Uestionnair Project

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 Name of the customer.

 Age
 21-30
 31-40
 41-50
 51 and above
 Profession

 Government employee

 Private employee

 Self employed

 Student
1) Ho often do you use the internet bank service

 Daily
 Eekly

 Monthly
 Yearly
2) The features you use regularly.

 Bill payment

 Fund transfer

 Check the account

 Shopping
3) Your degree of confidence on internet banking services.

 Very high

 High
 Little
 Not at all
4) Level of satisfaction from E banking services.

 Very satisfied

 Satisfied
 Little satisfied

 Not satisfied
5) The reason for using internet banking services

 Save time

 Security
 24 hours availability

 Be technologically
6) The uality that encourage you to use internet banking services

 Revard
 Higher security

 Simpler or clear service

 Free transactions
7) The main advantage of internet banking according to you.

 24 hour service

 Safety
 Convenience
 User friendly
8) Manual banking is less convenient than internet banking.

 Strongly agree

 Agree
 Disagree
 Neutral
9) Transactions through internet is much secure.

 Strongly agree

 Agree
 Disagree
 Neutral
10) The main disadvantage of internet banking according to

 Difficulty of use

 Security concern

 Dependence on internet

 Lack of assistance
11) Your kno ledge about the internet banking

 Very high

 High
 Little bit

 Not at all
12) You are familiar on internet usage level of your bank.

 Strongly agree

 Agree
 Not agree

 Neutral
13) You had difficulty to logging the bank’s site.

 Strongly agree

 Agree
 Not agree

 Neutral
14) The data uality issues on internet banking services

 Accuracy
 Relevance
 Completeness
 Reliability
15) Service charges for internet banking is not fair.

 Strongly agree

 Agree
 Not agree

 Neutral
16) At the time of account opening the level of information
about internet banking service provided by the bank

 Very high
 High
 Little
 Not at all
17) The sources of information about internet banking available
to you

 From bank

 Brochures
 Other customers

 No information available
18) Bank give enough information about internet banking

 Strongly agree

 Agree
 Disagree
 Neutral
19) Your expectation on internet banking

 Fair service charge

 Get relevant information from bank

 High security

 More updated services

20) Internet banking is convenient because it eliminate the risk
of carrying cash

 Strongly agree

 Agree
 Not agree

 Neutral

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