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“Kalpamrit"( A Product Of Maharshi Patanjali Product). Kalpamrit Is Ayurveda Pvt

Ltd. Firm . The Product Made OF Fresh Material .100% Maintenance Hygiene Of
Product .We are well settled manufacturer and supplier of Amla Juice in Haridwar,
Uttarakhand, India. Indian gooseberry or amla juice is undeniably a powerhouse of
nutrients. The essential minerals and vitamins that it contains, are not only integral
to our body's well being, but also indispensable to preventing and managing some of
the most common and widespread diseases. Amla is an excellent source of vitamin
C, hence it helps boost your immunity, metabolism and prevents viral and bacterial
ailments including cold and cough.In addition amla juice is known to balance all the
processes in the body and brings to equilibrium all three doshas- vata, kapha, pitta.
It also helps in slowing down the ageing process and keeps skin, hair healthy and
supports the immune system.

I Lifestyle

1.Zero Impact

Kalpamrit Zero Impact - Neutralizer of Technical Radiation is developed, designed

and produced in European Union Slovania & Germany.
It’s a neutralizer of technical radiation of mobile phones and screens, a simple and
fast solution to eliminate the effects of negative radiation from our environment. We
will learn about the basic characteristics of technical radiation of mobile telephones
and their danger, and consequently the increasing stress that harms us in the long
run. Why present technical radiation? Primarily because the network of technical
radiation is increasing daily and the harmful antenna radiation diagrams transmit
extensive frequencies that harm our environment because of dangerous intrusion of
radiation. Such intrusion is sensed too slowly, and a person does not feel it until it
causes physical problems. Then we can start speaking of harmful effects of technical

Consequences of decades of mobile phone use

There has been a lot of discussion lately about electromagnetic radiation of mobile
telephony basic stations, but there has been almost no consideration of the problem
of radiation of portable or mobile phones. The number of mobile phones in use
increases every year. It is not unusual for a person to own two mobile phones or
more. We are slowly approaching the time when 100 percent of the households will
own mobile phones, meaning that every household will own at least one mobile
phone. This means that it is reasonable to state it is an indisputable fact that mobile
phones are generally present in our everyday life. There is less discussion, however,
on consequences of everyday use of mobile telephones for our health. In the
following text, we will learn about the measured characteristics of electromagnetic
mobile phone radiation. We should also ask the question: what consequences will
intensive mobile phone use have for humanity, and how can we protect ourselves?

High technical radiation charge:
We realize more and more every day that mobile phones, TV sets and other screens
harm human health on the long run. Discussions in the country and abroad have
proved that the radiation of these devices causes irregular activity of hormone
endocrine glands. Consequently, this may lead to hormonal changes in the
organism, resulting in mental fatigue, meaning that a person feels worse and his or
her mental activities are reduced. In the event of indifference and prolonged
exposure to technical radiation, the organism may respond irregularly on a physical
During conversation, a mobile GSM phone will emit at the frequencies of 900, 1800
and 1900 MHz. The emission power of an analogue phone is 0,6 W, and that of a
digital phone is 0,125 W. Let us see what the Decree on electromagnetic radiation in
the natural and living environment says on this subject (Official Gazette of RS, No.
70/1996, 41/2004), amended on the basis of the new Environment Protection Act of
2004. This act limits the density of power flow (one of the values of electromagnetic
radiation) to 0,425 W per square metre at a frequency of 850 MHz.
In practice, this means that in a glass ball with a diameter of 2 cm, the surface of
the ball could be »illuminated« by a light bulb with the power of 0,4 W, but of
course light bulbs with such low power are not even sold. If we place into this glass
ball a 1 cm long mobile phone antenna with the power of 0,6 W, the surface of the
ball will be »illuminated« with 60 mW per square centimetre, which equals 6 W per
square metre. This is more than permitted by the Decree on electromagnetic
radiation in the natural and living environment. Since a GSM antenna (visible or
hidden) is only some centimetres away from a person's head, the charge is much
higher than we realize. When we speak into a mobile phone, our voice is transferred
through the antenna as radio frequency radiation between 800 MHz and 1990 MHz.
This level is exactly in the middle of the endurance of our brain. So, the radiation
accesses the brain directly through the scull, because most of the radiation of the
phone comes through the upper part of the phone, where the loudspeaker is
located. Dr. Kiell Hansson Mild from Sweden studied 11.000 students using mobile
phones and established that symptoms like fatigue, headache, and lack of will
power... were more frequent in those who made longer calls. Among others, a study

in Germany showed an increased occurrence of cancer in the vicinity of base
stations, and an EU research project showed that electromagnetic radiation emitted
by mobile phones can cause cell damage.

Heating of tissue during telephoning:

The position of the telephone in the hand, the influence of the position of the head
and the electromagnetic field in the immediate vicinity are factors that change the
antenna radiation diagram. A new term – SAR – was introduced soon after the
discovery of mobile telephony. The abbreviation for Specific Absorption Rate tells us
how much power (W) per kilogram of human tissue is absorbed into the body. The
purpose of introducing this term was to determine the level of electrical power that
human tissue can stand without consequences. The problem is that mobile phone
manufacturers and various institutions determine the SAR value themselves, based
on computer models of human tissue, which does not guarantee that the results are
accurate, as a theoretical computer model is not equal to the tissue of a living
Other ways of measuring the influence of technical radiation on man are radiestesy
and the use of Kirlian camera. By using these methods, we can see in practice how a
person's electromagnetic field (aura) changes in the presence of a source of
radiation. This method was used when checking the efficiency of Biotralizer, which
will be illustrated in the following text.
The Kalpamrit Zero Impact, presented in this report, was designed after the idea of
Mr. J. Saviozzi. Tests were performed at the laboratory of cognitive modelling of the
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences.
The purpose of the study was to use a Kirlian camera to carry out a comparative
analysis of the influence of operating mobile phones on human bio electromagnetic
field, and to check the efficiency of protection by J. Saviozzi's Zero Impact. Each
group consisted of 25 volunteers, who were not aware whether they were carrying
phones with or without Kalpamrit Zero Impact.
Pictures of the bio electromagnetic field were taken by means of a Crown-TV camera
before carrying an operating mobile phone, and after having carried it for one hour
(without phone conversation). The phone was hung around the neck in the level of

the heart. The report describes only the camera, the measuring process, the results
and the conclusions.
The report shows that mobile phones affect the human electromagnetic field (aura).
With the help of the Kalpamrit Zero Impact, all parameters change so that all the
negative effects of the radiation are neutralized, and the activity of the aura
augments as well.

Conclusion of report:
 Mobile phones have a negative effect on human bio electromagnetic field (the
coronas of the human bio field are smaller, more fragmented and
 The Kalpamrit Zero Impact protection by J. Saviozzi neutralizes the effect of
mobile phones, as the coronas are larger, less fragmented and more
complete. Comparing to the control group, we may say that Kalpamrit Zero
Impact also has a positive effect, since it not only protects from mobile phone
radiation, but also additionally stimulates and strengthens the human bio
electromagnetic field.

Conclusion of Presentation:
We will conclude with the understanding that the mobile phone and screen
protection Kalpamrit Zero Impact is more and more recognized in Europe and
abroad, as mobile phone users in our country and elsewhere are increasingly
becoming aware of harmful radiation, and they need to be able to use their devices
safely. They realize that the more sophisticated a telephone is, the stronger it
For that reason, the demand for suitable protection against technical radiation may
already rise at places where mobile phones are sold, and users may demand such
protection to be available as one of the accessories.
“An Ounce of PREVENTION is worth …… a Pound of CURE”

2.FIR (Far Infrared Rays) & Negative Ion Gents Socks

Benefits of using Kalpamrit Gent’s Socks on Human Body:

 It uses the latest technology combining a special Spa & Bio-Ceramics.
 Coated on the fabric & the wearer enjoys the nature’s gift to help relieving
the pain
 Great help to thermo-regulate the temperature of the body in all seasons,
cool in summer & warm in winter
 Improve oxygen level in body, blood circulation & metabolism
 Balance natural immune system & activates water molecules in our body

Bio-Ceramic( General Features):

 In our daily life, we use ceramics. They are made of clay & burnt in oxidizing
 Scientific research show that ceramics emit very strong Far Infrared Rays
(FIR) during high heat.
 This is the reason why food tastes better & medicine is made more effective
when being cooked or boiled in ceramic cooker.
 Normal ceramics produce FIR with a long wavelength of 0.3 – 1000 micron,
which is not absorbed by human body.
 More than 20 ceramic and various mineral oxides mixed & preheated to 1600
degree Celsius to make into fine powder and being shaped into a variety of bio-
ceramics and negative ion products radiating 13 M wave length rays as the original
one we receive from the mother nature.

Far Infrared Rays (General Features):

 FIR is a longest wavelength among the light, whose spectrum (4-16 micron)
is most beneficial for human body.
 This beneficial ray vitalizes the Biological function of human body and has
mysterious action of heat balancing, ripening action, intellectual, drying, neutralizing
& resonance.
 The rays not only benefits the skin and muscles but all cells including blood
vessels, lymph & sweat glands and nerves as well.
 When it comes to contact with the molecules of water and protein, it begins
to shake the cells 2000 times a minute.
 This enables the cells to activate and prevent all kinds of diseases by
increasing the blood circulation, metabolism, relieving chronic fatigue and by
reducing aches and pains.
 It further benefits by improving blood circulation, removing toxins, burning
calories, relieving pain and improves immune system.
 This ray is easily absorbed by human body reaching as far as 4-5 cm into
body. It helps in all aspects of bodily growth & development in both human body &
living creatures.
 Also causes a warm effect and travel in straight lines.

Six Major effects of Far-infrared Rays:
 Increase the growth of immature/retarded children or teenagers (Ripening
 Keeping the nutrient balance of calcium & iron elements within the body
(Intellectual action).
 Keeping the proper level of moisture that maintain the body temperature
(Drying action).
 Extracts the waste materials thereby neutralizing the sweat and bad smell
(Neutralizing action)
 Raises the temperature when the body temperature lowers, lowers the
temperature when the body temperature rises (Heat balancing action).
 Dissolves the nutrient elements of the fat, protein, carbohydrate and then
keeping the balance of nutrition. Also by resonating the atoms and particles of cells,
resulting to keep the body strong (Resonance action).
 This ray is easily absorbed by human body reaching as far as 4-5 cm into
body. It helps in all aspects of bodily growth & development in both human body &
living creatures.
 Also causes a warm effect and travel in straight lines.

Five Major effects of Negative Ion:

 Purification action of blood : The negative ions purify the blood by
increasing the number of ion rates of five (5) elements of oxygen, nitrogen, calcium,
sodium & potassium within the blood and by raising alkalinity it enhances the
immune system.
 Restoration action of cell : The human body is made of about six (6)
trillion cells, among which the cells with more negative ions of alkali state keep
moving actively. As a result, the activities of muscles, particularly the cardiac
muscles moves fast and it keeps our heart in healthy condition.
 Increase reinforcement of the immune system of our bodies against
diseases: The gamma groping is a kind of protein contained in the blood serum,
and becomes increasing within our body if the number of the minus ions become
increasing acting as the antibody with the immunity from diseases. Therefore
keeping our body in the healthy condition.
 Control action of autonomic nerve: The autonomic nerve automatically
controls all of human body organs without regard to the intention of humans. The
quantities of minus ions make the autonomic nerves controlled benefit our
body/feelings. This action strengthens the function of nerves system, cells, lymph
and other organs, making your body feel energetic for any activities.
 Alleviating action of cells under pains: The minus ions have the number
of ionized calcium increased, and generated the element materials of endorphin and
encoring, thereby having us recovered from fatigues, strengthening our body,
keeping cells under pain into healthy cells and alleviating the pains.
 Dissolves the nutrient elements of the fat, protein, carbohydrate and then
keeping the balance of nutrition. Also by resonating the atoms and particles of cells,
resulting to keep the body strong (Resonance action).

Improve perspiration system Improve strength and health
Prevention of bacteria growth Speed up repair of body cells
Softening of hard water Balance of blood cholesterol
Relieving of Pain Prevent mold
Purification of water Maintain warmth and better sleep
Eliminates bad odor Enhance and maintain freshness
Purification of air Help plants to grow better

3.FIR (Far Infrared Rays) & Negative Ion Women Socks

Benefits of using Kalpamrit Women’s Socks on Human Body:

 It uses the latest technology combining a special Spa & Bio-Ceramics.
 Coated on the fabric & the wearer enjoys the nature’s gift to help relieving
the pain
 Great help to thermo-regulate the temperature of the body in all seasons,
cool in summer & warm in winter
 Improve oxygen level in body, blood circulation & metabolism
 Balance natural immune system & activates water molecules in our body

Bio-Ceramic( General Features):

 In our daily life, we use ceramics. They are made of clay & burnt in oxidizing
 Scientific research show that ceramics emit very strong Far Infrared Rays
(FIR) during high heat.
 This is the reason why food tastes better & medicine is made more effective
when being cooked or boiled in ceramic cooker.
 Normal ceramics produce FIR with a long wavelength of 0.3 – 1000 micron,
which is not absorbed by human body.
 More than 20 ceramic and various mineral oxides mixed & preheated to 1600
degree Celsius to make into fine powder and being shaped into a variety of
bio-ceramics and negative ion products radiating 13 M wave length rays as
the original one we receive from the mother nature.

Far Infrared Rays (General Features):

 FIR is a longest wavelength among the light, whose spectrum (4-16 micron)
most beneficial for human body.
 This beneficial ray vitalizes the Biological function of human body and has
mysterious action of heat balancing, ripening action, intellectual, drying,
neutralizing & resonance.
 The rays not only benefits the skin and muscles but all cells including blood
vessels, lymph & sweat glands and nerves as well.
 When it comes to contact with the molecules of water and protein, it begins
shake the cells 2000 times a minute.
 This enables the cells to activate and prevent all kinds of diseases by
increasing the blood circulation, metabolism, relieving chronic fatigue and by
reducing aches and pains.
 It further benefits by improving blood circulation, removing toxins, burning
calories, relieving pain and improves immune system.
 This ray is easily absorbed by human body reaching as far as 4-5 cm into
body. It helps in all aspects of bodily growth & development in both human
body & living creatures.

 Also causes a warm effect and travel in straight lines.

Six Major effects of Far-infrared Rays:

 Increase the growth of immature/retarded children or teenagers (Ripening
 Keeping the nutrient balance of calcium & iron elements within the body
(Intellectual action).
 Keeping the proper level of moisture that maintain the body temperature
(Drying action).
 Extracts the waste materials thereby neutralizing the sweat and bad smell
(Neutralizing action)
 Raises the temperature when the body temperature lowers, lowers the
temperature when the body temperature rises (Heat balancing action).
 Dissolves the nutrient elements of the fat, protein, carbohydrate and then
keeping the balance of nutrition. Also by resonating the atoms and particles
of cells, resulting to keep the body strong (Resonance action).

Negative-Ion (General Features):Negative Ion is referred as “Vitamins in the

air” like breathing in Fresh air near of waterfall. It helps neutralize acidity & raise
alkalinity. It enables greatly the cells being in the normal function of absorption of
nutrition and elimination of waste materials in our body.
Far-infrared Ray (General Features)
 This ray is easily absorbed by human body reaching as far as 4-5 cm into
body. It helps in all aspects of bodily growth & development in both human
body & living creatures.
 Also causes a warm effect and travel in straight lines.

Five Major effects of Negative Ion:

 Purification action of blood : The negative ions purify the blood by

increasing the number of ion rates of five (5) elements of oxygen, nitrogen, calcium,
sodium & potassium within the blood and by raising alkalinity it enhances the
immune system.
 Restoration action of cell : The human body is made of about six (6)
trillion cells, among which the cells with more negative ions of alkali state keep
moving actively. As a result, the activities of muscles, particularly the cardiac
muscles moves fast and it keeps our heart in healthy condition.
 Increase reinforcement of the immune system of our bodies against
diseases: The gamma groping is a kind of protein contained in the blood serum,
and becomes increasing within our body if the number of the minus ions become
increasing acting as the antibody with the immunity from diseases. Therefore
keeping our body in the healthy condition.
 Control action of autonomic nerve: The autonomic nerve automatically
controls all of human body organs without regard to the intention of humans. The
quantities of minus ions make the autonomic nerves controlled benefit our
body/feelings. This action strengthens the function of nerves system, cells, lymph
and other organs, making your body feel energetic for any activities.
 Alleviating action of cells under pains: The minus ions have the number
of ionized calcium increased, and generated the element materials of endorphin and
encoring, thereby having us recovered from fatigues, strengthening our body,
keeping cells under pain into healthy cells and alleviating the pains.
 Dissolves the nutrient elements of the fat, protein, carbohydrate and then
keeping the balance of nutrition. Also by resonating the atoms and particles of cells,
resulting to keep the body strong (Resonance action).


Improve perspiration system Improve strength and health
Prevention of bacteria growth Speed up repair of body cells
Softening of hard water Balance of blood cholesterol
Relieving of Pain Prevent mold
Purification of water Maintain warmth and better sleep
Eliminates bad odor Enhance and maintain freshness
Purification of air Help plants to grow better

4.FIR (Far Infrared Rays) & Negative Ion Knee Brace

Benefits of using Kalpamrit Knee Brace on Human Body:

 It uses the latest technology combining a special Spa & Bio-Ceramics.
 Coated on the fabric & the wearer enjoys the nature’s gift to help relieving
the pain
 Great help to thermo-regulate the temperature of the body in all seasons,
cool in summer & warm in winter
 Improve oxygen level in body, blood circulation & metabolism
 Balance natural immune system & activates water molecules in our body

Bio-Ceramic( General Features):

 In our daily life, we use ceramics. They are made of clay & burnt in oxidizing
 Scientific research show that ceramics emit very strong Far Infrared Rays
(FIR) during high heat.
 This is the reason why food tastes better & medicine is made more effective
when being cooked or boiled in ceramic cooker.
 Normal ceramics produce FIR with a long wavelength of 0.3 – 1000 micron,
which is not absorbed by human body.
 More than 20 ceramic and various mineral oxides mixed & preheated to 1600
degree Celsius to make into fine powder and being shaped into a variety of
bio-ceramics and negative ion products radiating 13 M wave length rays as
the original one we receive from the mother nature.

Far Infrared Rays (General Features):

 FIR is a longest wavelength among the light, whose spectrum (4-16 micron)
is most beneficial for human body.
 This beneficial ray vitalizes the Biological function of human body and has
mysterious action of heat balancing, ripening action, intellectual, drying,
neutralizing & resonance.
 The rays not only benefits the skin and muscles but all cells including blood
vessels, lymph & sweat glands and nerves as well.
 When it comes to contact with the molecules of water and protein, it begins
to shake the cells 2000 times a minute.
 This enables the cells to activate and prevent all kinds of diseases by
increasing the blood circulation, metabolism, relieving chronic fatigue and by
reducing aches and pains.
 It further benefits by improving blood circulation, removing toxins, burning
calories, relieving pain and improves immune system.
 This ray is easily absorbed by human body reaching as far as 4-5 cm into
body. It helps in all aspects of bodily growth & development in both human
body & living creatures.
 Also causes a warm effect and travel in straight lines.

Six Major effects of Far-infrared Rays:
 Increase the growth of immature/retarded children or teenagers (Ripening
 Keeping the nutrient balance of calcium & iron elements within the body
(Intellectual action).
 Keeping the proper level of moisture that maintain the body temperature
(Drying action).
 Extracts the waste materials thereby neutralizing the sweat and bad smell
(Neutralizing action)
 Raises the temperature when the body temperature lowers, lowers the
temperature when the body temperature rises (Heat balancing action).
 Dissolves the nutrient elements of the fat, protein, carbohydrate and then
keeping the balance of nutrition. Also by resonating the atoms and particles
of cells, resulting to keep the body strong (Resonance action).

Negative-Ion (General Features):Negative Ion is referred as “Vitamins in the

air” like breathing in Fresh air near of waterfall. It helps neutralize acidity & raise
alkalinity. It enables greatly the cells being in the normal function of absorption of
nutrition and elimination of waste materials in our body.
Far-infrared Ray (General Features)
 This ray is easily absorbed by human body reaching as far as 4-5 cm into
body. It helps in all aspects of bodily growth & development in both human
body & living creatures.
 Also causes a warm effect and travel in straight lines.

