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I took this really good sidequest guide from GameFAQs here:

and rearranged it into a relatively spoiler-free guide. These only covered the 360 version quests so there will likely be new stuff and
differences in the DE (the new optional sidequests look like they are few and far between). Still, this should get you a huge chunk of
the missable quests, including some really important ones. You will hit spoilers if you scan through the whole doc before playing, but
you should be able to stay spoiler-free if you just do the tasks as you go.

Some extra stuff added from

You should especially pay attention to The Labyrinth of Memories (one of the post-game special dungeons), Bironac (powerful
weapon for Judith with character development), and the Brave Vesperia Guild sidequests (which is content-rich regarding a story
development so important that it doubles as a title drop).

This doc doesn’t look at all the monsters or all your titles, this is just content stuff. If you care about completing your monster book,
make sure you have extra magic lenses and stay extra-vigilant about scanning every creature.

Don’t kill any giganto monsters until their quest officially starts. I understand they can respawn, but it’s easier to just wait.

Never sell weapons. Don’t do it.

The majority of this text is written by Geoff Rostant back in 2008, and was made available to everyone to read on GameFAQs. I took
his stellar content and rearranged it into a different order to minimize spoilers. See the link above for his original document on
GameFAQs, which also includes a list of unique monsters and the giganto monsters and other stuff I cut for space.

For best results, print this out to physical paper and cross stuff off with a marker as you do them, like a marker-wielding savage.

Beginning of the game


<< The Wonder Reporter Side Quest >> <SQ01>

**The Imperial Capital: Zaphias** (Wonder Reporter Part 1)
- Upon heading up to the Royal Quarter you'll encounter a talking wall, this is the first of three encounters with the Wonder Reporter.

Finished Zaphias

<< The Gigantos Side Quest >> <SQ02>

Gigantos are giant monsters that appear in various parts of the world. DO NOT fight any of them until you've done the second part
of this side quest.
** The World Map just after leaving Zaphias for the Time ** (Giganto Part 1)
- To the south of Zaphias you can find the travelers inn King of Adventure. You can also find this up past Deidon Hold if you miss the
one outside Zaphias. This needs to be done before fighting the first Gigantos or beating the final boss.

<< Duke's Side Quest >> <SQ03>

Duke is a mysterious character that you know very little about until near the end of the game. This side quest is more really 7
encounters through the first 2 parts of the game that help the character learn a little bit more about Duke, or at least get more
interested in him.
** Deidon Hold ** (Duke Part 1)
- If you enter the Northeast building, the Chevaliers Station, and head up to the battlements you'll find Duke. This needs to be done
before you enter the Magistrate's Palace in Capua Nor.

<< The Monster Book Side Quest >> <SQ04>

There's a lot of 1-time events and monsters so I have a separate section for them. Head down to <MBSQ> (see the original link at
the top) to get a complete list of creatures you should use a magic lens on the moment you meet them since you may very well
never see them again.
** Quoi Woods ** (Monster Book Part 1)
- When you first meet Karol you'll get the Monster Book.

Reached Aspio

** After Karol is in the Party ** (Giganto Part 2)

- Northeast of Halure you can find the Traveler's Inn again. Head there and talk to Rich for a scene. This has to be done before
killing any Gigantos monsters or Karol won't get his title. If this doesn't proc, check back after you get the boat.

<< The Wonder Chef Side Quest >> <SQ05>

The Wonder Chef is a unique sort of individual who can seem to be everywhere with no regards to the danger. He's very useful since
not only does he give you helpful cooking recipes but once you have and mastered them all everyone gets a title at the end of the
side quest.

Also, aside from Part 1 and Part 12/13, they can be acquired in any order at any time. Part 1 needs to be done before the final
dungeon appears and Part 12/13 can only appear after Parts 1-11 have been completed, plus the creation of all off-shoot recipes.

** The City of Scholars, Aspio ** (Wonder Chef Part 1)

- After entering Aspio for the first time check for far left for a rather out of place object swaying in the ground. Talk to him to get
your first recipe.

<< The Collector's Book Side Quest >> <SQ06>

This side quest is long, tedious but as long as Part 2 is done before Taraqon rises it can b
e completed at any time. It also nets Estelle with a title.
** The City of Scholars, Aspio ** (Collector's Book Part 1)
- Once Rita joins your party you can re-enter her house and pick up the Collector's Book on the second floor. Any item you obtain
will be written down in here. Nothing can be missed so it's merely time consuming to fill.

There is someone you need to speak to once you have the book filled 50% of the way. I’ll put a note at the last opportunity to do

Finished Shaikos Ruins

<< The Brionac Side Quest >> <SQ07>

The Brionac is Judith's best non-Fel Arm weapon. It has a nice skill on it and it's VERY easy to miss. The first 2 parts need to be
done as soon as possible; the other ones there's a little bit more lenience with. The Final couple parts will only occur if you did the
first two parts whereas all the other scenes can occur regardless.

** The City of Scholars, Aspio ** (Brionac Part 1)

- After you've cleared Shaikos Ruins check the pile of Blastia in the NW side of the first floor in Rita's house. There should be a little
red object mixed in with the pile of blastia. Rita will talk about the Blastia. This needs to be done before going to the Magistrate's
Palace in Capua Nor.
Ehmead Hill (during/finished)

<< Elucifer's Grave Side Quest >> <SQ08>

This is nothing more than simple side quests that helps flesh out the world a bit more. It's nice to see once but missing it won't
deprive you of anything you really need.
** Ehmead Hill ** (Elucifer's Grave Part 1-2)
- Near the exit from Ehmead Hill there will be a scene where the party looks out over the ocean. At that cliff there is a rounded
stone. If you inspect it you'll get a small scene with the party talking about it. This has to be done before entering the Magistrate's
Palace in Capua Nor.

- After leaving Ehmead Hill you can return to Halure and talk to the couple near the entrance and there will be a scene.

** After Ehmead Hill ** (Brionac Part 2)

- After leaving Ehmead Hill return and approach the broken barrier Blastia. Rita will make a comment about it. This needs to be
done before going to the Magistrate's Palace in Capua Nor.

<< The Halure Tree Side Quest >> <SQ09>

This side quests gets you several things for Estelle and is worth doing
because of that.
** Ehmead Hill ** (Halure Tree Part 1)
- After you leave Ehmead Hill go back in and return to Halure. The elder of Halure will be up near the tree. Talk to him for a scene.

Reached Capua Nor

<< The Dice Master Side Quest >> <SQ10>

Not really a side quest, just a short little mini-game to get a title for Rita.
** The Port Town, Capua Nor **
- At the far end of Capua Nor there is a guy standing at the window. This is the Dice Master. If you win a game Rita gets a new title.

** The Port Town, Capua Nor ** (Some Doll Thing)

- Head West after meeting with Flynn to meet with a new character and collect an item.

** The Port Town, Capua Nor ** (Wonder Chef Part 2)

- There is a yellow duck sitting out in the open across from the Trine Liner Service. Check it out for a recipe.

Capua Torim

<< The Dark Enforcer Side Quest >> <SQ11>

This side quest is about someone whose similar to Yuri in his actions, although he's not quite as picky as Yuri. In addition completing
this gets Yuri several new artes and probably his best costume title.
** The Port Town, Capua Torim ** (Dark Enforcer Part 1)
- Once you finish the mandatory events in Capua Torim if you try and sleep in the inn you'll get a scene.


