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Journal of Cleaner Production 230 (2019) 430e444

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Journal of Cleaner Production

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Sustainable applications for utilization the construction waste of

aerated concrete
Zolta  *, Bence Jankus, Olive
n Gyurko r Fenyvesi, Rita Nemes
} egyetem Rkp. 3, Hungary
Department of Construction Materials and Technologies, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 1111, Budapest, Mu

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the next decades many buildings and structures, constructed from autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC)
Received 6 August 2018 will reach their end of lifetime, therefore solutions should be developed to recycle the resulting waste
Received in revised form material. AAC blocks cannot be reused in the form of building blocks as traditional clay bricks. The typical
25 April 2019
form of AAC waste is crushed stone or powder. Present study is dealing with the possibilities of the
Accepted 26 April 2019
recycling of AAC waste as concrete aggregate, prefabricated concrete tiles, concrete blocks, shuttering
Available online 30 April 2019
blocks and cement supplementary material. The concrete mixes were designed in a way to apply as much
AAC waste as possible and to require the least further processing (crushing, pulverizing) of the waste
Aerated (cellular) concrete
material at the same time. Mechanical (compressive strength), thermal (heat conductivity) and durability
Waste material (frost and freeze-thaw resistance) properties of the samples containing AAC waste as aggregate or
Durability supplementary material were tested. The results indicated that opportunities in applying aerated con-
Recycling crete waste in granular form as aggregate for load bearing purposes are limited, but in powdered form
Supplementary material can be highly advantageous. However, if the load bearing capacity is not a strong requirement there are
Secondary raw material many feasible modes to recycle AAC waste as vertical wall coverings, stumped concrete wall, design
exposed concrete or lightweight aggregate concrete. In advance to granular form, adding powdered AAC
to normal concrete, the durability attributes were improved.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and research objectives management), but a greener and more sustainable building indus-
trial processes could be developed.
Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) is a world-wide well-known Waste handling is getting higher and higher importance in our
construction material, however, it is a very young compared to the consumption based society. Therefore, both jurisprudence and
ancient ones e.g. timber, natural stone or even traditional concrete technical science have to pay more attention to this topic. The first
(Kausay, 2002). The wide application of AAC in construction industry European (EU) regulation, which has dealt with the topic in-detail,
have been started between 1940e50 in Europe (see Fig. 2). The first was published in 2000 (European Commission, 2000). This was the
buildings, made of its earlier version (aerated concrete, AC) are about first comprehensive edict in the EU dealing with building industrial
to reach their design lifetime. In the EU many industrial and resi- waste in deep details. The operative national regulations in
dential buildings were constructed from AAC blocks mostly designed connection with the EU regulation contain both compulsions and
for 50 years of lifetime. Therefore, large amount of AC and AAC waste concessions. According to these regulations above a defined limit in
can be expected to appear in building industry in the next decade(s). investment it is compulsory to use recycled building materials (see
At the demolition of these buildings the potential in recycling the the regulations for the prescribed rate). However, many extra terms
waste material arises. The application of recycled materials in new and financial support can be received in procurement processes
concrete structures is inviting (Mohammadhosseini et al., 2017). It is according to green considerations. In 2008 an EC regulation
not only economically beneficial (lower cost related to waste (European Commission, 2008) was declared which requires the
member states to specify how they plan to develop the recycling
rate in the different fields of waste. Due to this, several research
* Corresponding author. 1111, Budapest, Mu} egyetem rkp. 3, Hungary. targeted different recycling methods of communal and industrial
E-mail addresses: gyurko.zoltan@epito.bme.hu (Z. Gyurko ), bence.jankus@ waste (Hoffmann et al., 2003; Nemes, 2015; Jo  zsa and Nemes,
gmail.com (B. Jankus), fenyvesi.oliver@epito.bme.hu (O. Fenyvesi), nemes.rita@ 2002). During the last decade several high capacity waste
epito.bme.hu (R. Nemes).

0959-6526/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
 et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 230 (2019) 430e444
Z. Gyurko 431

