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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:
Pattern Making Fun
Students will be able to arrange objects in a repeating pattern.
Students will be able to recognize when there is a pattern.
State Standards:
K.ATO.6 Describe simple repeating patterns using AB, AAB, ABB, and ABC type
Context: I will be teaching this lesson because students have already learned how to add and
subtract by fives. This is the last lesson plan for algerbric thought for kindergarteners. They will
have knowledge about shapes, numbers and colors coming into this lesson.
Data: Students will be grouped in groups of four or five based on the number of students. They
will be grouped based on their previous exit slip from the last lesson. Data will be collected
through the use of Kahoot.
Materials: color blocks, power point, shapes, paper, crayons, Ipads, website, legos and a song

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (10 minutes):
I will start the lesson off by asking the students if they know what a pattern is and if so,
which one is there favorite. I will review with them what we learned in our last lesson. I will then
use a power point that explains what a pattern is and how we can spot them. I will then explain
each station to them and get the groups together. Each group will go to every station for 15
Teacher Directed (15 minutes):
At this station the students will come over to me. Here we will go over what a pattern is.
The students will have a piece of paper and crayons. With this they will draw any shape pattern
that they would like. After this we will label them, for example like ABAB or AABAA. This
station allows them to be creative and it allows for hands on learning.
Collaborative (15 minutes):
At this station students will be using the Ipod with a partren or two. They will use the
website to play the shape pattern game. This game will help to reteach the students
how to recognize a pattern when they see it. They have to guess the pattern correctly in order for
the monster truck to pass over the bridge.
Independent Digital (15 minutes):
At this station the students will listen to the pattern practice song, After they are finished watching the video,
they will recreate one of the patterns that they saw in the video. After this they will build a stack
of legos into a unique pattern so that they can share it after the lesson and use it as an exit slip.
Closure (5 minutes):
The students will play a Kahoot about what they have learned today. They will do this on
the Ipads. The Kahoot is another form of the exit slip that will be used to group them for their
next lesson plan. The top three winners of the Kahoot will win a sticker for rememebering what
they had learned

Rationale: : I chose this website because it has games for all different age groups.
However, it had exactly what I was looking for which was a game that helped with
patterns. The game I chose, Shape patterns, helps to teach the students how shapes can
be put into a pattern to create something completely different. This website also had two
other pattern related games.

Pattern Practice song: I chose this song because it is a fun way t learn about patterns.
The students are able to see the pattern being made right in front of their eyes. The song
also allows for the student to guess the part of the pattern that is missing. Songs are an
easy way for little kids to learn and understand what they are learning because it is

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