Five Major effects of Negative Ion:

 Purification action of blood : The negative ions purify the blood by
increasing the number of ion rates of five (5) elements of oxygen, nitrogen, calcium,
sodium & potassium within the blood and by raising alkalinity it enhances the
immune system.
 Restoration action of cell : The human body is made of about six (6)
trillion cells, among which the cells with more negative ions of alkali state keep
moving actively. As a result, the activities of muscles, particularly the cardiac
muscles moves fast and it keeps our heart in healthy condition.
 Increase reinforcement of the immune system of our bodies against
diseases: The gamma groping is a kind of protein contained in the blood serum,
and becomes increasing within our body if the number of the minus ions become
increasing acting as the antibody with the immunity from diseases. Therefore
keeping our body in the healthy condition.
 Control action of autonomic nerve: The autonomic nerve automatically
controls all of human body organs without regard to the intention of humans. The
quantities of minus ions make the autonomic nerves controlled benefit our

body/feelings. This action strengthens the function of nerves system, cells, lymph
and other organs, making your body feel energetic for any activities.
 Alleviating action of cells under pains: The minus ions have the number
of ionized calcium increased, and generated the element materials of endorphin and
encoring, thereby having us recovered from fatigues, strengthening our body,
keeping cells under pain into healthy cells and alleviating the pains.
 Dissolves the nutrient elements of the fat, protein, carbohydrate and then
keeping the balance of nutrition. Also by resonating the atoms and particles of cells,
resulting to keep the body strong (Resonance action).


Improve perspiration system Improve strength and health
Prevention of bacteria growth Speed up repair of body cells
Softening of hard water Balance of blood cholesterol
Relieving of Pain Prevent mold
Purification of water Maintain warmth and better sleep
Eliminates bad odor Enhance and maintain freshness
Purification of air Help plants to grow better

5.FIR (Far Infrared Rays) & Negative Ion Waist Belt

Benefits of using Kalpamrit Waist Belt on Human Body:

 It uses the latest technology combining a special Spa & Bio-Ceramics.
 Coated on the fabric & the wearer enjoys the nature’s gift to help relieving
the pain
 Great help to thermo-regulate the temperature of the body in all seasons,
cool in summer & warm in winter
 Improve oxygen level in body, blood circulation & metabolism
 Balance natural immune system & activates water molecules in our body

Bio-Ceramic ( General Features):

 In our daily life, we use ceramics. They are made of clay & burnt in oxidizing
 Scientific research show that ceramics emit very strong Far Infrared Rays
(FIR) during high heat.
 This is the reason why food tastes better & medicine is made more effective
when being cooked or boiled in ceramic cooker.
 Normal ceramics produce FIR with a long wavelength of 0.3 – 1000 micron,
which is not absorbed by human body.
 More than 20 ceramic and various mineral oxides mixed & preheated to 1600
degree Celsius to make into fine powder and being shaped into a variety of
bio-ceramics and negative ion products radiating 13 M wave length rays as
the original one we receive from the mother nature.

Far Infrared Rays (General Features):

 FIR is a longest wavelength among the light, whose spectrum (4-16 micron)
is most beneficial for human body.
 This beneficial ray vitalizes the Biological function of human body and has
mysterious action of heat balancing, ripening action, intellectual, drying,
neutralizing & resonance.
 The rays not only benefits the skin and muscles but all cells including blood
vessels, lymph & sweat glands and nerves as well.
 When it comes to contact with the molecules of water and protein, it begins
to shake the cells 2000 times a minute.
 This enables the cells to activate and prevent all kinds of diseases by
increasing the blood circulation, metabolism, relieving chronic fatigue and by
reducing aches and pains.
 It further benefits by improving blood circulation, removing toxins, burning
calories, relieving pain and improves immune system.
 This ray is easily absorbed by human body reaching as far as 4-5 cm into
body. It helps in all aspects of bodily growth & development in both human
body & living creatures.
 Also causes a warm effect and travel in straight lines.

Six Major effects of Far-infrared Rays:
 Increase the growth of immature/retarded children or teenagers (Ripening
 Keeping the nutrient balance of calcium & iron elements within the body
(Intellectual action).
 Keeping the proper level of moisture that maintain the body temperature
(Drying action).
 Extracts the waste materials thereby neutralizing the sweat and bad smell
(Neutralizing action)
 Raises the temperature when the body temperature lowers, lowers the
temperature when the body temperature rises (Heat balancing action).
 Dissolves the nutrient elements of the fat, protein, carbohydrate and then
keeping the balance of nutrition. Also by resonating the atoms and particles
of cells, resulting to keep the body strong (Resonance action).

Negative-Ion (General Features):Negative Ion is referred as “Vitamins in the

air” like breathing in Fresh air near of waterfall. It helps neutralize acidity & raise
alkalinity. It enables greatly the cells being in the normal function of absorption of
nutrition and elimination of waste materials in our body.
Far-infrared Ray (General Features)
 This ray is easily absorbed by human body reaching as far as 4-5 cm into body. It
helps in all aspects of bodily growth & development in both human body & living
 Also causes a warm effect and travel in straight lines.

Five Major effects of Negative Ion:

 Purification action of blood : The negative ions purify the blood by increasing the
number of ion rates of five (5) elements of oxygen, nitrogen, calcium, sodium &
potassium within the blood and by raising alkalinity it enhances the immune system.
 Restoration action of cell : The human body is made of about six (6) trillion cells,
among which the cells with more negative ions of alkali state keep moving actively.
As a result, the activities of muscles, particularly the cardiac muscles moves fast and
it keeps our heart in healthy condition.
 Increase reinforcement of the immune system of our bodies against
diseases: The gamma groping is a kind of protein contained in the blood serum,
and becomes increasing within our body if the number of the minus ions become
increasing acting as the antibody with the immunity from diseases. Therefore
keeping our body in the healthy condition.
 Control action of autonomic nerve: The autonomic nerve automatically controls
all of human body organs without regard to the intention of humans. The quantities
of minus ions make the autonomic nerves controlled benefit our body/feelings. This

action strengthens the function of nerves system, cells, lymph and other organs,
making your body feel energetic for any activities.
 Alleviating action of cells under pains: The minus ions have the number of
ionized calcium increased, and generated the element materials of endorphin and
encoring, thereby having us recovered from fatigues, strengthening our body,
keeping cells under pain into healthy cells and alleviating the pains.
 Dissolves the nutrient elements of the fat, protein, carbohydrate and then keeping
the balance of nutrition. Also by resonating the atoms and particles of cells, resulting
to keep the body strong (Resonance action).


Improve perspiration system Improve strength and health
Prevention of bacteria growth Speed up repair of body cells
Softening of hard water Balance of blood cholesterol
Relieving of Pain Prevent mold
Purification of water Maintain warmth and better sleep
Eliminates bad odor Enhance and maintain freshness
Purification of air Help plants to grow better

6.Gold Facial Kit
Kalpamrit Gold Facial Kit is prepared with the extracts of natural fruits and skin
friendly ingredients which deep cleanse your skin, nourish, rejuvenate and makes it
Kit Includes - Cleansing Milk, Face Scrub, Massage Gel, Face Pack, Massage Cream &
Peel of Mask.

Step 1. Cleansing and toning - Clean your skin with cleansing milk. Apply on wet
skin to cleanse then rinse with water. Get soft and glowing skin.

Step 2. Scrub - Deeply cleanse and exfoliate your skin by massaging Scrub on wet
face for 4-5 minutes. Rinse with water.

Step 3. Gel - Massage with gel on your skin for 5 minutes to brighten your
complexion. Gently wipe it off.

Step 4. Nourishing Cream - Apply nourishing cream and massage on your skin for
10-15 minutes to brighten and nourish your skin.

Step 5. Mask – The peel off mask with Gold Leaf and Lemon peel extracts
removes dead cells and helps to maintain pH balance of skin. Intensely revitalise
your skin by applying Peel off mask. Leave on for 10-15 minutes then peel off gently
to up word direction. It helps to open up clogged pores and even out skin tone.

7.Success for men
Success for men naturally ignites the fire of passion. Endurance and more enjoyment
for pleasurable hours through the power of nature. MADE IN GERMANY.

FACTS TO KNOW: Success for men is a pleasurable dietary supplement .Feelings,

indulgence and passion - these are basic human needs, which unfortunately are
becoming increasingly infrequent in our modern lifestyle society. Through stressful
situations or even fast-food diets these precious values are quickly lost in everyday
life. This affects many people especially on the sex life.
Success for men are lozenges with scientifically optimized formulations from niacin,
vitamin B3 and zinc as well as other natural extracts and powders, carefully selected
plants, fruits and mushrooms, the two lozenge variants "FOR MEN" bring a fresh
breeze into the love life.

Each of these extracts has a variety of positive effects on the body, which we would
like to share with you!

Niacin (Vitamin B3) helps reduce tiredness and fatigue. Zinc contributes to normal
fertility and normal reproduction.

Included components:
Maca powder
Ginseng extract
Goji fruit extract
Reishi powder
Anise extract
Jasmine extract

Niacin (Vitamin B3)

Contents of the pack:

2 lozenges = 1.452 g
Recommended daily intake: 2 tablets
Recommended dosage: Melt one tablet on the tongue
The recommended daily amount of consumption must not be exceeded

8.Success for Women
Success for women naturally ignites the fire of passion. Endurance and more
enjoyment for pleasurable hours through the power of nature. Made in Germany
FACTS TO KNOW: Success for women is a pleasurable dietary supplement.
Feelings, indulgence and passion - these are basic human needs, which
unfortunately are becoming increasingly infrequent in our modern lifestyle society.
Through stressful situations or even fast-food diets these precious values are quickly
lost in everyday life. This affects many people especially on the sex life.
Success for women are lozenges with scientifically optimized formulations from
niacin, vitamin B3 and zinc as well as other natural extracts and powders, carefully
selected plants, fruits and mushrooms, the two lozenge variants "FOR WOMEN"
bring a fresh breeze into the love life.
Each of these extracts has a variety of positive effects on the body, which we would
like to share with you!
Niacin (Vitamin B3) helps reduce tiredness and fatigue. Zinc contributes to normal
fertility and normal reproduction.

Included Ingredients:
Acai fruit powder
Ginseng extract
Acerola extract
Goji fruit extract
Reishi powder
Niacin (Vitamin B3)

Contents of the pack:

2 lozenges = 1.452 g
Recommended daily intake: 2 tablets
Recomended dosage: Melt one tablet on the tonge.
The recommended daily amount of consumption must not be exceeded

9.Energy Drink – Coming soon

II Health Care

1.Energy Management Regulator (EMR)

FACTS TO KNOW: In today’s life style, major food items raw or cooked, are
adulterated. Major ingredients used for either freshness of raw items (Vegetables,
fruits) or in cooked food for taste. Our lot of energy is used to digest or overcome
their ill effects. In order to compensate the loss, it has become essential to take
supplements like multivitamins.

What Are Multivitamins and Why Should Take it?

Ayurvedic and herbal supplements are one of the best natural supplements that are
beneficial curing several health related problems. Ayurveda is the most powerful and
refined source for your health system. It generally helps people to stay vibrant and
healthy along with realizing their full potential. It uses basic principles of nature that
helps in maintaining your health by keeping the individual’s body, mind and spirit in
equilibrium stage. So, in this write up we will share the benefits of Kalpamrit Energy
Management Regulator (EMR) Ayurvedic products, so that you can choose right
products henceforth.

A healthy diet should provide all the nutrients needed by a person but many people
helpless That is why Multivitamin Liquid is important to fill the nutritional gaps.

Multivitamin liquid contains selenium and chromium which avoids neural tube defects
in new born through mother feed as well.
Multivitamin is a dietary supplement with dietary minerals, vitamins and other
nutritional substance. Multivitamin is available in form of powders, capsule, tablet
and injectibles. Multivitamin supplements are produced in combination with mineral
A multivitamin is a supplement vitamin and minerals that does not include drugs or
herbs, the vitamin and mineral is included at a dose below the tolerable upper level
according to Ayurveda guidelines. Multivitamin supplements are made of natural
dried fruits and vegetable concentrate.

Here we talk about Kalpamrit EMR liquid multi vitamin syrup:

Liquid Multivitamin is important for individuals who are pure even vegetarian as they
are deprived of Vitamin B5, Vitamin A, iron, sodium, potassium, manganese,
sulphur, phosphorus, and other essential nutrients found in Non-Vegetarian. If a
woman consume multivitamin liquid before pregnancy then it may lower risk of
breast cancer, colon cancer and heart disease as it contains folic acid.

Benefits of Liquid Multivitamin:

 Liquid Multivitamin can help in reducing stress. Our daily routine is so busy
and full of stress. Regular intake of Liquid Multivitamin can combat stress.
 It prevents deficiency of important vitamin like Vitamin A which keep our
immune system healthy
 Multivitamin are the great source of energy
 Multivitamin prevents the chances of cancer and Heart disease by providing
essential nutrients to the body
 Multivitamin help pregnant mother and her child by providing essential
minerals and vitamins
 Lowers the risk of chronic diseases
 Reduces inflammation
 Prevents vitamins and mineral deficiency
 Promotes vitality and concentration for enhanced everyday performance
 Helps the brain to function better

 Supports healthy immune system
 Strengthens bones and tissues
 Improves metabolism and increases strength
 Helps in fast recovery and better growth
 Boosts energy and testosterone levels
 Supports muscle growth and joint health
 Provides protection against free radical damage
 Helps keep eyes and skin healthy

2.Swasth Sakhi

Facts to Know: Common cause for many diseases in women and main are anxiety,
depression, laziness and anger are due to Excessive quantity of the oily and spicy
foods, irregular eating habits and consumption of fine flour (maida) products.
Women sufferings are especially due to irregular food and fasting habits in caring for
their family members.

Kalpamrit has put serious thought & effort to control the ailments and came up
with Swasth Sakhi a Health Support, which is purely a herbal formulation without
any chemical added into it, used for medicinal purpose especially for gas, acidity and
Generally, most women pay less attention to their own health and in order to keep
the well- being of rest of the other family members as their ultimate priority. Apart
from that, God has designed a woman to go through so many tough phases in her
life such as menstruation, pregnancy, breast feeding, menopause and post
menopause, which have to go through forceful hormonal disorder. All sorts of
menstrual disorders such as premenstrual syndrome, oligomenorrhea, menorrhagia,
menstrual cramps, painful menstruation, etc. are wonderfully taken care of using our
herbal women health supplements. We also have exclusive range of ayurvedic
products that have anti-aging effects and useful for dealing with lack of energy,
strength and stamina.
All these women health issues when coupled with inactive lifestyle habit like physical
inactivity, poor nutritional levels, alcoholism, smoking, caffeine intake, substance
(drug) abuse, etc. further damages the overall health of females. Majority of women
health problems result from a complex combination of physical, mental and social

factors. Psychological issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, etc. lead to
a plethora of diseases and ailments.
According to Ayurveda the balance of 3 energies- Kinetic, Thermal and Potential
energy in the body is a disease-free state whereas their imbalance causes diseases.
The herbs in this product act energetically to control imbalances & weakness.
Other Common problems of Women health are following: -

 Sleeping just after taking meal.

 Drinking of too much water.
 Awake in night, long working hours.
 Excessive intake of the caffeine and nicotine products.
 Stomach Ache, Stomach cramps, losing appetite these are the factors of
 Carbonated drinks like Coca Cola, Flavor Juices, Energy Drink etc
 Foods which are rich in fats, such as chocolates cause acidity or acid reflux disease.
 Excessive intake of alcohol, smoking, keeping stomach empty for long time, skipping
breakfast causes acidity.
 Other causes of acidity or heartburn are pregnancy, aging, obesity, and bad eating
habit, like eating junk foods.
But you can improve your health with the help of Swasth Sakhi because it helps
for whole body like high cholesterol, regulating female menstrual cycles, relieves
painful menstruation and irregular menses, strengthens complete reproductive
system of the female as well as regulates hormonal imbalance like hemoglobin level,
commonly used in excessive discharge (leucorrhoea), excessive menstruation and
painful menstruation. Swasth Sakhi Female Health Support supplement is purely a
herbal formulation and such supplements are frequently used in Ayurvedic system of
medicine since ancient times without any side effects.

Swasth Sakhi is prepared of Ayurvedic ingredients combination to fight with

nutritional disorder, menstrual disorder, menopausal syndrome and It is formulated
for women to regularize menstrual cycle, boost strength and boost stamina. Act as a
uterine tonic for women, help for weakness, improves digestive functions and

purifies the blood. It works best during menstrual cycle to improve the body
functions and to relieve tensions.

Our mission is to help women flourish. We want women to be happy and healthy.


Kalpamrit Chyawanprash With Saffron is a Magical Booster dietary supplement.

Kalpamrit Chyawanprash has many amazing and interesting health benefits for
human being , it was gifted by our ancestors. However, it is effective only if the
formulation and ingredients in right proportion are used. Because of its high value to
health , acceptable by people, some agencies have taken undue advantage.

FACTS TO REMEMBER : Kalpamrit Ayurved has come up with Chyawanprash using

pure saffron and is formulated with many Ayurvedic vital ingredients. Most of these
ingredients like amla, guduci and Peppeli have been found to have immune boosting
ability. "Kalpamrit Chyawanprash" has rejuvenation effects and strong
antioxidant characteristics, which delay aging, improves immunity and prevent
recurrent diseases such as upper respiratory infections, common cold, various types
of infections, mental stress and prevents many more other health complications.
Chyawanprash is a herbal supplement that can be taken by adults and children of
any age. Both men and women benefit from a regular intake. It tastes sweet and
slightly spicy. It appears a bit like jam: it is sticky and has a brown-black color.
Chyawanprash can be stored outside the refrigerator and has a long shelve life.

1 Boost your immunity: The main ingredient used in the preparation of
Chyawanprash is Amla, which is a highly rich source of Vitamin C that helps in
boosting immunity. According to the Ayurveda study, Chyawanprash reduces
activation of pathway in case of allergic inflammation, damaging the surrounding
cells. Other investigation found that Chyawanprash increased the activity of immune
cells. These cells play a role in case of non-specific immune responses and also
reduce chances of infections.

2 Important for your respiratory system: The numerous herbs present in

Chyawanprash help in proper functioning of your lungs by maintaining its moisture
equal. People with chronic disease like asthma should definitely include
Chyawanprash in their diet in order to manage their health condition better.

3 Enhances brain function: Chyawanprash contains several ingredients like amla,

brahmi, Seffron, ashwagandha, etc. which necessarily improve brain function. The
Ayurvedic formulation can be looked upon as memory enhancement with significant
effects on learning ability, memory holding capacity and pro-cholinergic activity.
Here are some different foods that you can add to your child's eating routine to
support his/her intellectual power.

4 Tremendous for your heart: In today’s times, it is difficult to avoid foods high
in cholesterol. This is responsible for the rising instances of heart disease among
young people. Chyawanprash is greatly good for your heart as the many herbs
present in it, flush the toxins out of your body and boost blood circulation.

5 Prevents ageing: Chyawanprash has numerous cancer prevention agents, which

shields your skin from free common harm and ensures that indications of maturing
like wrinkles and almost negligible differences don't show up. While nothing can
prevent you from losing your youth, eating chyawanprash will at least ensure that
the process is extended.

6 Detoxifies the body: The unique preparation of chyawanprash helps cleanse the
blood and balance in body’s natural processes. It acts as a natural detoxifying agent
that eliminates impurities from the blood.

4.Herbal Tea

Combination of Effective and Age Less Ayurvedic Herbs:

FACTS TO KNOW: Tea has become the essential part of daily routine right from
morning until bed time. Thus, the chemically treated Tea are bad for health and
many suffer due to wrong selection. You need be careful for this regular intake.
Herbs are harmless. The truth is, herbal tea is usually both; a good way to increase
your water intake and delicious, enjoyable way to add extra nutrients while getting
added benefits in your daily diet and increasing your sense of wellbeing.
There’s no need to hand pick the herbs and dry them or have the mess of dried
leaves clogging up your kitchen sink. You don’t even need to use a special tea pot.
Red Seal has taken all the hard work out of it for you by putting a selection of
premium quality herbs in convenience, no-fuss, unbleached tea bags that can be
readily found in your local supermarket or health food store.
A wide variety of herbal teas are available to brew at home today. Herbal teas are
caffeine free and are antioxidant-rich beverages. Most of these teas are good for
your health and also are good solution to detox.Not only are these healthy solutions
but since they are made using natural ingredients, it is safe for you.
Did you know that Kalpamrit Herbal Tea drinking has its own benefits? We’ve listed
some awesome benefits that herbal teas can have for you. Read them and we are
sure that you will be ready to switch to the healthier options !

