Feedback Assignment Salyer

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Abby Salyer

EDMA 6421
9 December 2019
Feedback Practice Assignment
Learning Objective of Assessment:
Students will be able to determine whether two quantities are proportional by modeling a real-
life situation and justifying conclusions through mathematical reasoning.
Example of Feedback given to Student:
 You correctly determined which punch mixes were proportional in #3 and justified your
conclusions by using the cross-product method.
 To determine which punch taste juicier use a part: whole ratio to compare the juice
 Revisit #1 and answer the question using one of the methods you used in #2-#3 to show
your reasoning.
 Score Received: R – Please revise #1 and provide your mathematical reasoning. Also try
using a part: whole ratio to determine which punch mixes are juicer in #2.
The feedback given to the student restated the learning objective and noted that the student
had met the learning objectives as shown in #3 on the assessment. By restating and evaluating
the student’s demonstration of the learning objectives, the feedback given references the goals of
the lesson and assessment.
The feedback is user-friendly, tangible and transparent by specifically using examples of the
student’s work from the assessment. For example, the feedback states what mathematical
justification the student used in #3 on the assessment. By using specific examples from the
student’s work on the assessment, the student is given tangible evidence from their own work to
help explain the feedback received Further, using the student’s work to help explain the feedback
also supports the user-friendly aspects of the feedback.
On the assessment, this student initially misunderstood how to create proportional
relationships in #1. However, the student demonstrating correct reasoning when creating
proportional relationships later on in the assessment on #3. The feedback shown above is
actionable by suggesting the student use their own mathematical reasoning and justification
methods to revisit initial misunderstandings in #1 on the assessment.
Constructing Feedback Reflection:
In addition to focusing my feedback on the four aims described above (goal-referenced,
tangible and transparent, actionable, and user-friendly), I also tried to focus on the following
three questions when constructing the feedback:
1. Where am I going?
2. How am I going?
3. Where to next?
By constructing feedback that answers the questions above, the feedback will be further
focused on the aims of being goal-orientated and actionable. In practicing constructing feedback
through this assignment, I found using specific examples from the students work helped in
providing more tangible, transparent, and user-friendly feedback. Similar to listening to students’
understanding and using their understanding to further their conceptual thinking, using specific
evidence from students’ work to construct feedback is helpful for creating formative feedback
that students can use to further their mathematical understanding to achieve the desired learning

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