<< A Scene in Heliord >> <SQ14>

This is just a quick scene that shows the living condition of the poor folk in Heliord. After Estelle rejoins the party you can rest at the
inn for a scene.
<< The Drake Side Quest >> <SQ12>
This is a side quest that deals with Estelle's Teacher, Drake. Various titles are given out over the course of it and Estelle's best non-
fel arm weapon is reward at the very end of it.
** The Rising City, Heliord ** (Drake Part 1)
- When Estelle rejoins the party go back to the Blastia in the center of town and get near the old soldier standing near it to talk to

** The Rising City, Heliord ** (Wonder Chef Part 3)

- There is something swinging in the window in the interrogation room. Check it out for a new recipe.

**The Rising City Heliord** (Wonder Reporter Part 2)

- After Estelle rejoins the party you can check the far corner of the balcony to the right of the Inn for another talking wall.

** The Rising City, Heliord ** (Duke Part 2)

- After Estelle rejoins the party you can have another scene with the oh-so loveable Duke by heading to the pool of water just to the
left of the entrance of Caer Bocrom.

<< An Old Friend Side Quest >> <SQ13>

This is just a quick scene between Yuri and an old friend. It has a minor impact on one of the Wonder Chef quests but that's it.

- When Estelle rejoins the party head back and enter the Chevaliers HQ to find one of Yuri's old friends. You can wait until you have
Raven for a slightly different dialogue.


<< The Bunny Guild Side Quest >> <SQ15>

This is a funny quest where an old man wants you to promote his guild. Just collect titles, like we desire and he'll give attachments.

- In the first room of the union headquarters there's an old man sitting alone in the far back left corner. He's part of the Bunny Guild
and will reward you with attachments depending on how many titles you have. You don't need all the titles to get all his rewards,
only about 80% of them.

<< The Scenes of Keiv Moc >> <SQ16>

There are a couple of quick events in Keiv Moc, one of which is a prelude to another minor side quest later. Aside from Karol getting
a new arte there's nothing special besides character development.

- If you head left at the first intersection, or come back around from the right if you go around the circle, you'll encounter 2 scenes
almost on top of each other. One gives Karol a new ability, Bug Breath, and the other one is simply a scene about Raven.

** The Den of Guilds, Dahngrest ** (Wonder Chef Part 4)

- In the Union Headquarters you can find the Wonder Chef in disguise once again, talk to him for another recipe.

** The Tower of Gears, Ghasfarost ** (Wonder Chef Part 5)

- You'll find the Wonder Chef disguised as a pinwheel in this place, talk to him to learn a recipe.

Finished Dahngrest (beat the bos)

** Right after leaving Dahngrest after beating Barbos ** (Duke Part 3)

- Once you leave Dahngrest after Estelle joins the party head back inside to meet Duke.
I have the boat now!
After an event on the sea, the game wants you to head to Nordopolica. Make a quick mental note of where that is, because there are
some other things you can do before you get there and I remember having a hell of a time trying to find it once I got distracted by
these quests.

** After Part 1 is Complete ** (Brionac Part 3)

- Once you leave Dahngrest at the beginning of Part 2 head to the Tower of Gears, Ghasfarost and head into the room where Yuri
and Judith were imprisoned for a scene.

** After Getting the Ship ** (Dark Enforcer Part 2)

- If you head to the Noble's Quarter in Zaphias a scene will trigger with Sher. Afterwards chase after him and talk to him again. Head
back to the previous screen and talk to the lady sitting on the bench. This will get Yuri his Tiger Blade arte and the Kingdom
Celebrity title.

** After Getting the Ship ** (Halure Tree Part 2)

- If you head to Halure and talk to the kids under the tree there will be a scene and Estelle will get an attachment.

<< The Professor Sicily Side Quest >> <SQ19>

Professor Sicily is an odd person but he has some really good rewards for his side quest including titles, artes and items.
** After Getting the Ship ** (Professor Sicily Part 1-2)
- If you head to Halure you can talk to Sicily, the man standing in front of the inn, for a scene and Raven will learn Arrivederci.

- Head to the bridge in Capua Nor to find Sicily. There Raven will learn the Vacanza skill and obtain his Twilight Dreamer title.

** After Obtaining the Ship ** (Wonder Chef Part 6)

- Go to Capua Nor and talk to the women standing in front of the inn to get a recipe. The dialogue differs if you talked to Yuri's friend
back in Heliord. You need this recipe to complete the wonder chef side quest.

<< The Warehouse Side Quest >> <SQ 17>

The Warehouse is a side quest that nets you some useful items and one
of Karol's costume titles.
** After Getting the Ship ** (Warehouse Part 1-2) (these might be mixed up)
- There's a warehouse in Capua Nor(?) that you can arrange for a Power Light, a Golden Horn, 3 Lottery Gels and 2000 Gald.

- There's a warehouse in Capua Torim(?) that you can arrange for 2 Miracle Gels, 3 Limit Bottles, a Spicy Potion and 2000 Gald.

** The Port Town, Capua Torim ** (Brionac Part 4)

- There's a female by the tree tending a small garden just beside the Fortune's Market HQ in Capua Torim, speak to her for a scene.

<< The Top Dog Side Quest >> <SQ18>

** After Getting the Ship ** (Top Dog Part 1)
- In Capua Torim, go toward the harbor to get the Dog Map and Repede's Fated One title. If you go to Zaphias and talk to the dog
near the stairs leading to the Noble Quarter's you can get the Friendship Fur Ball.

Also upon 50% completion of the Dog Map, a scene will trigger automatically. It's best to do this side quest once you have Ba'ul, or
possibly even later after you complete the Ba'ul racing games since it makes it much easier especially since you can't complete it
until Part 2.


** The Coliseum City, Nordopolica ** (Drake Part 2)

- On the way north to the coliseum you'll find Drake. Talk to him for a scene.

** The Coliseum City, Nordopolica ** (Duke Part 4)- After the failed attempt to see the Duce Raven will leave the party. After
you sleep for the night and Raven rejoins the party you can find Duke in the reception area of the arena. He'll still be there when
you return to see the Duce so there's no rush but you'll want to do it now since another Duke scene is coming up before you return
** The Coliseum City, Nordopolica ** (Dark Enforcer Part 3)
- After Raven rejoins the party and you go to head out of town there will be a couple of people talking to each other. They've got
glowing lines bouncing around their heads. Talk to them and then rest at the inn for a scene. Yuri will learn the Shining Eagle arte.

** The Coliseum City, Nordopolica ** (Wonder Chef Part 7)

- You can find the Wonder Chef in disguise once again here in the coliseum, talk to him for a recipe.

** The Coliseum City, Nordopolica ** (Brionac Part 5)

- Speak with the fish seller near the entrance to the city for a scene.

Right Before Mantaic (Weasand of Cados clear)

** The Weasand of Cados ** (Duke Part 5)

- Once you exit the Weasand of Cados into the desert turn around and head back in and head to where the Aer Krene acted up to
see a scene with Duke.


<< The Scenes of Mantaic >> <SQ20>

When you first arrive in Mantaic there are a few stand alone scenes.

- When you rest at the Inn Judith will learn the Moonlight Talon arte.

- When you rest at the Inn you'll get a scene and receive Mother's memento. Make sure to get it since it's required for a secret
mission later on.

