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Directions: In this section you will read a passage which is followed by a number
of questions about it. You are to choose the one best answer; (A), (B), (C), or (D),
to each question. The passage above is for questions number 1 up to 8. Choose
the best answer based on the passage.

A recent survey of software adoption and use in-

dicated that software piracy accounts for 35 percent of
the worldwide market and costs the technology indus-
try almost 40 billion dollars per year. Few people give
thought to the difficult work of the software cracker that
comes first. After hours of effort to remove the copy
protection, crackers usually receive no tangible bene-
fit, cannot reveal their identity and face a serious risk
of prosecution. With so many negatives and obvious
benefits, what makes them break the law?
The survey result overwhelmingly indicated that
the challenge raised by the difficulty of removing copy
protections is the principal motivating factor for soft-
ware crackers.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

a. A survey of software use
b. Software adoption and use
c. The raising challenge
d. A serious risk prosecution
2. It can be inferred from the passage that few people ……….
a. Accounts for 35 percent of the worldwide market and costs the
technology industry almost 40 billion dollars per year
b. Usually receive no tangible benefit
c. Cannot reveal their identity and face a serious risk of prosecution
d. D. give thought to the difficult work of the software cracker that comes
3. The word benefit in line 10 can be replaced by ……
a. Advantage c. Goodness
b. Money d. Gain
4. The word their in line 8 refers to …….
a. Benefit
b. Hours
c. Crackers
d. Copy protection
5. According to the passage software piracy accounts for …..
a. 35 percent of the worldwide market
b. Costs the technology industry almost 40 billion dollars per year
c. The difficult work of the software cracker
d. So many negatives and obvious benefits
6. Based on the passage, the following statements are true, except …….
a. The challenge raised by the difficulty of removing copy protections
b. Many people give thought to the difficult work of the software cracker
that comes first
c. Crackers cannot reveal their identity and face a serious risk of
d. Crackers usually receive no tangible benefit
7. The word prosecution in line 9 has similar meaning with …….
a. Pursuit
b. Lawsuit
c. Suit
d. Demand
8. According to the passage the survey result overwhelmingly indicated that
the challenge raised by the difficulty of removing copy protections is
a. Faces a serious risk of prosecution
b. Comes first
c. The principal motivating factor for software crackers
d. Obvious benefits

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