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FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY TO: GENERAL COUNSEL OF THE FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION (FEC) ADDRESS: 1050 FIRST ST NE, WASHINGTON, DC 20463 FROM: PATRICK BRUCE BERGY SUBJECT: FACEBOOK ELECTION INFLUENCE, PERJURY & PRIVACY VIOLATIONS DATE: MAY 28, 2019 cc: MADHU SEKHARAN, J.D., M.B.A. ATTORNEY AT LAW VIA EMAIL: MSEKHARANATTORNEY@OUTLOOK.COM This formal complaint complies with 52 U.S.C. § 3010%a)(1). Federal Election ‘Commission has jurisdiction for this complaint under 11 C.F. . § 111.4. The contents of this complaint have been sworn to, signed and notarized in the presence of a notary public. (52 U.S.C. § 30109%(a)(1)). CLASSIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE - Due io the fact that I was involved in pioneering this capability for the Department of Defense, I cannot discuss anything which may or may not hi been done that would be deemed classified by the US. Government. Simply because something can be dane, does not imply that it was done under contract by and/or with the US. Department of Defense, The commercial capabilities of both ShadowNet and its relational database, iPsy, are not to be construed «as an admission that such commercial capabilities were wilized in such a manner, 1/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY Furthermore, | can provide additional, relevant witness testimony in an appropriately classified, Ser ive Compartmented Information Facility, (SCIF) to those granted properly authorized clearance and familiar with the program discussed in this FEC complaint. | respectfully request that secure accommodations as described be provided, in order to facilitate a greater understanding of the seriousness of the claims made, which are the basis of this complaint. SUMMARY In 2018, Mark Zuckerberg (respondent #1) testified before Congress and Senate as to Facebook's involvement in social media influence operations that had the potential to impact the outcome of elections. He swore, under penalty of perjury to, “restore the integrity of elections worldwide.” Gen. James Jones (respondent #2) Dynology Corporation (respondent #2) ClearForce (respondent #3) Gen. Michael Hayden (respondent #4) and others (unidentified respondents #5) are all directly connected to this partnership with Facebook, The evidence presented in this complaint clearly demonstrates that Mr. Zuckerberg: ‘a. Lied to Congress under oath; b, Lied to the Senate under oath; c. Lied to the Federal Election Commission (FEC); d. Has irrevocably damaged Facebook's integrity; e, Has irrevocably damaged U.S. Election integrity; and f. Violated the privacy of Facebook users’ personal information. P 2|38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY |. From 2007 to 2010, | worked in pioneering the same social media psychological warfare capabilities which Special Counsel for the Department of Justice indicted Russians in 2018 for utilizing. a. Known in military nomenclature as Interactive Internet Activities (herein known as IIA), it was developed in partnership with contracts supporting the 4" Psychological Operations Group and for the JMISC at CENTCOM (Tampa, FL.) See exhibit #11 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TMULTL-NATIONAL CORPSARAQ ‘BAGHDAD, [RAG ‘APO-AE 09342 a September 12, 2008 Chief Interactive Inernet Activities Branch ‘To whom it may concen, {Whas been my distinct pleasure to serve as the direct supervisor for Mr, Pack Bergy ftom 28 December 2007 through 12. September 2008. Ducing tha tine, Mr. Bergy served as the lend technical clirector directly supporting a elasifed Department of Delense information operations Program, ‘Throughout his tenure with this program), Patrick's anbition and drive to solve problew ‘enabled him to overcome challenges that were frequent an impossible to foresee given the unique nature ofthis operation. He effectively established and maintained professional relationships with imernal and external personnel inclucing host-country nationals, and represented the quintessential ‘mix of knowledge, people skills, und orgonizational experience Ona personal level, I sincerely enjoyed working with Pattick and appreciate! the value and integrity he consistently brought to the workplage, Hs see the big-picture and is completely committed tothe tasks at hand while ‘o nda to changing requirements. Patrick Hergy’isa tremendous asset 10 any te, an I highly recommend hin for any position he seeks, Mr. Beray possesscs and exuxles the highest levels of professionalism, technical competence tional management skills and ert have served as a member of the United Stas Ariny. Reyardless of