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Adam P.

Miller – MUED380

Curriculum priorities, instructional goals, and

preferred teaching methods of elementary general
music teachers

Purpose Research Questions Full Inquiry Project

Ø In what ways do existing curricula
The beginning of a student’s music education is prioritize different aspects of
absolutely crucial in providing the foundations for music such as performing, history,
musical understanding that will stick with students in ear training, etc.?
whatever musical endeavors they may pursue in
their futures. While they are incredibly important, Ø In what ways are (or aren’t)
these foundations may include many different elementary school general music
aspects of music. I wonder, and am interested in
looking into how existing elementary school general
curricula typically geared towards
music curricula prioritize different aspects of music, life-long, student-centered
OR prioritize different aspects other than music musicking?
altogether. In a study conducted in 2005, Abril in
Gault found that pre-service general music teachers Ø What methodogical approaches
would prioritize education aspects such as do general music teachers prefer?
entertainment/recreation, expressive/creative, Do they prefer more than one, or
sociocultural, and musical in a similar positive way, do they prioritize one?
while in-service teachers tend to prioritize musical Suggestions for Practice
aspects the most (Abril and Gault, 2005).

Additionally, Amanda Niland argues that it’s

Ø Student-centered curriculum
important to prioritize child-centered musical play to
encourage children’s exploration of musical elements
Themes in the Literature Ø Understand how to
and concepts (Niland, 2009). While looking at what
general music teachers may prioritize, I also think it
(continued) incorporate musical goals in a
student-centered manner
would be interesting to look into how they are
gearing their curriculum. I am very interested in
Ø Cultural responsiveness
researching what those perspectives and opinions ØImplications of a “musical- Ø Structure curricula and
may be, with regard to the purpose of these sorts of goal” centered classroom classrooms to support and
classes. Understanding how general music teachers nurture an environment
prioritize different educational aspects in their Ø Some classrooms prioritize
musical goals and internal where everyone can grow
classrooms, and what perspective they may have
about how to gear their curriculum, would help fulfillment of their music Ø Adopt Eclecticism
guide me in creating my own personal general music teacher, rather than fostering a Ø No one methodology can
curriculum and understanding how to gear my own meet the needs of every
culturally relevant and student-
centered classroom. student
Themes in the Literature Ø This approach resulted in an Suggestions for Future
“isolated musical experience
that did not support Research
ØMusical Goals integration of cultural
Ø Commonwealth of VA DoE lists linguistic, and popular musical Ø Lack of specific curriculum document
specific instructional objectives experiences and largely analysis
in a “sample curriculum.” ignored issues of cultural Ø There were surprisingly hardly
Ø Music Theory/Literacy, responsiveness.” (Kelly- any actual documents of
Performance, Music History and McHale, 2013) elementary general music
Cultural Context, Analysis ØSinging and Movement vs. curricula – let alone any analysis
Evaluation and Critique, and
Aesthetics. Music Literacy and Playing of them
Instruments Ø Administrator perspectives on what
ØIncorporating Play is important to include
Ø Singing, moving, and exploring Ø Singing and Movement were
sound are extremely valuable generally prioritized most in
aspects and elements of grades K-2, but over time were Citations
musical understanding, but it’s replaced with Music Literacy
good for children to explore and Playing Instruments in Ø Abril, C., & Gault, B. (2005). Elementary Educators' Perceptions
grades 3-5 – as shown below. of Elementary General Music Instructional Goals. Bulletin of the
these elements in a playful way. Council for Research in Music Education, (164), 61-69. Retrieved
ØMethodologies – Eclectic or from
Ø Brittin, R. V. (1995). Eclectic or purist? Elementary music
Purist? teacher’s preferred teaching methods. Texas Music Educators
Association, 1-5. Retrieved from:
Ø When given the option to
Ø Commonweath of Virginia Department of Education (2015).
prioritize methodologies Sample Music Curriculum for Virginia Public Schools. Virginia
including Jacques-Dalcroze, Department of Education, 3-29. Retrieved from:
Orff, Kodály, Comprehensive 12_sample_music_curriculum.pdf
Musicianship, Manhattanville Ø Kelly-McHale, J. (2013). The Influence of Music Teacher Beliefs
and Practices on the Expression of Musical Identity in an
Music Curriculum Program, Elementary General Music Classroom. Journal of Research in
and Other, the majority of Music Education, 61(2), 195–216.
elementary school general Ø Mynatt, J. K., & Burton, S. L. (2018). Curricular priorities of
music teachers chose two or elementary general music teachers. Joshua K. Mynatt. URI:
more, showing that ultimately, Ø Niland, A. (2009). The Power of Musical Play: The Value of Play-
they were eclectic in their use Mynatt, J. K., & Burton, S. L. (2018). Curricular priorities of
Based, Child-Centered Curriculum in Early Childhood Music
Education. General Music Today, 23(1), 17–21. doi:
of specialized methods. elementary general music teachers. Joshua K. Mynatt. 10.1177/1048371309335625

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