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Princess: The Hopeful
Road of Dawn

A Supplement for Princess the Hopeful

Author: ​SaulottheGentle
Words of God:​ TheKingsRaven, Naomi Li, Michael Brazier
Grammar Editors on ​Colin Fredericks, Michael Chui, tambov333
Special Thanks: ​Karavolos, the original Princess the Hopeful creators and the forum

A Disclaimer
This is a supplement to the Princess the Hopeful Corebook detailing the Court of Cups, Wands
and Pentacles, their charms and what their Kingdoms have probably looked like. Chapter 1
includes the Stereotypes for the Twilight Courts in case an ST wants to incorporate them into a
modern setting in some way. Chapter 3 does describe them in a way that they could be within the
Dreamlands, but this is only to give a general view of how their Kingdoms were like rather than
a Pre-Fall version. How the Pre-Fall world was like could make for an entire other book.
Nonetheless, this book can be used anyhow desired.
This book is compatible with both Dream and Vocation Versions of the Corebook.
Chapter One: The Pre-Twilight Courts 
The Kingdom is good. The Kingdom is the Light. Should it fall, then so too does light…for a
time. The Light’s ability is unique, the ability to create anew when nothing else is left. Perhaps
the same goes for the Kingdoms too, that they can be remade and make the world shine
At least, that’s what they were supposed to do.

The Darkness knew of the Light’s nature, and constructed a trap in the Dreamlands with the help
of three beings who were once intimate to the Light. These avatars of the darkness were the gods
amongst the tides of Darkspawn. Just as not all light can be devoured by black holes, the some
fragmented pieces of the Light managed to escape the Fall, but not without being tainted in some
form. These fragments have survived the Fall and existed through the Long Night.

What would these fragments look if they were Radiant instead of Twilight?

The Road of Twilight

The Twilight Courts have existed since time immemorial, defying the Fall by escaping or
fighting through it. The Queen of Tears stands stalwart in her Kingdom, shielding it from the tide
of Darkness and inverting it about her city with unholy magic unimaginable by the Light. The
Queen of Storms had ripped her own body apart before doing the same unto the Darkness,
becoming her own Invocation and gestalt soul by the virtue of her dead soldiers. The Queen of
Mirrors ran from the Fall, unable to bear a nation’s burdens on her shoulders, instead pursuing a
vision of the True Heir: the one who can save everyone and restore the Kingdom.

But this still doesn’t answer how these Queens existed in the Kingdom, or even if they were
always like this.

The Court of Tears

The Court of Tears exists within Alhambra, shielded by its ward against the Darkness. Just as the
lamps within the city burn on stolen hope, so too does the Invocation of Lacrima darken the
hopes of those who use its charms, as well as wielding the very darkness to protect that which
they love.

The very existence of the Court of Tears is a controversy to the Kingdom and to the Light. How
does an invocation manipulate the Darkness? How does it even allow for turning a paragon of
the Light into a Creature of the Darkness? One thing that can be researched for information is
Alhambra’s archives. Out of all of the descriptions of the Kingdoms, the Lost Invocation of
Coppe bears few similarities with Lacrima, but perhaps notably, it can affect Ghosts and share
the ability to transform into another supernatural creature. This ability to touch magic not of the
Light has drawn the few who have knowledge of it’s existence to name it Coppe, taking to name
the Lost Invocations that Alhambra has, after the same card motif the Radiant Queens follow.

The Court of Storms

The Court of Storms burns in rage through the Dark World in the form of an unceasing, and very
much living, natural disaster. Her armies burn through the Darkness as much as their queen,
cauterizing what the darkness touches as much as their very flesh with a touch of acid.

Like the Court of Tears, the Queen and Court of Storms are a controversy to the Light for
various reasons. For one, the Queen seems to have lost her fundamental humanity, unable to take
actions beyond “see darkness, kill darkness”. Perhaps even more frightening is how her
invocation, nay, her very magic utterly destroys the darkness. She has forgotten the Fall, and all
sources involving her before then had came from Alhambra’s archives, which some scholars say
may be biased against Storms. However, the Queen of Storms is a pillar of determination in her
effort to destroy the Darkness. Not even death could stop her vengeance. Those who know of the
Lost Invocation “Bastoni”, one of the charms regularly used still in Alhambra, freely admit it
would be grasping at straws to say Tempesta is its successor. It at least cannot be denied that
there are similarities, but nothing could ever say for sure.

The Court of Mirrors

Finally, the Court of Mirrors. The Hierophant Queen searches onward for the True Heir,
someone to save everyone and restore the Kingdom. The Invocation she holds is Specchio, the
magic of the True Heir that drives her Nobles to the greatest of heights and has also lead to their
cackling downfall to madness.

Simply put, everything about the Queen of Mirrors is enigmatic. Her Kingdom, her Court,
everything known of her is but a fairy tale she tells of crystal towers and looking glasses. Even
whether she is a Twilight Queen or not is a subject of debate and division in the Radiant. Perhaps
the most stunning and signature of Specchio’s charms is the ability to predict the future with
crystal clear accuracy. It also carries the ability to bend space and time, an aspect that intrigues
members of Diamonds. However, what is known for sure is that deep in Alhambra’s vaults lie
bequests of mirrors and spyglasses, enchanted with the Lost Invocation of Pentacolo. Their
charms lead you down the right path. There have been attempts to bring forth the Queen of
Mirrors to answer these queries, but she never picks up the call. After all, the only ones qualified
to speak to her are her prospective True Heirs.

The Road to Dawn

There are so many questions to the Twilight Courts. How they’ve existed during the Kingdom,
what precious bits of lore they have of what was before the Fall. Perhaps equally suspicious are
the Lost Invocations present in Alhambra seem to bear a link to an appropriate Twilight Court, if
only in certain functions. In short, many of the lucky Radiant and Tortoises who were able to
read on Alhambra’s Archives could easily piece together that the Twilight Courts were once
Radiant Courts in the time of the Fall. But during it, they became Twilight and thus their
Invocations changed to reflect that. This is the telling of the Twilight Courts’ precursors: the
Pre-Twilight Courts.

Queen of Cups 
AKA: ​The Endless Queen, The Unchained Madame, The Mentor of Ten Paths, Herself
Follower’s Epithets: ​Wanderers, Monks, Masks, Actors (Derogatory)
Kingdom: ​Calat
Discovery is an important factor of life. Many will tell you that you are better off not knowing, or
that it’s better to live in blissful ignorance. To live as another piece of the Machine. That is not
the case. The machine is simply the groups of people who go through life, each piece is what
each of us are. But what makes us run? What makes us tick? What causes us to react the way we
do and why? What is that bit of energy through all of us and how do we express it in the machine
of life? Not what society says we should believe, but what we believe as individuals. Good and
Evil, Fear and Desire, Love and Hate.

If there’s anything we lost, it was how to know where who we are as a singular being begins
compared to the labels that everyone else applies to us, labels that attach additional meanings
that do not describe who we are and that delude us into thinking we’re something that we are

We need to learn how to know and be ourselves again. But we can’t start until we take the first

The Queen of Cups believes that many people have lost the ability to know themselves as
individuals instead of being what society expects them to be. Her followers believe that it’s still
possible to be an individual and to keep one’s identity from being crushed by the world around
them, and as such they seek to learn everything they can about themselves and to help others on
the path.

Tales of the Kingdom

From her seat of the capital of her Kingdom, the city of Alhambra, the Queen of Cups rules the
Kingdom of Calat. She sits upon a throne of Opal and Quartz, and she oversees her Kingdom’s
growth from the roofs of her palace. She is well known for having intimate knowledge about the
inner workings of her city and of all the citizens who live there. She has spent her lifetimes
learning different paths, crafts and arts, and learning of her people so she may best lead them. It’s
not uncommon for her to try a new way and even sometimes renovate her kingdom should the
people desire change, but nonetheless she speaks with understanding to almost every topic that is
brought up to her.
It’s quite simple to approach her. Almost all who meet her don’t even get the impression that
she’s a Queen at first, more that she’s a person that they can make conversation with for a good
amount of time and get to know. The Queen prefers this, as she dislikes the idea of her titles
coming before who she is as a person. Those who do get to know her describe her as a counselor.
She will advise and give her thoughts on anything brought up to her, but ultimately she leaves
the Princess to make the decision herself.

The Queen is known for moving about her kingdom, never worried of her own safety nor that of
her Kingdom’s. Some may say that she is too careless, but she is perhaps the most in tune with
her kingdom's needs and to the voices of her people. Perhaps this clues into the subject of her
being the Mentor of Ten Paths. The Queen from her first few incarnations has attracted ten
Nobles whose duties to the Queen and her Invocation have gained her heart, and she has
accepted them as both her personal guard and as her advisors. All are, of course more than
qualified to be her companions in her quest.

The Queen of Cups has only ever asked one question to her Princesses: “Who are you?”

Maintain an Open Mind

The path and destination of one’s path in life is not a singular path nor do all of them have just
one destination to get towards. An individual is free to decide what her own path is, and it would
be wrong to close one’s mind off to the possibilities and what is best for herself, as she knows
herself. Of course, the individual is free to to take lessons from or even mix and match
philosophies from each way she takes from. To be able to keep her mind from closing off
possibilities is vital to Cups as a whole.

A Crown is Just an Accessory

Throughout a life, a person will acquire labels or titles, something that is thought of as an
identifier for someone. Many of these titles can describe someone, but they can also carry other
connotations that do not apply to who you are as an individual. Even worse is that these attached
ideas may drive people to think they do apply, and distort their sense of self. For example, a
person who enjoys alcohol may be known as an Alcoholic, and even though they do not drink to
the same extent as the worst cases do, they may be treated just as badly.

The Queen believes that no matter how many labels or titles one may ascribe to people, they are
no more descriptive of who a person is as a crown is to herself. As the Queen believes she is an
individual first and a Queen second, the courtiers of Cups also believe that people are individuals
first and anything else second.
Mark the Road
All roads traveled don’t necessarily have directions that come with them. As much as this applies
to physical maps, it goes equally so for the road of life. Everyone learns from each other’s
choices and paths taken in life, and even if they don’t go the same way, they can still make use of
the directions to help themselves. The Court of Cups believes that they should try to help others
reach their own destinations, to come up with their own beliefs or ideas by giving their own
experiences as an example. Of course, they do not guide people to think or do the same as they
do, but to merely come up with their own decisions when doing so.

A Cup’s Duty is to find themselves or help others on the way of their own path. To taste new
things and try new experiences, to face the darkness within and without and to feel strange
sensations if only to see how she’ll react to them. Every step with a Cup can be a revealing
experience, and they enjoy trying to help others find their own path in life.

The Champions of Cups face just as much of the darkness within people as they do the Darkness
itself. They try to get people to recognize ruts or dangerous lines of thought that they wouldn’t
recognize on their own, and sometimes act as a helping hand for those who want to be their own
person. In fights they quickly decommission their foes wielding combat styles that the
Champion, even if she hasn’t perfected it, is very good with. And they are known for practicing
and applying multiple combat styles at once.

The Graces of Cups emphasize the teaching and counseling parts of the Grace Calling as well as
the philosophy of Mark the Road. They try to help other people find their places in the world,
giving them potential avenues they can travel down and what it may entail. All in all, they
emphasize that it’s up to those they counsel to make their own decisions. They range from
self-help groups, those trying to kick addictions from their lives, school counselors helping kids
find their futures, and as of the modern day, LGBT movements.

The Menders of Cups can be found in many of the same groups the Graces would, but using their
talents for different purposes. Whereas Graces help others find ways within life, the Menders
heal psychological wounds that harmed their patient’s sense of self. So many people bear these
scars upon their heart, be it from an abusive parent who said their child was worthless, a teenager
who left the closet being bullied at school for having done nothing more than trying to be who he
is, even workers ground down by a heartless supervisor, the Menders of Cups heal these
damages and try to make their patients strong enough to be their own person again.
Seekers of Cups are perhaps better known as drifters. They’re the ones who are most interested
in learning about new sensations, things about themselves and others that they hadn’t previously
recognized within themselves. They often try to spread that enlightenment to other people as
much as they can. They’re also the ones who are most interested in the states of the supernatural
that appear around the World of Darkness, and what forms of humanity they cling to.

Art by Troubadours of Cups usually have only one meaning: to let people come up with their
own meaning. Finding what you think of something can reveal oodles of things about your
identity. The job of the Troubadours of Cups is just to create intricacies and abstract thoughts for
each person to discover for themselves what the art means to them.

Those who join the Court of Cups are usually people who want to find or create some meaning in
their life. These people could be just purposelessly drifting through life who want to derive some
meaning from it, while others join purely because they want to get through some tough questions
in their lives about themselves, of which the Court of Cups is happy to help with. It’s also one of
the most popular courts when it comes to new nobles as well. Afterall, how is a teenage girl who
felt comfortable in her own body supposed to feel when her Transformed State is a teenage boy?
Some join long enough to get answers, then may either head off to another court or remain in
Cups in order to help others.

Other times, members of Cups also include those who rebel against the nature imposed on them
by society. From the boy ostracized as a delinquent for reacting back at an abusive coach, to a
girl only renowned for her looks and not believed to be smart, these courtiers delight using the
credo of Cups to break societal expectations and refuse to let them define who they are.

In a world where the Twilight Courts exist, the Court of Cups has an odd relationship with the
Twilight Invocations and previous Twilight Nobles. Being the court that tries to discover
themselves, they become intimate to the flaws within their hearts. Most of them do acknowledge
the fact that they can empathize with the Twilight Invocations, but they also know (at least, most
of them do) that there is a better way and these flaws do not define them. Which often means that
Cups has the fewest dabblers. This also gives them the right mindset to understand Twilight
Courtiers who wish to go Radiant and no longer remain in their harmful courts.

Signature Emotions: Self-Discovery and Enlightenment

The road of life isn’t just a singular transition from life to death. To each person, it’s a different
journey, made up by their own experiences, memories and destinations. All of these being like
fish in the sea: all of them are different, some go their own ways but none stay in the same water.
To this end, the path of Self-Discovery is made from the countless amounts of people making
their own ways into the world to decide not who they wish to be, but how they want to be.

If Self-Discovery is the road, then Enlightenment is the destination. It doesn’t necessarily have to
mean reaching a state of divinity, it can also refer to one managing to find their own place in the
world in a brilliant flash of lightning.

Character Creation
The Queen and Court of Cups can be said to not have any favored Attributes or Skills. Each path
one walks to find their best path requires them to walk alone. As such, Princesses of Cups gauge
what they should do by what they think is best. Attributes and Skills vary. Presence and Resolve
tend to be practiced, as they assert their identity and strive to keep searching for themselves or to
help others in their paths. Empathy is also a common skill, better to learn about how others act
and are as individuals, as well as dealing with them.

Merits also tend to vary with each Cup. The most common amongst the Cups is picking up
Emotional Intuition through their sojourns and understanding of other people.

The Court of Cups Regalia is amazingly devoid of a theme that other Courts regalia follows. The
Queen of Cups has decreed that her Princesses have the right to decide for themselves what their
regalia appears like. As such, it always appears like the Princess’s own idealized self. However,
as time goes on and they feel like the more they’ve found out about themselves, the more their
regalia tends to change itself based on the Princess’s new sense of self.

The Court of Cups echo is like a small shock of electricity. How did that make you feel?

Practical Magic
It is the nature of the Masks to take different routes to find themselves at the end of the day, to
gain a taste of roads she may yet travel. At the beginning of each Scene, a Princess of Cups may
declare one set of Attributes: Physical, Social, Mental, Power, Finesse or Resistance. Upon doing
so, at any time after can the Princess simply spend a wisp to fully use this Practical Magic. She
can split up her bonus dice of Fulmine x 2 amongst the group of attributes in any configuration
she likes. She may spend a wisp later on to reconfigure the bonus to her chosen attributes.
High Belief increases this effect, the Princess may increase her Fulmine rating by her Belief - 7
before multiplying it.
Invocation: Fulmine
The Unchained Madame brings the senses and emotions into the Invocation of Fulmine, and the
Wanderers who follow the Court of Cups find themselves learning it better than any other. It is
linked with the virtue of self-discovery, the attempts to connect with new and unfelt experiences
and the connections formed through emotions and Electricity, the element where positive and
negative, two opposites come together to form one. It is also bound with the means to facilitate
self-change, in which it is known for being able to change into other types of Supernaturals.

Fulmine applies for no cost when the target of a Princess’s charm is electricity or is a type of
technology that uses electricity. It also applies at no cost if the Princess is attempting to discover
something about herself or to help someone else do the same, when she is attempting to
understand another’s emotions or if her target is a Supernatural who has given her their consent
to be the target. It also applies for free if she’s trying to protect her own nature from external

Fulmine does not stand for any attempt to crush another individual or crush another’s
individuality. If a Princess should attempt to force someone to do something against their will or
to continue do something that they do not want to do anymore, the Princess may not apply
Fulmine for the rest of the Scene.

How many steps are needed on the path to enlightenment? Let’s find out.

Cups Stereotypes On Others

Clubs: ​They do take steps to learn about themselves, and yet they let their want for Harmony in
all things to stifle their development as individuals.
Diamonds: ​You cannot create the meaning of life from a theorem of how to live it. You have to
experience it for yourselves to see if it works.
Hearts: ​Society is something we need to survive, so long as it doesn’t stagnate or choke the
individuals who upkeep it. So long as you don’t do that, or let the weight of the crown bury your
head, there won’t be any problems.
Spades: ​Do you go wherever you please or are you directed by where the wind blows?
Swords: ​A flame that burns without regard for permanence will either burn everything in sight
or burn out. Either way, be careful lest you burn yourself out.
Wands: ​Helping one another is admirable, but there are times where you need to help yourself
Pentacles: ​As you gaze across the void into other times, do those other times gaze a bit back into
Tears: ​How terrible, that our kingdom would turn inside out and lose itself in it’s own
glorification without acknowledging its flaws.
Storms: ​What will you do when the Darkness is dead? Will all the casualties have been worth it?
Mirrors: ​All you care about is your image, not who the person underneath the beautiful looks.
You are much more inside than skin-deep vanity.

Vampires: ​Underneath the dead flesh, there lies both humanity and monstrosity. If we can just
remind them what humanity is like and not let them reduce to beastial monstrosities, then they
are redeemable.
Werewolves:​ Spirit and flesh tie themselves to each other within them, and both parts are
essential to their existence. So long as they can keep the balance within, they will be safe.
Mages: ​Do remember from where you came from. Though magical power courses through you,
you are still human. The less you acknowledge your weaknesses, the greater your fall will be if
you allow hubris to consume you.
Prometheans: ​There’s something endearing about how similar their quest for humanity is
similar to ours for enlightenment. We must help them.
Changelings: ​Perhaps some of what you have lost can be offset by what you have gained and
that you’re not as feeble as you were. One example of this? You’ve escaped that hell with
nothing but your own power.
Sin-Eaters: ​Sometimes the journey doesn’t end after death.
Mummies: ​The first step to freedom is a leap of faith for them. Help them make it.
Demons: ​They know what it’s like to walk a different path. Except they use it to hide and steal
other people’s chances to walk on their own.
Beasts: ​They’re the practitioners of the type of hypocrisy who enable monstrosity in their so
called “kin” while decrying it as painful “lessons” that crushes people underfoot.
Mad Scientists:​ The line between brilliance and madness is surprisingly thin. They’ve found a
way to reach both at the same time.
Leviathans: ​I would like to say it’s the society, but the people are messed up in a way too.
Hunters: ​Half should realize what they hunt have some form of humanity. The other half should
realize that they’ve become the monsters.
Mortals: ​How can you expect to find who you are if you don’t make any attempts to do so? I
can help you, if you wish.

Byakuren Hijiri (Touhou), Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Other Courts on Cups
Clubs: ​They seek themselves for the glory of better understanding of themselves and their place
in the world, but do they then have the means to bring it out and put it in the harmony of the
world? Or do they find what’s there is much different from whatever or whomever they may
connect with?
Diamonds: ​Great for psychology and the theory of Self-Actualization, but not much for other
Hearts: ​The people need a capable leader, but one who can connect to their people is worthy of
it. Shame that they don’t stick around often.
Spades: ​I like how they keep an open mind about things, makes it easier to plan things with
Swords: ​ They’re much like lightning. They flash beautifully before disappearing and can leave
behind fires in their wake.
Tears: ​There is but one thing that the people should find in their own hearts, and that is the total
devotion to Alhambra.
Storms:​ If you’re looking for something, then look for some Darkspawn to kill already.
Mirrors: ​A journey to find yourself? I looked in the mirror and liked what I see. Now what?
Queen of Wands 
AKA: ​The Ironclad General, The Golden Hearted Queen
Follower’s Epithets: ​Laborers, Workwomen/Workmen, Ores (Sometimes Derogatory)
Kingdom: ​Gonel

All I see around me these days are people who are moping about their own lives, crying that you
can’t do anything right and that everything you touch goes to shit. You know what I think? I
don’t think anyone is even trying. I mean, hear me out. Your life can suck, and it can be in the
shitter, I know, but haven’t you tried working harder to make it better? I mean, you get exactly
what you put in, and if you don’t do anything, then what else can you expect?
Come on, let’s refine that crummy metal of yours and make it shine.

The Queen of Wands rallies her Princess to go forth and put their all into making the world a
better place. The Followers of Wands find that the world can be made into a better place, all it
takes is a willing hand and hard work to make the world stronger and shine brighter.

Tales of the Kingdom

The Kingdom of Gonel was once inhospitable badlands that was unsustainable for life. The
Queen of Wands took that as a challenge and with nothing more than hard work and helping
hands, she carved out her kingdom into a hospitable land with fertile soil. Her castle is carved
into the side of a cliff, before which her lands spread outwards, showcasing the merits of hard

The Queen herself looks intimidating, whether up close or from afar due to her enormous,
bodybuilder physique. Her clothes tend to be airy or form fitting, allowing flexibility and
freedom of movement, giving practicality in all areas and almost always showing off the guns.
Her face is almost always in a scowl or filled with intensity. Those who know her realize the
meaning of “Appearances deceive”. The Queen is a kind and gentle woman, sweeping aside any
first impression based on appearance by her kind personality. For hers is a keen eye; she can pick
up on missing details or parts in a Princess’s problems that’s actually at fault. She’s never
degrading, for to her life is a work in progress and everyone has their flaws, even a Queen still
has to sharpen her sword to be at peak condition. She listens to all proceedings in the court, after
having everything she needs, she gets to work and cuts through proceedings with ease and

Whenever the Queen is travelling amongst her Kingdom, it serves as part inspection and
appraisal. There is merit in those who do their parts well as well as those who have shown their
work. The only way to fail at anything in Gonel is to not try and give it your best in the first
place. Some wonder how such a Queen who sees fault in herself can rule a Kingdom. She and
her kingdom agree that they are at heart perfectionists who always seek to improve things.

Out of all the merits the Queen of Wands has for her Kingdom, the greatest merit she holds to
her heart is the hard work and humility.

Service Is Its Own Reward

The Philosophy is what it says on the tin. The act of doing your duty for the good of others is
enough of a reward. It doesn’t necessarily encourage working in the shadows or decreasing your
own merits to make it seem like you did nothing or rejecting anything required to live (like food
or money). But each service rendered or duty completed is something that aids someone else in
living their lives or helps make their lives easier. Compensation for services rendered is good
enough if you need them to live, but this philosophy recognizes that being good for the sake of
being good is a reward on it’s own that keeps on giving.

Iron Is Stronger Than Gold

Everyone is like a metal in this world, where each person has their own shine and luster to them.
And yet like metal, each person has their own limits, fragility, things they can and cannot do.
The Queen of Wands deems that it is not in appearance or worth of one’s appearance that helps
people, but how strong they can hold up in whatever field they work in. Gold is good for
currency and embroidery, but it cannot hold up the strain of buildings and everyday life like Iron

The point is, people have places where they have their strengths and weaknesses, but what truly
matters is how well they hold to their duties and can work the best in to make things better for
everyone around them.

Loyalty To The Light

Only united in their service to the light and the greater good of the people can the Nobles truly
shine, be they Noble, Human or otherwise. Disloyalty is a tool of the Darkness to divide and
conquer. If the Nobles ever allow such petty bickering to divide them, they will undoubtedly fall.
Thus the Queen of Wands believes that all Princesses should stand by their friends, her court, her
fellows, her people and anyone else who is an ally for what they struggle towards. There can be
differences of opinion or belief, even ideas on methods to take, but the only truly grevious
offense to an Ore is that of betrayal.
The duty of a Laborer is to simply put her all into whatever she works at. Whether it’s getting rid
of a Taint, helping a person kick their harmful habits or learning a piece of information that is
forbidden to them, it’s their job to work hard and never give up until they succeed.