- When you return from Yormgen and are again in control talk to the kids of the parents you saved up by the northern house to
receive an Hourglass.

**The Desert Oasis, Mantaic** (Wonder Reporter Part 3)

- There are 2 intersections in Mantaic, the northern one has a stand of trees. If you talk to one of the trees you'll encounter the
Wonder Reporter. Yes, he's now a tree. (Wonder Reporter Part 3/3)

** The Desert Oasis, Mantaic ** (Wonder Chef Part 8)

- Near the northern intersection the Wonder Chef is once again in disguise. Talk to him to learn a new recipe.

<< The Cow Boy Side Quests >> <SQ21>

This is a weird chain of side quests where you swap your item for his. The first four swaps are pretty lack luster but the last one
makes up for it all including obtaining a 1-of-a-kind accessory.
** The Desert Oasis, Mantaic ** (Cow Boy Part 1)
- When you return from Yormgen the archway just east of the Inn is no longer blocked. Behind it is a Cow Boy Man thing that wants
an Apple Gel. Hand it over to get Milk in return.

<< The Brave Vesperia Guild Quests >> <SQ22>

These quests are long, tedious and while you earn Gald for completing them it's not very much. However it really develops and
fleshes out the guild Brave Vesperia so it's a must for first time players. The only good thing about it is that the very last part gives
Rita one of her best non fel arm weapons. Just a word of warning a head of time. Cook, a lot, since the last quest requires a
cooking recipe that's an off-shoot recipe of an off-shoot recipe. While they're not hard to get, you can only cook after a battle or
sleeping so it can take awhile.

** The Desert Oasis, Mantaic ** (Brave Vesperia Guild Part 1)

- There is a man near the second intersection that is dressed in a suit. Talk to him to get the first guild quest. That man sends you
to talk to someone standing near the entrance to Mantaic. Talk to that person who sends you on a delivery quest. You need to head
to the Inn in Capua Torim. Your entire party needs to be there for it to activate so more than likely you won't finish this until after
you get Ba'ul, especially since it makes it so much easier. When you have the scene in Capua Torim return to the man in Mantaic to
get 3000 Gald in.

** The Heartland Town, Yormgen ** (Wonder Chef Part 9)

- Once again the Wonder Chef is here in disguise. He's in the Inn, just talk to him to receive a recipe.

After Meeting the Duce in Nordopolica

<< The Lower City Friends >> <SQ23>

Little scene that appears after the meeting the Duce in Nordopolica.
** The Imperial Capital, Zaphias **
- After everything in Nordopolica is finished you can head back to Zaphias where you can have a scene with Ted. You'll get Bread for
your effort. It's a key item so you'll need it to finish the Collector's Book.

On Your Way Back from Nordopolica

** Heliord **
- Return to Heliord and speak to the two people near the eastern exit to get a new skill for Patty.

After A Really Important Scene in Dahngrest (go see it, then come back)

<< Some Title Quests >> <SQ24>

A couple of side quests that will give you two titles.
**After The Scene** (Part 1-2)
- In Dahngrest, enter the pub at the western part of the town. There should be a scene with Raven and a female. If not you may
need to leave and re-enter a couple times and possibly even sleep/fight some battles to get the event to occur. Afterwards Leave
the Tavern and talk to the girl just east of it in the center of Dahngrest. Afterwards talk to the women standing outside the eastern
pub, the one that had Barbos. After that head up to the Union Headquarters for a scene that will get Raven his Ladies' Man title.

- If you sleep at the Inn in Dahngrest you'll have a scene with Karol and he'll get his title Insomniac.

<< Ruins Gate Side Quest >> <SQ25>

Just some information about Ruin's Gate, nothing special.
** After the Scene **( Ruins Gate Part 1)
- If you enter the Shaikos Ruins you'll get a scene with a couple of people from Ruins Gate. It's a long way there so it may be better
to leave this until you can fly.

** After the Scene ** (Drake Part 3)

- When you leave the western pub in Dahngrest you'll more than likely meet Drake for the third time. He and Estelle will talk and
Estelle will receive an item from Drake.

I Can Fly Now.

Note: There’s a lot of stuff you can check out now. This list is long.
** After Getting Ba'ul ** (The REAL Top Dog Part 1)
- If you wish to do the Dog Map now is the first time it's actually feasible to attempt it. You can't complete it until much later so you
may wish to wait simply due to the nature of the quest. That nature being that Little Wolf will take back territory you gained while
you're off doing the main story.

** After Getting Ba'ul ** (Monster Book Part 2)

- If you've completed 50% of the Monster Guide head back to Capua Nor and try to head north. You'll encounter Nan and have a
** After getting Ba'ul ** (Brionac Part 6)
- Talk to the women by the flower garden outside the Fortune's Market building in Capua Torim for a scene. Same women as in Part

- Head to Capua Torim and speak to Kaufman at the Fortune's Market building for a scene.

- Head to Dahngrest and enter the shop just after the bridge and talk to the shop keeper for another scene.

** After Getting Ba'ul ** (Brave Vesperia Guild Part 2)

- You can talk to the bartender in the pub in Dahngrest to get your second guild quest at this time. It will have you speak to a
woman named Rhianna at the Inn in Dahngrest. Leave the inn and head to the bridge, there will be a scene. Afterwards head to the
lower part of Heliord and talk to the girl a little ways north of the dock. If you trade a Tiny Bird Feather you'll get the necklace.
Take the Necklace back to Rhianna to complete the guild quest. No money this time :(.

<< Karol's Mystic Arte Side Quest >> <SQ26>

This gets Karol his Special skill allowing him to use his Mystic Arte.
** After Getting Ba'ul **
- If you sleep in Dahngrest there is a chance that you'll get a scene where Karol trains. After 3-4 scenes like this he'll get his Special
skill and be able to use Mystic Artes.

<< The Waitress Mini-Game >> <SQ28>

Title says it all; however this game can get you a title for everyone but Yuri and Repede. Also the later you are in the game, the
more money you make from it.
** After Getting Ba'ul **
- The western pub in Dahngrest now has a mini-game. It's a waitress mini-game where you have to take people's orders and return
with them. The more you get correct, the more gald you earn. You also earn more gald the later in the game you play it and you
can play it at any time. In addition clearing it once with each person nets them a new Costume Title. There is a scene if you try to
play a second time where you compete against another waitress. Yuri is the only one that won't play.

<< Rebuilding the Union Side Quest >> <SQ27>

This side quest will net Raven a new arte at the end and some titles.
** After Getting Ba'ul ** (Rebuilding the Union Part 1)
- Head to Dahngrest and then go to the Union Headquarters for a scene. Afterwards head to the Fortune's Market building in Capua
Torim and speak with Kaufman.

** After Getting Ba'ul ** (Dark Enforcer Part 4)

- In Mantaic head north and speak with Clay, afterwards head to the Inn and go to sleep. You'll wake up at night so head west for a

** After Getting Ba'ul ** (Cow Boy Part 2)

- In Mantaic the Cow Boy Thing wants a trident. In return he'll give you Rice, Potato, Onion and Carrot.

<< Thinking of Nan Scene >> <SQ30>

Cute scene with Karol thinking of Nan.

** After Getting Ba'ul **

- If you got the scene in Keiv Moc, it's <SQ16>, where Karol gets his new skill then sleep at the inn in Mantaic and choose the option
'yes' when it appears for a scene with Karol.

