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Saturday, April 01 . 2006. APRIL FOOi.c DAI!

Roily Milier
for a fool" today, She called and realiy »took
said that
Retth was coming in
this morning and I was to pick him
up !
1 SWaUowed the
and sinker!" V
/ not storyi
so successful with hook, line,
my efforts to "fool It
went to the meditation class at Kaiser. People. We
Mary Lou went to t'
Re afternoon
session of General Conference. I went hood Mtg
Shaw to General Priest-/!
Keith Shaw called early this
^ -U CN
oo corning. He is out on the
J; O paper routes of his sons . He says that he
O' On
en3oys walking with his
^ oo O
He encouraged me ot follow up on the application for
n 3 (/)«
c£ yr JxZ the loan from Sacra-
00 p O mento Housing and Redevelopment,
O n .i: for repairs on this house.
o' in ^ I'11 have to
call them soon. He is trying to get some government jobs,
up in Montana,
etc. asked ,i f Roger Sandry had a#ai
(MJ r compressor and stapling gun, to put
I composition shingl es on roofs. I guess that it is all "a matter of money."

I generally have to start sprinkling the lawns, around

April 1st. This year the rains have continued later than usual. I don’t

look forward to dragging the hoses around the lawn areas to supply water. :

The meditation class was enjoyable. The leader even

gave us a small candle and asked us to look at the flame and visualize the

A image on cur minds. We are to try to do this exercise, at home. I did an

April Fool’s ’’joke,” on the leader lady. I told her that she had a phone

call across the hall. She moved a bit and that made It all worth while.

Mike Tupper, R.N • y sent a print-out of my blood draw

I still need to lower my triglycerides There are also other

scores. Wednesday of next week,
I am looking forward to the MULTIFIT on/
’’scores" that need attention.
session of general con-
Mary Lou went to the afternoon
the congregation. He has
Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley spoke to
ference also.
1950. He has known all of the
authOTity since, at least,
been a general

Church presidents Ve\ *

Shaw, at
back yard,
games closet.
i; b..«».«i°” anj irs.’S.w ptes-
"tolerance of other races, at t ^ wonder about J»obs
also spoke Faust also spoke. They ag ^““““real posslbllty^ TG®r*aa
and Pres. l gainst the Church. That the young men. g 8»*ayill

Authority al Q ,_
WWW.HCPM,CO[n / > pvi U

Saturday semifinal Saturday semifinal
GEORGE MASON 58 Florida vs. UCLA, 6 p.m. TV: *03X32) LSU45 :

Sunday, April 2, 2006. The "l^nal Four" came down to the "Final TwoV It will

be Florida versus University of California at Los Angeles tomorrow at 6 p.m.

Mary Lou attended the last two sessions of General Conference (broadcast) to­
day at the Stake Center. She was impressed with President Gordon B. Hinckley’s
energy and strong messages. Holly Miller came over to dish out the new pills.
We called Karen Blakely in Riverbank, CA. We will visit there on April 13th.

The time changed today. We "spring forward," at this

time of the year. I have some difficulty seeing the instruction on the clocks,
to change the time. The clock radio in our bedroom is correct again, after
not being changed for six months, at the time of the last time change.

It was a slow day for me and I slept a lot. Mary Lou

came home with Deanne Ellsworth from the conference broadcast. Deanne is a
very independent lady. She must have been a good missionary, over in Rus sia.
She told Mary Lou about her difficulties with her transmissions on her truck.
She usej1 the truck to pull the mobile home, when she travels. £fre has
a protection contract on the truck and Ford Motor Company has to piift i#
transmissions for her, when the other one is not functional. They will
© :
not up-grade the transmission so Deanne keeps after them, to fulfill the con-
tract. Deanne had some problems with her legs. She now walks all right.
sfl VS
Holly spoke a little about Jared Mille^r. She/ that
./he works and goes to Sierra College and owns an automobile an ays for his
W insurance and gasoline, etc. She says that he does not use dfugs/or other
harmful substances. She didn’t talk much about his involvement with the young
lady in his life, Holly seems to think that Jared is exhibiting acceptable ;
behavior. She says that he does not keep his room clean--it is always a mess!
Holly and Karen Blakely had been in touch by telephone. !
I called Karen, Bruce and* Karen seem to be doing all right. Karen also said
that Beth and Sherman Parker are doing all right, Their daughters have visited
them recently and that made Beth feel better. Karen said that Thursday, April
13th would be a good day to come and visit them. She will notify Maxine ©wen.

Mary Lou was on the phone today about the illness of

Neal Abbott, He is in the Veteran’s Administration hospital in Birmingham, Ala-
bama. The medical people Lgive him approximately six months to live. That
would be in October of this year. Tom Callahan called, concerned about Neal A.
Neal’s daughter, Lind* also called Lou. Neal has some Social Security and
Veterans Administration benefits but he doesn’t have any death or burial insur­
ance. They are making $190 a month payments on their home in Alabaster, AL

The MULTIFIT program will begin on Wednesday of i

this week. I don’t know quite what to expect of that program? The
meditation session will be on next Saturday morni/fO, as usual. Mike should ^
come tomorrow and help us with with projects around the house and yard. He is
a busy man but he makes time for us, as his parents, I must pay the bills for
the month. I have approximately $3,400’ in the bank so paying the bills and
11 fiimil Inrinmi farpfl this month should not be a ©roblem. We probably will
A o • r\ r\ r\
Monday, April 3, 2006. MaV"ch winds and April showers go together to make |

May flowers." We had more of the showerfpart today.

The rain came down
aridjLore is expected this week. w
Mike did not come to help us this morning 1
but he called us, later in the day. He has been in contact with the Sacto
Housing and Redelopment Agency. I hope we can make some progress on the
house loan, from the Agency. I paid the bills and sent out the checks.

It was raining this morning so we called Mike and told

him not to come here today. He said that the negotiations with L. & H.
Builders I been called off with not much hope that the talks can be re-
Of fice
newed . Mike called the Redevelopment/and there is some hope that we can

get the remodeling loan, From what Mike determine^ the loan between
lOK apd $5OK We; made up a lis
fth^ir ^own workers so Keith^could nor do the work. il
Mary Lou keyboarded the list of work that we'd like to have accomplished.

The roof is still leaking, in the kitchen. Getting a

new roof is a priority with us. The plastic sheet p laced on part of the

roof, held out the rain, for a while. A shingle/ . -off, sheathing in-

stalled and good shingles (composition) would cost around $10K. The other

work would be expensive but all worth it, if we plan to stay in house.

The Adult Education office called and wanted an attend-

ance report. Lou will take over the Family History class on Wednesday,

04/05/06. Glenda Lloyd will be going out-of-town and Adult Education is

offering the class to Mary Lou. Glenda has done a good job. She is or-

ganized and moves along well, in her teaching. I hope that Lou can handle

most of the wall clocks1'to the new time. The

batteries shoul cj^be replaced in the clocks. Do we have the right size of

batteries, to make the changes? The Florida Gators beat the UCLA Trogans

•in t-hp final same of the NCAA Tournament. The score was like 73-56 *
" r ' Lou made out a duplicate statement for Sun Oaks Dental.
The dentist’s office people say that they did not get the statement-, sent
about a month ago. They are usually very prompt, in their paying habits.
The bills totaled about $1,750. With the Tax bite of $1,100 coming up,
lug paying Jack Everett, for the tax preparation, will use up nearly all
vof theV $3 400 that 1 have in my checking account now. We should be get-
* approximately $200 from the State Franchise Tax Board—hoorayl
ting back i
Tuesday, April 04, 2006. We picked up our completed income tax returns at Jack

Everett's office. That is a fast nturn-around-time," as we had the tax appoint-

lent on Thursday, March 30th. 51 to the feds,y a total

of $3,024. We will be . refund of $237 fro

We signed the returns and have them ready to mail aJ charged us a fee of $25H

p *• Jack E. set us up with a pre-payment j

p ay ab j6/i5 ,.9 Li 5 , and l/16/07with payments of $190, each three or four

months. t think that we will have to use the estimated tax progr^ as.

Lou will not be working so much this year.Last year she earned $17,093 ,/ FCUSD.

It rained hard today. It was still looking like rain

tonight. I wear that "Tailgate^ •.jacket," and that keeps me warm. I s aw a

TV special of trucks going across,Siberia, in the winter. The temps were down

to about 50° below zero and the/ froze up. It wo ill d be rough to live i'n ~
J&'U' *
such a cold country. Maybe I should not complain about the cold/ '

We called Mia, at the Sacto Redelopment and Housing

office. She said that she wants to go over £he figures on the loan

application. Mary Lou sent the list^ of work to be done on this house,

we get the loan from Sacto Rede^J/elopmen t. Ren called and said that

L,. & H. Builders are not going through with the/ or|i ouse purchase.

Tomorrow is the time for the MULTIFIT program. I hope

that Mary Lou can go to the group with me. She always gets so much out of those
Kaiser Health P L an classes. I hope that I can get back on a diet that will

permit me to lose weight. Maybe I am expecting too much of the MULTIFIT class.

Mary Lou went to the home beauty shop and t^a^ her^^i^ir
flowers for the floral group. sler///c'ame to the
"set." She picked up clasj

floral techniques session and showed the folks how to/ a flower cake. Lou

took up a collection for Sherry, to cover her expenses. Sherry liked to receive

the money. Sherry has a lot of energy and pep.

Jesse, the ..custodian, told about another robbery
attempt, at the Senior Center. He said the bad guys carried a knife and
a gun. Jesse said that they "pistol whipped him." That is a dangerous 4/
job. He said that more security features will be added to the Center.
I watched the Sacto Kings get beat badly by the Dallas
Mavericks. The Kings play the San Antonio Spurs tomorrow night. The University
of Maryland beat Duke University for the NCAA womensTs title. That was the
ftlfff championship for Maryland. The NCAA and NIT basketball games are over now.
■ -— .

ROSEVILLE, CA 95661-3734
(916) 791-1447

April 1,2006

Dear Robert and Mary,

Enclosed is your 2005 Federal Individual Income Tax Return. The original should be signed at
the bottom of page two. Both spouses should sign. There is a balance due of $751.

Make your check payable to the "United States Treasury" and mail your Federal return with
Form 1040-V payment voucher on or before April 17, 2006 to:


P.O. BOX 7704
SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94120-7704

Enclosed is your 2005 California Individual Income Tax Return. The original should be signed

# return. You will receive, a refund of $237. / f

n[i you
Mail your California reafurn on or before April 17, 2006 to:


P.O. BOX 942840
SACRAMENTO, CA 94240-0009

Your 2006 estimated tax payment schedule is listed below. Mail your payments to the address
shown on your estimated tax payment vouchers.

Due Date Federal

4/17/06 $ 190
6/15/06 190
9/15/06 190
1/16/07 190

$ 760
/ z.t
v H
Please be sure to call if you have any questions. m
Sincerely, .
■ -

y ■m
I .
Wednesday,j 05, 2006. This was our 56th Wedding Anniversary Date.. \

Soren and Keith Shaw/ Also ? Hol3,y and Melissa. Miller, Michael Shftw ■

3tlso remembered us. We went to the Kaiser Multifit class and enjoyed it.
We have to track our eating and our exercising. That will be a chore.
I found a "valuable treasure," when I found Mary Lou Abbott & married .her-.
Gayle wished us well. She has a lot of her family mem- j
bers, at home, over the Spring break. Keith called early. I told him i
about Sacto Redelopment hiring their own building contractors.
I talked

to Sandy Shaw also. She seemed quite depressed. Holly called from her )

work and wished us well. Mike Shaw called and wished us a happy anniversary
A ■

Mia , from Sacto RedeJ_velopment, called and wanted more )

information on our income. Lou will mail in a copy of her STRS income /
s t a t emen t. The office people are trying to see if rwe qualify for a loan,

cons idering our yearly income.

Mike Tupper told about being an emergency roon/ nurse

for over 25-years. He likes his job with^ Multifit program. He talked
about the heart and the^ork of that marvelous body organ. He had some

overhead transparencies to help explain about the heart and it’s work. He
r J about the use of tobacco and it’s harmful effectyon the circulatory

system. He also is in favor of> suitable exercise.

Mike/had a kit of papers/to fill out and return to him.

He "factored in" our blood work and the questionaire that he mailed to us.

So , it looks like I must take a record of what I eat and also my work in

exercising. The eight or so class members told about their "heart event,

and of their recovery. Some had by-pass surgery and others had "stents”

inserted in their hearts. It was quite a diverse group of patients.


I have a lot of heart-related literature to read and

"digest," I am coming to be more familiar with the heart terminology^and

I have some work to do, to comply and report ^l^t?
medical terms.

class. Mary Lou enrolled me and paid kAett-

ed . Lou 'had a research hand-out and
to the Boston, Massachusetts area for the 1940's and 1950's. He was al*o
his work in the Civil Air Patrol, in He is a military photographer afid ;
in the Airforce, after that time. saw Greg, the custpdian. A
likes to talk about his exploits. we
Thursda ril 6, 2006. The Church of Jesus Christ of LDS was organized

r. years if^o, in 1830. It is a strong and vibrant organization. Rene Delgado

came by this morning and said that he would lower the prices, on the lots.

if Maybe that will attract some buyers. The carpenters came and worked on
the entrance to the house. They put in a frame for the ramp. They should be

back soon to put in the foot-boards and the rails, etc. We ran some errands.

Rene Delgado seems like he is "o.n our side." to get

h\ L S
the house and/or lots sold. He had a sheet of/ land for sale. ^It was long with

only a few sales being made. He thinks that the lowered prices will attract

some potential buyers. ..We called Michael Shaw. He will met with Rene & Scott.

I mailed the California state tax return. I wonder how

long that it will take for the $237 refund to come through from the state? I

^ will mail the check for the County taxes tomorrow. It is due on Monday, which

is 4/10/06. I will mail the fedelr^ return in about a week from now.
Mary Lou went to Janie Erickson’s art studio for her
_ :■

oil painting lesson.

to Ryan Shaw.
Lou is completing a- mountain scene, to be given

Mary Lou had some floral orders from the dentist. Jjje
made up a nice basket for a potted plant, for Dr. Chang. He is going to the
$ hospital lor a hernia operation in about a week. We also deliy^red a nice ar-

rangement for one of Dr. Chang’s staff, who just had a baby. It was a bit hard

to locate her as she lived in an apartment on College OakfBoulevard.

The news i,s that Congress is granting amnesty to the

millions of illegal aliens/ are flooding our country. How can you give them

i amnesty when they have broken the law, to get into this country? Pres. Bush

is palsy-walsy with Pres. Fox, of Mexico. The illegals wem to thin*that many

of the Western states belong to Mexico—They are/ ’’off the track."

Shelsie Shaw sent an e-mail about^r^fa^ier climbing

Mt. Whitney, when he was a boy. Shelsie said that Keith/brought sCme bread and
climbing the /
a hunk of lunch meat and that is all they had, while

^Wo children were »l,o pictured. 1 think th.t Chyrl M.rk.orth moiled the phc-
to. I cleaned around the posts, for the ramp. The weeds should be dug out,
under the ramp, I could apply some stain but perhaps, the workmen will stain
or paint the ramp. Holly came oyer and worked on my pill supply—Good on Holly. !


Madison & Carter

Jackson & Tyler
February 24, 2006

i !

. ■


Friday, April 07 , 200 6. Kai/sar. Permanente p2-/& the final bill for

n Mission Carmicbj^l j Nursing facility,

mic.hael $4,731.84

ed Nu
$3^^ 262. 15 to medicial people and places, for my heart by-pass surgery,

J\.We went with / d family and Mike and family, to a good Chinese dinner.

expenses. I
cost-per ^ eixpenses at Mission Carmichael was an

average of $558. That is considerably more than their posted residential

! fees. It seems that these health plans shift money around quite freely.

I was surprised that the stay at the facility Cost so much

/ for nursing.

We were surprised to see the ramp workmen come out this

morning. It was an overcast day but not any rain. That made it possible

for them to work. They brought a supply .of. wood with which to work. The ;

wood is expensive. They also brought sheets of "Tough-Tread," traction

board. That is to go down on/ .walking area of the ramp.

Too bad that I didn’t paint the threshold, leading int#

the house. The ramp butts right up to the threshold board. I did use th£

shovel to cut out some of the weeds, under the bottom boards of the ramp.

I felt good, to get some manual-type work completed.

They put in two more posts, at the end of the ramp.

They also nailed some of the bracing boards to the upright posts. They

said that they would paintJ That will be good for me as I do not have
all of the painting skills that I need. I reminded them that the steps

to the laundry room should have . .rails and some Tough-Tread, I hope that

they do the work on the steps before they leave the job.

The statements .came from Schools Credit Union. They

put the $2,907.47 deposit from Folsom Cordova School District into the
checking account. They insult a depositor by only paying ,25% interest,
We ran some errands today. We picked up Mickey Thomas1 arts and crafts
„ suDDlies at her home. Patti, the daughter, came out from Virginia, to
^Set Mickey's house ready to sell. Patti and her friend Delores, agged the=
a / cr ft, supplies. Lou even took a few of Mickey's picture frames.
We went to a Chinese restaurant, near to Mike & Margo s. home. It was a
fi0d°sd.Sr.t-u»I]?0I‘«.MoJv0.%h c*or“in.dr* ,
Saturday, April 8, 2006 . It was good to summarize the cof^ of my recent

IxQspitalization. Kaiser has paid $35,262.15, T figure that I was in the

pitals from 12/06/05 to 01/28/06, a matter of 54 days. That would make

the average cost approximately $653 a day. Mary Lou worked on her history

of instructing in Folsom Cordova Unified School District. She started in Janu-

jVltLd' progress.
ary of 1984 so has been teaching for over 22-years and/made professional /

It rained hard over night. Ir was overcast today. We

try to do our sitting exercises in the mornings. I didn’t feel much like going

to the Meditation class. But, I was glad that I went. The attendance was

smaller than previous meetings. The instructor did the "candle visualization*

exeFcise again. She emphasized the mental reac t on to the meditation.

We were planning to shop at WINCO but we didn’t make it

over to that store. I rested a lot this afternoon. Lou went with Chris Abbott

to a classicA-1 music program, given by the Sacto Philharmonic Orchestra. Lou

enjoyed the music* I think that the Sacto Symphony has "folded up." Chris

obtained the tickets for f ree, from contacts at her school.

Mary Lou had the bags of arts and crafts items,

from the home of Mickey Thomas. Sherry from "My Flower Shop" came by and took

what she wanted. There were silk flowers, in the bags along with other raisc-

ellaneous things from Mickey’s garage. I did not put the ifep\s that I picked
up away, in the shop. Mickey must have been quite independent asjshe had a
’Senior Center.
variety of tools and small nail^and screws, etc.Lou has one bag left for the/

There was a story inv the newspaper tha^^he^ F^ai^j^O^ks

Water District past officials are being audited for fraud. Manyythings were

purchased by the staff and directors. The big-wigs went on golfing outings to

Pebble Beach and had expensive meals, etc. It was mentioned that the water
sti£$ penalties.
rates have doubled, in recnt years. I hope that the guilty ones are given/

Gayle Soren called when Lou was at the concert. She I

said that Jaron has accepted a job in Snowflake, AZ. It is a Dutch

I company and they use somefepecial techniques, to grow their plants.
Lindsev is feeling bettef. Jaron has good grades, at B.Y.U. Idaho.
Alyson^husband, Jeremy Woodland, is in the bishopric. Caroline’s husband,

Jared Beck, expects ^ be called back into ^Army, ^ver

^ cW' U ft qjrfo jutdJU /
^ .-P_Pday >_April Q9_,_2 00 6. I attended sacrament Meeting today. Deanne
Ellsworth was one of the speakers. She spoke of the. "Atonement of Christ
cO I drove down by the American River Bicycle Trail. The greenery of
>> nature is beautiful, this time of year. A lot of water is going over
Nimbus Dam, from the recent rains. Bruce and Leslie Williams came for
Miller |
Home Teaching. Holly and Josh/came over here to our house for pill work. i
-----------------------------------------------— ---------staunch
Deanne Ellsworth is a / member. She is driving
to the Oakland Temple this week. She attends there every two weeks. |
The plans are for a special Easter program. Sometimes the Ward leader-
ship has a difficultjmaking the meetings a little different.
Haueter (sp) and Bro./Johnson brought Lou home from the meetings. ji
Leslie Williams is in charge of the three day£ of temple •
W Temple/
dedicaion for the SacramC^to, CA / on the reception committee. Leslie/is
to prepare food for about 1,500 people a day. They will eat Turkey
sandwiches as the bill of fare. Leslie has qualifications for quantity
cookefY/ She 1 ed/ /th^ Ladi/s who worked on /lie . _ARC0 ARENA ^celebration,

Jjjfc program, with the youth dancing, etc. IJ

We talked about Mercy Hospital, as Bruce works there

as a night pharmacist. I think that Bruce and Leslie are the best Home

Teachers that I know about, in the Church.