In times of war, Champions of Wands are the first to lead the charge, the ones in the middle of
the fray and the very last to leave when making sure that every enemy is dealt with. Their
techniques have been worked to perfection, and even those bad at combat are surprisingly
durable and cover for their weaker allies. In times of peace, they tend to do work that involves
either manual labor and/or working as a team. Such jobs can include farm work, construction
sites, taking care of things that keep the workplace running or the like.

The Graces of Wands blur the line between coworker and leader. Like a coworker, they will
work at the same level as those they try to help, and like a leader they try to give a direction and
take the job into the same direction, leading from the front rather than sitting back and letting
other people take care of things. Their authority comes more from practical skill and experience,
and most are not afraid of doing any ground work. They also try to make the workplace a
hospitable environment, trying to smooth over coworker dramas and try to get people work
through clenched teeth rather than clenched fists.

Menders of Wands work to perfect themselves and those around them. They try to push people
to exceed their limits while healing those who get hurt in the process, with a reminder that it’s ok
to take a break once in awhile. Given Wand’s penchant for labor, most of the Menders find
themselves working as mechanics, maintenance workers, fitness trainers, as well as surgeons and
medical personnel that work as a team.

The Seekers of Wands usually find themselves taking jobs that provide a challenge or that takes
hard work or determination to achieve results in. Paleontology and archaeology are two fields
one can find them, though some may work in dangerous areas that others fear to tread. Lawyers
and detectives both have claimed the banner of Wands before.

The Troubadours of Wands arts are varied, depending on their stance of what hard work entails.
Some simply try to inspire others that their hard work does pay off, promotes a good work ethic
and try to help people along. Others try to mix the line of art and innovation, creating artwork
that has practical utility as much as it serves as art. How many times does one think of their
vehicle as beautiful when it was earned with money, afterall?

The Nobles who make up the Court of Wands often come up from two groups of people: those
who enjoy labor, or those who enjoy hard work. Those who do it for labor aren’t exactly the type
who actually like what they do. In fact, it’s quite possible that they could hate whatever they
work in. What is important is that the labor working ones always have a good work ethic and
strive to do their best job possible. Even if they dislike what they do, they recognize that
someone has to do some jobs and not everyone can get cushy positions. Since most of these jobs
involve physical labour, it does help that most Metallo Charms make mundane tasks easier.

Those who do things for the sake of hard work are those who devote their lives to their work.
There is no surrender, no retreat, no giving up ground when it comes to what they do, and many
of these types of people seek to do the best they can do to ensure that those they work for are as
satisfied as well as themselves. Plenty of these kinds of people serve as athletes, body builders,
workforce managers and whatnot. In either case, plenty of the Courtiers of Wands can be found
on the lower rungs of society.

Signature Emotions: Humility and Determination

No action done in this world is an effort caused by just one person. Did you think that Rome was
built only by Romulus and Remus? Or that the Fall was caused by the Darkness alone or was it
helped by the squabbling queens? The point here is that usually a problem isn’t caused by one
person alone. It’s caused by multiple people or factors that feed into each other and only let the
problem fester more. It’s only through being able to work with one another on the same level,
either being brought low from the perch they once stood on or humbly noting their share of the
work that the foundations of Humility are laid.

Once humility has settled in, then people can get to work together to make great wonders
together. One of the most constraining factors is how much time it will take until their work is
done. If humility is what creates the foundation for the Court of Wands, then it is the
Determination to see the job done right that encourages everyone to work hard to make
something that will last for all time.

Character Creation
It goes without saying that the Court of Wands tends to love having Strength, Dexterity and
Stamina as they are the outward most expression of showing the benefits of hard work, and even
those not so great in them find them being developed the longer they stay in the court. Resolve
and Presence are also equally practiced, due to the strength to keep oneself past their limits or by
the force of their personality. Athletics and Crafts are common as is Investigation. Given the use
of customizable Fight Charms, some of the more martially inclined had or picked up on
Weaponry, Brawl and Firearms.
When it comes to merits, Wands tends to disproportionately lean towards Physical Merits. Of
these, Double Jointed, Iron Skin and Iron Stamina are common, as are the presence of one or
more Fighting Styles. Socially, the Court of Wands tends to eschew Status in favor of Allies,
Contacts or Hobbyist Clique. Mandate and Circle are equally delved into, as the Wands find the
light shining the most in their work and their comrades. Mental Merits are common amongst
those who put their work ethic towards more scholarly or lawful based tasks.

The Regalia for Nobles of Wands have the tendency to follow the same structure as their queen.
Clothing that is non-restrictive and practical for most occasions, but regalia that looks more
armored or has some fashion of metal in them exists as well. Colors tend around grey, white,
gold and silver. Though humble looking, they aren’t accustomed to hiding all of their opinions
and some promote those on their regalia.

A Laborers’ Echo is simple. It dulls out vanity and brings attention to your personal bests.

Practical Magic
The Laborers are comrades and teammates first above anything else, that hard work can conquer
anything and know that a strength of a group can last longer than the strength of one. Once per
scene, the Princess may spend a Wisp to add her Metallo to all Extended rolls, effectively
granting herself more dice to use and more rolls she can make for it. If the Princess is working
within a teamwork roll where she's an actor, this benefit extends towards the whole group and
grants the roll the Rote Quality, and the time between each roll is also divided by how many
actors are present.
High Belief increases this effect. The Princess's Metallo rating is increased by Belief - 7 dots.

Invocation: Metallo
The Ironclad General sharpens the virtues of hard work into the Invocation of Metallo and the
Laborers learn it more easily than any other. Metallo encourages a Princess to work their hardest
and give it their all, the Modesty and determination to improve themselves and everyone else.

Metallo applies at no cost when the target of a Princess’s Charm is any sort of metal or machine.
It also applies at no cost if the Princess is acting out of loyalty to another, in the process of doing
or completing a task or when pushing or helping someone else finish a job they have taken up. It
also applies for no cost when the Princess “takes one for the team” (as in she decides to suffer for
someone else’s sake).
Metallo will not help those who exaggerate or become vain in their endeavors. Any Princess who
claims more than what they have done in the hopes of raising their own importance to be greater
than others makes them lose access to Metallo for the rest of the Scene.

There’s so much Darkness in the world…alright girls, let’s get to work!

Wands Stereotypes on Others

Clubs: ​Making sure everything works together is an integral part of any plan and teamwork.
Diamonds: ​They’re geniuses when it comes to fixing problems and the like, but the actual
legwork requires getting your hands dirty. That’s what we’re here for.
Hearts: ​Remember that you serve the people as much as they serve you.
Spades: ​What better way to find fault in something foolproof than bringing in a better fool? This
is meant to be a compliment of course.
Swords: ​I can get the job done without the grandiose gestures, but thanks for offering to help.
Cups: ​If you’re looking for something, I have some jobs I may need some help on.
Pentacles: ​Silver is beautiful, but it eventually tarnishes without proper care. Such is the same
for them if they gaze too long without regard for themselves.
Tears: ​Your determination is worth so much more than a Kingdom beyond saving. You could
use all that effort to start anew in anywhere but the Dark World.
Storms: ​You’ll have to go through me first before you torch that building and everyone in it.
Mirrors: ​You do realize there’s no “I” in “Team”, right? Rebuilding the Kingdom is a team

Vampires: ​You’d have to wonder how much headway a group of immortals would make if they
put the same effort they put into hiding into more beneficial plans.
Werewolves: ​Underneath all that unwillingness to get close to others, you can see the bonds they
have with each other and the toll their work has taken on them.
Mages: ​Alright, I get it that you have magical powers, but so does almost everyone else in this
world. What makes you more special than anyone else?
Prometheans: ​Just keep it up. You’ll have to go elsewhere, but just keep it up. You’ll get it
Changelings: ​You’ve worked hard enough to get back here. Let us show why bonds forged in
Iron wins in the end.
Sin-Eaters: ​The efforts they make to ease the dead out of the world are commendable. If only
some of the dead didn’t require gruesome ways to do so.
Mummies: ​I’d like the lengths you go to complete your duties if you weren’t such a sociopath
for them.
Demons: ​A lesson on why you never take the easy way out, because there is consequences for
signing the line.
Beasts: ​The only thing they “serve” with their lessons is themselves and their unyielding hunger.
Mad Scientists: ​I admire the lengths you go to towards making your machines work for
mankind, but you shouldn’t whittle down your dreams because they don’t work.
Leviathans: ​Come on you guys! Cut the shit or I’ll have to do it for you!
Hunters: ​Alright men, time to work on your exercises! You will be using this stuff when you’re
going against the Darkspawn!
Mortals: ​Evening miss, anything I can do to help today?

Finn the Human, Applejack

Other Courts on Wands

Clubs: ​Hard work leads to a life of honor, but true work comes from being able to have
discipline from doing so. Yet where would we be if they did not put forth the effort to make the
works of others possible?
Diamonds: ​They’re definitely more than muscle. I wish they’d take the chance to realize that.
Hearts: ​The attitude of a laborer with the strength of a group. Perhaps the best we all could be if
they didn’t tend to take the burden on their shoulders alone.
Spades: ​They take being at the end of the jokes all in stride and make up for what they can’t do
with what they can take.
Swords: ​Hard work and tempering in fire is all it takes.
Tears: ​Perhaps their hearts can be bought once more.
Storms: ​Who gives a shit about redemption!? Every single Darkened is a potential Darkspawn
and must die! Get in my way and you’re joining them!
Mirrors: ​You’re right, there is no “I” in “Team”. But there is a “Me”, and that’s close enough.
Queen of Pentacles 
AKA: ​The Hierophant Queen, The Quicksilver Regent, The Gazer of the Beyond
Follower’s Epithets: ​Priests, Priestesses, Prophets, Judges
Kingdom: ​Crystal Heril
People aren’t afraid of the future. Yes, the future is uncertain and little speaks of what it holds.
However, despite that uncertainty, people are not afraid of the future. More appropriately,
they’re afraid of the past.

See, it goes like this: People make their mistakes in the past, which leads to them regretting them
and they stop themselves from making the same mistakes again. Even though the past held
completely different circumstances, that was enough to leave scars that clouds their judgment
and makes people miss opportunities because they’re afraid as they were then. When the same
event happens, it’s not the circumstances that creates failure, but rather the person is making the
notion preconceived by default.

Are you ready to break from the chains of the past and look to the bright future?

The Light blooms from within humanity. Each human has a chance to embrace that shimmering
brillance to brighten the world, even if they aren’t Nobles. But this light is easily dimmed,
fogged over by each beings’ own reluctance to embrace the future due to past suffering and
mistakes. The Queen of Pentacles believes the best way to let this light shine is to clear away the
darkness that dims people’s vision so they can look to the future without bias and go upon the
right path.

Tales of the Kingdom

The Queen of Pentacles peers all over her kingdom of Crystal Heril from her palace of crystal
towers and spyglasses. From her throne of silver, she wields her magics to view all sorts of
issues and problems that could occur for her kingdom at large, coming up with solutions or ways
to solve them before they can even come to pass. Without such issues taking up her time, the
Queen has a plethora of time available to her to partake in her Kingdom’s discussions on the
nature of the Light as well as the disputes brought to her doorstep.

By day, the Palace of Five Folded Stars serves as an auditorium, where her people can dispute
the nature of the Light and what it means to be good and just. By night, the palace serves as a
courtroom where the Princesses of Pentacles sort through the disputes that are brought to them
by the other Kingdoms, from minor lover’s quarrels to grevious crimes like murder. The Queen
herself is known to join these discussions and cases when they reach their most complicated
points, or become too overrun with emotion. She calmly reminds everyone of the nature of the
Light and that nothing bad should be allowed to occur. She then proceeds to aid the disputes with
nothing more than unbiased reasoning and careful thought.

The Queen is best described as a beautiful woman with silver hair, eyes and smile that can calm
the most enraged of hearts. She sometimes shifts between forms, that of a young maiden, a
woman the age of motherhood, and occasionally that of a crone. She often takes the form that
would best deal with the Princess she would be speaking to. As a young maiden, she speaks as if
she’s one of the Princess’s best friends and talks energetically. As a woman, she speaks with a
compassionate tone and in a motherly way, as if she’s the mother the Princess never had. As a
crone, she speaks with the ages of wisdom and years of experience, and sometimes in a rambling
way that she could go on through the night. In all of her forms, she maintains an air of serenity
no matter how gruesome the topic is, and allows the Princess to bring up almost anything they
can when trying to make a decision with her. In all cases, she keeps the Princess from letting her
emotions or biases get in the way of logical thinking, and notes as such if the Princess is getting
to that point.

The Queen of Pentacles calls for understanding and wisdom as well as judgment to carry out
what the princess believes is good for the situation.

Eyes Like a Clear Sky

Nobles are both blessed and burdened with power. Power that they can use to fight against
injustice, inspire those around them, heal wounds and fix tragedies. However, with power comes
temptations. It wouldn’t be hard to use it to hurt your bullies, or to abuse it to help yourself at the
cost of harming others, or to merely withhold help from someone else because of how they
screwed you over.

Emotions are a repository for a Princess’s power. And sometimes, emotions can get in the way of
doing the right thing. The Queen of Pentacles believes that when a Princess does something, she
should not let her emotions or prejudices cloud her vision. To do so would make your decision
predestined by choice, and as a result can feed into tragedies that could’ve been easily avoided if
she had simply thought through what she was going to do.

Clarity of Consequence
Out of all things, many Princesses balk at the idea of necessary evil. Good should be done to
ensure the world is in a better place. As the Priestesses note, it’s not possible to always have a
purely good ending. With their magic to see the future, it’s quite possible to make note of
multiple futures with at least some bad in them, and this serves true in the World of Darkness. As
a result, the Queen believes in the simple idea of Consequentialism: The ends serve to justify the
means. If one of the best options calls for bad actions to ensure it, then the Princess should do
what needs to be done to ensure it happens for the good of the Light.

Of course, this doesn’t mean the Princess must do bad things to ensure good endings when
they’re available. The ends are not an excuse. Just as a Princess has magic that could forsee a bad
ending, she also has plenty of magic that can ensure a good ending and provide solutions that a
majority of humanity cannot use in everyday life. It’s possible to avoid causing tragedies for
good endings as well.

The Nature of Good

The nature of good is something that has been disputed over by centuries upon centuries of
theologians and philosophers. People have died, gone to war, and suffered over what they think
or believe is right. It is hard to create one objective standard for people of different countries, and
even the Kingdoms disputed over what good was. The Queen of Pentacles shuns all of the
unnecessary violence, and merely states that the nature of good is something that’s completely
subjective to each person and their own viewpoints, and that nobody holds the right to infringe
upon another’s viewpoint of what good is, lest it hurts another.

The duties of the Priestesses sound surprisingly simple. They are to merely look with clear eyes
and mind, and to make their decisions or plans without bias or emotions guiding their decisions.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that Princesses of Pentacles do not feel emotion, especially given
how emotions fuel all Princesses magic. They simply try not to let them get in the way of what
they must do or what they’ve decided to do when they thought it through. Even if a Judge
decided that a Darkened must die, it is not because they bore those dots of Tempesta born of
their belief that the Darkness must die. It is because they saw no better solutions or that this was
the best solution available to them.

The Champions of Pentacles often face their biggest battles before the fights even begin. They
try to gauge both their own strengths and weaknesses and that of their foes, trying to minimize
harm to herself and her allies and maximize the effects of her and her allies efforts upon their
foes. Their charms also aid in being able to strike from afar or in unseen ways that cuts down
their problems before they can be more of one. In mundane life, Champions often serve as
policemen and women, levying the weight of the law and those they must judge with equal
Graces of Pentacles find themselves answering one of two calls from their Court: either trying to
teach their philosophies to those around them so they may cast off the chains of the past and bias,
or using their clear minds to make the hardest of decisions upon their fellow men and women.
The former draws the nobles into what gives the court’s followers the epithets of Priestesses,
joining different religions (or even starting their own) in hopes to spread goodness and the light
to the masses. The latter gives cause as to why the court’s followers have the epithet of Judges,
laying sentences upon those who have committed crimes, protecting the innocent and using their
charms to see the truth of the matter. Lawyers who place the truth above court victories can also
be seen within the Court.

The Menders of Pentacles work not only to cure diseases and sick minds, but also seek to create
ways that the illness will not come to harm their patients in the future. They are firm believers
that it’s better to have been protected in the first place than to catch the disease and then cure it,
and try to give ways to their patients to keep themselves healthy. For more ingrained trauma, like
a leg that has healed wrong in the past or deep mental scarring from abuse as a child, they are not
above using their charms to make it as if those issues never happened, directly restoring them to
a time they did not face them.

Just as the Seeker calling is an epitome of the Court of Diamonds, it is equally the epitome of the
Court of Pentacles. Their value on having a clear mind and the allowance of bad actions (if only
they’re truly necessary) to allow good ends make them wonderful decision makers who learn of
all problems of human life and create solutions to lead it down to the right path. It also helps that
Learn holds the best of their scrying and prophecy charms as well.

Troubadours of Pentacles study the inner workings of human nature, emphasizing the inherent
goodness within people that could make a better world if they could only let it shine. Sometimes
their art is a critique on damaging policies, or directed at certain people she wishes to change for
the better. They occasionally hide omens in their work, warning people of upcoming disasters
that could be prevented if they act now.

Those who would join the Court of Pentacles realize that there is value in taking caution and
thinking things through instead of blindly going into things and hoping all will work out fine.
Some have learned from making horrible mistakes themselves, or after the terrible results of
letting their emotions make their decisions for them. Others have watched the people around
them make such mistakes, only for those people to never even learn from it and how they could
avoid it in the future.
Some courtiers come to the Court of Pentacles due to a disposition towards their nature as
Nobles and all that it entails. Many wish to learn about their own nature and what exactly it
means to be of the Light. Others wish to find the bigger answers to life that may now be within
their grasp thanks to their newfound powers. A few religious Princesses are known to join
Pentacles in part that Pentacle’s philosophies can fit the lenses of their beliefs, as well as aid
them in making sense of the world after becoming Princesses.

Signature Emotions: Contemplation and Judgement

If there is one thing that is absolutely certain with all kinds of people, it’s that they all have their
biases formed over the topics they care about. Their friends, their family, their government,
anything they like or dislike about subjects, people, places and things. Most people let these
cloud their heads and divide the world into black and white. Though absolutes are tempting, this
is not the way of a Noble of Pentacles. For them, the best path is one taken after taking the time
to set aside their other emotions and feelings and make the way to contemplate clearly without

After they have had enough time to contemplate upon their actions and paths, then it’s time for
the Judges to act out whatever plans they have thought out for it using their judgement in the
matter for the best outcome.

Character Creation
The Court of Pentacles values insight and clarity, and as such many tend to form or have high
ratings in Composure, Wits and Intelligence, as they are often the most used traits in precision
decision-making and to review facts and details as well as noticing minute changes. Academics
and Investigation are practiced for much of the same reasons, as well as Occult for those who
study planes or beings beyond the normal mortal realm. Expression and Subterfuge are practiced
to spread their wisdom as well as hiding knowledge lest it fall into the wrong hands.

The Court of Pentacles tends to use Mental Merits such as Common Sense, Eye for the Strange
and Trained Observer, even Eidetic Memory and Encyclopedic Knowledge. Memory is
tantamount to recalling details to take in when making decisions. Perhaps more so than other
courts the Court of Pentacles tends to practice Princess only merits if it means to understand the
nature and forms of the Light even better than before.

The regalia of Pentacles usually suggests the ideas of someone people can look up to for
inspiration or that radiates natural goodness. Many of them take the forms of being someone of
higher authority, usually something befitting to their calling. Some take inspiration from heroes
of the past, bringing past ideals of nobility, goodness, or whatever kind of goodness the Princess
believes to be best in the present. Especially popular with the younger Princesses of Pentacles is
looking like heroes from modern media like from anime or cartoons. It goes without saying that
the magical girl genre is the most popular by far. Their forms may also come in a menagerie of
colors, but the court as a whole usually utilizes blacks, whites and greys somewhere within their

The Priestess’s Echo helps clear thoughts to focus on problems without any distractions.

Practical Magic
The magic of Pentacles is the path of clairvoyance and choosing the correct path, and it’s
reflected within the practical magic of the Judges. At any time, the Princess may spend one wisp
to take an Aspiration, Dream or Vocation and make it into the Destiny Condition. The Princess
may craft her Destiny with one path in mind for fulfilling the Aspiration/Dream/Vocation. For all
rolls involved in fulfilling the Destiny Condition, the Princess gains her Vuoto Invocation as a
bonus to these rolls until the Destiny is fulfilled. With High Belief, the effect heightens. The
Princess may increase her Vuoto rating by Belief - 7 dots.

Drawback: W ​ hen one path is chosen, the Judge closes off all other alternate routes. If the
Princess attempts to fulfill the Destiny in other ways than how she specified, the Princess takes
her original rolls as penalties to all other attempts to fulfill it. High Belief doesn’t grant further
penalties nor bonuses to this. So a Princess whose Destiny is to “convict Al Capone for the death
of Luigi” has sealed herself off from “convicting Al Capone for tax evasion”.

Invocation: Vuoto
The Queen of Pentacles values clarity and foresight, which is emphasized within the invocation
of Vuoto through which her Priests and Priestesses learn better than any other. It is the
invocation that emphasizes contemplation, cognition, the clarity of insight as well as the Element
of Void. Unlike the Lacrima invocation, the Element of Void isn’t the Darkness that takes Light
from the world, but rather it is the emptiness that constricts reality into a form and that can be
passed through, from which they can peer across the depths of Space and see through the annals
of Time.

Vuoto applies at no cost if the Princess is standing below a star filled sky or a full moon without
any sort of obstruction to it. It also applies for free if the Princess’s target is a device or form of
ritual that she does to help herself decide on a conflict, or even a tool she uses for scrying, if the
Princess is trying to clear her mind, to stop distractions from a cause or to aid her in judgment. It
also applies at no cost if she’s trying to stop a bad action from being taken, or she means to cause
a good ending after thinking through how she goes about it.

Vuoto does not appreciate those who let bias do their thinking for them. Should the princess let
herself be swayed by someone else’s preconceived notion on a subject or let herself be kept by
her own biased opinions stopping someone else from doing an action, Vuoto is banned for the
rest of the scene.

Several Vuoto charms distort time and space, and while the latter is much easier to use or
withstand, Time is always running and unyielding, the farther along one wishes to affect the
more it’ll stand in the way of the Princess. Consult this table when it comes to Vuoto charms that
deal with Temporal Flux. This deals with both pulling from the past as well as from the future.
Pentacles Practical Magic can negate these modifiers.

Temporal Flux Penalties Applied

Within a Day 0

Within a Week -1

Within a Month -2

Within a Year -3

Within 5 Years -4

Within a Decade -5

Every Additional Ten Years An additional -1

The light can only shine if the ways showing it are unclouded.

Pentacles Stereotypes on Others

Clubs: ​They focus more on the present than the future, but their ability to adapt to changing
situations is one most like to overlook.
Diamonds: ​Your use of science is unparalleled, but your knowledge and applications of it mean
nothing if you can’t communicate it to those you try to help.
Hearts: ​Those who don’t remember the past are doomed to repeat it, but they seem to have very
good memories and fix the mistakes of the past.
Spades: ​When you want a laugh or an unexpected solution, they’re very good at providing both.
Swords: ​They say the cries of a newborn child are the lamentations of the life before. You may
sacrifice yourself for those you love, but how would they feel if you’re not there anymore?
Cups: ​I can show you the end of your journey, but I doubt you’d want spoilers. Knowledge
without understanding is empty.
Wands: ​Their power lies not in their actions, but how their perseverance will keep their actions
echoing throughout time.

Tears: ​Even a blind man could see what you’re doing is wrong, and a mute person could tell you
to move out of Alhambra. All the suffering you spread isn’t necessary, and no amount of
flaunting your “superiority” changes the fact that you’ve caused harm for what your loved ones
never would have wanted.
Storms: ​Impulsiveness is what kills them and everyone else, all because they’re too blinded by
rage to see the destruction they wreak.
Mirrors: ​It’s like looking into a funhouse mirror. Seeing an inverted version of yourself that
only grows more twisted and warped the farther you go.