** After Getting Ba'ul ** (Ruins Gate Part 2)

- There's a guy in Nordopolica just before entering the main structure standing to the right. There will be a scene with him. (Truth of
Ruin's Gate 2/2)

<< Scene in Nordopolica >> <SQ29>

Just a scene that lets you know how Natz is doing after the death of Belius.
** After Getting Ba'ul **
- If you head to Nordopolica you can head north and have a scene with Natz.

<< The Nordopolica Melee >> <SQ31>

** The Coliseum City, Nordopolica **
- The Arena is open in Nordopolica. You can do the 30, 50 and 80 man-melee at this time. If you wish you can clear those 3 but
you'll have to wait until later to do the 100-man. You need 3 invitations to get the best stuff from the 100-man melee and since it'll
also be easier to do those other 3 melee's at that point you can save yourself some trouble by saving them for later. The rewards
aren't that impressive anyways, just some Gels and double the glad you pay to fight.

** After Getting Ba'ul ** (Elucifer's Grave Part 3)

- You can head to the cliff in Ehmead Hill for a scene. May need to check the stone again.

<< Leviathan's Claw Invitation Side Quest >> <SQ32>

This side quest gets you an amazing bow for Raven information into the background of Raven, Yeager, Gauche and Droite as well as
enhanced loot from the 100-man melee in Nordopolica.
** After Getting Ba'ul ** (Leviathan's Claw Invitation Part 1)
- Near the western exit in Ehmead Hill is a small clearing. If you head there you'll get a scene and receive the Fire Lilly.

<< The Hermes Memos Side Quest >> <SQ33>

This gets Rita one of her spells. It's not a particularly good one, you'll drop it like a bad habit once you get Violet Pain, but is' nice to
have for completionists. It also gives more insight on Rita and Judith since it involves them.
** After Getting Ba'ul ** (Hermes Memos Part 1)
- Enter Ehmead Hill for the east and then head to the broken Blastia for a scene. Afterwards head to the library in Aspio and check
the shelf just to the left of the shop to get Hermes Memo. If you rest in Capua Torim there will be a scene and Rita will learn
Negative Gate. If you decide to wait until later, as in after Aspio is no more, you can get the Memo from a mage in the inn at Capua

** After Getting Ba’Ul ** (Some recipe thing)

- If you have cooked 600 times over the course of the game and Patty has mastered three recipes, go to Nordopolika and speak to
the person beside the shop.

** After getting Ba’ul ** (Attachments)

- In Dahngrest, enter the western bar and speak to the person in the upper left corner. You can receive attachments and titles based
on what you have done.

** After getting Ba’ul ** (Lenanthra Hollow)

- Near the middle of the Hypionia continent, find a beach with red flowers to begin a quest. These must be returned to Aspio it looks


** The Home of the Krityan, Myorzo ** (Wonder Chef Part 10)

- You can find the Wonder Chef disguised here as well just east of the entrance. Talk to him for a recipe.

** The Home of the Krityan, Myorzo ** (Warehouse Part 3)

- You can tidy up the Warehouse here for an Hourglass, an All Divide, Flare Stone, Freeze Stone, Aer Stone, Geo Stone and 2000

<< Myorzo Minor Scene >> <SQ34>

** The Home of the Kritya, Myorzo **
- Once all the main story scenes are done rest at the Inn for an extra scene.

<< Rita's Anger and the Magic Lantern >> <SQ35>

** The Forgotten Shrine, Baction **
- If you fall down the cracks in the dark rooms 3 times Rita will get upset and build you a Magic Lantern. I believe it can only be
obtained this run through the shrine. It causes all the stones you're supposed to shoot to illuminate the room to start illuminated
when you enter the room.

Just Before Important Zaphias Revisited Stuff

** Deidon Hold ** (Duke Part 6)

- Just before you go to Zaphias after the first botched rescue attempt head to Deidon Hold and go back to where you first met Duke
to find him once again looking out over the plains.

Finished Zaphias 2, Ready to head to Zaude

(** After you Rescue Estelle ** (Duke Part 7)

- Head to the bridge leading to the Magistrate's Palace in Capua Nor to find Duke one last time.

** After you Rescue Estelle ** (Warehouse Part 4)

- You can arrange the warehouse in Nordopolica; it's near Belius' room, for 3 Specifics, Paralyze Charm, 3 Treats and 2000 Gald.

** After Rescuing Estelle ** (Professor Sicily Part 3)

- If you head to the dock in Capua Torim you can meet up with Sicily and he'll modify you ship to allow it to travel through shallows
and to check out search points in the ocean.

** After you Rescue Estelle from Zaphias ** (Cow Boy Part 3)

- Speak to the Cow Boy Man Thing in Mantaic and hand over a Poison Charm, a Paralyze Charm and a Stone Charm for 3 Flare

** After you Rescue Estelle ** (Leviathan's Claw Invitation Part 2)

- Head to Mt. Temza for a scene. You'll lose the Fire Lily and get a Compact.

<< Repede's Mystic Arte Side Quest >> <SQ36>

He gets his Special ability and mystic arte, definitely a must do quest.
** After you Rescue Estelle **
- If you talk to the little girl, Polly, near the Blastia in Heliord a scene and a battle will occur. Repede will get his Special skill and his
Nanny title.

<< The Labyrinth of Memories >> <SQ37>

Required to open the EX Dungeon, something that you should think about if you even considering playing after defeating the final
** The Crag of Phaeroh ** (Labyrinth of Memories Part 1)
- Head to the Crag of Phaeroh. Where you spoke with Phaeroh there will be strange portal thingy. Go near it for a scene. You'll end
up in Yormgen again. Head to the Sage's house and speak with the sage. This is the first part to open the EX Dungeon after the
game is finished and needs to be done before finishing Zaude.

<< Power Overwhelming, The Fel Arms >> <SQ38>

This starts the quest to get the Fel Arms, the most powerful weapons in the game. Potentially at least. It's a quest you really should
do. There should be noted that just before Part 6 there's another quest sorta linked to the Fel Arms. It upgrades the Sorcerer's Ring
to level 5 but you only need 4 to complete any quest. Lvl 5 is just a bit more convenient because of the extra distance and speed.
** After you Rescue Estelle ** (Fel Arms Part 1)
- If you talk to the Elder in Myorzo you'll get Abyssion, the first of the 7 Fel Arms.
<< The Hot Springs! Side Quest >> <SQ39>
This is the start of the hot springs side quest. It gets a costume title for everyone. It costs a lot though of Gald though so you may
wish to wait until Nam Cobanda is open before you try anything beyond Part 1. There are parts to this quest and they're all
separated by real time. Essentially you're going to need 900,000 Gald to finish it

** After you Rescue Estelle ** (Hot Springs Part 1)

- At the northern edge of the Yurozea continent is a place called the Yumanju hot springs. Head there and go talk to the
receptionist. She'll mention that the Hot Springs need to be cleaned.

** Capua Torim Fisherman Pot **

- In Capua Torim, there is an old man to the right of the Western stairs. Speak to him and get the items he asks for to receive a

Act 3 Of The Game

** After Rejoining Everyone at the Start of Part 3 ** (Dark Enforcer Part 5)

- If you head to Noble Quarter's in Zaphias you'll get a scene.