handling sites have been founded in the EU to handle building in- amount of cement and thus present a cost-effective solution for
dustrial waste. Thanks to these sites, the rate of building industrial the recycle of AAC (Section 4).
waste dumped in communal landfills was strongly reduced. Ac-  Phase 4: Powder form. During the cutting process and produc-
cording to the latest European waste production statistics by tion of AAC blocks or rather the demolition of AAC buildings
Eurostat (refreshed in May 2017) the total amount of waste pro- large amount of AAC powder waste arises. This powder could be
duced in the EU have not significantly changed from 2004 to 2014 applied in concrete as filling material or as supplementary
(the change is within 2.5%), as it can be seen in Fig. 1. Besides this, material (Section 5).
the amount of building industrial waste increased by 12%.
According to statistics it is obvious that building industrial waste The aim of the study was to introduce applications not only with
has a great role in European waste management politics and the the coarse aggregate of concrete but the complete aggregate matrix
recycling rate in Europe is still not high enough. Nowadays is built up from recycled AAC. The further processing (crushing,
approximately 50% of all waste is getting recycled. pulverizing) of the waste aggregate is expensive, thus it is aimed to
To use the huge amount of demolition waste, new recycling find applications where the most AAC waste is used with the least
options should be developed, supported by laboratory tests and further processing. Besides that, it was intended to reuse all the
their results. This is the first step to develop a new product that can form of AAC waste, because recently AAC waste powder is not
be applied in the construction industry. In the literature only a few recycled. The recycling of the powder fraction of normal concrete
studies can be found dealing with the recycling of AAC and those waste is problem as well, which has no satisfactory solution.
studies only dealt with the application of AAC as coarse aggregate
(Topcu and Seridemir (2007); Sinica et al., 2009), however, those 2. Characteristics of AAC in different forms
studies showed that it is possible to apply AAC waste as aggregate
in concrete. Present paper introduces different possibilities of re- During the production of AAC blocks as well as during the
use the AAC waste, coming from its production (aerated concrete construction and demolition of AAC buildings, waste material is
powder) and its demolition (crushed recycled AAC aggregate), as it generated in various sizes. In Fig. 3 it is sieved into six fractions. In
can be seen in Fig. 2. the present research, one type of AAC with the body density of
There are three major forms in which AAC can be recycled: in 440 kg/m3 was applied to produce the aggregate (in all form). The
block, crushed or powder form. In crushed form AAC can be recy- investigated type of AAC was chosen based on business sales sta-
cled in lightweight aggregate concrete (crushed AAC waste is a tistics that were received from the manufacturer company. It was
lightweight aggregate; rT < 2000 kg/m3) or in no-fines concrete taken into consideration to test the other available types, but this
(here only applied as coarse aggregate). Based on that the research parameter was kept constant during the present research. It is
consist five phases (Fig. 2): planned to be tested in further research phases with demolished
AAC waste used as aggregate as well. The most important proper-
 Phase 0: Block form. To reuse AAC in block form requires its ties of the original AAC block (the base material of the study), based
demolition to be performed in a very professional and careful on its declaration of performance:
manner. This process (if it is even possible) requires extraordi-
nary economical effort and time, making it not feasible for  Mean compressive strength: 3.0 N/mm2,
practical applications.  Thermal conductivity: 0.125 W/mK,
 Phase 1: Load bearing lightweight aggregate. Concrete mixes  Water vapour permeability: 5/10.
were designed to produce load bearing lightweight aggregate
concrete. Based on literature recommendations paste saturated In a mix design point of view there are some important prop-
mixtures were designed with high cement dosage. Here AAC erties of the aggregate depending on the grain size. Therefore,
was applied as fine and coarse aggregate (Section 3). many differences were found in the lightweight aggregate perfor-
 Phase 2: Non-load bearing lightweight aggregate. Applications mance compared with earlier researches, where AAC waste was
introduced to use AAC as fine and coarse aggregate in non-load used only as coarse aggregate (Sinica et al., 2009; Shui et al., 2014).
bearing applications (Section 3). These main properties were particle body density and total porosity
 Phase 3: No-fines concrete aggregate. AAC waste was applied in of the different grain sizes. It is because during the crush process
no-fines concrete as aggregate. Here the aim was to decrease the porosity is decreasing, while the particle body density as well as the

Fig. 1. Waste production in the EU between 2004 and 2014.

432  et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 230 (2019) 430e444
Z. Gyurko

Fig. 2. Possibilities in recycling of AAC as construction material and research phases.

Fig. 3. Different particle sizes (0/0.25 mm; 0.25/1.0 mm; 1/2 mm; 2/4 mm; 4/8 mm; 8/16) of crushed recycled aggregate from the same AAC waste material.

bulk density (in different rate) are increasing, as it is shown in Fig. 4. demand of the concrete mixture should be calculated during the
These parameters are extremely important, because they are input mix design (water dosage and super plasticiser admixtures). The
data of the concrete mix design process. This effect is not obviously open porosity causes internal curing of the cement matrix, which is
true in case of the water demand of the lightweight aggregate advantageous for concrete parameters (e.g. strength, water tight-
concrete mixture, because as the inner open porosity (apparent ness, early age shrinkage, durability, etc.), therefore it is also ad-
water absorption capacity) of the aggregate is decreasing during vantageous in the point of view of cost efficiency.
the crush process, the specific surface of the smaller grain sizes is Water absorption in case of the 0/0.25 and 0.25/1 fractions
increasing, which can be seen in Table 1 and Fig. 5. These param- cannot be measured, because the water amount on the surface of
eters are determinative in the point of view of consistency, espe- the grains is higher than the water amount inside the grains. Water
cially if the concrete is going to be pumped, because a lower absorption of the coarse aggregate was determined by using pyc-
consistency mixture can stick in the pipe. This change in the water nometric method. The 1 h water absorption value was used to
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Z. Gyurko 433

Fig. 4. Change of the particle body (apparent) density and bulk density due to the aggregate particle size.

Table 1
Aggregate material properties due to the grain size.