Mary Lou worked some more on her resume of working for

Folsom Cordova School District, as an Adult Education instructor. She

added a paragraph/her lessons in oil painting/from Janie Erickson She has

known Janie for twenty years or so. Lou and Janie are good friends.

It is Spring Vacation this week. Joshua won’t be in

Frankly, we have two

s choolj Lou will not teach her classes this week.

out-of-town trips this week. Tomorrow night we are driving to Pine Grove,

Then, on Thursday
CA to have a turkey dinner with Les and Barbara Acklin.

we will drive to Riverbank, CA, to visit Karen Blakely and Maxine It Owen.
is a
Maxine called today. She has had Melissa at her home this week.
children. I need to get the Toyota
lot of wor^^hbyeehanging^he^iAomorrow. We can also put in the
in better will be driving a lot this week. We will
SMOG additive tomorrow as we in the next few days. I need to keep busy.
have the usual errands to run,
Monday, April 10, 2006. The rains continue, The headlines speak of levees

starting to crumble, under the strain of the excess»water. The San Joaquin

River seems to be one area of concern. The /is expected to stay with %
Acklins. \
us, practically all week. We went up to Pine Grove, CA, visited the/

The run-off of water was very severe, along Latrobe

Road, in the foothills. The Cosumnes River is^one^t^hay floods, especially in

the Wilton, /
Cf{ / "MV
southern Sacramento^ The American and Sacramento

Rivers are in flood stage but n£ major levee breaks $Ulong those rivers.

It has been four months since my heart by-pass surgery.

I spent three w£€*ks in Mercy General Hospital arid about weeks in Mission

Carmichael Skilled Nursing facility. I was kept there because I would

have been a lot for Mary Lou to handle, if I came home directly from Mercy

Hospital. It was a blessing that I had the time in Mission Carmichael. It

wagflff an ideal stay for me but what can you expect from a hospital?

One thing that I notice about myself is that I have

gained back the 20 or so pounds that I lost in the hospital. I think

(W/ 9
that it was the diet/ make-up of the food. Often, I was not/' inclined

to eat the hospital food. Then, the stress that my body was going through

likely caused/the weight loss. We have a couple of /scales now. I should chart

my weight more often. I don't like to see thejfbulges that are happening.

I still walk around quite well. I do have pain in my

lower back that prevents me from standing straight, in posture. The in-

fection in my groin has been healed, My feet give me a lot of trouble. The

peripheral neuropathy is getting worse, I soak my feet when I shower and

do exercises that seem to help. I'd like to get some word from Kaiser on

maintaining health feet and legs. One's legs are s/d vital & important.
We were ready to turn around f Latrobe Road, on the

way to Pine Grove, We called Barbara A. and kept on going. I'm glad that we j
did not give up. The Acklins greeted us with open arms. Barbara seems /r^
under pressure because of encounters with neighbors, workmen and Church A
people. Les does not look too well. He has been on the CA Dept, of
Forestry job for almost twenty years. He is grieving about the loss of his^B|
mother, in Fremont, CA.. The dinner was great with turkey and dressing, etc.
Barbara even loaded some food in a bag, for us to take home. I took a short
rest before we started home. They have had over a foot of snow, at times this t!
winter. Tim Acklin is living with buddies in Sacramento an^orks @ Albertsons.
; '
We sincerely thank those who have assisted our
family in any way at this time. Particularly, we
acknowledge those who have extended expres-
fJpns of sympathy and offers of assistance;
^§Dse who participated in and attended this
memorial service and who have aided in any
fashion. We wish to express our gratitude for
your kindness evidenced in thought and deed.
-Ruth's Family

Price Funeral Chapel, Inc.
Ben Price Jody Price Del Price
(916) 725-2109

: i ~ a ; *- u-

Daniel Sisco Jared Newman
Chris Newman JonBenecke
Michael Leonardini AdamLeonardini
David Smith Jim Smith

April 13,2006
Los Gatos Memorial Park
Dedicatory Prayer: Bishop Rick Hawker

t Mus

I ^ :
I n my Father's house are many mansions: if
it were not so, I would have told you. I go to
: * jjKjlpare a place for you. And if I go and Spe;
i prepare a placefor you, I will come again and Spes
receiveyou unto myself; thatwherelam, there
i ye may be also. Postl
M John 14:2-3
Tuesday, April 11. 2006.
The rain came down again today,
bank statements. I have $1,148 in I worked on the |
my account and Mary Lou has $869 in her
including recent deposits. check book, not I
We were tired after the trip to Pine Grove,
Mary Lou did to see the Acklins.
go to Jeffie's Beauty Shop for her "
weekly set." Mike has some
plans to involve the family, in the lots.
He know/of a house to be moved here. \

We will be driving with Holly Miller,

to Riverbank, CA,
to visit with the Blakelys and Maxine Owen.
We leave at 9 a .m • > in the morning'
Holly sai4/ that
she would like to take Joshua to the Hershey Chocolate Factory!
in Oakdale, CA. Karen plans a Mexican food luncheon for us.
We had a couple of bf.lls to be paid. The Cingular Cell
phone bill is to be paid promptly. Otherwise, they will add a late fee on
the monthly bill, It is renewal time for the Sacramento County business
license. It is $100 a year. They sent
a questionaire with the billing. I
filled out the page and mailed it back with the payment. "Overhead costs"
Michael has been planning on methods to pl?^ & make
improvements and get the house and/or lots sold. He would like to nvolve the
family members, He would sell a 1% fet/on 50 " shares." That would be $3,600
per family member, That would give us money to improve the lots and put in the
They could redeem their "shares" by us paying them$4,000—
How will this plan "fly" with the family members? The lot val1
Michael knows of a house in Granite Bay that could be
m«. 1
It Would cost $50Kto put a I
purchased for $3K or $4K and moved on to our lot.
Michael wants a fee |
foundation under the house and get it somewhat liveable.
Work, as he has done for the past year and more. He also
for doing this with Jack Everett, financia]|planner. Mike has
wants us to make an appointment
etc. i
County Engineering Dept. for cul-de-sac map,
sent that billing from Sacto
make the lots more saleable, we need to put in the
(Around $ 1,000 .
uirement from Mr. Ray Merlino, when Bob Taylor
talked to us
That was a
about selling/
lots. That- work
__ will be ^xpensiv^at best.
superiWt.ndgnt'^^ work + house.
for Peter Hart—Ruth Curtin Service.
Mike is willing toforbe funeral
flowers Stake Center tomorrow morning.

*0 Lou has- orders

I will have to
deliver the

Mary Lou wants to appointment

flowers to the
Oakland Temple with Deanne
Ellsworth tomorrow, j/
-i to the with M^cha^Shaw, at the site of the olderr. iouae
Then, we have Granite
Bay, off Folsom/
and Douglas Avenue.
Road ,
That is up inanother sheet for the MULTIFlf* program,
Lou made up
* Wednesday, April 12 , 2006. The reports about Neal Abbott are not good.
I have our tithing/ and federal income tax payments ready to
be mailed tomorrow. Mary Lou went tfl the Oakland Temple with Deannt£ Elleworth

this morning. Deanne drives around in a new heavy duty pick-up truck^ I .
k don’t know any details about her truck. I delivered the beautiful

^ floral spray to the Ruth Curtin service. The attendance seemed small, at the
\ Auburn-Fo1som Road.
funeral. We met Michael Shaw at j^/i^house to be moved. It was at Douglas & /

Surprise! Gayle Soren sent us a series of Book of

^ Mormon recordings, narrated by Rex Campbell, twenty CD’s, in all. It looks like

> a concise set of the complete Book. Gayle was excited about sending it. She
» indicated the gift was for Momfs birthday, anniversary and Mother’s Day.
I delivered the funeral spray, in time for the ser-
? Vices. Ruth Mildred Curtin was born in New York City, NY in 1922. That would

make her age 83-years. She died on April 7th, in Wilton, CA. It was a complete

uneral service. The Fifth Ward leaders and members participated * :

The bad news is that Neal Abbott is not ed to
live very long. Bebe Abbott called here for Lou. Lou called Vene 11a j
/San Diego, CA. Lou felt very bad about the sad news. As usual, Neal had

not made provision for his death and burial. Mark Allen wants to help Bebe by

I \
tracking benefits on the Internet. Will Lou go back there for the funeral ?

will be a long trip for her, to Birmingham, Alabama. It would make it easier on

Lou to travel with some of her sisters. Time will tell, about Neal’s life.

We hear that Steve and Nick Abbott and also their

sister, Patty, are leaving Kansas City, MO for Alabaster, A oon, or have left^

already. We wonder if the other daughter, Linda, is going there also? How

about Kay Poore, Neal’s ex-wife? Neal is age 74-years, born in 1932. Bebe is

at least 20-years younger than Neal, probably in her mid-50’s.

1 Neal was mixed up in a business deal about the Martin­

ique Apartments in Kansas City, back in the|l960*s or so.
I think that Janet

Dutton lost money in the venture, proably others in the family

We met Mike £t the house, We also met Mr. Erickson, the owner. He is i'S
from Turlock, CA and is a general contractor. The house looked quite good,
.even had carpets, some of which had been rolled up. Does the house have a '
raised foundation ? Mike said that he has talked to a house mover, The house
Mike gave us projected figures on the jfjcome and
could be moved to our lot.
expenses. He wants to get moving on the plan. Loan money (HELOC) is at six or
eight percent now* over $1,100 a month on $200K. Could we swing the deal?'1
[“ ^ Jphfir* &p
^ Thursday, April 13, 20(J6. Today, we drove to Oakdale and Riverbank, CA

Holly drove and Joshua went sith us. We saw the old Higgenbotham Ranch in
/Orange Blossom area. We went to the Hershey Chocolate sales office in \\
downtown Oakdale. We purchased/chocolate "Hugs and kisses," for Karen and
Maxine. Karen served a good enchiladi luncheonl. . We drova by our old house
memories. ;
on Davis Drive. We went by the Modesto Irrigation ditch/bridge. Good/

Lou was up early this morning, folding the laundry.

Holly and Josh came over here to ride in our car. Gas prices are "spiking"

again, with costs of $2,80 very common. It was a pretty drive on Highway

120 to Oakdale. Not a lot of rain water was standing on roads and fields.

We took some photos of the Higgenbotham oak grove.

-v ^ vr- Their old house is about-torn down. We didn’t go by the Stanislaus River,

in Orange Blossom./ Eugene Higgenbotham Sr. was a good land manager.

We stopped at the Hershey sales office, near the rall-

\ station.
road / Holly and Joshua purchased some Easter candy. Prices seemed

to be high. We did not go to the almond store, across the street. We saw

Oakdale Joint Union High School. I was graduated from there in. 1945.

Maxine was just arriving at the Blakely home. "Mike"

did not come with Maxine. Karen and Bruce looked good. We talked about th

"old days," in Riverbank. Bruce had his home built. He only paid $1K for

the lot on Santa Fe Street, back in the 1960’s or so. Karen prepared a

1^s^good luncj( with enchiladas. We talked out on the back patio. Maxine and

“ f We drove by the old house .on Davis Drive. It still

looks pretty good. Also, we went by the M.I.D. main irrigation ditch and

railraod bridge. I recalled the blessing of preventing Karen from drownihj

when she was young and I was ateen-ager. We saw the shopping center and
housing that was built at Clarbelle and Oakdale Road/, We went to Highway
, 39 and turned north, for^home.. It was a good day with Karen and Maxine.
Lou heard from janet> in Davis, CA that Sue Miller was
•in a "shelter," in Woodland, CA. Where Sue is now, is anyone's guess!
. -i fhe Sacto County engineering statements to me. I want to fig-
• ^ "rsome tay to get theybillings paid. I'd like to open a $10K, 5.26*
ure out so y g t tbe Qf October) at World Savings, in
‘ CD for six months (until abou the savings ln. Provident, to purchase the
LGold River tomorrow. I willevening. Lou wrote about my hospital stay,
|cd. I came home and slept his b|r< We aaw photos of Karen's family.
VSt Mercy General Hospital, last
Til#' I—T
a Friday, April 14, 2006. I spent this day running errands. I had a sad phone

^ call from Bebe, about 7 p . m • Neal Abbott died in.Alabaroa. That is really bad
^ news. Lou was out to a birthday dinner and/ . with Chris Abbott. I

called her and left a message on the .telephone. if a $ 1 OK C.D.

at World Savings Bank. I went shopping at Raleys for Easter dinner fixings.

Neal was in a hospice facility, back in Alabama. The

medical doctor gave hj^xix months to live. Neal didn’t make it. I first knew

him, back in Missouri. He was a teacher in a high school. He did electrical I

work, on the side. He had a family break-up with Kay Poore Abbott, his wife.

He became estranged from his family and had some hard knocks, in his business I

dealings. He came out to California. He stayed with his father Austin Neal

Abbott, Sr. Neal brought Austin up, to live in Chris Abbott/ house

passed away December 13, 1995, just short of his 100th birthday.

Neal married Bebe, from the Philippines. They have

a child, Kathleen. She is about 10-years of age. Neal has had serious health

problems with his heart, over the years. Bebe has a house in Alabaster,
Alabama. She seems strapped for money to bury Neal. I think she works.

I was determined to open the CD, at World Savings. I

went to Provident Credit Union and withdrew the $10K, I will use some of the
It was an easy

vtask to open the CD acrcount. We wi'Ll earn $263 in irvxerest, by October 14th. l
I did some shopping at Priceless/ in Rancho Cordova.

Also, I shopped for Easter dinner foods, at Raleys store. We have some fresh
salmon that we are going to ha^^o^eat^soo^ ^I^hajre the deposit cards for

World to

Toyota Corol/^,. Itecky enough, the car passed the/. It cost $48. The
$79, ma^g a total registration expense of $12^.
license fee was. -.00.

Lou went with Chris Abbott to a dinner and a staae j-f\ov

Garbeau's Dinner Theatre. I called and left a message about Neal's v ^
death. I watched the ,’WWE wrestling show on Channel 31. Where do they
get the "gorillas" that do the wrestling? There was a steel cage match .
tonight. It was pretty gory. We have that meditation meeting tomorrow.
We have not heard from Michael about the development of the lots and the set-
• up of the move-on house. Lou wants to deed Michael the lot nextto the
' Pokarski’s house and lot. I wonder if we should deed the lot to the east of
1 the house, where the storage shed is located? I hope that We progress.


NeafAustin Abbott


* Bom
i Augusts, {gsz
Bom to 'EtemafCife

. .

' /Ztrm*A- lofrM r***.

They might stay in a motel at the airport.
tonight. As Grandfather John
house is -?t a home withmi Abbott writes: A

liness without Mary Lou/

the la the honsp ajround.
tfc- el the lone­
1 drove Lou to the airport.
at Earl Scheib sj painting for the damag 1 checked
e t0 tlle hack bumper,-
on the Toyota.
Holly and Joshua came by this
evening, checking on my
pill progress. Holly stayed around until I took
my shot and pills. Sandy
and Danny will be coming in the morning, toj^heck
me out. Also, the Sears
repair person will install the
parts that arrived for the riding mower.

Lou just took one medium piece of ftf, ggage.

She re-
served a wheelchair, at the airport. She went right through security and

they wheeled her right up to the South West Airline departure

Lou and Chris Abbott together on the flight.
Considerate Keith Shaw met them at the airport as he had arrived earlier
^ ^ I don’t know much about Birmingham, AL. That is where the Civil Rights

I activists marched and won the congressional recognition of their rights.

A "lot of water has gone under the bridge," since the mid-1960’s for Blacks.

Chris and Keith will travel back to Kansas City,

MC)/in order to visit the family members in Missouri. Janet will loan them

to drive around. They plan to see John Abbott and maybe John Jr.
her car,
Vic Callahan, who is in
They may even drive down to Jefferson City and see

S April 23rd.

the Missouri Legislature. They plan to come back home here by Sunday/
I mailed the payment for the S a c t o. County engineering
bM>, (IJW-01*
They charged me $8.58 in late fees. I Earl Scheib Auto Painting said Ia
f ees. I and it
the Toyota has a plastic cover/cannot be replaced
that the Car bumper, on
I’d like to get my hair cut this week as I am a bit shaggy.
must find out if Ron Gray Co. plans to paint the new ramp. If not, I- may
have to do the iob, as bes t tha t 1 can- Danny Ka sh may be able to adjust <
tfie tool room ddor^gjMJt^welled in the wet weather.The tool room alao
/ out and the tools re-arranged. I want to haul
and boards out of the west side of the lot. We moved the/to
needs to be {& in the concrete wall. I want to purchase some lawn
posts the bare spots of the lawn. I purchased some weedf
repair the ho I hope to keep active and not sleep so ®ucb»
seed and re-Lseed in and Chris, at the Sacto Intfl Airport as^V^^mp
fertilizer. It was a treat to see Melissa lyoUm
feed lawn saw Lou
daytime. Melissa
San Diego.
flying back to
uesday > April
it , 2006. Mary Lou called from Birmingham, AL.

:he Roman Catholic service for Neal Abbott.

The family had

Lou was impressed with the service.

le is expected to be cremated and his ashes spread on "The Alabama Hills.”

Abbott sisters are "talking up a storm." They are thinking of flying

to the Kansas City, MO area on Thl^sday. They,hope to see John Abbott and his
their father’s
f amily. None of Neal’s family seemed to take the trip, to see/ final rites.

Mary Lou surely appreciates having Keith Shaw, back in

Alabama. He is so'halpful, to his mother and the other folks. I hear that
Keith is traveling up to the Kansas City area with the Abbott sisters.

Lou didn’t talk about her living conditions. I hope

that she has a motel. That way, she would have more privacy. Lou remarked
about the support that Bebe is receiving from the Filipino community, in the

' !
Gads ten, AL area. It is pleasant to have friends, in a situation like this.
It was a beautiful day, after the recent storms. The

painter came out from Ron Gray’s company. He went right to work, painting the :

ramp . It is a lot of intricate work, with the vertical pieces requiring

special attention. A primer coat was not painted on the boards. Tt.
; !
Probably we will have some peeling of the paint. He said that he will bring f

a chain saw out with him tomorrow and cut up the old ramp that we received 5

from Ralph Smith. The workman also said that he would remove the "Tough Tread" i
boards from the front yard and stack them on the west patio. Good cooperation. ■

Danny Kash and Sandy Allen came out to help, Danny ■ •

adjusted the hinges on the storage shed (tool room) door. It works much better ■

now. He also cleaned up the work area. He is a good craftsman. Sandy helped ;

out by cleaning up the kitchen. Otherwise, she sat in the sunshine and did some
crossword puzzles. Dan and Sandy like to talk about their Deni®’s Mkt. sales. |
Dan also worked on sharpening and renovating his knives,/in the irront yard. I
I filled out the 41-page questionaire from Kaiser about !
diabetes and related illness. It means: Translating Research f Action

for Diabetes. I want to make a copy of the long questionaire and mail .
it back to Kaiser tomorrow. I’d like to talk to Dr. Sanghari about the
and Checked ton^w^It^er *f a1iad afi^s; of which I am not aware. Holly came over*
\meds. She is pleasant and always good
for a laugh. Mike came 3/Vd talked about the lots and house. We said that he
has our "full authority»»‘j^ purchase the move-on house and build the (fit./.-de-sac.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006. There was not any word from Mary Lou today, I hope
that she is still doing well, back in Alabama. I had a slow start this
morning. Danny and Sandy came out and awakened me from a nap. The painter
came to work on the front ramp . I think that the paint job is cpmpleted
now. Dan worked on putting up the TV antenna, in the back yard. We re-, I
ceive channels three and six better now but the UHF^arV^^y—What carnal

Mary Lou, Keith Shaw and Lou's sisters are leaving for

Kansas City, MO tomorrow. Will Venetta Abb ng with them? I guess

that all that remains to be done tor j is the memorial service. Lou

said that she and her sisters spoke at the Church service. Lou said that,

as the oldest sister, she had seen the growth of Neal, since babyhood.

I was up early this morning, but then went back and

took a nap. The painter came to work on the front ramp. He did a good
n n
job and did the small nitty gritty painting work today. He hauled the
"Tough Tread" to the back patio«Jwant to use those boards to trim the steps

that are out in the laundry room.

The workman also cut up that post (utility pole dia.*-*

[K\eter) into three pieces. He loaded it on the pick-up truck and hauled it

of f . I paid him $15, as it is worth it to me to fliVe the post hauled off.

The ramp looks good. We will have to devise new entrances to the house.
The access to the front of the house has been limited by building the ramp.
Danny worked on putting up the TV antenna. He used

the clamps that Don Taggart suppled, when he gave me his old antenna. The
antenna lookj1" good, on the light pole, in the back yard. He did not use

any guy wires. I had to purchase 50 feet of co-axial ca|)fe at Radio

Shack. It cost $50. Dan brought the cable into the back of the covered

patio, through the tool rflfovo. and through the wall. It was intricate work.

