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Mandala Math Date

Subject/Grade Time
Grade Five Math 40 Minutes
Level Duration


Learning General Outcome: Develop number sense.
Specific Specific Outcome 3
Learning  Apply mental mathematics strategies and number properties in order to understand and
Outcomes: recall basic multiplication facts (multiplication tables) to 81 and related division facts.
 Understand, recall and apply multiplication and related division facts to 9 x 9.
Specific Outcome 4
 Apply mental mathematics strategies for multiplication
Students will:
1. Review two-digit x one-digit multiplication
2. Understand the different multiplication strategies
ASSESSMENTS (How I will know students have achieved the objective(s))
 Students are able to color the mandala by getting the correct answer on the multiplication questions


 Print off Mandala Math Booklets  Mandala Math Booklet
 Pencil Crayons
 Pencil
 Erasers

Introduction Time
- Start by asking the students to take out their whiteboards and erasers
- Put a 2-digit x 1-digit multiplication question on the Smartboard
- Tell them students to solve the multiplication question on the whiteboard
o Give them around two minutes to solve
- After they have solved the problem, ask the students what they got for an answer and how they
got there
- After the student has explained how they got their answer, ask the class if anyone else got the
same answer but used a different strategy
- After asking the students go over in detail the two different possible multiplication strategies they
can use
o First discuss the traditional multiplication way by carrying the numbers above 10-15
o Then explain that students could also multiply the numbers based on their place value minutes
 For example: 32x4, you would start by multiplying the four by the two and
writing your answer (8) below, then multiply the four by thirty since the three is
in the tens place (120), add your two answers together (8+120) and then you
will get the answer to the multiplication problem (128)
- Verify the students understand the two different methods of multiplication and if there seems to
still be some confusion, create another problem on the board for them to try
- Once you feel the students understand, explain the mandala math worksheet
o The mandala math worksheet is a color by numbers worksheet but students have to do
multiplication questions in order to figure out what color is for what number
- Hand out the worksheets and tell students to get started

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 1

Body Time
- Have students work on the mandala math while you circulate and ensure students remain on task
and help the students that need it

Closure Time
- Have students put their mandala math in their binders to be continued another day
- Tell students to tidy their desks, put their binders away, and return to their desks quietly to
continue onto the next lesson
2 minutes

Sponge Activity/Activities If students are to finish the whole booklet they can play a math game of their choosing


Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 2

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