Grain size [mm] Water absorption capacity [m%] Water absorption capacity [V%] Particle body (apparent) density [g/cm3]

0/0.25 e e 2.041
0.25/1 e e 1.939
1/2 14.7% 24.2% 1.645
2/4 13.0% 19.3% 1.481
4/8 17.1% 19.4% 1.136
8/16 15.3% 13.0% 0.848

Fig. 5. Change of water absorption capacity of aggregate due to the aggregate particle size.

design the water demand of the mixes in the different phases. the last years, two different research phases were completed with
AAC waste as lightweight concrete aggregate (LWA), used in
3. Application of recycled crushed AAC waste as LWA in LWAC lightweight aggregate concretes (LWACs) for different purposes. In
(phase 1 and 2) both research phases 100% of the aggregate was substituted by
waste material. In the first research phase LWAC mixtures were
In the literature it was demonstrated that there is a potential to designed containing crushed AAC aggregate for load bearing and
use waste materials (economically viable way) to produce light- insulating purposes. 30 different mixes were designed for the
weight concrete (Makul and Sua-iam, 2016; Kashani et al., 2017). In research, where the aggregate to cement ratio was different (see
434  et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 230 (2019) 430e444
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the value ranges in Table 2). Here the mixtures were tested ac- particle size distribution was tested by standard sieve test. The
cording to the European standards for concrete (MSZ, 2009c). In the results showed that the produced particle size distribution is in the
second research phase mixtures were designed for vertical II. quality class according the recent Hungarian regulations (Fig. 7),
covering application (e.g. tiles). In this research phase the material therefore it is suitable for concrete aggregate without any addition
was treated and tested according to the European standards for of normal aggregate which was tested in the first research phase
artificial stone (MSZ, 2016; MSZ, 2005; MSZ, 2013). Detailed in- (MSZ, 2004).
formation about the design parameters, the applied standards and This is a major progress against previous researches, where only
the test results are presented in Table 2 (Fenyvesi and Jankus, 2015; recycled coarse (d  4.0 mm) AAC aggregate was used and quartz
Fenyvesi, 2014). sand was added as fine aggregate (Topcu and Seridemir (2007);
The type and dosage of cement were chosen based on the pur- Sinica et al., 2009). In our first research phase pure one-phase-
pose of application. For a load bearing function high strength crushed AAC bulk was used as lightweight aggregate. The applied
mortar is needed with high cement amount. In the interests of maximum particle size was 16 mm. In the second research phase, to
ecological effectiveness and cost reduction the load bearing mix- improve strength parameters and reduce cement dosage, the bulk
tures were designed with CEM II type cement. CEM II BeS type of was sieved into six, single fractions that can be seen in Fig. 7. The
cement has a significant proportion of blast furnace slag used for its fractions were added to the mixtures according to the limit grading
production therefore fewer amount of clinker is needed which curve B given in recent Hungarian standard (see Fig. 7) (MSZ, 2004).
makes this type ecologically advantageous against other e.g. CEM I After a half year of storage, map surface cracking (mapping) was
types of cement. Based on literature recommendations the mix observed on the specimens made in the first research phase, shown
design of LWAC targeted to provide paste saturated mixtures in Fig. 8. Therefore, PP fibre were added to the mixtures in the
(Ujhelyi, 1960). Based on the greater gap ratio of the AAC aggregate second phase, to prevent the formation of early age deformation
compared to the commonly used quartz gravel and sand a larger cracks on the surface of the specimens, and the possible causes
cement dosage should be applied in order to achieve the wished were investigated (Koza k and Magyari, 2013; Magyari, 2005; Koza
high saturation. This is the reason to use 500e650 kg/m3 cement in et al., 2011). In the crushing process high amount of fine aggregate
the mixtures of the 1st research phase. In case of other types of (under 2 mm grain size) is formed for which other use/application
LWAC usually oversaturated mixtures are the optimal for strength should be founded (see Phase 5).
parameters, because the hardened cement stone gives the load In the first research phase the aim was to produce LWAC mix-
bearing part of the composite material. In our research strength tures for combined structural and thermal insulating purposes. This
parameters were not primary important, therefore paste saturated means that the body density of the lightweight concrete shall be
concrete was investigated, but other (no fines and oversaturated) between 600 and 1600 kg/m3. The common applications of this
mixtures have also been tested. kind of LWACs are usually prefabricated masonry blocks, monolith
In the second research phase vertical wall coverings were tar- concrete walls and slabs, acoustic insulations. Their compressive
geted. Therefore the main aim was to form aesthetic appearance, strength is usually between 10 ÷ 20 N/mm2 (MEASZ,  1995).
thus a CEM I type (white cement) was chosen and colouring pig- According to the purpose of this kind of LWAC main material
ments were added to the mixtures as well. The dosage was planned parameters (density, compressive strength, thermal conductivity
according to reference recommendations (Koza k and Magyari, and water tightness) were investigated. The usual compressive
2013; Magyari, 2005; Koza k et al., 2011). In the surface appear- strength and density range was reached, as it can be seen in Table 2.
ance the colour of the crushed AAC waste aggregate was also Thermal conductivity of the material is better (lower), than the
applied differ from the cement matrix coloured with different kind commonly applied clay brick or natural stone masonry elements,
of oxide pigments, as it can be seen in Fig. 6. Here the strength and but not as good as thermal insulations and AC or AAC (the base
density of the mortar matrix could be lower, because only a self- material of the aggregate). Water tightness can be classified in the
support load bearing capacity of the resulting concrete was the middle classes according to the MSZ EN 206e1 European concrete
requirement. Thus lower cement amount can be applied and a standard, which means that the material can be applied in under-
more economical concrete can be designed. soil wall structures too (MSZ, 2000).
AAC waste was prepared for suitable aggregate particles to In the first research phase it was proven, that AAC waste can be
lightweight concrete by a jaw crusher. After one crushing period handled as secondary raw material as lightweight aggregate. It can