Vampires: ​How fitting that they can only thrive in the night. With their societies, their futures
are bleak.
Werewolves: ​Always think of what to say and how you say it. The last thing you want is
someone tearing you to shreds for speaking the truth.
Mages: ​To be able to touch a higher world and return with its power…if only the Light were as
Prometheans: ​You’re stuck in a dark tunnel, trying to find the light at the end. Let me give you
some directions.
Changelings: ​Fate can be beaten, and all stories eventually end.
Sin-Eaters: ​If you share a bond with something that’s dead, then you really haven’t escaped
death, have you?
Mummies: ​I know for a fact that I would be a better judge than those things you work for.
Demons: ​Believe me, I can handle the truth if you’d just stop lying.
Beasts: ​You do realize that the monster always gets slain at the end? Now wasn’t supposed to be
the time of your demise, but for the interests of everyone else I have to make it that way.
Mad Scientists: ​I don’t need charms to see that this is a bad idea.
Leviathans: ​…There are just some things I’d like to forget I saw too.
Hunters: ​Do any of you ever look into who you hunt? Whether it would be good or not to take
them down?
Mortals: ​Let us build a glorious future.

Princess Zelda, Shikieiki Yamaxandu

Other Courts on Pentacles

Clubs: ​Looking deep into the future has its benefits, yet the flashes they gain is but a single
spark from the whirling maelstrom of the future.
Diamonds: ​Using magical solutions for problems isn’t mass reproducible, no matter how nice it
would be to do so.
Hearts: ​Viewing too much into the future may make them blind to the present.
Spades: ​What’s the worth of a surprise if they see the punchline before I even planned it?
Swords: ​Their eerie serenity for a greater good is like the second a flame flickers out. Both
beautiful and haunting.
Tears:​ They think they know everything, yet they haven’t governed the last bastion of the Light
for eons. Only our Queen is truly wise.
Storms: ​Point where the next batch of Darkspawn is or fuck off.
Mirrors: ​Don’t tell me what to do! I’m the True Heir! The True Queen told me so!
Chapter Two: The Forgotten Powers of Love 
The powers of the Pre-Twilight Courts is very much like the powers of the Hopeful. In this
chapter, the charms and Practical Magic they’ve held shall be reviewed.

Practical Magic for Princesses and Sworn

The Practical Magic of the Pre-Twilight Courts are the same format as all other Courts in that
they rely on which Queen the Princess is following. The Court’s Practical Magics are listed in
their own entries. As for the Practical Magic of the Sworn, their practical magic differs as per
● Cups: The Queen of Cups encourages her Sworn that they have the same rights as her
Princesses, even as they do not share the same level of powers. For the Sworn of Cups,
they may declare a set of Skills (Physical, Mental or Social) and upon spending a wisp,
divide their dots in Fulmine within the selected Skills. As with the normal Practical
Magic, they may change this once per scene.
● Wands: The Queen of Wands encourages hard work no matter what station you’re at, and
the Sworn of Wands are taught how practical their magic actually is. When the Sworn of
Wands is aiding in a Teamwork roll, instead of rolling normally they may choose to
spend a Wisp and add their Metallo rating as a bonus to the roll.
● Pentacles: The Queen of Pentacles speaks of wisdom and fate, as well as the ability to
change fate not needing to be big or small to her Sworn. When a Sworn of Pentacles is
acting to avert a bad outcome, be it making a prophecy wrong or averting a Doom, the
Sworn may spend a wisp to add their Vuoto to their rolls that concern averting the worst
outcome for a scene.

The Charms of the Pre-Twilight follow the same system and set of rules from the Corebook as
with all charms. Given whatever drawback that follows Twilight Courts, they do not seem to
plague the Radiant Courts, which is a blessing in of itself. Therefore, none of the Pre-Twilight
Invocations have any drawbacks into their charms that stem from the invocation itself.

Noble Merits
The Fall didn’t only cause the Kingdom and many of the invocations lost to present day
Princesses, but it also caused many things attached to that magic to fade as well. Unless
otherwise stated, these merits are reserved for the Hopeful.

Maskless Mask (3)

Prerequisite:​ Fulmine 1
Your character understands the paradox that mundanity can grant a magic all its own. You may
learn and retain Supernatural Merits whose dot ratings are equal to or less than your dots in
Fulmine, and you may use them while untransformed.
Drawback: ​The mantles of mundanity and Nobility are mutually exclusive. If you Transform,
you may not use Supernatural Merits for the remainder of the scene. If you use a Supernatural
Merit, you may not transform for the remainder of the scene.

Dream or Vocation?
Given the factor of Princess the Hopeful having two core books, each with a different vision for
how the game should proceed and the like, the only real difference that can be recognized by the
Supplement is the Charms that would be specific for either version. As such, there will be an
added section below certain charms called “​Version​”, with the addition of either “​Dream​” or
“​Vocation​” after it to denote which version it would best belong to.

Of course, if your Storyteller allows for buying charms in the other version than the one you’re
using for playing Princess the Hopeful, then by all means it can be applied toward the
supplement as well.

Grey Masquerade (Appear 1) - All Sheltering (Fulmine 2)
Cost: ​+Wisps equal to target’s Supernatural Advantage
The Princess’s masquerade grows to shelter all types of supernaturals, not just those of the Light.

Phantom (Appear 2) - Upgrade: Sensory (Fulmine 2)

Requires Lasting
The illusion lasts as long as it is within the Princess’s sensory range.
Upgrade: On and Off (Vuoto 2)
Requires Lasting
The Princess may choose to stop the illusion from existing and choose to apply it elsewhere, but
the illusion lasts for only a Scene.

Soul Cloak (Appear 2, Fulmine 1)

Action: Instant, Wits + Expression
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Scene
A Mask doesn’t need to show how she actually is. She can choose how she wishes to appear to
others. When this charm is used, the Princess may choose to make her Aura look differently to
magical and/or psychic observers. Each success allows her to change one color or fact of her
aura, and those trying to pierce the deception starts a Clash of Wills.
Upgrade: Shared
Cost: 1 Wisp

The Princess may affect another’s aura with this charm. If the target doesn’t wish for their aura
to be messed with, the roll is contested by their Resolve + Composure.
Upgrade: Halloween Outfit (Fulmine 3)
Cost: 1 Willpower

With this upgrade, the Princess can remove or give herself traits of supernatural creatures,
allowing her to have the aura of a vampire or werewolf, or allowing her aura to appear
completely mundane. If the Princess also uses the Shared Upgrade, she can change the aura of
another supernatural creature as well.

Disorientation (Appear 2, Fulmine 2)

Action: Instant and Resisted, Wits + Expression – Target’s Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Fulmine Turns
The Princess jolts her target, making their senses go haywire.

Dramatic Failure:​ The Princess is shocked herself. She suffers a penalty equal to her Fulmine
Dots to all rolls involving senses.
Failure:​ Nothing Happens.
Success:​ The Princess succeeds. Her target’s senses become all jumbled and messed up, giving
him a penalty equal to the Princess’s successes to rolls involving his senses.
Exceptional Success: ​Extra successes are their own reward.

Extraordinarily Mundane (Appear 2, Metallo 3)

Action: Instant, Dexterity + Stealth
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Scene

Princesses already have amazing amounts of protection for their mundane identities, but their
Transformed state still draws attention. The Princess may use this charm to make herself, as well
as any active Regalia charms she’s using or implements one wouldn’t be seen in public with (like
an actual gun), seem mundane. For mundane observers, they must get more successes than the
Princess did in using this charm in order to perceive anything off with her. The elderly may think
her outfit is simply a fad, while the younger generations might think the Princess is simply in a
new trend (or in the more extravagant cases, cosplaying), but nothing special to think about.

This charm automatically ends if the Princess does something that warrants notice to her, such as
firing her Levinbolt or using a flashy charm.

The Mother’s Shame (Appear 2, Vuoto 2)

Action: Instant and Resisted, Manipulation + Expression - Target’s Resolve
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: 1 Scene

Even monsters can stop racking up sins if they knew in some form they were disappointing
someone else they loved. The Princess may use this charm if someone is in the process of a
horrible act that would constitute as at least a Breaking Point for the offender carrying it out.

How the Princess appears differs from target to target. An unrepentant murderer may see the face
of their mother in shame. A hunter might see the face of his deity turned away from his actions.
However it appears, the Princess’s image inspires shame into the target and imposes her
successes as a penalty to his actions while the target is in the Princess’s vicinity.

The Princess is free to attack her target, but her successes can’t impose a penalty greater than the
Target’s Integrity or Equivalent. The charm fails to activate against beings with no Integrity, and
it automatically ends if the Princess is outside of the target’s vicinity or if the Target succeeds in
their act.
Upgrade: Were You Watching The Whole Time? (Vuoto 3)
Cost: 1 Willpower

The Princess’s whole appearance and demeanor shifts, becoming a very convincing illusion of
what the target would feel shame if he knew they knew what he was up to. For the duration of
the scene, the Princess also takes the form that the charm imposes on her and the effects of this
charm doesn’t automatically end if the target succeeds in their act.
Upgrade: What Were You Thinking? (Vuoto 4)
While the Princess is around the target, she also gains her successes as a bonus to persuading the
target to do otherwise or to change their ways. These successes do not share the same cap as the
Penalties do when it comes to the Target’s Integrity or equivalent.

Foundation (Appear 2, Metallo 1)

Prerequisite: Any Uninvoked Appear Charm
Action: Instant, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: same as Charm used
Illusions are always so flimsy, so easy to break. With this charm, they can last longer. When
using any uninvoked Appear charm, the Princess can apply this charm onto it. The illusion
created is considered to have a number of Health dots or points of Structure equal to the
Princess’s dots in Metallo. If the illusion suffers damage that exceeds the number of Health
Boxes or Structure Points given by this charm (no damage is able to be upgraded and lesser
damage cannot be pushed off the side), then the illusion breaks.

Hallowed Hearth (Appear 3) - Upgrade: Scrying (Vuoto 3)

Version: Vocation
Cost: 1 Wisp
Spying and attempting to breach a palace draws its Noble’s gaze as well. A Princess may weave
this upgrade only when first affecting a place. When a possible intruder attempts spying on the
place or breaking into it, even by supernatural means, the Princess may roll her dots in Safe
Place as given by this charm plus her Vuoto. Success allows for the Princess to get a general idea
of where the possible intruder is at and what he’s doing. Exceptional Success lets the Princess
know exactly where the intruder is at and what he is doing. The vision gained lasts Vuoto + Safe
Place Dots from this charm Turns.

Goccia Astrale (Appear 3)

This charm faces no changes, but gives examples upon what the Princess may use involving the
Invocations element.
Fulmine: Electricity or electric charge
Metallo: Any type of metal
Vuoto: Starlight or a recorded image of the princess.

What The Eye Perceives (Appear 3, Fulmine 3)

Action: Instant and Resisted, Intelligence + Persuasion - Target’s Composure
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: One Scene

...can fool the brain. The Princess pulls images from the target’s own mind, affecting one of his
senses and changing something he perceives into something else. When the Princess uses the
Charm, she picks one of the five senses the Target has use of. This does mean that blind and deaf
people cannot be affected in terms of sight and hearing respectively.
Dramatic Failure: ​The Princess instead messes up her own senses. Pick a sense that the Princess
chose to use. The next perception roll that the Princess rolls using that sense dramatically fails.
Failure: ​The Target’s brain cannot be fooled at the moment.
Success: ​The Princess successfully fools the target’s sense and makes him perceive one thing
that tunes to that sense as a different kind. For example, an underage Princess could target sight
on a bouncer and make them see the Princess holding her phylactery as a girl holding up her
identification. Or she could make the shoulder of someone he touches feel colder than ice.

For the most part, the Target is fooled by the charm. But in cases where feeling a certain stimuli
is unfitting in the situation (such as making a person perceive the Princess as a dead relative, or
the Princess tries to appear as the target’s boss and is failing subterfuge rolls), the target’s
perception roll to perceive the sense otherwise takes a penalty equal to the Princess’s successes.
Dramatic Failure means he cannot contest the sensation until the charm ends, failure allows
rerolls, and a success can dispel the Charm as his sense returns to normal.

The Princess may also instead make a target’s sense become defunct, removing the sense of
hearing would cause the Deafened Tilt and sight could cause the Blind Condition. Trying to use
the sense nets the target the usual perception roll to regain use of it.
Exceptional Success: ​Extra Successes are their own reward.
Upgrade: Multiple
Stacks up to 4

The Princess may now choose up to one additional sense to affect with this charm. Each extra
sense affected adds an additional -1 penalty to the target’s perception roll to break the charm.

Deja Vu (Appear 3, Vuoto 2)

Action: Instant and Contested, Presence + Subterfuge vs Resolve + Composure, can be modified
by Temporal Flux
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: 1 Scene

The Princess locks the target into a trance, dredging up memories of calm times of them doing
nothing but committing repetitive acts that distracts them from more important things.

Dramatic Failure: ​Instead of becoming locked in a set of events, the target becomes
extraordinarily alert. Apply the Alert Condition.
Failure: ​The target isn’t locked into events.
Success: ​The target’s mind wanders into a haze, not comprehending his surroundings and failing
to make new memories, but also seeming to do the same thing over and over again to outsider’s
eyes. These events in the target’s mind can only be placid, calm events. They cannot be events
that are traumatic or harmful to the subject. The events being played in the target’s head must
also be events that occurred within the last scene unless the Princess applies the Temporal Flux
modifier to the charm.

The events play out continually in the target’s head until the charm expires, or they’re given an
intense physical stimulus. Anything from a gentle nudge, taking damage and having bright lights
or loud noises go off can break it.
Exceptional Success: ​The princess also learns a bit about the memory that the Target is recurring
Upgrade: Jamais Vu (Vuoto 3)
Cost: 1 Willpower
The Princess may instead choose a set of circumstances or events for the target to follow. She
may make a security guard take a different route instead of the one he normally takes or get a kid
to stay in his house and play in his room as the Princess ponders to deal with the Darkspawn
rising a commotion.

Hidden Treasury (Appear 4, Metallo 3)

Prerequisite: Wallflower
Action: Instant, Intelligence + Stealth; Modified by Intimacy
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: 1 Scene

The Princess hides objects in plain sight, ensuring they will not be found.
Dramatic Failure: ​The object the Princess tried to hide instead stands out, giving +3 to rolls to
find it for the scene.
Failure: ​The charm fails, and the object remains in sight.
Success: ​The Princess hides an object as if it were underneath the effects of the Wallflower
Charm. The object must be at least equal to or less than her Inner Light + Metallo, and she may
choose a number of objects equal to her Metallo. “Objects” can encompass both individual
objects like furniture, seeds of light, bequests, and inanimate fixtures like doors and walls.
Targets trying to find the object or go someplace that has a passage or even whole homes hidden
by this charm requires an extended roll of Wits + Investigation with the Threshold equal to the
Princess’s Composure + Stealth + Inner Light.

The Princess may apply the Intimacy Modifier to affect objects when she isn’t in their presence.
Exceptional Success: ​No attempts to find objects hidden by this succeed.
Upgrade: Consecrated
This charm can be invoked upon Consecrated Ground, allowing the objects to remain hidden
from all observers save the Princess.

Unbreakable Masquerade (Appear 5, Fulmine 4)

Requires Grey Masquerade with All Sheltering Upgrade
Action: Instant and Resisted, Wits + Occult - Target’s Supernatural Advantage
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: 1 Scene

The Princess wipes away all traces of a supernatural nature from her target, making them seem
all too convincingly human.
Dramatic Failure: ​Instead of making a target look more human, it makes them more
supernatural instead. They suffer an appropriate condition for their splat for the duration of the
Failure: ​Nothing happens.
Success: ​The Princess makes the target appear, for all intents and purposes, human. She may
make a Vampire appear as if it has a pulse and normal colored skin (or even just normal for the
Nosferatu), she may make a Mage’s Bedlam Marks disappear, even supernaturals with magical
prosthetics appear like functional limbs. It allows the supernatural to pass all physical tests of
humanity. This power also stops the effects of a higher Supernatural Advantage that harms their
ability to relate to humanity, letting them pass social tests as well. For example, it can stop Jabir
or Werewolf Social Penalties from high Inspiration or Primal Urge respectively. Success in this
charm creates a penalty equal to each success + the Princess’s Inner Light to attempts to discern
a supernatural nature from physical or social abilities alone.

This charm cannot, however, remove mental and spiritual markings of supernatural nature from a
target. It’s an Appear Charm, not Govern or Restore.
Exceptional Success: ​Extra successes are their own reward.
We Rely On You (Bless 1)
This charm remains the same as it was in the books, but given this book adds in three further
Invocations, they can color the charm with their own upgrade (​Dream Version) ​or that can apply
for the Queen’s Commission Upgrade (​Vocation Version).

For the Dream Version, the upgrades strengthen the Blessing to dice per success, but also limits
the blessing to a narrower set of rolls. These upgrades are as follows:
● Path of Lightning (Fulmine 1): ​Rolls that untrained skill penalties apply to, or that the
target lacks a skill specialty for that specific roll. A target may only benefit from this
once per scene.
● Tough As Nails (Metallo 1): ​Rolls using Physical Attributes or Skills.
● Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit (Vuoto 1): ​Rolls that involve fulfilling a Dream or an Aspiration.
Upgrade: Beginner’s Luck
Prerequisite: Tough as Nails Upgrade
When using Tough as Nails on any roll where a dice are added to a Skill ignores the Unskilled

Tough As Nails (Bless 1, Metallo 1)

Action: Instant, Dexterity + Athletics
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene
Version: Vocation

The Princess blesses those with the strength and durability of metal. Success grants the target the
Floating Blessing condition: The affected traits are Physical Skills and the pool starts with two
dice per success.
Upgrade: Polished
The affected traits are now Physical Attributes and Skills.

Ready For Anything (Bless 1, Vuoto 1)

Action: Instant, Composure + Occult
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene
With a wave of the Princess’s hand, future smiles upon the target. Success grants the Target the
Floating Blessing Condition, and the affected rolls are any rolls that suffer Penalties and the pool
starts with two dice per success.

Flash of Lightning (Bless 2, Fulmine 1)

Action: Instant, Presence + Empathy
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene
Version: Vocation

The target gains a brilliant flash from the Noble, something he knows for an instant before
forgetting. Success grants the Floating Blessing Condition: the affected traits are any Skills that
the Target suffers untrained penalties in. She may also decide to grant him specialties in skills
instead that he lacks. It is possible to choose Transformed Skills instead. A target may only
benefit from one instance of this charm per scene.

Alternating Current (Bless 3, Fulmine 1)

Action: Instant, Dexterity + Occult
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene
The Princess picks at the limitation of Bless charms, enabling the charms to go past their limits.
When the Princess herself is the target of a Bless charm and has the Blessing or Floating
Blessing Condition from it, the condition is now affected by the Charmed, added dots may apply
to Charm rolls or rolls to activate a supernatural power. The Princess may only affect uninvoked
charms, uninvoked charms with Fulmine Upgrades or Fulmine charms with this charm.
Upgrade: Direct Current (Fulmine 3)
The path of Fulmine doesn’t require strict devotion to its cause; other paths are acceptable to
follow so long as they are of the Light. The Princess may affect Invoked Charms that use Radiant

A Spoonful of Sugar (Bless 3, Metallo 1)

Action: Instant, Strength + Athletics; modified by Commonality
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Physical Task

The Princess makes all sorts of physical tasks easier for people to complete. She may use this
charm on people who are doing any mundane physical task that takes an extended roll to
complete. For each success gained, reduce the threshold required to complete the task by her
The Princess may use this charm on a singular person or a group. In the latter case, apply the
commonality modifier.
Helps The Medicine Go Down (Metallo 2)
The Princess’s blessing makes the targets more energetic, incapable of falling while there’s work
to be done. While the Princess’s targets are affected by this charm, increase their Stamina by the
Princess’s Metallo.
In the Most Delightful Way (Metallo 3)
Cost: +1 Wisp

The Princess’s magic makes it much faster to accomplish physical feats. Divide the interval
between rolls by the Princess’s Metallo.

Charms of Enhancement (Bless 3, Invocation 2)

The Charms of Enhancement work as intended in both corebooks, with new upgrades added for
the Pre-Twilight Invocations. Each has their own dicepool, and no one target may be under more
than one Charm of Enhancement at a time.
● Sensitive Insight (Fulmine 2): ​Roll Presence + Empathy to enhance a chosen attribute
on a target, up to a limit of the Princess’s own Attribute. The Princess may do this vice
versa to enhance her own attributes by a consenting target’s.
● Refined Steel (Metallo 2): ​Roll Strength + Athletics to enhance a Physical Attribute.
● A Time and Place For Everything (Vuoto 2): ​Roll Composure + Empathy to enhance
any attribute chosen at random that would help a cause the Princess states. These bonuses
only function while helping the cause stated.
Upgrade: Grand/Flexible (Invocation 3)
Version: Vocation (Grand), Dream (Flexible)
The Noble may add dots to all three of the Attributes that the Charm can enhance in a single
activation. She distributes her successes across the Attributes; she still cannot add more than her
dots in the prerequisite Invocation to any one Attribute. For the Dream version, the Princess must
buy this upgrade separately for each invocation.

For Fulmine, the Princess may decide up to her Fulmine in terms of attributes, meaning a
maximum of five attributes may be affected. For Vuoto, the attributes are chosen at random as
per normal.

Blessings Be Upon This House (Bless 4) - Upgrade: Intervention (Fulmine 3)

Version: Vocation
The Princess prepares the place for tolerance and acceptance. She sets up chairs for groups,
prepares vouchers and sets an atmosphere for the start of self-discovery. By applying Fulmine to
the charm, the Princess may create a Blessing that enhances any Attribute or a two attribute roll
in which one of the attributes is one selected beyond her own knowledge.
Upgrade: Workshop (Metallo 3)
Version: Vocation
The Princess prepares the place for work. She gets tools, materials, and able hands and
workspaces to get the ball rolling. ​ ​By applying Metallo to the Charm, she may create a Blessing
that enhances a Physical Attribute, a Physical Skill and Crafts beyond her own knowledge, or a
two-Attribute roll in which one of the Attributes is Physical. She may also help the group make
grand feats by weaving in the Specialities Blessing beyond her own knowledge.
Upgrade: Rectory (Vuoto 3)
Version: Vocation
The Princess sets up a place for spiritual occasions or philosophical disputes. She sets the place
apart from the rest of the world to speak of higher concerns. By applying Vuoto to the charm, a
Princess may create a Blessing that negates Penalties upon rolls using Attributes she selects or
enhance the skills Academics, Investigation, Occult, Science, Expression, or Socialize (beyond
her own knowledge). She may also encourage people to work upon the better half of themselves
by setting in the Virtue Blessing which is considered to work for Virtues not of the Princess’s

Herald of Destiny (Bless 4, Vuoto 2)

Action: Instant, Intelligence + Academics
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: 1 Scene
The Princess binds a target into a destiny that they have willingly accepted, making their
endeavors become more likely to succeed. The Princess applies the Destiny Condition to the
Target. They gain a number of bonus dice for how they aim to fulfill it, which also serves as a
penalty for trying to fulfill it in other ways, equal to the Princess’s successes.
Upgrade: Until It’s Finished (Vuoto 3)
Cost: 1 Willpower

The Destiny Condition granted by this Charm instead lasts until the Target manages to complete
the Destiny given to him, or until the Destiny is no longer possible.
Upgrade: Other Ways (Vuoto 4)
The Princess may state multiple ways a target can fulfill a destiny, allowing more leeway into
fulfilling the Destiny Condition.

The Trail We Blaze (Bless 5, Fulmine 4)

Avatar (Cups)
Action: Instant, Presence + Empathy, modified by Intimacy
Cost: 3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: 1 Scene

The Queen of Cups was the first person to enter the journey of Self-Discovery, and ended it upon
discovering who she wanted to be. One of the first disciples of her philosophy was with her when
she reached it, and, in honor of her reaching that exalted height, her story was forever sealed and
taught it in the form of Cup’s Avatar Charm. When using this charm, the Noble must target a
mortal with no amount of a supernatural template to him, and he must’ve given his full consent
to be targeted with this charm.

Dramatic Failure:​ The Noble cannot help someone on the path of self-discovery as he becomes
lost on the path. The Princess is unable to Transform for the rest of the scene.
Failure:​ The Princess cannot lead someone else. The charm fails.
Success:​ The Princess doesn’t undergo a second transformation, as she remains herself, gaining
the Mentor Condition: She may trade dots of Attributes, Skills, Specialties, Merits (as long as it
pertains to the person rather than outside forces. most Mental and Physical Merits apply, while
most Social ones do not), Charm, Invocation and Inner Light Dots between herself and the target.
The Target, however, receives the Your Truest Self Condition: He gains the innate powers of the
Noble Template, one dot of Inner Light and he gains a number of wisps equal to Integrity for the
duration of the charm. His calling and court are the same as the Noble’s. They also always know
where the other is at, gaining a Fulmine bonus to sense each other.
Exceptional Success:​ The Light bloomed within the target shines deeply. He gets the Floating
Blessing Condition: On his next Breaking Point Roll, he gets a +3 Bonus to it, as the magic of
Fulmine helps him keep his sense of self.