** After the whole group is back together in Part 3 ** (Drake Part 4)

- After the scene with Gauche and Droite in Capua Norim head back in and find the lady they were speaking with. If you donate
500,000 Gald to her and try to leave the city to the west Drake will come by and speak with Estelle. Estelle will get her title Noble

** After the whole group is back together in Part 3 ** (Professor Sicily Part 4)
- If you go to the dock by the river in the lower section of Heliord you can find Sicily. There will be a scene with him and if you
return a little later he'll have a robot by him. Chase the robot to have Karol take him with him. The robot upgrades several of
Karol's artes.

** After Rejoining Everyone in Part 3 ** (Cow Boy Part 4)

- You can speak to the Cow Boy Man Thing in Mantaic again. This time you'll need to hand over an Hourglass and an All-Divide.
You'll get a bunch of different gels in return.

** Boarder Repede minigame **

- In Deidon Hold, speak to the man near the tents to play a mini game.

** After Everyone Rejoins you in Part 3 ** (Brave Vesperia Guild Part 3-5)
- Speak to the person at the east entrance to Dahngrest. He'll send you to his friend at the docks in Capua Torim. That guy, the
same guy you brought the book to in the first guild quest, sends you BACK to Dahngrest to speak to Rhianna about Everlight. After
that you're off to Mt. Temza to pick it up. It's up near where you fought Nan and Tison. Grab it and warp back to the entrance using
the green portal thing up there. Laugh a little, then head to Capua Torim to turn it in for 5000 Gald and a scene.

- Talk to the bartender again in Dahngrest in the west Pub. Afterwards head to Zaphias. You can speak to LeBlanc if you wish, a
scene will occur, but it's not required but it's quick so I would do it anyways. Your destination is the tavern in the lower quarter.
Speak to the women with blue hair, Mimula, and she'll send you off to the Manor of the Wicked. From there it's to Dahngrest to talk
to the guy who you did the first side quest for, the guy's by the bridge, and then back to the Manor of the Wicked for yet another
scene. Bust some heads and then back to Zaphias you go. Head down to the save point in the Lower Quarter for a scene. You'll
have the option of accepting or declining. You 'can' accept but decline anyways since you'll still get paid. Head up to the fountain
and talk with LeBlanc. He'll actually do his job for once and arrest Mimula. Afterwards head back to the bartender that gave you the
job for your reward, 6000 Gald.

- Another Guild Quest, talk to the bartender again. This time you're sent to the Union HQ to speak to a couple of excavators who
happen to be gathered together in the NE corner. They send you to the Shrine of Baction where you're sent scurrying through there
to find a spade. It's on the second basement floor through some cracked walls. You need to use the sorcerers ring to get there. It's
the room just west of the most southeastern room. Once you have it report back to the 2 miners/excavators for your reward of
5,500 Gald.
** After Everyone Rejoins you in Part 3 ** (Rebuilding the Union Part 2)
- If you head to Zaphias you can speak to LeBlanc in the market quarter for a scene and Raven's Imperial Knight's Captain.

** After Everyone Rejoins you in Part 3 ** (Leviathan's Claw Invitation Part 3)

- Head to Capua Torim for a scene with Gauche and Droite. Afterwards you can find them where you defeated Yeager. You can fight
them there to receive the Leviathan's Claw Invitation and a weapon for Raven, his Divine Cannon in exchange for the Compact.

** After Everyone Rejoins in Part 3 ** (Hot Springs Part 2)

- In Yumanju enough time should have passed for the bats to have been cleared out and the place cleaned up. You'll need 300,000
for the first visit, and 600,000 for the second. It's probably best to wait until Taraqon appears before you do this. Since you
shouldn't need to wait between the 2 events it's best to wait until then since money is no longer a problem at that point due to the
Poker Trick at Nam Cobanda (apparently this is fixed in DE so sorry about your life).

<< Sexy Costumes Side Quest >> <SQ40>

This side quest gets you the sexy costumes used to seduce the guard earlier in the game.
** The Rising City, Heliord **
- If you talk to the shop keeper in Heliord, the one that made the sexy costumes, you can get them again for Judith, Estelle and
Karol by turning in some easily acquired items. You'll get their respective titles as well.

<< The False Dein Nomos >> <SQ41>

A decent weapon that has high attack power and some insight into what Alexei was doing.
** The Den of Guilds, Dahngrest **
- If you talk to the bartender in the west pub in Dahngrest you'll get the key to the lower part of Ghasfarost. If you head there you
can search an old lab of Alexei's and find the False Dein Nomos. It's a pretty decent sword but becomes lacking late game.

<< The Limited Edition Toys Side Quest >> <SQ42>

This quest gets Yuri one of his titles.
** The Den of Guilds, Dahngrest ** (Limited Edition Toys Part 1)
- Enter the eastern shop in Dahngrest and speak to the guard. This'll start the quest to get the limited edition toys.

<< An Arte for Judith >> <SQ43>

Do this side quest to get an arte for Judith.
** The Home of the Krityan, Myorzo **
- Go to Myorzo and check the back wall in the Elder's home for a Back Baby Doll. No idea what it is but apparently Krityan's will
trade anything for it. Because of this the Krityan in Aspio will teach Judith a new arte if you give it to him. It's in your best interest
to do so. After Aspio is gone you can find the Krytian at Deidon Hold.

<< A Quick Scene in Myorzo >> <SQ44>

- In Myorzo you can check the pedestal in front of the mural at the back of the room for a scene.

<< The Dragon Races >> <SQ45>

This is required to get 2 of Judith's titles, a nice item and upgrade Ba'ul so he can land in more places which is required to complete
the Monster Book and the Dog Map.
** Mt. Temza ** (Dragon Races Part 1)
- If you fly near Mt. Temza you'll get a scene with Ba'ul. This is required to do the Dragon Races.

After Zopheir

** After the Birth of Undine ** (Halure Tree Part 3-4)

- If you speak to the kids under the tree in Halure you'll get Estelle's Fairy Tale Weaver title.

- After the above event exit and re-enter Halure. Head for the tree again and Estelle will learn Force Field.

** After the Birth of Undine ** (Dark Enforcer Part 6)

- Head for the Noble's Quarter in Zaphias for Yuri's Dark Enforcer title.
** After the Birth of Undine ** (Dragon Races Part 2)
- If you saw the scene with Ba'ul over Mt. Temza you can now play the Dragon Racing Game in Myorzo. Speak to the little boy just
east of the entrance. There are 5 levels. After the third level Ba'ul gets an upgrade and can land in more locations and after 5 levels
beaten Judith will get her Super Dragon Rider title and the Red Mantle. Also if you've done 1000 Fatal Strike chains, not in a row but
all together, you can get Judith another title, her Into the Sky one.

After Defending Nordopolica

<< Magic for Rita >> <SQ46>

This sub quest gets Rita her second best spell in the game.
**After the attack on Nordopolica**
- Head to the center of Aspio for a scene. Afterwards sleep at an inn twice and head back. Rita will learn her second best spell
behind Tidal Wave, Meteor Swarm. If you cannot enter Aspio you can still get it, but you need to head to Halure instead of Aspio.

<< Quick Scene for Raven >> <SQ47>

Some information about Raven, and more specifically his heart.
** After the attack on Nordopolica **
- Rest at the Inn in Dahngrest to get a scene about Raven

<< The Sundering Moon >> <SQ48>

This sub quest gets the arte, Sundering Moon, for Judith.
** After the attack on Nordopolica ** (Sundering Moon Part 1)
- Speak to the Elder in Myorzo for a scene.