Table 2
Design parameters and test results (n.t.: not tested property).

Research plan 1st Research phase 2nd Research phase

1st Mixing stage 2nd Mixing stage

Grain size distribution Class II Curve-B Curve-B

Cement type CEM II BeS 42.5 N (V) CEM I 52.5 N (grey) CEM I 52.5 N (white)
Cement dosage 500e650 kg/m3 350e450 kg/m3 350e450 kg/m3
Water-cement ratio 0.55 0.4 0.4
Aggregate (AAC) dosage 550e750 kg/m3 940e1030 kg/m3 940e1030 kg/m3
Fresh concrete density 1680e1690 kg/m3 1540e1580 kg/m3 1540e1580 kg/m3
PP fibers e 1.5 kg/m3 1.5 kg/m3
Colouring e 5% by mass of cement 5% by mass of cement
Body density 1380e1450 kg/m3 1250e1350 kg/m3 1250e1350 kg/m3
Compressive strength 12e16 N/mm2 6e9 N/mm2 2.5 N/mm2
Thermal conductivity 0.39e0.45 W/mK 0.28e0.36 W/mK 0.28e0.36 W/mK
Water tightness XV1(H) e XV2(H) n.t. n.t.
Flexural-tensile strength n.t. 1.5e2,5 N/mm2 0.6e0.8 N/mm2
Impact resistance n.t. 45e55 cm 25e30 cm
Freeze-thaw resistance n.t. non-resistant non-resistant
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Fig. 6. Different kind of coloured LWAC specimens made with AAC aggregate (polished surface).

Fig. 7. Aggregate size distribution in the first research phase (MSZ, 2004).
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Fig. 8. Surface cracks (mapping) on the surface of the specimen from the first research phase.

be applied as fine and coarse aggregate of LWAC with combined performed on the AAC waste, on the colouring pigments, and on the
(load bearing and thermal insulating) purpose, e.g. for pre- hardened concrete as well. The TG-DTG-DTA curves of the AAC
fabricated or monolith masonry elements, walls or columns. showed that the raw material contains approximately 10e12 m%
In the second research phase, the application of the recycled gypsum, and in the TG-DTG-DTA curves of the LWAC no gypsum
crushed waste AAC aggregate LWAC was investigated as vertical, content can be found, as it can be seen on Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. This
indoor concrete covering (e.g. tiles or monolithic form). For this means that the high amount of gypsum content formed other
purpose artificial stone standard EN 15286:2013 was applied (MSZ, crystal structure in the LWAC after setting. In the pigment no
2013). According to this standard compressive, flexural tensile and gypsum or other harmful material content was found.
flexural impact strength, frost resistance and thermal conductivity The map-like cracks on the surface of the specimens (Fig. 8.)
were tested. DTG (differential thermal analysis) and XRD (X-ray indicated some kind of swelling reaction that can be caused by the
diffraction analysis) were applied to investigate the early age ettringite formation of gypsum content. The ettringite content
deformation crack formation observed in first research phase. cannot be seen on DTG curves, therefore XRD tests were made on
As the results (Table 2) show the compressive and flexural LWAC specimens to investigate this possible cause for the crack
tensile strength of the tested LWAC is high enough for covering formation. The permissible maximum acid-soluble sulphate con-
purposes, but not enough for structural elements. Despite that the tent of recycled concrete aggregates according to the DIN
strength parameters were not outstanding, it was also found, that 4226e100:2002 standard (DIN, 2002) and the DAfStb-Richtlinie
the flexural impact strength was appreciably higher, than in case of (2010) technical specification (DAfStb, 2010) is 0.8 m%. In the
normal concrete. This means, that the ductility (strain capacity) of recycled aggregate, investigated by this research, this value was
the material is higher, than it is usually measured on normal con- higher due to the gypsum content. The aluminate modulus (AM) of
cretes which is advantageous in case of covering applications (the the used cement was higher than 17 (AM > 17). AM is one indicator
material should be more ductile, than the supporting structural for the predisposition of the cement to sulphate corrosion. The AM
elements). This parameter could be enhanced if the early age of normal Portland cements is usually between 1 and 2.5
deformation crack formation can be avoided. To explore this reac- (AM ¼ 1.0e2.5). In case of sulphate resistant Portland cements AM
tion, differential thermal analyses (derivatograhpy) have been < 0.64, for moderate sulphate resistant Portland cements AM < 1.0.
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Fig. 9. DTG curve of the tested LWAC (Notation: 1.: water content; 2.: goethite; 3.: structural water).

zs et al., 1989).