assignment or cation, i future missions require technological support, Iwill seck out Me. Bergy ws my first choice Wo ‘manage and accomplish the task | would be extremely pleased to provide aditional devils on Mr, Bergy’s outstanding jos perform ‘organization! The point of contact for this ation isthe undersigned, ballon buerisévys sam il Sincerely, Fraps MS Mato Unt Stes Aeny ‘Chief, nexactive Internet Activities Branch Exhibit Hd Pave 4|38 naimiains a novel outlook that enables hi to naining flexible enough ny kills tha Ihave soem inthe twelve years that | yor nce and, more importanily, his unlimited potential for future excellence as a member of your FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY 2. | provided my work services in pioneering IIA while working for a then small, ~15- person company called Dynology Corporation, founded by Gen. James L. Jones and operationally managed by his immediate family. a. Although | worked on several contracts during my nearly 8-year tenure with Dynology, | was a direct-hire employee of Dynology from October 2007 — May 2015. During most of this time, | answered directly to the then president of Dynology, Jim Jones, the son of Gen. James L. Jones. Several other immediate members of Gen. Jones’ family worked in Senior Management. 3. What is unclassified and what | allowed to discuss without violating national security regulations, NDA’s or other oaths sworn to as part of a sacred trust, involves what was done when Dynology Corporation made this battlefield tested, social media psychological warfare weapon, sold commercially as “The ShadowNet” to the public, as well as to the private sector (see Exhibits 42 & #3). FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY ShadowNet™ Inormsisn Operseane sero she Onprsm l less (Da) sae «cone seg oe era Ines to anderstind urge hence tod egos ther doe hough ne wate uence peta Tease se the ck he proper ost ssl engage sence MPRNET peat boca sews to seen tnd oi ns dvr hgh ak he. Toamae ao Dynolgy etm Savon évanp connections wie secre enced i Log Mee prion, Sato ‘onmx praca seu. Wad ste 908 wet wi be trate to ewst Yous sre Wades your ‘orth lcaon'Dynolgy aes a range opton for ‘nt ante en ering, ol exegur teks fr ‘mobi ch srs ism Poy a wb-uaid date dined pci fr recording an ago (e010 conmaroy toy sa web baad aon wah an wane et atc hs lows rey ar ce cect of fat ‘ding cies focal newer svance an iunce oper, Unrs ean reece ers ko oar alt er on tage (olne ens tos and ct secre} sales sus dfn pesos of ere fens. Ac be tne aie rnd oe ‘terre parpecinen roving complete rato’ for complies. Toe ty™ cm be dapoed as 3 sanaaicne tea 2 ‘mncd uty nse Showers an aprile compen clcten chi Exhibit i 2 6/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY Dynology Information Operations in the Internet Age Information Operaione and PSYOP in prs ae a ita prt of (Dime) scents nuencng the behoncs re Socionces (TAs) In ody lobly-cannected convoy domanes 2 Tul specrum of mesa agproaces tae arene rasonl print Sand broadens capa! lteret Deed uncon nt tng webiner ane omicellarshortamenage serves (SP), se Products & Services Shadownee™ rd rato ses (SNS). sd poro-pea (PP he sharing yon + Chasen proeer t S ne beng adopted bp adverse a nerening rate bay The Goce ena teed a whi aay amore. ences sd ee wah Web browning ‘The nllenge ies in your aie wo operate wen pew oer: Jon ae ta eigge teats Qrcmcly to ance secu ae etrorzaoon ef stn and eo aerate wake, Fey. a Hck PSTOP peodect atagnier so eh every sors of acts and products aligned with ertclhed theme and objectives. 1 Searchable reposiocy for arching (ene baced intuceesopetioe + ProwdesContaty & Compliance Your Challenges ed and carla your TAs soe You the ay pow want sho sak ‘The Oyoloty Shidownet™ and Pry pars" purpate bake nd eldctad by experianced mbtary poesia together repcsen ne bse rlton ea eh thers henge ol rs omer Opa Carron + £00 owas Cent Exhibit 3 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY a. In Exhibit #4 below, there are illustrations of active engagements on both South American and Middle Eastern social media platforms. This isa cereenshotenlargement ofan actual Dynology fyer from 2009. stows acrermhat ef rk Deki ume oy Coogi. Ita South Amer Facebook before (nk closed in 2014 cng ro many Fe secoune wed Initnes operon. (rks nw Heer ih found. Exhibit WI Under oath in this complaint, | state without hesitation that he personally discussed with the president of Dynology, Jim Jones, as well as Russ Hampsey, the MPRI Program Manager on the Iraq IA contract, using ShadowNet commercially for altering the outcome of U.S. elections. It would cost a client a fraction of the cost normally associated with influence operations