Becoming a Noble for a short while is certainly an enlightening experience, as the target
becomes the ideal form he’s always held. As an instant action, the Noble and Target may trade
dots as mentioned in the Mentor Condition (the Noble always initiates the trade) and dots traded
cannot exceed Inner Light Limits nor can a Noble give someone dots in something that the target
has higher dots in, nor can they reach zero dots in an Attribute either. Charm and Invocation dots
are limited by the Noble’s own knowledge. Any dots given are Transformed Dots upon the
Target, and all dots traded between the target and Noble are returned upon the charm ending.

This charm gives an enlightening experience to both the Noble and the Target. Usually the Noble
wants to understand the target’s life or their abilities, and the Target perhaps gets a taste of what
it’s like to become a Noble. Does this mean the Target becomes a noble though in soul? The
answer is no, but it may inspire the target to take the journey of self-discovery after seeing how
their “true form” appears and how it’s like with heightened abilities. Perhaps one or two people
today have became Nobles thanks to this charm inspiring them.
Drawback: U ​ se of this charm puts many responsibilities onto the using Princess in a way that she
truly becomes a Mentor. She gains the Mentor’s Fatigue Condition as well. She doesn’t halve or
double her modifier if she takes a Belief Compromise by the Setting a Bad Example when the
perpetrator is the target. She also takes 9 Again on Sensitivity rolls if the target is a perpetrator or
victim of such. Having less dots in skills from trading them is its own drawback, as well as the
factor of the Target facing Sensitivity as well. Finally, if the Target has any Shadows, the Noble
takes them into herself when the charm ends. For these huge drawbacks, the charm is usually
enacted upon someone the Noble trusts and cares about.

She also gains the Invocation Lock Condition keyed toward Fulmine.

The Naked City (Connect 1) – Upgrade: On Your Side (Fulmine 2)
Version: Vocation
No matter where the Princess goes, she will always fit in with the locals of any city. When using
Streetwise to deal with urban dangers or gangs, she may spend a Wisp and treat the threshold as
if it’s Fulmine dots lower. If this lowers the threshold to zero, the Princess is able to hit off
sparks and connect instantly.

Helping Hand (Connect 1) - Upgrade: Determined (Metallo 2)

Version: Dream
Modified by Commonality
The Princess helps not just the primary actor, but the secondary actors as well. When activating
the charm, the Princess may add her Metallo rating to all the other secondary actor's dicepools.

Royal Witness (Connect 1) - Upgrade: Destined (Vuoto 2)

Version: Dream
The Princess's magic makes the contract more magically binding to the signatory. Along with the
normal effects of the charm, the signatory also gains the Destiny Condition in terms to fulfilling
the contract. They gain bonuses equal to the Princess's Vuoto Invocation when they're attempting
to fulfill it as signed, but take penalties if they try to fulfill it differently or go against the

Hope Dies Very Hard (Connect 2, Fulmine 3)

Action: Reflexive, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene

The Queen of Cups stands for all those who would find themselves and stands firm against those
who would challenge that integrity. Whenever a Princess is a target of someone attempting to use
the “Mean Girls” sidebar in the core books and set for causing a Belief Compromise in the
Princess, the Princess may add her dots in Fulmine to the number of Doors required to open in
paying the cost of this charm.

If the scene should end and the perpetrator has opened all of the normal doors but not the ones
added through this charm, then the Princess is counted as having at least one door left unless she
reactivates the charm, in which they return to how many doors were left from when the charm
was still active. If any of the ones that were opened and were the doors added by Fulmine, then
the doors remain open until either all of the Princess’s doors are opened or the Princess reaches a
Hostile Impression of the perpetrator.

Invocations do rely on the emotions used to invoke them though. Should the Princess decide to
Go With the Flow, she forfeits the use of this charm for the rest of the Scene.

Stellar Meeting (Connect 2, Vuoto 2)

Action: Instant and Resisted, Wits + Empathy vs Composure + Supernatural Tolerance
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Instant

The Princess looks forth as she speaks to someone, finding out information about them and what
would help in buttering them up for Social Maneuvering and what pitfalls to avoid.

Dramatic Failure: ​The Princess gets all the wrong answers, ones that make the target less willing
to be receptive to her. It could be a false Aspriation, the wrong Virtue or Vice, or what have you.
If the Princess tries using Social Maneuvering on the target, the Target gains a door and their
Impression Level begins at Average.
Failure: ​The Princess learns nothing about her target.
Success: ​The Princess learns of things that would aid her if she attempted to use Social
Maneuvering on the Target. For each dot in Vuoto, she learns one thing about her target: their
Virtue, their Vice, one of their Aspirations, a Breaking Point that would apply towards the
situation the Princess is trying to use Social Maneuvering on them for, something that would aid
to set her Impression level higher, or something the Target would desire for Soft Leverage.
Exceptional Success: ​The Princess finds out a great deal about the target’s personality and
desires. Her Vuoto is doubled for the purposes of what she finds out.

An Introduction (Connect 3) – Upgrade: Guided By The Stars (Vuoto 2)

Version: Dream
Cost: 1 Willpower
The tie between the Princess and her target is exact and nearly bound by fate. When activating
the charm, the Princess doesn’t add penalties if the traits she decides on are equal to or lower
than her Vuoto. She may only negate the penalty a number of Traits introduces for as many dots
as she has in Vuoto. For example, at Vuoto 3 a Princess could negate any Traits so long as said
Traits had introduced -3 or lower penalties to the roll, and given Vuoto 3 the Princess could only
affect three traits in this fashion.

Silver String of Friendship (Connect 4, Metallo 4)

Requires Whispers From Afar - Party
Action: Instant, Presence + Empathy, modified by Commonality
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: 1 Scene

A Grace of Wands is both leader of their forces and worker at the front. Their duty binds a
group’s dedication to their task and to each other with a thread of pure silver, thinking and acting
as if one entity. While underneath the effects of this Charm, the group benefits from the effects
of Whispers from Afar with the Party Upgrade, able to hear each other’s thoughts and convey
messages to one another. But the connection gained ties the Princess and the group at a deeper
level. Everyone who benefits from this charm are treated as if their untrained Skills have one dot
so long as at least one of the affected people has dots in the Skill. Any of the beneficiaries,
including the Princess, may choose a skill that any of the other connected people have and make
an Instant Wits + Intelligence roll, adding one dot into their own skill per success for the
remainder of the charm. The increased skill cannot exceed the original skill owner’s rating in
said Skill. Finally, whenever the Princess and a group make a teamwork action roll on a task that
is non-combative, all actors within gain the Rote Quality to their Dice Pools for the duration of
the scene.
Freaky Friday (Connect 4, Fulmine 2)
Action: Extended and Resisted, Manipulation + Persuasion (5 Mins/Roll, Threshold = Both
Target’s Willpower)
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: Successes in Days

“You couldn’t last one day in my life” is a very common phrase when two people are fed up with
each others’ antics. Wouldn’t it be simple to actually see if that’s the case? The Queen of Cups
thinks so. In using this charm, the Princess may select two targets in which both must have given
their consent. If one or both targets hasn’t given their consent, then the charm acts as if it
suffered a Dramatic Failure.

Dramatic Failure:​ The Princess may not use this charm on her targets for a number of weeks
equal to her Fulmine.
Failure: ​The charm fails.
Success:​ The Charm succeeds. When the targets both next sleep, they find themselves waking up
in the other’s body. For all intents, the two targets are in each other’s body with the sensory
information fed to their original body’s brain. Apply the Freaky Friday Condition. Each target
retains their Mental and Social Attributes, Skills and merits and in the case of Physical they
retain their Skills, but their Physical Attributes and Merits are replaced with the others for the
duration of the Switch. When in the other's body, the person will feel echoes of mannerisms,
beliefs and the perspective of the other. The Princess can target herself or other Princesses and
she keeps her powers even in a different body, but she cannot swap anyone or herself with
another supernatural.
Exceptional Success: ​Extra successes are their own reward.

If the charm is ended early (the using Princess can force it to end prematurely with the consent of
one of the affected), the two affected simply go back to their original bodies. If a target with the
Freaky Friday Condition is targeted by a power that conflicts with it, such as some form of
possession or something that cancels control on a body, such as gaining the Doll Template from
the “Crafted with Love and Care” Caligo, a clash of wills is initiated. The target with the Freaky
Friday Conditions gains a bonus to their roll equal to the Charm’s activation successes or the
using Princess’s Fulmine, whichever is higher. If the invading effect wins, the Freaky Friday
Condition ends immediately and the new effect takes hold.

If one of the affected dies (Princesses who use this charm often stick around or keep tabs to make
sure this doesn’t happen, especially if they gave their body to someone else), the Freaky Friday
condition ends immediately. The person whose body had died dies while the one whose body
remains alive still lives.
Astral Chart (Connect 4, Vuoto 2)
Action: Instant, Dexterity + Athletics, modified by Intimacy
Cost: 3 Wisps
Duration: Instant

The powers of Vuoto allows for travel beyond the capacity of vehicles and transportation, guided
by the stars above to her destination. The charm is simple: the Princess disappears from one
place and reappears somewhere else wherever she chooses. Intimacy is measured to the place
where the Princess arrives. The charm is kind enough to usually drop her off where nobody is
looking or noticing within the defined place. If there is no such place, the charm fails and the
princess knows why.

This charm doesn't bear the power to cross into other realms. The Shadow, The Hedge, the
Underworld, The Dark World and whatever other worlds that parallel the World of Darkness
cannot be entered. Should the Princess be in those realms however, then she can use this charm
to travel across them.

Dramatic Failure:​ The Princess is caught in the gaps or the boundary between “here” and
“there”. The Princess suffers her Vuoto dots in Lethal damage.
Failure:​ Nothing Happens.
Success: ​The Princess transports to the target area and suffers a -2 penalty on all actions on the
turn she reappears.
Exceptional Success: ​Upon appearing, the Princess may immediately move up to her speed.

Sidebar: Magic Mirror, wherever you're lent, where are you in this supplement?
A peculiar thing, the change that a Twilight Court has on their invocation. Specchio and Vuoto
have some effect over the same elements, yet they're fundamentally different by their nature.
Why is this how it is? Is Mirrors too reliant on glass for her charms? Is it because an invocation
with an element of Void cannot simply be contained in a mirror?

Perhaps it's simply just this very simple truth: Pre-Twilight Invocations are completely and
fundamentally different from their Twilight Invocations, even if there remains similarities in
charms. For the same reason, Fulmine will not be able to transform oneself into a Creature of
Darkness nor be able to have any powers dealing with the Dark, nor will Vuoto seem to rely on
reflections or glass of Mirrors nor their vain self buffing and Metallo physical use of labor shares
extremely few similarities to Tempesta’s fanatical killing of the Darkness.

Upgrade: Descendant
Cost: +1 Wisp per additional person
With this upgrade, the Princess may lead others with her power. Each extra person or 5 Size
points of equipment beyond what she can carry costs an additional wisp. With this upgrade, the
charm manifests in an entryway that looks akin to the using Princess’s crawlspace and that can
be travelled through to the destination.
Upgrade: Seeking (Vuoto 3)
With this upgrade, the Princess can use her intimacy modifier to a person rather than a place. The
Princess shall appear to the closest location where she can be dropped off to by the charm.
Upgrade: Writ of Passage
Version: Dream
The Princess learns how to combine her teleporting powers with that of magic to travel beyond
the fields of which we know. If the Princess knows of a Charm, Privilege or Edict that allows
access of another world or she works with someone who does, she may use Astral Chart to
appear somewhere in that world permitted by Intimacy. Doing so requires paying the cost of the
power in full. She may use this power to escape, but most Pentacles may realize that some
worlds are easier to escape than others. Realms without Physical Substance, such as the
Dreamlands, are never acceptable destinations.

It is possible for the Princess to use “Crown of Another Kingdom” to become another
Supernatural type and then use this charm along with any power the type uses for entering an
alternate plane to enter that world.
Upgrade: Umbral (Vuoto 4)
Version: Vocation
Even the Dark World isn’t safe from being peered into by the Gazer of the Beyond. But you
know what they say, “peer into the abyss and it peers back into you”. If the Princess desires to
enter the Dark World, she may do so by standing in the area she has intimacy to. The area must
be Tainted for this charm to work. The Princess will appear in the Dark World’s reflection of the
Upgrade: Ascendant (Vuoto 4)
Cost: 1 Willpower
Sometimes a vision occurs sooner than expected, or an opportunity arises and the Princess can
grasp it at the exact moment it occurs. To use this upgrade, it requires some form of foresight,
knowledge that an event is occurring that the Princess could help in that instant, or something
which can help a Princess’s Aspiration or Dream/Vocation. As long as any of those criteria are
met, the Princess may waive the Intimacy modifier in using this charm.

Drawback: T ​ he benefits are obvious, but the drawback is that in using this upgrade the Princess
can only go to that spot without any detours. If she tries mental gymnastics to go to some
destination, such as using this to go to a funeral when her friends need help fighting darkspawn,
not only does she apply the Intimacy modifier, but she cannot apply Vuoto to the Charm’s dice
pool and instead the Princess’s dots in Vuoto are added as a penalty to the roll. On a Dramatic
Failure with this upgrade attached and this drawback tripped, assume the charm throws the
Princess directly where she needs to be and that she cannot use it for the rest of the scene. This
drawback can be waived if the Princess does have a legitimate reason for a detour, such as if she
was making a stop at home and bringing her jade sword to fight off Darkspawn before popping
over to help her friends.

Charms of Entwined Destiny (Connect 4, Invocation 3)

Action: Extended, Manipulation + Empathy (30 minutes/roll, threshold = Princess’ Willpower),
modified by Intimacy
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: 1 month

In a lengthy ceremony, invoking all she knows of him, the Princess weaves the thread of her fate
into another’s, becoming an exemplar in his life of one of the Queens. Each Queen teaches a
different version of this Charm, with her favored Invocation as a prerequisite; these versions
must be learned as separate Charms.

Unlike natural Entwined Destinies there is no guarantee that the people involved are suited for
new connection with each other. Even if the target actively resists the destiny selfish or
incompetent uses of this Charm can be seriously unethical, harmful and just all round messy.

Dramatic Failure: ​The Princess cannot use the Charm on the target for 1 month, and suffers a -2
penalty to all Social rolls involving him during that period.
Failure: ​The Princess makes no progress. If she does not reach the threshold, she cannot use the
Charm on the target again for 1 week.
Success: ​The Princess makes progress. When she reaches the threshold, the target gains the
Blessing Condition. The Blessing creates the Entwined Destiny Merit, with the appropraite
relationship and the target of the Princess’ choice.
Exceptional Success: ​The Princess makes great progress tying her destiny to the target’s.
● It's The Journey Rather Than Destination (Fulmine) - Guide. ​The Princess gains
willpower if she's helped her target find out something about himself, and takes penalties
when she passes up on doing so.
● Training Montage (Metallo) - Trainer.​ The Princess gains willpower if she helps her
target on the way to or achieving something that takes hard work, and takes penalties
when she passes up on opportunities to do so or if steps go backwards.
● No Fate But What We Make (Vuoto) - Judge. ​The Princess gains willpower if she
helps the target make important decisions in their life, and takes penalties when she
doesn't help on doing so.

Empty Hands (Fight 1) – Upgrade: Nerve Wrecking (Fulmine 2)
The Princess’s grapple is like that of lightning, making her target’s limbs fail. If the Princess
applies Fulmine to a grapple and wins the roll to select a move, she may forgo the normal
choices and simply inflict the Arm Wrack or Leg Wrack Tilt, her choice. This tilt lasts for a
Upgrade: Iron Maiden (Metallo 2)
The Princess’s grapple is a vice that can hurt the opponent at any time. When the Princess
applies her Metallo to a Grapple, her requirement for an exceptional success falls to 3 successes,
not 5.
Upgrade: Ranged (Vuoto 2)
The Princess doesn’t even need to be near her opponent to grapple them. If the Princess applies
Vuoto, she may make a grapple on those within Vuoto yards and uphold it as if it were a normal

Kensai (Fight 1) – Upgrade: Paralyzing (Fulmine 2)

The Princess’s blows find their ways to the opponent’s extremities. When the Princess attacks
applying Fulmine, she may choose one Tilt: Arm Wrack, Leg Wrack, Blinded or Deafened. On a
successful attack, she may spend a Wisp to inflict one of these Tilts for the scene.
Upgrade: Herculean (Metallo 2)
The Princess’s weapon blows all fight out of the opponent. If the Princess’s Metallo is more than
the target’s Stamina, she may inflict the Beaten Down Tilt on the opponent for the Scene.
Upgrade: Aperture (Vuoto 2)
The Princess’s Kensai attacks from unexpected angles and trajectories. When the Princess
attacks and applies Vuoto, roll her Dexterity + Weaponry vs the Target’s Wits + Composure. If
he fails, the attack counts as a Surprise attack and the target cannot apply their defense.

Javelot (Fight 1) - Upgrade: Disabling (Fulmine 2)

The Princess’s weapon remains in her target, disabling it so long as it remains. If the Princess
applies her Fulmine and successfully hits the target in an aimed area, the spot takes an
appropriate tilt (Arm Wrack, Leg Wrack, Blinded, Deafened or Stunned) until the weapon is
pulled out or it fades.
Upgrade:​ ​Remaining (Metallo 2)
The Princess’s weapon remains in the target, preventing his progress. While the target has the
Javelot inside them, they take a Metallo Penalty to all physical actions until they pull it out,
which requires their successes to be greater than the Princess’s Metallo.
Upgrade: Restraining (Vuoto 2)
The Princess’s weapon sticks in her target, pinning them to a spot like a thumb tack sticks paper
to a wall. On a successful attack, the Target takes the Immobilized Tilt for Vuoto Turns.

Levinbolt (Kensai 1) – Upgrade: Sensual (Fulmine 2)

The Princess’s attack lights the nerves in the target’s brain. If the Princess applies this attack and
her Fulmine is greater than the Target’s Stamina, the target takes the Insensate Tilt for the rest of
the scene.
Upgrade: Strong (Metallo 2)
The Princess’s shots strike with unrivalled force. If the Princess’s Metallo exceeds her Target’s
Stamina, on a successful hit this causes the Knocked Down Tilt.
Upgrade: Redirecting (Vuoto 2)
The Princess’s shots home in on their targets, going around corners and concealment and even
stopping and starting once more. When the Princess shoots, she may roll her dicepool as normal.
If her shot would be penalized by armor, cover or a specified target, she may spend a wisp per
obstruction to ignore the penalties. She may only do this Vuoto times for a shot/burst, and each
wisp spent reduces her successes at a 1;1 ratio.

Palladion (Kensai 1) - Upgrade: Hardened (Metallo 1)

Version: Vocation
The Princess’s shield is as strong as metal and whacking with anything of lesser make is futile.
When Metallo is applied to the shield’s defense and the target strikes with a weapon with a
durability equal to or less than the Princess’s Metallo + Durability, the object loses one structure
regardless of Durability required for it.

Weapon Retrieval (Fight 1, Vuoto 1)

Requires Any Weapon
Action: Instant, Dexterity + Weaponry or Firearms, modified by Intimacy
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Instant
Even if disarmed, the Princess’s weapon will always return to her at her command. If the
Princess is disarmed, as an instant action she may roll Dexterity + Firearms or Weaponry
(depending on the nature of the weapon) modified by Intimacy. So long as she gains a single
success, she calls her weapon to her hands.
Upgrade: A Part of Me
Requires Kensai or Levinbolt
Disarming a Princess from a part of herself is a hard task, especially when she can reform it like
her broken clothes. If the Princess is disarmed and the weapon was her Kensai or Levinbolt
charms, she can summon them back as a Reflexive action instead.

You Might Hurt Yourself (Fight 2) - Upgrade: Discarding (Vuoto 2)

The phrase “You Might Hurt Yourself” doesn’t just apply to the target. It can go for the Princess
if she has no idea what the object does. Princesses with Vuoto may opt instead to fling the item
away, throwing it by Vuoto Yards in an instant.

A Thousand Whispers Style (Fight 2, Fulmine 1)

Requires Kensai, Levinbolt or Javelot
Action: Permanent

An annoyance for a Princess's weapons is how it’s form can dictate what styles of combat can
apply to it while cutting off all the rest. This charm gets around that restriction, allowing the
Princess to have one extra form of Kensai, Levinbolt or Javelot (she chooses which charm gains
the extra form when she learns this charm).

The Princess's "second" Kensai, Levinbolt or Javelot is the same in all respects to the first in that
all the upgrades can apply to it, save that she can choose a different way the weapon manifests
for the purpose of having multiple Fighting Styles. The Princess can change between the forms
with a transformation action.
Upgrade: Why Not All Three?
Requires Kensai, Levinbolt or Javelot
Action: Permanent
Stacks: Up to two times

If the Princess owns Kensai, Levinbolt or Javelot, but she already has this charm and chose one
of them to gain an extra form, she may purchase this Upgrade to allow one of the others to gain a
second form as well. She must own the Charm before she can gain this upgrade, and chooses the
extra form upon purchasing the Upgrade. She may buy this up to two times for it to apply to both
of the Fight Charms that she didn’t choose for this charm to initially benefit.
Upgrade: Armory (Fulmine 2-5)
Stacks: Up to 4 Times
A Princess of Cups wields a great amount of weapons. Each time the Princess purchases this
upgrade, she may further increase the number of forms her chosen weapons have to a maximum
of five forms at Fulmine 5. If she has the "Why Not All Three" Upgrade, the Princess may
choose the alternate forms for all three of her Fight Charms.

Perceptioned Pummeling (Fight 2, Fulmine 3)

Action: Instant, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Fulmine Turns

In a fight, losing your senses usually defines the difference between life and death. But take one
sense out, and the others become strengthened. If the Princess is suffering from the Blinded,
Deafened, Arm Wrack or Leg Wrack Tilts, she may use this charm. She may add her Fulmine as
bonuses to all the other working faculties. For example, if the Princess suffers the Blinded Tilt,
they can gain Fulmine on attempts to locate their target by sound, to run away or to harm their

Determined Protection (Fight 2, Metallo 1)

Action: Reflexive, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Instant

The Princess is always there to cover for her allies and innocent bystanders. When the Princess
makes an All-Out Attack, Charges or fires an Auto Medium or Long Burst, she may forgo the
bonuses she would normally gain and add them as a bonus to a specified ally or bystander’s
Defense. If she charges, then she instead adds her lost Defense to the target’s Defense.
Pulling the Teeth (Fight 2, Metallo 2)
Requires Kensai, Levinbolt or Javelot
Action: Reflexive, unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Permanent

Often times, people aren’t dangerous on their own. It often takes an item of violence to make
them threatening. Take away the teeth and a monster is harmless. If the Princess’s strikes happen
to hit an enemies armaments, whether she aims for them or if she hits them as they use them to
defend themselves, she may cause her Metallo in damage against the weapon. As a rule, if it can
be used to hurt someone and the person the Princess is fighting is using it as such, it can be
affected by this charm.
Upgrade: Out of Your Hands
When the Princess is aiming her attack at a target’s weapon, she may ignore penalties for aiming
at a target up to her Metallo rating.

A Time and Place For Everything (Fight 2, Vuoto 2)

Duration: Permanent

There is a time and place for everything. And sometimes the Princess just needs to act at the
right time. During combat, a Princess may choose to delay her action in combat [nWoD 151]
when it comes to fighting an opponent. For each full turn she delays her action, she gains a
cumulative +1 to her combat rolls to a maximum of +5. The bonus is lost upon making her
move. If this is invoked against multiple opponents, then the bonuses gained only apply towards
the individual opponents, and they’re lost after making a move against them.

Pythia Prediction (Fight 2, Vuoto 3)

Action: Reflexive, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Instant

Like the prophecies of the Oracles of Delphi, no amount of hiding will protect you from destiny,
and the Judge makes her blow fated to hit her enemy even if they’re behind cover. When
attacking a target behind Cover, the Princess may use this charm. She may reduce the Cover's
Durability by her Vuoto for the purposes of hitting the target.
Upgrade: Unharmed
Cost: 1 Willpower
The Princess may make her blows not just burst through the barriers, but go right through them
as if they weren’t even there. The actual cover doesn’t become damaged, but it will hit the
person hiding behind it.