Fig. 10. DTG curve of the AAC (Notation: 1.: gypsum; 2.: CaCO3; 3.: tobermorite. (Bala

If AM is above 1.0, it increases the intensity of a clinker mineral age of concrete, when it is still plastic and it is able to be deformed.
formation, called tricalcium-aluminate (3CaO.Al2O3, in silicate Unfortunately in our case, the production of ettringite was
chemical nomenclature: C3A) which form calcium-aluminate- shifted in time, and still formed, when the strength holding
hydrate: tricalcium-silicate (3CaO.SiO2 commonly known as alite; silicate
chemical nomenclature: C3S) minerals started to generate the
3CaO$Al2O3 þ Ca(OH)2 þ 12H2O ¼ 4CaO$Al2O3$13H2O calcium-silicate-hydrate products in the hydration process. The
crystallization pressure of ettringite crystals destroys the bond
Moreover, the formed calcium-aluminate-hydrate has very low between the C3S hydration products, and this way microcracks are
strength, so this reaction may completely ruins microstructure of formed in the cement matrix. On the XRD images of the 1-day-old
concrete. This is the reason why cement factories add gypsum to samples both anhydride (Fig. 11) and ettringite (Fig. 12) were
the clinker, since C3A reacts with the gypsum, and a new phase, detected.
ettringite (or trisulphate) is formed: Comparing the XRD images of ettringite, taken on 1-day-old and
7-day-old samples, it was proved that the amount of ettringite has
3CaO$Al2O3 þ 3CaSO4$2H2O þ 26H2O ¼ 3CaO$Al2O3$3CaSO4$32H2O been significantly increased, and gypsum content has been
decreased (Fig. 11 e solid line is the 1-day-old sample, dotted line is
Ettringite is a mineral of large size due to the 32 mol crystalli- the 7-day-old sample).
zation water in its structure, and the crystallization pressure during For further proofing, swelling has also been measured on fresh
formation can reach 100 N/mm2. This is not a problem, in the young samples from 1 to 7 days of age (Fig. 13). Samples JT1, JT2, JT3 were
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Fig. 11. XRD images with the lines of andydrite (around 22 and 30 on the abscissa) at the age of 1 (solid line) and 7 days (dotted line).

Fig. 12. XRD images diffraktogram with the lines of ettringite (around 27 on the abscissa).

cured on air under permanent climatic conditions (20 ± 2  C, and no-fines concrete the paste is not saturated and it is one of the most
65 ± 10% relative humidity). Samples JT4, JT5 were cured under effective application of waste aggregate. No-fines concrete contains
water. Another finding is that under water the samples have only a minimal amount of cement, which is the most costly con-
swollen more that of the samples cured on air. This is due to the stituent of concrete. No-fines concrete is a type of lightweight
curing water supply for hydrate genesis (from anhydride), which concrete, which has extremely low tensile strength, thus it has
maintains the formation of ettringite. The more amount of ettrin- resistance only against compressive loads (Carsana et al., 2013).
gite can formed in the pore structure of the concrete, the higher However, if this requirement is met then a cost-efficient concrete
value of swelling of concrete will induced, which cause crack can be produced. In the first step no-fines concrete cubes were
forming in the material. This harmful chemical reaction can be casted using aerated concrete (AC) waste as aggregate. The mix
avoided if low AM cement is used for LWAC mixing with AAC waste contained extremely low amount of cement (100 kg/m3), relative
aggregate. low water-to-cement ratio (0.5) and gap ratio (25%). The amount of
aggregate is 20% by volume.
4. Application as aggregate of no-fines concrete (phase 3) The used crushed AC aggregate has its diameter between 4 and
16 mm. As the result of the crushing process, the particles larger the
During the 1st research phase some difficulties (high water 16 mm were laminar and hard to mix, thus they were not applied in
absorption) and disadvantages (high mortar and cement demand, the concrete mix. The water absorption of this aggregate is
durability problems) were found, when AAC was used as light- extremely high, therefore in the first step of the mixing the
weight aggregate. If saturated paste is not a requirement, as it was aggregate was mixed only with water (100% by its mass) and only
in case of Phase 1, then these problems can be eliminated. In case of after that were the cement and mixing water amount added. The
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Fig. 13. Deformation of young age samples cured in climate chamber (JT 1e3) and under water (JT 4e5).

water content of the aggregate evaporates slowly from the concrete

during the hardening, which behaves as an internal curing. This is
highly beneficial in practice, because the curing of no-fines concrete
is complicated and the only ideal solution is to keep the concrete in
the formwork at least for 7 days, which is not always feasible. The
body density and compressive strength of the samples were

 body density of concrete: 1100e1300 kg/m3,

 compressive strength: 4e8 MPa.

The possibilities of application in aspect of these results:

 material of self-supporting wall or decorative function stumped

concrete (which is a special type of exposed concrete),
 shuttering element.