on local, state and federal elections, and it had the potential to all but assure success. At the same time, Dynology was making ShadowNet commercially available publicly, Paul Manafort, Rick Davis and John McCain were our partners/clients. In ge 8/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY fact, Dynology provided IT Services for John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign during the Republican primary. After which, 3EDC, a company owned per news. reports by both Paul Manafort and Rick Davis, replaced Dynology, yet 3EDC. remained Dynology’s largest, preferred partner. (see exhibit #5 below). EDC STRATEGIC PARTNER’ byncogy Corporation ntegrated we state ae Hedi Communications ‘campaign Setutions Arte soup Pape 9/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY This is a screen-capture from Google’s “Way-Back” Machine showing a snapshot of 3EDC's web: in 2007. ‘ABOUT 3EDC 3206 was established to develop cutting edge web and data tole. These tos ar designed 1 connet people ‘nd to affect este the pleat 26h and commeriol words, 3eDC's propery products are seatile and customizable for 9 wide range of ura. Vitis te alten for niouncements a we launch new products or ou grown customer base ener airnet GIG Dynelegy j\5 newr exhibit 116 This is another screen-capture from Google’s “Way-Back” Machine showing a snapshot of 3EDC’s website in 2007, It states in part: Page 10]38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY “3EDC was established to develop cutting edge web and data tools. These tools are designed to connect people and to affect results in the political, social and commercial worlds.” (see Exhibit 46) 6. Although | originally saw the connection between Paul Manafort’s company, 3EDC and Dynology in a Vault 7 Wikileaks dump online, it didn’t take long for me to make even more disturbing connections between McCain, Gen. Jones, Paul Manafort and Rick Davis. Below are quotes from a 2008 U.S. News report. The report has been removed by U.S. News, yet | was able to retrieve it using the Way- Back Machine. UNDERSTANDING KEY RELATIONSHIPS | pulled the following articles together to help better understand the relationships between Davis, Manafort, Gen. James Jones and John McCain. Here is a quote from a TPM article titled, “MicCain-Palin (Davis Manafort). | wondered what Mike Isikoff would say if he knew about the ShadowNet's connection to McCain, Manafort and Davis? | sent him an email asking him that very question along with a link to this post. Page 11/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY “in that Newsweek piece (noted below), which details Rick Davis’s continuing financial ties to mega-fobby firm Davis Manajort, Mike Isikoff reveals that in addition to paying Davis's salary directly to Davis Manafort, the McCain campaign has paid almost a million dollars to 3eDC, a web development company, part owned by Davis.” ByJosh __ Marshall September 2, 2008 11:27 pm [] “Now, digging around a little, | notice thar eDC is pretty closely tied to Davis Manafort. Wot onily, as Newsweek notes, does the company share an address with Davis Manafort. Last year, US News got Davis to admit that the company has two owners — Rick Davis and Paul Manofort. By Josh ‘Marshall September 2, 2008 11:27 pm {[ "The questions surrounding Davis concern his part ownership of a company, 3eDC, and its ties to the McCain campaign. Like Weaver and Nelson, Davis, the campaign CEO, is paid $20,000 a month. Additionally, however, Davis's 3eDC has a lucrative contract with the campaign. U.S. News could find no public record showing Davis's ownership interest in 3EDC, but in an interview he acknowledged that he was one of its two owners. McCain's spokesman, Brian Jones, confirmed that Davis “did not disclose his interest in 3eDC to Senator MeCain.” Page 12/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY By Edward T. Pound Posted 5/20/07 t 121 2503/ Larticles/070520/28mecain.b.htm| In this next quote, they noted that Manafort’s company only existed on paper and that, ‘it had o series of other ‘partner firms’ that _did the actual work.” In fact, Manafort’s number one partner, Dynology, owned the ShadowNet, which uses the same fake online personas and influence operations we indicted the Russians for utilizing in 2018. That should alarm EVERYONE ~ irrespective of political affiliations. “And there’s a bit more. According ta a July 2007 article in the Wall Street Journal, 3eDC was a “start-up ... with one customer — the (McCoin) campaign.” The Journal further reported that within the campaign it was understood that 3e0C was essentially a pass through, that it had a series of other ‘partner firms’ that did the actual