Annotated Bibliography1

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Jessica Carpenter

September 29,2019
Annotated Bibliography
English 112
Research Project on College Tuition
1. Adam, Michelle. "Does Federal Aid Increase Tuition Costs?" The Hispanic
Outlook in Higher Education, vol. 16, no. 1, Oct 10, 2005, pp. 29. ProQuest,
This article is about the effects of the federal student aid program. If demand
curve slopes down, it indicates that as tuition declines more people will begin to
attend college and the complete opposite happens when the demand curve slops
upwards. If the increase in demand caused by federal aid, the tuition will be high for

2. Cooper, Mary A. "High School Students Not Prepared to Face Tuition Hikes."
The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, vol. 22, no. 15, May 07, 2012, pp. 50-
51. ProQuest,
This article addresses the facts and exact percentage of how much college
tuition has went up in the past years. This article also talks about how families
struggle to find ways to pay for college without financial aid. In my paper I hope to
use this article as support by using direct facts and averages about the price of college
tuition. I also hope to use this article to help show readers how families struggle to
pay for college because of the high price of tuition.
3. Delaney, Jennifer A., Tyler D. Kearney, and Bradley Hemenway. "BALANCING
Guaranteed Tuition Plans." Change, vol. 48, no. 2, 2016, pp. 59. ProQuest,
The article about balancing tuition predictability and affordability is about the
tuition levels rising and how colleges are promising students a flare rate over their
college career. Guaranteed tuition plans don’t not make students experience annual
increases in tuition. This article will aid to my research by adding a positive aspect
into my research showing that colleges are not trying to put their students into debt.
4. Glover, Louis C., Lee R. Waller, and Madeline Justice. "A Comparison of Tuition
Disparities among City, Suburban, Town, and Rural Public Community
Colleges." Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, vol. 18, no. 1,
2010, pp. 30-37. ProQuest,
This article talks about the differences in tuition rates between U.S. public community
colleges in suburban and rural towns. This article can help me inform readers about
the different college tuition prices in different parts of the country and states. This
article also talks about how over the past 50 years community colleges have increased
in price. I hope to use this article to compare the prices to community colleges to
public four-year universities.
5. Kim, Mikyong M., and Jangwan Ko. "The Impacts of State Control Policies on
College Tuition Increase." Educational Policy, vol. 29, no. 5, 2015, pp. 815.
This article addresses the impact of state controlled policies on college tuition
increase. The study over tuition increases over the past ten years, have allowed the
state to try to find ways to regulate it more. The state’s tuition cap policy can
adversely affect tuition control also.

6. Mellander, Gustavo A. "A CAPITOL VIEW: Getting the Financial Aid so Many
Need."The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, vol. 12, no. 8, Jan 28, 2002,
pp. 7. ProQuest,
This article focuses more on how to help pay for college with finical aid. They
talk about how students worry about how they are going to pay for college. They also
talk about how college prices have gone up over the years. This article will help me
talk about how finical aid helps some families with college.
7. Shin, Jung C., and Sande Milton. "Student Response to Tuition Increase by
Academic Majors: Empirical Grounds for a Cost-Related Tuition Policy." Higher
Education, vol. 55, no. 6, 2008, pp. 719-734. ProQuest,
220946123?accountid=10163, doi:
This article talks about how students responded to tuition increase by
academic majors. Colleges are starting to raise the tuition up on certain majors.
Mainly the most popular majors are the ones effected by this changed. This article
also talks about the strategy's colleges use for this. This will help me add support to
my paper about how colleges are raising tuition.
8. Zeng, Xiaodong. "The Goals for Regulating College Tuition." Frontiers of
Education in China, vol. 4, no. 2, 2009, pp. 175-187. ProQuest,
214860237?accountid=10163, doi:
The author of this article talks about the goals of regulating college tuition.
The government has not achieved the effects expected because they have yet to been
able to lower college tuitions that the public will accept. After tuition is capped, the
priority or constructing a scientific college management system is to define the goals
for governmental regulation on college tuition. I plan to use the statements in this
article towards the end of my article to explain what is being done about the situation.

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