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World History Name_____________________________________ Period_____

Versailles Scavenger Hunt

Today, we are going on a trip to Versailles---with the help of Google. When we get to the computer lab, log in
and go to Schoology.

There is a link in the folder for Google maps. Click on the FIRST link.,2.1206697,2a,75y,197.53h,92.34t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szxGCB

1. You are in the ​RED ROOM​​. Look to the ​Left​​. Then look to the ​Right​​.

Louis Xvi
Who is the king on the left wall? ________________________ When did he rule? ______________
17541793 France

Who is the king on the right wall? _______________________ When did he rule? 1638
1715 France
2. Now leave the room through the only door that is open. You are now in a bright room. What statue is on
the wall? Describe it below.

A 54 on a horse showingbravery

3. Now leave the room through the other door. You are now in the famous ​HALL OF MIRRORS​​. Walk all the
way down the hall. This is the way Louis XIV walked every day. List THREE specific things you see as you walk
down the hall.

A bunch of mirrors
A. ________________________________________________________________________

A bunch of
B. ________________________________________________________________________

Gold statues
C. ________________________________________________________________________

4. Now that you have walked through the HALL OF MIRRORS, it is time for the ​SCAVENGER HUNT​​. You will
need to find the following objects. You don’t need to find them in order—but you need to find them to
answer the questions. EXPLORE THE PALACE!


What is the name of this painting?
Louis xiv
and the royalfamily
Louis XIV is modeled after what Roman god?

When was this painting made?


Who is in this painting? Who is in this painting?

Lois Mar Antinette
When was it painted? She was the wife of what king? ​(Note: you need look
at the information from the other painting for your answer)

1769 1771
Louis IV
Now, go back to Schoology and click on the link for ​Versailles, Part 2​​. You are now standing in the backyard of
Versailles, looking at the building. Walk around the gardens and take a look around. Write down at least FIVE
things that you find in the gardens.,2.11985,3a,75y,120.08h,91.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1AeyW7D

Huge pond1

Using the Versailles Website to explore an Absolute Monarch

In this part of the exercise, you are asked to explore the palace at Versailles, to learn about the rule of Louis
XIV of France. You will be asked some factual questions and will also be asked to draw some conclusions based
on the information given. The goal is for you to get a feel for what royal life was like for this “absolute

Go back to schoology and click on link 3 to go to ​

Click on “English” (Even if you are fluent reading French)

Take a moment to look over the opening page. This shows how the site is organized. Notice the categories:
The Palace, The Garden, The Grand Trianon. These are the places we will explore.

Click on “The Palace”

1. What was Versailles originally used for? Who transformed and expanded it? What year did Versailles
become the court and government of France?
used as a hunting lodge it wasexpanded byLouis XIV 1682
Click “Discover” on the top and choose “The Estate”. Choose the “Hall of Mirrors.”

2. What was the Hall of Mirrors referred to earlier? What was it used for? What motivation do you think
would a person have to build such a room?

A war It was used for ceremonies A lot

3. Explain the difference between the War Salon and the Peace Salon? Of
The war salon containedwarStott while the peweeSoloncontained
Go back and choose “The King’s State Apartment.”

4. What was the purpose of the Parade Apartment?

used for Hosting the sovereigns official Acts
5. In the King’s Grand Apartment, which ​two ​salons (Hercules, Abundance, Venus, Diana, Mars, Mercury
or Apollo) would you hang out in the most ​and ​why?

Hercules and Diana became in my opinion they

look Royal Chapel.”than the other ones
Next, scroll over to “Thebetter

6. What would happen each day at 10 AM? What does it mean to be “lieutenant on earth?”

Now click on “The Garden” on the left side. Attended the Kings mass
7. How were the gardens completed? What type of work went into the development?

many trees were brought from areas from France

and a lot of Dirt was shoveled
Click on “Discover the Gardens,” then scroll to “The Fountains.”

8. How many fountains are there? What do you think is the coolest fountain ​and ​why?

There is 11 fountains In my opinion like the I

neptune fountain because it looks cool
Now click on the link that says “History” at the top, then click on “A day in the life of Louis XIV.”

9. As you read through the King’s daily routine, what do you find interesting about it? What are some
things you think are similar to the routines of leaders today? Which do you think is more work?
write backletters every Some leaders
That he manages tothrough
today dont go all that day
letter writting So it was
more work back then
Scroll over to “Louis XIV, gardens of Versailles guide.”

10. Does this sound like anything familiar? Do you think it would be useful if you went to Versailles? Why
or Why Not?

yes it would be useful because it guides you around the


Scroll to the “Pleasures of the Enchanted Island.”

11. Explain what goes on here? Does this sound like anything you have been to? If so, what?
It was a multi day performance presented to the court

Finally, click on one of the slide shows from either “The Palace,” “The Garden,” or “The Grand Trianon.”

12. After watching one of the slide shows, pretend like you are a real-estate agent trying to sell this place.
Give a description that will get someone to by this property?
Tthis is a historical and beautiful Palaceland thatand holds 3300 roo
acres of can be used
1 his Palace contains 2,014also contains historical paintings an
as you like This Palace
gold This is a property to be able to behold
Once you have completed the questions please go to link 4 ​​ and explore
what Versailles has looked like in person throughout history. Once you have done this and answered the
questions write in your journal what it would be like to work in the Palace. Write it from the perspective of
someone employed there. It should be at least 6 sentences.

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