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Because Mr.

Hamel was there to trach them last lesson of french as it was the order that from
tomorrow onwards german will be taught. So all the villagers and people were very sad and sombre.
Old people came in order to give respect to Mr.Hamel.This news was like a thunderstorm for little
Mr hamel in his deep and sad voice announced that it was their last french lesson with him in that school.franz was flushed up and he
felt sorry for not being so serious to learn french.

1. M. Hamel talked about the importance of safeguarding their native language, which according to
him was the most beautiful language in the world. He explained how one’s language can serve as a
ray of hope in times of enslavement and captivity.
M.Hamel had been a devoted French teacher for 40 years. He was a strict disciplinarian and his students were terrified of him and his 'great ruler'.
However, he was a respectable man. On the last day of school, many villagers, who had been taught by him at some point of time, had come to
attend his lecture and pay homage to him. He give great importance to learning. French and considered it to be the most beautiful language of the
world. However, he was melancholy and depressed that French had been banned from being taught, after France was overtaken by Prussia. His
sorrow was evident in the gloomy way he sat in the class while his students were completing their writing assignment. He became nostalgic
looking at the classroom and the adjoining garden. Before leaving the class, he broke down and so, could not speak any parting words.

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