Sage Robbins Math Unit 2 Cover Letter

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Sage Robbins

Torrey 2
Unit Two
Cover letter:
For our unit this year we had a very discrete question that we had to base our project on.
The question was: ​What’s the “best” week-long four-person trip you can design to fit a $1000
per person budget?​ We ended up “booking a trip” to sun valley as it is a pronoun ski town. We all
like skiing and decided it would be fun to go on a ski trip. The town is also extremely cool with
beautiful views as we all like the mountains. We would probably have gone on hikes and explored
the town’s nooks and crannies. I believe the experience would have been great considering the
amazing sights, skiing, and town in the mountains.
Although going on a trip would be fun it would also be pretty expensive. Throughout the
project, we calculated food costs, lodging costs, and transportation with some fun activities as well.
We decided that the seven days we wanted to eat out 3 of them, our food cost equation was
78.51d+387.87=Y. The beginning sum $78.51 refers to the amount it would cost per person to eat
at restaurants and the d is the number of days eating out. The end sum is the amount it cost for
groceries for the remaining days. In more precise ways it would be $96.96 per person for groceries,
anyways the total sum for food on our trip would be $623.4 which is also Y. As we would need to
drive there we would need to rent a car. The equation for renting a car is 80.86x+133.31=Y. The
number of days renting the car would be x and we needed to rent it for 7 days. Then we multiplied
the amount to rent a car each day ($80.86) by seven. Of course, we needed gas and it would be a
total of $133.31 round trip. Adding the sums gave us the final amount of money for transportation
which is $699.33 also Y. Each night spent there would come out to be 200 dollars each night for
the hotel. We ended up spending 7 nights so the total amount for lodging would be $1,400. All of
these sums would come out to be 2722.73. After finding out all of the necessities it left us with
1277.27 which helped us bus ski tickets and other cool things in the town. The total sum of our
whole trip with food, transportation, lodging, and fun things to do came out to be $3,999.99.
We wanted to go to japan or Puerto Rico at first but to go to these places the costs for
traveling alone were $500-$1000 which would have been most of our money. Slo as a group we
have to find another place to go near the end of the project. This was a bit challenging because we
didn’t have much time left and we struggled to get somewhere. Still having to do lodging and
transportation costs we got stressed. We soon found a place and decided to work really hard to get
back to where we needed to be. We decided to go to sun valley which was way cheaper all around
yet still would be great. We could have gone to Japan or Puerto Rico but it would have been a very
plain trip with no fun activities or going out to eat. We decided that we wanted to do stuff so we but
the challenge behind us buckled our seatbelts and found a place where we could do stuff. This
challenge flew by us as we collaborated and worked extremely hard. Even on days where we were
lazy or sick we still pushed through. With this, we also decided to eat out a few more days so we
could experience the culture and not have to cook while there at least a few days. This was a great
decision and we still have a lot of spending money afterward which we spent on skiing and things
for ourselves. In the end, I am glad we solved the conflict by choosing a less expensive trip and
working as hard as we did so our trip came through.

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