The reception is better with the VHF stations. Some oJ

Mi Shaw came and put the old "rabbit ears"

That seem to help the clarity. Mike came to-
night to help out. He left after being here a short tim& as he had other
commitments. I had the questionaire copied, (TRIAD) I mailed it back
to Kaiser. Peter Hart paid the floral bill for the funeral in 5th Ward.
There was not much important mail today. I rested again, in the afternoq^i
Mike called about the lots and house sales transaction, He doesn't want ?
any controversy with the other siblings about the fact that be is our
>n»?nt*fnt with
agent, to sell the lots and/or the h°“*^SOn®Wants $25RP ye-qn *
Jack Everett, CFP, on May 1st. Mr. EricKson wanu
hursday, April 20, 2006. Mary Lou called at 10 p.m., our time. 11 was after

lidnight in Kansas City, MO, She is doing all right. Chris Abbott was wheel

Lng her around in an airport wheelchair. She has high / for

Abbott. They were late, getting out of the Birmingham Airport,

because of the weather. Lou seems to have the necessary energy, when she is

motivated! Dan and Sandy came out today. Dan and I moved the boards and posts

from the west yard to the storage shed. Holly came over to check on ray raeds.

Mary Lou called earlier today but didn’t leave a raess- V


age on the recorder. i was surprised to hear from her tonight. They were :

going to Janet Dutton's house. They will have a busy hree days in the Kansas
City, MO area. They plan to come home on Sunday ■I I am not sure at what time )
Lou is expected back at Sacramento Internation 1*11 have to ask her by phone. {
I am doing quite well "batching it," here at home.

Sandy and Danny didn’t come out until this aft ernoon. Danny worked on cleaning 5

his knife inventory and working on thejsalad sets, He helped me move the posts

and boards from the west field to the utility building on the east side. I
I am glad to get that task done, I mowed the grass and weeds, on the ■

front lawn and around the tre^/ in the west lot.
Pam Clark sent a note of thanks for the family records

that Lou mailed plus a $10 check. Pam is the only one that I know about who

has paid for the records copying and mailing, etc. She seems to be doing fine,
living in Ogden, UT Valley, in the town of Eden, UT. That is near to Erma /

Lou didn’t mention anything about Keith Shaw being with

them in Kansas City, MO. Maybe he cut the visit short and has headed back :

home, to Logan, UT.? I am sure that he was a big help to Mary Lou and sisters.

Sandy folded the clothes that were in the dryer. That

is real service, I’d say. .
She also did up the dishes and cooked some food for
dinner. Danny is always looking for jobs to do around our house and yard. I

paid them $20 for gasoline money, total $40, to date.

It was the anniversary, 100 years, of the Great V;v..
San Francisco Earthquake, on about April 18th. Grandfather Austin /$ Abbott
was about 10-years old when the terrible earthquake occurred. Another major
7.8 eajffflquake is expected and ’we better be ready, in California. It is just
a matter of time before it happens“gSi^bout® 14-yla^S-of'age^S ?90^aw was
about 18-years and Josephine Cottam was aDoui y
I still sleep a lot during the day. My legs seem tp be getting weaker & weaker.
I- . i\ I
toll'd *f MvTy- a^n^y
Fr i d a y ,—April—21 , 2006 . There wasn’t a call from Mary Lou today. I think
that she is occupied with visiting John Abbott and other members of the

family, back in "The old Missouri hills." I had a slow morning. Sandy and I
Danny came out here this afternoon. Dan helped me change the lock, in thd
■ getting it \
master bathroom. He also prepped the walls, filled holes,/ready to paint. |

I was up early this morning, I read the paper, took

care of ray meds an (^planned out my day, as best c ou It was an
overcast day but really not any rain. I wonder if Ron( d his builders

^ s\ will work on that stairj^/ay down to the laundry room and put in some rails?

■5^ I took a spill out there lately when the kitchen floor was wet. I cut my

X. x shin and bruised my left large toe and the toe next to it. The laceration

and bruises are .healing up now. We still need the rails on the steps.

There was a bill from Kaiser in Pasadena, CA about a

$50 emergency room bill for a visit recently. I looked in this diary and

could not find that I went to to the ER that day. I wrote them a note.

I hope that I do not have to pay the emergency room bill to Kaiser.

Mary Lou received some cards in the mail. One was from

Kay Poore, back in Missouri. One was from Pat Wheeler. There will be a.
^ recepjtij^n for^Pat Wheeler at the home of Sally and Ted Nelson on f
/ from 7 to 8 p.ra. Pat will be leaving soon for North Carolina.

Danny and Sandy worked in the front yard on their *

stock in trade," for the Denio Sales Yard. Danny works on his knives am

teak salad sets. Sandy works on her stuffed animals. They seem to be goo<

business people. They consider their costs and selling prices, make a profi

I went to Lowe’s Lumber Yard and bought a door knob se

for our master bedroom. I will have to touch-up the paint, on the door.

I also bought some potting soil and tomato plants for planting. I need to

purchase some redwood boards, to .repair the broken fencing boards.

It is 10 p.m. and still not any news from Mary Lou. I worry about her, in
Missouri. Mike came by today, when I was at the Lowe’s, lumber store.
HoiLtV did not come bv today. Sandy preparftt some tuna sandwiches for me.
I tXd to call ?he lady at Sacto Redeployment about the loan application
but she did not return my call. Not any w»ord from Delgado and Cameron,
Real Estate. They dropped fee pric.^f.r .th^lot. »
that the R.E. lis£ worry abPt not exercising with the result of nutting -O
class tomorrow,I aLlre Bill Wood-He was motivated to exerci*.
more weight.
Saturday, April 22,

She was at Janet’s house.

2006. I had a telephone call from Mary Lou this afternoon.

Keith Shaw is with them and the sisters appreciate


his help*. John Abbott is not doing well, at that convalescent place in

Columbia, MO. Lou will be arriving at 5 p.m. here in Sacto. Mark

‘Allen will picfc th^jo^up so I^d^iin’t have to go to the airport. They saw Kelly
birthday. !
Abbott’s grave^ That is a sad story. {lolly came over tonight, for her 48th/ i
I had another slow morning. It was overcast and more

rain is expected. Pres. George Bush visited an alternative fuels place in West

Sacramento. It was high security for his visit. An u^uly^assenger threatened

k thn|^^sengers on an United flight from Chicago.

*in Denver, to get the guy off the plane.

I fighter jets were scram-

The San Antonio Spurs beat the Sacto /


Kings badly, in the first game of their, play-offs. It made the Kings look bad.

I watched the Spurs vs. Kings game. Channel 10 comes


in very C k ar ly. The Spurs just might repeat as the NEA Champions this year.

I also waatched some of the game between the Washington Wizards and the Cleve-
James :
ICavi-lar s . LeBron / is a spectacular player on for Cavillers, who won.
: I
I started the riding lawn mower and did some
> mowing of the places that I missed, in the lawn. The grass and weeds grow very

fast. I will have to measure the width of the replacement boards for the :
broken boards, in the wooden fence. Buying the boards will be more expense.

I went to the Dollar Store and purchased some cosmetics

for Mary Lou and Holly. Holly was surprised and pleased, I think. Mary Lou 1 s

81st birthday is on Tuesday, 4/25. She says that she has sufficient energy to
keep up with her younger sisters. Lou is a marvel, to me.
Holly counted out the pills for me to take this week. i

I will have to go to Kaiser Pharmacy tomorrow and pick up some insulin and pills :■

; 1V
for the supply. I hope to attend 4th Ward sacrament services. Then, it is Pat ;

Wheeler’s reception at the home of Sally and Ted Nelson, 7 to 8 p.m. ■

I find that I view more television, now that

the antenna has been put on the roof of the house. Next week is
"Turn off theyTu1><& Week.” Really, I watch very little television . s
JrU'(d& I am surely not following the Church program in
attending the Sunday School and Priesthood meetings// I have not been to those
meetings in over four months. Almost two months of that time I spent in the

when Mary Lou comes home from her Crip to Alabama A Missouri
Sunday, April 23. 2006. Mary Lou called this afternoon from Kansas City,
MO. the flight was over-booked so Southwest offered them a free hotel

room and other incentives, to take a flight tomorrow. Mark Allen will
bring her home from the Sacto Airport. I didn’t attend Church services.
I went to the reception for Pat Wheeler, at Ted and Sally Nelson’s house.

I wQs up early and planning to go to Fourth Ward ser- m

vices. But I had that trip to pick up the meds from Kaiser, in Roseville.

Frankly, I just slept this morning. It was a very cool and overcast day.

I figured that Mary Lou was coming home today, It was

a surprise to get Lou’s call and find out that she will be delayed until

tomorrow. Keith wil,l be s-1 «uydnrg=a4i—tha Hilton Ho with -.the Abbo t-fc.-s-i-s
f p r g a nd—tha-n V on to Salt Lake City^ - Good weather in K.C • 9 MO.

It was a slow day around the house. I did read the

Sacto Bee newspaper through today. I went to Kaiser and picked up some •„

pills and insulin. They are cutting the "portions and raising the prices.
I think it/ Pres. Bushes new "Medicare Plan for pharmaceuticals.” Any-
m M time the government gets involved, you can count on some majO^ ups .

It will be Mary Lou’s birthday on Tuesday, April 25th.

Not much else is happening this week. I wonder what kind of stories that
Lou will be telling, when s fl^arrives home 2 I was surprised that
none o f Neals immediate family went from the Kansas City, MO area,

to his services in Alabama. Lou said that she visited Kay PO^re,

in Blue Springs, MO. Then, there will be stories about the funeral in AL.

Holly came by to pick me up and take me to the .Nelson'i

house. Pat Wheeler was gracious. We signed her guest book. Sally’s Dad

and Mom were there—Ken and June Bailey. There were folks from 5th Ward
Sandy Christian, th
£nd from 4th Ward.

•Ralph Page and wife,
the Hathaways,A '
th£ Peter Hedricks, etc.
Sally was a good hostess and gave me some stew and ice cream and cake. The
Pages are leaving soon for their two-year mission to Hong Kong. They yill
work in the Mission Office. Holly brought me home. She checked the pills
I want to check with^ccess Dental/hey offer senior discounts, up to
They have a local office and phone number, in Carmi^JRel, CA. The Sue Oak
Dental seem to keep raising their prices. Accessjhaf'k limited Wbetof :
clfilSn! 2fn^?-ver*ulyovererhundr?d dSllfrstiffen Kash and Sandyjdl
come out here tomorrow? Some handyman^j^o^gffij |
onday, April 24, 2006. Glory Be! Mary Lou came home from Alabama and Missouri
oday. She hasn’t lost that ’’Abbott Energy!” Mark Allen and family brought
ler out here this afternoon. She told of some happenings in^Alabama .an d
Missouri, Keith left K.C. MO yesterday. He called early thjs morning
and told me that Lou was leaving ,today with Chris Abbott, We took her
payroll statement to Adult Education office. I tV’fed to take that tape r e-
corder back to:^^t^j)les Stationery but I did not have the proplr?toWget the
money back. / called her Floral class students. Bruce Stoneman will visit. I

Mi(t|$el Shaw came by this morning. He put some "Tough '

Tread” on the stairs, leading down to the laundry. He appreciated having the > ij
tools and supplies, ready to work. He will work, to put in the rails and ■

molding. The deal with Mr. Erickson on thje move-on house seems to be off. Mike d
We can’t :;
negotiated him down to $20Kput they, want^$10K non-refundable depost,
risk that kind of money,'' ji!s^l!aiiking of putting a manufactured home on thelot. ,
I tried to straighten up the house, especially the kit-
chen. I have kept-the laundry up but not the clothes folding. I still have that I
runny nose and sore throat, James Van Wagenen called about a Wednesday outing,
: j
for the older guys in the Ward. I declined as I did not feel tip-top.
jpv Lou told me about Chris and Lou sitting with a psychic !
lady,^ going to Alabama. The lady was sympathetic to the sisters. Lou and Chfis ;
each dif f er ent views of their home life, in their early years, The <
psychic lady also mentioned about Fay Callahan beingjconcerned about her
people, even though deceased. The psy^fuic lady thought that Neal Abbott was a !
”scoundrel.” For sure, not any of Neal4 descendants came to /hjtys /funeral/ :

Lou and Chris stayed at a motely in Alabama. :•

Lou th^^s that Bebe is a strong lady. Lou thinks that Bebe and her daughter i

ygo back to )4/ Philippines. Neal had a houj# built for them, over there.
Keith was als|J concerned that none of Neal’s family went to his funeral. 5

Sometimes "we reap what we sow." That family break-up was very sad.
^^j^jj^anet Dutton treated the sisters well, in Kansas City.
She sent home some almonds/and other healthy foods. John Abbott is not doing
well. Lou said that his mouth does not benefit from salivlry juices, He has to
keep wetting his lips. John says that he dislikes waking up in the mornings as
he has to endure the stomach feeder and other health problems. John says that he
will be the one to pass away next, in the family.
John says that he dreams about being with Geneva, back
on the farm, in Missouri. Geneva died of lung cancer, several years ago.
is having some emotional problems.
lad dinner with David and Nita. They are religfcus folks. They changed their
Church because it did not have a youth program/' I think it is Church of Christ.
John ^
He is a "fighter," and doesn’t complain. Lou
i i

Lou thinks that Janet lives in a nice home. I guess i

the real estate business is paying off. Lou talked to Jill, the daughter.
.ou and Chris enjoyed the stay, at the Hilton jtybtel. Lou had some clothes
r.C be laundered. She received some kind he/fl/ on this trip. Bless the
>nes who were so to her. She called her flower C'lfrss members. Bruce Stone-
tan will be the guest arranger, at the class tomorrow, A lot of phone messages,
-mails and letters have piled up, for Lou to go over, He5>*3,nkles and feet are
wollen. I put some alo vera lotion on her feet and legs, I
^ went to bed after
p.m. tonight. We will fold the clothes, put away the dissnes, etc. tomorrow,
3 April 25.
months since Christmas Day.

Cor awhile,

San Spurs

£<3 vS
-r state park, near
f C3
f amily. He want-
r a as to stick their
io o
i the water. That

* aming, in the
X that the Abbott
* i outdoors.
.n the year,/
* *
is a confirmation

ted the letters,

Scott McKnight

ving bell" and

hat sounds like


* £O
g .S ^
• »-*
• She did a

ationery and re-



• 55 £ -3 o Shaw. they did
§ CO ^

• r-H

a debit card,
A ^0> g0) h3
H pd d birthday dinner
I i! w T5 ' ■ ’V,' . . •

d na Star Rest^t #.

* We dbn1t like to

; birtkday.
s word $gsgig|
Ith a hydropihoni
* P-8- and have
jgranrecu rs starring m tne Atmy; K6f6fves, In Q^ath
Valley, before facing a year of duty, in Iraq. Too bad that the Sack® . ^
I Kings lost Game #2, in overtime. They fought hard to win, without %®.tt
Artest, who was suspended for flagrant fouls. Clearing skies
Monday, April 24, 2006. Glory Bel Mary Lou came home from Alabama and Missouri
today . She hasn’t lost that "Abbott Energy!" Mark Allen and family brought
her out here
Missouri. ¥ §
-si 5
- and told me r~i
payroll stat o CD
o 3
corder back 7T O 1
O o
money back. o J* ;

rS" \

: y-
/ !

Tread" on tt
tools and si; % ■

: !
molding. T¥ :
negotiated \ :
risk that kd

chen. I have ;
runny nose ai !
for the oldei 1
l :
lady yf going 1 '
each di J
psychic lady
people, even
"scoundrel." :

Lou thi?is tl !
/g° back
Keith was

She sent homt

well. Lou si
keep wetting
he has to en<
will be the

on the farm, s
is having soi *
had dinner w; !
Church becau: ?
the real esti
Lou and Chris
ZC be faunde;
ones who weri
man will be ii p R o n e m e~s s~a ge s , —
e-mails and letters have piled up, for Lou to go over, and feet are
swollen. I put some alo vera lotion on her feet and legs went to bed after lr-
7 p.m. tonight. We will fold the clothes, put away the dish etc. tomorrow. :
L_P U ' $ 2 /M~ jUtffc £L -yuAbjUjLsrft >
April 25 , 2006 . It has been four months since Christmas Day.
We went to Jeffiefs Shop for hair cuts. My hair is short for awhile.
Mary Lou had made an effort to contact each member of the flower -cla,ss.
Bruce Stoneman did well, as the presenter.
I watched the Sanj Spurs
beat the Sacto Kings, in overtime. mg games.

I still like to hear details of Lou’s trip, bfack to Ala-

baraa and Missouri. She told of going to a cabin, in a state park, near I

to Alabaster, AL. Neal liked to go to this park, with his family, He want-
/his cremated ashes spread on this location. Each person was to stick their

hands, in the urn, and throw the ashes over the land and the water. That

sounds like a strange custom, to me.

Venetta, Janet and Chris even went swimming, in the :

lake, at this location. Brrrrr —that sounds cold! I know that the Abbott
to swim outdoors. i
sisters like to get into the water. It seems a bit early in the year,/

Lou and Bob had a busy morning, She has a confirmation

of her cert ificate With Schools Credit Union. I had collected the letters,

received while she was away from home and read them to her. Scott McKnight

is still having problems with his feet. He gets into a "diving bell" and

tries to -benefit from the compression and decompression. That sounds like

a lot of pain and discomfort, to me.

Jeffy just won’t cut my hair very short. She did a i
good job with Mary Lou and her "set." I went to Staples Stationery and re­

ceived a credit for the tape recorder, given to me by Keith Shaw, They did

not give me my money back, as Keith bought the recorder on a debit card*

We missed connections with Lina on the birthday dinner

i •

date. We went to the Senior Center and she went to the China Star Rest** .•

aurant. We had to cancel the dinner date until Thursday. We don’t like to

7 mi s s connectioi$ with^L^ji. She wanted to honor Lou, on her birthday*

paid for tho Chevrolet truSt?1 BS t?3B8>’oFllrktSiy$t^.S6SS.’''
back in Alabama. We banked the other $200. Keith keeps his word. Gayle
says that Jaron is moving to Snowflake, AZ, to take a job with a hydrophoni
grower. Gayle is taking care of Lindsay because she may be p.g. apd have
some complications. Jared Beck is serving in the Army Reserves, in.Death
Valley, before facing a year of duty, in Iraq. Too bad that the Sacto ?
Kings lost Game #2, in overtime. They fought hard to win, without Roo .
Artest, who was suspended for flagrant fouls* Clearing skies tonight*
j i"

Wednesday, April 26, 2006. The |9 with just a

blanket on us at night . The IpW-^growi A4 weeds are drying up, alongside the

driveway. Spring has j * sprung! Mary Lou was excited about

taking Pat Wheeler to the Sacto International Airport. Pat is going to

North Carolina, to be with her children and families. Lou did well in

teaching her family-history class. I attended. We shopped at WINCO Grocery.

We were up at 3 a.m • j getting ready to drive Pat to the

airport. She had a couple of heavy bags but she checked them through. Good I

luck Pat. Lou and Pat have established a good bond, over the years. Pat al- ■

ways "saves
■7 seat, at Church services, in Fourth Ward.
Del Haueter is her
fl«the years.

home teacher and drives her to Churh meetings. Pat has been a frifted, over the/
A lot of drivers are up at 4 a.m. People work around

the clock. I went back to bed this morning. I get upset if my rest is dis-

curbed. Lou is working on her records of the Alabama and Missouri.

Keith is cooperating in writing about his vis Itjfwi. th Gayle, in December, 2005, :
when I was in Mercy General Hospital, with the by-pass surgery. Good ! C
Mary Lou concentrated on "newspapers as a source '•

of family records. " She passed out copies of th^ancho Cordova weekly paper. I■

Many of the students had "show and tell" accounts of their families. Bob Crab­ i:
tree had some photos, taken while he was on military duty. Sally Jones told

of her success, in finding data. I told of being the school reporter for the

Riverbank News, when I was in middle school, there in the 1940fs andjaarlier.

The illegal alien situation is quite a large problem.

Pres. Bush is for granting 20 million or so illegals amnesty. That way they

could bring in their relatives and friends from across the border. How can one

eive en they are here illegally? It is a big profel ew«for our &

schools ^welfare system, and other services paid for b yrgj^l^ ms !

We shopped at WINCO. Arrays we seenjYto save somejn oney,

compared to buying at Raleys. They a good variety of 9 I:
prices are kept quite low. Gayle Soif'*5/»/said that Shawn Soren is ready
to go on his Church mission, when he tu/ns 18 soon. He is getting in his
"papers" and has a gopd attitude about going. Jaron and Lindsay likely have
moved to their new job site, in Snow:' Ike, AZ. Mary Lou has been working her ___ i

way through a stack of e-mails, piled up, when she was in Alabama and
Missouri. I don’t know where I am with the MULTIFIT program, at Kaiser?
I am not doing any record keeping on diet or exercise, not reporting to^Ti^> per.
* i
¥ V
re* mm % Si

10 Va
). •
! \
If Ilfs II
• !

• r=

Pot Luck Luncheon

Where: RoomA-3
When: Thursday, May 18
Time: 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m.