This does mean if the target is using someone else as a Human Shield, the target will not gain the
benefit of reducing the damage by his "shields" Stamina nor will the "shield" be harmed.

Lightning Sparks (Fight 3, Fulmine 2)

Requires Levinbolt
Instant: Instant, Dexterity + Firearms
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: Fulmine Turns

The Princess creates an electrical arc that continually hurts her target and makes them barely able
to function. When the Princess attacks her target, it’s treated as a continuous shower of bolts on
the target that she can keep up for Fulmine Turns. Dexterity + Firearms can be applied normally
to damage, but the electricity deals only bashing damage and the Princess can pull her hits if she
desires. While the target is under effect of this they suffer penalties to all actions equal to the
Princess’s Fulmine, including defense.
Upgrade: Chain Lightning
Cost: 1 Willpower
The shot bounces around a group of the Princess's enemies. If a target is in Fulmine Yards of one
of the Princess's enemies, they suffer the damage and effects as when it was first shot. The target
may not dodge or defend against the rebounding bolt, but general Armor can apply against it.
Upgrade: Sensory Depriving Shot (Fulmine 5)
The Princess’s electric array is changed from a continual hit into a single shuddering bolt that
destroys the senses. If the Princess hits with this Upgrade, she instead introduces the Sensory
Deprivation Tilt to the target, who suffers it for the scene.

Allies in Arms (Fight 3, Metallo 3)

Action: Reflexive, Dexterity + Athletics
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: One Turn

The Court of Wands holds companionship in high regard, and keeping your allies prepped in the
heat of battle is one of the best things a Princess of Wands can do. Using this charm consumes
both her turn and her defense. When the Princess uses this charm, she may make a number of
extra actions in the turn that benefit her allies equal to her successes on the roll. She could act as
a Human Shield for an ally, help reload a gun or draw a weapon, pull an ally up after they went
Prone or get an ally prone from gunfire.

Home Run Hit (Fight 4, Metallo 4)

Action: Instant, Strength + Weaponry
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant

The Laborers are often physically strong, and this charm really shows what that means when put
to combat. The princess may use this charm when making an attack on someone with a
Weaponry attack. If Successful, the target is thrown back a number of feet equal to successes x
the Princess’s Metallo in yards. The target has to roll Dexterity + Athletics - Metallo in order to
land safely. If they hit a barrier or they fail their roll, they suffer the barrier or the ground’s
durability as Lethal Damage.

Lag (Fight 4, Vuoto 3)

Action: Instant and Resisted, Dexterity + Occult - Target’s Stamina
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Duration: Vuoto Turns

The battlefield is where you must stay in the moment if you merely wish to survive, only woe
follows those who can’t keep up. Upon success with this charm, the target suffers the Lost in
Time Tilt. For each success, the target loses a point of Defense as well as halving their speed. If
the target is attacking with a ranged weapon, other people in the scene may apply their defense
against it, as the target is moving slow enough to get ready for it.

Forgotten Lore (Govern 1) - Upgrade: Supernatural (Fulmine 2)
Version: Vocation
Requires an enhanced specialty for a specific supernatural type. Only one at a time can be
targeted for the purposes of this upgrade.

The Princess has wondrous knowledge of the workings of other supernaturals. During any
research action of studying supernaturals covered by the enhanced specialty, the Princess may
spend one wisp to reduce the successes she needs by her Fulmine.

Consecrate (Govern 1) – Upgrade: Fruits of Labor (Metallo 1)

Consecrations take time and energy, something most Princesses lack. When the Princess is
consecrating an area, she may treat her Stamina as Metallo dots higher. This cannot go above
Inner Light Maximum when it comes to stats however.
Upgrade: Temporal Flux (Vuoto 3)
The Priestesses do not need to reach a threshold to bless a place. If the Princess uses this
upgrade, they may instead roll as an Instant Action and apply the Temporal Flux modifier to the
dicepool instead of needing to reach a Threshold. ​Drawback: T ​ he Consecrate Condition cannot
be made Indefinite, nor can it be overwritten lest anyone uses the same upgrade.

Reflected Light (Govern 1) - Supernaturally Attuned (Fulmine 1)

The Princess can now differentiate between different powers springing up from Supernaturals
and what kind of power it is. Using this Upgrade doesn’t necessarily tell the Princess the name of
the powers, but she can tell what the function of the power is and if it feels the same as a
different use of a power (such as using Life magic to heal someone, then to harm someone else).

Dreaming Sight (Govern 1) - Upgrade: Twilight Sight (Fulmine 1)

Any one of the Masks can simply look behind the veil of reality and find the invisible forces that
lurk there. The Princess can see Spirits and Ghosts in Twilight Form, and can make perception
rolls to notice Manifestation Conditions related to either, the presence of a locus or an Avernian
Gate, and any related phenomena (such as ectoplasmic structures in Twilight).

Supernatural Sight (Govern 1, Fulmine 1)

Action: Reflexive, Wits + Composure - Supernatural Advantage
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Scene

By spending one wisp, a Princess of Cups can view past any mortal facades and see what
someone really is. For the remainder of the scene after use of this charm, whenever the Princess
comes across any supernaturals, she may reflexively roll Wits + Composure - the Supernatural
Advantage of the Supernatural in question.
Dramatic Failure: ​The Princess is convinced the supernatural is human unless if there’s
undeniable proof of otherwise.
Failure: ​Nothing happens.
Success:​ The Princess sees the person’s true form. She can see the true form of a supernatural for
successes turns. If she’s come across any supernaturals before, she can differentiate between
them if she was able to identify one of them before. This charm is limited to sensing
supernaturals or possessing beings within mortal bodies, she cannot view within Twilight or
view into the Shadow.
Exceptional Success:​ Extra Successes are their own reward.

Charge (Govern 2) – Upgrade: Otherworldly (Fulmine 2)

Stacks: Up to ? Times (Minimum of 2)
The Princess may trade and/or transform wisps into fuel for other types of supernatural creatures.
Each time the Princess buys this upgrade, she may choose one supernatural being that can be
affected by this charm (by default or storyteller’s discretion). The Princess can give and convert
wisps to another supernatural being’s fuel stat on a 1:1 ratio. She may apply Distant and
Accepted if she has those upgrades, and trading wisps in this method does not endanger a
supernatural to negative effects of regaining that fuel.

This upgrade’s stack potential is up for question however. After all, how many things go bump in
the night in your World of Darkness? This upgrade with PtH alone can only empower Spirits that
represent an emotion or identity and Ghosts. Either way, this power’s maximum stacking
potential relies on what the Storyteller decides to incorporate into the game as well as what fits
its criteria for exchange. In the most definite words from this book, splats that deal with emotions
or identities to some degree from World of Darkness gamelines (Official and Fanmade) can
benefit from this upgrade. This includes Werewolves, Changelings, Mummies, Sirens, and
Upgrade: A Feast for a Beast (Fulmine 3)
Action: Clash of Wills
Cost: 1+ Willpower per Wisp

The Hopeful are beings of light and hope. And yet there are those out there that would feast upon
primal emotions of fear and cause them to feed from it. An Actor may instead give a Beast faux
feelings of fear, with the hope of sating them. The Princess merely spends a point of Willpower
alongside each wisp she spends, and it causes a clash of wills.

The Princess Dramatically Fails or the Beast Exceptionally Succeeds: T ​ he hunger within will
not be sated by mere offerings of hope and light, and instead becomes ravenous. The Beast
instead ​loses ​a point of Satiety.
The Princess Fails or the Beast Succeeds: ​The offering simply fails, or the Beast asserts himself.
Either way, nothing happens.
The Princess Succeeds or the Beast Fails: ​The offering goes as intended. The Beast gains a point
of Satiety per Wisp and Willpower spent.
The Princess Exceptionally Succeeds or the Beast Dramatically Fails: T ​ he Princess asserts the
authority of the light over fear itself. She gains a Luminous Experience.

Sympathetic Agony (Govern 2, Fulime 2)

Action: Reflexive, Clash of Wills.
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant

There are some monsters in this world who are nothing but pure darkness. Who cause pain and
suffering and nourish themselves with it by breaking down the innocent. Many forget what it
means to suffer from an evil act, but a Mask knows how to make them into a lightning rod for
that pain and remember what it was like being the prey. Whenever a Beast attempts to gain
Satiety through hurting someone else, the Princess may force a Clash of Wills onto the Beast
with the Princess working against the Beast. One popular use of this charm is often in
combination with Catching a Falling Star.

The Princess Dramatically Fails or the Beast Exceptionally Succeeds: T ​ he Beast proves itself
too monstrous, too righteous of the hunt and the Princess is shaken from the thought of evil
winning. The Princess automatically rolls for Sensitivity.
The Princess Fails and the Beast Succeeds:​ The Beast gains Satiety as normal.
The Princess Succeeds and the Beast Fails:​ Instead of feasting on pain, the Beast suffers it
instead. The Beast gains no Satiety, and gains 1 Point of Aggravated Damage as the electric
suffering of their victim courses through the aggressor as well.
The Princess Exceptionally Succeeds or the Beast Dramatically Fails:​ The Light shoves the
monster back under the bed, tail between it's legs and (hopefully) never to harm an innocent
again. The Beast suffers 1 Aggravated Damage PER point of Satiety he would've gained.

Reconfiguration (Govern 2, Fulmine 3)

Action: Instant, Manipulation + Empathy
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: 1 Scene

The Princess’s energy taps into the blessing another person has, and can reconfigure it to that
person's desires. This charm can be used on someone under the effects of the Blessing or
Floating Blessing Condition, or any conditions that affect a set of attributes or skills through a
charm. Successes equate to the number of dots the Princess can reconfigure within the blessing.
For example, she can move around an increase to Social Attributes thanks to Crown Jewels, such
as changing a +3 increase to Manipulation to +1 in Manipulation, +1 in Presence and +1 in
Composure. Or, for someone affected by Tendril of Nothing, they may may move the Penalties
suffered in on Resistance Attribute to another one.

The amount is still bound by the original Charm's parameters. Using Crown Jewels as an
example, the Princess cannot add more to one attribute than the original princess’s Terra, nor
would she be able to make the Blessing apply to Attributes that are not Social Attributes.
Upgrade: Otherworldly
The Princess can tap into the effects that Supernatural Creatures can bestow. As known before, it
cannot change what the original parameters allow for bestowing buffs.

Catch A Falling Star (Govern 3) - Upgrade: Temporal Flux (Vuoto 4)

Cost: 1 Willpower Dot
The Princess may hold a charm back even further. When she invokes Catch a Falling Star, she
may use the Temporal Flux chart on the roll of Catch a Falling Star to determine how long the
charm becomes held back.

Chain to Reality (Govern 3, Fulmine 3)

Action: Instant, Presence + Occult
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: Inner Light in Days

Spirits and Ghosts rely upon the anchors and fetters that bind them to this world, and a Mask can
easily create or make one for those incapable of getting one. The Princess must have the consent
of the entity to use this charm for it or upon it’s anchor or fetter, any resistance makes it
automatically fail. If it’s successful, the Princess makes an item or place into an Anchor or Fetter
for the Ghost/Spirit they used this for. If it’s used on an already existing Anchor/Fetter, then it
gains the Open Condition. Given the fact that this is temporary, it’s often used as a way to keep
friendly spirits close, or the deceased loved ones upon this plane. This charm cannot be used on a
human being.

One Last Dance (Govern 4, Vuoto 4)

Action: Extended, Presence + Occult - Temporal Flux Modifier (1 min/roll, Threshold = Severity
of Event)
Cost: 3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: Relies on Temporal Flux Chart
There will always be times where a Princess will miss out on events because she has other things
to take care of. She has a jury to convince to not give into mafia threats, a movie to see with her
friends and a 10 page essay due tomorrow morning. Wouldn’t it be better if she could do one of
those later?

A Princess with this Charm has the power to do so. One Last Dance allows a Princess to
postpone any event she knows is coming up. Events will conspire to keep the event in question
from occuring, but it will not ultimately prevent it from happening unless the Princess somehow
makes it so it cannot. For example, a Princess using this charm to keep a loved one from
succumbing to cancer could use the time to try and have chemotherapy do it’s work, or to find a
Restore Bequest in the Dreamlands that could cure them. If the event that was being postponed is
no longer possible, the charm automatically ends.

This charm does have a stipulation that can make it end early: if the event in question must be
completed before a certain time. This may depend on the event in question, and the Storyteller is
free to be the final arbiter in all things. A Princess may be using this to stall an important test
worth 20% of her grade, but it cannot stall the test past the day the Teacher has to input the
grades, or the last day of school. The charm would automatically end, and the event will happen
no matter what.

When rolling for this charm, always consider the threshold required and the rolls to achieve it.
The Princess is free to choose how long she wants to stall it, but she must include the Temporal
Flux modifier into her roll.

Severity of Event Threshold

Stalling an event that could otherwise be 5

mundanely avoided by the Princess’s own

Stalling an event that could be solved with 10

some effort on the Princess’s part.

Stalling an event that can only be solved with 15

the Princess’s magic, or that would cause her
to suffer a Belief Compromise or Sensitivity.

Stalling an event that requires aid from 20

outside forces other than the princess.

Stalling to prevent an event of a massive 25

scale, or to prevent major events like the loss
of life and whatnot.

A Princess may only ever have as many instances of this charm active up to the limit of her own
Vuoto. A Princess may stack this charm upon the same event, but it counts towards the limit.

Unweaving (Govern 4) - Upgrade: Not In Kansas Anymore (Fulmine 3)

Cost: 1 Willpower
Normally, Princesses' magic is incompatible with other magic save through the help of
Embassies. However, Fulmine connects to other powers, and can dispel them just as easily. The
Princess may now target powers outside of Charms and powers of the Darkness, cast by other

Living Image (Inspire 1) - Upgrade: Supernaturally Attuned (Fulmine 1)
Version: Dream
The Princess may specify that her artwork will invoke it’s Charms on any of the supernatural
denizens of the world of darkness. This can affect those with Minor or Major templates.
Alternatively, she may specify that a certain type of supernatural won’t be affected by the

Fire On The Mountain (Inspire 1) – Upgrade: Communal (Metallo 2)

Version: Vocation
The Princess’s performance brings people together and fosters relationships. When holding a
performance using Expression as an extended action before a crowd, her threshold is equal to the
highest Resolve rating in the crowd and she makes a roll once per dot of Resolve she possesses.
If she reaches the threshold, the crowd gains a Commonality Modifier, with one step added per
dot of Metallo the Princess has. One dot is Casual, two is Interested, three is Interested and four
dots makes the crowd dedicated. This typically only lasts one scene.

Simple Man (Inspire 2, Fulmine 2)

Action: Instant, Presence + Expression
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: Concentration
Performance: Variable Length

Listen closely to what I say. And if you do this, it’ll help you some sunny day.
The Princess’s music fills the wounds that cover the soul and shields from influences that may
come from other sources. So long as the Princess performs or her audience can hear her, the
effects of this charm remain.

Dramatic Failure: ​The effects of any conditions become worse on the target, instead getting
extended by the length of the Princess’s performance, determined after she ends it.
Failure: ​Nothing Happens.
Success or Exceptional Success: ​The Princess’s song spurs through people’s minds, shedding
influences from others. Everyone who listens gets the Simple Man Tilt for the rest of the scene.
While affected by the Tilt, they don’t suffer from Conditions that would subvert who they are as
a person or make them suppress their identities. If the Princess has rolled more successes than
anyone else who used a supernatural power on a member of the Audience (or the audience
proper), the Conditions and/or powers effects upon the Audience also stop affecting them while
listening to the Princess’s performance.

On an exceptional success, the listeners gain the Inspired Condition.

Livin’ On a Prayer (Inspire 2, Metallo 1)

Action: Instant, Presence + Expression. Requires one minute of performing.
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Extended Roll
Performance: 30 Seconds

We’re halfway there, we’re living on a prayer.

Working on an event for a long time can come to a crashing halt no matter how close you were.
If the Princess uses this charm and the Extended Roll she used this charm for comes up as a Near
Miss [GMC 188], if the remaining successes required is less than or equal to the Princess’s
Metallo dots, she may succeed on the attempt as if she were able to reach the threshold. She may
use this on another target if desired.

Let It Be (Inspire 2, Vuoto 2)

Action: Instant, Composure + Expression
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene
Performance: 1 Minute
When I find myself in trouble, Mother Mary comes to me. Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

The Princess ensures for her target that every storm shall pass, and afterwards it shall be clear as
day. When using this charm, the target must be under the effects of any temporary condition that
clouds a character’s mind. This charm seeks to remove or alleviate the condition. If a
Condition’s resolution is based on the passage of time, then the time can be cut in half. If a
character is addicted to something and deprived of said addictive object, then the charm might
lead to the nearest fix for the target. The biggest prerequisite for this charm is that the Princess
must know what the condition entails, and persistent conditions may not be targeted.

Come As You Are (Inspire 3, Fulmine 3)

Action: Instant, Presence + Expression
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Wilpower
Duration: 1 Scene
Performance: 2 Minutes

Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be.

The princess beckons to the one she targets, giving a performance on who they are and only
asking them to be themselves. Most Princesses take the time to get to know who they’re
performing for before using this charm, as using it unleashes who they truly are.
Dramatic Failure: ​The Princes only makes peoples public masks become hardened. They suffer
the Fugue Condition in regards to what they like, instead forgetting themselves. This lasts for a
Failure: ​The Princess fails in trying to encourage the Target.
Success: T​ he target gains the Nirvana Condition. They gain an additional Virtue of “Being
Yourself”, and may treat it like a Virtue for anything other than regaining Willpower. They are
also immune to gaining the Guilty or Shaken Conditions due to acting on that Virtue. They also
receive a Fulmine Bonus to anything that acts on it.

It should be noted that “Be Yourself” only works depending on what the Princess and the target
agreed the performance to be about. If the target finds “Being Yourself” to mean more negative
outlets, such as mutilation or murder, or the Princess acts out such a thing, then the Charm
automatically fails.
Exceptional Success: ​The Nirvana Condition allows the Virtue to be used to regain willpower.

Heart of Gold (Inspire 3, Metallo 2)

Action: Instant, Presence + Expression - Target’s Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Scene.
Performance: 30 seconds

I want to live, I want to give. It’s these expressions I never give that keep me searching for a
heart of gold.

Negativity is often passed around in the World of Darkness, with people pushing their darkness
down the chain of command so they don’t have to bear it. With abit of magic, a Princess can help
someone else rid themselves so that another cloud doesn’t cover the sun of a brighter tomorrow.

Dramatic Failure: ​The Princess only adds to their problems. The target takes the Fugue
Condition in regards to the ones the Princess is trying to solve.
Failure: ​The Princess fails in trying to inspire the target.
Success: T​ he Princess inspires her target to work out their problems, giving them the Work It
Out Condition. When they work upon something that requires an extended roll within the scene,
they do not suffer the penalties of whatever is troubling them. Upon completing the roll, instead
of succeeding or failing they stop suffering the negative condition.
Exceptional Success: ​The target may still succeed (or fail) as normal, and whatever penalties the
person would be suffering are added as a bonus to the extended roll.

Don’t Cry (Inspire 3, Fulmine 4)

Action: Instant, Resolve + Persuasion
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: 1 Scene

Don’t you cry tonight. There’s a heaven above you baby.

The Princess’s performance inspires resilience to traumas that would fracture a human’s mind.
The Princess rolls Composure + Persuasion. On a success, she gives the Floating Blessing
Condition. The bonus is equal to the successes on the roll and it applies only upon Breaking
Points where the target is witness to a supernatural event.

Keen Observation (Learn 1) - Upgrade: Piercing (Metallo 2)
Version: Vocation
Investigating the World of Darkness lead to obstacles more often than not, but a Laborer’s razor
sharp eyes see her through them all. If the Princess makes a Wits + Investigation or Wits +
Composure roll, she may choose to spend a wisp to reroll the pool. She must keep the second
result, even if it’s worse. She also may add her Metallo to any dice pools when it comes to
reacting to surprise.

Know Name (Learn 1) - Upgrade: Unauthorized Biography (Vuoto 2)

The Princess may take photographs, recordings, and even drawings of people to learn what their
name is. Using this upgrade makes Know Name require using Wits + Empathy as well as adding
the Temporal Flux Modifier, set for how old the visage of the person has lasted. Using an old
photograph of an elderly man may set loads of penalties the Princess’s way, while a freshly made
drawing doesn’t suffer as much.

Using Know Name this way sidesteps most supernatural veils, but it also limits the Princess’s
awareness of the person’s name. The name shown on the image of the person is the name they
went by at that time, and in the case of drawings the name of the person is what the artist thinks
the name of the person is.

Scent Falsehood (Learn 1) - Upgrade: Whydunnit (Vuoto 2)

A Noble of Pentacles requires clarity for judgement. As such she has to know anything
pertaining to the truth, and pierce that which could hide it. She may detect omissions of
information, evasions, equivocations and honest opinions with the charm.

Xray Vision (Learn 1) - Upgrade: Omniscient (Vuoto 2)

The Princess’s eyes see through things clearer than most. The Princess may ignore durability of
objects up to her Vuoto rating.

An Eye for Quality (Learn 1, Metallo 1)

Action: Instant, Intelligence + Crafts - Penalty decided by Size
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Instant

The Princess can gauge any object or place to learn of it’s qualities and worth. When using this
charm, the Princess adds one penalty per Size 5 the object has. She may designate parts of an
object or place to inspect instead of the whole.

Dramatic Failure: ​The Princess receives completely misleading information.

Failure: ​The Princess learns nothing.
​ he Princess gains knowledge of the object or place in question. For each success, she
Success: T
may learn one thing about the object which includes but isn’t limited to: Structure, Resources
cost, Availability, any Strength requirements, Damage, Special qualities, any Conditions or Tilts
attached to the object, Modifications of any kind (vehicular or concealed spaces), Composition,
and anything concerning it’s physical nature.
Exceptional Success: ​Extra successes are their own reward.

Period of Existence (Learn 1, Vuoto 1)

Action: Instant, Intelligence + Appropriate Mental Skill
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Instant

The Princess can gauge the age of an object, person, place or thing. She may designate parts of
her target instead of choosing the whole if she wishes.

The Maiden’s Intuition (Learn 1, Vuoto 1)

Action: Instant, Wits + Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Instant

Many people simply desire to know what the future holds, what may be at stake or the simple
outcome of a decision. While a Princess of Pentacles is definitely unable to scry at this level of
Learn, she may still read a tiny portion of what can be. This Charm is like the Common Sense
Merit (GMC 161). The Princess can benefit from both the merit and this charm within a scene.

Map of the North Star (Learn 1, Vuoto 2)

Action: Instant, Intelligence + Occult
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Lasting

Long since have many civilizations based their travel in the cover of darkness not for the safety it
may permit, but because they used the stars to guide their travels. This has also connected many
kinds of theologians together, who connected the stars to the celestial beings and concepts they
talked about. The Court of Pentacles also follows this school of thought, using the comfort of the
night to find their way home.

Dramatic Failure: ​The Princess takes the Lost Condition, and must resolve it before she uses this
charm again.
Failure: ​Nothing happens.
Success: T​ he Princess learns the exact distance and direction she needs to travel to reach her
destination, so long as the place she’s currently at is during the night with no obstructions to the
stars (including light pollution). She must have at least spent 24 hours at the place she’s trying to
Exceptional Success: ​As above, save that the Princess may nominate the area she’s currently at
to act as a space she can use this charm to find her way towards.

Denial of Knox’s Second (Learn 1, Vuoto 3)

Action: Permanent
Cost: 1 Willpower

A Princess of Pentacles keeps her eyes clear to see for any details humans might miss, and can
substitute magic where normal deductions fail. The Princess may at any time spend a point of
willpower, and for the rest of the Scene she can substitute her Vuoto in place of Investigation for
rolls to find Clues.

Second Glance Wrongness (Learn 2) - Unchained (Fulmine 4)

The Unchained Madame’s philosophy is clear. A princess is her own person and nobody else’s.
When the Princess comes under the influence of another supernatural power, she can spend a
willpower point instead to force a reroll, the power’s user rolling with a Fulmine Penalty this
time. The second result is the one that’s kept.