Got all the spirits

** After the 4 Spirits* (Collector's Book Part 2)

- You'll want to head to Aspio after you have obtained the 4 spirits but before going to Capua Nor to try and get the scene in the
library with the person whose interested in the Collector's Book. This is the last chance you'll be able to do this quest. You could
have done it earlier but it may have been harder to obtain 50% of the items. Anyways, with 50% of the items obtained the scene
will occur. This is your last chance to do this part.

**After All Four Spirits** (Fel Arms Part 2-5)

- There is a small group of islands between Hypionia and Desier. 4 of them in sort of a star shaped pattern. On one of them is a
strange rock grouping. Head there and head to the rock grouping. A scene will occur and you'll get your second Fel Arm, Zariche.
Afterwards head inside and head to the peninsula jutting out into the Aer Krene to get the Sorcerer's Ring Level 4.

- You can now fully explore Keiv Moc now. Burn the dead brush for a variety of items including Rita's best helm and the third Fel
Arm, Nebilim.

- With the level 4 S-Ring explore the Releweise Hollow more thoroughly. Although aside from an attachment for Repede and the
Mercurius Fel Arm you'll only find stuff like Sages and Verbana's.

- Burn the dead grass in Quoi Woods to lead to an area with a Gigantos Monster and the fourth Fel Arm, Glasya Labolas.

Rise of Tarqaron

** After the Rise of Tarqaron ** (Brionac Part 7)

- Head to Zaphias for a scene and then try to go to the Lower Quarter for another scene. Afterwards head to the Castle and laugh as
the scene unfolds.

** After the Rise of Tarqaron ** (Limited Edition Toys Part 2)

- There is a person in Yumanju who's interested in the limited edition toys. He'll give you a Tiara just by talking to him. Regardless
all but 2 of the statues are obtained from the little dispenser machines and of those 2 you already have 1. 3 can be obtained from
the machine in Yumanju, 1 from the 500 chip machine in Nam Cobanda, 2 from the 100 chip and 50 chip machines and 1 from the
10 chip machine. After that Hanks in Zaphias will give you the final toy. With all them in your possession head back to the man in
Yumanju to get Yuri's Recollection Guardian title.

<< The Joys of Nam Cobanda >> <SQ49>

** After the Rise of Taraqon ** (Nam Cobanda Part 1-3)
- If you ever flew past the island in the NW corner of the map you'll have noticed a building under water. It's not any more. If you
head there you'll find Nam Cobanda Island up and open for business, except they don't care about business. Anyways the first
building on the left is the Gym and the main source of everything on the island. There's a chance upon entering the Gym that there
will be someone winning big time at the poker table. Judith will go over and challenge him to a game. Regardless of whether or not
you win or lose you'll get Judith's title Legendary Gambler. It's not hard to win; I honestly think Judith cheats for you.

- Also on Nam Cobanda Island if you turn in over 250,000 chips on items then Judith will get her Poker Face title.

- After finishing the above side quest talk to the Ant Lion Man just inside the gates of Nam Cobanda. If you have opened up 445
(86%) of the treasure chests in the world you will get Yuri's Treasure Hunter title.

** Extra Zaphias Scenes **

- Return to Zaphias and sleep in Yuri’s room to earn a title.
- Enter Estelle’s Room to hear about a new optional dungeon. It will then appear at the last area in Zaude.

** Extra Scene in Capua Torim **

- At Capua Torim, enter the Lighthouse.


** After Aurnion is Built ** (Wonder Chef Part 11-13)

- You can find the Wonder Chef in the bottom right corner of town. He's disguised as usual. He'll give you a recipe and disappear.

- Once you have all the recipes and off-shoot recipes head to Nordopolica. You can find the Wonder Chef there at the docks, for
once NOT in disguise. He'll give you a new recipe the Mabo Curry recipe and an invitation to a cooking competition in Dahngrest.

- With all the recipes mastered head to Dahngrest from the west side and talk to the person in a tuxedo in front of the large building
there. You'll get swept up in the Cooking Battle. The person you want to enter is whoever has mastered ALL the recipes. It's the
only way to guarantee a win. Once you win everyone will get their cooking title.

** The Land of Hope, Aurnion ** (Brionac Part 8-10)

The first two events of this whole sidequest need to be done before Aurnion is completely built. If you’ve been following this, no

- After sleeping at the Inn in Aurnion there should be a scene with

Judith speaking with Kaufman and talking about giving up on finding the Brionac. If you missed the first 2 events in this chain, this
is where she gives up and that's that. If sleeping at the inn doesn't trigger it keep trying or leave/re-enter and try again.

- After the above event set Rita as the on screen character.

Leave and re-enter Aurnion and talk to the guard in front of the Blastia in town twice. Afterwards check the Blastia.

- Head to Caer Bocram. Go north and enter the near right house for Judith's Brionac. In DE it may be in the NW house.

** After you Rescue Flynn ** (Nam Cobanda Part 4)

- At Nam Cobanda you can now partake in the play that's happening in the Gym. This will net everyone but Judith and Raven with a
new tite as well as obtaining Estelle's Warrior Sword and Shield.

** After Aurnion is Built ** (Nam Cobanda Part 5)

- In Nam Cobanda Island, speak with Miska (He's the cow standing behind the desk with all the papers on the south side of the
Gym). He'll ask you to find 5 books. The books are in the elder's home in Halure, The bookshelf in the interrogation room at the
Chevaliers HQ in Heliord, The bookshelf at the inn in Mantaic, Chevaliers HQ in Aurnion and The bookshelf in Fortune's Market HQ in
Capua Torim. Report back to Miska and answer the questions correctly for Rita's Miska Doctoral Degree title

** After Aurnion is Built ** (Dark Enforcer Part 7)

- You can check up on how Lune is doing after the Dark Enforcer side quest by heading back to Zaphias.

** The Land of Hope, Aurnion ** (Drake Part 5-7)

- In Aurnion if you speak to Drake in the NW corner Yuri will get his Certified Soldier title.

- In Aurnion, find Drake at NE for Estelle's Worldly Adventurer title. Must exit and re-enter Aurnion after the above event.

- Once Aurnion is fully developed you can talk to Ioder at the western side of the city to get Estelle's best non Fel Arm weapon, the
Blue Crystal Rod.

** After Aurnion is Built ** (Halure Tree Part 5)

- If you enter Halure at this point in the game you'll get one final scene that finishes up the Halure tree quest line. Nothing special
just sort of a closure.

** After Aurnion is Developed ** (Warehouse Part 5)

- Once Aurnion has been developed you can tidy up the warehouse for 3 Special Gels, a Strange Piece, a Spring Of Knowledge, 2000
Gald and Karol's Warehouse Master title although you'll need to have cleaned all the other warehouses to get the title.

** The Land of Hope, Aurnion ** (Top Dog Part 2)

- Now you can finally complete the Dog Map so this is the time to do it. At 50% you'll get a scene regardless of where you are in the
world map, at 85% completion head to Aurnion and head to the western section for a confrontation with Little Wolf. You'll also get
an attachment for Repede. At 95% you've essentially won. Head to Zaphias and go down to the tavern in the Lower Quarter. There
will be a dog near there and you'll get a scene with Repede where he'll get his title Great Boss. After this you can forget about it,
even though Little Wolf will still gradually take land. It'll be at a much slower rate and you already have everything the side quest
has to offer.