Sign up for Pot Luck in Adult Ed Office

If you wish to contribute money for a group gift, see

Denise or June

(Money must be turned in by May 10th)

Thyrsday> April X7, 2_00_6. Delgado and C ameron, Real; Estate Service, dropped
Nugget Road lot maps." They the asking price for the three \
lots from $750K to $598,500, equaling 8%. All of the three lots are no yJ
listed for $199,500<| rVArt: asking price adjustments help us sell the lots?

Lou wrote an informational letter to family members, saying that we’d like

to work with Hike (as our agent)and asking whether anyone else in the famil

would like to buy a lot. We went to the China Star Restaurant with Lina V.

Lou wrote a letter to family membersi. She/ to

keep it simple so as to not "ruffle any feathers." I hope for better coop­

eration and notymuch discord, Some of her ideas in the letter, might chang
I when we talk to Jack Everett on Monday, May 1st, at 2:30 p.m.

I think we’ve made some family progress since April of

2005 . Lou based her information on the fact that we need some cash flow,

to .pay our bills and have greater security. Lou’s writing is easy to

understand and very positive and kind, I feel.

We received a request from Sacto Housing and Redefvelo

3 ment to send in more financial information. I have a lot of copies to mak

of our statements, that they requested. Their loans go from $10K- (15

years) to $50K (30 years). The loan is secured1 by a d^eA of trust. For

2 persons me not greater than

$41,850, /1 don’t under stand^all that I styojild /kqow about the ^eligibilit'
I hope that we can get a oan ns/re-rW, put in dou^le-pane win-

dows, paint and fix up our home have made a list of improvements tha

we would like to have, if we can just get the loan money.

1 .Lou wrote out a very good letter to our sons and daugs
. ) |
ters. We may have to make some adjustments, after we speak to Jack Evere
on Monday. Lou will not e-mail the letter until we talk to Jack R.y CfP.

gift of a dress. Shiug^f°?hSltfte^iggsK5df’^rnnlNffYf S8§.adlSfi^&*E

fishing. Lina has some problems with Mr. Allebes, in the oil painting
class. They recently went to the art museums in San Francisco* Lina ev-
sent some food home with us. Holly and Joshua came over to vislj:.
showed us his driving permit. He drove the car over here today^wi^^
I want to mail the Redevelopment packet back to them tomorrow. ba&^i
will qualify or disqualify, depending on how the "number crun&g^rs" ‘ 4
our application. It was another sunny and warm day* It is
time of the year. I don’t like the prospects of sprinkling thM^aw
Friday, April 28, 2006. Micha31 Shaw came by this morning. He is willing to

put up $150K, to put in the improvements and start a hou& on Lot # 1. We will

speak with Jack Everett, CFP, on Monday. Mike still has the plans for

some assisted living small houses or separate bedrooms, in large six

bedroom houses. It would be pleasant to get a large (for us) cash flow from

this property. We took a walk, in Phoenix Park and tried out the play equipment

I made copies of financial record? for Sacto Redevelop—

ment and mailed the sheets to them. I have a few more sheets, to mail there to"

mor.row. I was very satisfied to get that task completed.

Michael is willing to put in $150K, to do the improve-

ments on the cul-de-sac. He is willing to. do the leg work, on the property.
. rtfp &A!-'
I will help him, as muih as I can do. ^^^i^lling to permit family members
to purchase individual lots . Lou decided to j e-mailing the letter to

family members, about our plan/for the property, until after she talks with

Jack Everett. So, we are ready to roll, in getting the improvements built.

The Sacramento Kings were leading the San Antonio

Spulxs, the last I heard. That was at tha, half-t ime, /ii^-the game..

know how the game came out, at the end.• / 1

A/ /ylP /•'•j
wa t che
I don/t

WWE Wrestling, from

London, England. The wrestlers go with such intensity that I am thinking that
a lot of the action is real, not staged. There will be a broadcast from Sacra—
mento next month. I have never seen a professional wrestling match

We had a different kind of "walk in the park" today. We

went over to Phoenix Field Park and did some walking. They had built a new kids

play area. There wasn Ja ny o)^a^)und so we tried out the equipment. It felt

good on my sore feet and to stretch on the bars. I think the play area will 1

be a good place.for Mike and Margo1s daughters to visit and play. There is a

slide, rock climbing wall, rope climb and other climbingfeature/. \

: i
‘We received the sample ballots today for the June 6th I *

Primary Election. The ballot ±£ printed in both English and Spanish.

I wonder if Governor Arnold will win the Republican election? One of V
the measures is the approval of SMUD to expand to Yolo County, It is
a "popularity vote" for us, without anything binding. The Demos have Westly
^Aand a fellow of Greek descent
counties to the north is the
with some convicted lobbyists^
wm for governor, Another race in the
of John Doolittle. He has been associated
Julie, his wife, is a paid lobbyist herself

2006. Tomorrow will be the las t day of April.

weather forecast for the next few days is. "sunny and warm.." Mar
with Chris Abbott, Holly Miller, to ,tfy ention in George
I had a slow morning. I did cut th$>\a with the riding mower. I was *
able to cut the grass and weeds, in the east lawn. Mary Lou went with
Chris, Holly, plus Eldon Miller, to the musical favorite, "The Wizard of Oz."

Mary Lou was excited about going to the DUP Convention.

Mark’s wife^and Michele Fernandez had tickets but could not go. Michele

was having some trouble with her daughter, Destiny. Mark’s wife wanted to

spend time with her baby. Holly drove up the "Georgetown Grade.1* . * \
0‘U. r*
Lou enjoyed the^proceedings. They seem to have more of

an "open door" policy about researchers going into their lib^^ry. It .. .

still seems to be "a best kept secret,"about the library materials. Some

of the materials must be computerized and on a web-site. I don’t know the

address of the web-site. It all seems to be a big secret.

I didn’t go to the post office and mail that letter .

3 back to Sacramento Redevelopment. I have to make copies of the pages and
; f mail the page copies next week. I didn’t feel well. I had a sore . back.
f *
My toes on my left foot are sore and I cant seem to heal the toes.
The next game between the Sacto Kings and the San An-

tonio Spurs will be Sunday night. The games are 2 to 1, in favor of the

I Spurs. The Kings face a difficult task, in defeating the world champions.

Keith called this morning. Riley is getting a promoti


in his summer job. He is working for the City of Logan, on the trees and
Ryan is going to Southern California to work for ’’that insect sales gr
> shrubs. Ryan is expected back from Spain soon./ He has been visiting in

that country, sightseeing, etc. Shelsie is going to St. George, UT for a

visit. Reagan and Randon are finishing their school year.’ Reagan will be
championship. -
graduated and Randon is still in high school Reagan won a la crosse/

I paid the bills that had arrived, to date. The bill*

I had a eum . , . of $939 in my checkbook plus the ...:
deposit •-
totaled $1,240.
? this month of $807. That left a balance to date of $506. I am glad to p
the bills for another month, out of the funds that I have on hand.
. :
Lou and group enjoyed the "Wizard of Oz." That Davis community theater
&A^{/ players always seem to put on a good show. Probably I should have %
gone to the performance. I watched some cops and robbers * programs,
Channel 40 tonight. The cops are more than a little bit hard on bad sgfrjfiy

Sunday, April 30, 2006. It was another good day, weatherwise. Warm weather is

expected to continue this week, I took Mary Lou to the Church meetings. It wa^

fast and testimony meeting today. Stake Conference will be held next week

Gayle called about Scott McKnight’s death. Elwood Theusason told Gayle.
Scott McKnight has been very ill for quite a long time.

This will be a hard time for LaRue, his devoted wife. I remember Scott having

a generator repair business, working as a millwright in a seed plant and being

X farmer, He has known hard work. I’d like to go to his funeral services or

have Mary Lou go , if she feels up to it. I don’t know the date of the services.
I slept a lot this morning. I didn’t feel well. For

^ one thing, I was out of pills this morning. This afternoon. I sorted out some

*5 pills and felt better for taking them. We intended to walk in Phoenix Park but

our efforts were cut short, as Lou had to go to Mark Allen’s place for a birthday.

Mark and Eunice’s bab y7 is one-year-old.

Holly worked -•

at her state office building today. Holly went st^yight from work, over, to the ■

home of Mark Allen, Destiny is still having trouble at home. I under-

stand that she is with her father, Richard. She has returned from that

boating trip, down the Colorado River.

The news is that marching will be done, in favor of the

ille^ls, in this country. The num has been estimated at 12 million, pro-

bably more. Even the state senate has encouraged kids to break the law and cut
school, to join the boycott. That seems like .double jeoprady, in breaking the/

The political polls all show Pres. Bush at a very low

level of popularity. V.P. Dick Cheney is even lower, in the polls. I remem-
the first Pres. Bush going with Dan Quayle, as veep for both terms.

That was a

disaster also. Will Hilary Clinton be ele president, for th ^Democrat s 2

Keith Shaw called. \ Gayle Soren also ca|ljed about the

ft* cott McKnight. It is about a 1,20(A round-trip to Boise, ID.Could we
distance and feel good about it?
tfasoline would cost more than $200.
A rental car would cost perhapJT
Lodging and meals would be
$400 or soT The total cost would be from $850 to $1K. I watched the dk i
second half of the Kings vs. Spurs game. The Kings won by 20 points
or so. The next game will be Tuesday, in San /tntonio, TX. What to do .t

A week? 1*11 have to go to Lowe’s Bldg. Materials and purchase some boar(U for the
ramp, in the laundry. I’ll have to estimate the aA£unt of lumber needed.
I should mail that letter to Sacto Housing and
the sheets that I send to them.
opment and make copies of
The appointment wit h Jack Everett is a?2:30.
• May Ql. 2006. May Day ! A new month is ahead of us. Mary Lou
made reservations on Southwest Airlines, to go to Boise, ID on Thursday,

We will be able to attend Scott McKnight’s funeral on Saturday.

Lou used her travel vouchers plus s ome "boot,’1 to purchase the tickets.

Mike didn’t come down here, this morning . We canceU^the. ntment with
Jack Everett and made one with Attorney Steve Shumwayof tlae/'in Roseville.
'is*A?; „
Linda Henry, the McKnight's daughter, sent an/e-mail ad<-
vising us of the funeral date. Scott had his leg amputated and was in in-

tense pain. He asked the medical people to let him die, to get over pain.
to die!
Gangrene was up in his intestines so it was a tough . /way for a tough guy,

It had to do with ris and Lou taking another flight, in Birmingham AL

omp ensate d .for* .? We had figured Ifhe drive up to t

a”a ‘’c$g& i4OH® 4 b QPjMaas(*/
i « Boise would| aboutj Now , wevwill have less travel stress and cut down4'

on the expenses. Mike didn’t come here .this morning. We decided not to

keep the appointment with Jack Everett. We think that we are in the

"contract" stage of planning the impro vementjf on the west lot. Lou was able

to contact Mr. Shumway. We don’t know the expenses with Mr. Shumway. He
was the lawyer toxjfi
' Williams, in Fenton’s land and house development.

I had an indentation on my right shin bone. I called

and made an appointment with Dr. Espinosa. He didn’t seem alarmed with the

shin condition. He looked at my sore toes, The recommendations was for

some anti-bioAic pills, My legs, ankles and feet were swolle e gave
me some diuretic pil|s, for the swelling. I am go to back on^W p. m.

Mary Lou received some Silkies hosiery. If theft

not to send any more orders this year i :I mailed the black pair of pants

back to Haband. I hope that I get some response from the mailing. I also

sent back the adaptive instruments to a medical supply place, in Pennsyl-

vania. I didn’t go to the lumber yard, as Mik6t> did not come her^to work.
Lou called LaRue McKnight. LaRue probably will have a
meeting of /the member! ^f the "old high school gang." Kevin Martin is get-
ting some playing . the Kings play-off games, Last year,
he waSi ’ t even frsted as a team member, for the play-off gameL^ then. ^~
saw All Chauvet at the Folsom post office. She knew about Lorraine
tyre retiring. Lorraine wasn’t in the office today. The Kings will
game #5, tomorrow, in San Antonio. Can the Kings pull off more mag



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May 3-5, 2006 @ 7:00

May 10-13, 2006 @ 7:00
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Saturday, May hi
2006. Time flies,
here in Boise, ID. This
for Scott S. was the day
McKnight's funeral. He fought 'the
good fight and has now
gone to be with his
Heavenly Parents. I'm sure that 1 will find
about this kind man, out more
at the services today.
Gayle drove us to the Stake*,
Center, in Nampa, ID.
Randy McKnight lead the
men s choir and Linda/HeTry
was the accompanist.
There was a lot of family
were simple and easily understood. We stayed for the
I was having tro^fje with rolling up the

automatic win-
dows on the Dodge Charger. e motel attendant came out to the Car and

showed me how to lift the button, to raise the windows

s. Mariah^also has
a good sense of mechanics. She helped us with the/. - door locks.
Gayle is dependable, in providing us needed transpor-

atation j Te has the"mapquest," computer generated maps that show the be-
find my way.
ginning and the ending travel points. Nampa is a difficult town for me to/

It rained lightly overnight. The lilacs are out up

here and the bushes look so healthy. The land is being culti .vated and

crops are being planted. "Treasure Valley" is quite an interesting place.

From the air, the neat farmsteads stand out and the greenery is striking.
The stake center was crowded with well-ty/ishers. The

front center section was. reservedji rtf or family members. To our surprise,
w?th friends and family. Randy and Linda were
the empty section filled up^

leaders of the men1s chorus. Scott was well-known for his beautiful tenor
the Boise area "Mormonaires," and even came to this
voice . .He sang with,
Some of the men have sung together for years,
area1 /to sing with the group.
Music is a big part of
the McKnight family and has, been, for years.
the Cloverdale Cemetery, near
The burial took place at

SorfNs live. The burial spot is near Chauncy and Ruth

to where the
and did not particpate in the grave- I
I camevlate
Abbott s burial places.
the luncheon at the church building. I talk-
side ceremonies. We went to Daniel, who is serving |
McKnight .Tfl ey have Daniel’s
a son,
wife. We did not see ■I
ed some more to ' Army'. We saw I remember Scott re-
in Afghanistan^ in as they returned to ftexburg, ID.
Camille and Dam* and Covenants, from memory !He al-
section of the Doctrine
with LaRue. They were work, 0tKTit* the
citing the 121st on Temple Square temple president.
C0 served a mission the secretary to the
and LaRue was
^ Boise Temple

Mother's birthday. She would have been
Yesterday was my
Sunday. May 7, 2006_. wanted the best
H4-years-of-age. She was a kind and

She was a
hard-worke Jand I
n who always

out of her way to

help people.

for her family.

ID. It was an honor
on our visit to Boise,
This was our last full day,
and funeral• Gayle has been nice to us.
to attend Scott S. McKnight' s viewing
that Gayle belongs to the "Cloverdale Ward.
I think
and testimony
Lou for the fast
motel and picked up Mary
Gayle came over to the
11m not sure of the
to have a good youth program. I know,
meeting. The ward seems
Ron is faithful in attending, as far as /
Church jobs that the family has now.
I thought about our time, up
I rested this morning. t
It was a good decision to
here. Travel by airplane was an easy task for us.
Gayle is busy with her job,
check in to a motel and also to get a car rental. for us.
She has looked out /
household duties and being there for her family members. :
That was remarkable about the delivery of Alyson and j

He was born about 1:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 6th. That t

Jeremy’s baby, Erick.

was the birthday for Mother Josephine Shaw, She 1sie Jo Shaw and others.
We went over to the Soren's home for a turkey

dinner. It was just Mary Lou, Bob and the members of the Soren family. Ron i

still has his inventory of used cars, in his yard. Ron has fixed up a car for ;

Shawn Soren to drive, to high school. I guess that Ron sells other cars. !

The Woodland boys were a "hoot," They ran and played.

Mariah likes to play with them, As the great-grandfather, I plyed with themy
doing the "elevator game." I would lift them up and they would push my nose
to "stop at different floors." Alyson is a remarkable woman. She was up and
caring for her boys. Erick is a sweetie pie. It’s remarkable that Alyson only
had to stay in the hospital for one day and then was sent home.
years past , the medical people would requre a two or three week /
at home
often with the new “ther baby !
confined to bed. You’ve come a long way /

large yard. Ashley is sweet. Sheaim°de^ large house* Their dogs were in the
remarked about Lou and Bob wearing shn^1^1*8 and be§inning to talk.
laEue McKnight. Her f.Sjly KS bleS »«««— »ol no! Caroline
We also c'
a blessing. LaRue eaveMrHn. r ? er today. The sons gave their Mothersaw
5 ve clippingabout Scott’s obituary.
bWl -niee^
been mixed up on the dates for these diary enr
May 8, 2006. I have
Monday, back on the
I’ll have to
Did I miss
recording entries, for a day?
where I went wrong. Today was the day to return
pages and try to find out
Holly Miller met 5
, via Portland, OR. It was a good trip.
to Sacramento
It was warmer.
The house looked good, just as we left it.
us at the airport.
here with us, at
Gayle and Mariah spent the night over
We told Gayle
Gayle had to go to work and Mariah wanted to go home .
Motel 6.

"so long," and wished her well. She has been a sweetheart to her parents on
Shawn Soren i
We drove Mariah home. / was there to care for her.
this trip.
The car check-in man took us right to the entry door.
We were wheeled, at least Mary Lou, to the gate with our luggage.
in the terminals. We
has been very helpful, in moving us via a wheelchair,

give the attendants a small tip. They donTt seem to complain.

Uejsaw the "might^
We had an hour wait in Portland,
Columbia River," rolling / our plane window. It is an awesome sight. We
also saw what we / is the Willamette River. ijjgoes down past Spring-

field, OR, where the Markworths lived. As usual, the countryside and valleys !■

of Oregon were striking, from the air. There are a lot of lakes and reservoirs.

Sorry to say, I did not recognize Crater Lake, in Oregon, from the air.

California looks good! The flooding along the rivers

has gone down. Holly had parked the Corolla and had to go get it, to pick us
up. She seemed in a good m&tfJ. There has been a flurry of / e-mails
b e tween
our family members, about the house and lot sale, From what I hear, Scott is
"ready, willing and able,"
to make an offer fur a lot purchase. Holly seems to
have "her dander up" that she hasn't been "
fully informed." How will it end?
The mail and the newspapers had piled up.
Holly had
brought the overload into the house.
There wan't any word from Sacto
Redevelopment about the loan that
we applied for some time ago. The newspapers
have “a^dt^e-^werwill probably have to put them in the recycle
her phone calls and e-mails ’ Hike called115 ^ home” Mary Lou checked
tht legal ^escription the lots ^
tty. Steve Shumway. We did not- ha * Ttlat data was probably intended
It'seloodhto h° WaS£ °iur clothes at fheVMotelU6Uiatea laundry *rom the trip -
sood to be ;b.ek ho.e eg.lo. lf„. S%\\d

Monday, May 8, 2006. I have been mixed up on the dates for these diary entries.

Did I miss recording entries, for a day? I’ll have to §'&•§§K back on the

pages and try to find out where I went wrong. Today was the day to return^

to Sacramento, via Portland, OR. It was a good trip. Holly Miller met

us at the airport. The house looked good, just as we left it. It was warmer .