 Say bye to the joint pains- The hectic work style that we lead often causes us to
feel fatigued. Joint pains and body aches are common and most of us are ready to
ignore the signals that our body is sending out to us to slow down and take some
rest. Instead we choose to pop that pill that alleviates the pains and gives us the
temporary relief. Not only are we making the body immune to the medicines but we

are also hampering with the resistance of the body and inviting a plethora of side
effects that will not be beneficial in the long run.
 Safe for the pregnant women- Herbal teas that have been infused with the
goodness of ginger, peppermint or lemon are the perfect options to combat nausea
that most pregnant women need to deal with! These herbal teas not only aid
combating the morning sickness, but also help with other health issues like
sleeplessness, fatigue, mood swings and body swelling that are common symptoms
of pregnancy.
 Excellent option to reduce weight- A variety of herbal teas is known to reduce
cholesterol and keep it in check and help you to reduce weight. Herbal teas that are
infused with lemon and cinnamon and even the regular green teas are known to
improve the blood circulation and help in reducing the calories by burning the excess
 Sleep well- Last but not the least, herbal teas are known to relax and calm the
mind that aids in promoting a fitful sleep. Since these are relaxing and help to
reduce the body pains and spasms, it is beneficial for your body. There is so much
healthy living that you can choose to promote with a cup of herbal tea.
Kalpamrit Herbal Tea is Ayurvedic Herbal Tea range and are carefully crafted from
medicinal plant and herbal ingredients to improve your health and well-being - vital
supplements to help your body absorb more nutrients from the food you eat,
improve metabolism, boost blood circulation, promote mental calmness and build
immunity against diseases.

5.Leuco Fight

Kalpmarit product Leuco fight capsule as a Cure of Leucorrhea.

FACTS TO REMEMBER: Kalpamrit Ayurved has come up with the right solution and
remedy. Women have their own typical health problems that deserve special
consideration and treatment. Leucorrhea, one of the major problem for women,
affects many causing ill health & infertility.
If you look back to history, you’ll see their life was quite difficult as compared to
men. They had to cope with many specific diseases in one hand, while on the other
became wives and mothers at a very young and tender age. Most of them had to
undergo multiple pregnancies, while child birth itself was very risky and often
resulted in the death of the mother.
But this blessing sometimes becomes a curse for her on the verge of infertility which
is the most disastrous gynecological problem. There are many other gynecological
disorders found in women especially after marriage that need to be timely diagnosed
& cured to avoid major problems.
We talk about Gynecology is actually “the science of women”, a medical practice that
deals in the health of female reproductive systems (vagina, uterus and ovaries) and
the breasts. It deals with various women’s complaints like:

• Gynecological diseases
• Infertility
• Pregnancy
• Contraception, etc.
• Pelvic pain
• Vaginal itching
• Vaginal discharge
• Abnormal vaginal bleeding

• Breast pain and lumps

 Ayurveda - the world’s oldest health care system that originated in India is also
completely based on herbs and natural healers specially Kalpamrit. And with every
new surprising revelation about the effectiveness of herbs and natural healers, today
we will talk about Kalpmarit product Leuco
 fight capsule - a solution for many urinary problems, gynecological issues and
some skin diseases. Yes, this ayurvedic medicine can be used in a variety of
problems and it heals each one of them with same level of effectiveness. And
Kalpamrit is one of the ayurvedic medicines which can be used for a variety of
Benefits of Leuco Capsules:

• Helps in treat white discharge, excessive bleeding or vaginal secretions,

controls the pH and flora of the vagina and thus reduces infections.
• Great works in the nourishment 0f female reproductive organs through
balancing ph level of vagina and nourishing the ovum.
• Stops excessive bleeding in menorrhagia by establishing hormonal balance
and treat irritation or burning sensations in the skin.
• Very helpful lactating mothers to increase the quantity as well as the quantity
of breast milk.
• Cholroform, methanol, and other properties that treat bacterial and fungal
• Relieving Stress and calming the mind.
• Improve body immune system, cleaning the blood and eliminates the toxins.
• Helping in making healthy menstruation.
• Great benefit for skin and overall complexion

6.Madhumeh Rakshika (Diabetic Capsules)

Madhumeh Rakshika - Ayurveda Medicines for Diabetes:

FACTS TO REMEMBER: Diabetes has become a known monster over the globe.
Verities of formulations are in the market where many brands are imposed on
practitioners. But the disease is well controlled if the prescription is right.
You are probably wondering how Ayurveda can help in the treatment of a modern
lifestyle disease such as diabetes. Since diabetes is a modern lifestyle disease, its
treatment should be modern too – right? Not really. Though diabetes is a relatively
modern disease and it is usually caused by faulty lifestyle, addressing the working
mechanisms of the body can help treat the condition to a large extent. Though there
are many synthetic drugs used for the treatment of diabetes, you may have to
consume them all through your life to keep it at bay. However, Ayurveda offers you
simple herbal remedies which can be used for the complete treatment of this
condition. Your sugar levels will fall down and the painful symptoms of this condition
will also subside gradually. By using Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes, you can
improve the quality of your life and add years to it.
The liver and pancreas are the main blood-sugar regulating organs.

 The pancreas is the small insulin-producing organ that regulates your blood sugar
when you are eating. As sugar enters your body, the pancreas produces insulin to
address the influx of sugar.
 If sugar is not converted immediately for to energy, one of two things will happen:
the sugar will be stored in reserves in the muscles called glycogen, or it will be
stored as fat. The primary responsibility of the pancreas to produce insulin for
converting into energy, thus lowering your blood sugar.
 The liver is the large (very large- three and a half pounds!) organ on the other side
of your body that regulates blood sugar when you aren't eating. The liver uses a
hormone called Insulin-Like Growth Hormone to raise your blood sugar.
 Having diabetes doesn’t mean having to follow a completely sugar-free diet. People
with diabetes should eat a healthy, balanced diet. You should still be able to enjoy a
wide variety of foods too, including some with sugar. The odd small slice of cake
won’t affect your health or long-term diabetes management significantly. Sugary
drinks, on the other hand, are best avoided.

Diabetes Treatment in Kalpmarit Madhumeh Rakshika capsule in Ayurveda

For Ayurvedic treatment for madhumeh rakshika capsule, the first step is usually
dietary planning and lifestyle change, followed by light exercises. Adopting a more
active lifestyle, and a healthy, balanced diet low on sugars and starches, is a must.
You must begin by avoiding sugars in all forms. This means you will have to get rid
of rice, potatoes, white bread, sugar coated cereals, bananas, colocasia and much
more. Add a lot of green leafy vegetables to your diet to improve your nutritional
status and metabolism. In addition to these, also add some herbs to your diet.
Ayurvedic herbs that act as natural medicine for diabetes include karela exctract,
methi Dana, gudmar, jamul guthli, mango guthli, giloy and vijaysar many more.

Apart from diabetes by Ayurvedic treatment, you could also practice yoga and take
medicine like madhumeh rakshika capsule, which can help you improve improve
your health. Several yogic asanas help massage your internal organs so that they
are healthier and can function much better. Some of the asanas and kalpamrit
medicines are especially beneficial for the pancreas, which produce insulin. You may
have to make some changes to your lifestyle as well. For starters, you will have to
maintain a more active lifestyle. You will also have to avoid sleeping in the daytime.
Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol and take extra care of your feet.

7.Journey Fat to Fit

Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder of the modern age. It is
characterized by excess accumulation of fat in the body. Continuous indulgence in
high fat, fried foods, along with a sedentary lifestyle results in excessive fat getting
blocked in various body channels. Obesity in turn causes a number of metabolic
disturbances such as hypertension, diabetes, irregular digestion etc. It can affect
social life too. Overweight, if not controlled, can lead to obesity.

Are you obese?

Obesity is a condition when the BMI (Body Mass Index) of a person lies above 30.
Just take the ratio of body weight (in kgs) and the square of the person’s height (in
mts) to get the BMI. BMI of 25 to 29.9 indicates that the person is overweight and it
is better to exercise proper measures for weight loss and health maintenance at this
stage. BMI of 30 and above indicates obesity.

How Journey Fat to Fit Works:

Journey Fat to Fit Ayurvedic Herbs boost and repair our body’s metabolism to
burn stored fats naturally.

It also regulate and control Thyroid which is a general cause of obesity (fatness)
due to hormonal imbalance.

Journey Fat to Fit Ayurvedic Herbs suppress our hunger naturally for regulating
body weight and shape. Its the best diet food for weight loss.

Journey Fat to Fit Ayurvedic Herbs stops conversion of extra calories into fat for
regulating our body weight and shape naturally.

Journey Fat to Fit Ayurvedic Herbs regulates rate of sugar absorption into blood to
control our body weight and shape naturally.

Journey Fat to Fit Ayurvedic Herbs break fat cells and burn fat stored in our body
to control our body weight and shape naturally.


Rejuvenate your life “for your inner health & outer beauty”:

Facts to Know:

ReXana is a unique blend of highly stabilized Silicon, Vitamin, Minerals and

Micronutrients formulated, developed and originated in European Union “The
ReXana is based on 4 essential and synergistic Vitamin and mineral nutrients:
Silicon, Boron, Zinc and Vitamin C: ‘the golden 4’.
ReXana Drops:

The ReXana formula contains concentrated and highly bio-available / absorbable

ingredients, like absorbable Silicon, Boron, Zinc and Vitamin C.

Because of its balanced composition, ReXana has a positive effect on the entire
body. It has many effects on the body. It benefits our skeletal (bones) and vascular
system (blood vessels), makes muscles stronger and strengthens the nails and hair.
Next, ReXana supports the normal functioning of the immune system and healthy
formation of connective tissue.
ReXana has positive effects on the quality and elasticity of the skin by stimulating
collagen production.
The patented Silicon is a highly bio-available form of silicon for strong bones, hair,
skin and nails. Zinccontributes to the maintenance of normal bones, hair, skin and

nails, supports function of the immune system and has a role in the process of cell
division. Boron is important as well for the growth and maintenance of bone and for
improving wound healing, while Vitamin C is involved in the prevention of immune
system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems and eye
1 bottle ReXana, 30 ml, when used daily by 1 person, will last up to for > 2 months.
ReXana should be stored at room temperature (15-25°C) and should not be exposed
to direct sunlight.

ReXana is a patented Silicon supplement from the Netherlands, It is stabilized

activated Silicon Nano particles with high absorption rate. Also, other important
nutrients are Boron, Zinc and Vitamin C, all with mutual synergistic
effects. ReXana is beneficial and provide support for Bones & Joints, Skin, Hair and

Background Information:

During the last few decades ongoing research demonstrated the important health
benefits of Silicon.

The human body needs Silicon to build and maintain all kinds of connective tissue
structures. So sufficient uptake of Silicon is important, but most Silicon compounds
can hardly / not taken up by humans (or plants or animals), so there is a need for a
bioavailable Silicon compound to prevent Silicon deficiency from the body.

ReXana main ingredients are manufactured in the EU using sophisticated

technology resulting in a high bioavailability rate, so ‘the silicon deficiency problem’
is solved.

Beautifies Hair, Skin & Nails:

ReXana’s bioavailable Silicon improves the strength and elasticity of collagen by

stimulating collagen production. Stronger collagen means healthier & more
elastic skin with fewer and shallower wrinkles.

The outer shaft of hair is rich in silicon. Adequate silicon level helps hair grow
thicker and stronger. Supplementation with ReXana also strengthens weak,
brittle nails (associated with an inadequate silicon intake).

Strengthens Bones & Collagen:

Silicon plays an important role in bone calcification during the growth of new bone.
Bone building cells (osteoblasts) start by constructing a connective tissue matrix.
When this is done, the osteoblasts switch their function and begin to fill in this
matrix with minerals. This process is partly regulated by Silicon.

ReXana is an essential partner of calcium for bones and antioxidants for supple and
healthy arteries.

Other Synergistic Nutrients:

Boron affects bone metabolism, especially in conjunction with other minerals and
vitamin D. Boron modulates sex hormone production in men and women, alter
cognitive function, and provide analgesia for arthritis.
Zinc is an essential trace element with substantial biological importance for
humans. Zinc is responsible for a number of different functions in the human body
and it helps stimulate the activity of > 100 different enzymes.
Vitamin C has many functions like protection against immune system
deficiencies, cardiovascular diseases, prenatal health problems, eye disease and skin
Composition of ReXana:
ReXana contains the following ingredients:
Vitamin C (as Ascorbic acid)
Zinc chloride;
Boric acid;
Potassium chloride
Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)
Other ingredients: Aqua purification and Macrogol, Vegetarian/vegan and gluten free
Who will benefit from ReXana?

The use of ReXana ensures a sufficient ingestion of silicon, something that

becomes more important during aging (starting as early as the age of 35).
The body specifically needs silicon to help build and maintain the locomotor
apparatus (bone system and joints). Of course this is important for both young and
old, but even more urgent for old. Especially people who want to mobile when aging
can use ‘a helping hand’.

In addition, silicon plays an important role in the growth and quality preservation
of the skin, hair and nails. A healthy skin, beautiful hair and well-kept nails are
important for everyone who wishes to maintain a good appearance.
This means that everybody will benefit from ReXana: growing young people, adults
in their prime and last but not least the elderly among us, who in the autumn of
their lives want to go the extra mile!
For what purposes is ReXana used?
ReXana keeps your joints flexible and your bones strong. But also the connective
tissue in the rest of the body, skin and hair, heart and blood vessels, will benefit
from ReXana In addition, ReXana supports the immune system.
What is the recommended dose and use of ReXana ?
Take 10 drops per day; mix into half glass of water or juice and drink promptly,
preferably before breakfast.

DO NOT put into the eyes. Follow usage directions only. Do not take this product if
you are pregnant or lactating. Keep out of the reach of children.
Consult a physician before starting any nutrition or exercise program or if you have,
or have a family history of, including but not limited to, high blood pressure, heart
problems, liver, kidney, thyroid, or psychiatric condition, diabetes, asthma,
headaches, nervousness / anxiety, ulcers, or if you are using prescription drugs, or
over the counter drug.
·Do not exceed recommended serving.
·Discontinue use if you experience an allergy from one of the ingredients.
·Do not use when you are pregnant or when you give breastfeeding.
·Keep out of reach of children.
·Do not use ReXana on open wounds or sexual organs and prevent eye contact.

When is it unadvisable to use ReXana ?

When in the past you proved to be hypersensitive to one or more of
the ReXana ingredients, it is unadvisable to use ReXana

Suitable for vegetarians/vegans:

No wheat, no gluten, no soybeans, no dairy, no egg, no fish/shellfish, no
peanuts/tree nuts.Store at or below room temperature.

How long is it safe to keep ReXana ?

The contents of the unopened box can be used until the indicated use-by date (see
box or label). Once opened, the contents must be used within four months.

ReXana is prepared in accordance with the strictest quality requirements under

HACCP standard

The importance of the ingredients in ReXana:

General Information on Silicon:
Silicon makes up almost 28% of the total crust of the earth and second to oxygen. it
is the most found atom on earth. Until the seventies, Silicon was deemed of no
importance to human metabolism. Now we know from numerous studies that silicon
is indeed essential for a good health.
Silicon is present in connective tissue, hair and nails. In most daily diets Silicon is
often too low, because not enough Silicon is absorbed by the body. This deficiency
increases when aging. Extensive research has shown that silicon as we age is less
well absorbed in our body. How much silicon we ingest daily through our food and
drinking water is difficult to measure because there are different silicon compounds
in our food and most of these forms cannot be absorbed by the body. Only Silicon is
bioavailable, but the quantities in the gut are (too) low. Although Silicon is present in
water, due to the intensive water purification, most Silicon is lost causing a relative
silicic acid Silicon deficiency for the human body.
Symptoms of a lack of silicon are weak brittle nails (which immediately break), dry
hair and wrinkles. Wrinkles arise because the formation of connective tissue that
supports the skin from the inside is diminished by the silicic acid deficiency.
Sources of silicon include: whole grains, vegetables, fibre, citrus and hard drinking
water, but the amounts of the silicic acid fraction is low. An example: banana
contains a lot of silicon, but only 2-3 % is bioavailable.

Silicon and bones:
Silicon stimulates the growth of new bone cells and plays an important part in the
calcium balance. Calcium for example helps to keep up the calcium content in bone
tissue, a property that as a rule will become increasingly important as one advances
in years (starting as early as the age of 35!). In addition, it stimulates the formation
of collagen in the bone matrix. In short: silicon is essential to the formation and
preservation of the bone system. Furthermore, silicon helps to maintain the joints,
generally keeping them flexible for a longer time.
Silicon in skin, hair and nails:

The beneficial effect of silicon will first (and usually already after a short period of
time) manifest itself most notably in skin, hair and nails. The skin and hair will get
strength and elasticity and the nails become stronger and more flexible.

Silicon and the immune system:

Because silicon supports the immune system, the natural barrier against germs, will
benefit from it.
New revolutionary method:
In the past few years, a new, revolutionary and patented method has been
developed to produce stabilized Silicon molecules. This Silicon is well absorbed by
the human body and biologically very active.

Some more information on the other compounds:

Vitamin C (= ascorbic acid):
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a role in maintaining the health of the
body’s connective tissue as well as acting as an antioxidant. The human body needs
to ingest vitamin C, vitamin C foods, on a daily basis in order to maintain necessary
supplies. The human body does not make vitamin C on its own, and it does not store
it either, so it is important that the diet contains enough fruits and vegetables that
contain vitamin C. The benefits of vitamin C may include protection against immune
system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease,
and even skin wrinkling. A deficiency in vitamin C shows itself in several common
ways in the body. While the signs and symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency are not too

troublesome, the results of long-term low levels of vitamin C can be detrimental. A
severe vitamin C deficiency will result in scurvy, a disease resulting from the
breakdown of collagen. It affects bone and muscle strength and it suppresses the
immune system. Scurvy is rarely seen today, because a very small amount of
vitamin C is needed to prevent it.
Other signs of Vitamin C can be serious as well, like easy bruising, bleeding gums,
gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), slow wound healing, dry and splitting hair,
rough, dry, scaly skin, weakened immune system and swollen and painful joints.
Health problems related to a vitamin C deficiency can get much worse over time and
are related to serious health issues like high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and
certain cancers.

Boron is an almost essential mineral. Boron is essential for the growth and
maintenance of bone and greatly improves wound healing. Boron beneficially
impacts the body's use of oestrogen, testosterone, and vitamin D. It is also related
to increase magnesium and calcium absorption. Boron is synergistic for a sufficient
calcium level. It reduces the amount of calcium and magnesium lost through the
urine important for the maintenance of strong bones and smooth joints. Boron is
therefore important (next to calcium) for the prevention of bone depletion
In addition, boron could help prevent joint arthritis (arthrosis) and arthritis. Boron is
also synergistic to vitamin D and some other minerals including silicon. Boron has
beneficial effects on cognitive performance and short-term memory for elders.
Moreover Boron has demonstrated preventive and therapeutic effects in a number of
cancers, such as prostate, cervical, and lung cancers, and lymphoma. A boron
deficiency causes calcium loss and loss of minerals in the bones. Some symptoms:

· o fragile bones
· o low calcium in the blood
· o too much of calcium and magnesium in the urine

In addition, a severe boron deficiency would cause growth retardation (like Zinc),
stress and transient complaints. In addition, it would strengthen a vitamin B

Zinc plays a role in many biological processes in the body. It is, inter alia, involved in
the synthesis of DNA, RNA and hormones like testosterone. The mineral is also
involved in the way vitamin A works and the metabolism of carbohydrates, alcohol
and fatty acids. Zinc is involved in enzymes, which protects the body against free
Zinc is also important for the immune system. Symptoms of low zinc levels are: low
resistance, hair loss, fatigue, white spots on the nails, irritability, skin problems and
poor appetite. Zinc deficiency in young children causes growth retardation and
impaired immune function.
Major sources of zinc include oysters, fish, (body) meat, vegetables, mushrooms,
whole grain products, milk, egg yolk and yeast.

Silicon: An Overlooked Trace Mineral

Silicon, an abundant trace mineral in nature is proving to be an essential ingredient
for stronger bones, better skin and more flexible joints. Including silicon in your diet
may boost the benefits of calcium, glucosamine and vitamin D. Here are some of the
latest findings on this overlooked mineral.
The human body contains approximately 7 grams of silicon, which is present in
various tissues and body fluids. The silicon in tissues is usually bonded to
glycoproteins such as cartilage, whereas the silicon in blood is almost entirely found
as either free Silicon or linked to small compounds.
The biological requirement for silicon was first demonstrated by Edith Carlisle and
Klaus Schwarz in experiments with rats and chickens that were fed silicon-deficient
diets. These experiments demonstrated that nutritional silicon deficiency causes
skeletal deformities such as abnormal skull and long bone structure, as well as
poorly-formed joints with decreased cartilage content. Detailed biochemical analysis
revealed that silicon is an essential nutrient for the structural integrity and

development of connective tissue. Silicon's most popular use is as a nutritional
supplement to strengthen not only the bones and connective tissues, but also hair,
nails and skin.