** After Aurnion is Built ** (Professor Sicily Part 5-6)

- In Heliord or Halure you can find Sicily. If Repede is over level 50 he'll get a weapon, the Murakumo, from Sicily.

- There are 7 joke weapons you can get from Professor Sicily when you
speak to him in Halure. They're rather easy to obtain and here's a
list of conditions you need to meet and whose weapon they're attached
Yuri - Perform a combo with over 200 hits.
Judith - Fight in a 1000 battles or more.
Rita - Deal over 10,000,000 damage all together in all battles.
Estelle - Looked at the grade chart after a battle harder than easy.
Repede - Win a battle in 3 seconds or less.
Karol - Escape 50 times or more.
Raven - Possess, on hand, over 1,000,000 Gald.

** After Aurnion is Built ** (Cow Boy Part 5)

- Head to Mantaic for the final Cow Boy Man Thing quest. If you give him a Silver Edge + 1 Alpha you'll get Spectacles, Krona
Symbol, Blue Dice, Reverse Doll, Holy Avenger, Super Electric Yoyo, Dragon Helm, Paladin Mantle, Black Onyx, Special Gel, Red
Sage, Hourglass, Alexandrite and Reverse Doll. A good deal if I ever saw one.

** After you Rescue Flynn ** (Brave Vesperia Guild Part 6)

- If you head to Dahngrest and head to the central square you'll meet one of Karol's old friends, Dyne. Afterwards meet up with him
again in Mantaic by the southern intersection for a scene, ouch suck to be him. I thought he was faking it the first time but he
actually turns out to have... problems. Anyways head to Mt. Temza and fight the Giganto Monster that's there. Afterwards go back
to Mantaic and speak to Dyne to complete the quest.
** After Aurnion is Built ** (Brave Vesperia Guild Part 7-9)
- It's time for the final guild quest, and also the longest and most annoying one. First off it starts in Mantaic. Head to the inn and
talk to the person there, he's the same one that requested the everlight in the earlier quests. Now head Dahngrest and talk to
Rhianna at the inn. Afterwards you're off to Nam Cobanda Island. You're looking for 2 humans in the NW section of the stall area.
They'll send you to Aurnion where you'll speak with Flynn who'll send you to the Noble's Quarter where you speak to the guard and
then it's off to the prison in the castle where you're going to speak with Cumore's Sister. Whew, half done. Afterwards it's a slog up
to Capua Nor and go towards the port. Off to the ghost ship we go. There will be a short fight as we catch up to the Butler but if
you have any trouble there's something wrong. Anyways afterwards the butler high tails it out of there, not sure how he got there
since there isn't any ship but yours. After that you're off to Caer Bocrom where you learn that ALL that chasing was actually for a
recipe to make delicious cucumbers. I'm not joking. But you are sent to someone who actually knows how to refine Everlight.
Anyways head to Union HQ in Dahngrest and talk to the man in the prison. He's not all there but he has what you need so you need
to feed him food to get him to spill his guts. The guard has some tips but essentially you need to make him some Okonomiyaki. You
just need the recipe. It's an offshoot dish so you'll need Estelle to cook Fried Chicken and Fires until she makes Scottish Eggs where
you then need Raven to cook that until he makes Okonomiyaki. I hope you've been cooking up to this point. Anyways, after you
make the food for the old man he'll give you the manual. Take the manual to the man in the Mantaic Inn to finish this long, tedious
and mind-numbing quest.

- After you've done the 7 guild quests head to the center of Dahngrest for 1 final scene about the guild.

- After all then guild quests head to Halure and up to the tree. Everyone's gathered there that you helped in the past and Rita will
get a very nice weapon, the Ivy Blade.

** After Aurnion is Built ** (Rebuilding the Union Part 3)

- If you set Raven as the on screen character and enter Aurnion Drake will be near the Blastia. Speak with him and Raven will get
his arte, the Vanji Lost.

** The Land of Hope, Aurnion ** (Hermes Memos Part 2)

- If you rest at the inn in Aurnion you'll see a scene between Rita and Judith finishing up the Study of Hermes Memos. There is
possibly more than 1. Just keep sleeping until no more scenes occur.

** After Aurnion is Built ** (Hot Springs Part 3)

- If you've paid the 900,000 Gald the manager of the Hot spring will ask everyone, except Repede, to help out with various tasks.
Everyone will get their various Hot spring titles.

** After Arunion is Built ** (Sundering Moon Part 2)

- If you go to the ruined Krityan city in Mt. Temza you can speak to one of the Krityan's there to get a new arte for Judith, her
Sundering Moon.

<< Rita the Seeker >> <SQ50>

This get one of Rita's best costume titles.
** After Aurnion is built **
- If the party as a whole has dealt over 60,000,000 damage over the course of the game (It's not that difficult since you should hit
half that from bosses alone) Rita can get her Seeker title by talking to one of the mages in Halure.

<< The Rending Drop >> <SQ51>

This'll get Karol probably his best arte, it's a must-do.
** After Aurnion is built **
- If you enter Capua Torim Karol will meet Nan and they'll spend the night together. The next morning Karol will have learned a new
technique: The Rending Drop.

<< To Infinity and ... >> <SQ52>

This sub quest gets Karol a ridiculous looking weapon, but it's powerful and his a skill on it so it's worth it.
** After Aurnion is Built **
- After Karol and Nan spend the night together in the above side quest you can get a very nice weapon for Karol by going to the
central square in Dahngrest. You'll get into a shouting contest. The first one he wins it, and Nan thinks a bit more highly (although
it has no effect on the outcome of the game) the second one he loses but is much more humorous. Either way he gets the weapon,
<< Illusion or Reality? >> <SQ53>
** After Aurnion is Built **
- There's a short scene in Yormgen if you go there and check out the red box in the broken down house.

<< The Final Gale >> <SQ54>

This side quest gets Yuri a new arte which is bad since it's one of his few range artes.
** The Land of Hope, Aurnion **
- If you enter Aurnion you'll speak with Flynn and Yuri will develop a new arte: Final Gale.

<< The Shining Star Side Quest >> <SQ55>

By this point if you've even attempted to keep up with learning skills and making weapons you'll have it.
** The Land of Hope, Aurnion **
- If Raven has learned 100 skills you can get his Shining Star title/costume by entering Aurnion. There will be a heart warming
scene to accompany it.

<< Estelle the Nurse >> <SQ56>

This gets Estelle a costume title
** The Land of Hope, Aurnion **
- There are several scenes involving the doctor in Aurnion. First off speak with the doctor in the inn for a scene. Afterwards rest and
speak to the doctor a second time. Then leave the Inn and speak to the man near the Inn, not the owner, the guy you helped
earlier. Afterwards once you've healed a certain amount of HP, up around 4,000,000, head back into the inn and speak with the
doctor. After a short scene Estelle will get her Dedicated Paramedic title/costume.

<< Short Scene in Aurnion >> <SQ57>

** The Land of Hope, Aurnion **
- There is a short scene between the 4 elemental spirits if you rest at the Inn in Aurnion.

