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External analysis (beyond the script play)

As we know, Lady Brecknells traits are pass down to her daughter, Gwendolen Fairfax. In this part, we
are going to analyze what are the the external analysis that support this statement. We will explain is
it possible for traits to be passed down or not.

1. Genetics
In the play, it was revealed that both Gwendolen and Lady Bracknell are well-educated
and highly intelligent. Maybe their education play major part in making them as smart as they
are, but there are genetic factors that must be responsible for that because if they both does
not have the high intellegence,they could not gain much knowledge even when they are going
to school. In fact, they both are smart and we can see that in their dialogues, in which they
are talking with many metaphors and many techinal terms.
Many researchers are agree that the mother’s genetics influence how clever their
children are. It was happen because women manage to transmit their intelligence to their
children since they are having XX chromosome while men only have one x chromosome. So,
the genetics that Lady Bracknell passed to her daughter is most likely the reason why
Gwendoyn is highly intelligent just like her mother.

2. Environment
3. Culture context
Many culture have their own way to say the proverb “The apple does not fall far
from the tree”. For instance, In Indonesia “Buah tidak jatuh jauh dari pohonnya”, in Italian
“Dal frutto si conosce I’albero”, in Germany “der apfel fällt nicht weit vom stamm”, and in
Russia “Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает.”
It is implicitly implied that many people from all around the world are agree to the
concept that the childrens’ personality trait are inherited from their parents. It is common for
children to inherited their parents personality traits because the children are formed from
their parents genetics and they were taught about every thing by their parents.
In this case, it is very natural of Gwendolen for having the similar personality traits
because she is her mother children. The apple here is metaphored as Gwendolen and the Tree
her is metaphored as Lady Bracknell because she has been carrying Gwendolen for 9 months
and then raising her for the rest or her life.

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