Gayle and Mariah spent the night over here with us, a t

Motel 6 . Gayle had to go to work and Mariah wanted to go home. We told Gayle

"so long," and wished her well. She has been a sweetheart to her parents on
Shawn Sorer

awtice Kong takes a bow

proach to her duties, Kong patrols the din­
er of statewide ing room, and kitchen making sure the, lunch
iohor makes things : : program goes smoothly, with an effective co­
ordination of effort from a half-dozen or so
j go a senior center kitchen helpers.
d “Bernice is right there, from serving the
a- Bernice Kong’s long service to Rancho disabled people first to helping count the
•d Cordova area senior citizens was honored re- money after lunch;’’ officials added.
cently when she was decorated with the But that’s not all. When lunch is over, ser-
id “Outstanding Senior” award by the Califor- vice to seniors really begins.
nia Association of Recreation and Park Dis- Three times a week - Monday, Wednes-
is tricts (OARPD). day, and Friday - the Senior Center holds a
n The statewide honor came during the Bingo session from 12:30 to 2 p.m. for 50
; organization’s annual awards banquet. cents a card. Participants play for small
Nominated by the Cordova Senior Activi- prizes, food items or novelties. At least once
5 ties Center and Cordova Recreation and Park a week, and sometimes two or three days a
l District, Kong was singled out for her vol- .week, Kong calls the games with a crowd of
unteer spirit and faithful service to the many jUst-fed seniors.
seniors in the community. Kong does all the shopping for the Bingo
“Although the spotlight of recognition is prizes offered each game. On frequent ,after-
specifically what Bernice has said she does or is back at
die Senior Center, long after most have gone

greater good of the seniors in Rancho

Cordo va and eastern Sacramento would
"asrssr ps”
Everylhursdayfibrn 10:15tffll-l:30a.m.
she organizes and plays the piano for the din-
neyerjhaye become reahty were it not for mg room sing.a.long, providing each vocal.
According to CRPD officials, Kong can ist a song list, updated and produced
be found at the senior center Monday thmugh P^onaHyby - you guessed it - Bernice.
Friday ftom 8:30 a.m.Uhtilafter2 pm., busy- ^ T“l‘“I™’
trig herself in the kitchen'or dining room - ^ntlobby °f *e Mentor Center As music
organizing, clearing, directing, delegating, often do, the atmosphere seated .spost-
leadirigignd volunteering live, energetic and pleasing. Many of Kong s
• A'
*• c ,
m&****6 a driving force baff ofJWf* starte<! conu^°nthe “
Sptinnal t,y,.h program held spfe^y for 11,6 smg_a‘long' CRPD officials
at thejfli
iomi she ensures Her take charge attitude has become so fa-
75 »nmr< mous at the Senior Center, have led some to
sjls d call her “The General” or “The Boss.”
,0ne bv “Qur intent is. to pubUcJy say to Bernice
ie. lunch 4thank y°u vefy much for everything’ ” the
lar und district eouqludecl in JUaJung her nomi-
“Now, as Bernice herself might suggest,
enough of uO, this fuss, It is timto wrap up
nv Bingovaud go home.”
r jf ■ J
Tuesday, May 09, 2006.

It was good to be

It is hot and getting hotter here.

in our own bed last

The lawns need to be sprinkled. \


I looked through some of the papers that had piled up, when we were

short trip. We found out that Lillian Stewart passed away on^

Friday. She is Connie Kloepfer ’ s mother. The memorial service is tomorrow.

Lillian Stewart was a very dignified lady. She died

at age 9 1-years. She was energetic and gave Connie f,a run for her money.11

She wanted to go to places like Sunrise Mall. I believe that Lillian broke

her hip a couple of times and that probably slowed her down. Lou made a

floral arrangement tonight, in her Florist Techniques class, She will take

it to Lillian’s memorial service tomorrow. Lillian was in a nursing home.

As expected, we found out that S.cott Shaw has plans to

! purchase one of the lots. He called me and said that his bank has set up

a line of credit for $150K. Then, Rene Delgado has told us that he has an

offer from a potential buyer. The buyer is an individual, not a builder,

Mike has been sending e-mail V the ^Mily, to inform them on the de-
velopments . I imagine that/ takes up a lot of his time.

We were low on groceries so went to Raleys to get some

food items. I thought that I had an appointment with Dr. Espinoza for to-

morrow. I called Kaiser appointments and they said that they could not

find any record of the appointment. I have the dental appintment Thursday.

With the warm days, I notice that my d^ve^t^wo^ k out-

side is dinjished. The lawn needs to be mowed again. Thejj hoses and

sprinklers should be matched up. I want to develop a system so that I do

not have to drag the hoses around so much. It will probably mean purchasin.

some garden hoses. There are dry spots in the lawn already.

I worked on catching up entries in this diary. I’m gla

i that r •wrote daily entries in Idaho. I had to do it by

that I missed noting ray Mother’s birthday, on Saturday, May 6th.


She would,
I know

h have been 114-years-old. My father’s birthday was on April 30th. He wpuL

have been 118-years-old this year. My mother was loving and accepting*
John Riley Shaw was more stern and complex. I suffered much physical
abuse, at his hands. Karen and Chyrl say that they don’t remember John
T being physically abusive. Lou taught her flower <^ass -
Sacto Kings have been eliminated in the play-offs „ the
San Antonio Spurs. Probably Rick Adelman’s coaching >b is on thfe line :
Wednesday, May 10, 2006.. Holly Miller told Mary Lou that Joshua Miller will

likely have to have an operation on that fracture, Qn his arm. I don * t know
any more information. The Lillian Stewart memorial service was today.

Lillian will belinterred in Palo Alto, CA under the auspices of the

iscopal Church. Ronald Kloepfer was officiating at the service here today.
"The pot is still simmering" about the land and house. uWe talked to Rene /

That is too bad that Josh has compli-

ations about that fracutred arm. jjtSwa s some kind of horseplay at Bella Vista

hat caused the injury. Josh has chronic complications from his arm condition.

amJ Lillian Stewart was born in Deadwood, South Dakota in

1915./ I hear that/ husband was a mining engineer. They even lived in Bol-

ivia (South Am| y e>a^sy ^

od^p o^s i ti o n^ as they j-
were from Palo Alto, CA. j Lillian!s body will be taken down there for interment.
The services there will be under the direction of a "Episcopal reverend."

Lillian has a lot of friends, in the Palo Alto area. *;

Mike Shaw came and talked about our land deal. He

Jmar ized the offers this way. Offer 1, loan of $50K from Keith Shaw. Cm
Terms not specified but anticipated as favorable. Decision: Take offer, if t
terms are favorable. Offer 2: Sale of Lo 1. Terms are $177,000 cash, as is. ?
Decision: Extend counter offer of cash sale for $235K with improvements.

Offer 3: Sale of lot 1. Terms are $150K cash and family all in agreement.

Decision: Do not pursue, at this time.

We were especting a conference call, initiated by

Scott Shaw. It did not come through. Mary Lou had keyboarded out a time line

developments on the proposed land sale, She did not send it to anyone ex-

ceiffc Mike Shaw. Delgado and Cameron came byjto discuss the matter. They will

try to develop the counter-offer to the prospective buyer. We are to meet

again on Friday, May 12th, or as soon after that, as practicable.

V I doubt my skills, as a negotiator. My main

xLrsipurposes are to get some cash flow, at favorable terms. Then, both
\Lou and I want family cooperation and understanding. None of that has
\transpired much, so far. It will take the "wisdom of Solomon" to please
— y the five family members, I feel that we are in need of income, to meet our
daily living expenses. What would happen if Lou and Bob had a major emergenc ?
We have a lot to think about, Rene Delgado looks to Mike Shaw for major
policy. I wonder about the listing? Date of expiration? Commission rate?
:k 1• i

i We sincerely thank those who have assisted our
family in any way at this time. Particularly, we
: t
acknowledge those who have extended expres-
ibns of sympathy and offers of assistance;
Those who participated in and attended this
memorial service and who have aided in any
fashion. We wish to express our gratitude for
i your kindness evidenced in thought and deed.
—Connie & Family

1 N

Price Funeral Chapel, Inc.
1 Ben Price Jody Price Del .vrice
(916) 725-2109

\ R. Blair Kloepfer
Paul Kloepfer
Dennis Alexander
Michael Alexander Litfian
Thomas Kloepfer Jim Kloepfer
Shane Kloepfer Nathan Jones February 22,
Steven Alexander Daniel Worrell May5,2
Alta Mesa Memorial Park
Palo Alto, California Fj
Eulogy & Thoughts ofGrandchildren: Susan Alexander
Expressions ofRemembrance: Congregation
Prayer ofRemembrance: Rev. Silverstre E. Romero
Dedicatory Prayer: Ronald Kloepfer The Church o
Family Prayer:
i "OGo

; i
D o not stand at my grave and weep. Iam not there,
fa not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am
Musical Selection

diamond glint on snow. Iam the sunlight on ripened Eulogy&Though

'grain. I am the autumn rain. When you awake in the Musical Selection
morning hush, I am the swift uplifting rush of birds "Jesus/
' Speaker:
circling inflight. I am the stars that shine at night. Do

i not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there. I do Congregational Eh

! 31 not sleep. Benediction:
Thursday, May 11, 2006. I forgot the dentist’s appointment this morning.
They called and I went in to the appointment. They probably would have
charged an absence fee, if I didn’t show up. Mary Lou keyboarded many

notes about the sale of the lots. She wanted to contact Rene Delgado, the
Scott Shaw.
real estate man. But it is good that we waited, to find out details from/

I took out the garbage this a.m. They are ’’regular asv
clock-work, in picking^u trash. I have some shrubs to trim and re­

move from the yard, f work will fill the green.waste barrels.-
The pemocrats are picking at/
, 'P/'M *
George Bush. They

claim he is eavesdropping on the telephone callss , out of Jjhe United States

<3 Then, they claim that the Feds are listeninne to f . . phone calls. The
'^struth is probably somewhere between these/ . ’’pole positionf’/ Bush
^ 'justifies it all by citing the need for national security??:??
\ Iran is enriching their atomic possibilities. I wonder

if Iran won’t be the next small country attacked by the U.S.A.? I remem-
ber when Scott showed us the State Department array of national flags.The

^ flag of Iran was takIf! out because of the attack on the U.S. Embassy and

the killing and imprisonment of Americans. That was back in 'the/'l990 ’ s^

I went to Lou’s Family History class yesterday. She

had the folks tell of their own research. Linda Wood told of doing censui

research, with Glenda Lloyd, at the Family History Center. Linda had

followed an ancestor in the census offl.830 and it went on for a century or

MJ '
so, until 1930. Linda seemed toj glad to have the research done for her

Native American ancestors. The class seems to be moving along nicely.

Ed Schott attened for an hour or so today. He said

that he is lonely, since his wife died. Ed seems to be in fair health.

Bob Crabtree seems to be the "anchor,” now that Jcy^Shnckelford is ;

not around anymore. Bob C. likes to talk but hef doesn’t know when to quJ

He seems more under control lately. Lou does well, in her instruction.
Scott Shaw did not call tonight. So, we’ll just have
to wait, to find out what Scott wants from the family He is working witl
Keith on getting some cons ffltation plans ready for this house and lot.
He is working to sell his house, in Pennsylvania. I think that he rents
that house out, now. That is some more long-distance supervision of his
property. Mike said that Scott and Julia probably won’t move from
Long Island. Julia is too close to her parents, Dottie and Tony Guastel
Her ‘two sistei^live in that area and she is also very close to Maria an_
Lisa. They are married and live with theif husbands, <?n Long Island.
Friday, May 12, 2006. Scott Shaw called us this morning. He has a line of

credit of $150K and he is willing to help us all that he can. We did not see

either Rene Delgado or Scott Cameron. They don't seem to work in their
offlcg^ on the week-end. Folsom Cordova School District paid Lou for

the flowers that she purchased, $362.67. I mailed the warrant to Provident.

Scott was working when we called. He called us back

promptly. He has such a good attitude about helping. We learned that he has

been sending those $100 increments from his bank, just to help us out. How

can one beat that kind gesture? He is still trying to sell the house in

Pennsylvania. Scott has been in touch with his attorney, about terms, etc .

We had the "fidgets" today, wanting something to happen

on the real estate deal. Delgado and Cameron said that they would present

our counter off&Y* to the prospective buyer next week. We will have to wait
until thereto find out something concrete.
Keith also seems committed to helping us, all that he *
can do. We dislike thinking to taking his $50K as he has a lot of
family responsibility. Some of his older family members will likely be f
married soon. All of them are in U.S.U., working on degree programs. Reagan
is going to college for the first time, this fall. Randon is^till in high
school. Keith has plenty to be concerned about, needed funds, etc.Sandy does
not seem well. She worries and stews about her family, job, etc.

We heard from Keith that they attended the "double

blessing/^of Eric Markwortt/s twin son/^ Chyrl and Carl Markworth came up to

Logan, along with Shawn, Tammy and Jeff Markworth. Eric and Carl were

"bouncing the babies," in the large prayer circle, Eric and Johanna can be R

very proud of their young family. Eric is earning his master's degree. - .

Mary Lou has an order from 5th Ward for some roses, in

water tubes, for Mother's Day. She will have a lot of work, getting that )
order ready. g^
mother has passe I Iii?.ha^eft^Se£^blg§a^ai0IhIe^i^i?0^htg| £ista's ^
Linda Baptist Church. We will purchsse the "Columbia roses," at .
COSTCO tomorrow. The Conference edition of the ENSIGN came recently.
The vitality and qualities of Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley just amaze me. He is |
age 95-years and looks and acts much younger. The faith and prayers of the f
Latter-day Saints are sustaining him. Holly has a dinner planned for us to- I
morrow. We sent the Moms of the family some Mother's Day cards. We hope that I
the cards will "warm up," the in-laws. We go to the "meditation" class tomorrow I
ffifl I
Saturday, May 13, 2006. This was a busy day foi

to the meditation class, at Kaiser.

Bob and Mary Lou. We went
There is just one more class, in this

Mary Lou had been up early, making the spray for Vesta Cudworth.
We delivered it to the First Baptist Church in Rio Linda. We purchased the

125 or so red roses at COSTCO. We went out to a Chinese buffet dinner with
' Holly, Eldon and Joshua Miller. The dinner was at Winding Way & Manzanita.
Scott set up a conference call this morning.
(.SCott and Keith) I thanked

both of them/for their courtesies to us, as parents. Scott does not. know
I what will happen, with the house for sale, in Pennsylvania. We told him

that we don!t like to use his / If we can scrap by without it.

& Keith seem/ willing and able to come here and build the

cul-de-saC* He might work for three V/eeks and go home for a week. He

did not mention anything about Roger Sandry being willing to come here. We

would likely have to pay Keith’s air fare to and from Salt Lake City, Utah.

So , the job has landed back in Mike Shaw's lap. He is

a busy man with home, Univ. of Phoenix duties, being Elder's Quorum presi-

dent, etc. We also don't know what to expect from the prospective buyer.

We are so impressed with the attitudes of our sons.

Whatever it takes, they will do it for us. Gayle also is willing to help.

We hope that Holly Miller is on our side. Time is of the essence for us.

I hadn't been in "downtown Rio Linda, time It

" iaas?
is a strange little town. We found the Baptist Churtk. f greeted Mary

Lou. V&sta has now lost both of her parents, in death. We hear that Vesta

mother had black hair, not gray or white, until she died at age 91-years.

Vesta volunteers at the dova Senior Center. She was in Lou's classes.
We purchased the 125 red roses at COSTCO. .The roses
were "open" but they were of good quality. Gasoline is over/ a gallon an;

i "spiking" higher. I just wonder if riots will occur, with the price^ going
up and possibly the supply going down. Pres. Bush is at an all-time low,
2 I in popularity. People are fed up with his type of "leadership." He will
go on television Monday and supposedly "get tough," on illegal immigration
That I will have to see! There is talk of making Canada, USA and Mexico
all one zone, without any borders. That is part of Bush's "one world
philosophy." TherA Ire serious doubts about Bush's intentions about takin

i •
j l away the citizen's freedom and liberty. Who is waiting in the wings to b
the president of the.United States? Hilary Clinton or some "wild person
I ii like her. Maybe we'll have another run of the likes of John Kerry. No tha
Sunday, May 14, 2006.

make up
MOTHER?S DAY. We were up around 3

.the 125 rosfcsj in tubes for 5th Ward.

I helped Lou

We delivered the flowers by

8:30 a • m. We’re glad that we didn’t have more orders. I stayed f°r!
Meeting. I came home for meds, breakfast and resting. I Ka<j a slow

af ternoon. Mary Lou had a lot of Mother’s Day calls. I slept toflmuch today.

The youth of the Ward surely speak well of ther Moms.

Young Bro. Luke spoke about the importance of women and mothers.

He said that j^e was recently married, You can tell that he is ”a chip off

the old bio &M/)) as he sp^eaks very much like his father /
%✓ y
I scanned through the Sunday Sacto Bee. On of the

items wa£ about the building of the Folsom Dam. It has saved us from flooding

in past years. But, there is always danger of the dam giving away and flooding

Sacramento and the cities downstream. I wonder about what can be done to »

build the Auburn Dam? Maybe that dam would provide more safety, for us.
The political cartoons are ” stinging" in their approach* ;
They show George Bush with large ears,^ cowboy boots. The treatment .

of Vice Pres. Chenecy is even wClfse. Th depict him as bent over and |

leaning to the side. It gives Chenecy a very awkward look.

The controversy about the firing of Coach Rick Adel-

man and staff still rages on. Letters were written about the interference of

the Maloof Family. For sure, the team will have to be re-buil*^. Adelman had

won conferences champ

A/ the last eight or so years. He was / able to

bring a conference or final play-off championship, to Sacramento.

Mary Lou enjoys the class on the Old Testament. She

has a good knowledge of the scriptures. She is up early and late, reading the

Standard Works. Then, she took a class on the Old Testament at William Jewell !

College, in Missouri. She enjoys the Psalms and the Proverbs. i

I am surely behind, in my study of the scriptures. I

read the Church News and a bit of the Ensign magazine. I could do better,
in thaydepartment. Mary Lou had calls from the family, about Mother’s
Day he also had a long call from Mary Fisk. What a friend Mary has
turned out to be. I know that Mary misses Ed Fisk, now deceased, Lou also
spoke with LaRue McKnight and tried to cheer her up. I don’t know the details 1
on the other telephone calls. Lou spoke to Verna Cleverly. Marvin Naylor is in
bad health. He has Alsheimer’s Disease or something like it. His wife is thinking of placing >
K-fm -fri a nursing home. His only daughter is estranged frpm him—has been for a long time.
! e



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bad health. He has Alsh
him in a nursing home.
Monday, May 15, 2006.

possible sale of thej

The ^r%eVent today was the neS°tiations

hard on the potential sale.

Rene Delgado came by this mor/^ng.
for the

He is working

Michael Shaw also came by and helped us. He


put the evaporative cooler in the family room window,fused the whacker, to

cut the weeds, brought in and cleaned the rotating fan, helped with the

dishes, swept the floor, vacuumed the carpet and used the blower in the yard,

That is qui^a list of work that Mike accomplished this

morning. He also brought us up-to-date on the proposed lot sale. He has

sent the counter-offer to Jack Everett for his review. Jack e-mailed back

and said things looks good, on the contract. Mike gets so much accomplish-

Mike told us the name of the prospective buyer, Charles Arnold.

Rene Delgado had us sign the counter-offer. He took

the contract with him. Rene seems to be an honest business man. He is

trying to^bring up the number of sales^jj^t^^s^ orapany makes in a sales

period . / told about going in with affirm in Roseville, mostly to advise

that company. I didn’t understand if he will be moving his office there?

Rene didn’t seem to be in a hurry on the visit. He

talked about his wife. She is wonting as the secretary in the real estate

office, His daughter, works for/Small Business Administration in ths area,

processing claims from the New Orleans^. • The work is in connection wit

Hurricane Katrina. I think that Rene misses his daughter, as the secretary,

Rene said that the prospective buyer’s agent, is an-

xious to have the sale go through. The buyer wants to buy the lot to build

a home here. Otherwise, I don’t know much about him.

The refund check came from the California Franchise

Tax Board, in the amount of $237. I mailed the check to my ”500--Plus”

certificate account at Provident. I notice that the certificate matures or

September /^, 2006 . They are paying slightly over 37<Ja. nd additions can be

made to the account. I hope we can earn some interest on our savings!
tyr^had a pretty slow day. It was cooler and we have th<
benefit otfthe circulating fans. Holly came over and counted out the pills
Joshua had a MRI on his arm, today at Kaiser. He said that it was
/painful, for them to inject the dye. Joshua is quite willing to talk to
his grandparents, Keith sent a Mother’s Day card. Keith selects unique^
cards that# Hit ijome.” Lou worked on her D.U.P. lesson, for tomorrow. I1*
^is about the Yellowstone and jfational ^arks. Lou keyboarded
Tuesday, May 16, 2006. Michael Shaw called early this morning, He has ar-

ranged a conference call between family members for Friday, May 19th at 6 p.m.

I hope we have some news about/ the lot sale to share with them, at that

t ime. We haven’t/. any late news, on the real estate developments.

Pres. Bush gave his speech, mainly on the illegal im-

migrant problem, on television last evening, He is willing to commit a few

thousand National Guard troops, to be stationed along the border. They would

have limited rights to handle the mass influx of iloegals. Bush seems to want

amnesty for the illegals with eventual full-citizenship rights. If we have

12 million illegals here now, we will have double that number, in a f ew years .

01 Most observers say that Bush’s action is just a politi-

/ploy, to avoid doing anything substantive with the problem, Bush seems hand

in glove,” with Fox, the president of Mexico, I guess that cosy relationship

goes back to when Bush was governor of Texas, More border guards will be hired
immigra tion.

and placed along the border. I just feel that not much will be done on illegal/ |
Mary Lou made up a good lessof? plan for the
D.U.P • » using the word processor.
I could do. Then/
I read it over and tried to help/ as

.she found out that the printer cartridge would not fit in
the printer. She called Alton Sissell and he was able to help her.

Karen and Bruce Blakely came for a visit this morning.