Silicon in tissue and joints:

Connective tissue is composed of cells which produce the fibrous protein matrixes of
collagen and elastin, as well as the hydrated (water retaining) network of amino-
sugars called glycosaminoglycans (GAG) or muco- polysaccharides (MPS). Silicon is
believed to stabilize the glycosaminoglycan network.
The amino-sugar glucosamine, which is also needed for the biosynthesis of GAGs,
has been clinically proven to be effective in the treatment of arthritis. Given silicon's
chemical association with GAGs, it seems that the combination of both glucosamine
and silicon could have a complementary therapeutic value in the treatment of
arthritis and other related connective tissue diseases.

Silicon, bone and osteoporosis:

Bone is actually a special type of connective tissue. Silicon is a major ion in
osteogenic cells, which are the bone-forming cells in young, uncalcified bone. As the
bone matures, the silicon concentration declines and deposits of calcium and
phosphorous are formed simultaneously. In other words, the more "mature" the
bone tissue, the lower the silicon concentration in the bone. Therefore, it has been
concluded that silicon acts as a regulating factor for the deposition of calcium and
phosphorous in bone tissue. Silicon's regulatory action in bone calcification and its
vital role as a structural component of connective tissue are the reasons for silicon's
classification as an essential trace element in animal and human nutrition.
Silicon plays an ongoing role in maintaining bones after their formation. Bone is a
dynamic, living tissue system that balances bone formation by osteoblast cells and
the ongoing reabsorption of bone tissue by osteoclast cells. (Bone minerals are
dissolved and organic bone matrix components such as collagen are digested by the
action of osteoclast cell.) Osteoporosis occurs when there is a low rate of bone
formation and a high rate of bone reabsorption, thus leading to a decline in bone
mineral density and a decreased mechanical strength of the bone. Bone loss occurs

generally with aging, but a clear acceleration occurs during menopause or following
a failure or removal of the ovaria, which leads to oestrogen deficiency.
Studies with animals indicate that silicon supplementation reduces the number of
osteoclast cells, thus partially preventing bone reabsorption and bone loss. On the
other hand it was shown in vitro that silicon compounds stimulate the DNA synthesis
in osteoblast-like cells. Animal models for osteoporosis using oestrogen deficient rats
demonstrate that silicon supplementation can prevent bone loss. In a clinical study
of 53 osteoporotic women, silicon supplementation was associated with a significant
increase in the mineral bone density of the femur. The positive results of these
studies suggest that silicon supplementation, along with calcium and vitamin D, may
be useful in the fight against osteoporosis.
Silicon's other uses: In addition to connective tissue and bone health, several
other promising health benefits of silicon, such as protection against aluminium
toxicity and protection of arterial tissue have been reported.
As much as aluminium has been found in brain lesions of Alzheimer's patients,
several researchers have suggested that aluminium toxicity may be involved in the
pathology of Alzheimer's disease and other neurological disorders. In studies with
rats, silicon was found to prevent the accumulation of aluminium in the brain. It is
believed that silicon bonds with aluminium in food and beverages, thereby reducing
the gastrointestinal absorption of aluminium. The protective role of silicon against
aluminium was also confirmed in a French population study of elderly subjects: high
levels of aluminium in drinking water had a deleterious effect upon cognitive
function when the silicon concentration was low, but when the concentration of
silicon was high, exposure to aluminium appeared less likely to impair cognitive
Atherosclerosis is a condition characterized by the formation of plaque in the
arteries. Plaque is formed when damaged artery tissue is not properly repaired, thus
allowing scar tissue, oxidized cholesterol and other materials to obstruct the normal
blood flow.
Experiments with rabbits fed a high-cholesterol diet demonstrated that
supplementation with silicon protected the rabbits from developing atherosclerosis.
Aside from protection against atherosclerosis, silicon is a vital structural component

of arteries. However, the silicon concentration of arteries declines with age, most
likely increasing the risk of lesions and plaque formations.
Silicon in your diet:
The daily dietary intake of silicon is estimated to be between 20 to 50 mg, with
lower intakes associated with animal-based diets and higher intakes associated with
vegetarian diets. Plants absorb Silicon from the soil and convert it into polymerized
silicon for mechanical and structural support. This explains why fibre-rich foods such
as cereals, oats, wheat bran and vegetables have a high silicon concentration. An
unbalanced diet with a limited supply of vegetables, fruits and cereals will be low in
silicon concentration.
While whole grain foods are a good, natural source of silicon, the silicon from these
foods is insoluble and cannot be directly absorbed in the gastro-intestinal tract.
Silicon in food is solubilized by stomach acid into Silicon, which absorbs directly
through the stomach wall and the intestine into the blood. Lower stomach acidity,
whether due to illness or age, diminishes our ability to metabolize silicon from food
sources. Aging is reported to be associated with an increasing gastric pH. In this
view elderly people will have a decreased capacity to convert dietary silicates into
bioavailable silicic acid. The refining and processing of food, which removes silicon-
containing fibres, contributes to a lower dietary silicon intake. additionally, many of
the additives used in the food industry interfere with the uptake of silicon. In fact,
these additives can (a) increase the gastric pH and thereby decrease the rate of
hydrolysis of dietary silicates, (b) promote polymerization of Silicon and (c) chelate
minerals in general which are then eliminated through the intestinal tract without
absorption. The extensive re-use of soils and the application of aquacultures
minimalize the essential supply of silicic acid to plants. The resulting crops have a
less rigid structure due to decreased biosynthesis of phytolytic fibers and specific
epidermal cells which contain silica structures. Consequently these crops will have a
lower silicon concentration and contribute less to the dietary silicon intake compared
to crops which have been cultivated on a natural, mineral rich soil. Given all these
factors, it is not surprising that silicon supplementation may be useful for a complete
and balanced diet.

Benefits of Silicon:
Silicon was shown to be essential for the formation of articular cartilage.
Silicon is a cross-linking agent in the glycosaminoglycan network which attracts and
hold water in the joint.

Silicon acts as a regulating factor in bone mineralization.
Silicon stimulates DNA synthesis in osteoblast-like bone forming cells.
Silicon inhibits osteoclast mediated bone reabsorption in vitro.
The synthesis of collagen, the fibrous protein which is essential for the flexibility of
the bone, is decreased by Silicon deficiency.

Tendons and ligaments:

The synthesis of collagen, a major compound in tendons and ligaments, is decreased
by Silicon deficiency.

The activity of prolyl hydroxylase, a specific enzyme for collagen synthesis, was
shown to be Silicon dependent in vitro.

Silicon makes the inner lining of arterial tissue (tunica intima) less permeable. In the
case of a high cholesterol diet, Silicon supplementation reduces the occurrence of
atherosclerotic lesions in blood vessels.
The aorta and the carotid artery of healthy persons contain approximatively 10 times
more Silicon compared to atheromatous arteries.

Silicon is important for optimal collagen synthesis.
Silicon is crucial for activating the hydroxylation enzymes for crosslinking collagen,
which improves the strength and elasticity of this fibrous protein. Better collagen
means better skin, more elasticity and fewer wrinkles.


The outer shaft of hair, that provides elasticity and strength, is rich in Silicon. Hair
with higher Silicon content tends to fall out less and has more shine and lustre.

Silicon is one of the predominant minerals in nails. A sign that Silicon may be
systematically deficient is brittle and soft nails.
Silicon improves the nail quality which results in a better protection against nail

Silicon restores mucosa in the respiratory tract in case of dehydration

Increase Skin Elasticity: with stabilized Silicon:

Skin elasticity depends on both the quantity of collagen and the ability of the
collagen to form a 'tight mesh. “stabilized Silicon” is clinically proven to increase
elasticity 89%.

Your Skin’s Vital ‘Bounce Back’ Factor:

You laugh. You frown. You raise your eyebrows in surprise. Yet your face doesn’t
crack. That’s ‘bounce back’ (elasticity) at work. The greater elasticity your skin
exhibits, the more wrinkle-resistant and smoother it becomes. Skin elasticity
depends on both the quantity of collagen and the ability of the collagen to form a

‘tight mesh.’

The Science of Promoting Resilient Youthful Skin:

The amount of collagen plays a vital part in skin elasticity. But equally important is
the ‘pattern’ the collagen fibres form. In young skin, the pattern of collagen is ‘multi-
directional‘ (isotropic). This ‘every-which-way’ linking is precisely what helps to
prevent skin wrinkling and creasing. Conversely, with aged skin, the collagen pattern
tends to be more ‘one-directional’ (anisotropic). This ‘single’ direction pattern is what
causes skin rigidity, and ultimately skin creasing. ReXana helps to create a rich
multi-directional cross hatch pattern of collagen fibres + This tight knit collagen
‘mesh’ or matrix helps to prevent wrinkles from forming. It also prevents
enlargement of the pores

Creating Smooth, Flawless Skin:

Smooth skin contains millions of collagen fibres “pushing out” toward your skin’s
surface. This “pressure from within” prevents fine lines and wrinkles from forming. It
gives your skin a beautiful and smooth appearance. Exactly what you had during
your youth. Wrinkled skin, by contrast, contains fewer collagen fibres. The “gaps”
between the fibres are where wrinkles form. Skin literally “caves in.” This is what
happens after the age of 21, when collagen begins to diminish by 1% every year.
Creating Smooth, Flawless Skin – Reduce Wrinkles
Smooth Skin… Wrinkled Skin. What’s the difference? Collagen.
Smooth skin contains millions of collagen fibres “pushing out” toward your skin’s
surface. This “pressure from within” prevents fine lines and wrinkles from forming. It
gives your skin a beautiful and smooth appearance. Exactly what you had during
your youth. Wrinkled skin, by contrast, contains fewer collagen fibres. The “gaps”
between the fibres are where wrinkles form. Skin literally “caves in.” This is what
happens after the age of 21, when collagen begins to diminish by 1% every year.

The Science of Generating Collagen:
The secret to gaining that healthy youthful look is adding more collagen beneath the
surface of your skin. How do you do that? By turning on the collagen-generating
cells inside your skin known as fibroblasts. You see, as you age, these fibroblasts
start working slower and less efficiently. But Bioavailable Silicon like ReXana re-
activates these fibroblasts, safely and effectively.
Stabilized Silicon: Clinically Proven to Reduce Fine Lines and Wrinkles by 30%
So effectively, in fact, that the women taking sSA (like ReXana) in the clinical trials
reduced wrinkles by 30.0% and increased skin elasticity 89% compared to the
women that did not take sSA.
Keep in mind, you cannot ingest collagen, as in the pills or powders that contain cow
collagen, and expect to gain collagen in your skin. Collagen is a protein, and when
you ingest it, your body simply breaks it down and uses it as regular food. sSA, on
the other hand, generates collagen right where you need it, in your skin. And it’s
your own collagen (‘with your own DNA fingerprint’!).

Thicker Hair / Stronger Hair:

Thicken and Strengthen All 90,000 - 140,000 Hairs on Your Head. The average
woman has 100,000 hairs on her head. Blondes check in at 140,000, redheads claim
90,000 with brunettes falling somewhere around 110,000. You can't add more. But
you can make each hair thicker. For the women participating in the sSA clinical trial,
the average thickness of their hair increased by 12.8% with hair tensile strength
increasing by 13,1%.

Larger Roots Equal Thicker Hair:
Larger roots beneath your scalp create thicker hairs on top of your head.
What controls the root size? A group of specialized fibroblasts called dermal papilla.
The larger the dermal papilla, the thicker the hair follicle, the thicker the hair shaft.
Studies strongly suggest that sSA increases the volume of the dermal papilla. That
creates a bigger shaft – the “bin” that holds the actual hair protein keratin. Next
comes the process of “filling up” the follicle with a protein called keratin.

Increase Keratin Production:

Keratin is the protein that makes up 97% of hair. That’s why, along with collagen
and elastin, it’s known as one of your body’s 3 beauty proteins. But Keratin
production, like the production of the other two, begins to diminish starting at age
21. That’s the reason why hair becomes thinner, weaker and duller. Keratin
production depends on 1) efficiency of the cells that generate keratin fibres and 2)
getting ample keratin-building nutrients to the hair shaft. sSA does both. How?
By augmenting the amount of collagen in the blood vessel walls, sSA increases the
“elasticity” of capillaries. This ensures an abundant flow of growth-rich nutrients that
optimize the keratinization process in your hair. New clinical evidence strongly
supports the researchers current theory that the sSA increases the activity and
efficiency of your keratin-producing cells. It all adds up to thicker, stronger, shinier

hair – from the inside out! In fact, in clinical trials, the women taking sSA thickened
their hair a full 12.8% over the women not taking sSA. You can too.

Natural Collagen Boosters:

Collagen: Don’t Eat It - Generate It!
Want to generate lost collagen? Know the facts. Collagen is a protein. When you
ingest collagen (like with the pills and powders) your body breaks it down and
simply uses it as food - just like it would if you ate chicken, fish, steak or any
protein. To add collagen, your body must “generate” its own collagen. SSA is
clinically proven to “turn on” the cells in your body that generate collagen

The Science of Collagen:

Don’t Eat it – Generate it !

What Happens When You “Eat” Collagen?

You’ve probably seen the ads for collagen in the form of powders and pills. The story
is that if you ingest collagen, usually from cows and pigs, you’ll increase your own
collagen. But the scientific fact is: Collagen is a protein. When you ingest collagen,
your body breaks it down it and simply uses it as food – just like it would if you ate
chicken, fish, steak or any protein.
You see, inside your body, all proteins, like collagen, get broken down into amino
acids. You have no control over how your body uses those amino acids. Your body
cannot distinguish between the amino acids that came from last night’s meal or from
this morning’s dose of collagen powder you may have tried. The key to adding
collagen is to activate the cells in your bones that generate collagen.

So How Do I Get My Collagen Back?

The cells in your body that generate collagen are called fibroblasts. But starting at
age 18, these fibroblasts start working slower and less efficiently. By the age of 30,
the signs of aging can become visible.
sSA activates enzymes that “turn on” your body’s fibroblasts. The reality is, the
collagen pills and powders have zero effect on these enzymes. That’s why sSA is
clinically proven to decrease wrinkles by 30%, increase skin elasticity by 89%,

strengthen and thicken hair by 13% and dramatically harden nails. What’s more, sSA
is clinically proven safe.
Just remember, when it comes to your collagen, Don’t Eat it – Generate it!
sSA gives you the clinically proven, natural and safe way to generate your own
collagen! You don’t need any more collagen capsules, tablets or injections !

Collagen and Bones:

The NIH Says YES!
The National Institutes of Health reports that your bones need both calcium and
collagen. Collagen serves as the “binding sites” for calcium. Collagen gives your
bones the pliability they need to withstand physical stress. But unlike calcium, you
cannot “eat” collagen to gain the benefits. Collagen is a protein that your body
simply breaks down and uses as food. The key is stimulating the osteoblasts that
generate collagen. In clinical trials, sSA increased bone collagen formation 15% and
increases BMD 2.00% over and above what calcium and Vitamin D alobe could do.
The National Institutes of Health reports that your bones need both calcium and
collagen. Collagen serves as the “binding sites” for calcium. Collagen gives your
bones the pliability they need to withstand physical stress. But unlike calcium, you
cannot “eat” collagen to gain the benefits. Collagen is a protein that your body
simply breaks down and uses as food. The key is stimulating the osteoblasts that
generate collagen. In clinical trials, sSA increased bone collagen formation 15% and
increased BMD 2.00% at the critical hip region over and above what calcium and
Vitamin D alone could do after 1 year.

Allergy Information: Free of gluten, wheat, corn protein, soy protein, yeast, dairy
products, fish, shellfish, egg, artificial colors, or artificial sweeteners.

ReXana & side effects: No side effects are known from ReXana. ReXana is a very
safe supplement when used in the advised dose. No interactions with other
substances are known. Some women experience nausea in dose of more than 4
drops gastrointestinal tract. We do not recommend using ReXana during pregnancy
or during breastfeeding although no side effect are known. Sometimes an innocent
and short exacerbation of the complaints may occur in the beginning of ingestion of

the drops. This indicates that you react intensively to ReXana. In this case you
should reduce the recommended dose. If you experience any side effects, please


Facts to Know: Organic Turmeric and Black Pepper is often used by those who
suffer from any type of joint, back, hip or shoulder pain due to inflammation, then
you might want to look into turmeric for relief and a whole slew of other amazing

Traditionally, turmeric has been used to reduce inflammation and aid in liver health.
It also has been used for arthritis, providing some hope for those who take anti-
inflammatory drugs, such as Nurofen, Advil and Bugesic.
One of the most recent clinical studies, published in the Indonesian Journal of
Internal Medicine in April, 2012, found that curcuminoid extract of turmeric was able
to significantly reduce osteoarthritis pain. The study found turmeric was at least as
effective as NSAID’s or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen.
If you have been taking NSAID’s then you are at risk of:

• Strokes > your risk increases by a staggering 30%

• Internal bleeding of the gut and stomach
• Leaky gut syndrome from the holes they create in the gut
• Heart attacks
• Heart failure
• And even death

Ingredients: Organic Turmeric Root & Organic Black Pepper- liquid 50ml packed in
glass bottle.

How does it works: Curcumin is the ingredient in organic turmeric that has been
most tested. Turmeric has bio-active compounds. Curcuminoid is the most active
compound. Here’s what’s been reported on what happens when these compounds
enter your body:
• PROTECTION against cancer by enhancing the production of cancer-fighting cells,
protecting against damaging toxins.
• ALLEVIATION of stomach upset, abdominal cramps and flatulence, by reducing the
secretion of acid in the stomach.
• RELIEF from osteoarthritis pain because of the wonderful anti-inflammatory
• SHIELDING the liver from damage due to high oxidative stress from known liver
pollutants such as paracetamol.
• DEVOUR free-radicals with its powerful antioxidant properties
• REDUCE bad cholesterol in the blood

There are many more benefit from such an amazing plant; you don’t want to be
without it !

Why Black Pepper : Curcumin was studied and found that the body has a hard
time in assimilating it. This is called a low bioavailability. One study found that when
even 2g of curcumin was ingested, its serum levels were very low. But when a small
amount, only 20mg piperine, was supplemented to the curcumin the bioavailability
increased by a staggering 2000%. This means that all the curcumin you have been
taking has not been used and assimilated into your body. One way of getting 100%
out of your organic turmeric is to add the organic pepper with it. Kalpamrit Ayurved
has studied this exact ratio and offers you the most pure and unadulterated organic
turmeric and black pepper in its proper form. Now you can get these truly essential
compounds into your diet in one easy to take product. Plus, it get straight into your
blood within minutes, not an hour.

How to Take it: The suggested dosses 10 drops in half glass of Luke warm water,
2 times daily, 30 minutes before food in the morning & evening.
Half a teaspoon, or a dropper-full, of turmeric and black pepper taken twice each
day may assist in the healing of irritations, itches and swellings in the body. This
liquid form of our organic turmeric and black pepper can be taken straight under the
tongue for super quick dosing. Alternatively, you can drop the dosage in a small
glass of water and drink it, even with your 2 years old children for your daily dose &
optimal health. Because this is a pure-form organic turmeric, it can also be added
straight into your cooking dishes, in the same way you would add other herbs and
spices. Warning: heating it up too high will reduce its remarkable healing properties.
Instead, you will get the most health benefits from it if you put it in your dish after it
is made, for the extra flavour. Use your culinary judgment on how much to add.

Why Liquid Instead of Powders: When taking root plants like turmeric, your
body has to digest it. It is harder for the body to digest the tannins and resins in
roots and bark herbs. Using alcohol to extract the medicinal properties of turmeric
does all of the hard work for your body. This allows it to enter your blood stream in
just seconds. Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream much faster than water or
other substances used for extraction. Having turmeric in a liquid extract makes it
convenient for you throughout the day. The bottle fits easily into a pocket or bag, so
you can simply take your dose, no matter where you are.

Here’s What it Does Not Contain: Our Organic Turmeric and Black Pepper has:

• NO GMO’s
• NO synthetics
• NO harmful pesticides
• NO isolates
• NO harmful farming practices
• NO shortcut testing processes
• NO harmful import treatments such as steam or radiation
• NO heating

10.Clear Tox

FACTS TO KNOW: It’s a complete detoxification formula. It dissolve fat, sometime

your arthritis pain may increase but in some days it will help in “aamvata-pitt” and
related disease and your pain will be reduced gradually. Don’t worry at all if your
pain increase, it will automatically be reduced in two to four days and you will feel

It is always good to detox your body as we accumulate toxin in our body from the
food that use pesticide and from our modern stressful lifestyle.

Dosses: 10 drops in half glass of Luke warm water, 2 times daily, 30 minutes before
food in the morning & evening.