The so-called “Stumped concrete” is popular among architects

used as part of a design facade or fence (Fig. 14). Stumped concrete
was casted in laboratory using crushed AAC as aggregate. After
mixing the samples were only stumped (manually compacted with
a rod) to reach the desired aesthetic effect. Compacting with vi-
bration is not allowed in this case, because it leads to the segre-
gation of the aggregate particles. In this case the requirements of
strength are low, it shall be only self-supporting (no load bearing
function), thus the measured strength fulfils this requirement. It
can be used as the design element of a two layers wall (one load
bearing wall e one design wall) or without load bearing supporting
wall (e.g. fence).
The above mentioned are both outdoor applications, where the
question of frost resistance arises. In case of frost resistance of a
normal concrete, the critical points are the porosity of cement
mortar and the porosity of the aggregate. In no-fines concrete the
ratio of the cement mortar is minimal and the gap ratio of the
aggregate is high, thus in the gaps water has enough space for Fig. 14. Stumped concrete wall containing various no-fines aggregates (AAC is the 2nd
freezing-induced thermal expansion. The sample in Fig. 14 was (with Portland cement) and the 4th (with white cement) from the top).

exposed to environmental effects for two years. After two years,

there were no failure observed neither about frost resistance nor
diameter (dmax) of the aggregate was 10 mm, to be able to produce
about sulphate swelling. However, it is recommended to separate
elements with minimum wall thickness of 2.5 cm. A popular pro-
the stumped concrete wall from the ground to avoid water ab-
duction technology of manufacturing prefabricated units was
sorption from the soil, which can lead to durability failures.
simulated during which the shuttering blocks are produced in a
Another possible application of no-fines AAC aggregate concrete
vibration press. The fresh concrete, casted from the mix detailed in
can be as shuttering blocks. Samples were casted from the mixture
Table 3, is stabile right after compacting, thus the formwork can be
designed by the authors, described in Table 3. The maximum
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removed, and it becomes re-useable for the next sample. This is Therefore, it was intended to add the aerated concrete powder
highly advantageous in pre-fabrication, where the concrete blocks (ACP) to concrete mixes and investigate its performance. Normal
are made on a conveyor belt. It is recommended to store the blocks structural concrete is mostly subjected to compressive stresses,
in a high humidity storage if they are movable (after 1 day the thus compressive strength test was performed on the produced
blocks are movable). specimens. Besides that, the effect of freezing (which is the most
In our laboratory there was no storage room with high humidity common durability issue with outdoor concrete structures) was
available, unlike in a prefabricating factory. Where it is possible, tested.
even higher compressive strength could be achieved. The size of the
blocks was 20  40  20 cm with two locks (Fig. 15.). The average 5.1. Concrete mixes and experiment description
net density of concrete (on 150 mm edge cube) was 1255 kg/m3,
while the average gross density of the block was 840 kg/m3. The In the concrete mix design phase it was aimed to design a
compressive strength of concrete (measured on a 150 mm edge concrete, which has relatively low freeze-thaw resistance (to
cube) was 5.32 MPa, the element strength was 1.43 MPa, as it can be highlight the effect of the additive) and its strength class is widely
seen in Table 4. This block can be used as a self-supporting element used in the industry (C25/30). It was also intended to apply low
or as shuttering element filled with normal concrete as well. In amount of cement, to be cost effective. Based on these re-
addition to the strength and the density, the thermal conductivity quirements the following mixture was designed as reference mix as
was measured on 20  20  10 cm elements. The measured thermal it can be seen in Table 5.
conductivity was 0.34 W/mK that is 1/6 of a normal weight con- As it can be seen in Table 5 the maximum aggregate size was
crete, meaning a more beneficial thermal insulation capacity. 16 mm. In this research phase CEM I cement was applied, because it
Based on the measurements both no-fines concrete applications does not contain any supplementary material (e.g.: slag). Thus the
(shuttering elements and stumped concrete) are feasible solutions effect of the relatively small amount of ACP is easier to monitor. The
for the usage of AAC waste, however compared to the previous mixture with ACP was the same as detailed in Table 5, but 10%
applications (Phase 1 and 2), they apply less amount of AAC waste. (proportionally to the cement mass e 27 kg/m3) ACP was added to
it. Note that waste material powder was added to the mix and it is
5. Application in powdered form (phase 4) not substituting cement and the value of dosage was chosen based
on literature recommendations (Borosnyo i, 2016). The aggregate
The cutting, chiseling and crushing process of cellular concrete size of the ACP is belonged to the 0/0.25 fraction based on sieve
blocks produces a significant amount of fine powder, which cannot tests (its maximum diameter was 0.09 mm). ACP is very beneficial
be utilized in the later part of the construction. Besides that, during from a production point of view, because it can be added to the
the production of AAC blocks large amount of industrial waste is concrete mix without any preparation. Using the two above defined
generated in the form of AAC powder. This powder cannot be fully mixtures test samples (100  100  100 mm cubes) were produced,
utilized in the previously described recycling solutions (Phase 1e3). at least three for every type of test.
Powder wastes typically applied in concrete as filler material, The samples were subjected to three laboratory tests:
which in most cases decreases the strength of concrete. Until the
magnitude of this decrease is not significant this is a feasible uti-  uniaxial compressive strength test,
lization of waste powder. If the grain size of powder is sufficiently  frost resistance test,
small and its other properties are suitable as well, then it is possible  and freeze-thaw resistance test.
that it will work as a supplementary material. In the present
research phase fine powder was added to the concrete mix. It was The uniaxial compressive strength test was performed at 28
shown in Section 3 that cellular concrete in crushed form is unfa- days of age of the samples after 14 days of wet curing, as it is
vorable as outdoor structural concrete aggregate. However, in the defined in the Eurocode standard (MSZ, 2009a). The frost resistance
literature several researches can be found, which are proving that test is aiming to investigate the effect of frost on the compressive
concrete produced from waste materials can be advantageous strength of concrete and it was carried out based on the MSZ EN