Diane Ricci and Nicole had been visiting. Deena Blakely was in a vocal recital

a^t^n^jit and Karen and Bruce stayed over for that. Having Diane and Nicole
fwas a good Mother’s Day treat for Karen. They visited with Maxine Owen, Sherri

Silva, Melissa, Sherri’s daughtei^and Melissa’s children. Maxine seems to love

having young children around. Glad to hear that Karen and Maxine are doing so/
Karen tried to help Lou with the cartridge installation.

Karen was not familiar with the printer, Lou took the disc to Alton Sissell

and he printed some copies of the lesson plan and delivered them to the Oak Av.

Church. Alton is really nice, to help Lou out, when she needsjjissistance.
I came home and rested while Lou was at the . DUP
meeting. Lou did well, in her lesson presentation^ She said that she could
have made the presentation without any notes, strix^Ly from memory. Ora Field
is still "plugging along," at age 99-years. Irma Bird has visited Verna Clever^
ley recently. Lulu taught her Floral Class. She does well with the group.
they plan an outiVy via vans to the S.F. Flower Market Saturday, May 20th.
. ».r*



THANK YOU! Jon Quincy Adams himself is well, sir, quite well, I thank you.
But the house in which he lives at present is becoming dilapidated, It is
tottering on its foundations. Time and the seasons have nearly destroyed it. The
roof is pretty well worn out. Its walls are much shattered, and it trembles with every
wind. The old tenement is becoming almost uninhabitable, and I thing John Quincy
Adams Will have to move out of it soon: but he himself is quite well, sir, quit well.

Now is a good time for us prepare. We who tarry here have a few precious moments
remaining to prepare to meet God. Unfinished business is our worst business.
Perpetual procrastination must yield to perceptive preparation. Today we have a
little more time to bless others- time to be kinder, ore compassionate, quicker to
thank and slower to scold, more generous in sharing , mor gracious in caring.

Then when our turn comes to pass through the doors of death, we can say as
did Paul: The time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have
finished my course, I have kept the faith.

k r
il. 2006 . This was a
/ pretty routine day, for Mary Lou
We appreciat and
e the visit of Karen and Bruce
Blakely yesterday, They had
— "adjustments"
from Dr. Beth Blakely to help
with their aches and pains.
The Sears
r epairraan came to work on the riding
mower. He didn’t have the I
right ignition so the repair will be
delayed a week or more. Lou had her :
family history class.
Neal Brown showed his excellent video of
It is always good to see Karen and Bruce. ( and I
talked about "by-gone days," in Riverbank.
I remember the marshall, Earl
Lilly. He worked with Judge Staley to issue tickets and "keep the peace."

I also talked about the Higgenbothams and their large farm near Orange
. , losing their farms, due to bad luck.
Blossom and their large dairy farms. Too bad about the Higgenbothams/

I have the challenge of getting the hoses ready, to

sprinkle the lawns and trees. Also, I have the green waste barrels,
immediate tasks.
to fill for the trash haul-aways tomorrow. Frankly, I didn't work on the/

Bro, Ron Kloepfer sent payment for the corsage that Lou

made up for Connie K. on Mother's flay. Ron must have a lot of things,

going in his life. He seems very busy with Church work also. I know that

Connie felt badly about the loss of her Mother, Lillian Stewart.

Lou had a lesson planned on regular research. Neal

BrowJfiad been to Hawaii and he had a two-hour prsentation that he had made

with his new Canon 20X video camera. Neal's photograph^j^a s excellent.

Thef^ of the Honolulu I

He went to Honolulu with his son and others.
I have visited there. j
That city has grown in the time since/
Metropolitan area were spectacular.
Neal also concentrated on the Pearl Harbor historical

"Missouri battleship.11
region. He showed footage of going inside the
the battleship. He requests
!j old the story of Pres. Truman going
/ ahead, in honor of their service,;
i| that the sailors escorting him

i: It was
41 ... s-sx ixziXn «
with some Cl**» Irr.mMMit to the Si.o.l.. for them
°° i, .t-ptdav Their young grandson is divor- /
the computer work yeste y‘ child. %as a goad
helping on The father has care of the child, cinguiar
c ing his
- wife.
-i _ helped around our house 1
y enter the alphabetized pboB*t,^_
worker, when he have themjho^he^ho^to enter^ ^ day, ^
rail phone storetired
and s
P We were
Thursday. May 18. 2006. It was a little cooler today, We still like to have

early morning activities, such as walking, etc.
I was up early, getting the J

I didn!t have the energy to work on the green waste.

out to the drive—

I scanned _

through the Sacto Bee newspaper. The Congress seems nearer to doing

something about illegal immigration. We went to Lorraine McIntyre's reception.

She is retiring as the administrative assistant, in the Adult Educ. department.

3 It is good to get up a bit early and see the morning

Mary Lou has that trip to the

sunrise. Sorry, that I don’t have more energy.

X San Francisco Flower Market planned for Saturday morning.

cooperation from the class.

She has had good

T^e people from her fiftrist, class^are^ planning t o

go in the County van. I hope that it is comfortable / / the 20 mile s or so.

xJLrw*” /
Market is planned, I wonder if
3 A visit to the/ ~
the group will have a "docent," to help them get around/ Then^Lou plans to go

to Golden Gate Park and visit the Japanese Tea Garden. I hope that I feel well
enough to go I always enjoy a “trip to San Francisco, since my early years.
We had a slow morning. Mary Lou made up a floral *
arrangement for Lorraine. Lou used some of the roses off the bush, in front of
school people used.
the house. Even the color harmoney was right for the decorations that the/ I
The Senate seems willing to build a fence, along the

Mexi border. What good will that accomplish? The big variables seem to

be the need of the Mexican masses to secure work, for a .livelihood.

Then/ the
United States businessmen are willing to exploit the^labor supply. Problems !
I just wonder how the money can be spent, by the federal

government? The deficits have gone up to billions (perhaps trillions) of

^ dollars. We are at war in Irag and the end doesn’t seem in sight. The Iranian ^

have nuclear materials now and lack the self-control to use that powerful force.

The luncheon was pleasant. I met Lorraine’s sister and

father. He is from the San Jose area . Lorraine plains to go on more cruises
now that she has the time. She wants to go on a crjse to Mexico and . !
Catalina with her sister. Lorraine may even have a "gentleman friend." ;
Her husband, Mac, has been dead for several years. I also met her daughter.
J The pot luck food was good. They gave Loraine a "money tree." I saw Joseph
.Sylvester, Bob Filman and several of Lou’s Adult Education peers. They are 5
4T.f ends to me also, I always have good memories of Adult Educ. people, r
Lou is getting some copy wo-rk done on her grandfather Abbotyt’s histories.^ \
ft/utnf KMtor r !

^Temple “I promise you that all who faithfully attend to temple work will he blessed beyond meas-
ure—your families will draw closer to the Lord, unseen angels will watch over your loved
ones when satanic forces tempt them, the veil will be thin, and great spiritual experiences
will distill upon this people. ” ~ Vaughn./. Featherstone


Serial 'Tkotos 'Document Construction 'Tro^ress
Although he originally learned to fly in the late 1970’s, Lowell Fitt and his
wife, Kay became busy with his dental practice and raising a family—so flying had to
take a backseat to everything else for several years.
Now retired and living in the Cameron Park Ward of the El Dorado Stake,
Brother Fitt is able to combine two of his passions— flying and photography. He has
photographed the construction progress of the Sacramento California Temple from
; the air since just before groundbreaking.
In addition to taking many amazing aerial photos, Brother Fitt also built the
airplane that he flies. ‘7 have been a tinkerer all my life", noted Brother Fitt. '7
decided in the early 1990 's that 1 wanted to build an airplane. I fly a Kitfox. It is a
small, homebuilt airplane with high wings and a tail-wheel rather than the usual
Flying, and taking photos at the same time, is rather challenging, so it is not
until Brother Fitt gets home and views the photographs on his computer that he can
^truly ponder the significance of his subject matter. He indicated that he is often quite
f 'y ken by some of the images as they bring to mind the sacred nature of the project.
‘ When l look at the Temple pictures—usually on Sunday morning, I always look for
the people. I like to see where they are and what they are doing ".
Brother Fitt continued, "What I see are ‘Temple Workers’, whether they
are members of the Church or not. They are serving...and blessing all of us because
this Temple is the result of numerous prayers, and those skilled men and women that
work there are serving our Heavenly Father — doing for us what we really are un­
able to do for ourselves. And so it will be when we enter this Temple; we will use
time there to serve others. And most assuredly answering the prayers of many who
have been waiting patiently for someone who will perform a service for them—this
very essential part of the Gospel, the saving ordinances that they cannot perform for
themselves ”.

COMING IN JUNE: Watch for the next issue of the

TEMPLE TIMES which will feature a full page of the most
you have questions about Open House, the Youth Day of
Celebration, Dedication or any other items related to the
Sacramento California Temple, please submit diem by May
25th to templetimes@comcastnet
Mfl 21, 2006. The rain came down today! 1
:u rees/shrubs need the moisture.
It was welcome as the
We went to Sacrament Meeting at f
lt was a "mixed meeting,” with themes.
of Family History and |
missio nary work.
Eleanor Sissel spoke of German research and also
of the
,/3u5jrit-L.>She ls a descendant of those people. We went to the \i
/commencement program of Connie
Nakagawa^She was graduated with "honors.”
We were on time for Church services.
Eleanor Sissel
told of "the Germans in Russi /The Sissels also have traveled to Ger­
many, to the village of her/
Then, the Germans had a tough
time with the Russianspuring World War II, the Germans were absorbed into

the general population of Russia. They may have been sent to Siberia?^^
David Haueter spoke of missionary work, He told about
his reluctance in contacting his neighbors about the Gospel. Both speak­
ers did very well. Lou said that Eleanor has not had an easy time with

family rese&^th and comp^t^^ But she stuck it out and is an expert now.

We/ stalked to Gary Gray about his family, immi-

grants from Sweden to the plains of Colorado and Kansas. They lived in

Sedgwick County, KS, the county seat being Wichita, KS. Gary has re­

searched some information but he has difficulty in "tying it iogetherJ^ :

There should be some sources in Wichita, to help him complete more/i*

We drove to the Convention Center in Sacramento. Holly:

had been there helping Connie, since this morning. Connie had earned all

"Af s ,11 except for one A-. She was able to wear a special graduation gown.

;tO the/ -*r e1' Center!#.. He was good company.

We took Joshua Miller
University graduated about 350 grads. speakers wer^ not too
have the resources for a complete/pro gram.
long-winded^ational seems to
I I walked with Holly several blocks, to pick up our car,
, . i

offices and building. I was tired when I m

of Education Connie and family had a gathering at her home,;
near the Dept.
arrived home and I rested. i over there. Lou had some e-mails
to celebrate• I dldfa ot choose to go
call," to family members. What to do
celled "confer*, ence
about the canI have an appointment with ACCESS DEnJ/^L, at 10 a.m. 1&
this week? about leaving Dr. Chang. Mary Lou wants to
I have mixed feelings Lou wants to get an appointment^;ygjj Dr. Tomartt,
with Sun Oaks Rental.
Monday, May 22, 2006. I remember the old parody about "wash on Mondays, iron

on Tuesdays," etc. I've forgotten what was scheduled, on the other day;$ of the

week. Today, the weather was cool and pleasant. More cool days are

expected this week. Michael Shaw came by, on his regular visit, in the

morning, We .talked, flbout selling the house and the lots. We can’t see ?myi
We need to do our part, to insure a cash flow, Improvements on trfcie land/reeded.
other way for us to get "some cash flow." /.

Mix^. is putting the property sale back into our "laps , "

just where it belongs. He is willing to work as our "superintendeant of con-

struction," on the land improvements. We wonder if Keith is willing to come

here and bring his $50K with him, to do the building work, on the cul-de-sac?

That seems to be the only way to proceed. At some point, we’d have to supple-

ment his money with some borrowed money, from our.HELOC loan. Maybe this plan

ill get some Construction activity going. ri r0

Keith called. He had been out on the paper routes,

with Sandy. He is willing to "invest" his insurance award money. He will come

here to work, if we ask him. He has his sights on a bus that will move tmam
his track-layer tractor. I’d like to inform him that he "has a deal."
Randon has been elected junior class president, at

Logan High. He is getting a car, even though he is only \$-years-old, soon to

be ! I’ll bet he is driving by himself, around town.
He is using the ingur-
ance proceeds money, to buy the car. Reagan has won (helped) the la crosse/

Shelsie is planning to travel in Europe, with Ryan S. E

this summer. They want to see Spain, Italy, France, etc. Riley is working for

a delivery company. I guess he won’t work for the City of Logan, this summer?

The Shaws seem to be involved in tlieir own activities in Cache Valley, Utah.

Lou worked on filing the photos, in her "office." She

wants to cut down on the piles of paperwork, in that room. I puttered around,
on different tasks. I misled the AECESS DENTAL appointment. I can go in i-
=38,7 U-!' t

% W* 'Mx ' ■ 9a.m. tomorrow. I will probably stay with Sun Oaks Dental, We copied
feme missing pages in the Abbott histories.^We received .Sc^rt^Sl^^w * s new
Ildl^itfllPagfiy• Lou.wants to put the history
?ark for some good exercise.
on a CD disc i
We walked in
The cooler weather ’makes the walking more
erij-dyable. X slept a lot today. Probably, I won’t go to sleep easily tonight.
II '1 "8
Page 1 of 1

From: "gsoren" < >

■ To:

Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 05:44:58 -0800

Subject: Family

I was sorry to hear that the offer did not go through. I

join your prayers that Mom and Dad will have the means to
make the improvements on their property soon.
I woke up this morning with many thoughts of my children and
would like to share them with you. Here is a quick run

Qwen-inst completed his first year at college with straight

be returning home from Korea, June 10th.

Alyson-is doing well with four lively and sweet boys^while

her husband serves in the bishopric(s/y
Carolyn-is preparing for her good husband to lgave for i
training and Iraq June 8th for sixteen months \J~Pr & cVJ
Jaron-just graduated from college with honors and has moved^
► *y r
to Arizona to live in Snowflake. His sweet wife is
i expecting in Oct.
Camille-and her good husband are going to school in Rexburg.
Shawn-is graduating with honors from high school. He has
submittedhismissTori papers] ~ ■
Kayleena-continues to enjoy her dancing and is trying to
earn enough for driver's ed.
Mariah-is finally overcoming her stage fright and will be in
a talent show this week!
Oh the neverending joys and anguishes of Motherhood!
LYA, &t\f



i i: m
r ■■iS

*r junomsg://03E57760/ s/24mm '-Ws
Tuesday. Hni,
23, 2006. This was a day of decision abbat t-be-ij '" '-'Ms
of the lots.
Mary Lou and I agreed that we need the hei-p a®SI
perhaps daught ers.
Scott and Keith haye offered to lodn:,U8;?^
funds. Why not take them up, on their offers? We called M&fj
him of our decision.
He wants to get Keith involved and star^Jj rfrj
struction work. ; M
It will be long, but must go on! Put your shot [Wm
It is good to make a clear cision ». ioK *1
the funds to proceed. It will be necessary to tap into the
andlSco 11. It will be a risky proposition, But, the> attitude
family members is the best! Why not keep the development, in^ t|*J}>*j§j

Michael said that putting in the sewer tapi^w

one of the first things to do. We should develop a "critical

/. -V: '•

Keith used to do with ftingcolor Systems. That .111 lat ui m

. • >rspil3
sequence of the jobs, to fie done. Lou and Bob have some ^avings%
k i
mostly in IRA’s ajJd f
certificates of deposit. Then, there if

ssc water mains to put in also. All of the underi-ground work will fet!

We called Mike. He called Keith. Keith rd^pf

c\ We don’t know where Scott is on this matter
a positive way.
It will be up to us to have a
up-beat and wants to particpate.
<0 action and notify all members of the family.
It’s a communic:

Lou went to have her weekly befuty;:_treatmc.^^^

" WkB WKsifoe?*;
and picked up tfy<2>
hair. We went to Staple’s Stationery - l.Mmm
41 to 45, in John Abbott’s,h|s£
They added the missing pages,
The cost was about $75 , adding a cost
on new bindings. Lou wants to send, cpjjes (tp! Mfl?
- 1
each to the ten books.
Sherry, of^My Flower
.... , ,

to /Jx
in her class
, , vi
l ske the
I watched the Miami Heat bask
.was ® The Women's NBA «
* tons rrhs
• seem to be a competiti^^t^^ 7
* Monarchs ij: the riding mower»
today, ^ J has another order o. mu
, P** **Ifcin^ the merchandise^,-tor
f ^lfntiess- ,

Wednesday, May 24, 2006. Scott sent his bank’s (USAA) approval for a $120K

loan at 9.1%, over a 20year term. We’re not sure if that is to purchase the

lot or to provide funds for us to do the cul-de-sac and other devel-

opment work. We^ll have to contact him and find out what he wants to do.

Lou taught her family history class, at the Senior Center. Helen Lucas dropped
missing person,
by as a visitor. She talked about finding a live /who is her step-son's mother.

Yearly interest on the full/ at 9.1% would be

$1,092 a month, or over $13K a year. The interest rates for borrowed m§#ey are

going up lately. Scott noted on the sticky memo: "As promised . " Jcott also

sent us the $100 "interest money." Scott is desirous of helping us out.

Mike has been in touch with Keith. Keith is "ready,

willing ajid^<iblp<^ " to come here and help with the construction work. Mike said

that we/have to pay his $300 airline ticket f rom Salt Lake City to Sacramento.

We wonder if/
will drive the bus that he/
his pick-up truck?
to purchase or come by/

Mary Lou worked on Scott’s autobiography. He talked about the

' Shaws, mostly about them living in the Ogden, UT area. He must have ob­

tained the info. off the personal histories that I sent, to him.^ He also wrote
about the Abbotts. It was mostly about Austin Abbott/golng fro Idaho to Miss—

the struggles, of the 1940fs or so. He mentioned about Austin and Ruth

^divorcing as he did about John and Josephine/aivorcing because of many problems.

Scott wrote about AbLgail^Smith Abbott who came West as a/ from Nauvoo, IL.
__ . lost.
The autobiographyAhas been transferred to a disc so that the story will not be/

Mary Lou picked up the corrected Abbott histories at

Staples/ She still has plans to send copies to adult grandchildren. It is
graduation time and th&/ should be recognized. We1d like to send some

money with the congratulations cards but our funds are low now and will be lower

later. David Abbott’s son is an Eagle Scout now. He needs recognition also.

We had a talk-fest in the Family History class.

Lou likes the folks to relate their experiences back to research funda­
mentals. We noticed Mrs. Jeffcoat reading John Austin Abbott’ s personal
history. Gloria Moen’s grandson sent us a, thank-you note for the German choco­
late cake that we sent to him, via Gloria. That was very thoughtful, of the
high school student. Lou talked about the death of Paul Best, who died lately.
The class chipped in $67 to the Coalition for Pulmonary Fibrosis in San Jese, CA*
I thought that generous of the class members. Many good memories of Paul Best i
i'l ' ! : ■ \f
Thursday, May 25, 2006. It will be seven months until Christmas Day!!!
Michael is planning tp go outr-of-tC&'n for a week pr so. I hear that they
1* are going to Hawaii on mileage of credit card applications, I was up and

took care of the trash. Mike,reminded us to go to the Sacto County sewer

a book for the Abbotts.
department, to see about getting the underground work done. Lou mailed/

We understand that Sacto County has a financing plan

for major projects, like sewer work. It has a low rate of interest and
probably a long pay-back period. We are also going to make arrangements

with PG & E for the natural gas and Fair Oaks Water for connections, etc. :
Mark Allen is having success with his helicopter train-

ing . He has good scores on his tests and seems to have passed the standard

to be a pilot. He would make a good helicopter man to the sheriffs^

helicopter detail. I’m sure a lot of re j a t ed jobs are available.

Mary Lou is intensely interested in Scott Shaw’s auto-

biography. She has the account on a disc now, so that she can correct and

work with the history. Scott does the work, he doesn’t just talk about it.

Presidente Fox of Mexico visited in Utah. I wonder why j

he would o there? He is coming to California next. The "red carpet”

seems to be out for him. Watch for some of his "mumbo jumbo," in defending

the number of illegals, in this country. I wonder what the Senate is going
situation, for sure,
to do about the illegals, in this country ? They will complicate the/

Lou mailed the John Abbott History to Ron Hobson. He

is a descendant from Rich and Joy Hobson. We hear that Rich is in a nur­
sing home/ $on remembers Grandather Jphn/|^bott playing his guitar, etc.