11.Heart Beat

FACTS TO KNOW:Blood pressure , cholesterol and heart disease are common

issues. Heart Beat is an overall cleansing and detoxification formula. It nourish
nervous system with all required nutrients and helpful in anxiety, pain, restlessness
etc. This is a solid alternative of chemical medicines of BP, heart and cholesterol. As
you start using Heart Beat you will be independent from medicines of BP, Heart and

Dosses: 10 drops in half glass of Luke warm water, 2 times daily, 30 minutes before
food in the morning & evening.

12.Ouch Artho

FACTS TO KNOW: Osteoporosis, arthritis and thyroid are now spreading like
epidemic. People are facing many issues due to insufficiency of calcium and “aam
vat”. This unique formula will help calcium deficiency, joint pain, teeth related
issues, hair fall, uneven nails and nails break. We know that anyone having thyroid
have to take medicines for life long but Ouch Artho can restore thyroid functions and
get rid of thyroid medicines.

Dosses: 10 drops in half glass of Luke warm water, 2 times daily, 30 minutes before
food in the morning & evening.


FACTS TO KNOW: Today knee operation or replacement is a regular phenomenon.

Often it is necessary but in many cases is forced by doctors. Now it’s your turn to
help yourself, to keep our body healthy. This innovation will help you to keep
yourself healthy.

 Keep your knee healthy without operation.

 Restore cartilage and lubricant.
 Regain energy, vitality and mental strength.
 Don’t need to take other vitamins or calcium once you are using this product.
It will detoxify yourself by flushing out toxins and other harmful substance from your
Dosses: 10 drops in half glass of Luke warm water, 2 times daily, 30 minutes before
food in the morning & evening.


Enriched with Vitamin B12 and D.
Health benefits:
Improves cellular metabolism and energy provider.

Stimulate appetite and helpful in blood building due to enriched nutrition.

Promotes digestion and mitigate heart burn.

Non-toxic and highly helpful in lowering cholesterol.

Reduce fluid retention linked to arthritis.

Complete health tonic to protect from nervousness because of anxiety, worry and

It enhances haemoglobin content and cleanse our body of impurities.

Enriched with phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins and it is supplementary source

for green blood in the body.

It is powerhouse of nutrients and a complete rejuvenating agent.

Helpful in weight loss, boost memory power and support healthy level of blood

Help in combating depression and reducing blood pressure.

It provides alkaline effect to the body.

Helps to reduce morning tiredness.

Improve overall wellbeing.

Suggested dosage:
50ml in a day before meal (morning) and along with 100ml of lukewarm water

15.Sea Buckthorn Capsule

Sea buckthorn is a hardy, deciduous shrub native to central Asia and Europe and
now grows in north America. Contains no added yeast, sugar, salt, starch, soy,
wheat, gluten, dairy, artificial colors, preservatives or artificial products.

Sea buckthorn provides highest concentration of omega 7 fatty acids when

compared to alternative sources like anchovies and macademia nuts. Omega-7
omega fatty acids (3, 6, 7 & 9) in sea buckthorn oil capsules are combined together
providing more protection and nourishment to the skin. Fatty acids (omega 3, 6 & 7)
support healing of tissue damage. It is natural ayurvedic product 60% hca.

Dietary supplement 100% natural sea buckthorn is a 100% natural supplement

from the berries of the sea buckthorn plant.

For adults, take one capsules twice daily, preferably with meals.
60 pure veg capsules.

16.Moringa Powder

Kalpamrit Moringa Powder is made from naturally-dried moringa leaves. It has a
delicious spinachy green flavour and is:

25% plant protein including all 9 essential amino acids

24% fibre
A rich source of iron, vitamin K & E
A source of vitamin A & calcium
High in antioxidants

As Moringa Powder is a natural source of these nutrients, it is highly bioavailable, so

our bodies can absorb the benefits more easily than by taking synthetic


At any given time, 1 in 5 people feel unusually tired, and 1 in 10 have prolonged
fatigue, according to the Royal College of Psychiatrists in the UK.
A single serving of Aduna Moringa Powder (10g or 2-3 teaspoons) provides:
Iron: 32.2% of your daily requirement (NRV)
Vitamin A: 18.9% of NRV
Iron is essential for the reduction of tiredness and fatigue in the body, and vitamin A
supports the metabolism of iron ensuring a greater uptake. Adding moringa to your
daily routine is an effective, natural way to prevent tiredness and fatigue.
The rich iron content of moringa powder also makes it ideal for vegan, vegetarians
and those suffering from anaemia.
Moringa Powder has been heralded by Vogue magazine as "redefining beauty from
It is jam-packed with skin-loving vitamins including:
Vitamin A: 18.9% of NRV
Vitamin E: 16.9% of NRV
Vitamin A is essential for healthy, radiant skin and vitamin E protects cells from
oxidative stress helping fight the signs of ageing.
Moringa also has one of the highest antioxidant contents of any food. With an ORAC
value of 157,000, it has 6x the antioxidants of goji berries and comparable levels to
the antioxidant powerhouse matcha.
Antioxidants are essential for protecting, repairing and preventing cell damage,
minimising the ageing process of the skin in the long-term. They help counteract
oxidative stress and the effects of free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules
that damage collagen causing skin dryness, fine lines, wrinkles and premature
Read our article about antioxidants and why we need them here.
The skin benefits of moringa are so exceptional that Aduna Moringa Powder is one
of the first food items to ever be sold in the beauty hall of prestigious London
department store Liberty.

One of the best moringa benefits is its super immune-boosting powers. Maintaining
a healthy immune system is essential for helping our bodies stave off infections and
illnesses. Moringa Oleifera leaves are an extremely rich source of:
Iron: 32.2% of NRV
Vitamin A: 18.9% of NRV
Both of which are essential for the normal function of the immune system.
Many studies have been done about moringa's potential as an anti-cancer agent.

Moringa leaves have been shown to have beneficial properties in the fight against
both breast and colon cancer cells and research is ongoing.

Moringa oleifera leaves are almost 25% protein, which is unusually high for a plant.
Kalpamrit Moringa Powder contains 9 essential amino acids making it a complete
source of protein, supporting the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. The high
protein content of moringa makes it particularly beneficial for vegans and
vegetarians who can struggle to get a sufficient protein supply.
Try shaking it into a smoothie for a post/pre workout boost, or simply sprinkling
some on your roasted vegetables for an easy way to increase your protein intake!

A 2010 study in the Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics
confirmed that the leaves of the moringa tree are a powerful, natural adaptogen.
Never heard of them? Adaptogens are herbs or plants that protect the body from the
toxic effects of stress. Used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, they
help reduce stress and improve attention and endurance in the face of fatigue.
Studies indicate that adaptogens not only help the body to cope with stress, but can
enhance general health and performance.
Why not swap your morning coffee for our Mint, Nettle & Moringa Super Tea and
say hello to a stress-free day!

Moringa powder is a rich source of calcium (24.7% NRV) which contributes to the
normal function of digestive enzymes.
It also contains 24% fibre which can help support a healthy digestive system and
bowel regularity. Fibre can also be helpful for weight management as it helps you
feel fuller for longer and supports a healthy metabolism.

Moringa is a rich source of iron (32.2% NRV) and calcium (24.7% NRV), both of
which support energy-yielding metabolism. A green smoothie with moringa in the
morning will keep you feeling nice and energised all day!

Having healthy eyes and normal vision is something that can often be taken for
granted but requires the right nutrition on order to maintain normal function.
Moringa is a source of vitamin A (18.9% NRV per serving) which contributes to
normal vision.

Typically used in traditional medicines, recent scientific studies have confirmed that
moringa is in fact a successful way to treat diabetes, and is proven to decrease
blood glucose level.
Additionally, further research has shown that those eating a diet rich in plant
proteins can reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D). A 19 year study by the
University of Eastern Finland has found that replacing just 5 grams of meat-based
protein consumption a day with a plant-based source, could reduce risk of T2D onset
by as much as 18% - moringa contains 25% plant protein.

Maintaining strong and healthy bones is an important component of overall health.
Moringa oleifera leaves are a rich source of vitamin K (158.7% NRV), protein (25%)
and calcium (24.7% NRV) all of which support normal bones.

17.Tulsi Panchamrit

Tulsi Panchamrit has a lot of benefits. It has super natural health curing qualities
and helpful in all types of Allergies. It has beneficial effect on mind and body. It
gives relaxation to mind and body. Scientists have also acknowledged the medicinal
properties of tulsi. This pack contains three bottles. Tulsi Panchamrit reduces stress,
improves immune system & provides a rich supply of antioxidants.

It's advantages are :

It is 100% Ayurvedic and has no side effects.
It keeps away the deadly fevers like Dengue, Malaria and Swine Flu etc.
It is very effective in any kind of gynae problem.
It has Anti-bacterial and Anti-viral Action.
It is assemblage of pure herbs.

Ocimum Sanctum 300 mg
Ocimum Gratissimum 300 mg
Ocimum Canum 300 mg
Ocimum Basilicum 300 mg
Ocimum Citriodorum 300 mg

Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Aging, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Viral, Anti-Septic, Anti-Flu, Anti-Biotic,
Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Toxin & Anti-Diseases.

Empty stomach 3-4 drops twice a day with lukewarm water.
For Breathing problem : Add 3 to 4 drops of tulsi panchamrit with 1 spoon of Honey
For Children : Mix 3 to 4 drops with Mishri (Rock Sugar)

18.Madhuramrit (Stevia Liquid)


Madhuramrit Stevia Liquid is a zero calorie natural sweetener with zero glycemic
index that makes a perfect healthy substitute for sugar and artificial sweeteners.
Unlike chemical sweeteners, Madhuramrit Stevia Liquid is created by using the
natural sweetness of Stevia leaves and pure water so that you get the perfect taste.
Madhuramrit Stevia Liquid does not contain sucralose, aspartame, dextrose,
maltodextrin, lactose etc.
Madhuramrit Stevia Liquid is heat stable, which makes it ideal for cooking and

Stevia Extracts and Distilled Water.
One drop is equivalent to 1 tsp of sugar and artificial sweetener.


Directions for Use:

1 drop per unit of a beverage/dessert/dish.
Try these basic conversions the next time you replace sugar with Madhuramrit Stevia

1 teaspoon of sugar = 1 Madhuramrit Stevia Liquid drop

III Personal Care

1.Protein Shampoo

FACTS TO KNOW: Ayurvedic, is the best in the market. Hair fall is one of the major
problems of pitta dosha (metabolism and transformation in the mind and body) in
ayuaveda and excess of Pitta dosha in the body is the major cause of hair problems.
Unfortunately, hair loss has become more common in today life. The annoying
modern lifestyle, increasing environmental pollution, use of chemically blended hair
cleaning stuffs and unhealthy food habits are all factors that cause damage to your
health and are reflected in the quality of your hair.

Herbal Ayurvedic Shampoo will help you to get rid of all your hair problems. These
are completely natural and without having any side effect. You can change your
artificial chemical treated hair products by this ayurvedic product.

The herbal shampoos are very effective in decreasing hair loss completely without
any side effects. It is true that herbal shampoos might not give you the results
instantly but it will be effective from the root in the hair when you are using it
regularly. The name given to the science of life is none other than Ayurveda. It is
the natural to traditional medicine that has its core in our Indian subcontinent.
Kalpamrit Shampoo is enriched with natural proteins which is good for gaining,
thickness, and shine of hair. It is free from fake synthetic colors andingredients. It

also helps to fight dandruff and protect scientific cleansing of hair. Kalpamrit
Shampoo can be used on any type of hair and it is also good for various scalp
diseases. It helps to repair hair and bring back the natural shine while moisturizing,
nourishing and conditioning each hair root.
Some more powerful herbs and their benefits are in Protein Shampoo.

 Shikakai-Shikakai has a natural conditioning properties, it is also helpful in treating

issues like dandruff, hair loss, and scalp infection. Shikakai is rich in vitamins,
minerals, and antioxidants that that help promote natural hair growth.
 Reetha- Reetha has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and infection fighting properties that
ensures you won't get scalp infection in future. Regular use reetha extract shampoo
helps restore the natural shine and root lock. It’s also helping for frizzy hair and
tangled hair.
 Amla- One such ingredient that is a powerful all-rounder is Amla, includes high
levels of vitamin C it helps to keep hair strong and healthy. Vitamin C deficiency can
lead to weak hair that is prone to breakage and hair loss. Its can help your hair locks
to grow better, faster and healthier.
 Neem- Neem helps to stimulate blood circulation and the immune system. This
helps to treat the scalp and to promote healthy hair growth. The soothing and
healing properties of neem on the scalp may also be attributed to its high fatty-acid
 Tejpat- Tejpat can be used as the natural conditioner on your hair. Due to
antioxidants present in Tejpat it can help to smoothen your hair and also make them
more smooth and shiny.
Kalpamrit hair protein wash is Secure for hair and treatment for any hair regarding
diseases and also much more herbs are in like tagar, turmeric, bakuchi, Aloe vera,
chipki. So, you have to be take care of your hair with these protein rich Shampoo.

2.Anti-Dandruff Shampoo


Our priority is to ensure the ingredients we use in our products are safe for you and
your family. We believe that consumers have the right to access all information
available about the ingredients of the products they or their families use.

We also believe a great dandruff shampoo should do more than remove flakes.
That’s why we infuse every shampoo with essential beauty elements, like rich
moisturizers and great fragrances, so they can be effective against dandruff, but
gentle and nourishing for hair.

Below you will find a detailed list of the ingredients we use and why we use them.

Water, or Aqua – this is used to blend together all the other ingredients. The right
balance of water is essential to achieve the perfect shampoo consistency and help it
spread throughout the hair. Water used in our shampoos goes through a special
process to make it exceptionally pure.


Pyrithione Zinc (ZPT) – our key active ingredient, ZPT helps prevent the dandruff-
causing microbe, Malassezia globosa, from forming scalp irritants. All ZPT shampoos
are not the same though – we use a unique, highly effective form of ZPT so it fights
flakes better than other.


Zinc carbonate – Head & Shoulders is the only dandruff shampoo to contain zinc
carbonate too. It helps fight flakes better by moisturizing the scalp and, paired with
ZPT, helps keep the dandruff-fighting ingredient in its most effective form.


Of course, a major function of any shampoo is to trap oil and dirt in the hair so it
can be rinsed away in the shower. Head & Shoulders typically uses a blend of
cleansers sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate, to get the right balance
of both cleansing and mildness.
Other lathering agents like Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide MEA , or Cetyl Alcohol
are added to make the lather rich, creamy, and easy to spread across your scalp and
throughout your hair.

Head & Shoulders shampoos are enriched with key nourishing ingredients. The
levels of these are tailored differently across versions to address different hair
Dimethicone – microscopic droplets of dimethicone in the shampoo are released
onto each hair fiber during rinsing. When hair is dry, these droplets smooth and
protect the hair cuticle, keeping hair soft and shiny.
Guar hydroxypropyltrimonium chloride, and Polyquaternium-10 – these conditioning
ingredients cushion hair fibers – especially when hair is wet. They help to prevent
hair tangles, and make it more manageable.
Glycerin- some products in our line contain this ingredient, which helps seal in skin

Glycol distearate – performs the vital job of keeping all the shampoo ingredients
‘blended and suspended’ inside the bottle so every drop has the right blend of
Magnesium carbonate hydroxide – this is used to stabilize the zinc carbonate.

These preservatives protect the shampoo from microbial contamination:

Sodium benzoate and benzyl alcohol - preservatives like these are used while the
shampoo is being made, to prevent the raw ingredients from becoming
Methylchloroisothiazolinone, and methylisothiazolinone – this pair of preservatives
are added at the end of the shampoo-making process. Their job is to protect the
shampoo when you use the bottle at home.


Sodium chloride and sodium xylenesulfonate – this pair of ingredients is used to

adjust shampoo thickness at the very end of production, until it has the right
texture. Too thick? Add Sodium Xylenesulfonate. Too thin? Add Sodium Chloride
(also known as common table salt!).


To complete the shower experience, Head & Shoulders adds custom blends of color,
plant essences, and fantastic, long-lasting scents ranging from fresh apple to cool
mint, to keep your hair smelling great all day long.


Every shampoo must achieve the right pH balance; sodium hydroxide and
hydrochloric acid can be added until the shampoo is at the target pH. These
ingredients are actually not present in the finished shampoo, because once they’re
added they transform into salt and water.


Some compounds are added to our starting materials before we receive them. Their
role is to protect the quality, consistency & performance of the ingredients we use,
before they get added to the shampoo.

3.Sandal Beauty Soap

FACTS TO KNOW: Ayurveda was a very early adopter of the mantra that “beauty
comes from within.” The 5,000 year-old-science is known for extolling the benefits of
balancing the whole body, supporting digestive health, optimizing energy, and
treating each individual according to her specific dosha (constitution)—and not just
finding the right facial cleanser or aesthetician.
But that doesn’t mean you should ignore skin and hair. In fact, Ayurveda’s got more
beauty practices than Beauty Soap With Sandal—and they all do double duty,
boosting your overall wellness while they give you a glow.Skin care may take back
seat in everyday hustle-bustle. This takes care of ill effects and damages caused due
to chemical-laden cosmetics, stress and improper eating habits which snatch off
skin’s natural radiance and glow. Since lifestyle and skin care contributes greatly not
only to your looks but also on how you feel about yourself, you must take care of it.

Experience our pure, handmade and elegant Ayurvedic soaps from leading ayurvedic
brand Kalpamrit . If you are looking for traditionally made authentic Ayurvedic
soaps, using original, time-tested balanced Ayurvedic prescriptions you’ve come to
the right place.Pure Natural, it offers the widest range of Kalpamrit Ayurveda;s and
Ayurvedic soaps, 100% natural, made with ingredients prepared from organically-
grown plants and herbs or collected by India’ s tribal communities from natural

Here is the Benefits of Kalpamrit Beauty Sandal Soap

 Astringent: When applied externally astringents cause coagulation of skin proteins

and are used to protect the skin from acne, insect bites, superficial cuts or abrasions
and allergies.

 Antiseptic: Antiseptics are antimicrobial substances that are applied to living tissue/
skin, to reduce the possibility of infection, sepsis or putrefaction.
 Anti inflammatory: Tissues tend to swell up causing pain during an injury, which
can be overcome by an anti inflammatory substance like sandalwood. Sandalwood is
one of natures most versatile and effective skin care treatments, which have the
following benefits:
o Soft skin: One of the most sought after benefits of sandalwood is its characteristic
of promoting soft skin. Sandalwood oil (either as a standalone or infused with other
natural oils) when massaged into the skin to gives the best results.
o Anti acne: Sandalwoods antibacterial properties are very effective in fighting the
bacteria and fungi this preventing acne.
Different types, different properties: Our Kalpamrit Ayurveda Purifying sandel Soap,
a rich herbal formula made with neem, is ideal for sensitive skin, as it cleanses and
soothes skin irritations.For mature or dry skin, we offer Kalpamrit Ayurveda’ s sandel
Soap, with aloevera, Pudina, pure shuhaga called as borrex and neem, which
nourish the skin, keeping it smooth and supple. Our Ayurvedic beauty soap with
sandal is designed to improve skin tone and texture. Suitable for all skin types.

Buy Kalpamrit Products and Soaps Online:

Pure Natural’s Kalpamrit Ayurvedic soaps can be ordered quickly and easily from our
online boutique. Are you a professional and interested in wholesale pricing? Then
click here. If you are looking for Ayurvedic soaps as a private individual, place your
order here below.

4.Orange Shea Butter Soap

FACTS TO REMEMBER: Cleansing the skin is one of the clean and most everlasting
beauty care tradition that has special understanding in Ayurveda. Ayurveda advice
the use of plant-based, nourishing natural skin cleansers to wash off all oils as well
as impurities on face.

All natural cleansers also restore the body and mind. In today’s age, given our daily
disclosure to a collection of toxins and impurities, it is best to avoid harsh, chemical
cleansers that affect the skin of its natural oils and radiance. Using natural oils and
herbs based cleansers and soaps keep your skin clean, protected and naturally
healthy. Delicately fragranced and containing wonderful ingredients like lemon peel,
Tulsi, pure suhaga, Turmeric, and Sandalwood among many others, each of these

handmade from kalpamrit natural soaps will cleanse your skin with the care and
comfort it justifies.

There are many soap products that need to put extra effort to care for the clear and
glowing skin. Sensitive skin can be the reason of allergy due to dust particles,
chemical ingredients, and pollution environmental conditions. Sensitive skin has the
disadvantage in which undesirable ingredients enter into the skin more easily and
your skin’s natural moisture get away faster. The best part is you can treat your skin
without any strain. Check out original Shea butter soap as the best skincare herbal
soaps from kalpamrit.

