Nacelle cfm56

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A340/ CFM56-

CFM56-5C Focus Team

Nacelle Structure
Paris July 2014
- Maher Ramlaoui (UTAS)

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Fwd Hexcel IFS disbond
• Background
• Go forward plan

Hexcel OFS disbond

• Background
• Go forward plan


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1- Fwd Hexcel IFS disbond

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1-1- Background
Reported cases
• 19 findings since 2004 (4% of Hexcel fleet), including 13 in HOT/WET environments
• All cases occurred after more than 11 years since EIS

HOT/WET zones the most concerned by Hexcel IFS disbonds

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1-1- Background (cont’)

Damage detection
• Fwd IFS disbonds will eventually lead to
Decrease of nacelle temperature on wing
Thermal blanket inflation and lifting
Pressure relief (blow-out) door deployment
• Detected during walk around or when opening C-ducts (MPD task 783200-C5-1)

blankets lifting
Fwd. IFS skin

Root cause analysis

• Failure mode similar to FWD Alcore core IFS disbond, but at lower speed than Alcore
Bond failure between honeycomb and primer
HOT/WET ageing accelerates the bond failure

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Hexcel IFS disbonds at lowest speed than Alcore core
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1-2- Go forward plan

Containment plan
• Case by case one-off repairs using SB RA34078-67 kit parts (Alcore IFS kit parts)
proposed in case of findings

Action plan under review at CFM/Airbus level

• On wing, Nacelle temperature monitoring for all operators located in HOT/WET zone
On a daily basis, based on Monitoring SB RA34078-66 issued for Fwd Alcore
For C-ducts having accumulated more than 10.000 FH or 3.000FC
• In shop, inspection by tap-test on IFS exposed area, if thermal blanket is removed
• Repair procedure
Similar to the Fwd Alcore IFS repair procedure (doubler and kits proposed in SB RA340-67)
Contact your UTAS representative in case of finding

Next step
• Pending on CFM/Airbus agreement, the action plan will be proposed as a first step to
HOT/WET operators through a Service Bulletin (SB)
• HOT and CONTinental zones will be treated as a revision of issued SB

Visibility on Actions status provided during next Focus Team calls

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2- Hexcel OFS disbond

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2-1- Background
Reported cases
• 7 OFS Hexcel disbonds since 2011 confirmed
Found during SB RA34078-93 implementation (OFS tap test inspection)
6 findings in HOT/WET zone, and 1 finding in CONT zone
• 4 others potential OFS Hexcel found disbonded
Under investigation
• No disbond before 6,400 FC

Root cause analysis

• Failure mode similar to Alcore OFS core disbond
Bond failure between honeycomb and primer
HOT/WET ageing accelerates the bond failure
• Hexcel OFS core disbond at lower speed than Alcore core disbond

HOT/WET zones the most concerned

Hexcel core disbond at lower speed than Alcore core
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2-2- Go forward plan
Containment plan
• OFS panel to be replaced by using SB RA34078-75 kit parts (Alcore OFS kit parts)
• No repair application possible based on structural analyses

Hexcel OFS Action plan under review at CFM level

• Mandated SB RA34078-93 to be revised
Between 10,900FC (instead of 10,000FC) and 12,800FC to comply with Design Service Goal
(DSG= 20,000FC) Tap test to be re-applied on tested OFS prior to 10,900FC
OFS to be replaced if found disbonded
6 o’clock latch fitting replacement required if OFS found disbonded above 11,600FC
• New SB to be issued to request Tap test inspection of whole Hexcel OFS family
Between 10,900FC and 14,700FC
OFS to be replaced if found disbonded
6 o’clock latch fitting replacement required if OFS found disbonded above 13,800FC

Next step
• Action plan under Engineering review
Mandated SB RA34078-93 will be revised to introduce new threshold
New SB effectivity proposed for HOT/WET operators

Visibility on Actions status provided during next Focus Team calls

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3- Alcore OFS disbond status
Alcore OFS Action plan still in progress
• Mandated Alcore OFS replacement per SB RA34078-75 before 12,800FC
Mandated per AD 2006-0298 Rev1, implemented in Fleet at 75%
OFS to be replaced by improved OFS design
6 o’clock latch fitting replacement requested per SB RA34078-66, if OFS not replaced prior to
• Mandated tap test inspection per SB RA34078-93 to identify additional Alcore disbonds
outside SB RA34078-75 effectivity
Mandated per AD 2011-0174
Tap test to be done between 10,000FC and 12,800FC
OFS to be replaced if found disbonded
6 o’clock latch fitting replacement required if OFS found disbonded after 11,600FC

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3- Conclusion

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3- Conclusion

Fwd IFS disbond

• Alcore core disbonds repaired or replaced per mandated SB RA34078-67
• Hexcel core disbonds
At slower speed than Alcore core
Repaired on a case-by-case basis waiting for CFM/Airbus agreement on proposed fleet plan
Hot/Wet zones the most concerned

OFS disbond
• No repair applicable based on structural analyses
• Alcore core panel replaced per mandated SB RA34078-75
• Hexcel core family
Disbond at slower speed than Alcore core
Pending on finding, replacement of the disbonded OFS on a case-by-case basis waiting for technical
agreement on proposed fleet plan
Hot/Wet zones the most concerned

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