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Final Output: Creating

your own Experiment

“Effectivity of Avocado (​Persea americana​) oil and Calamansi (​Citrus microcarpa​) extract as
Shampoo for Hair Growth”


Statement of the Problem
Will the avocado and calamansi oil extract be an effective substance to enhance hair
Scientifically, calamansi extract has been proven to do wonders for hair. It is known to
increase hair volume and clear dandruff. Calamansi which is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin C helps in
the production of collagen. Collagen greatly helps in hair growth and hair regeneration. Having
sufficient amount of collagen in the hair shaft, strengthens the hair follicles and improves hair
growth. Ingesting collagen for hair growth can also improve the overall volume of your hair by
increasing the diameter of each individual hair, thereby giving your flow a fuller appearance. The
acidic nature of calamansi helps tighten the hair follicles, curbing hair fall. It helps clean the scalp
and unclog hair follicles. Clogging of the follicles often leads to issues such as dandruff and hair
fall. Avocado oil is extremely rich in oleic acid and monounsaturated fats, making it one of few
oils that can actually penetrate the hair shaft and moisturize your hair, rather than sitting on top
and coating your hair. These fats also strengthen the hair shaft and help prevent breakage. This
study aims to test the effectivity of combining the avocado oil with the calamansi extract in
enhancing hair growth.
Null​: Using the avocado oil extract and calamansi shampoo thrice a day will not help
enhance hair growth.
Alternative​: Using the avocado oil extract and calamansi shampoo thrice a day will help
enhance hair growth.
Extraction of Calamansi Oil
1. Wash the calamansi.
2. Slice and squeeze the calamansi. Set the calamansi juice aside.
3. Put all the calamansi peelings in a pot. Put it in medium-high heat.
4. Put olive oil while heating.
5. Stir for about 30 minutes.
6. Let it boil for another 30 minutes.
7. Turn off the stove. Let the calamansi oil cool.
8. Using a filter and a piece of cloth, squeeze the calamansi peelings to get all the
remaining oil.

Extraction of Avocado Oil

1. Wash the avocado
2. Slice and remove the flesh from the skin.
3. Crush the avocado flesh using a blender or manually using a fork.
4. Put all the avocado flesh in a medium pot and put it in medium-high heat.
5. Put olive oil while heating.
6. Stir for about 1 hour.
7. Wait until its color already turned dark green or greenish brown.
8. Turn off the stove. Let the avocado oil cool.
9. Using a filter and a piece of cloth, squeeze the avocado flesh to get all the
remaining oil.

Making of Shampoo
1. Prepare a medium size bowl.
2. Put castile soap.
3. Add the calamansi oil.
4. Add the avocado oil.
5. Add glycerin.
6. Mix everything. Put it in a sealed container.
Methodological Framework
Extraction of Calamansi Oil

Extraction of Avocado Oil

Making of Shampoo
Independent Variable​:
- Number of times the shampoo was used
Dependent Variable​:
- Hair growth
Controlled Variables​:
- The base materials for the shampoo (glycerine, castile soap)
- Observation time
- Condition of the hair (shaved leg)
● Castile soap
● 7 pcs Avocado
● 2 kg of Calamansi
● Glycerine
● Measuring cup
● Measuring spoon
● Thin cloth

SETUP Shampoo with Avocado Shampoo with Avocado

and Calamansi Oil Extract and Calamansi Oil Extract
used used
once a day thrice a day

1st day of usage There were no significant There were no change in

change on the shaved part the growth of hair.
of the leg.

2nd day of usage There’s still no change with There were still no change
the growth of hair in the growth of hair.

3rd day of usage There’s still no change with Small dots of hair can
the growth of hair already be seen.