Some of the benefits of this miraculous Orange Shea butter soap:-

 Vitamins: Orange Shea butter soap contains many vitamins, but is specifically high
in Vitamin A, which is essential to repair damaged skin tissue, and protect healthy
 Minerals: Shea butter contains important minerals for the skin such as selenium.
Selenium is known as to help prevent damage to the skin from too much time in the
 Shea Butter: The combination of natural vitamins and fatty acids in Shea butter
makes it amazingly nourishing and moisturizing for skin. It is used for dry skin and
help to protect the all skin types.
Kalpamrit orange Shea butter soap is combined with the fruity top notes of African
Sweet Orange to create a soften and comforting blend of essential oils, perfume our
moisturizing and nourishing Shea Butter Soap Bar for a luxurious and gentle cleanse.
Being a completely natural soap, this imparts fairness and glow to the skin and

removes tan at the same time. If you are ready to spend some additional money on
a great soap, go for it!

5.Nimbu (Lemon) Beauty Soap

FACTS TO REMEMBER: Are you tired of putting those harsh chemicals on your
skin? Looking for an ‘all- in-one’ solution that can keep your skin clean, nourished,
protected, and radiant? Just go back to your root and rely on ayurveda. Well, to be
more precise, opt for ayurvedic soaps that can keep all your skin issues away while
taking great care of it. Ayurvedic soaps come full with powerful natural ingredients
that suit people of all types of skin.

Lemon Soap a very natural antiseptic medicine which is very useful for solving any
problem related to skin. There are many kinds of skin problem, like sunburn,
eczema, insect’s sting, and so on which are very painful. As lemon an anti-aging
remedy. so Undoubtedly it works really well as a treatment for these mentioned skin
problems. To bring a healthy glow to the skin as well as to remove wrinkles and
blackheads lemon soap has no alternative. Your task will be easier if you buy
Kalpamrit Nimbu Beauty Soap from market and use it in your every shower. If you
do so it also brings something good for your skin.

 Lemon being a citrus fruit fights against infection. it helps in production of WBC's
and antibodies in blood which attacks the invading microorganism and prevents skin
 Lemon beauty soap suits all skin types and makes the skin feel soft and toned. The
essential oil of this herb is gentle on the skin and helps maintain the proper balance
of the skin’s natural oils. The soap helps to give the skin an even tone.
 Ayurvedic Kalpamrit Nimbu Beauty Soap combats the aging process by firming the
skin. It offers the skin a youthful freshness that no chemical can impart. This is
primarily because of the antioxidant properties of the herb.
 Lemons Beauty Soap’s antibacterial and antifungal properties make them a natural
alternative to treat acne. Simply slice open a lemon and rub it across your face. Or
you can add a few drops of honey to a lemon half before applying it directly to the
area where you have blackheads. Wait five to 10 minutes before rinsing off with cold
 We've tested out some pretty weird ways to bring down the shine on our faces,
including laxatives. But swiping a cotton swab with a little lemon juice is just as

effective. Try doing this before bed and washing your face the next morning to
prevent oily skin.

This Ayurvedic Kalpamrit Nimbu Beauty Soap is the best fairness soap, which is
designed to provide deep pore cleansing and a scrubbing effect on the skin. As
ayurvedic soap, it contains natural ingredients like turmeric, neem, tulsi, lemon oil,
pudina, aloevera, with a gentle dermabrasive action on the skin. Enriched with
natural moisturizers, the ayurvedic fairness soap leaves the skin cleaner, brighter
and visibly fairer, making it appear soft, radiant and youthful.

6.Herbal Aloevera Face Wash

FACTS TO KNOW: Freshness in every Splash. Everyone finds it difficult to maintain

a proper skin health due to increasing pollution along with other environmental
factors, dust, chemicals, microorganism and also due to unhealthy food habits. It is
important to provide a proper clean-up to the skin to remove facial dirt , grime and
clogged pores. A complete clean up care is necessary to get a clear, radiant, spotless
and healthy skin. The only way to maintain proper cleanliness of your skin in a
healthy manner is to provide the skin with the goodness of natural ingredients.

Kalpamrit Herbal Aloevera Face Wash is enriched with the goodness of herbal
extract of Aloe Vera, Tulsi and Neem leaves, providing a complete nourishment to
the skin. This face wash helps in removing pimples, blemishes, acne , the signs of
premature aging and retains skin’s moisture, adds more glow to skin, making skin
soft and smoother along with some additional antioxidant, soothing, hydrating and
sunblock property.

Why it is effective?
Kalpamrit Herbal Aloevera Face Wash gently acts on the skin without affecting the
skin quality. This face wash helps in removing pimples, blemishes, wrinkles, dark
spots, blackheads, dead cells and makes skin healthy, soft and supple. It easily
rinses off debris and dirt from the skin. It also protects skin from oxidative damage
and gives a completely clean, fresh, glowing, and spotless skin with enhanced skin
luster and tone.

Herbal Aloevera Face Wash is beneficial for both male and female.
Benefits of Kalpamrit Herbal Aloevera Face Wash:

 Provides deep cleansing.

 Hydrates skin.
 Enhances skin glow.
 Provides smoother skin.
 Controls the appearance of pimples.
 Removes blemishes and excess oil from the skin.
 Reduces burning sensation.
 Beneficial for minor skin ailments.
 Clears facial dirt.
 Retains moisture level of the skin.
 Eliminates skin infections.
 Reduces wrinkles.
 Controls acne.
 Provides natural cooling effect.
Principal Ingredients:
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera earned a special place in Ayurveda due to its immense beneficial effect for

both health and skin. It is considered as Nature’s Silent Healer and provides
complete nourishment to the skin by increasing skin glow, preventing early signs of
aging, making skin smoother and softer. Apart from this, Aloe Vera also provides an
effective moisturizing effect and helps in retaining the natural quality of the skin,
fights against acne, removes the signs of premature aging, helps in clearing
blemishes, enhances skin glow to the skin and provides better protection from
suntan with an excellent soothing effect.

Tulsi Leaf:
The Holy Basil is loaded with essential oil and Vitamin A and C. With an effective
antibacterial, detoxifying, cleansing and purifying properties, Tulsi provides an
immense beneficial effect on overall skin health, removing blemishes, acne, pimples
and protect the skin against the effects of oxidative damage. It also exfoliates skin &
makes it dirt and germ-free and restores skin glow and prevents skin infections.

The “wonder leaf” contains an excellent antibacterial, antifungal properties, anti-
inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It fights against bacterial infection, fungus,
dirt and a germ effectively. Neem also helpful in removing pimples, acne, redness,
excess oil and to soothes and moisturizes skin, enhancing overall skin health.

How to Use:

 Dampen your face, hands and neck.

 Pour pea-sized face wash on your palm.
 Rub gently to form a lather, apply in circular motion.
 Use after every exposure to pollution and sun or twice daily.

7.Herbal Shaving Cream

Let us look at the Benefits and Recommendations of Herbal Shaving


1. Hydration:- Herbal Shaving cream helps to keep moisture in the beard hairs
during the shave, leaving them softer and easier to cut. When less force is
needed to cut each hair, your shave can more comfortable.
2. Lubrication:- Herbal Shaving cream creates a thin layer of protection
between the blade and the skin, ensuring less friction and minimizing the risk
of redness, shaving rash, and irritation – and fewer nicks and cuts.
3. Tracking:- It’s so intuitive, we may not realize it, but the act of removing
shaving cream as you shave helps you keep track of where you’ve already run
your blade. This will help to ensure that you don’t miss a spot.

4. Soothing and refreshing:- Using a shaving cream will help leave your skin
feeling soothed and refreshed afterwards.

Our super moisturizing shave cream nourishes and protects the skin, while helping
you achieve a good, close shave. Unlike conventional shaving cream, there are no
toxic foaming agents or hormone disruptors, just simple, natural ingredients.

Kalpamrit Herbal shaving Cream Regular works to help you create the ultimate
shave, thanks to the skin- softening cream which protects your skin from harmful
cuts, irritation, and shaving nicks. The organic Cream along with the shave cream’s
natural creative energize ingredient combines with the healing properties of the
cream to improve your skin’s natural vitality.

The quality and the effect of our product are profound in offering you the greatest
results for your body’s needs.

Application: Wet face with warm water. Cover beard with shave cream and shave as
usual. Use of Kalpamrit Herbal shaving Cream provide extra moisture for normal to
dry skin condition.

8.Herbal Hand Wash

FACTS TO KNOW: Kalpmarit Herbal Hand Wash are made of natural ingredient,
herbs used in making of various products which benefits human health and body.
Herbs play a vital role in human life. They help in maintaining good health. The
information about importance of herbs is passed down from generations to
generations. Various kinds of herbs are used for various reasons like in preparation
of food, spiritual items, in cosmetics, in tea and etc.

Hand Wash: Washing our hand is very important process that has to be performed
whenever necessary in everyday life. The major source through which the infection
travels in a human body is through the hands. If they are not cleaned properly, a
person might have to face many health related issues. Therefore, one must wash
their hand so that one can avoid falling sick or prevent the germs entering into the
body. Herbs are famous, for they possess antimicrobial properties. Thus, utilization
of herbs in Kalpamrit hand wash products will help in terminating the germs and

Kalpamrit Herbal Hand Wash: Skin is one of the most important organs of the
human body and care should be taken to protect it. Skin is very prone to microbial
infection. Skin protection is taken care by the usage of the available Kalpamrit herbal
hand wash.

Why should one use Kalpamrit herbal hand wash?

 Kalpamrit Herbal hand wash is primarily used as it is free from chemicals

unlike the normal hand wash. The ingredients used in herbal hand wash are

all natural and safe.

 The Kalpamrit herbal hand washes are very mild yet very effective and can

terminate the spread of viruses and germs.

 Herbs are known for the medicinal components that they carry all the

components are extracted and put into the hand wash; which makes hand

washing more safe and healthy.

 It gives the skin a soft texture and gentle look, which is most of the times not

possible by normal hand wash products.

 The perfume of the Kalpamrit herbal hand wash keeps the skin fresh and


 The mild foaming action does not cause any irritation while using Kalpamrit

herbal hand wash.

 It also helps to remove the dirt and oil effectively from the skin.
 It also helps to clear antiseptic and fungal problems faced by the skin.
 It helps in removal of elasticity from the skin.

9.Extreme Power X Liquid Detergent

FACTS TO KNOW: To live a healthy life, you exercise and control your eating habit
, don’t you? Is your ultimate goal to keep you and your family comfortable and safe?
If yes, then let’s talk about the advantages of Kalpmarit Extreme Power X Liquid
Ditergent as well.

The Benefits of Kalpmarit Extreme Power X Liquid Ditergent:
The commercial options that the market contains are quite effective. But there is a
major downside to this. Such detergents come with artificial preservatives,
chemicals, and pollutants. And these don’t sound so friendly to the human body. So
let’s find out how the green detergents are a better option. Detergents is commonly
used in products for personal hygiene, dishwashing, and laundry. They are also used
as ingredients in antiseptic agents, dry-cleaning solutions, lubricating oils, and
gasoline. Although detergents are very useful, the excessive use of certain
ingredients has led to adverse effects on the environment. For instance, phosphate
additives used for water softeners led to an increase in phosphorus content in lakes
and rivers, triggering algal blooms that in turn consumed most of the oxygen in the
waters, killing fish and plants. Efforts have been made to reduce such negative
effects, but the results have been mixed.
Choosing Kalpmarit Extreme Power X Liquid Ditergent can significantly reduce the
harmful chemicals that come into contact with our bodies. The benefits of Kalpamrit
extreme power X washing Powder are that they do not contain chlorine, phosphates,
synthetic dyes or perfumes, all of which can cause allergic reactions and skin
outbreaks. The best alternative for environmental and physical health is to purchase
organic detergents that are made with natural, certified ingredients. They are
gentler on fabrics, healthier for our bodies, and safer for every living thing.

Kalpmarit Extreme Power X Liquid Ditergent Cleans clothes really well while caring
for fabric, color and texture, wash after wash. The wash water can be recycled to
water your plants. Our laundry detergent deep cleans, releasing dirt and grime from
fibers, and then it leaves your clothing supremely soft, so clothing feels good against
the skin and blankets are snuggly and inviting. It also fights stains as it cleans,
leaving clothing bright and looking its best.

Kalpmarit Extreme Power X Liquid Ditergent are like fabric softeners, it makes your
clothes last longer, environment-friendly and having no harsh chemicals. There are
no synthetic additives like bleaches, enzymes, fragrances or other chemicals. Our
formula rinses cleanly and completely, so you run the rinse cycle just once, saving
water, energy, and time spent in the laundry room.

10.Herbal Hair Oil
FACTS TO KNOW: We all take pride in our appearance, and we realize that our
hair is one of the most important aspects of how good we look. We buy expensive,
fancy oils, shampoos and conditioners and an assortment of products to ensure our
hair has the best provisions and looks good as well as feel good. Our hair
contributes a lot to our self-confidence levels and when something goes wrong, we
get deeply distressed about it. More often than not, applying chemicals to the scalp
can make the situation worse. Haircare is inextricably tied up with Ayurveda. Hair
health is an important aspect of beauty and grooming. Natural ayurvedic Oil are safe
to ensure proper care. Ayurvedic studies on hair care are extensive and proven.
Ayurveda suggests the use of various herbs, fruits, seeds, flowers, etc. in caring for
your hair and remedying problems like hair fall, thinning, premature greying,
dandruff, etc.

Bhringaraj, Neem, Giloya, Tejpatra, Tulsi, Amla, Henna, Shikhakai, Almond oil,
Coconut oil, Rosemary oil, and Olive oil are important ingredients which are used in
Kalpamrit ayurvedic oil to treat hair problems and in self hair care. Of these, Amla is
used widely for lustrous, healthy hair. Resorting to Ayurvedic treatment is a good
option because they include natural ingredients and also prove to prevent the
problem. It helps stops the hair fall and, on the contrary, promote hair growth

Using Kalpamrit ayurvedic oil is effective, simple, Affordable, and safe for hair loss
treatment. According to Ayurveda, hair loss is caused if there is an excess of the
metabolism or transformation, which increases if you consume a lot of alcohol, tea,
smoke, spicy and acidic food, and if you live in hot climates. Hormonal imbalances

also contribute to loss of hair but now you have to just because of Kalpamrit hair oil,
which takes care of all problems and fixed by this hair oil.

More and more Benefits of head massage with Kalpamrit oil are following.
 It lightens stress and improves the feeling of wellbeing.
 It raises mood and relaxes muscles of scalp.
 It improves hair health.
 It increases growth of hair.
 Strengthens the hair root and prevent hair loss.
 Gain blood circulation to scalp and slows down immature aging.
 Ayurvedic physicians opine that Amla, Bhringaraj and Brahmi slow down
aging process and act as anti-aging herbs. Herbal Hair Oilcontains these anti-
aging herbs processed in pure coconut oil.
 Since Kalpamrit consist of neem a power full herbal anti-microbial, it prevents
formation of dandruff and acts as anti-dandruff agent.
 Say good bye to sleepless nights. This oil improves sleep and is a best remedy
for insomnia.
 Pure coconut oil is the base oil for Kalpamrit hair oil.

11.Dant Sudha Tooth Paste

FACTS TO KNOW: Teeth, one of the invaluable part of our body, are not only to
assist in enjoying the food but necessary for respectfully living society,
communication and sometimes defense as well.
The food we eat, the beverages we drink and te tobacco we smoke or chew, we
would surely attract plaque, germs and tartar. Irrespective of how clean and fresh
our mouth area that we may experience today, we are always teeming up with full
of harmful bacteria inside our mouth.
An incredible number of them live on our tongue, insides of our mouth and teeth.
Actually, micro-organisms enjoy the warmth, damp and constant food supply by our

KALPAMRIT DANT SUDHA TOOTHPASTE reverses receding Gums with some
Herbs in our Toothpaste: Here you will discover the process of making natural
antibiotic toothpaste. This natural toothpaste will reverse gum recession naturally. It
will not promote the nerves in bad conditions. Antibiotic nature of this toothpaste
will hinder all bacteria causing receding gum line. It promotes tissue regrowth and
gum repairing process, the moment you start using our toothpaste as these pure
natural mixed herbs toothpaste is being used in Ayurveda.

As these herbs and natural toothpaste are being utilized in Ayurveda.

 Akarkara- it’s used as an herbal tooth powder for gums and teeth. More
particularly, the invention provides a formulation that is useful for the treatment of
pyorrhea, yellowing/staining of teeth and sensitivity of teeth to hot/cold water and
 Babul - Every day, chewing fresh bark of this tree helps strengthen loose teeth and
prevent blood flow from the gums. The dirty teeth can be cleaned by brushing it
with mixed herbal toothpaste ingredients.
 Neem - Neem has amazing anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties that
provides protection against almost all kinds of micro-organisms. Regular use of
neem leaf extracts has been shown to reduce plaque formation, gingivitis,
periodontitis, bleeding gums, pustules discharge from gums and bad breath. Keep
gum diseases at bay by brushing your teeth with a toothpaste containing neem
 Turmeric -- Turmeric teeth whitening process, contains a component called
curcumin. This component has antibiotic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties
which relieve dental ailments such as gingivitis and tooth ache. It is also relieving
sensitive teeth. Turmeric mixed with other herbal ingredients remove plaque and
also responsible for tooth decay.
 Cloves -Clove oil is powerful antibacterial and routinely taken in for much better
immune. You can use clove mix toothpaste Just applying on affected location to
repair receding gums problem. Health benefits of clove oil also include acne
treatment, heel spurs, tooth sensitivity and other oral conditions.
 Pudin - As we know that mint, is also a well-known herb for giving a fresh breath in
the mouth. Additional a cooling element gives us the feeling of rejuvenation. So,
bacteria and other germ is the main cause of dental diseases like cavities etc. As a
result, mint is the triple one oral solution.
 Miswak - Doctor recommend Miswak for healthy teeth, it contains an antibiotic that
prevents the bacteria from growing and limits the plaque formation too. Studies
have proven that regular use of Miswak provides protection against gingivitis,
carcinogenic bacteria and plaque.

12.Body Lotion


1. Re-hydrate dried skin.

People who work in harsh climates often apply body lotion on a regular basis,
perhaps even daily. Skin that is chapped or dried from wind, cold, or heat can be
hard to treat with regular cosmetics. Some people have sensitive skin. No matter
which type of climate they live in, their skin can become dry and irritated easily,
sometimes even from indoor heat. Quality body lotion, applied after each shower or
bath, can help to seal moisture deep in the skin to keep it hydrated and supple.

2. Replenish extra dry or rough spots on the skin.

Even if your normal skin type is oily or normal, you might have rough areas on your
body, like around the elbows or knees that could benefit from skin lotion applications
after a bath or at bedtime. With regular use, a replenishing lotion can ease rough
skin and make it as smooth and silky as the rest of your body.

3. Smooth calluses.
If you are on your feet quite a bit you may have developed rough calluses that are
painful and unsightly. A moist body lotion can make these areas supple and help you
to remove the dead skin easier than if you attempted it without lotion.

4. Feel and smell good.
People love the feel of creamy lotion on their tired limbs or torso. Enjoy the relaxing
sensation of lotion applied to your feet, legs, or arms.

5. Help yourself relax.

Even if your skin is in great shape and does not need to be moisturized with lotion,
try a body massage with scented lotion on the hands. You can even get lotion that
heats up during application to add sensory warmth to the parts of your body to
which it is applied.
The feel of gentle softness on your skin rotating in firm, steady massage movements
can remove stress, subdue pain, and enhance endorphins to make you feel great.

6. Soften the roughest parts of your body.

Do your legs dry out after shaving? How about rough hands or toughened heels? No
matter your age or lifestyle, body lotion can do wonders to help you relax and
appreciate the simple comforts of life. You may want to keep a bottle of body lotion
in the kitchen for your hands after doing dishes or in the bathroom after a quick

13.Toilet Cleaner


 Fights 10 Toilet Stains To Give A Sparkling Clean Toilet.

 A Sparkling Clean Toilet.

 10 times more yellowish stain removal.

 Kills 99.9% of germs.

 Helps fight odour and any unpleasant smell.

 Better than the ordinary bleach, acid and phenyl.

 Strategically bent bottleneck shape helps pour the liquid into deep corners under the toilet

 Thick liquid which clings and cleans from rim to U-bend.

14.Aloevera Soap


We all want skin that is soft and peachy, so it’s important to make sure we use the
right natural products during our baths and showers. One of the best things you can
do for your skin is to use a soap free body wash that isn’t going to strip natural oils
from your skin and will instead work in harmony with them, whilst giving the skin on
your body a good cleanse.