(Ozalp et al., 2016; Fenyvesi, 2014). More significant performance 4715/3e72 standard (MSZ, 1972). After the given number of
improvement (in strength and durability) can be reached, if the freezing cycles, the specimens were tested for compressive
waste material is added to the concrete mix in powdered form strength. The freeze-thaw test is similar to the frost test but in this
(Gonzalez et al., 2016; Aprianti S, 2017). Besides that, applying case the amount of removed material (which scaled due to the
waste materials in powdered form in the concrete mix can have the freeze-thaw cycles) was measured (the less the better the freeze-
following positive effects: thaw resistance) based on the recommendations of the standard
CEN/TS 12390e9:2007 (CEN, 2006).
 waste material is recycled. In this case it is advantageous if as
much added to the mix as possible. 5.2. Test results and discussion
 It reduces the cost of the concrete mix (e.g. cement is partly
substituted by waste material). The compressive strength test results showed that ACP highly
 It can increase the performance of concrete (used as additive or increases the strength of concrete. Compared to the reference
as supplementary cementitious material - SCM). mixture it increased the compressive strength by 37% (reference
mix used as basis), as it can be seen on Fig. 16. The increase in
strength can be explained by the effect of the ACP, which introduces
Table 3
small particles in the mix that decreases the porosity of concrete,
Constituents of used no-fines concrete.
resulting a stronger material.
Constituents/dosages liter/m3 kg/m3 Other specimen from the same mixing were subjected to
cement 300 100 freezing cycles (150 in total) and their compressive strength was
water 150 150 measured after 50, 100 and 150 cycles. It was observed in case of the
aggregate (crushed aerated concrete) 4e10 mm 500 250 reference mix, that until 100 cycles only minor decrease in strength
air 250 e
was measured, however after reaching a critical number of freezing
 et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 230 (2019) 430e444
Z. Gyurko 441

Fig. 15. Shuttering blocks from AAC after fabrication.

Table 4
Test results measured on the shuttering blocks and on its material.

Block density [kg/m3] Concrete density [kg/m3] Compressive strength of the block [MPa] Compressive strength of the concrete [MPa] Thermal conductivity (l) [W/mK]

840 1255 1.43 5.32 0.34

Table 5
Reference concrete mix design.

Component Distribution [-] Mass [kg/m3]

Cement CEM I 42.5 N e 270

Water w/c 0.57 154
Aggregate 0/4 [mm] 0.47 936
4/8 [mm] 0.25 498
8/16 [mm] 0.28 557
Sum 1 2415

cycles the compressive strength of the specimens highly decreased note, that with air-entraining agents an even higher freeze-thaw
(with 40%). In case of the mix containing ACP only 3.5% of strength resistance can be reached, but air-entraining agents strongly
drop was measured, which is more beneficial, than the perfor- decrease the compressive strength of concrete. Altogether, in both
mance of the reference mix (Fig. 17). ACP increases the resistance of durability tests the mix with ACP performed advantageously and it
concrete against frost, which indicates that ACP has a positive effect also increased the compressive strength of the material, without
on the durability of concrete and can increase the lifetime of an changing the production cost of concrete.
outdoor concrete structure. In Phase 4 it was shown that AAC waste in fine powder form
Simultaneously with the other test, the freeze-thaw resistance (dmax < 0.09 mm) with correct dosage (þ10%) can increase me-
test was carried out as well. The weight loss of the samples was chanical (þ37% compressive strength) and durability (65%
measured and the deterioration of the concrete surface was weight loss) characteristics of normal strength concrete. Based on
determined. As it can be seen on Fig. 18, after 56 freezing cycles the that, application of AAC powder as filling material is a suitable
concrete with ACP lost much less weight (45%), than the reference way for recycling. The results indicate that AAC powder works
mix. The values measured in both cases are quite high, as it was similarly to other supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs).
aimed during the mix design (see Section 5.1). It is also important to AAC powder has many similarities to other SCMs, like it has high
442  et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 230 (2019) 430e444
Z. Gyurko

6. Summary and conclusion

6.1. Summary

Present study is dealing with the possible recycling methods of

aerated concrete construction (building and prefabrication) waste
material. Besides the most obvious application (load bearing
aggregate) many other utilization methods were shown (covering
tiles, shuttering elements, stumped concrete) and investigated. A
novel method was introduced in which AAC waste was applied in
powder form in concrete. The following forms of application (see
Fig. 2) was introduced applying aerated concrete waste:

 Phase 0: in block form: not feasible in practice.