4th day of usage Small dots of hair started Small dots of hair are
growing already slightly growing already

5th day of usage Small dots of hair started to The hair grew a litte.
grow already

After using the shampoo with avocado and calamansi oil extract once a day, it can be
seen here how little the changes are. On the first to fourth day of the observation, no
changes were seen at all. It is on the fifth day of the observation in where small dots of
hair have finally grown. Meanwhile, with the usage of the shampoo with calamansi and
oil extract thrice a day, we observed that on the first and second day, no changes were
made. It is on the third day when small dots of hair can be seen already. On the fourth
day of the observation, the small dots of hair already growing though very little. On the
fifth day, we observed that hair have already grown but very little.
● According to Indiana Public Media, the role of vitamin C in the production of
collagen is to interact with amino acids within collagen cells. It adds hydrogen and
oxygen to those amino acids, so that they may do their part in collagen
production. If you don’t get the proper amount of vitamin C, collagen production
will slow.
● According to, vitamin C is a crucial element in collagen
● According to, there is a relationship between hair thickness, hair
moisture, and the total number of hair follicles with the amount of collagen in your
● According to a study by Noorul ​et al.,​ avocados contain antioxidants such as
vitamin C, carotenoids, vitamin E which have antioxidant effects that help cells
free from radical harm.
● According to, the ingredients of homemade shampoo are
castile soap, glycerine, and essential oils of your choice.
● According to,the high-fat content of avocados makes hair less dry
and prone to breakage.
● According to, the factors that can affect hair growth are genetic
and hormonal imbalances and medication, stress, nutritional deficiencies, low
biotin or Vitamin H levels, low protein or crash diets, cosmetic procedures and hair
cleansing, hair ageing, and sun exposure.
Shampoos are not only scalp cleaners, but indubitably act as preventing the hair
shaft damage. It is a liquid preparation containing detergent or soap for washing hair.
There are a lot of varieties of shampoos available in the commercial market, ranging
from Clarifying Shampoo which is for Squeaky Clean Hair, Neutralizing Shampoo for pH
Restoration, Chelating Shampoo for Intense Cleaning, Keratin Shampoo for Damage
Repair, Colour-Protecting Shampoo for Long-Lasting Highlights, Volumizing Shampoo
for Some Added Bounce, Dry Shampoo for Instant Grease Removal.However, most of
these types contain surfactants which cause harm and damage to hair. In this
experiment, we tested if avocado and calamansi oil is an effective substance to enhance
hair growth.
In doing the experiment, we had two (2) setups. The first one is using the
shampoo with avocado and calamansi oil extract once a day, and the second one is
using it thrice a day to compare the difference between the growth of hair. Each of the
setups were tested on a part of the leg which has hair. We asked the participants to
shave the hair on their leg so that the hair condition of both experiments will be the
same. We observed the growth of hair for five (5) days to see how the growth of hair of
the setups were different from each other.
After doing the experiment, we observed that the growth of the hair in the first
setup which is using the shampoo once a day showed very little growth compared to the
other setup. In the first three days of the observation, there were no changes on the
growth of the leg hair. On the fourth day, small dots of hair started to grow already. On
the fifth day, the small dots of hair were still the same. In the second setup, which is
using it thrice a day, we have observed that it grew more than the other set up did. In the
first two days, there weren’t much changes. Hair growth was seen on the third day when
small dots of hair already started to appear. These dots of hair grew much longer on the
fourth and fifth day. This means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and true and
the null hypothesis is rejected and false.
For recommendations on future researchers, we can recommend to have a longer
time frame, a month at the very least. So they can observe the growth of hair for a
longer period of time. I also suggest for them to use tea tree oil or other essential oils like
rosemary to make the scent of the shampoo much appealing. We can also recommend
that they should have more participants to observe.

VI. References
Vitamin C and Collagen ​(2003,September 27) Retrieved from
Staughton J. (2018, October 28) ​9 Proven Benefits of Calamansi Juice​ Retrieved from
Hasan ​et al.​ (2016 April) ​Health benefits and pharmacology of Persea americana mill. (Avocado)
Retrieved from
8 Factors that affect hair growth (2018, March 16) Retrieved from

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