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Adjectives of Attitude List amused + disdainful angry + disgruntled apathetic + disgusted appreciative disinterested arrogant + dreamy artificial * droll audacious + earnest authoritative * ecstatic awe * elated bantering + elevated belligerent > encouraging benevolent * energetic brave + enthusiastic callous + erudite calm + excited caustic + exuberant cheerful + facetious cheery + fanciful d + flippant choleric + forthright coarse + friendly cold + furious comical + giddy compassionate + gloomy complimentary + happy condemnatory + harsh condescending + hateful condescension + haughty confident + hopeful consoling + humorous contemplative + hurtful conventional + impassioned critical + indignant cynical + inflammatory disappointed + insolent @ List of Adjectives Appearance Adjectives | Color Adjectives | Condition Adjectives adorable orange, alive beautiful 8 yellow important semorous . green tender magpiticent purple ever old-fashioned white better Feeling (Ead) Adjectives| Feeling (Good) Adjectives! Lumsy ble chubby d agreed i ‘embarassed ee kind @ ia e jets @ sete @ mysterious: ‘fait ve © | sige © a ; 5, se lange melodic ancient acs vise Bm sal quiet rapid immence s ‘thundering old-fachioned tiny. whispering early Taste/ Touch Adjectives} Touch Adjectives: Quantity Acfectives delcieus breeze empty nutitious Seaman chilly e-y heavy 8 fresh ~~ boiling numerous wr gag | cay (EY) | oe e G yong cool sparse (=) Adjectives of Adjectives are used in the sentence to deseribe notns to distinguish from other novns. Adjectives are words that describe the kind of noun its quality, amount, quantity state ete inthe sentence, Whole Heavily Substantial Enough Empty Hundreds Little Great Double All Couple Sparse Hundred Half Each No Much Full Some Insufficient Huge Sufficient ‘Abundant Several Any Light Significant Few Numerous Couple of days Most Single Alot Enough of ‘

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