This 100% natural soap brings out a natural glow on the skin makes it smooth, and
dirt-free. Kalpamrit almond oil and aloevera soap contains natural vitamin E, which is
an antioxidant that protects the cells from damaging. The soap also contains natural
glycerin which helps moisturize the skin, and treats many skin conditions like acne,
wrinkles, and face lines. This handmade Ayurvedic soap gives out a pleasant aroma
of neem and aloevera aroma oils.

This is one of the best products that you will ever come across because of the
variety of reasons. It has the natural extracts of both neem and aloe vera that works
in favor of your body’s skin effectively. If you are looking for more reasons to use
this product then below is the list of the major benefits of using this product.

It helps in cleansing the face and relives it from the redness. One of the major
benefits of using this product that it protects your skin from any kind of bacterial or
fungal infections. It helps in keeping your skin soft and smooth like never before by

acting as a moisturizer. This soap has anti-inflammatory properties that have the
power to reduce the bacteria on your skin.

Aloevera Fresh Beauty Skin Soap for all.

If you are already fed up with chemical soaps available in the market which falsely
promise you healthy and glowing skin and above all leave you guilty for creating
pollution of environment then kalpamrit Aloevera Fresh Beauty Soap is a solution to
all your skin problems that to in a natural way.

Aloevera Fresh Beauty Soap is both mild and 100% natural handmade product that
come with blessings of Gau Mata. The almond oil and aloevera detoxifies the skin
whereas the sandal wood and glycerin leaves a glowing smooth effect which will
make you use this soap again and again.

Ingredients like Aloevera, neem, pudin sat, turmeric, tulsi and almond oil. Ayurvedic
soap Base without any animal fat makes it both eco-friendly. Aloevera Fresh Beauty
Soap works well to treat acne, dullness and blockages of skin pores that may cause
various skin diseases and problems. It removes body odor and gives you a fresh feel
after each bath.

Features Aloevera Bath Soap:

Natural herbs mix soap with almond Oil Used

No Harmful Chemicals Used

Vitamin E moisturizer Formula with aloevera

Very useful for various Skin Diseases

15.Lavender Soap


The word “beautiful” holds more meaning to it than you would think. It could mean
you have a beautiful soul, or a beautiful smile, or you are a drop-dead gorgeous
angel that fell from the sky. What you do not realize is, you could be beautiful in one
country and not even the slightest bit of attractive in other. Bar soap might just be
one of the most underrated beauty products out there. While nonbelievers label it
"ineffective," "messy," or "too slippery," it's about to make a serious about ayurveda
in our life and comeback for good reason.

Ayurveda or ayurvedic medicine is an ancient system of health care, native to India.

It concerns the mind, body and soul, and has a holistic view of life and health care
practices. Ayurveda is an integral part of Indian culture, and ayurvedic medicine,
Personal care product and Indian cooking is based on Ayurvedic principles. Ayurveda
has been singing the praises of ayurvedic natural soaps for healthy skin and
wellbeing face cover up for thousands of years.

A Most people actively try to minimize the amount of toxins that enter their body.
They eat good food, they drink purified water, they breathe purified air, and some
even take added measures to detoxify their body. However, what many people don’t
realize is that toxins can be absorbed through their skin. No time is this more
important than when deciding what kind of soap to use. Given the industrious
process used to produce many of the commonly known soaps, it’s not a surprise that

most contain questionable chemicals, dyes, and fragrances… questionable
substances that many of us would be better off avoiding. If you want to minimize
the “casual toxins” you and your family are exposed to, consider using Kalpamrit
ayurvedic lavender soap.

Herbal soaps are the perfect way to stay fresh and hygienic without resorting to
chemicals. What’s more, many of these in kalpamrit soaps also have healing powers
such as Lavendra and Jojoba. They contain a natural antioxidant, antiseptic, and
antimicrobial properties.

Kalpamrit Lavender with Jojoba Soap is our most popular soap, so not surprisingly
we make a lavender soap for every moisture level or skin type! Because we use
Lavender and jojoba Essential Oil to scent all of our into single Lavender Soaps,
every single one of our Lavender Soaps is completely natural.

We start out with Kalpamrit Lavender with Jojoba Soap, which is a 100% Soap
perfect for babies or those with sensitive skin. Kalpamrit ayurvedic is made with
Lavender Essential Oil, Jojoba Essential Oil, and ground lavender flowers. Lavender
Soap with natural herbs is what we call our Lavender Cream Soap, because we try to
add the words 'cream' or 'milk' to all our gentle. Soaps to assist your selection. This
lavender bar is perfect to use after a long days work. This bar carries soothing and
relaxing properties with a lavender scent that mimics a field of lavender. Not only is
lavender essential oil nutritious for your skiing is restful and uplifting for your mind
and soul. Replace your worries and stress with calming pleasant moments. Enriched
with organic Lavender for extra moisture. This bar will leave your skin feeling clean
and your soul relaxed.

16.Neem Soap


Cleanse, tone and nourish your skin with natural Khadi Herbal soaps.Khadi Herbal
Pure Neem Soap is made from pure herbal base and is extremely mild on skin with
antibacterial properties. It helps prevent dryness and makes skin soft and supple.
This bathing soap is suitable for all skin types

A Herbal and Natural soap which keeps your skin refreshed.

Has antibacterial properties.

Prevents dryness and makes skin soft and supple.

Paraben and SLS free, no mineral oils added.

17.Liquid Dishwash


 Kalpamrit liquid dishwash has the power of 100 lemons, which helps clean dishes easily.

 Unlike dishwash bars, Kalpamrit which helps clean dishes easily

 Kalpamrit Liquid Dishwash is so strong that only 1 spoonfull cleans an entire sinkfull of
dirty utensils.

 Kalpamrit Liquid Dishwash gives you a pleasent cleaning experience with its refreshing
lemon fragrance

 Does not damage the surface of delicate cookware

 Tough on stains, gentle on your hands

18.Aloevera Gel


Use as a daily moisturizer for face, skin, hair, moisturizing after shave lotion for men
and women, loaded with nutrients such as vitamins a, c, e, b12 folic acid and much

Healthier hair: Use as a hair gel or cleansing conditioner for strong, shiny and
dandruff free hair, great for use as an aftershave, hair gel, or leave in conditioner for
shinier, healthier hair

Safety warning: For external use only, keep out of the reach of children and pets,
avoid contact with eyes

Rub a very small amount on the inside of your elbow area to test for any allergic
reaction before use, discontinue use if uncomfortable or if irritation occurs

Consult your physician before using on the spots with injury, burns, eczema, or

III Food Products

1.Apple Cider Vinegar

FACTS TO KNOW: Kalpamrit Apple cider vinegar is the most popular type of
vinegar in the natural health community. It is claimed to lead to all sorts of benefits,
many of which are supported by science. This includes weight loss, reduced
cholesterol, lower blood sugar levels and improved symptoms of diabetes. It is also
an ancient folk remedy, and has been used for various household and cooking

Here are 6 health benefits of apple cider vinegar that are supported by
scientific research.

1. High in Acetic Acid, With Potent Biological Effects:

Apple cider vinegar is made in a two-step process, related to how alcohol is made.
The first step exposes crushed apples (or apple cider) to yeast, which ferment the
sugars and turn them into alcohol. In the second step, bacteria are added to the
alcohol solution, which further ferment the alcohol and turn it into acetic acid — the
main active compound in vinegar. In French, the word "vinegar" actually means
"sour wine." Organic, Kalpamrit apple cider vinegar also contains "mother," strands
of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria that give the product a murky

appearance. Some people believe that the "mother" is responsible for most of the
health benefits, although there are currently no studies to support this. Kalpamrit
Apple cider vinegar only contains about three calories per tablespoon, which is very
low. There are not many vitamins or minerals in it, but it does contain a small
amount of potassium.

SUMMARY Kalpamrit Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting the sugar from
apples. This turns them into acetic acid, which is the active ingredient in vinegar.

2. Can Kill Many Types of Harmful Bacteria:

Vinegar can help kill pathogens, including bacteria. It has traditionally been used for
cleaning and disinfecting, treating nail fungus, lice, warts and ear infections.
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used vinegar for wound cleaning over
two thousand years ago. Vinegar has also been used as a food preservative, and
studies show that it inhibits bacteria (like E. coli) from growing in food and spoiling
it. If you're looking for a natural way to preserve your food, then apple cider vinegar
could be highly useful.

SUMMARY The main substance in vinegar, acetic acid, can kill harmful bacteria or
prevent them from multiplying. It has a history of use as a disinfectant and natural

3. Lowers Blood Sugar Levels and Fights Diabetes:

By far, the most successful application of vinegar to date is in patients with type 2
diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar levels, either because
of insulin resistance or an inability to produce insulin (5). However, high blood sugar
can also be a problem in people who don't have diabetes. It is believed to be a
major cause of aging and various chronic diseases. Pretty much everyone should
benefit from keeping their blood sugar levels in the normal range. The most effective
(and healthiest) way to do that is to avoid refined carbs and sugar, but apple cider
vinegar can also have a powerful effect. Vinegar has been shown to have numerous
benefits for blood sugar and insulin levels:

 Improves insulin sensitivity during a high-carb meal by 19–34% and significantly
lowers blood sugar and insulin responses (6).
 Reduces blood sugar by 34% after eating 50 grams of white bread (7).
 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bedtime can reduce fasting blood sugar
in the morning by 4% (8).
 Numerous other studies in humans show that vinegar can improve insulin function
and lower blood sugar levels after meals (9, 10).
For these reasons, vinegar can be useful for people with diabetes, pre-diabetes, or
those who want to keep their blood sugar levels low for other reasons. If you're
currently taking blood-sugar-lowering medications, check with your doctor before
increasing your intake of any type of vinegar.

SUMMARY Kalpamrit Apple cider vinegar has shown great promise in improving
insulin sensitivity and helping lower blood sugar responses after meals.

4. Helps You Lose Weight and Reduces Belly Fat:

Surprisingly, studies also show that vinegar can help you lose weight. Several human
studies show that vinegar can increase satiety, help you eat fewer calories and lead
to actual pounds lost on the scale. For example, if people take vinegar along with a
high-carb meal, they get increased feelings of fullness and end up eating 200–275
fewer calories for the rest of the day .A study in 175 people with obesity showed
that daily apple cider vinegar consumption led to reduced belly fat and weight loss:

 15 mL (1 tablespoon): Lost 2.6 pounds, or 1.2 kilograms.

 30 mL (2 tablespoons): Lost 3.7 pounds, or 1.7 kilograms.
However, keep in mind that this study went on for 3 months, so the true effects on
body weight seem to be rather modest. That said, just adding or subtracting single
foods or ingredients rarely has a noticeable effect on weight. It's the entire
diet/lifestyle that counts and you need to combine several effective methods to see
results. Overall, it seems like apple cider vinegar is useful as a weight loss aid,
mainly by promoting satiety and lowering blood sugar and insulin levels. But it won't
work any miracles on its own.

SUMMARY Studies suggest that vinegar can increase feelings of fullness and help
people eat fewer calories, which leads to weight loss.

5. Lowers Cholesterol and Improves Heart Health:

Heart disease is currently the world's most common cause of premature death. It is
known that several biological factors are linked to either a decreased or increased

risk of heart disease. Several of these "risk factors" can be improved by vinegar
consumption, but many of the studies were done in animals. These animal studies
suggest that apple cider vinegar can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, along
with several other heart disease risk factors. There are also some studies showing
that vinegar reduces blood pressure in rats, which is a major risk factor for heart
disease and kidney problems. The only human evidence so far is an observational
study from Harvard showing that women who ate salad dressings with vinegar had a
reduced risk of heart disease. But this type of study can only show an association, it
cannot prove that the vinegar caused anything. As mentioned above, human studies
also show that apple cider vinegar can lower blood sugar levels, improve insulin
sensitivity and help fight diabetes. These factors should also lead to reduced risk of
heart disease.

SUMMARY Several animal studies have shown that vinegar can reduce blood
triglycerides, cholesterol and blood pressure. This could lead to a reduced risk of
developing heart disease.

6. May Have Protective Effects Against Cancer:

Cancer is a terrible disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells. There
is a lot of hype online about the anti-cancer effects of apple cider vinegar. In fact,
numerous studies have shown that various types of vinegar can kill cancer cells and
shrink tumours. However, all of the studies on this were done in isolated cells in test
tubes, or rats, which proves nothing about what happens in a living, breathing
human. That said, some observational studies in humans have shown that vinegar
consumption is linked to decreased oesophageal cancer in China, but increased
bladder cancer in Serbia. It is possible that consuming apple cider vinegar may help
prevent cancer, but this needs to be researched more before any recommendations
can be made.

SUMMARY Some studies in test tubes and rats have shown that vinegar can slow
the growth of cancer cells and shrink tumours.

Dosage and How to Use:
The best way to incorporate apple cider vinegar into your diet is to use it in your
cooking — for salad dressings, homemade mayonnaise and that sort of thing. Some
people also like to dilute it in water and drink it as a beverage. Common dosages
range from 1–2 teaspoons (5–10 ml) to 1–2 tablespoons (15–30 ml) per day, mixed
in a large glass of water. It’s best to start with small doses and avoid taking large
amounts, because too much vinegar can cause harmful side effects.

SUMMARY A common dosage for Kalpamrit apple cider vinegar ranges from 1
teaspoon to 2 tablespoons per day, either used in cooking or mixed in a glass of

The Bottom Line:

There are a lot of wild claims about apple cider vinegar on the internet. Some say
that it can increase energy levels and have all sorts of beneficial effects on health.
Unfortunately, many of these claims are not supported by science. Of course,
absence of proof isn't proof that something isn't happening and anecdotes often end
up becoming supported by science down the line. However, I wouldn't hold my
breath waiting for more studies, since research on natural health products like these
are both few and far between. From the little evidence available, I think that apple
cider vinegar may be useful and is definitely a good candidate for some
experimentation if you're interested in it. At the very least, Kalpamrit apple cider
vinegar seems to be safe as long as you don’t go overboard and take excessive
amounts. Kalpamrit Apple cider vinegar also has various other non-health related
uses like hair conditioning, skin care, dental care, pet use and as a cleaning agent
(to name a few). These can be highly useful for people who like to keep things as
natural and chemical-free as possible. At the end of the day, Kalpamrit apple cider
vinegar appears to be very healthy. It's not a "miracle" or a "cure-all" like some
people seem to believe, but it does clearly have some important health benefits,
especially for blood sugar and weight control.

2.Jamun Vinegar

FACTS TO KNOW: Kalpamrit Jamun vinegar is prepared from fruits of Jamun

(Syzygium Cumini). This vinegar is good for digestive system. It has cooling,
digestive, carminative, stomachic and diuretic properties. It offers several health
benefits. It is Eeffective in controlling Diabetes. Kalpamrit Jamun vinegar slows the
rise of blood sugar levels after you have eaten a meal and when taken at bed time,
Kalpamrit Jamun vinegar lowers morning blood sugar levels. Drinking Kalpamrit
jamun vinegar slows the rise of blood sugar after the consumption of a high-
carbohydrate meal.

Effective in kidney related problems:

 Pain or burning with urination

 Kidney-specific symptoms that may occur along with other kidney symptoms

like changes in urine colour, changes in urine composition

 Foul-smelling urine
 Low urine output
 Frequent urination that often produces only a small amount of urine
 Pain of the back, sides or abdomen Urinary Tract Infection

 Frequent urination
 Painful and burning sensation while urinating
 Nausea and Vomiting
 Muscle aches, abdominal pain due to UTI

Common Health benefits of Kalpamrit Jamun vinegar:

 Nutritious, antioxidant
 Useful in spleen enlargement and liver diseases
 Useful in diabetes management, jaundice
 Acts as astringent in chronic diarrhea
 Cures abdominal gas and pain
 Gives relief in indigestion and urine retention
 Improves appetite
 Gives relief in hyperacidity
 Beneficial in digestive system problems
 To get relief from migraine pain one can apply Jamun vinegar on affected
area along with other treatments.
Dosages: Jamun vinegar can be taken in dose of 10 – 15 ml in a day.
Note: Never over dosage vinegar otherwise it can cause side effects like headache,
stomach upset, nausea

3.Turmeric Powder

FACTS TO KNOW: Ayurveda has the oldest, most developed herbal system in the
world - it has been in continuous use for at least 5,000 years. The ancient Vedic
seers in India compiled and classified the medicinal and healing properties of
hundreds of herbs into an herbal healing system that can be accessed and utilized
by anyone in our contemporary lives. Since ancient times, humans and plants have
had a very spiritual connection - plants capture solar energy and convert it into
nutrients that humans can digest. Plants do this by transforming sunlight into
chlorophyll, which can then be assimilated by the human body.
Each and every herb in Ayurvedic herbology has a multitude of benefits - for the
mind, body, and spirit. Herbs can be used internally or externally (through the skin)
- or even used as aromatherapy. From weight loss to beautiful skin to overall vitality.
Turmeric is used extensively in the Indian systems of medicine effects. Its modern
approved applications in European medicine stem from its traditional uses in Asia.
The healing properties of turmeric have made it a most sought after ingredient in
cosmetics and drugs. You can find the turmeric powder, juice in your kitchen.
Turmeric or Haldi Beauty of kitchen has following health uses

Turmeric comes to an extensive use in treating an allergic malady. In the skin

ailment of Urticaria, when there is severe itching and rash on the skin, the
preparations of turmeric come as a drug of choice.
The fumes produced by burning a piece of raw turmeric are to be inhaled. This is
an excellent cure for blocked nose.

In case of a bite by a poisonous organism like Scorpio, spider etc turmeric again
comes to rescue. In Ayurvedic texts, it has been told that the fumes of burning
turmeric can combat the toxicity and pain caused by the bite. Another remedy is to
mix turmeric and sesame seed oil and massage the mixture into the place of the
Turmeric aids greatly in reducing inflammation in the body thus helping to reduce
pain and halt the incessant damage caused by the inflammation. This is a boon
when dealing with ailments like arthritis, eczema, allergies, autoimmune diseases,
digestive problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple scleroses, and psoriasis,
fibromyalgia and skin issues.
Compelling research hails Turmeric as one of the best cancer fighting foods!
Curcumin has been seen to identify potential cancer cells, inhibit certain cancer cells,
restrain or slow the growth and spread of some cancers, destroy cancer cells and
provide an anti-inflammatory response. Clinical findings advocate that people who
regularly consume turmeric have lower of risk every type of cancer.
Turmeric powder's use dates back to Vedic Indian culture. It's an age old remedy for
cold and sore throat, just sprinkle some turmeric powder in a cup of milk along with
ghee and honey for cough relief

4.Coriander Powder


Coriander also called as Dhania in Hindi is obtained from the plant called
Coriandum sativum. Dhania seeds have a rich and spicy aroma and are widely used
in culinary preparations as well as in the preparations of several ayurvedic
medicines. The use of coriander seeds is noted across the globe in almost all

Coriander powder is obtained by roasting the dried coriander seeds gently and
then milling them. The reason for roasting is to release the aroma and oils contained
in these seeds. Coriander powder used as flavoring agent in cakes, sweet breads,
sausages, stews and confectionary.

Dhania seeds are also used as a spice in Indian, Chinese, Pakistani, European and
Middle-East culinary preparations. In North India, Dhania powder is widely used for
spicing pickles, chutneys, stews, marinades, sausages and curries.

Dhania is endowed with several health benefits due to its rich content of anti-
oxidants and other plant based chemical compounds noted for their disease
preventing and health promoting characteristics.

The unique aroma of coriander powder and its healthy properties come from the
several volatile oils like linalool, a-pinene, geraniol, camphene and terpine and fatty
acids like petroselinic acid, linoleic acid (omega 6), oleic acid, and palmitic acid
present in Dhania. These components give dhania seeds their digestive, carminative
and anti-flatulent characteristics.

Coriander powder is rich in dietary fiber. For instance, just 100 grams of these
seeds provide about 50 grams of fiber. Since a greater part of this fiber is
metabolically insoluble and inert, dhania powder can help relieve constipation and
ensure the regular bowel movement.

The dietary fibers present in dhania can bind the bile salts and prevent them from
being reabsorbed by the colon. This can help in lowering the LDL cholesterol levels.
Also, the fiber and flavonoid anti-oxidants in dhania powder can help safeguard the
colon mucosa from cancer.