work.” By Josh Marshall September 27, 2008 11:27 pm. [] Now, see the Michael Isikoff article in which he shows 3EDC’s address as bi 1g the same as Manafort’s address. Then, see the address registered for Dynology, a company you will find nowhere shown as having been founded by Gen. James Jones, Then take a look at the address registered to Jones Group Interna nal, which is a private lobbying firm with ties to middle east and Ukrainian energy markets and private security, to name just a few. Page 13/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY They do this because they know the optics of owning a defense contracting company when you are the NATO Supreme Allied Commander or Obama’s National Security Adviser has the appearance of impropriety. “Separately, another entity created and partly owned by Davis—an Internet firm called 3eDC whose address was the same office building as Davis Manafort’s—received payments from the McCain campaign for Web services, collecting $971,860 through March 2008.” BY MICHAEL _{SIKOFF ON 9/26/08 AT 8:00 PM Eo {] FREDDIE IMAC MONEY TRAIL CATCHES UP WITH MCCAIN. Below is the address for Jones Group International that is currently listed on their website. (See Exhibit 7) errr eee ae) Exhibit #7 vee 14|38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY Here is the address listed for Dynology Corporation, owners of the ShadowNet. Dynology states on their website that they were founded in 1999. Gen. James Jones was serving in uniform throughout that period of time, while serving as Obama's National Security Adviser. The address for Dynology is the same as it is for Jones Group International. (See Exhibit #19) Exhibit #9 Additionally, see the address for ClearForce, (see exhibit #10) which is a massive database containing: social media profiles, criminal records, travel and other personally identifiable information which is all used together to create “behavioral profiles” which are designed to predicatively determine if an employee is likely to steal or leak classified information from their employer. ClearForce is the next generation of the ShadowNet and should be something EVERYONE is deeply concerned about and aware of. ge 15]38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY @CLEARFO! Contact Us ‘More into Exhibit #10 See the Board of Directors for ClearForce below. (see exhibit #11) Members include Gen. James Jones, Gen, Michael Hayden, Jim Jones (son of Gen. Jones) and a California Democrat Congresswoman, Eileen Tauscher. These are holders of the “Keys to the Kingdom” so to speak. ‘learForce Board of Directors + ae ames ones Oba’ acral Sect ‘hso(A0 Serer ed ana fares Jones DyaoayOea ce co ours ans {Gano Mikal Mayen (Os Dye tC oneal hen 0. auenar Wert sane ators 10 Fehon erage) + Hay: Gamoit cco Harton Exhibit #12 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY Here is information on what John McCain’s 2008 Presidential Campaign provided as payouts to both 3EDC and Dynology: (See exhibit #12) JOHN MCCAIN 2008 INC. PO BOX 16.18 ARLINGTON, Virginia 22015 FEC Committee ID #: C00430470 This report contains activity for a Primary Election Report type: July Quarterly For election on 11/04/2008 ‘This Report is an amendment Filed 02/26/2008 PAYEE SUM ira00- FLOWERS COM E57 fas cove zea mS coc 335,540.30 = comMUTTCATTONS AND SECURTY 13205 fz Rena cenrens Exhibit #1 Page 17/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY Here is information (see exhibit #113) as to the payout to Dynology, found on the same FEC website. This is all direct, verifiable evidence of the relationship between both Gen. James Jones, the ShadowNet and 3EDC. Exhibit #13 PAYEE C00430470.htm! In the following, chart, (see exhibit #114) | have compiled a list of individuals who are connected to the Mueller indictments as to social media influence operations du ig the 2016 U.S. Presidential elections, involving the ShadowNet, Dynology and ClearForce. This is only what | was able to uncover myself, imagine if ANY of the journalists | have reached ‘out to in the last 3 years had worked or iffurther investigations were conducted by various governmental agencies. Page 18|38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY Relational Association of Mueller Indictments to “Black” Social Media Influence Operations This char shows the dec, aml and professional elationshipsbetween developmentof the ShadowNet by Dyncogy, anc te tvelier indictments ED BACKGROUND - Connected to Mueller So Y= Relatonshipnot confirmed! hibit waa In the diagram below, (see exhibit #15) one can see the direct relationship between Gen. James Jones and two companies under indictment by Robert Mueller for election influence operations. ge 