
dresses should be grouped together. Colors quality and one that animates the lifeless
should be arranged to spark your imagina- garments you wear. Style must be natural
tion. Shoes should be stored in marked rather -than affected, and it usually takes
at eye level for quick selection. time to acquire — but one is never too
R z':es and evening clothes should be hung
they do not touch the floor. One
section of the closet might be double- young to start.
7X1E.ed to hang pants, skirts, blouses.
Your dresser drawers should be cleaned
and lined — with scented paper Dressing for the occasion not only up-
if you choose — and should be partitioned grades manners, it also enhances the
to 5_ ;anties, briefs, bras, slips, socks, poise and personality of the host/hostess
7. The latter are best protected in and her guests and sparks their spirits. You
ziplock pla..stic bags. Belts can be hung on must develop an eye for fashion, flair,
a man's tie rank inside the closet door.


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