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does your Digital Strategy pivot?

Where does your Digital Strategy pivot?

Ferran Herraiz Faixó

May, 2017

In a digital framework, what kind of game does your company

and managers tend to play… Golf, Tennis or Baseball?

Player as a …

When the company decides the type of the game, at the same
time, decides to comply with the rules and the flows. Once the
game is decided, the company can´t be changing immediately.

Let me mix these ideas.

When some businesses want to digitize they have, among others,

three big ways. Start with digitize (d) their inputs (in vision
process), d→ X →, digitize their output (out vision) X →d←, or
both at the same time…. (360º vision) →d← X →d←. The
starting point will determine the result.

Digitization is like a game. The key is to know before which game

you want to play. Golf player selects the best suit golf sticks,
according to the distance to go and the conditions of the
Ferran Herraiz Faixó

Where does your Digital Strategy pivot?

environment (among others things). It makes a progressive
approach ball towards its hole, test and error using the best
technology of backwards forward. Golf player is obsessed with
continually improving his swing. But the hole does not speak, has
no answers and all efforts are centered on the player and his
processes. Regarding this point, there are some companies that
are determined to digitize from that point, with a short look. The
digital strategy of the company pivots on launching the product
towards the customer as accurately as possible for this to buy. Are
those that follow the service paradigm “fire and forget” (I sell you
a thing…I hope I never hear from you again). But the progressive
deployment of technology will force them to change
(Weichselbaum, 2015). Customer wants something else.

On the other hand, we have the companies that are digitizing as a

tennis game. They start to play from the client and go back in
search of offering value, adapting their system in order to reduce
the gap between digital customer and analogical of their company.
This type of game requires observing and deciding depending on
the response of the “opponent” (customer) but does so from a
180º vision without looking back. It has a response orientation
without fully analyzing the previous processes. Their advantage is
the speed but its weakness; lack of efficiency. This firms needs to
think that in the future the key point of companies will be to use
technology rather as a catalyst with the goal of increasing and
enhancing their capabilities with customers and workers
(Technology Vision, 2017). This type of companies lacks
integration. Customer vision without good processes is not
enough. They should know that digital strategy it’s not just about

Finally, we have cases where the two perspectives are tackled at

the same time in a sort of 360º vision as in the baseball. Here the
game is back to front, front to behind and forward again. The
company elaborates from front-to-back and back-to-front all
customer response. The process is continuous, dynamic,
productive and customer oriented. Why? Because new context is
Ferran Herraiz Faixó

Where does your Digital Strategy pivot?

here and firm in order to compete in the digital age, they must
improve the customer experience while at the same time
achieving efficiency in their processes too (Gil et al, 2017).

Digital point of view (FH 2017)

So, when you begin digitizing your company, keep in mind where
you start. If you do from a golf vision you will get efficiencies until
your product will be commoditized, because the efficiencies
themselves and by themselves in the long run will be sold out. If
you only look at offering value to your client and nothing else, your
inefficiencies absorb you and stop being competitive.

But, if you do it from a 360º perspective, long run vision and

progressive process you will deliver a true customer experience,
sustainable with impact on your efficiency improvement, your best
revenue and most importantly, with continuous innovation flow.
That is what digitization is all about, applying 360º technologies
throughout all the organization chain with special focus on
customer, processes and people, “360º continuum”.


Ferran Herraiz Faixó

Where does your Digital Strategy pivot?


Gill, M., Schadler, T., 2017. Digitize your business strategy.

Executive Overview: The digital
business transformation playbook. Forrester.

Technology Vision, 2017. “Amplifyou”. Technology for

people. The era of intelligent
Enterprise (Accenture Report)

Weichselbaum, P, 2015. The Internet of things changes the

company customer relationship.
HBR, June 2015

Ferran Herraiz Faixó

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