Who Are You (Learn 2, Fulmine 1)

Action: Instant and Resisted, Manipulation + Empathy - Target’s Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Instant

The Princess asks a question, looking through a target’s eyes and straight into their soul. The
Princess must at least touch the target’s skin for this charm to have an effect. She may use this
charm on the same target again, but later activations during the scene take a cumulative -1

Dramatic Failure: ​The Charm misleads the Princess. The storyteller describes a vision that is the
opposite of who the target truly is. The Princess will believe in the vision unless confronted with
clear evidence contradicting it. Further uses of the Charm on the target won’t reveal anything
that refutes the vision - the Princess must discover her mistake by other methods. She may not
use the Charm on this target for the rest of the scene.
Failure: ​The Princess learns nothing of her target. She may not use the Charm on this target for
the rest of the scene.
Success:​ The Princess gains flashes of insight into her target’s identity. The Storyteller
must answer one question from the following list truthfully for each activation success:
● The target’s Vice(s).
● How the target sees himself.
● The people or organizations or events that have had considerable influence on the target’s
Exceptional Success: ​The Princess gets considerable insight to her target’s identity.
Upgrade: Personal (Fulmine 2)
The Fulmine Invocation​ ​flashes brightly with someone’s self enlightenment. The Princess may
look for insight into the target’s character and abilities, so far as these resonate with the Fulmine
Invocation or the credo of the Queen of Cups. Add the following to the list of questions the
Princess may ask.
● The target’s Virtue(s).
● Any of the target’s skills or any specialty to a skill.
● A merit dealing with someone that makes up the target’s identity (Allies, Contacts,
Mentor, Alternative Identity or True Friend Merits).
● The events that constitute breaking points for the target.

Strength of Iron (Learn 2, Metallo 1)

Action: Instant and Resisted, Presence + Empathy - Target’s Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Instant

With nothing more than a pat of encouragement can the Princess learn how refined the target is.
She may use this charm on the same target again, but later activations during the scene take a
cumulative -1 penalty.
Dramatic Failure: ​The Charm misleads the Princess. The storyteller describes a vision of the
target that gives the wrong impression of his physical feats. The Princess will believe in the
vision unless confronted with clear evidence contradicting it. Further uses of the Charm on the
target won’t reveal anything that refutes the vision - the Princess must discover her mistake by
other methods. She may not use the Charm on this target for the rest of the scene.
Failure: ​The Princess learns nothing of her target. She may not use the Charm on this target for
the rest of the scene.
Success:​ The Princess gains flashes of insight to the target’s prowess. The Storyteller
must answer one question from the following list truthfully for each activation success:
● Someone or something the target has worked hard for.
● Someone or something the target is willing to work hard for
● What motivation the target has for their actions.
Exceptional Success: ​The Princess gets considerable insight to her target’s will.
Upgrade: Personal (Metallo 2)
The​ ​Metallo Invocation favors those who work hard and maintain modesty. The Princess may
look for insight into the target’s character and abilities, so far as these resonate with the Metallo
Invocation or the credo of the Queen of Wands. Add the following to the list of questions the
Princess may ask.
● The target’s current Willpower.
● The target’s Strength, Dexterity or Stamina.
● One of the target’s Physical Skills or Specialties.
● Any of the Target’s Physical Merits.

Read The Spacial Boundaries (Learn 2, Vuoto 2)

Action: Instant, Inner Light + Investigation, Modified by Intimacy
Cost: 1 or 2 Wisps
Duration: Concentration

The distance of vision between a Noble of Pentacles and those who have caught her eye becomes
irrelevant. With a simple thought she gets a vision of the target from any viewpoint she desires as
long as the viewpoint remains within Sensory range of the Target. Prophecies and portents are
not instant insight but like a book that must be read through, therefore this charm requires
concentration. If she breaks her concentration (anything requiring a dice pool to do qualifies),
then she returns to her present state and must use the charm again if she desires to spy upon
someone. She automatically loses it if she’s attacked as she forgoes defense while viewing on the
target. If she spends two wisps, then she may choose an avenue of calling (any reflective surface
no matter the quality works) the person through that, whereas the charm connects to the closest
viewpoint (and the most private) of the target and makes it two way as well.
Should a Princess use the 2 Wisps option, then the reflective surface decides what quality the
vision or sound is. A bad reflection gives bad quality for example.
Upgrade: I Can Hear You
The Princess can hear as clear as she can see.
Upgrade: Scrying Tools
The Princess doesn’t need to experience this as a vision. She may instead throw her vision onto a
surface capable of showing it to her, such as a crystal ball, a pool of unbroken water, or even
onto a polished mirror. It will play out the vision as normal and the Princess doesn’t need to
Upgrade: Intimate Spy (Vuoto 3)
The Princess doesn’t need to choose a person with this charm. She may instead choose to target
objects or places where she has an Intimacy with. The modifier targets the object or place with
the lower intimacy if both can apply.
Upgrade: Whodunnit? (Vuoto 4)
Cost: +1 Wisp
The Princess may decide upon criteria for whom she searches for that may not require
precognition and the answer must be a person. “Who killed those ten people?” and “Who is a
follower of the Dark Cult” are fine. “How do I find the Lost Kingdoms” and “Who will win
Mrs.Universe” are not. The Charm uses the intimacy modifier with the lowest penalty if multiple
people apply and the Storyteller may roll in secret to avoid revealing the Intimacy.
Success shows a vision the person who best fits the Princess’s criteria and descriptions must be
given in good faith, whereas Dramatic Failures may allow for low tricks and creative
interpretation of the question.

Future Vision (Learn 3, Vuoto 3)

Action: Instant, Composure + Investigation
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant or Concentration

One of the most prominent powers of Specchio is perhaps the signature power and theme of its
precursor Vuoto, the power to behold the future and walk down the right path, never making a
wrong choice in ignorance.
To prophecy, the Princess must decide which question she wishes to know an answer to that
deals with a single person. Anything within her own personal timeline can count as criteria for
this charm, even things that have happened within her past. The Temporal Flux chart for Vuoto
can tell a Princess much.

Dramatic Failure: ​Time distorts the vision toward an unwelcome portent, be it a fate the
Princess fears or a horrible memory of the past. Though it must be noted that Prophecies are
what can be rather than what shall be, the vision hits the Princess personally and she must make
a sensitivity roll.
Failure: ​Future is foggy, please ask again later. The Princess may also get a random vision of a
clear blue sky, the night sky, the depths of space, or tv static.
Success: T​ he Princess receives a vision of the future. For each success, the Princess may ask a
question that the vision will answer. The visions shown are true and accurate, but may change as
time remains in motion. Not to mention the strange beings in the World of Darkness that can
enter time and change history by it. Perhaps even the Princess seeing the vision changes the
future as well.
Exceptional Success: ​Extra successes are their own reward.

A Princess may only use this charm once per day, On a question about the present (as defined by
the scene), roll as normal and on a success reveal that it’s happened with no further details. For a
question with multiple answers or multiple events in the criteria, the charm tends to favor the
most likely outcome or event. The vision tends to take as long as she wishes to view the future,
to which she is barely aware of her surroundings and foregoes Defense. If the princess is
attacked or must react, the charm ends instantly or she must roll Wits + Composure - Activation
Successes to end the charm early.

Upgrade: Crossroads of Fate

Cost: 1+ Wisps
When looking into the future, it’s perhaps best to know every circumstance or any event that can
happen. When using this charm, the Princess may spend more wisps with the limit being her
Wisps/Turn Expenditure. For each wisp, she may look into other circumstances or events to her
choosing, or alternate futures that may happen along the vision she’s witnessed.
Upgrade: Scrying Tools
The Princess may instead throw the vision into a surface capable of presenting it. As with Read
the Spacial Boundaries, the princess may use reflective surfaces to project the vision onto.
Upgrade: Read Another’s Life (Vuoto 4)
The Princess may read the future of another. She must add intimacy to the roll.
Upgrade: Whatdunnit? (Vuoto 5)
Requires: Read Another’s Life
The Noble may instead ask any question she desires for a vision and she may receive an answer
for it. When it comes to having multiple people, places or things fitting the criteria for a question,
or multiple events for the same course of action, the charm favours the most likely occurrence.

Soul Searching (Learn 3, Fulmine 2)

Action: Instant, Composure + Investigation, modified by Intimacy
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene

There is a glimmering light behind all beings, both Mortal and Supernatural that illuminates their
actions and is the center of their identities. This is of course the Soul. And there are many things
in the World of Darkness that can take them from people. She may use this upon someone should
she find that they’re afflicted with Soul Loss (GMC 186).

Dramatic Failure:​ The Princess loses the connection between the soul and it’s body. For the rest
of the scene, she suffers from the Lost Condition (GMC 182) in terms of finding that soul.
Failure:​ The Princess is simply unable to establish a connection with the Soul.
Success: T​ he Princess gains an innate sense of where the soul is at. It’s less of direct coordinates,
but rather a sense for the general area of where it might be. As well, there might be wards or
various other powers that keep a soul from being discovered that Govern charms might help
Exceptional Success:​ The Princess gains the Informed Condition (GMC 182) in terms of finding
the soul.

Barrier Jacket (Perfect 1) - Upgrade: Insulated (Fulmine 2)
Version: Vocation
The Princess’s Fulmine based armor is lightning proof. For the purposes of protecting against
Electricity (nWoD core book 178), treat the Princess’s Fulmine dots as if it were double for the
purpose of protecting from mundane sources. For magical lightning or mundane but not
continuous source (such as getting hit by a natural thunderbolt), subtract the Princess’s normal
Fulmine+1 from the attack.
Upgrade: Polished (Metallo 2)
Version: Vocation
The Princess’s armor is unyielding to lesser blows. When adding Metallo to her armor, the
Princess doesn’t suffer from Bashing Damage. The damage inflicted must be Lethal damage or
greater to hurt her.

Celestial Dance (Perfect 1) ​- ​Upgrade: Armored (Metallo 2)

The Princess’s body sharpens itself against blows to defend another. The Princess may forgo
defense and act as a Human Shield [GMC 201] for someone else. The Princess can downgrade
any number of damage taken in a turn by her Metallo.
Upgrade: Accelerating (Vuoto 2)
Requires: Danmaku Dance
The Princess moves faster than the eye can see, while other people lag behind her. When the
Princess applies this upgrade, her speed is multiplied by her Vuoto and she may always act first
in Initiative no matter what her Initiative score originally was. She may instead choose when she
goes in a turn, holding back her action.

Speed Racer (Perfect 1) - Upgrade: Fueled (Fulmine 2)

Version: Vocation
The Princess can go for miles without requiring to stop for fuel. The Princess can spend a wisp to
completely fuel the mode of transportation for a scene or an hour, whichever is lower.

Valiant Mind (Perfect 1) - Upgrade: Spiritual Shield (Fulmine 2)

Version: Dream
The Princess’s powers protects her soul as much as it protects from mental influence. The
Princess may penalize attempts of any power targeting her soul by her Fulmine.

Metal Detector (Perfect 1, Metallo 1)

Action: Instant, Wits + Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene
This charm is greatly mundane and simple, yet useful as well. The Princess may detect the
presence of metals within 5x her successes in yards. This applies 360 degrees around her, and is
not sight but rather an additional sense akin to Read the Waves or Read the Wind. She may
discern shape, size, texture and positions of metals within her radius of sensing, but cannot tell
their color or if anything was written onto them.

Perfect Timing (Perfect 1, Vuoto 1)

Action: Unrolled or Instant, Wits + Intelligence
Cost: 0 or 1 Wisp
Duration: Permanent or one roll

The Princess has a great sense of time and direction. The Princess is counted as if she has the
Direction Sense Merit and she is aware of the exact time it is no matter where she’s at. If the
Princess invokes this charm, she may spend a wisp and roll Wits + Intelligence to add her
successes as a bonus to a roll that requires precision timing.

Freedom From Worldly Thoughts (Perfect 2, Fulmine 2)

Action: Permanent

Though a Princess is magical and seeks the enlightenment of the Light, she is also still part of the
physical world and must deal with physical problems. More often than not, these include
everyday things like requiring the bathroom, sleep, feeling pain, sickness, or even something like
addictions be it caffeine or drugs. A Princess with this charm may ignore these urges and any
penalties associated that would normally stop anyone else. When the Princess activates this
charm, she may ignore one urge for each dot of Fulmine she owns.
Drawback: ​Denying an urge is not the same as resolving it. A Princess who has to use the
bathroom will still have to go when she detransforms, and will still suffer from the effects of
withdrawal if she’s addicted to something. Furthermore, while the charm is effective, they do not
gain any beats from Conditions if the Charm ignored the Condition.

Going Native (Perfect 2, Fulmine 4)

Action: Instant, Stamina + Occult
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: 1 Scene

The Princess transforms herself into another type of supernatural, near human but with a touch of
another world upon them. Her form varies with the supernatural type chosen, but in all forms she
looks undeniably human. She has benefits and drawbacks appropriate to each template, which is
a minor splat of a chosen one. She may only ever have one Template active at once, and she may
not have both this charm and Empty Heart or Shadowmask active at the same time.

Each version of this charm are considered to be separate charms due to interacting with separate
Supernaturals. As such, if the Princess knows “Going Native - Blood of Wolves”, then she needs
to buy “I See Dead People” or “Wonders of Science” if she wants to take those forms

● Blood of Wolves: ​The Princess gains features of the Wolf-Blooded, whose Savage Fury
literally runs in the blood. Her eyes gain a wild gleam in them and her hair looks wild no
matter how well combed it is. For the purposes of various Werewolf Rites or Gifts or the
like that call for it, the Princess may act as and counts as a Wolf Blooded.
● I See Dead People: ​The Princess becomes akin to the Sin-Eaters, those irrevocably
connected to death and Second Chances, Her skin may pale and feel dry as she appears
“old”, no matter how young she is. The Princess gains the ability to look through
Twilight and see Ghosts.
● Wonders of Science: ​The Princess learns how to think like a Mad Scientist, practitioners
of Forbidden Science. When interacting with or using wonders, if the Princess’s Inner
Light is equal to or greater than the Inspiration of the Genius who created the Wonder,
the Princess never suffers penalties for using them. As well, the Princess may use Wisps
to power wonders. ​Drawback: ​The Light of Inspiration also shocks the Princess’s mind,
to which she suffers in a similar way the Geniuses do. While she is under the effects of
Wonders of Science, the Princess suffers from the Madness Condition for the duration of
the transformation [GMC 182].

Upgrade: Magical
The Princess also gains powers appropriate to the Template she has chosen, should they have
any. She may choose what powers she gains and may only use them in the template they apply
to. Like the charm, she needs to buy each upgrade separately like they’re different upgrades.
● Tells: (Stacks up to Belief times) ​The Princess may choose Tells of the Wolf Blooded.
For each dot of Belief, the Princess may choose one Tell as described in the Werewolf
The Forsaken 2E Corebook [300-304]. She gains the benefits and drawbacks of it.
● Medium:​ ​The Princess’s ghostly powers extend, allowing her to enchain ghosts on earth.
By spending a wisp, a Princess can bind a ghost to an artificial Anchor for Inner Light
Days. She may also convert any anchor to have the Open Condition [GMC 225-6].
● For Science!: ​Along with being able to interact with Wonders, the Princess may aid in
their creation as well. She may help a Mad Scientist in creating the wonder as if it were a
Teamwork Action, and if Mania is required, the Princess can substitute Wisps for them.
She rolls Intelligence + appropriate Skill in helping of creating the Wonder. She still
suffers the Drawback of “Wonders of Science” however. (Madness never penalizes
creating wonders.)

Perfect Machine (Perfect 2, Metallo 1)

Action: Permanent

Appearance doesn’t matter, it’s how you act that truly counts, and the Princess knows how to
keep herself running when she should be shutting down. If the Princess is suffering from Fatigue
[nWoD core 179-180] and is taking penalties from it, she may reduce the penalties by her
Stamina. A Princess who has gone one day and 18 Hours without sleep (-3 Penalty) but has
Stamina 3 will fully negate the penalty.

Drawback: ​The Princess still can take penalties if they exceed her Stamina, and she still
automatically passes out after staying awake for a number of days equal to the lower of Stamina
or Resolve.

Best Offense (Perfect 2, Metallo 2)

Action: Permanent

The best offense is a good defense. When the Princess transforms, she may apply greater
reaction time to her reflexes and move as fast as an Olympian athlete. She adds her Metallo to
her dots in Dexterity and recalculates all traits using it. For the purposes of Defense, treat it as if
the Princess uses the higher of Wits or Dexterity for recalculating it. Best Offense isn’t
compatible with Kensai, Empty Hands or Levinbolt Upgrades that increase base damage, any
supernatural effects that would increase her Dexterity or the Best Defense charm. If she desires
to change between this charm and her enchanted weaponry, she may do so as a transformation

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet (Perfect 2, Metallo 2)

Prerequisite: Celestial Dance with Steel Body
Action: Instant, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp

The Princesses of Wands are men and women of steel, and are expected to move in their allies
defense when harm comes to pass. The Princess may move their full speed as a reflexive action.
The Princess may only use this charm a number of times in a scene equal to her Metallo.

The Crone’s Contemplation (Perfect 2, Vuoto 2)

Action: Instant, Wits + Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Instant

The Princess is able to slow her perception of time to a crawl, allowing her to mull over a topic
to herself or think of a good comeback to someone’s snarky remark. Success allows a Princess’s
mind to step outside of time for minutes or even hours as she thinks, and may only think, about
things. She may not use any powers or even react lest she ends this charm. The Princess is
allowed to make as many mental rolls as she likes within this timeframe.

Successes gained on these rolls give her a copy of the Floating Blessing Condition, and each
successful roll grants her one bonus die, with the catch that those dice can only be used on the
subject she was mentally preparing herself for. The bonus dice cannot exceed the Princess’s own
Vuoto. It is possible to think up of multiple things in this timeframe, and thus gaining multiple
copies of the Floating Blessing Condition for different circumstances. If any dice remain unused
at the end of the scene, the Princess loses all benefits of the condition.

As a note, it is possible to apply the Temporal Flux modifier for Vuoto onto this charm as it does
use “Within a Day” for its use, but doing so for any longer than that is a notoriously bad idea.
There are stories of those who after using this charm and setting the charm for a long time to
come out raving mad from the experience of being completely and utterly isolated in time for
days or even decades.

Two Faced Lover (Perfect 3, Fulmine 1)

Action: Instant, Resolve + Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene

Of all courts, it is the Masks who change their forms the most with each step of enlightenment.
The Princess can change her Transformed State’s appearance, up to and including hair, voice,
clothes, appearance, height, weight, ethnicity, and even gender. Each success on the roll allows
the Princess to change one of the selected traits to anything of her own choosing while she
remains transformed.
Upgrade: Many Masked (Fulmine 2-5)
Stacks up to Fulmine - 1 Times.
Each time the Princess takes this upgrade, she may specify one trait listed above. When she rolls
to activate the charm, she may treat it as if she’s gained automatic successes equal to the number
of times she’s bought this upgrade. However, she may only ever use these automatic successes
for the trait she’s chosen.
Into Twilight (Perfect 3, Vuoto 3)
Action: Instant, Wits + Occult
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene

The Princess gains the ability to shift into Twilight, becoming a fly on the wall and unreachable
by normal means.

Dramatic Failure:​ The Princess shifts into Twilight, but she’s unable to leave it for 24 hours.
Failure:​ The Princess is unable to shift into Twilight for now.
Success: A​ s long as the charm lasts, the Princess now walks within Twilight. She is capable of
viewing into reality without being seen by any means other than supernatural ones and may even
use charms on people in her Twilight state. She is also fully tangible to Spirits and Ghosts who
are in Twilight as well, which may or may not be a welcome experience.
Exceptional Success: ​The Princess may choose to shift into and out of Twilight at her whims as
an instant action for the rest of the Scene.

Crown of Another Kingdom (Perfect 4, Fulmine 3)

Action: Instant, Presence + Occult
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene

Pangea, Atlantis, Irem, there are various capitals and cities that each Supernatural seems to claim
descent from, but none of them exist to this day. Who better to connect to another Kingdom than
the Nobles who are centered around them? When the Princess uses this charm, she gains the
Crown of Another Kingdom Condition. She may choose one of these effects for it.

● Thorned Crown: ​The Princess takes a crown from Arcadia, realm of beautiful madness.
She shrinks down to two feet high, gaining dragonfly wings and Striking Looks 2 if she
hasn’t had it already. If a Prince uses the charm, then he becomes a female for the
duration of it. The Noble can fly up to a speed equal to her 5 + Strength + Dexterity +
(Fulmine * 2) and she may see through the Mask.
● Feral Crown: ​The Princess’s crown is taken from the Shadow, a realm of primal fury.
She takes the form of a wolf in Urhan Form. If she has Kensai her teeth become her
Kensai weapon; but may only be used with fighting styles appropriate for a lupine form.
If she does not then her teeth become +1 Lethal Damage weapons that do not require a
grapple in order to bite. She gains a +4 bonus to all Perception rolls based on wolf senses
and her traits are affected. Dexterity and Initiative +2, Stamina +1, Manipulation and Size
-1, Speed +5. She may also throw her senses across the Gauntlet and peer into the
Shadow as a reflexive action, and she may treat her Inner Light as Primal Urge when it
comes to factoring Regeneration (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E 93-94). If she has the Going
Native upgrade “Tells”, she retains whatever powers she had in that form.
● Pallid Crown: ​The Princess’s crown comes from the Underworld, home of the dearly
departed. She becomes immaterial, her form being pure essence that becomes a light in
the bleak world of Twilight. For the purposes of this charm, the Princess is considered to
be a Ghost Princess and can be affected by powers that target ghosts for the duration of
the scene. She shifts automatically into Twilight and is considered to have the Anchor
Condition for all Ghosts. The light of hope within also rouses old emotions of life, any
ghost that sees her automatically gains one point of essence, which may only be done
once per day. The Princess is only stated to be “considered” as being a Ghost Princess to
simplify explaining the Charm. She does not pass on to a next life due to her being most
likely alive in using this charm (Alhambra does still carry Bequests from the time of the
Kingdom which Ghost Princesses can use), nor does she Dethrone if her Shadows equal
her Belief.
Upgrade: Numinous (Fulmine 4)
Requires: Crown of Another Kingdom - Pallid Crown.
Stacks up to Belief Times.
The Princess who takes up the Pallid Crown of Ghosts also gains powers acquainted to them.
For each dot of Belief the Princess has, she may take up Numina that ghosts have access to and
she may use Wisps to power them in place of Essence
Open Counseling (Restore 1, Fulmine 1)
Action: Permanent

The Princess aids in drawing out the problems of those she speaks to, giving them knowledge of
what truly upsets or hurts them and helping them come to a conclusion to deal with it. When
using a mundane Empathy roll to learn about someone’s problems, a Princess may ignore up to
her Fulmine any penalties such as panic, stress, Conditions that affect the mind and other similar
distractions the one she speaks to may suffer.

Jumper Cables (Restore 2, Fulmine 1)

Action: Instant, Intelligence + Crafts - Size
Cost: 1 Wisp per Size
Duration: Permanent

Technology is everywhere, and the Princess knows how to tap into any without energy and
resupply it. When the Princess uses this charm, she spends a wisp per point of size of the object.
Success automatically refills the energy it once had (and it must work on electricity) to 100% and
from there it will steadily deplete.

Logic ensues however. A Princess cannot Recharge a drill if it needs to be plugged into an outlet
for it to function, nor can she make a car with an empty gas tank run. She also cannot recharge a
dead battery in a cell phone if the battery is completely fried and unable to store energy or
without one in the first place.
Upgrade: Generator (Fulmine 2)
The Princess may power any electrical piece of technology, even if they do not have any power
sources. The object functions as if it was full of energy for one scene, in which at it’s end it shall
go back to its original state.

No Sleep, No Problem (Restore 2, Metallo 2)

Action: Instant and Resisted, Stamina + Medicine - Target’s Fatigue Penalties
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Permanent

With nothing more than a zap, the Princess keeps someone else awake. When using this charm,
the Princess rolls Stamina + Medicine - the Fatigue penalties the target (which may be the
princess herself) faces (nWoD core 179).
Dramatic Failure: ​The target immediately falls asleep, unable to be awakened until they’ve slept
for 8 hours of sleep plus an hour for each 6 hour period they went without sleep.
Failure:​ The Charm fails.
Success: F​ or each success, the target loses a -1 penalty per success from fatigue and more awake
in general. This charm may not be used more times in a week than the Princess’s Metallo dots.
Exceptional Success: ​The target’s fatigue is wiped clean. They feel like they’ve been asleep for 8
hours and freshly woke up for a new day. They also receive a Willpower point as if they’ve slept.
The willpower point can only be received if the target was subject to penalties from fatigue, and
even then they can only gain this benefit once per day.