Dhania seeds store in them rich amounts of copper, calcium, magnesium,

manganese, zinc and potassium. Therefore you can depend on coriander powder for
several health benefits like the production of red blood cells, cell metabolism,
enhancement of sperm production, regulation of growth and development by
stimulating the production of several enzymes, control of blood pressure and heart
rate, production of anti-oxidant enzyme called as superoxide dismutase and many

Due to the widespread adulteration found in the coriander powder, it is advisable

to buy whole dhania seeds and prepare the dhania powder at home. Best results are
noted by milling them in hand mill. Since dhania powder is bound to lose its flavor
quickly due to the evaporation of the essential oils, it is important to prepare the
powder from the whole seeds from time to time when necessary without storing
them in powdered form for a long time.

Used in moderate amounts, dhania seeds and powder are never found to bring
any adverse effects on the health of people. In fact, they are highly safe for use by
pregnant ladies and nursing mothers as well.

5.Red chili Powder

FACTS TO KNOW: Ayurveda literally means the science of life. The core of
Ayurveda's health approach offers much more than freedom from disease, but total
well-being. Functional Ayurveda looks at the whole person when assessing health,
rather than the parts alone. Functional Ayurveda believes that a highly personalized
approach brings the best results possible. To achieve its results, Ayurveda uses a
classification system which we've automated on this article.
The chili powder used in South Asian-countries such as India is made by drying and
grounding the red chilly to give highly pungent red powder. The pungency in the
chili powder varies according to the chilly used. Generally in India, small amount of
oil is added to the chili powder. This will help the chili powder to retain its red color
which will not fade away with time. The mixture will also help in preserving the chili
Generally people are aware of green chilies and red chilies. But there are two types
of red chilies also. Dark red symbolizes less spicy and light red symbolizes spicier. At
the time of buying go for a superior quality of red chili powder in India. Kalpamrit
Brands like turmeric powder, coriander powder and red chili powder are the most
trusted in terms of superior quality, pricing and trust worthiness. Indian food or
Indian recipes are greatly influenced with this powder. The hot flavor of the chili

powder really enhances the recipes. There are hardly dishes which are served
without using red chilies powder. Thus it is easily get red chilies powder in the
grocery stores.
Now, let us discuss about Kalpamrit Red chili powder health benefits.

It also contains vitamin C which is good for your immunity. It also clears your
body of free radicals and keeps you healthy.
It can stimulate more saliva, sweat, heal sore throat, kill bacteria, make you sweat
more and enhance your blood circulation too.
Though many associate chili powder with causing upset stomach, it actually
prevents acid reflux and kills the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers.
Chili is having varied minerals-potassium, manganese, iron, magnesium, etc.
Potassium is good for heart rate and blood pressure.
Capsaicin also stimulates sexual arousal by prompting the release of feel-good
Researchers have proved that chili can combat headache, migraine and sinusitis
owing to capsaicin control neuropeptide substance P that is the harbinger of
Capsaicin is thermogenic in nature, which helps to activate metabolism adipose layer
of the body thereby helps to melt fat to a certain extent.

6.Refined Rice Bran Oil

FACTS TO KNOW: So people have started analysis on other oils which have good
effect on health front. A lot matters on what we eat, how it is prepared and when
we consume that food. One of the main ingredients that we Indian use in our food
preparation is Oil. The usage of the right oil and how much oil you use in your meal
preparation can make or break your health. Hence, choosing the right kind of fat/oil
is important. It is even more crucial for people who lead an extremely busy lifestyle.
You can trust this oil. Here we are telling you about the ayurvedic kalpamrit Rice
bran oil benefits of using this oil. Let us know how it cares about our health.
As Kalpamrit Rice Bran Oil is made from pure rice bran, it is a good source of
Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. Ayurveda Rice bran oil is made from bran which
makes it rich in Vitamin E that is essentially an antioxidant. The National Institute of
Nutrition and The Indian Council of Medical Research and ayurvedic terms
recommend oils that have an equal proportion of saturated fatty acids,
monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. It has an almost balanced fatty acid
composition that is close to this ratio. Bran oil is rich in monounsaturated and
polyunsaturated fats and free of trans-fats.
It is rich in Vitamin E which is powerful antioxidant and has antimutagenic properties

which prevent from cancer. Vitamin E also helps in boosting your immunity. It
contains high levels of natural antioxidants which boost your metabolic rate and may
help with weight loss.

Keep the heart perfect

Use Rice Bran Oil regularly to protect the heart from all types of illness. It contains
oreganol, which reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood as well as the
coating of the blood.
Keeps your skin young
Rice bran oil fights free radicals that are created naturally by your body when
oxygen is metabolized. Free radicals if not balanced with antioxidants, damage the
other parts of your body along with your skin. Vitamin E present in this oil has
antioxidant properties.
Cancer Prevention
Rice Bran Oil is enriched with anti-oxidants both in different forms like Vitamin E and
a compound called oryzanol. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, thus lowering the
effects of free radicals which can cause healthy cells to mutate into cancer producing
cells. Including rice bran oil can help to prevent cancer.
Natural Puffy Eye and Dark Circle Battler
Rice bran oil helps to activate microcirculation and assists in draining and
decongesting swollen tissue. This makes it ideal for battling dark circles and
puffiness in the delicate eye area. And, because it is such light and dry oil, it is
absorbed quickly and can 'get to work' right away.

7.Natural Honey

Kalpamrit Honey is one of the purest and natural forms of sweeteners that help
promote general and overall health. it is very important to buy or get purest honey
that has all the essential minerals in it. For this, you can use Kalpamrit Honey
because it is the more minerals it will contain.
Honey is known as shehad as natural sweetener produced by bees and extracted
through plant’s nectar. The major components of honey include carbohydrates,
water, nitrogenous substances, and minerals. Honey is considered to be a potential
replacement for table sugar. Honey has high levels of monosaccharides, fructose,
and glucose, and it contains about 70 to 80 percent sugar, which provides its
sweetness. Honey also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Modern medical
science has managed to find uses for honey in chronic wound management and
combating infection.

The benefits of honey are manifold and it is also beneficial when applied on burns or
taken along with different food items for treating various health problems as well.

Some Miracle of Honey

Weight Loss: Honey and lemon juice mixed with warm water helps in weight loss.
You should take this as the first thing in the morning for better results.

Immune Booster: Honey’s antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties can help your
immune system defend you against illness, including the common cold.

Cold Remedy: Many people swear by honey’s cold and throat-soothing properties.
Add honey to tea or hot water with lemon for an instant throat soother.

Diarrhea: Honey promotes increased potassium and water intake, which is

particularly helpful when experiencing diarrhea.

Red Eyes: Combine equal parts warm water and honey; stir to mix well. Allow the
mix to cool, then apply as an eye wash. Be aware that honey can sting a bit.

Migraine Pain Relief: People suffering from migraine attack can take one dessert
spoon of honey mixed with half glass of warm water at the beginning of the attack.
They can take another dose after twenty minutes if needed.

Heals Cuts and Wounds: Honey heals cuts, wounds, burns and wounds. Just tab
some honey on it and bandage it. You will be surprised to see the fast recovery.

Leg Cramps: A mix of honey and vinegar rubbed onto the legs before bed
increases circulation and can help prevent leg cramps.

Helps to Deal with Osteoporosis: If you take one teaspoonful of honey on daily
basis, your body will get the essential calcium required and you will stay away from
problems like osteoporosis

8.Aloevera Juice


More and more products are being created to help people consume aloe vera. But
One of the most popular is aloe vera juice. The benefits are many, and The
advantages are many, and here are probably the most prominent. It's because aloe
vera contains a wealth of nutrients, like vitamins A, C, E, and B12, as well as
minerals like potassium, zinc, and magnesium. Surprised? There is actually more.
Now let's we talk about Kalpamrit ayurved Aloe Vera Fibrious Juice.

Aloe Vera contains over 200 active components including vitamins, minerals, amino
acids, enzymes, polysaccharide, and fatty acids no wonder it's used for such a wide
range of remedies! The bulk of the aloe vera leaf is filled with a clear gel-like
substance, which is approximately 99% water. Humans have used aloe
therapeutically for over 5000 years now that's a long-standing track record! The list
of benefits and effects for this miraculous plant are many.

Here is a list of the Top 12 Benefits of Aloe Vera (including some medicinal uses):

1. Aloe Vera is High in Vitamins & Minerals: Aloe Vera contains many vitamins
including A, C, E, folic acid, choline, B1, B2, B3 (niacin), B6. Aloe Vera is also one of

the few plants that contains vitamin B12. Some of the 20 minerals found in Aloe
vera include: calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, selenium, sodium, iron,
potassium, copper, manganese.

2. Aloe Helps with Digestion: Poor digestion is related to many diseases. A

properly functioning digestive tract is one of the keys and foundations of health.
Aloe is known to soothe and cleanse the digestive tract and help improve digestion.
The interesting thing about taking aloe internally is that, because it is an adaptogen,
it helps with either constipation or diarrhea, helping to regulate your elimination
cycles in whatever way you need. It’s been a great remedy for people with problems
such as irritable bowel syndrome as well as acid reflux.

3. Aloe Vera is an Adaptogen Substances: Aloe vera is a well-known adaptogen.

An adaptogen is something that boosts the body's natural ability to adapt to external
changes and resist illness. It is thought that aloe power as an adaptogen balances
the body's system, stimulating the defense and adaptive mechanisms of the body.
This allows you an increased ability to cope with stress (physical, emotional and
environmental stress like pollution).

4. Aloe Helps with Digestion: Poor digestion is related to many diseases. A

properly functioning digestive tract is one of the keys and foundations of health.
Aloe is known to soothe and cleanse the digestive tract and help improve digestion.
The interesting thing about taking aloe internally is that, because it is an adaptogen,
it helps with either constipation or diarrhea, helping to regulate your elimination
cycles in whatever way you need.

5. Aloe Helps in Detoxification: Aloe Vera is a gelatinous plant food, just like
seaweeds and chia seeds. The main benefit to consuming gelatinous plant foods in
your diet is that these gels move through the intestinal tract absorbing toxins along
the way and get eliminated through the colon. This will help the proper elimination
of waste from your body and help the detoxification of your body

9.Amla Juice


From the ancient Indian scriptures to the research papers on modern medicine, the
remarkable benefits of amla, or Indian gooseberry have been known to man for over
centuries. This fruit is often consumed raw, in pickles, in chutneys, and its juiced
form. Amla juice is packed with several cancer-fighting natural antioxidants, and it
offers generous benefits for the skin, hair and health. Kalpamrit Ayurveda Product is
one them.

Indian herbs and spices and traditional food like amla are popular for its medicinal
values which are beneficial for both beauty and health.Amla juice is the greatest
boon to the humanity and one of the effective traditional herbal juice, which had
been used to treat and manage diseases since the ancient times. Hardly any people
are unaware about its importance and significance as it is associated with multiple
health and medicinal benefits. Indian Gooseberry is the reservoir of minerals,
vitamins and other bio-chemical substances.

What is the effective benefit for daily drinking Kalpamrit Amla juice

Great Thyroid Care Using Amla: Amla juice is also useful for thyroid health. It
controls the production of thyroid hormones – thyroxine and is useful in managing
the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. So beat the thyroid disorders with the natural
power of amla juice.

Amla for Healthy Heart: One of the most useful benefits of amla is that it gifts a
healthy heart. It maintains healthy lipid levels, controls sugar level in blood,
regulates its proper functioning and prevents many heart or cardiovascular diseases
and heart stroke too. Its juice is also very useful in diabetes and hypertension
problems. Drink around 100ml of its juice daily and strengthen your heart.

Weight Loss: Health-conscious people should definitely add amla to their diet.
Amla boosts metabolism, leading to the reduction of fat accumulation in the body. It
also keeps the stomach full for a longer period of time. One needs to include amla
juice for weight loss.

Improve digestion: Amla maintains proper bladder and liver functioning and all
toxins are flushed out.intake of amla juice empty stomach daily into the morning is
very beneficial. It is also maintains the levels of acid of stomach and improve

It Tones The Skin: Amla juice offers many benefits for skin, but what’s amazing is
that it also allows you to replace some of your store-purchased beauty products.
Ditch the harsh chemical toners; Kalpamrit amla juice has natural astringent
properties and can act as a wonderful toner for your skin. It helps tighten pores,
regulates skin’s pH and gives the skin a refreshing glow. Dip a ball of cotton in amla
juice and dab it on your skin after your morning shower every day.

10.Karela Jamun Juice

Facts to know:

Jamun is an evergreen plant which is found in both; wild as well as in cultivated

form. Mostly it is found everywhere; forests, gardens, backyards, bonsai form and
many more. It is a commonly known plant which is about 100 ft tall and 12 ft wide.
It bears bottle-green colored leaves which are 3-6 inches, long, broad, shiny and
with smooth peel.

Jamun is an evergreen tall tree which is indigenous to India. Its Latin name is
Syzygium cumini. It is also known as jambuphal, raj jambul, nandi and surabhi
patra. It requires dry weather at the time of flowering and fruit setting whereas the
early rains are beneficial for better growth, development and ripening of fruit. Its
fruit is also called Indian blackberry and is a popular seasonal fruit in India. In
addition to its taste, it is also is loaded with nutrients that collectively work toward
improving health.

Karela Jamun juice from Kalpamrit is an effective natural product for blood sugar
and diabetes. Karela acts as natural insulin to improve blood glucose levels and
lower glycosylated hemoglobin. Jamun on the other hand also controls blood sugar
by stimulating the pancreas. It also acts as a remedy for dysentery and diarrhea.

Moreover, it improves the production of red blood cells. Together, they not only
control blood sugar but also aid indigestion. Karela jamun juice purifies blood and
acts as an antioxidant. Have a few teaspoons of Karela Jamun juice twice a day
before meals for best results. It does not have any side effects. It comes in a 1 litre

Improves immunity: The Karela Jamun juice contains very high amounts of Vit. C,
which is very good antioxidant and thus it helps boost the immunity. It also contains
Vit. B6 and carotene which further strengthen the immune system. The darker fruit
contains more anthocyanins pigment thus has strong anti-oxidant property which
prevents from free radicals harmful effects, premature aging and infections.

Cancer prevention: This fruit juice has several bioactive phytochemicals that
include polyphenols, which contain anthocyanin, known to fight cancer cells.
Individuals who undergo chemotherapy or radiation sessions benefit significantly
from Karela Jamun juice consumption. Anthocyanins, flavonoids, ellagic acid and
gallic acid present in jambul have the capacity to prevent carcinogenesis in organs.
According to a study the fruit extract has properties to inhibit radiation induced
generation of free radicals that can cause cancer.

Beauty Benefits: Jamun Juice is effective in treating pimples and acne. Have a few
teaspoons of Karela Jamun juice twice a day before meals for best results. It does
not have any side effects. It comes in a 1 litre container. When done continuously
for a month; you can see a noticeable reduction in pimples, dark spots and

For Liver disorders: In case of any kind of liver disorder; on a regular basis have
its ripen fruits and juice. The fruit has the traces of iron in it which is soft enough to
cure any kind of damage. In case of liver swelling, give 15 gm juice of its seeds.

11.Triphla Juice

Facts to know:

Triphala is a Sanskrit word that means three fruits, it is a combination of three fruits
from three trees, Amalaki , Vibhitaki, Haritaki, It is the most popular Ayurvedic
herbal formula of India. This Ayurvedic herb is one of the most famous, multi-use
herbs for general wellness and maintaining healthy digestion. Because of this, even
guests who stay at our house are not spared the suggestion to give triphala a try.
Although it’s an acquired taste, we proud to say that we buy and have benefited
from its gentle herbal support over the years.

With Ayurveda’s growing popularity, you may have recently heard of this popular
blend online or in a magazine. However, references to the use of triphala date back
to 1500 BCE, making triphala one of the longest-used herbs in the world! The
powder itself is yellowish brown in color and slightly gritty in feel. A saying is popular
in India that an ayurvedic practitioner can heal any disease if he knows how to use
triphala properly. This juice is quite beneficial for health and it has attracted many
Western Medical practitioners due to its ability to treat a wide range of health

Kalpamrit Triphala juice including enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids & fiber.
Rich in Anti-Oxidants. Acts as Natural Blood Purifier. Triphala is balancing and
beneficial for all doshas. The herb has a rejuvenating effect and is best used to help
reduce excess Kapha, Pitta and to treat Vata conditions such as constipation
flatulence and indigestion.

Top Benefits Of Kalpamrit Triphala Juice

1) Regular intake of this ayurvedic product cleanses your colon. This ratio of the
three ingredients is believed to make it an excellent weight loss product. Kalpamrit
Triphala Juice is good for the lungs and this is why it reduces the symptoms of

2) Its anti-inflammatory and healing properties are quite useful in treating chronic
ulcers and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. The immune-boosting
properties of triphala juice offer protection against infectious diseases.

3) Triphala is also widely taken for all eye diseases including the treatment of
conjunctivitis, progressive myopia, the early stages of glaucoma and cataracts.It also
has anti-cancer and anti-allergy properties.

4) One of the best benefits of Triphala is – it aids digestion and increases nutrient
absorption. This herbal formulation is used to assist in improving adrenal function.

5) Triphala juice is recognized to be good for the growth of hair in a natural way
owing to the presence of omega 3 fatty acids as well as antifungal properties. It aids
in relieving the symptoms of dandruff.

6) This juice is considered to be effective for people suffering from constipation. It

helps in curing the symptoms of constipation to a significant extent.

12.Tomato Ketchup

Facts to know:

Kalpamrit sources 100% of its tomatoes from sustainable sources thereby helping
create and support several local smallholder farmers' livelihoods.

Is easy to pour and use and can be enjoyed with every snack.

Made with 100% real tomatoes.

Contains extracts of spice, onion and garlic for mouth-watering savour.

Turns a boring meal into an empty tiffin.

Enjoy it best with samosas, pakodas, noodles or Roti roll for an interesting tiffin

Carefully sealed in impermeable glass packaging to retain the best flavour and
taste of product

13.Pineapple Jam

Facts to know:

Kalpamrit Pineapple Jam is a preserve made from finest shredded pineapples,

sugar, and citric acid. It is tangy, sweet and aromatic pineapple preserve.

It can be served as side dish in daily meals. Also, it can be stored for longer time.
Open the jar and breathe in the tropical aroma.

This delicious pineapple preserve is exceptionally good across cuisines and dishes.
Have it with your pancakes or add a spoon full to sandwiches for an incredible burst
of royalty!!

This is a yummy and fairly healthy snack for children, spread out on toast and
butter instead of jam.
Kalpamrit Pineapple Jam - Simply Good Food! :)

14.Mixed Fruit Jam

Facts to know:

Kalpamrit mixed fruit jam is made with 100 percent real fruit ingredients.

Is easy to use and can be enjoyed on the go every morning.

Enjoy it best with bread, roti, paratha or dosa for a wholesome breakfast.

Turns boring breakfast into an empty plate.

Spreads easily with a spoon or a knife.

Carefully sealed in impermeable glass packaging to retain the best flavour and
taste of product

IV Agriculture Products

1.Flagsi Power Grow


Increase the permeability of the plant membranes & nutrients uptake.

Enhances growth of soil micro-organism & root development.
It is in bio activator and helpful for decay of other organic matter.
It contains large trace of K and natural hormones that strengthen roots and Plants
overall system.
It lowers vulnerability against plant pathogen and repels many unwanted pest and
It improves uptake of nutrients and seed germination and increases yield through
abundant harvest.
Reduces the dependence on commercial fertilizer like DAP, Urea etc.
It increases size of the fruits.
Improve soil structure and water retention.
Doses:2-3 ml per litre of water.

Uses:All horticultural & agricultural corps.

2.Flagsi Larvicide (Organic)


The Biological control agent (Bacillus thuringiensis) also known as Bt is a Bacterial

disease specific to caterpillars.
Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, also known as Bti, and Bacillus sphaericus, which
affect larval mosquitoes and some mites.
Doses:1-1.5 ml per litre of water.

Uses:All horticultural & agricultural corps

3.Flagsi Fungicide (Organic)


FLAGSI Fungicide kills the fungi by damaging and inactivating the cell membrane
and enzymatic action respectively.
It posses contact cum systematic action and so may be used for wide range of
It performs maximum in the crop with minimum residual effect due to organic in
It is very much compatible with most of the chemical fungicides, vermicides and
It can be used broadly preventive as well as curative.
It’s combination with unique active substances leads to better diseases
management in most of agricultural and horticultural corps.
Doses:2.5 ml per litre of water.

Uses:All horticultural & agricultural corps

4.Flagsi Bacteriocide (Organic)


It is widely used as organic bactericide.

It is most effective against soil borne diseases and used for the control of
Rhizoctinia in Rice, Potato, Dumping off Vegetables, Cotton & other crops.
It is non-toxic & kills bacteria within short time without damaging nearby flora.
Doses:50 grams to be dissolved in 150 litre of water.

Uses: All horticultural & agricultural corps.


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