<< The Tough Hound, Repede >> <SQ58>

If you spent any time developing your characters Repede will be beyond level 60 by this point.
** The Land of Hope, Aurnion **
- If Repede is level 60 or higher head to the western section of Aurnion for Repede's to get his Tough Hound title.

<< The Improvement of Aurnion Side Quest >> <SQ59>

** The Land of Hope, Aurnion **
- In Aurnion you can find another one of Yuri's old knight friends just south of the Knight HQ. Speak with him and hand over
materials to him for a total of three times. Whether or not he shows up is random. Sometimes it just takes a single re-entering of
Aurnion, other times it takes multiple sleeps and re-enters. But he'll be back eventually. List follows on next page.

These are what he asks for:

First time: 3xDesier Gold Dust, 3xHypionia Tree Bark and 3xYurzo Fruit.
- These are all relatively easy to get.
Second time: 3x Might Orb, 3xTreant Flower, 3xCrystal, 3xMystic Orb, and
3xGreat Leo Fang.
- These are a bit more difficult but they can all be found relatively
easily except for the Great Leo Fang which only come from select
search points very rarely and the final dungeon. Thankfully you
can exit the final dungeon at any time so it's not a big issue.
Third Time: 1xGreen Light Stone, 1xPitch-Black Ink, 1xRare Metal and
500,000 Gald.
- Only the Rare Metal is rare. It drops from Poseidon or from the
search points near Zaude, although the later is rare.

After the third time, sleep and exit/re-enter Aurnion. You will get a nice accessory and the joy of looking at a fully developed
Aurnion. If it's not finished you may need to sleep and/or fight a few battles to help pass the time.

<< The 100-Man Melee Challenge Letters >> <SQ60>

After you have done both of these you'll have obtained all 3 letters of invitation for the 100-man melee. Now you can do it to get
your best items and unlock the 200-man melee once you beat the Post-Game Dungeon.
** The Land of Hope Aurnion ** (100-Man Melee Part 1)
- When you enter Aurnion you'll probably get a scene with the guard at the front entrance. He'll give you an invitation from Flynn.
It's for the 100-man melee. You now have 2 of the 3 invitations needed to really get the most out of the 100-man melee.

** After Aurnion is Built ** (100-Man Melee Part 2)

- Enter Keiv Moc for a scene. You'll eventually end up saving Nan and obtaining both Karols' Golden Soldier title but the Hunting
Blades Invitation. With this you all the invitations. It's time to go do the 100-man melee, or when you feel you're ready. They have
great rewards, and titles for some characters. You also need to beat it with at least 3 to open up the 200-man melee post game.

** The Ancient Tower, Tarqaron ** (Fel Arms Part 6)
- If you keep backtracking from the final save point through the cave and out the newly opened eastern exit and all the way back to
the starting room you'll eventually come to a room with a lot of ladders. You'll need S-Ring 4 to make it through this. Work your
way across the ladders and to a light bridge leading to a new red area. There are 2 switches here along with the last 2 fel arms,
Susanoo and Uroboros. There are 2 more switches if you continue on that activates more light bridges and allows you an easy
access back to the beginning. With all seven Fel Arms, exit out Tarqaron and head to Aurnion. Afterwards head up and beat the end
boss. You'll fight his optional form because of this and if you beat it you'll unlock the Fel Arms. Their attack/magic rating is
dependant on the number of enemies killed by their wielder.

<< A Scene in the Tower >> <SQ61>

It's really just a nice little scene, might as well do it since you need to go that way for the Fel Arms anyways.
** The Ancient Tower, Tarqaron **
- Equip the Shining Star title and make Raven as the on screen character. From the last Memory Circle, back track and go east
through the cave system. Continue on down the side of the tower and back towards where the area you came from originally to
trigger a scene.

<< The Hope of the Town >> <SQ62>

Another title, required if you're going for the achievement.

** After Reaching the Final Save Point in Tarqaron **

- Use the final lift to return to the entrance. It's the lift on the left when you get to the top of the VERY long staircase just after the
final save point. If you head to Zaphias you can get a scene where Yuri will get the title Hope of The Town title.

Final End-Game or Even Post-Game Stuff

** Any time after killing all 9 Giganto monsters ** (Giganto Part 3)

- Once you have killed all 9 Giganto monsters head back to the travelers Inn by Halure and speak to Rich for Karol's Valiant
Swordsman title. Afterwards head to Capua Torim to speak with Rich's father and report back to Rich.

** After Aurnion has been constructed ** (Giganto Part 4)

- If you sleep at Traveler's Inn twice you'll get Repede's Shining Fang, Dog Crest and Repede's Ultimate Dog Warrior title

** After Aurnion is Built ** Monster Book (Part 3)

- If you've completed 100% of the Monster Book you can meet Nan in Capua Nor. It's a touching scene in my opinion and Karol will
get his Manly Man title.

** Anytime after Part 2 ** (Collector's Book Part 3)

- When you have completed 100% of the Collector Book head towards the fountain in Halure.

** After Beating the Game ** (Labyrinth of Memories Part 2)

- In Crag of Phaeroh, get near the weird portal thing. This portal will take you to Yormgen. Speak with the sage once more and
then leave. Head to Dahngrest and enter there and an earthquake will occur. If you leave and head west to Yurozea you'll notice
the big mountain range in the middle has just been demolished. Well there's the EX Dungeon, enjoy. You need 15 Fake Gald,
obtained randomly from bosses/chests in that dungeon, to face the final boss in there: The Traitor to Heaven. After beating him
you'll get the last invitation and be able to unlock the 200-man melee provided you've beaten the 100-man melee with at least 3

** After Beating the Game ** (Hot Springs Part 4)

- There is 1 final scene at the Yumanju hot springs if you talk to the receptionist with everyone's hot spring title costumes equipped.

<< The True Knight >> <SQ63>

This title is both a costume and a title, I'd say it's mediocre but it's required for the achievement.

** After Doing all 23 Secret Missions **

- If you've managed to complete all of the secret missions in 1 playthrough, yes it has to be the same playthrough, you can speak to
Flynn in Aurnion for Yuri to get his True Knight title. In ToV:DE, you can re-fight bosses at Nam Cobanda Isle, so use this if you
missed any.

<< The Curious Princess >> <SQ64>

You need to visit everywhere for this, even the Post-Game Dungeon.

** After Exploring Every Location **

- If you sleep at the Traveller's Inn after visiting every location, EX Dungeon and Aer Krene included, you'll get Estelle's Curious
Princess title.

** Misc PS3/DE additions**

- In Yormgen, speak with the Butler of the Nobles. At the western entrance to Zophier Rift, you can get a micro circuit. Report back
for costumes. Speak to the Butler and go to Halure. Go west and talk to Giovanni near the fountain for the Aer Board. Report back
for more costumes.

- Use tent items on the world map repeatedly to teach a move to Flynn.

- Find someone (Hisuka? This page) at Capua Nor to start the Sowrd Dancer sidequest. You can encounter him at the Weasand of
Cados, in the SE section, then North to the Deep Hollow region. Leave and head to the Aer Krene south of Zaphias. Near the center
you can fight him again. Then head to the Aer Krene north of Caer Bocram. Finally, head to the Aer Krene southeast of Yumanju.
When you have completed all fights, return to the NPC above to get a sword for Flynn.

- Continue sleeping at inns and talking to the receptionist at Yumanju. Apparently you can receive more things.

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