19/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY Wikistrat - Psy-Group — ClearForce Connection sanitaire -— Skea _ cmeiancaa -_ =i Exxhibis #15 This reveals the connections between Gen. James Jones, Jim Jones, Dynology and ClearForce (see exhibit #16). Again, ‘en. James Jones was the Chairman of the Board to Atlantic Council at the time Facebook partnered with them in order to “restore the integrity of the election process worldwide.” Even if Facebook and Gen. Jones never did anything illegal or unethical, which is unclear, the appearance of impropriety is unmistakable. Pape 20/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY eres | ClearForce providesreal-time monitoring of a targets credit, ‘dobt, criminal travel and social modia (ShadowNot/IPsy). 1. Pal egy spent 9a pone the ShaowNel ona contact int arin he 2. The Shadownlet was bul at nxpayer ‘iperse on amnion dlr dese enact y Obamas National ec ade comedy ase in 0 3 Ceatore nibeon genwatlon ofthe shacewret ron I i mesea ne nearay momma seal roe aie ntermation, which an poten be wed Yo deny ~ “apr ob before theyre, or trminata a xing employee, Exhibit #16 Once the Republican primary had ended and the RNC took over, McCain put $3 million into 3EDC through the RNC. You will find this payment listed by McCain's campaign as “*micro-targeted social media.” "I could not find that article while writing this complaint, yet to the best of my knowledge, | believe that to be accurate, “Perhaps not surprisingly, in June, the Post’s Matthew Mosk reported that shortly after McCain took over the Republican National Committee in his role as de facto nominee, 3eDC resurfaced with its second client to date — the Republican National Committee with a contract potentially worth as much as $3 milion.” By Josh Marshall September 27, 2008 11:27 pm. [] Page 21138 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY John McCain paid for *“micro-targeted social media” in his 2008 presidential bid to the small, privately owned company | was working for, pioneering “micro-targeted” social media psychological warfare capabilities — which was run by his lifelong, best friend. | believe, and the evidence | have presented supports this, that during President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, just after candidate Trump won the Republican primary, that John McCain, working with his powerful, lifelong friend, Gen. James Jones and others with covert, influence operations infrastructure already in place, may have covertly inserted Paul Manafort into President Trump’s presidential campaign. Why Paul Manafort? Recent information being reported by the Ukrainian government shows that members of the DNC had asked them to find information on Paul Manafort that could be used to influence the election. Who would be more capable of orchestrating such a covert operation as that, than Paul Manafort’s former business partner and Obama's National Security Adviser, Gen. James Jones? There is no one else with the connections, experience and direct relationships with others like McCain that could have put this all together. The facts are that McCain was in possession of the fabricated Russian “Steele Dossier” and that a senior McCain staff member was responsible for its dissemination to the fake news media. However, in 2018 John McCain sponsored legislation banning such operations, “as a response to reports of Russian meddling in the 2016 elections”. Yet, notice how his ban is focused on foreign countries and not on domestic threat-actors. Page 22[38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY A bill was also introduced in late October by Sens. John Mi in, R-Arie., Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., and Mark Warner D-Va. The “Honest Ads Act,” whose sponsors have described it as a response to reports of Russian meddling in the 2016 elections, would require online ‘advertisers to meet many of the same disclaimer requirements as sponsors of broadcast messages. Margaret Sessa-Hawkins | January 08, 2018 “FEC’s New Facebook Ruling Requires Ad Sharing Info Yet Gives Reformers Little to Like” [ facebook-ruling-requires-ad-sharing-into-yet-gives-reformers-little-to-like/ | Irrespective of any involvement by Obama's National Security Adviser, Gen. James Jones, in the fabricated Russian “Steele Dossier", which is exactly the type of product or service @ company like Dynology would provide, his personal involvement in social media psychological warfare is irrefutable. Additionally, Gen. Jones served in uniform as a 4-star general, NATO Supreme Allied Commander and in other senior government positions, while personally profiting from Department of Defense contracts. In recent months, Facebook