 Phase 1: in crushed form: as load bearing lightweight aggregate
(LWA) in lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC). It is possible to
produce load bearing LWAC using AAC, but high cement amount
is needed. The results show that it has relatively low strength
characteristics and has frost resistance issues. This material can
be used as masonry blocks, monolithic or prefabricated walls.
Fig. 16. Average compressive strength of the specimens.
 Phase 2: in crushed form: as non-load bearing LWA, used for
covering tiles and for architectural applications. In this appli-
specific surface area and contains CSH crystals. These crystals can cation lower cement amount can be applied. Esthetical covering
integrate with the concrete's crystal skeleton and strengthen it. It tiles can be fabricated.
was still not proven that ACP takes an active role in the hydraulic  Phase 3: in crushed form: as aggregate of no-fines concrete
processes during hardening of concrete, but it was seen that its (shuttering elements and stumped concrete). This mix has very
positive effect depends on the particle size of ACP. If the particle low cement content, less chemical problems as in case of Phase
size is larger than 0.09 mm the positive effect of ACP cannot be 1 and proportionally more waste material can be applied. It has
seen. Particles under this size could only contain nano pores, to be mentioned here that due to the containing of sulphate, the
which are related to CSH phases (Schober, 2011). It is planned by stockpiling of AAC is normally not allowed due to possible
the authors to investigate the effect of AAC powder applied as leaching problems. Therefore, the application of the crushed
SCM and compare it to other SCMs. Besides that, the amount of AAC aggregate in new products has to be free of leaching.
ACP could be optimized as well.

Fig. 17. Results of the frost resistance test.

 et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 230 (2019) 430e444
Z. Gyurko 443

Fig. 18. Results of the freeze-thaw resistance test, measured on the sawn surface of the specimens.

 Phase 4: in powdered form: as filling or supplementary material.  it can be applied as internal vertical covering as prefabricated
A feasible solution was found for the recycling of AAC powder. elements or monolithic wall, due to its load bearing capacity,
When fine AAC powder is applied it can increase the strength and ductility, good strain capacity, feeling handwarm to touch (low
durability characteristics of concrete and works similarly to SCMs. thermal conductivity),
 knowing the ettringite formation in concrete or other cement
In the next subsections the results and findings of the research based material only sulphate resistant cements can be mixed in
Phases are summarized. this LWACs!
 The main utility of this material is that it (as fine and coarse
6.2. AAC as lightweight aggregate (phase 1 and 2) aggregates too) can be fabricated from 100% of construction
waste only by crushing the demolished masonry elements, can
During the present researches several interesting physical and manufactured in prefabrication and also on the building sites
chemical effect were found, which affect directly the application of and save high amount (the aggregate gives approximately the
crushed AAC waste as lightweight concrete aggregate: 60 ÷ 70 vol percent of the concrete) of commonly used mined
aggregates. Due to this mine rehabilitation works and costs can
 crushed AAC waste can be used as not only for coarse, but also as be also reduced.
fine lightweight aggregate in LWAC,  Additional utility is that if it can be applied on the building site
 in the crushing process high amount of fine aggregate (under many energy and cost can be saved of the transporting of ag-
2 mm grain size) is formed for which other use/application gregates. This solution can be economical if high amount of AAC
should be founded, structures are demolished in a building site, and also high
 from recycled crushed AAC as LWA concrete can fabricated for amount of masonry block elements (or landfilling) are needed
vertical structural (prefabricated masonry block, and reinforced for constructing a new building or structure. In this case addi-
monolithic LWAC) elements (wall and columns) of middle tional equipment is needed on the building site for fabricating
height buildings due to its compressive strength performance. the new elements.
The elements made from this material have higher compressive  Fabrication cost and energy demand of the investigated material
strength, than other elements which are commonly applied in is lower than in case of commonly applied normal concrete and
the building industry, approximately the same as the commonly used masonry
 undersoil elements can be also made due to the water tightness elements.
of the tested material,  The most important development in this material is that the
 thinner outer walling masonry units can be fabricated from this 60e70 V% (100% of the aggregate) of it made from secondary
material compared with other normal concrete or LWAC mate- raw material, which amount do not need to be delivered,
rials due to its low thermal conductivity, deposited and stored from the place of origin will save a lot of
 the dead load of this elements is half of the dead load of the resources, both in cost, time and energy, and also mean signif-
normal concrete, and reinforcing steel bars can also be applied icant environmental benefit.
in this structural elements,  In the next decades many AAC building and structure will reach
 the material has bad frost resistance, and high porosity, so that it their end of life, therefore applications should be developed to
cannot be applied as outer or horizontal coverings in its natural recycle this huge amount of waste material, some solutions
form (e.g. without coating or hydrophobisation), were described according to our investigations.
444  et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 230 (2019) 430e444
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