We are still working on the program, to send some money

to the family graduates, I picked up some $10 bills at Raleys. We’d like

to be able to do more for the grads but our personal financial situation
I i;
We can)at least, send greeting cards. *3*
will not permit it.
Lou went to Janie Eirckson’s studio for art lessons. ^
Janie had a "gentleman caller" whfltarrived about when we left J’s house,
think that her heart belongs toydb (Horton.) Bob is still getting’ along
all right, considering the dangerous nature of his illness. Janie, fesenj
I sleep in
guy. tomorrow^.:
night. Mike wants us tQ see the County water and sewer
D smMS
Friday, May 26, 2006.
«-p- S'M 2foy0n
This w^ a clouay arid cool dafy, Let i/s e/joy the cool

breezes, while we can. Delgado and Camjrron, the real estate agents, were to

come by our house today. We.missed / 4^r- They will see i

next week. We went to the permits// County offices. They

'T&uiZ /
could not help us. The, sewar.-people said/ cul-de-sac map ^eeds some
/lrfijlltlAtifi/ /> ' call back Sat.
signatures, to be/ Keith and Scott tried a conference call. They will/

The real estate agents tried to see us today. Both of

us were busy and it was put off until next week. The listing on the lots is

sometime soon. I wonder if we owe the R.E. agents anything for the

expenses that they have had? We wonder if we owe any commissions, to date.

We made four copies of the street and paving plans.

The people at the permit dept, said that the plans could not be submitted thru

them. They check plans for buildings and housef-under construction.

Mike had made arrangements for us to see the sewer

people. They were helpful and said that the plan office should have helped u s

more. They said that the plans should have the signature of the county

engineer’s people. They said that our engineer should have been re­

sponsible to get all the signatures. So, the

f Ians will have to wait until

Mike comes back from his vacation trip. That will be a week or more.

So, our first efforts/to represent ourselves did not

turn, out well,
' UVb
Mike seems to haye a good working relationship with Fred ,f in th^.

sewer and water dept. Mike thinks that he can engage a plumber to dig the
pipe lines from the tap to the stub-up at a lower cost than the county offer.

^ There seemjto be lower fees, if "assisted living" quarters are built. Keith is
f lo&t
interested in getting "assisted living houses" built, to provide a cash/

The VISA bill is $1,175 and includes our expenses to go

to the McKnight funeral service in Nampa, ID. I want to send the tithing for

both Bob and Lou. Lou was paid on May 10th

Mary Lou worked on the^Autobiography of Scott
• //
Shaw/ The Sears repair person installed the ignition on the riding mower.
I mowed the front lawn and some of the other weeds and grass, in the east
yfrrd. I watched the violent WWE Wrestling tonight. The smaller men (Rey
Mysterio) really gets beat up, by the heavier wrestlers. Scott and Keitn tried
y phone call but will try again tomorrow. What to do tomorrow? We
the.Meditation class from 10 to if :30 a.m. It is the last, in this
! HR MI* m
-------------- CONFIDENTIAI___________
Account Information for:

Deposit Summary:

Account Interest Open Maturity Current Interest

Institution^ Number Rate Date Term Date Balance Earned f21 Balance

WSB 0419069893 5.13 04/14/06 006 M 10/14/06 10,000.00 56.37 10,056.37


worCd savings
i I 11201 Gold Express Drive
I Gold River, California 95670

[1] WSB = World Savings Bank, FSB

WTX = World Savings Bank, FSB (Texas)
i [2] Interest earned from last interest posting to 05/24/2006


Date and Time of Summary: 05/24/2006 at 13:34:25

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$N Saturday , Mav 27. 2006. Some fluff ^ cloujf were in the sky but it did not a
rain. We had a conference call with Keith, Scott and Michael. The re­
ception was clear and I feel that we accomplished something,

only interested in purchasing Lotfor less than $150K, only j

have to put out a lot of borrowed money. Keith still has his original :

offer , on the table. Mike^is^^L^in^^^o.-continue to help us, aj the con-

struction s uperintendent/ We were civil to each 0**tfter, on the telephone. !
Scott is not offering his "line of credit," to help us :
the lot development. He had been in Pennsylvania to rent his house

there, He seems glad that he is getting some cash flow. He seemed glad i
that he still has ownership of that ho^e and it is producing
: o a u c in income.

start \

He would come to Reno, NV for a reduced fare and .we !

would pick him up in that city. He has the high school graduation of his

Thenjfandy is having an op-

son, Reagan Shaw, coming up next Friday.
thjflse family happenings.
eration on June 6 th or so . He agreed J,f7ould be there for /

Mike still s. the as before. He is willing

to help us out, as h time permit^. / He is depending on Keith to come

here and work so that a lot of pressure will be taken off Michael. Mike

would have taken time to talk to Keith, if he could come here today. Of

course, Mike was anxioujto be ready to travel to Hawaii, with his family.
Mary Lou said that she is going to write ou^ her im-

phone conversations. I’m sure that she will have some

the land improvemen the lot sale. We compliment-

kind offers, to assist us.
ed Scott on writing his autobiography. I congratulated our sons, for/
SOj I feel encouraged, to go ahead with the work. It will all work out.
We went to the last meditation C I$3S, in this series.
They will continue next week, at/a place in Granite Bay, CA. I will know
more details later. I picked upj>/jff.,at Kaiser Pharmacy. I surely do
not like the Medicare pharmacy * It is just too much gfr^ernment.
and too many unpleasant surprises. It’s a typical "Bush" tricfe# J.
Maxine Owen called. "Mike, the boarder" is still livin
at her house. 0£th Parker is doing okay, as ijf Sherman, Erma has a big
estate to pass on to her children. Is it in the millions of dollars?
ine does not see Linda very often. Sherri is caring ^o^Melissa's kids.
Nicole Ricci had a bad bicycle accident and has been laid up. We had a
fa^r^Ly^jow day. Lou worked on Scott’s "Autobiography." She enjoys goin;*
writing of his experiences. I didn’t/f^ow the lawns because I >
didn’t have the energy. I guess that it is Church services tomotro*^
of people are out and about, on this Memorial Day weekend, gasolinjygp^gj
We wup and off to Fourth Ward, Sacrament fj
Sunday, May 28, 2006.
Meeting. The Stake CenteJ6' fj a lovely building. I remember the Jj ■ family

* working on the constructiD/V of the Church building. Plans are being made for

the Temple dedication. It will require much volunteer work. Ron Kloepfer T

^ is in charge of security and Dick Carter will have some supervision of getting

the temple ready for dedication. Pres. Hinckley is expected to dedicate the

temple. Bruce and Leslie Williams came for home teaching. They are great|folks.

We sit by the door, in back of the chapel. Tammy

Wood told us her parents are off on an Alaskan cruise, Roberta Nielsen

and probably Grant, are back from a long cru/| e. I just can't get excited

about cruises because I am very subject to motion sicf^iftfess.

Glen Bailey has just returned from a mission to Flori-

da . He says that he really likes Southern cooking. He is a big guy and pro-

bably put on some weight, in the South. He told of helping out after the recent

hurricanes passed through, with their destruction. Jim Kersey was the High

Council speaker. J think that Eldon Miller knows Jim as they are both

from Rancho Cordova. It was a spiritual meeting.

I came home early, to take my pills and have some break—

f ast. I read the Sacto Bee newspaper. The Congress is making a big hulabalooo

about the immigration problems. I don’t see the Senate doing much to stem the

tide of the illegals, coming into this country. They strain our medical facili-
ties, schools, law enforcement an sovereignityj j We stand to lose a lot.

We started writing cards to graduates and folks with


so to Reagan Shaw and Alyson Woodland.

We sent cards to Shelsie Shaw, Kayleena, Jaron andBhawn Soren.

We took the cards to the post office.


We have a few more cards to send out plus a family history packet to the Sorens.

Bruce and Leslie came over I ° home teaching. Leslie

told about the schedule for the dedication and open-house affairs. I have not
made no|es in my date book, of the schedule. Lou plans a dinner for "her ™
propl4ft tomorrow. We have some salmon and roast beef, on hand. The
Allen family seems to like to come out here, The kids can run around and Lou
makes home-made bread and other delicacies so our lot is somewhat like a country
estate. I think it is a lot of work for Mary Lou and it is. But, |he seems to
enjoy doing the work and the other folks seem to enjoy the outings.
We went to the cemeteries and placed flowers pn.the graves of John Shaw, for
a.1----- U4 1 1 nr <a >n A tMlhert and Rosalie Gillespie. It Was the ' hiStU 1 ftl 1 flf flilT
i ii i ill

pf yvu^) pnA) MA
A\%faA -fa U& ^ k^f>
May 27,2006
lu^ i /7 r 7affln L,
saved as lottele.doc, word.------ ^^------- '
Ii (
!i i Telephone call with Keith, Scott and Michael
:l Keith wants to invest $50,000 in our property, 5370
Nugget Road, Fair Oaks, CA. 95628
Michael explained our situation with the new j
development plan that has been accepted, Class C instead of !
Class A. He explained how we had attempted to build a house
on lot 4. and how it was rejected, but changed the
requirements to Class C. !
Friday, Bob and I had visited the Building Permit
Department to open a file for us, and they said we needed :

house plans. We then went over to SRCSD (Sacto Regional

Sanitation Dist.#l, 1054 Armstrong Ave., Mather, CA. 95655. :
Phone 876-61060) and talked to Fred I Cary 111. As soon as I
said, we were Michael Shaw’s parents, they were most cordial :
and accommodating. They verified the plan had been
accepted but not signed by the Superintendent and others at
the County. They said, Claiborne Engineering was responsible
for the signatures, when the plan was accepted..
Scott had sent an application for a loan with his bank for
$120,000. He explained the loan requires $30,000 down to
secure the loan for $150,000. He would need to use $30,000 of
Keith’s Award money from Keith’s accident. Scott would
exchange $150,000 for fully improved lot #1. He would then
sell the lot. He also suggested the alternative plan for us to go
with Keith and take care of additional development expenses
: • We decided to go with Keith’s offer and use his $50,000
to improve the lots. Mike is willing to be the superintendent
and help us all he can. He needs assistance from Keith in
dealing with the County, water, sewer, etc. We want to hire
Keith to do the Cul de9 sac with another experienced builder.
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Keith wants to do this work and use his money as an
investment. ■ '

The first part of May we had an offer for $177,000 cash

with us doing the improvements. When we countered with
•E :

$235,000, Mr. Arnold went somewhere else. Rene Delgado and

Mike Cameron, our real estate agents, are very good and keep
a close look at the market. We hope to sell a lot or two and
meet the requirements of the improvements and have money
left to supplement our income in our old age. We want to keep
the house and one lot and hopefully build another house on the
lot we keep.



I I!

: % A'fd fe
: f

!3 t
29, 2006 .
we took the f lowe We were glad that M
rs to East Lawn and Mt. Vernon Cemeteries
once called this yesterday. We I
time, ’’Decoration Day," E
because we decorated the graves
with flowers. ,
Keith called this morning.
He will take flowers to Ben Lo~
m°nd Cemet ery, in honor of John and
Josie Shaw and others. *
E^jhopes to see :
Juke Powell, on the flowers rounds, :
We had a fish and roastjfdinner |tfLth
the Allen family and others.
The folks seemed to enjoy themselves a lot. ■
We went with Holly last night on the cemetery run. We !
found the graves of Little John Shaw and also
Bert and Rosalie Gillespie. ••
Lou had v oosome flowers to put on the
graves. We also went to Mt. Vernon •m
and located the grave of Dorothy Miller, Holly added to some flowers that !"

were already on the grave marker. Joshua Miller went with us. Ir was a
very fulfilling experience to get out*and honor those who have gone before I.?•

Keith plans to go with/ and find the cemeteries, . j

in the Ogden, UT area. He hopes that he meets up with Juke Powell. We :

wonder if Juke is still able to take flowers*- to the different graves. I si
wonder about the graves for Riley,/Blanch and Elva Abbott (Aultorest.) i
my parents,
Then there are the graves for/Little Marjorie Shaw, Grandfather John Cottam

and the Tucker Family, in Ben Lomond Cemetery, iU UT.

— Keith
to take flowers to/ family.
is so thoughtful, to want to help remember the Shaws. He may go to Payson/

I still wonder about Don Ellis? I haven1t heard any-

Is Don still alive? He was always sO

thing about him for a few years.
helpful and thoughtful. He took many photos for us and that was appreci-
I wonder ''about/ daughter, Melissa?
ated. Keith may be able to see Jim Shaw.
Mary Lou worked on cleaning up the house and mixing the 1

Chrissie and family plus the Miller family came at 5

wheat kernel bread.
table in the family room and served the food,
p ,m. Holly put the long rock hauling. :
u Thev will come out Wednesday, to work, oil thf
Sandy and Danny canieu^y ilej more card, to Mariah, Scott, Randoa,jMar<: y;
, "* ■ Abbott family hlatoty, tjM.d.yjgJ
ss& •»<> •r-sir-i:-•««! SJ-- — ..4
In World War Iy'
has been helping
,1U m hla new home in Granite bay. IMMB|
' the fami^Wnners. Chris Abbott

Marc dishes for us, after the she will see family
doe/ the
the NBA Convention this summer m
Uufi C/s yi'UrfJtyv QAtf
Tuesday, ftAYao, 2006. } * would have been the lloth birthday
1 of John Riley Shaw, my

father. He lived in a different time period, and followed his own desires

^regard to family loyalty, etc. He was a very hardworking man. Messrs.

Delgado and Cameron visited today. They stayed for over an hour. We

went ahead and re-listed the lots. They told us that we d<) not owe them any-
' They took one of those culr-de-saci map s
money for their sales efforts, to date.
Chris Abbott has quite an ambitious trip/\ via

Orlando, FL. She wants to see the Abbot^^in/or around Independence, MO. and
Bebe Abbott i ti|a labaster, AL. She will^ go to the NEA Convention. / Orlando ,

NOKrnekii itoiwh/
Then, she might even visit April Gal lagher, in/ near Chicago, IL.

NEA has paid her $1,700 to attend, as an educational delegate, Chris wants to 5
visit her son Tom, wife Nyla and family, in Utah.
Delga^do and Cameron did not seem to be in a hurry with >

us today. They took the cul-de-sac map and wondered if they should contact the |

engineer, down in El Grove, CA, about the missing signatures. They will e-mail -
Mike and ask him his opinion, on the matter. Rene D. has a cabin on Myers

Grade, nea i^Lake Tahoe that he rents out. He will put us on the list,

for some time there, this summer.He had been to the cabin, this week-end.

There was very little mail today. I want to pay the !

monthly bills this week-end. I am getting lower in my checkbook b< ance, as

time goes on. We have some hefty bills to pay this month.

Sandy Allen told me that Jason’s son is with mother

over in Ha^gii^^The mom has a boy/ " -> who is in the Army over there. The

son is / to be with Jason for a few weeks, this summer. Tim Allen has been

dead for about four years now. Sandy does not seem to have regrets in her life.

Mary Lou had her date at the beauty shop. I talked to

Jeffie^bout her cosmetology experience.
She is satisfied with her home shop.

She does belong to the Elks Lodge and that takes a lot of her time.Lou feels

be"" ab°“t
watched the
U>T***, 1 i
basketball game,
were both defeated by the Dallas and Phoenix ffe/vj ThejMiami Heat is
winning over the Detroit Pistons, in the Eas^. Lou taught her last floral
class of the. quarter. She goes back in-July for the summer quarter.. That is
during July. Lou is enthused about thefcooperation of the fldral students.
Lou has her final Family History class of the quarter tomorrow—did a good job!
'■b! !
■a -

Wednesday, May 31, 2006. Mary Lou has completed the spring
quarter of both
her Adult Education classes. listory class was completed
* y Lou plans to go ahead, in the summer, / f botN Family History and Floral

Techniques. It might be difficult to get the required enrollment. Dan

Kash and Sandy Allen came out today. Dan moved the large rocks from the

front of the house, along the planted area. HAftory clas»*

We attend e®7 the Family /

Dan Kash came out to work today. He moved the heavy

rocks from the side of the house. He just moved them a short way, to the

concrete driveway. Dan seemed to have his work planned out and he didn’t

have any wasted motion. Sandy Allen and Bob Shaw helped with the heavy

rocks. We will have to cut out the thick ground cover, near the skirting

on the new ramp. That way we can paint the skirting that was missed.

We bought some gasoline for their van. We also paid

them some money. I’d like to hire them, if they were willing to come put

here and work. They seem to commitments with their Denio Auction

work and also caring fo:^ Michelle’s child.

We received our State Teacher’s Retirement checks.

Be it ever so humble, we depend on the STRS income, They will be taking

out a $31,06 increase, to pay for the/Sep.ior Advantage. The Kates will

go up wt 44.72 from $414.66. That will start with the next check.

We were on time for the Genealogy Class. Ed Schott i

has been in ythe hospital. He ith jokes^ Neal Brown

/r . another ^,video of his to Hawai/(/* His photon-

graphy was excellent* Neal also^ some still scenes from, his collecr*

t ion. I wonder about Mike and family, over in Hawaii now. A lot of

tourists and vacationers travel to those islands. ;

Representative John Doolittle is stacking up cam­

paign money in this up—coming election. ft never seemed to have much


opposi in past elections and the candidates were seemingly weak. Now,
he is out building up his >. campaign money and he has a formidable foe in
the man who is the mayor of Auburn. I don’t know much about either

happening in World War II. We had

class. My
ii ■

The Sacramento Bee •


.W TO; / / (

S0N£ million **OUNT

dollars. $

Make T IV.n
Harrah's Lake Tahoe
Susan Pruett, with her husband, Kenneth, second from left, won the top prize of $1 million in a video poker
competition in March at Harrah's casino at Stateline, Nev. The other two men were not identified.

Arrest: Husband allegedly

incriminated wife in e-mails
► FROM PAGE B1 reached for comment Wednes- She hit the $1 million jackpot.
dealership and his Big W Ranch, day. The Pruetts chose to take a lump
“The irony is that she embez­ Danny Russell finds the whole sum of $497,000 rather than j
zled the money and then won a situation very interesting. The yearly payments that would
million-dollar prize - like a Rancho Cordova contractor says equal the full amount,
dream come true - and then that the Pruetts owe him $258,469 - While the Pruetts were cele-
prize was forfeited to the govern- that’s how much he claims Ken- brating their win, the FBI was al-
ment,” said Sommercamp, a Sac- neth Pruett embezzled as control- ready watching - and the Inter-
ramento special agent who ler of Russell Mechanical, Inc., nal Revenue Service was waiting.
worked the Pruett case. six years ago. The Pruetts owe $179,000 in
Kenneth Pruett’s lover is identi- The District Attorney’s Office back income taxes for 2002, :
fied in court documents only as confirms Russell’s account. In 2003, and 2004, according to the
CW-1. Sommercamp said the 2000, Kenneth Pruett was con- U.S. attorney’s office. But the IRS
pair started their affair when victed of felony embezzlement in took the entire $497,000, agents
both worked for Disabled Sports that case, sentenced to two years said, because Susan earned an in-
USA, a nonprofit based in Citrus and four months in state prison, vitation to the tournament by
Heights. and ordered to repay the money, gambling with embezzled mon-
CW-1 told Ffel agents that Ken- “Restitution was ordered, but ey:
neth Pruett first told her about his the Pruetts never made good,” By then, the federal net had be-
wife’s activities while she and Russell said Wednesday. “Over gun to close.
Pruett were together in Arizona the years, we have pursued them In early February, Susan Pru-
last summer. and tried to find them. This latest ett s boss at Folsom Imports con-
In subsequent e-mails and arrest we find kind of shocking, her ab?ut _tbe ex-girl-
phone calls, Kenneth Pruett ex- but not really a surprise.” *nen~ f report of embezzlement,
plained to h'er that his wife “de- Susan Pruett also has a previ- work that day and did
~ bus embezzlement conviction, not return, according to court doc-
ton 2003 in Placer County. She um.e^‘ , . ■
pleaded no contest and was or- Atothat,anmteraalii}ve^ga-
deraSio na* BeSsS i« *••«♦**- ^on wa* launch^ -
Thursday, June 1, 2006. "June is bustin out all over!" That line is
from the musical, "OKLAHOMA!" It was a warm day, and that Is probably
the harbinger for this month ahead. My blood sugar reading was up to
around 525 last night, I called the Diabetes Clinic but they deferred
the referral, Sanghari permission/
/ waiting for Dr./ to give me the/ ■ £&s the gate-
the call.
keeper, for Kaiser. I also called the cardi She didn’t return/

I did not feel well today. blood sugar readings

dropped but not enough. I 1d like to be in that 150 to 175 zone. Kaiser

gave me the "slows," in doing anything for me imraediatley. Maybe the

! medical people will call tomorrow.

The lady from Sacto Housing called about our loan re-
quest. She told Mar^^o/^jt^iat _things seem to be In order, except for a

termite report. I (sp) Termite will be out tomorrow. That will
yard and house.
be quick action, on their p&rt. We have a lot of ants and bugs in our/

We thought that having Lou work part-time would slow

down our loan application. That didn’t seem to be the case, this time.

I hope that we can get a loan, with a convenient pay-back, to repair and

fix up our home. We need a new roof, for sure.