Reflection of the Past (Restore 2, Vuoto 2)

Action: Extended, Intelligence + Composure, modified by Temporal Flux (1 min/roll, Threshold
= Storyteller's Discretion)
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Permanent

One problem with memories is how they twist and distort with time. Nothing a quick charm
can’t fix. The Princess chooses a memory of hers or another's, in which an appropriate penalty of
Temporal Flux is applied from how far in the past it was.

Dramatic Failure:​ The Princess simply can’t call up the memory and it remains lost. She may
not use the charm for the rest of the scene and suffers a cumulative -1 penalty to using this charm
to recall the memory.
Failure:​ The Princess is unable to recall anything for the time being, but is free to try again.
Success:​ The Princess makes progress. If she reaches the Threshold, the target recalls the
memory as if it happened yesterday.
Exceptional Success:​ The princess makes great progress.

The reason for the threshold remaining under the Storyteller's discretion is due to the nature of
memories, which can be called forth easier and which are buried deep. If there's some form of
supernatural power preventing a memory to be recalled at all or as it truly was, then it's
activation successes may serve as a threshold for this charm. It might be possible to use this
charm to help recall the time of the Kingdom...but given that it’s been before human history and
most Princesses were warped by the Gales in the Long Night, you might be better off reading
about it from Alhambra’s Archives.

Soul Reattachment (Restore 3, Fulmine 2)

Action: Extended, Manipulation + Empathy (10 Mins/Roll, Threshold = Target’s Willpower)
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Duration: Permanent

The Princess’s hands spark with light, reattaching a soul back to its mortal shell. If a target is
under the effects of Soul Loss (GMC 186) and the target is suffering from the Soulless,
Enervated or Thralled Conditions, and the Princess has the target’s soul by some means, she may
use this charm. Success upon reaching the threshold binds the soul back to the body,

If the target is suffering from the above conditions but he’s controlled by a possessing entity, it’s
certainly required to remove that thing first, as well as perhaps any wards or beings protecting
the soul from being taken back. At the very least, the Target and Soul must be within the same
vicinity to begin the process of reattaching the soul.

Renewing Radiance (Restore 3, Fulmine 4)

Action: Extended, Dicepool the original charm uses (1 turn/roll, Threshold = The Charm’s level
and Invocation dots (if any))
Cost: The same as the Charm being renewed
Duration: The same as the Charm being renewed

Many charms have a point to which they can end, but the power of Fulmine and Restore can
renew even charms close to ending. The Princess may use this charm upon any other charm she
can perceive, spending the same cost to invoke the charm (and drawbacks for Twilight

Dramatic Failure: ​The charm immediately ends, and the Princess is treated as if she broke
Fulmine’s ban.
Failure: ​Nothing happens.
Success: U​ pon a success, the charm attempted to be renewed resurges to full potency as if it were
Exceptional Success: ​The Princess regains the wisps she got to cast the charm.
Upgrade: Otherworldly (Fulmine 5)
The Princess may use her powers to extend other supernatural powers in the world of darkness,
spending Wisps in place of the fuel the other Supernatural splats may use.

Tabula Rasa (Restore 3, Vuoto 3)

Action: Instant, Intelligence + Composure - Shadows, Equivalent Penalty and/or Temporal Flux
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: Instant
The Gazer of the Beyond speaks that if you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back into you.
Beyond safe boundaries of the world can lie horrors unbidden, although a Princess often faces
them in her life. For this purpose, this charm was created to keep their mind clear and sane.

The charm can affect specific memories the princess chooses upon using the charm. They
must’ve been formed during the last scene in order to be able to be targeted by this charm. The
Temporal Flux modifier may be attached to target memories further back. Overall, this charm
can erase Hauntings caused by Sensitivity. It also erases negative mental conditions and lasting
magical effects that affect the mind such as facing a Promethean’s Disquiet. For the latter case,
the penalty incurred is equal to the powers activation successes (if it’s magic affecting the mind)
or the Supernatural Advantage in question (if it’s something along the lines of a Prometheans

Dramatic Failure: ​The Princess accidentally deleted something from her mind for a scene. Pick
a wide ranging topic in the Princess’s memories. For the duration of the scene, she gains the
Amnesia Condition [GMC 181] when it comes to recalling the topic in question.
Failure: ​Nothing happens.
Success: T​ he Princess is able to delete the memory she’s chosen from herself as described above.
Nothing remains of the memory, and no amount of magic or psychological technique will
retrieve it. She does however know her reasoning of why she’s deleted the memory.
Exceptional Success: ​Extra successes are their own reward.

Life Support (Restore 4, Vuoto 3)

Action: Instant, Intelligence + Medicine
Cost: 3 Wisps
Duration: One Scene

The Princess’s power is strong enough to halt the coming of the reaper by placing his next victim
outside of his reach. When a target is bleeding out or suffering from wounds that would surely
kill him, the magic will stop the process of bleeding out, making medical attention possible to be
given to the patient, be it mundane or through other Restore Charms. Even if he’s missing or has
damaged vital organs, he’ll still be alive, although if the organ in question is the brain the target
will be a vegetable. This charm lasts for a scene however so it would require maintenance to
keep someone alive for longer.

It doesn’t work on someone whose health boxes are completely filled with Aggravated or who is
suffering from Decapitation. The target is also still susceptible to being damaged.
Upgrade: Snow White’s Slumber (Vuoto 5)
Cost: +1 Willpower
The Princess can keep her target alive for even longer. She may add the Temporal Flux modifier
to the roll. If the target was bleeding out, it’s completely possible for him to begin healing from
the wounds without any medical attention.

Adjusting the Wheel (Restore 5, Vuoto 4)

Avatar (Pentacles)
Action: Instant, Resolve + Composure
Cost: 3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: One scene

A prophet is not just someone who clears their mind and vision to see the future, they experience
it in its entirety as well. And those who would imitate the Hierophant Queen can experience it
too. She gains the Right Time Condition. When she activates the charm, the Princess may go
forwards or backwards in time up to one scene. If she goes backwards, she returns to the
beginning of the last scene from when this charm was used and she may change events that have
happened in the past by knowledge of the future. If she goes forwards, she instead experiences
time as normal, what would happen in the scene and snapping back at the scene’s end.

However, time travel isn’t something that can be easily toyed with. If the Princess goes
backwards and she makes changes, second uses of the charm cannot undo what the Princess has
changed in using this charm. She may not change the actions she’s taken if she’s experienced the
As well, this charm being potentially game breaking and the like, should there be a group playing
and this charm is allowed, the consent of the group might be required to use this charm. If a
player attempts to do so anyway though, it can be accepted to simply say the charm
automatically failed and could be explained as “The stars are not in position for this tribute”.

While wearing the mantle of Pentacles, the Princess’s eyes seem to appear like pure and
gleaming silver while her presence gives a serene feeling to all about her. She also gains the
Invocation Lock Condition keyed to Vuoto.
Barricade (Shape 1) - Upgrade: Craftsman’s Eye (Metallo 1)
When using her magic upon the object, alongside reinforcing it, it also affects any other
interlocking parts. As well, the Princess may will the object to open, shut, or do anything as she
commands it.

Conductor (Shape 1, Fulmine 1)

Action: Instant, Intelligence + Science
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Scene

The Princess’s hands can sap electricity from whatever she touches. When the Princess touches
something that utilizes electricity, she may make it non-conductive for a scene, making it useless

Shape Metal (Shape 1, Metallo 2)

Action: Strength + Crafts
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Scene

Metal is rigid and unmoving, but even it needs to be tempered to become yet stronger. The
princess may manipulate metal as if it had the same consistency as clay. As soon as she lets go of
it, it regains its normal consistency. To sculpt complex shapes requires a Dexterity + Crafts roll.
If she gains an Exceptional Success in making this charm, the Princess may add her Metallo to
rolls where she reshapes metal.

Ages Gone By (Shape 1, Vuoto 1)

Action: Instant, Wits + Investigation - Durability
Cost: 1 Wisp per 5 Size of Target
Duration: Permanent

The powers of Vuoto can age objects past their prime, decaying them into uselessness. The
Princess must touch an object and choose how much she wishes to age the object by, giving a
penalty as per Temporal Flux chart. Durability resists against time however, and instead of
requiring more successes, the Princess needs to subtract it from the roll as well.

Dramatic Failure:​ The Princess instead suffers Lethal damage equal to the number of 1s rolled.
Failure:​ The charm fails and nothing happens.
Success:​ The object suffers a level of Aggravated Damage equal to the number of successes
rolled, in which the damage looks naturally done by wear and tear through time.
Exceptional Success:​ Extra successes are their own reward.
Upgrade: Inevitable (Vuoto 2)
Cost: +1 Wisp
Everything breaks down with time, and nothing is exempt from this. By spending a wisp, if the
object’s durability is equal to or lower than the Princess’s Vuoto dots, she may ignore it.

Song of the Metal Siren (Shape 2, Metallo 2)

Action: Instant, Presence + Crafts
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Use

The Princess can sweetly sing to the tools she works with, forging them into greater than what
they are. The Princess may add an equipment bonus to the item in question equal to her
successes for a single use of the item.

Mrs. Poppins Bottomless Bag (Shape 2) - Upgrade: Time Capsule (Vuoto 2)

The items the Princess places inside the bag is no longer subject to the rules of time as long as it
remains closed. When the Princess uses Mrs. Poppins’ Bottomless Bag and applies Vuoto, she
may choose a number of objects equal to her Vuoto. As long as the bag remains sealed, the
objects are frozen in time. Food doesn’t spoil, plants don’t wither, and objects don’t deteriorate.
Upgrade: Hammerspace (Vuoto 3)
The insides of the Princess’s bag are so huge that she may hold even improbably large things in
her bag without it looking distended. The Princess may add her Vuoto to the Size of objects
being capable of being placed within her bag.

Tool Whispering (Shape 2) - Upgrade: Tireless (Metallo 2)

Version: Dream
Requires: Dancing
A benefit of using tools is that they never face exhaustion like humans do. When the Princess
releases her concentration, the object may continue its appointed task for up to Metallo days. The
Princess may cancel the task earlier by taking hold of the object.

Made to Order (Shape 3) - Upgrade: Metalworking (Metallo 2)

Version: Dream
A chunk of ore twists and bends in the princess’s hands, becoming her ideal tool for the job and
hard to break. Under this upgrade, the tool is considered to have a Durability equal to the
Princess’s Metallo rating.
Crucible (Shape 3) - Welding (Metallo 2)
Version: Vocation
The object becomes easier to work with and tough as fine steel. The Princess may reduce the
durability penalty by her Metallo. She cannot reduce the penalty to be lower than 0.

Rose of the Noble Castle (Shape 3, Fulmine 3)

Action: Extended, Intelligence + Empathy (2 mins/Roll, Threshold = Target’s Resolve +
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: Lasting

Plenty of things reflect one’s own identity. Some people do plenty of tests to find out who they
are, from Myers-Briggs tests to mere online tests to see what kind of food, item, or what
Hogwarts House the individual would belong to.

The Masks find this process quite interesting to say the least. With their magic, they can directly
draw out objects or things that befit the person’s soul or who they are as an individual. When the
Princess uses this charm, she may choose any list of objects, from weapons to clothing, to
symbols to kitchen utensils and anything in between. When the charm succeeds, the object the
Princess has crafted takes the form of something signifying the identity of the user or something
that befits who the user is.

For example, if the Princess created a weapon that looks like a high class rapier with white frills
and chained wing motif, it could symbolize the person it was taken from to be a polite and
cultured person who longs for freedom, or something like that.

Static Charge (Shape 3, Fulmine 3)

Action: Instant, Manipulation + Science
Cost: 1 Wisp per charge
Duration: 1 Scene

The Princess may take electricity in an object and store it in herself for later use. When using this
on an object, it is considered to have a number of Charges equal to its Size. A Princess may take
these charges onto herself, but she can only safely hold a number of charges equal to her
Fulmine. Any excess is immediately suffered as Bashing damage. She may use these charges to
overload a technological object or to shock a human being. Using the charges on an object deals
automatic loss of structure while using it on a human being requires an established grapple, to
which the charges can be reflexively released to cause one bashing per charge. If the scene ends
and the Princess has unused charges, they disperse automatically.

Master of Arms (Shape 3, Metallo 2)

Action: Extended, Dexterity + Crafts (10min/roll, Threshold = 10 - Metallo Rating)
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Duration: Metallo Scenes

The Princess is able to charm the materials she works with, making a weapon superior to those
made by mundane hands. When holding either a mundane weapons or a weapon the Princess is
crafting and working on, the Princess may work this charm into the weapon creation. Upon
reaching the threshold, the weapon immediately gains the Illuminated Condition. Blessed by the
Light, it deals magic damage as well as physical. Along with gaining this condition, the Princess
may work more functions unto the weapon adding further traits. She may not add more traits to
the weapon than how many dots she has in Metallo. Dealing magic damage does not count
toward this limit for the purpose of this charm.
● Lower the Strength requirement for wielding the weapon (Minimum of 1)
● Negate the Initiative Penalty for wielding the weapon (Minimum of 0)
● Add a point of Armor Piercing to the weapon (Maximum = Metallo rating)
● Add the 9-Again Quality to the weapon in attacking.
● Make the Illuminated Condition indefinite until the weapon is broken.

If the Princess gains an exceptional success in the initial roll to Illuminate the weapon, she may
add one another quality per success over five that does not count toward the Metallo rating limit.

All That Glitters (Shape 3, Metallo 2)

Action: Instant, Intelligence + Crafts - Availability
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: Permanent

...Is not gold, but for a Princess with this charm, things might as well be such anyways. The
Princess is capable of transmuting a type of metal into another type of metal, and she may only
do so with size 1 objects of a homogenous nature. The Princess may affect anything the
Invocation of Metallo can affect (Metals of all kinds), but it must be solid at room temperature.

Subjective Time (Shape 3, Vuoto 2)

Action: Instant, Manipulation + Occult
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: Successes in minutes
The Princess may freeze an object in time. She can keep valuable documents from facing decay
or keep a bomb from going off while she evacuates people. Each success she gets is how many
minutes it remains frozen. Any physical contact more significant than a raindrop however puts it
back into the flow of time from where it left off.
Upgrade: Temporal Flux (Vuoto 4)
Cost: 1 Willpower
The Princess can make the object remain frozen for longer. She may apply the Temporal Flux
modifier to the object, deciding for how long it remains frozen and how much of a penalty is
applied to the charm roll.

Shelter Sweet Shelter (Shape 4)

Version: Dream
The style of the Pre-Twilight Queens also leaves a mark upon the shelter created by the Princess.
● Fulmine: Open aired pagoda with seaside motif.
● Metallo: Persian architecture on a metal frame.
● Vuoto: Miniature palace with a crystal tower on top.
Upgrade: Humble Abode (Metallo 2)
The Labourers homes are simple and humble, requiring no adornments and blending right in.
When making the shelter to appear more humble, the Princess may negate the -3 penalty to the
charm roll in order to do so.

Call Down the Thunder (Shape 4, Fulmine 3)

Action: Extended, Dexterity + Science (threshold = 5, 1 min/roll)
Cost: 3 Wisps
Duration: One Scene

The Princess calls electricity to rampage across the sky, to dance at her fingertips. Once she
reaches the threshold, the sky grows dark and lightning begins rolling through the sky. As an
instant action, the Princess may call down Lightning. She uses a dicepool of her activation
successes of this charm and may target anyone in sight, dealing one lethal damage per success.
Furthermore, for every 3 successes the Princess accumulates over the threshold, she can apply
one of the following effects. She may wait to choose which effects to apply until the turn she
needs one.
● Heavy Rain: The storm pounds on those caught in it, making being outside near
intolerable. Until the charm ends, the area has the effects of the Heavy Rain tilt [GMC
209]. Cold weather does not change this to the Blizzard tilt.
● Thundering: The storm above heaves an aural assault at the Princess’s command. With
the same dicepool and targeting parameters as using Lightning, the Princess may inflict
the Deafened tilt [GMC 207] upon the target. He is considered to be deaf in both ears.
● Duration: This charm and the tilts it creates last for another scene.
Current weather conditions modify the activation roll: Already raining (+3), thick clouds (+1),
clear sky (-1), or drought (-3). This charm cannot be used more than once per day on a single
Upgrade: Sheltering (Fulmine 4)
The Princess’s mien shelters all the people who search for themselves in the midst of a storm.
The Princess herself suffers from none of the tilts she has created​ ​and may name a number of
people up to her Inner Light + Fulmine that won’t be harmed by the storm.

Faster On The Inside (Shape 4, Vuoto 4)

Action: Instant, Wits + Composure
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene

It’s a well known fact how the Pentacles debates seem to last late into the night, and yet when
people walk out of the rooms they find that only half an hour has passed. Thanks to this charm, a
Princess may do so.

All the Princess requires is for an enclosed space. All doors and windows shut and preferably no
people around except for those inside the room. For each success she earns, the Princess may
allow time in that room to proceed at Successes + 1 times as fast or slow as she desires.

For example, a Princess invoking this charm can spend two hours in a room with this charm
active and got 2 Successes. Depending on whether she wanted time to go slow or fast, she could
find that 40 minutes or 6 Hours have passed in reality. Along with being useful for meetings and
parties, it also greatly helps for last minute studying for exams or ensuring more than enough
sleep is gained.
Upgrade: Sanctuary
This charm can be attached to consecrated ground, active whenever the Princess desires it to be
active instead of constantly on.

The Princess’ Apprentice (Shape 5, Metallo 4)

Avatar (Wands)
Action: Instant, Dexterity + Crafts
Cost: 3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene
The land that would be Gonel was once wild, untamable and uninhabitable. However, the Queen
of Wands has claimed this land as her own, doing the impossible through hard work and a touch
of magic to turn it into a thriving Kingdom. A Princess who touches upon the Queen of Wands
fortitude may also do great feats even if she’s alone.
When a Princess uses this charm, she gains the Unlimited House Works Condition. She may give
inanimate objects orders as if she used Tool Whispering with the Dancing Upgrade, and may
change their orders or drop them as an instant action, or even take control of the objects
employing a dicepool of Metallo + Appropriate Skill and move them as she pleases. Unlike Tool
Whispering, inanimate objects without any ability to move under their own power are now able
to, having an effective speed equal to the Princess’s Dexterity + Metallo. All objects affected
must be in sensory range, and the Princess may only affect a maximum number of objects equal
to her Metallo.

While the Princess wears the mantle of Wands, she and her regalia becomes more detailed, each
line or scar of motif telling a story of what she’s done. Silver threads also spool from her hands
and connect to the objects she’s controlling, though nothing is able to cut through them. The
Princess also gains the Invocation Lock keyed to Metallo.

Chapter 3: Kingdoms 
The Kingdoms
Calat, Gonel, and Crystal Heril - The three missing Kingdoms that have vanished completely in
the Fall, save perhaps Calat in the form of its capital Alhambra. Nowhere do they exist in the
Dreamlands nor do the Twilight Queens speak of them. Nobles have few memories, but even
they have twisted far by the Gales and do not recall what those Kingdoms were exactly like.
The notions of these Kingdoms follow the same format as the descriptions of the Radiant
Kingdoms in the Corebook of Princess: the Hopeful. This is intentionally written to be like they
were in the Dreamlands should they be desired to be included in a modern setting. It also gives
info on what the Kingdom’s styles were like without divulging into what the Pre-Fall world once

The Shores of Calat, Domain of the Queen of Cups

Along the shorelines of continents and islands, one may run into the settlements of Calat, the
Kingdom of the Queen of Cups. Being the most vast of the Queen’s Kingdoms, Calat is based at
where warm sands, tropical weather and the endless blue of the sky and ocean are at. The waves
are always soft and welcoming and the sand comforts the feet of those who’ve travelled long.
This is helpful as most of the people of the kingdom know how to handle sea transportation and
handling. The cities, walls, and roads were made through either using the architecture practiced
by Calat or by using the way of another Kingdom, often forming a mixture of the kingdom’s

From here it can be said that Calat could simply be a mix-match of what the rest of the
Kingdoms have, and to an extent that is true. There are many citizens from other Kingdoms and
places who live within Calat, but there is no demands for them to change to exist in the society.
No, often people are able to put so many cultures together without any of them being subsumed
into a whole. That’s not to say that Calat doesn’t have its own style. The pagodas, open
courtyards and buildings are perhaps the hallmarks of Alhambra, Calatian capital and where the
Queen has put her most personal touches on.

Though not as good at manufacturing nor as good at merchandising, Calat makes up for it
through variety and has a healthy economy based on handling imports and exports as well as
transportation and food. Few language barriers exist, but it also helps that the most of the
citizens can speak more than one language, and the most seasoned of sailors and merchants know
at least five languages and can flip between them on a moment’s notice.

Organizations and government between the towns and Alhambra tend to mold into a democratic
form, where the leaders are chosen from the people and by the people. And should the form of
government or leadership not work for the people, then they have the complete right to change
out the leaders with new ones. The Queen of course is fit for almost all stations in her city and
nowhere on any part of her Kingdom does she face fear of dethronement.
The Gonel Union, Domain of the Queen of Wands
Gonel is a land of dry plants, cracked earth and sparse wildlife. Of course, this is anywhere
within the kingdom that isn’t inhabited by settlements, as they are teeming with life, Crops and
good willed folk are what makes up the Queen of Wands’ Kingdom. The people have managed
to tame the harsh lands they call home as much as the lands have honed them to work.

Upon finding these settlements, the Princess can see that they’re tightly knit communities that
can make do with, or without one or more people in them. Newcomers or returning peoples are
welcomed warmly into the fold. They easily work best in teams, and they have had many
accomplishments under their belts. They’ve been able to move rivers off their course, grow
plants where none could thrive and herd livestock amongst it all.

The People of Gonel tend to work as a community when it comes to any arising problems and
major positions in assignments come to those who have the best skills in the department of work.
Gonel as such follows a meritocracy style of ruling with a community that can rely on each other
for support.

Gonel is finally an extroverted nation, if not due to imports when there’s the rare shortages, then
due to the factor that Gonel can provide some of the largest labor forces willing to work for their
keep. Also given the factor that underneath the Kingdom’s lands lie rich metal ore deposits, this
has also lead to a healthy relationship to the Dannan Archipelago in their use of raw materials.

The Ecclesia Crystal Heril, Domain of the Queen of Pentacles

The Kingdom of Crystal Heril is a mix of deciduous forests that holds the palace of spyglass and
crystal towers that is the Queen’s castle. The cities often pile atop of each other, steadily
reaching outward from the center. Beyond these cities lies the plains that constitutes the
farmlands. It’s a true fact that the Court of Pentacles makes wise use of their charms, and their
lands reflect this by being one of the Kingdoms least beset by any troubles from events, natural
or otherwise, and thus needing few emergency resources for living in their conditions.

There is an even mixture of farming villages and the minor aristocracies that make up the bigger
communities. Those in power are often chosen by the Queen of Pentacles or one of her highest
Priestesses and are graded not by their power or influence, but by what they can or will do with it
by judging on their character as well. People within the domain have a good discerning eye for
quality, and don’t often fret when it comes to minor problems that were simply unavoidable,
such as a storm that cuts off the power and the like.
Ultimately, despite the foremost duties of Pentacles Kingdom matching that of inquisitors,
judges and investigators, there is no paranoia of “Big Sister Pentacles” watching. The farthest
that anyone in the service of the Kingdom would look is only for the biggest events towards the
Kingdom as a whole. If a plague is killing off the crops for example, they will stockpile
beforehand or import if worst comes to worst. Invasion of privacy is only tolerated when it
comes to major disputes.

The Court of Pentacles is an oddity when it comes to its introversion. They are known to try to
grasp the uncertainty that is the Light, and debate on what is good or just. These nightly sessions
often attract a great audience from across the kingdoms when it comes to these discussions, and
sometimes they are part of a case the Kingdom has been dealing with. Sometimes these disputes
carry out amongst the kingdoms on the bands of knights, who are as much evangelists as they are
crusaders. They carry them to the ears of those unable to attend but desiring to be a part of.

The Foundation - Some More Examples

The Foundation looks different even to the Radiant Queens before Twilight.

To the Queen of Cups, the Foundation appears like the first winding road she took when she
began her trip to Enlightenment, each step of hers, and all those before her who attempted being
outlined in great detail. The Beyond appears as a storm upon the horizon of the road, although
the Queen has been said that there has been a gleaming light behind the storm.

The Queen of Wands sees the Foundation as the lands her Kingdom was before she settled upon
it, badlands with dried up grasses and few living things under the sun. The Beyond appears as a
great crevice at the edge of the Foundation, where it leads quite easily into pitch blackness. The
sight unnerves the Queen, if nothing else.