has been called before Congress to explain their involvement in the 2016 presidential ele N influence operations. Facebook has promised Congress, the Public, and their customers that they were going to clean up their act. Meanwhile, Page 23|38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY Facebook recently reported the potential for a $5 billion fine stemming from privacy Violations. The FEC has also set new reporting requirements (see exhibit #16) FEC’s New Facebook Ruling Requires Ad Sharing Info Yet Gives Reformers Little to Like FEDERAL ELEGHION COMMISSION’ ene eee ee ence hoo by Chip Somodeuila/Gory Images. \ Decenuber Fadaral lection Commission vling will squire Faceoook ads tole imerer users know sshich organizations ae Behind election advertisements ~ bu won't do mich to et them know who | actually pald forthe ads Yet, strangely Facebook decided to partner with the Atlantic Council in an effort to, “combat election-related propaganda and misinformation from proliferating on its service.” (see exhibit #17) while Gen. James Jones is the Chairman of the Atlantic Council Yes, Facebook partnered with Paul Manafort’s #1 preferred partner to clean up the integrity of the election process via social media ri 24| 38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY Facebook Partners With the Atlantic Council to Fight Election Propaganda ss pamerng etiolated Exhibit #1 The below (see exhi #18) screenshot is from the official Facebook press release on the Atlantic Council’s partnership with Facebook. Notice the name of the Facebook representative that handled the press release. She is Katie Harbath, the Global Politics and Outreach Director for Facebook. Page 25/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY facebook Newsraom =o Home News Companyinfo. Directoy MeclaGalty side Fee Aumle Po Announcing New Election Partnership With the Atlantic Council By kate Moros, Global Pattee ano Government Outreach Drector Facebook is merci neal 10 orevent our service for bain Rounee SunAE Maceo Exhibit #18 After seeing this partnership with Atlantic Council, with my former employer, NATO Supreme Allied Commander and Obama National Security Adviser involved with an ‘organization to fix social media fake news, | asked Katie Harbath if she knew that Facebook had chosen the Owner of the ShadowNet to partner with in fixing her Page 26/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY company’s image. | also wonder if Paul Manafort worked with Facebook's Katie Harbath, shown below? (See exhibit #19) ei Haba Katie Harbath e Proud Wisconsivie that loves polis, technology and the Packers Pubic Poe Over Glad econ at Foceboa Former Daal Stent at NRSC Weed 3 OC Group, UC manage at GO? cel dea Exhibit #19 Katie Harbath was a “digital strategist" for the South Carolina Republican Party. In the Military PSYOP community, the nomenclature for social media psychological warfare is IIA, (Interactive Internet Activities.) In IIA, a “digital strategist” imply known as an analyst, but it’s the same thing. Page 27/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY She then she worked at DCI Group, LLC. See their Facebook profile below, which is very sparse. (See exhibit #20) DCI Group, LLC Local Business Page Info Active Ads © Page History (4 Page name has not changed ‘© Page created - DCI Group, LLC Exhibit #20 Also see the date the company page was created, September 5, 2013. (See exhibit 20) The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act went into effect not long before that date. See the information below: Page 28/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY A BILL To amend she United States Information and Educational xchange Act of 1948 ta authorize the domestic dissemination of information and material about the United States intended! primarily for foreign audiences, and for other purpos See, 501. (a) The Secretary and the Broadcasting Board of Governors are authorized f0 use funds appropriated or otherwise made available for public diplomacy information programs to provide for the preparation, dissemination, and use of information intended for foreign audiences abroad about the United States, its people, and its policies, through press, publications, radio, motion pictures, the Internet, and other information media, including social media, and through information cemers, instructors, and other direct or indirect means of communication. HLRS7.46~ Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 DCI Group, LLC has no information available as to what exactly it is. Yet, Facebook algorithms matched pages related to DCI Group, LLC with the U.S. State Department. ‘The State Department was specifically a focus