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To the Independent Housing Ombudsman.

Aldwych House . London. WC2R OAA .

Eleven Pages.

Complaint Number -2000905307-London&Quadrant H.T

Dear Sirs.

I need your help in the following matter:

The Problem:

I am being subjected to constant campaign of harassments and

Thugery by my neighbours People living at flats Number Two
and Number Three.

I do not know anyone in the building. Nor do I wish to know

any of them therefore I shall refer to them by their flat

This person living at flat two is having an obsession with me.

1-Since I moved to this building in October -2004. On the Friday

of the very first week there was a fire at the communal
washetria inside the building.

On that morning i saw the male living at flat Number Two

acting suspiciously in the washtria.

2-Since then there has been several fires and the fire brigade
had to be called at least on three occasions!

3-When I first moved to this building I was using this washetria

at least Once A Week.

However the person at flat Number Two exploited this occasion

to hurl insults and abuses at me including four letter words
each and every time!

Therefore I reduced my washing to once a month to avoid him

as much as possible.

During the first year of my stay at this address he kept

accosting me too often and so frequently that I once
confronted him shouting :

What is your problem Mister?


b-Homoswexuality ??Because I am not gay.

c-Drugs? ? ?

Whatever its ?I am not interested so just buzz off and leave me


4-On Sunday 12 /July 2009 while I was attempting to do my

washing he repeated his insults and provocations!

Including the use of four letter words at me .on that particular

day The man was not looking for a fight !He was begging for a

Therefore I have had to stop completely using this communal

washetria for the past nine months .

5-Having stopped me from using the washetria he is now trying

to stop me from going in and out of the building by intercepting
me and blocking my way in the narrow corridors!

Now i dread it whenever i go in or go out of the building!

6-Two years ago or there about when the couple living at

Number Three(which is directly opposite me)moved in .

This person living at Flat Number Two recruited the couple in to

his campaign against me and started instigating them to harass
me by burning whatever they are burning to produce the most
obnoxious of all smokes and repugnant smells you can imagine.

These acts of spite in smells and smoke one day were so strong
that the Fire Alarm was sounding nearly all day Sunday until
the Fire Brigade was called (Sunday-8th/feberuary/2009.

7-Therefore I complained to my landlord (L&Q) and they sent a

team leader by the name Ms Tawny Manning to hear my
complaints on Tuesday the 20 th-october -2009.

8- How Sick Are They?

"When neighbours make a point of getting up at 4 A.M !Yes

would you believe it at dawn just to execute very ill natured
deeds of harassment towards a total stranger then does this
requires any more comments ?"

The following weeks after I complained, the problem instead of

getting better got worse! Real bad ! !

For example on Sunday the 15th/Nov/2009 i was woken up

about 5-A.M in the morning by strong smells and smokes. Yes
would you believe it !At dawn! ? !

I did not open the door because I did not want any physical
confrontations. However through a slit in the door (the letter
box where I can see them but they cannot) I saw the person
from Number Two holding open the fire door seperating my
section of the buildind from his and using it as a fan to

deliberately pump the smoke towards me ! ? ! To harass me

before dawn! ?

Would you believe? At dawn! ? !

Now I ask you if these are not deliberate acts of harassments,

spite and defiance to my complaints. What is??

9- Please remember this is just one example among many?

Too many and too sick to mention.

Sometimes practiced Hourly not just daily !

Because this person living at Flat Number Two in particular

have been a constant source of pain and harassment from day
one of moving in to this building.

10-The situation now is like having their kitchen inside my

bedroom! How would you feel if that happened to you?

11-These obnoxious smoke and smells are so severe that it’s

Not Uncommon to hear the fire alarm going with it!

12-Now: I cook so does everyone else in the building cooks but

we do not trigger the fire alarm each and every time we cook.

13-Ms Tawny Manning in order to cover up these serious crimes

of harassments she diverted the issue in to that of me
complaining about the fire alarms Let me make it absolutely
clear that what I am complaining about is not the fire alarms
but what causes these to be triggered.

14-He(The person from flat two) is in the habit of hanging

outside my window at and around midnight.

15-On 4th/May /2006. I found Rashers of Ham and of Bacon

put on my window sill from the outside !

16-Again on the Midnight ! Sunday 10th-11th /March/2008 i

was burgled from that window.

17- In Particular He seems to lose his marbles (Mind)

whenever he notices if Any Of My Neighbours That Happened
to be a Female was saying hello to me! Or I am saying hello to
them! ? !

18-Needless to say that this exercise in Thugery &Harassment

directed against me is clearly designed and conducted to chase
me out of my present accommodation .

And I would have moved like I moved Thousand Times before !

If only I knew that moving will solve my problems or theirs.


“I do not want letters promising me more letters! I want this

thugery to stop right now? This Christmas !And its Christmas

1-There have been several correspondences between myself

the M.P for Richmond and there again between the M.P. and the
landlord (L&Q )about this problem that goes back to the year
2004 when i first moved to this building !

2-The well as i myself have written to the chief

executive of L&Q.

3-I have gone to Richmond police station delivering by hand

Thirty Two supportive documents.Reference-01-0001705.

4-I have taken the copies of the same documents to Ms Tina

Maid Man of Richmond Council-Social Behaviour Strategy Team.

They referred me to :

5- Neighbourhood Nuisance Officer.

Here again there was no joy

As you may kindly observe I am simply chasing my tail on top of

being the recipient of a very dirty and well organised
SYSTEMATIC campaign of harassments and thugery .

For further details please see the enclosed supportive

documents. Of Thirty Seven Pages .


South"Reference:01-0001705/Team 557.

A-- Breaking and Entering.

Dear Sirs.

With particular reference to my complaint against my

neighbour the Tenant Living at Flat Number Two whom i still
do not know his name.

I would like to Draw your kind attention to the following

serious matter.

Whenever this person accosted me or intercepted me in the

past six years ? I noticed a Pungent Foul Smell coming from his

I have got very good memory for smells.

Last Friday night the 26/Feb./2010 .When I returned to my

place I found it filled with odour identical to that distinctive
foul smell belonging to this person living at Flat Number Two.

Therefore I fear that he may have had broken and entered my

flat while I was out .

This perhaps explains why he kept accosting me in the First

Place so that he can pretend to be a friend of mine if he ever
was caught going in and out of my place or seen by other
tenants doing so while i was out .

It’s not difficult for any one Determined to break in and enter
my place especially if they lived in the same building !

For example he could have Copied The Key from the previous
tenant of my flat Ms Scanlon .I believe they were close friends .

Nothing was missing because i have nothing valuable to miss.

However each time this happens and it has happened few time
before? I take ill! Very ill ! ? ! Please can you help ?


Intercepting My My Post.

Dear Sirs.

The obsession of this person at flat number two with me has

reached the point that he actually establishes rapport with

postman and like a snake sometimes duping the postman in

to giving him my letters by pretending that I was away and that

he was doing me a favour ! ? !

Finally we ask: Who is this guy ?

This person living at flat Number Two??

Is he some kind of Licensed Thug (in Residence )?

Is he Licensed Criminal? ?

Torturer in residence ?? ? Above the law ? ! ? Or what ?? ?


Every one seems to be covering up his crimes of harassment

and thugery against me ! ? !

Whatever it’s let me assure you that they will achieve nothing

by their campaign of thugery and harassments except

poisoning the atmosphere of the neighbourhood that is all.

Please give this matter your kind and urgent attention as I am

left in despair as to what else can I do next?

Since I have had exhausted all the above avenues.

Yours Respectfully-

Isam December/2009.

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