The Queen of Pentacles views the Foundation as a crystal spire jutting up into the night sky,
where it’s decorated by constellations upon constellations of stars. The Beyond appears as the
full moon in the sky, shining eternally without the radiance of a Sun to draw upon.
Chapter 4: The Road to Twilight and Dawn 
“I can’t go back to yesterday - because I was a different person then.”

Even though the Queens have certainly changed, one thing remains certain about the Light. Even
if something is touched by Darkness and corrupted, if it is cared for, then it can be redeemed
back to what it once was. It is very possible for a Princess to take these Philosophies into herself
and recreate the courts of old from them, although the Queen of Tears would understandably be
pissed​ at the notion of someone taking the Mantle of Cups, her rightful mantle, away from her.

Although despite all of this information on the Twilight Courts’ Precursors, it still doesn’t
explain one crucial detail amongst all of them that any Princess in the know would desire the
answer to. Perhaps the one detail that perverts the Light and fractures it with Darkness. “How did
these courts turn into what they are today?”
Indeed. How does a Radiant Court turn to Twilight? And inversely, can a Twilight Court be
turned back to Radiant? Like so many disputes amongst the Hopeful, there’s many theories and
ideas, but not one definite answer as of yet.

One thing for certain is that in all respects, a Twilight Court seems to be created and function
almost exactly the same as a Radiant Court does. No matter whether it follows the vague
processes that follows Queens within the Vocation Version, or the outline that the Dream version
provides. One thing though that is definite within both versions is that an Invocation is
influenced by its Queen’s beliefs. And of course, the more one lives, the greater possibility there
is for the beliefs of a Queen to shift. If an Invocation changes, then it could mean that it was
influenced by a change in behavior by the Queen herself.

Invocation Drawback
Perhaps a peculiar sentiment of the Twilight Courts is that their powers demand something extra
to be paid in accordance of their powers. Something that hurts the user. These take the form of
the Twilight Invocations Drawbacks. Respectively, Lacrima holds Belief Compromises or
Sensitivity rolls, Tempesta holds Resistant Damage, and Specchio calls madness. The peculiarity
of these is that none of the Radiant Invocations hold these drawbacks, they are Twilight
Invocation only. How exactly is such a thing possible?

Fall and Redemption

If you can be tormented by the Darkness, then you can fall. But if someone else cares for you,
then you can be redeemed. This is a simple part of the cycle of Light and Darkness. Does the
same go for a Twilight Court? It sure can, but it depends on how it fell in the first place to see
how it redeems.

You Cannot Spell “Twilight” Without “Light”

In truth, these three theories are simply that amongst the Radiant - theories. What is known is
that the Queen of Tears and the Queen of Mirrors have shown interest in recreating the
Kingdom, and the Queen of Storms directs her attentions against the Darkness and cleansing it
from everything. Even if the Queens’ methods are divided from the Light, they still follow its
ways, never falling completely to the Darkness. As such, if your game focuses on the redemption
of a Twilight Queen, these theories are simply just that - theories. Which one is true is up to the
ST to devise.

Belief Theory
Perhaps in another fitting fashion, the Invocation can also hold on to some aspects it once had if
it has changed. One known fact among princesses is that an invocation exists because of a
Queen, not the other way around. If it changes, then the Queen the invocation belongs to changes
too, right? If a Princess today had picked up the philosophies of Cups, lived by them and
cultivated a new Kingdom and she became the new Queen of Cups, the Fulmine Invocation
presented in this book wouldn’t be exactly the same as the Fulmine the Princess-now-Queen has
made since it bears her personal touch and not the Queen of Tears’.

This is perhaps the most understandable theory, as the Twilight Invocations do have some piece
of their Precursors in them as explained in Chapter One. Vuoto’s free manipulation of Time and
Space would explain how Specchio bears control of the same, but not in the exact same fashion
as it once held. Through this example, it also holds that something of the old remained with the
new as well, and therefore falling to Twilight is plausible by the unnatural circumstance that was
the Fall.

For example, the Queen of Cups was about Self-Discovery and Enlightenment. When the Fall
occurred, it’s plausible that in order to survive, she desired to become the person who could
withstand the compromises required to keep the last remnant of the Kingdom alive. Only now
though through her twisted enlightenment she now cannot break free and her eyes, which could
once see the light ahead, are now clouded by endless tears.

As for the Invocations’ Drawbacks, they’re explained away as the Princesses’ beliefs being
magic. In turn, the Twilight Queen’s beliefs, which are twisted in their showing of the light, have
taken the shape of these drawbacks to compensate their shift in power and philosophy. The
Queen of Cups, again in example, has wanted to become a person able to take compromises and
be able to deal with them. The shifting of Fulmine into Lacrima has produced it to demand Belief
Compromises or bearing more Sensitivity in turn, requiring those who would wield Lacrima to
be able to take the same compromises the Queen-Who-Was-Cups had.

To rise back to what they once were, as Radiant Courts, it would require the Queen to be able to
shift her Beliefs back to what they once were, perhaps fixing the damage they have once done.
This is where the theory’s fault comes in, as each queen is directly different. The Queen of Tears
is most definitely at Belief 1, and an attempt at changing beliefs would only cause a Compromise
on her own part. The same goes to Storms, except that whatever her circumstances for falling
had tied into her power surge upon the Fall. In these two cases, the best way to reassume their
duties as Radiant would probably require Reincarnation first to build a clean slate upon, both
belief-wise and Kingdom-wise. Afterall, they do recall their times as Queens during the
Kingdoms without the trouble of Galewarped memories, so they can recall how to do it much
better than any other. The only problem is persuading them to let go. As she is, the Queen of
Tears would not leave Alhambra unattended and especially Queenless, and Storms must
eliminate the darkness before she can rest.

Perhaps the Queen of Mirrors is a bit more fortunate. Her ambiguity to whether she’s Radiant or
Twilight, the factor that she could be a living Queen and that her invocation has relatively a few
changes from her time as Pentacles (in both element and Belief) means that she could potentially
return to being Radiant. Now if only someone could actually find out where she’s at and go to

The Grieving Process Theory

Perhaps less common as a theory is the Grieving Process theory. It is true that the Fall has
changed the Queens and that the Invocations are a product of them. However, it claims that the
change didn’t happen because the Queens themselves had changed. No, it’s believed that the Fall
killing off the Kingdoms afflicted them with being unable to move past its death. This is most
obvious with Tears, however the Queen of Mirrors looks for those who would bring it back
while proclaiming her standards of the True Heir and the Queen of Storms has raged for
millennia past the Fall’s end, screaming for vengeance against the Darkness all the while.

For those who ascribe to this theory, the Queens are simply stuck at different standpoints of the
grieving process, making the problem purely psychological and thus able to deal with. The
Queen of Tears seems to be stuck within Depression, unable to create a future past her glorious
Kingdom and seeing others suffering as less than her own. The Queen of Storms is stuck within
Anger, raging past the end of the world and into the new one, striking against everything that is
amongst her enemies that took everything away before. The Queen of Mirrors could be seen as
some odd mix of Bargaining and Denial. She calls out to others to reign as the True Heir, when
by all means she could do so herself and yet she never does.

Their grief then could strike out as their Invocations Drawbacks. Tear’s Depression drowns those
who would use her invocation in sorrow and misery (regardless of the Corebook being used with
the Compromises/Sensitivity divide). Storm’s Anger rages against everything: friend, foe, ally,
enemy, the world, the Darkness and even the Light. Mirror’s Denial coalesces into Madness,
denying loss of Belief with Madness and the True Heirs failures.

Therefore, the problem here is simply psychological and could be solved as such. Queens,
despite being demigods and rulers of nations, are still human in the end, and as such need the
same comforts and needs for respite as people do. Helping the Queen of Tears move past her
Depression, getting the Queen of Storms to take a breather, making the Queen of Mirrors look
upon what she’s doing and acknowledge that she’s not helping anything could potentially help
them move back to Radiance.
The Darkness/Dark Avatar Theory
While nothing more than conjecture, this theory is perhaps the most unpopular theory present
and is mostly kept in the privacy of Radiant individuals. The reason for its unpopularity isn’t
because of its possible relevance, but more due to that any belief in it would undoubtedly sever
connections with, or even outright create loads of hostility between the Radiant and Twilight.

Even those who haven’t laid eyes upon Alhambra’s archives, or even Alhambra itself, do know
of the Memorial in the Queen’s Palace that speaks of the Fall in minor detail.

“In the nal days of the Kingdom, the minor courts turned from the Light to contend with one
another, and to resist the efforts of Her Majesty the Ever-Flowing to impose order and peace
upon them. None now can say who was the rst to use monsters of the Darkness as weapons in
these battles; but those who did were inevitably betrayed, as are all who think to master

Their lands became the monsters’ bastions, their peoples (if they were fortunate) were killed or
(if less blessed) changed into abominations and sent to conquer other courts in turn. Some few
Queens, realizing the world’s peril at last, came at the invitation of Her Majesty the
Ever-Flowing, with their subjects and armies to this, the eternal city Alhambra.

Here they prepared to carry war into the lands taken by Darkness, under the command of the
Seraphic General, the rst of all Queens after Her Majesty the Ever-Flowing. From the gates of
the eternal city the armies set forth, and within a day’s march the swollen horde of abominations
fell upon them and broke them. Her Majesty the Ever-Flowing, with her loyal knight
commanders, looked out from this place and saw the Seraphic General rise from the eld of
battle, transmuted into a living storm; they knew in that moment that all the world save
Alhambra was lost forever. In this place Her Majesty the Ever-Flowing and her knight
commanders performed the Grand Sacrice of Inversion, enveloping the eternal city within a
perpetual ward and shield, so that the last refuge of the Light would be preserved undimmed.

The wisdom of Her Majesty the Ever-Flowing shall illuminate the cosmos forever.” (From both
Princess the Hopeful Corebooks)

Although Tears tends to tell things in her point of view (and thus it’s at least a little bit
unreliable), some do contend that there’s still a glimmer of truth in the morsels leftover from the
Fall. From this text it would seem that in the days of the Fall, many Kings and Queens were
tempted by the Darkness and consequently used it or even controlled it, if to only ultimately
become corrupted by it. One thing though is still to note, that out of the many Kings and Queens
who might’ve once existed, they do not now. Even the ones that were supposedly welcomed to

The belief behind this theory is that the Twilight Queens had struck some sort of Pact with the
Darkness itself somehow. Based on how normal mortals pact with the Darkness, for a Queen to
do so is perhaps so great a deal that something great had to be offered in return to the Darkness.
The most common story is that in exchange for Alhambra’s protection from the Darkness, the
Queen of Tears would offer the world’s hope, and the lives of the Kings and Queens who had
once come for her aid. For the Queen of Storms, if it is believed that when she was surrounded
by Darkness as the story goes, she made her deal in the midst of it to perhaps be able to rage
forever without losing herself to the darkness. The Queen of Mirrors is unknown as all things go.
Maybe she bargained for safety, and the catch was that all those who she would seek out to
succeed for her would eventually fail.

Quite honestly, this theory is known as both “The Darkness Theory” and “The Dark Avatar
Theory”, as the Darkness could carry out on it’s own. However, Alhambra’s records speak of
three other beings, masterminds behind the Fall and the Trap that were gods amongst the
Darkness. The Black Queen of Despair, the Red Queen of Violence, and the White Queen of Self
Loathing. The existence of the Dark Avatars are simply too suspicious to be avoided when it
comes to the three Twilight Queens and that their invocations do bear the flaw presented by the
Dark Avatar. Indeed, if the Avatars did ever exist, there isn’t any information that they exist

Through this, it’s believed that the Invocation Drawbacks are caused from a clause in the pact
made, or perhaps an additional term in exchange for what the Queens bargained for. Lacrima
does spread about Despair and forces it upon its users. Tempesta creates violence upon
everything. And Specchio fosters Self-Loathing as it hides the imperfect mortal beneath a perfect

As for changing the Queens back to Radiant, it then becomes a form of wordplay or seeking for
the terms of the Pacts made and trying to void them. How to void them may vary. It may require
trying to find a loophole in the pact that the Queen can use to get out of it. It may require the
death of the Darkness (or the respective Avatar if they’re used). Or perhaps it can simply be
voided by the Queen’s death. All of these are bound to be extremely hard, and with what this
theory supports, it is both the most shunned and least talked about, for it describes the possibility
of betraying the Light to the Darkness.
Chapter 5: The Integration of Light and Twilight 
Out of all of these sections of this supplement, there is still the matter of making a game that uses
these Courts. One might wonder how to properly implement the precursors to Tears, Storms and
Mirrors when those Courts are already within the campaign. This chapter will do it’s best to
accommodate such scenarios to help both Storytellers and Players come up with ideas or
suggestions to carry out such ideas.

Scenario 1: I want to make a game where all 8 Courts are Radiant. 

This scenario is perhaps the simplest. If one wants to play with all of the Courts as Radiant
Courts, the precursors as written can fit in with the Radiant Queens in the Dreamlands. This
would possibly remove Alhambra as a possibility, as well as the Queen of Storms and Mirrors.
This could also potentially remove scenarios that take place during the Long Night.
Scenario 2: I want to make a game where there are the 8 Radiant Courts, but the three Twilight Courts 
still exist as well. 
This scenario is similar to Scenario 1, save that one has to account that the Queens of Cups,
Wands and Pentacles were written as the same people as the Queens of Tears, Storms and
Mirrors before their change into Twilight.

One could say that the Radiant Queens had left quite a mark on humanity, one that not even the
Fall could fully extinguish. Even if they did not exist anymore, the Queen’s ideals still live on
enough in the Dreamlands and thus sustain the Court even as the true Queens have fallen to

Another idea is that not every Queen present has to be the original Queen. Maybe the original
Queens had indeed died in the fall, and another Noble had risen to take their dropped crowns and
thrones into something more suitable to survive the Darkness. And even if they didn’t die in the
Fall, who’s to say that they didn’t choose to die and reincarnate during the Long Night, become
trapped in the Dreamlands where they could begin their Kingdom anew and untarnished?

Scenario 3: I’m already running a game with the usual Radiant and Twilight Courts, but I want to 
introduce these Courts and/or their Invocations as well. How do I do that? 
In cases where you already have a game running, it’s hard to keep up the narrative when you
suddenly drop three Kingdoms out of nowhere with no way to explain it. It somewhat breaks the
immersion into the World of Darkness.

When introducing these courts into an already running game, it’s certainly a possibility to make
the game about reviving these courts. Even if it’s not up to the Player Characters to do so, they
could be helping someone else in their endeavors to become a Queen. In these cases, the only
question is “how do we get the information on how these courts were like so they can be

Princesses know enough that there were three other Kingdoms: Calat, Gonel and Crystal Heril.
It’s plausible that enough Princesses could come together, placing the pieces of their broken
memories of the Kingdom to paint the picture of how those places were like. And given that
Princesses tend to be highly social, this probably isn’t as herculean a task as becoming a Queen

Another good source for Princesses to get information on the old Kingdoms and Philosophies
lies in the Heart of the Darkness, Alhambra. Despite it’s parasitic existence, one thing that can be
said that they’ve done right is keeping the documents, biographies and shelves of books entirely
on the Kingdoms that were Pre-Fall. Of course, the place is also a Fortress on the same place that
Alhambra’s Royal Palace is at. A frontal assault in Alhambra is more than likely suicidal, and
even wading through the bureaucracy can be a headache, but both can certainly be done. Maybe
they can get some help from someone within the Order of the Tortoise, whose main duty is to
protect and upkeep the archives. If there’s anyone who doubts Alhambra’s legitimacy, and who
would want the glory of the Kingdom restored, it’s them. Maybe the Characters join Tears with
the express purpose or desire to get at those records.

Another idea ties into one presented in Scenario 2, the one that suggested the original Queen
gave her throne to someone else so they may start their Kingdom anew. Maybe the original
Queen has now reincarnated as a Princess, in hopes of starting her Kingdom anew. The upside is
that the Queen is free to recreate her own Court and this doesn’t require player interaction or
convenience to accomplish. The obvious downside is that the Twilight Court still exists, which
leads to questions why...

The Queen of Tears is loyal to Alhambra and it’s citizens, and she would not leave her Kingdom
with anyone that would harm them. She might have been persuaded to give up her throne by
someone else in the past, but her current incarnation sees that her successor fell into the same put
the Queen had fallen into. Of course, she cannot go back and reclaim her court. One is that she
has higher Belief and can see she was wrong, and thus doesn’t want to fall back into the same
pitfall she did during the Fall. A second reason is that perhaps her citizens don’t even realize
their Queen has changed, or it has a figurative policy of “no backsies”. What can she do now? At
the very least, she can recreate the Court of Cups with the benefit that it will not be trapped in the

The Queen of Storms is well known to not be sapient anymore and goes nowhere beyond “see
darkness, kill darkness, rinse, repeat”. What if during the Long Night, the Queen has somehow
purged herself from the consciousness of the Storm and managed to reincarnate herself, akin to
the Tears scenario above? But she would find that, by some whim of nature or due to the
unknown nature of her powerup, the Storm still rages fueled by the souls whose hatred it
consumes. It’s become like a gigantic engine of destruction that’s too huge to dismantle or stop.
The best she can do is try to recreate the Court of Wands.

The Queen of Mirrors is enigmatic as everyone knows, and she seems to like keeping it that way.
But some memories pieces together by Princesses may recall that the Queen of Mirrors was a
child at the time of the Fall. Those who know of the Charm “Somebody Else’s Problem” may
speculate that she cannot bear the failures of her Heirs, and that as a child she may use the charm
to delete every harmful memory, robbing her of the chance to grow up and be responsible. Many
more speculate that, since Specchio is supposed to make one the best, why isn’t the Queen who
embodies the Invocation hide away and be unhelpful whereas her followers are the opposite?

Maybe the current Queen of Mirrors is merely a copy left behind by the true Queen, who hides
away because she is indeed as fragile as the mirror glass the Queen pulled her out from. Perhaps
the Queen could be persuaded to accept the responsibilities she’s been putting off, if she is truly
the Child Queen who cannot bear the sensitivity of the world.

Crown of Another Kingdom
The Princess has taken the crown of another kingdom, and as such she claims a part of another
supernatural template into herself. She gains powers appropriate to the crown taken as explained
in the Crown of Another Kingdom Charm.
Crown Taken and Powers:
Beat: ​Gain a beat whenever interacting with a supernatural type while under the effects of the
Causing the Condition: ​Using the Crown of Another Kingdom
Ending the Condition: ​The Charm Ends.

Destiny Condition
The Character is set to walk upon a path, and they may not leave it until she finishes it or the
time simply runs out to fulfill it. The Character has one Aspiration, Dream or Vocation selected
as the Destiny. Whenever the Character would take up actions that would further the cause, they
receive bonuses to any roll that applies. Completion of the Destiny Condition grants the Princess
her choice of Luminous or Regular Beats.
Drawback: ​The chosen Destiny bears only one path, and doesn't favor any deviations. The
Character takes an equivalent penalty to trying to get the same end from different ways.
Chosen Destiny:
Roll Modifier:

Illuminated (Object Condition)

An object has become Illuminated, touched by the Light and blessed with power.
Effect: The blessed object is capable of dealing magic damage as well as physical damage.
Depending on the craftsmanship of the Noble using the charm, it also may have other effects
imbued into it.
● Lower the Strength requirement for wielding the weapon (Minimum of 1) = ____
● Negate the Initiative Penalty for wielding the weapon (Minimum of 0) ​= ___
● Add a point of Armor Piercing to the weapon (Maximum = Metallo rating) ​= ___
● Add the 9-Again Quality to the weapon in attacking.​Y/N
● Make the Illuminated Condition indefinite until the weapon is broken. ​Y/N
Causing the Condition: ​Using the Master of Arms Charm
Ending the Condition:​ The Scene ends.
Ending the Condition: ​The weapon breaks if it was made indefinite.
(Inanimate Objects cannot gain beats.)

Mentor (Boon Condition)

The Princess has taken the mantle of Cups, and serves as a Mentor to someone whom she is
showing the way of self-discovery and the Light to. She may initiate a trade of Attributes, Skills,
Specialties, Most Merits, Charms, Invocations, Inner Light and Wisps between herself and the
person she serves as mentor to who has the Your Truest Self Condition.
Understudy Name:
Dots Given:
Dots Received:
(Boon Conditions do not grant Beats)

Mentor’s Fatigue
Becoming a Mentor under the banner of Cups has it’s own problems, as she is responsible for
someone else’s failings and mistakes. The Princess gets 9 Again on Sensitivity Rolls if the target
of “The Trail We Blaze” charm is a perpetrator. If the Princess faces a Belief Compromise
through Bad Example rules due to the target, she doesn’t half or double her modifier with her
own Compromise Roll.
Beat: ​The Princess suffers a haunting or loses a dot of Belief.
Ending the Condition:​ This condition fades at the end of the scene, this does not grant any

Right Time (Boon Condition)

Time is a flowing river, and those wearing the Mantle of Pentacles can swim through it to a
degree. Upon use of the Charm, the Princess may move a scene into the future and return to the
Present, or she may move to the past and change events for the present. This charm has many
benefits, but if the Princess changes events in the past, or changes her actions in the present due
to experiencing the future, she cannot change events again as she has penned the future by her
own hand.
Changed Event:
(Boon Conditions do not grant beats)

Your Truest Self (Boon Condition)

Your character has been enchanted by someone who took the Mantle of Cups and serves as
mentor to your character, and learns a great deal about himself as a Noble. Your character can
benefit from trading dots with his mentor as well as gaining the innate powers of the Noble
Template and benefitting from them, gaining Courtless Practical Magic and whatever dots the
Mentor gives or takes. This however includes the bad parts of sensitivity and Shadows however.
Dots Given:
Dots Received:
(Boon conditions do not grant beats)

Unlimited House Works (Boon Condition)

The Princess has taken the mantle of Wands, who is capable of completing time consuming tasks
in mere minutes alone. She may remotely control objects within her sensory range no matter how
complicated or simple they are. She may only affect a number of objects equal to her Metallo
rating. They also can move through the magic controlling them, bearing an effective speed of the
Princess’s Metallo + Dexterity. Finally, a Princess may change the object’s task as an instant
action or take control of an object herself using a dicepool of Metallo + Appropriate Skill for the
Maximum Effected Objects: _____
Object’s Effective Speed: ______
(Boon Conditions do not grant beats.)

Work It Out Condition

Your character is currently suffering some sort of problem, but is inspired enough to try getting it
off of their mind. When they make an extended roll, instead of accepting the benefits of success
or failure, they may choose to cash in this Condition and one other Condition or penalties caused
by a specific stimulus. They resolve them, but they do not gain any beats from it.
Causing the Condition: ​Fulfilling a Virtue, gaining an exceptional success on an Integrity Roll,
being affected by magic.
Resolving the Condition: ​When cashing in as defined above.
Lost In Time Tilt
Your character was in a fight, but now he can barely keep up with anyone else. As long as he’s
under the effects of this tilt, his defense is penalized by however many successes were gained on
the time warping magic that slows him down. He also may only move half his speed (to a
minimum of 1, round up) and others may apply their defense against his ranged attacks.
Causing the Tilt: ​The “Lag” Fight Charm or magic that uses some aspect of time to slow down
the target.
Ending the Tilt: ​The power expires or other magic forces it to expire.

Nirvana Tilt
Your character is under the effects of “Come As You Are”. While they are listening to the music,
your character is unaffected by Conditions caused by Breaking Points or Belief Compromises,
nor by lost impressions due to failures in Social Maneuvering. If the Princesses’ successes are
greater than the successes on a supernatural power that inflicts a malign condition on an audience
member, then the Conditions caused by the power stops functioning while they listen to her play.

Sensory Deprivation Tilt

Your character is disconnected from reality, only able to feel his mind going insane.
Effect: Your character is disconnected from reality from the senses that govern his ability to do
so, rendering him helpless. He cannot make any rolls whatsoever, assume they all end on
failures. Effects may be temporary, but staying too disconnected from reality isn't healthy for
one's mind. Roll Resolve + Composure for every 30 minutes. On a failure, the character may
suffer from Madness or any sort of derangement related conditions until he is reconnected to the
world. The acquired conditions fade quickly, one for every 30 minutes, so long as the victim has
had human contact to reconfirm himself.
Causing the Tilt:​ The target is hit by the Lightning Bolt charm or he's trapped in a mirror
through the "Through the Looking Glass" charm and a blanket was thrown over it.
Causing the Tilt:​ The target is blindfolded and deafened in some manner.
Ending the Tilt:​ The Scene Ends or your character is released from whatever was caused for
this tilt to happen.

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