of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act. Page 29/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY DplelKe ya] meer = i a = © cove he Like & ‘Auiase Counc th Lite See the “1 like” that this site has since its inception in 2013 above in the screen shot. (See exhi #21) Page 30/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY © Kelley McCullough Roberts.. x Kelley McCullough Robertson View Profile More About Partner at DCI Group, LLC Former Chief of Staff at GOP ag Former Deputy Campaign Manager at Bush-Cheney 04 Recent Posts Exhibit #22 ape 31/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY ‘See the partner at DCI Group, LLC above who was the former Chief of Staff at GOP. (See exhibit #22) There are Republicans seemingly in charge of the political speech at Facebook. (See exhibit #23) Yet, they may very well be anti-President Trump/Tea-Party, such as Republican John McCain. cA 5) Work Partner at DCI Group, LLC ‘March 2007 -» sent Washington, District © Former Chief of Staff at GOP Febvuney 2005 - January 2007 Wi Dist of Columbia 10, Former Deputy Campaign Manager at Bush-Cheney 04 ‘May 200% -Decemner 2004 Aninglon, Virginia Former RPD and Director of Political Education at GOP ‘March 2002 May 2003 Washington, Distict © Former Associate Political Director at White House famuary 2001 » Febwusry @ Worked at Karl Rove + Company January 1997 - December 2000 - Montgomery ‘labema Exhibit FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY When the integrity of the electoral process is one of the objectives stressed by Mark Zuckerberg in numerous interviews, and most importantly, under oath before the Senate and Congress, the FEC must be made aware of what ClearForce is, does and who exactly is on its Board of Directors. (See exhibit #24). © CLEARFORCE Jones ees th Founder &scatve Charman W enero mica agen FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY Also, of note is the disturk ig investments by both UK and China capital investment companies. It is well documented that China uses investments in U.S. companies to steal intellectual property. (See exhibits #25 and #26) SS CISION wm nn one = ClearForce Secures Strategic Investment From Centricus Centrcus anings Giobal Experience & Long-Term Vision a 0000 VIENNA, Va. June 4, 2018 /PRRewie = Clesorc tt Page 34/38 PORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY oO < = FINANCIAL TIMES ‘SIGN IN. Technology sector China backs $15bn tech fund to compete with Japan's SoftBank Fund to look at global deals even amid concern over inflated tech valuations Hong Kong - where China Merchants Group is headquartered © Bloomberg 8e6®8 July 1, 2018 5:41 pm by Arash Massoudi in London and Don Weinland in Hong Kong Exhibit #26 Page 35/38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY Here is a quote from an article in showing a Chinese owned investment firm investing $15 billion into Centricus, (See exhibit #26). “An affiliate of CMG and a new joint venture formed between Centricus and SPF Group will manage the fund. China Merchants Group is one of the country’s largest state-owned enterprise with total assets of $1.1tn at the end of last year, according to the company's website. It took in about $88bn_— ins revenues in. 2017.” © 36 [38 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY CONCLUSION: | fail to see how Mark Zuckerberg can sit before the House and Senate intelligence Committees and swear under penalty of perjury that he is committed to restoring the integrity of elections worldwide, when he had just partnered with the same exact person | built the ShadowNet for a few weeks earlier. That is very troublesome and warrants further investigation immediately | sincerely believe that this Facebook partnership is extremely relevant to your current investigation of Facebook. As a subject matter expert in the laws and legal aspects of cyber-security, l assert that this undisclosed relationship could destroy the integrity of our elections. In closing, the relationship between Facebook and ClearForce also poses an immediate and direct threat to Constitutionally protected personal privacy laws. Sincerely, Blinn Bawa, Pag Patrick Bruce Bergy p 3738 FORMAL COMPLAINT OF PATRICK BRUCE BERGY ‘The contents of this complaint have been sworn to, signed and notarized in the presence of a notary public, (52 U.S.C. § 30109(a)(1)). Notary Block State of Florida County of __| Sea Subscribed and sworn to before me on this Oday of Mey add by Patrick Bruce Bergy. (Notary Signature) Usa Glannone Stale of Farida My Commission Exsins 087112021 Commission No, Ga 102088 [Affix seal/stamp to the left or below] Page 38]38

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