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Names: Trinh Ngoc Anh.

Topic: Global warming.
Today, I’m going to talk to you about global warming. I’ve divided my talk into
three parts: Firstly, the definition. Secondly, effects. And the finally, the ways to
reduce global warming.
Let’s start with the definition. Global warming is the observed increase in the
average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans in recent decades.
So, what is the effects of global warming?
Global warming is causing immediate and direct changes to the planet: Hotter
days,rising sea levels, extreme weather events, ice melt. It has negative impacts to
the Earth. But we can do several things at home to reduce global warming.
Here are some simple actions we can take to help reduce global warming.
- The first thing, reuse, reduce and recycle.
+Reuse means to use the same item more than once, preferably many times rather
than disposing of it after one use. For example, reuse glass for other purposes such
as vases or decorations.
+Reduce by choosing reusable products instead of disposable ones. For instance,
use cloth bags or a backpack when we’re shopping. It will help to reduce plastic
bags to get rid of.
+And whenever we can, recycle used materials into new products to save resources
and energy. For example, use paper, old newspaper, magazine to new products
such as paper bags.
- The second way, save energy. Turn off lights and appliances when we’re not in
use them. Uses renewable energy such as wind or solar energy. Change the lighting
bulb. It not only help you to save energy but also save a lot of money on your
energy bill.
-The third way, plant trees. Plant absorb carbon dioxide and create oxizen.
That brings me to the end of my presentation. Let me just run over the key points:
Firstly, definition. Secondly, effects. Thirdly, ways to reduce.

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