; There was not any word from Keith, Michael or the

Keith is slated to come here to work, in about a £

real estate salesmen.

week or ten days. Michael won’t be home from Hawaii, for about a week.

The wrangle still goes on about the illegal immi-

grants, the war in Iraq and the inaction of the federal government, to

move, in an emergency. The Marines are facing murder charges in Afghan­

istan for killing civilians. V Pres. Bush’s popularity is way down in the
on immigration..
polls. He is being criticized as an ineffectual pres*. "soft", J

Mary Lou went to Janie Erickson’s hoMee for an oil

II * painting lesson.
Lou wants to give the painting to Ryan Shaw. That

f would make a nice gift for him, when he returns from Europe. The painting
is a beautiful mountain scene. I still didn’t get *ouV to mow the
lawns. I just didn’t have the energy. I trust jthatnwe can stejrt the
development work this month! I read in the ChurC)\ NeVrJ that Presi
Vincente Fox called upon the Church leaders, in the time that he spent in
Salt Lake City, UT. He complimented the Church leaders on the bus ui
tarian work that is being done, south of the hor(ler* More hot^we^ :V. •
L 0 mark, for the next
Friday, June 2, 2006. The temps are moving toward the 9Q

few days. Mary Lou took the lead ^1$ Clean the brush out of the
i near where

Dan Kash dug. We h&Ve made some progress on that project, The inspect^ -

from Millenl^r^^u^^pntrol said that we didn't have a danger from

A off the west; patio.
The house and yard are loop)/JVC? I

Lou and Bob worked on digging out more brusWin the

front yard. We also planted the three tomato plants. The plants are a little

worse for wear and one plants seemjf already to have died. We kept them too long

in the bath tub, before we plaritfSfi/ them. We used js, ome good commercial soil

and some
Miracle &F$^uiixed together. We
i thg^e white detergent buckets.

I used ray 3/8's inch reversible drill to cut holes in the bottoms of the buckets.
The reversible drill works well. I haven't used it much in two or three years.
We used the garden hose to wash down the west patio.
Spider webs and othejleaves and pieces from the oak tree fall, on that space.

We \*4tered the hydrangea and the mock orange shrubs. They needed water
J - f
The bug man did a walk about •
/fV rt
in our house
7 He said

that there is a lot of dry rot in the roof and walls/ [he building.

He said that the in ection would cost about $85. He reminded us that

it takes a while for the SHRA lo-ans to get approved and a lot longer time for

the work to be completed. We are hopeful that the loan will be approved. I

think that a new and sheating is #1 priority , on the work to be done.

Chris Abbott called and said that Hayden Allenjson of

Tom and Nyla Allen, broke his foot, going down a slide. It is painful for him.

Marc Allen is working at Mike and Margo's new house, in Granite Bay. I still do

not know much about the particulars of

theytiou se or the mailing address?

I paid the monthly bills. We owed $1,175 for the VISA

bill. The total bills amount was over $1,800. I had to take $700 from Lou's
,checking account/ to make up the deficit. It will take a lot ©y careful plan-
ning, to have funds, to pay our bills in the future. We face a/crisis.
Mary Lou is vefy ingenious about fixing our
meals• She uses the food on hand to make up healthy meals. I cancelled .
the appointment with Dr. Sanghari. He said that his office would call
the Diabetes Clinic and make an appointment for me. My bipod sugar readings
are still high. I have an appointment with Dr. Fariba, for later this month.
I have to go through the er*e?fL * af 5 each bill. I like to
fltilfv the nurchases on the VISA bill. Food, gasj^ine, medical expense are
June 3, 2006,
Dear Mike, Margo, Chloe, Sophia, and Eva, '

I am thinking about you having a great time in Hawaii.

I went through my file and found some interesting material
when Mike was going to college there and we visited him,
December 1987. I’m thinking you are engaged in many
fascinating activities.
Mike stayed in the Laniloa Lodge with us. We brought a
suitcase of homemade bread and tuna fish. He was in the midst
of studying for his finals. He spent time with us enjoying the
beauty of Hawaii, Hanauna Bay, PCC with Rosalie Gillespie,
our friend and neighbor, and her sister, Belle. We also visited
Maui, and Sunset Beach. Mike was debating about next
; semester as he wanted to fulfill the best “Academic Goal.” He
was able to enroll in Provo BYU, the next semester.
Bob and I spent time in the BYU Library in Hawaii
doing research on the Church Missionaries who served there.
My mother’s grandfather, William Naylor served a mission in
Hawaii, which was then called the Sandwich Islands, 1856-
1858. He left his wife, Annie, a baby daughter, Mary Ann, his
mother in law, Ruth Wright, in newly settled Salt Lake City,
Utah. He served in Honolulu, Maui and Lanai. He also worked
in the sugar cane fields at Hana.
What a thrill it was to go to Maui. We arrived on a fast
Sunday and visited the Lahaina Ward. They were celebrating
missionary days, especially about Matthew Cowley. It was
awesome to bear my testimony and know that my great
grandfather had sacrificed to be on that soil, to preach the
gospel. Mike had arranged to go with us.
We were able to follow my great grandfather’s footsteps
over the active volcanic Haleakala Crater. William Naylor
and his companion, John B, Young, shared a little mule and
I took turns riding it. However, we were able to drive a car.
€> :


4- '/ -mi
Saturd 1
June 03. 2006.
We went to the meditation class at the/. J
in Granite Bay. We will have another session in two weeks, 06/17/06. u

.n We worked on more

greeting cards for June birthdays, Keith called.
willing to come here and work on the lot improvements. Sc oti
He is

acknowledged the birthday card that we went him recently.

Mary Lou found ;
X |l correct the
a printing discrepancy in the Histories of John AbbQ ^Staples binding error.
Keith called early this morning. Reagan was gradu-
ated He is going with Shelsie and
^S^y°San Sch°o1 last night.
1 " / to "scope out" Dixie College, in St. G^Tge, UT. Reagan has a !
1 bright future ahead of him. (} is considering going on a Churfc mission, !
Keith said that he was happy go to the cemetery, (Ben Lomond) in North

Ogden, UT. He put flowers on the graves of John and Josie Shaw, Grand-

father John Cottam and Marjorie Shaw. Also, he put flowers on the Jfucke:r1 S ;:

graves . He did not see Juke Powell . Maybe Juke couldnTt go on the^rounds.

We found the library in Granite Bay quite easily. We

did some tai chi-type exercises, outside in' the fresh air. Later, we went

^ into the community room. Even the mild exercises made my right leg feel

^il sensitive. We will go back a week from Saturday.

We sent greeting cards to Lina Bodegraven, John Abbott,

^ Camille and Daniel Borup, and Tom Allen and family. Hayden Allen broke his
The Allens still live in Spanish fork/
foot on a slide and it is painful.
Mary Lou found out that a supplemental history of the
Staples Stationery
Abbotts had f' bound in the "History of John Abbott."

would take the old binding remove the supplemental page

said that they
without charge. I thought that was very
and re- bind the histories, all

fair of them, to do that•

Barry Bonds has
bested the home run records of /i<^ 'r

has more home runs. There has
Ruth, by hitlng a number 714. Only Hank Aaron

been investigations about Bonds and his use of steroids. v

Mary Lou went through her files this afternoon,

located the "What My Family Should Know," family record book. I have mi*
placed it during 2006. I am glad to find the book, to help me keep.better •
family records. I also tallied some monthly expenses, Kaiser, gaidlMic.
f !d and travel expenses. The tomato plants have dieh, that £eS;
i ted yesterday. Wd// have to get some replacement plants, for the soil
and the buckets. I didn't mow the lawns today- just not enough energy.
Mary Lou had a phone call from Susan Miller.J is
Snr.dav, June
Sacramento and seems to have varied mental problems. She
living S9P ewhere in
^he has been "run out” of Davis CA. What can be dop/%for Susan,
/ that
ill? We had phone calls, from Gayle Soren,
when she is app arently so
and others. Lou worked on Scott 1s autobiography.
Shelside and Reagan Shaw ,

/ * ' Susan has c^, lied Holly within the past couple of weeks. She evi-
/tiV4^n Anient.
Some of the things that she said about her

father did not/make sense , to Mary Lou. She seemed to^bristle up, when Lou

told her that. t)ie mejltal health people of Yolo / aire ahecking up on her.
She is a / ’ for those who care for her.f is a danger to herself,
health as sis tance.
She can’t seem to hold a job. She will not get mental

We were up and off to Fast and Testimony meeting ^ Reid

Beck is still ill and is receiving hospitalization. Mo stly j testi-

f ied. D eanne Ellsworth told about submitting hundreds (?) of names for temple

worl^he has asked that grandchildren do the ij^ple baptisms. Deanne is

sending 40 or so baptimimal && Af to j Shaw, for her daughters. Mike ' s

meetings .
daughters might also want to he’lp. I did not stay for the other two / i

I came home and ate breakfast, took my pills and slept. !

It is* a 11 bad news from Irayj. Those fanatics are killing themselves and also

America nj service people. We have to get their we can ne­

gotiate with them,• Theyre has a^ot^er terrible^ accident because

of speeding carsf One 15-year-old7 boy was killed and the cars were/pounded to

pieces. The engine was thrown 300-feet, or so. Speed kills for all of u s .
Shelsie and Reagan and Randon/ were in Springville,

when they called. We talked to Reagan. He was graduated from Logan, UT High
School last Friday. Shelsie will show him around Dixie Collge, in St. George.
Rando ^ was driving as he recently qualified for a drivers liC^se. We said tha t:
ve1^ like to see each other, over the summer. I hope that we can see them.
Lou works intently on Scott's Autobiography. I also helped in the proof-,
reading of Scott's writing. Lou sent an e-mail to Scott, telling him
of Our pride, in his Writing. What to do this week? We have an appoint­
ment with Dr. Sanghaf/ on Tuesday at 10:40. I hope that I can get answers to
my health problems.
Also, we have a time with the trust lawyer, at the 1 or d ova
Center tomor.row morning. Janel Soren will be returning from Korea on
Saturday, June lOtnat ^:45.
’ want to Sandy Shaw will havea thyroid operation on Wed-
send Sandy a good wishes card.
nesday, June 7th. we How about Keith?




■ m

Monday, June 05 , 2006.,, Mary Lou and Bob wrote a short note to Mary

Bair . Mary isJj to ^rmington, UT, to live near her daughter.The

Bairs have been a good influence, in our lives. We went out into the yard

and pulled some weeds and cut back the shrubs, at the east side of the

house. It jas satiffing^to see the improvement of the yard. I did some
grocery WfrNCO. ^Mary Lou went through papers fin my "office desk..."

Mary Bair and Beverly Bair expressed their testimonies

at the Fast Meeting yesterday. Both strong women. Beverly is a


cane and looks a lot older now.

school teacher and so probably/stay in this area. Mary walks with a

She might be in her 90’s. The Bairs

raised ten children. They are dependable and talented folks.

We like to work in the yard, when it is cooler, in the

mornings. We cleaned more weeds out of the area next to the house, in
t also turned the water on the hydrangea shrubs. We
/ the limbs and leaves of the climbing shrubs, to the east of the

house. That area needs some more work. The lawn grass is drying up,

from lack of irrigation water. I should get the hoses repaired and the

irrigation water going. The grass areas dry up rapidly, in the Spring.

We are missing our chain saw and the wheelbarrow. May-

be Mike borrowed the equipment and it is stored at his. house? I couldn’t

get the riding mower ignition turned on

I to Searsbnd purchased

another key. Also, I picked up those tefq copies of John bbott’s History.

As promised, Staples put new bindings on . the ten copies and also a
smaller binding, on the smaller Abbott Histor/filJ/Lou wants to send out

copies, to her family members.

I received the Schools Credit Union statemnts for May.

I checked out the bank statements and filed them away. I also worked on

up-dating that booklet, ’'Wh/at My Family Should Know." I purchased a

leather/ "bo#t anc^binder at Staples. It might help me be more

organized, when I help on the development of the west lot and cul-de^sac,
Lou also worked on Scott's autobiography. She had to renew her. JUNO
internet and e-mail services on her computer. Lou stuck with the job un
til she was able to complete the transmission. HOORAY foiliM^IL0may ha ve:
in Shingle Springs. Mr. Lamey is
Lou called the Lameys It was warmer todag
The Lameys are good friends.
the hospital.
to go tO
0 6/06/ H^esday, June 06, 2006. It mentions 6,6, 6. in the Bible as a

day of A. ^great importance, Sorry to say, not much of a spectacular

nature happened today; that I know about! I went for a medical appointment

with Dr. Sanghari, in Folsom. He took some time with me. He contact-

ed the Diabetes Clinic^and cleared pUa w^Vfor j to go back th4re. He

yurt, Stirtw, / that we
said that it was/ necessary to go ahead / . ihe the Hepatitus —B shots,
started last year. J'le was not alarmed with thg coiuLktion of my feet, af —
t s” y Phoenix Park,
fected withj '(sp)We "shopped at/. in Folsom. We walked around/

Keith called and said that Sandy was going into the

Logan Hospital for a thyroid operation. She had the operation this afternoon.

They had to remove the complete thyr$ Id. It was infected on both sides of

the thyroid location. She will stay in the hospital, for at least another

day. Sandy called Lou and it was d if f ifi aflft for her to speak.

It is a good thing that n eith was there, to help

Sandy, through the ordeal. Keith said that the house is empty as all of the

family members are away, except for Riley Shaw and his wife.

Dr. Sanghari was much more helpful today. I went

down a list of my concerns. Concerns: high blood sugar readings, sore back

and bent-over posture, my feet, hepatitus B shots to be tired-

ness, meds, sleeping abits, sores on my arms due to skin / to sun shine,

We didn’t talk about the sore on top of my head. He said that my kidney,

count is high. Lou went in with me for the vis it.Weight, ,215#,
AJ/4'-MrP- i 92

per cent an d lood pressure 128/81. The nurse said the b. p./is very good.

It was primary election day. Lou and I filled out our

absentee ballot and took it to the Southern Baptist Church polling pla<^-./(

Not much of an exciting nature, on the ballot. A low state-wide tuirn-out isJ

Tom McClintock is running for lieutenant governor. We’re prp.ud % we took

0LW1 Wl'
the time and trouble to vote absentee. The Demos have Angelides u^plfor gov.
Pres. Bush is "stumping” for his immigration bill. _
Not much will be done to stop the illegals, f J(\ sure. The "marriage l^.w (
1 between a man and a woman," doesn’t seem to have a ghost of a chance of
passing, I’m sure. It was to have been a constitutional amendment. Lou
\ andi Bol> went for a shor mail of im-*
■ \

i imi-






t\) i
,n If
Vl ,







c The

A da.
1 :



r>^4m w* ey
Paae 1 of 1

*$j/ednesday, June 07, 2006.

I wrote a note of thanks to Mary Bair and fami­

ly, as Mary is selling out and moving away. I sent it via Joanne Willi-/
i ft-' ;
I] ams . I want to print the note in this diary. I went for a blood draw at
Kaiser in Folsom. We worked on proof-reading the Autobiography of Scott

? JlXL'»
Shaw. I am deeply moved by his work experiences and family growth

06/06/06. To Mary Bair: Thanks for the life that you

have lived. I remember signing up for a quilt bloc you were making
As I recall, the block was to be personalized. / * time, we had the

Seventy’s Bookstore in our home. The best signature that we could thin^
fit -
Iwas: "The Shaw^ ur ty4rd f,ookies." I have enjoyed your father,

Bill As tie. I remember him working with the rototiller, until late in

his lif e. Your brother, Mel Astle, has been a good friend for years.I’ve

enjoyed knowing Evan Senior and his father. They always put th^ Gospel

first, in their lives. It was good that my sons/ and daugh p with

your family members. Their schools were / Carnegie and^ Vista.

They were Seminary mates also. *1 could always enjoy a good laugh with

the Bair family. You had a trustworthy family. Good luck to you and

God bless. Robert Shaw, Fair Oaks, CA 95628.


Mary Lou went visiting teaching with Alva Volk. Iwenl

to Kaiser Folsom for a blood draw. It was requested by Dr. Sanghari yes-

terday. I mailed Abbott histories to Keith Shaw, Scott ShayBarbar.a Ack- 8

lin, Gayle Soren and Alyson Woodland. Lou has more books to send out.

i Mary Lou told me that Dee Rasmussen died recibtly. The

servicespi^ll be in Las Vegas, NVGordon Rasmussen will bgf toweevada
I! i Mary Lou and Bob worked on Scott’s Autobiog for a lot of the day
i! i
!! I wept to hear of his experiences in the war zones of Somalia, San Salvador, Uruguay,

e t c. He told of his courtship of Julia and of their marriage. It was a

! ;. touchi story. He fondly wrote about the births of Ellen and Andrea

u We have most of the proof-reading completed, no|jj/to print the history.

I hope to get a hair cut at Jeffy’s Shop tomorrow. My hair gej^ very sh
We did not have an up-date on the condition of Sandy Shaw. We hope
gy •
We have not heard from Mike and his family. The^
that she is doing okay,
.! I
might be home from Hawaii. Is their new house ready for occupancy?

Thursday, June 08, 2006. The sad news today is that we heard from Chyrl Mark-

worth that Erma Staples fell and broke, her arni. She has been in the hospital
but now is in a f! assisted living facility in Ogden, UT. Max Staples

kindly sent an e-mail with more details of her i 11 nes^^rma is in

her mid-nineties . We finished the corrections onj Shaw's Autobiography, f

Erma is at Pineview Transitiona 1J bilitation, (801)

689-1600, Room 114. Max said tht Erma broke her arm while working on the yard
or house. Someone found her disabled after about an hour, after the accident.

Max said that Erma probably won’t go back up to Eden, UT. Max1 e-mail ad-

dress is : mg@msn . conn j) sent the e-mail to Karen Blakely and Chyrl Markworth.

Chy$l also said that Beth Parker is not doing well.

Sherman is active and works out in his shop daily. Karen’s health conditions
are n$t good. Bruce Blakely’s health is not the best. It seems that illness 1
is all around us, In the Shaw family.I, for surer'want to go to Ogden, Utah, if

and when anything happens to Dear Erma Staples.

Lou went to Janie Erickson’s Art Stud-1 early

oday. I took the clipping of Janie dancing at the Biil Rase dance and

asked Janie to autograph the news er photos. The two oil painters worked
mountain scene that is to be given to Ryan Shaw. It is coming along beau-

tifully. It is colorful and the trees, water and sky, etc ♦ > all s tand out.

I reconciled my bank account. I found out that I have

more funds than I though t/

in the bank. I am trying to use that "Dayrunner”

date book and the small bound book of ruled pages. I am trying to set up the

books as an aid to me, in the lot construction work and to be more organized.

Lou had her hair "set," at Jeffie’s Shop. Jeffie could

not cut my hair. I went to "Famous Barbers," in Madison Mall. The Korean lady

did a good job, on my hair cut. I told her about Janel coming back from Korea,
on Saturday. The lady wants to know how Janel liked living, over in orea .
There were $10 checks from Alyson Woodland
and Rich Hobson, for the printed Abbott materials. That is the first
payment that I can remember, in a long time^jfor family records, that Mary
Lou prints up for her "people." We fini^fl™#'' proofreading Scott’s Autobiog.
Scott has written a powerful history of his first 45-years. We will have the
record printed, off the computer disc. There were several duplications in th-<&
cppy and Lou had to take the excess corrections out.
A satisfying June Day!i
• '
li Page 1 of 1 *

From: "Max Staples" < >

Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 01:10:43 -0600

HI Uncle and Aunts:

i I talked with Cheryl today about what has happened the past few days with mother. I assume
that you all know what happened last Friday and our endeavor to care for mother in the home.
She has spent three days in the McKay-Dee hospital for caring and controlling the pain in her
broken right arm. I believe the Lori-tab pain killer that she was taking at home was causing her
to not think straight and causing to imagine strange things happening to her. Yesterday she
! showed much improvement. She talked more clearly and was worrying about her hair and having
Today she was released from the hospital. She was transferred to Pine View transitional
therpy. It is a real nice facility. She has a large room with some furniture and a small frig. She
has a bathroom with a shower. The staff have been super nice to her and made her feel at home.

She will be in this facility until she gets her strength back and her broken arm back to normal
: movement. She is in the right place at the right time. She is in room 114.
She did make the statement today that she is going to forget about Eden. I believe that she
has been preparing herself for assisted living and care. She has been real unstable on her feet for
the last few month. She has fallen on the grass and snow without any injuries. She has given up
so much this past year—driving the car and doing a lot of yard work. She has planted some
flowers this past month. But her neighborhood friend has been doing most of the planting. As
children, we knew that day was coming, but it has been hard to see give up the things that make
her happy, she has made it easy to make these changes in her life.

Connie and I talked to Aunt Beth today and gave her an up to date situation with mother.

Thanks for your support and prayers. We love you all so dearly. There is such a sweet spirit with
the Shaw sisters and brothers. I know that this special feeling with carryover through out
eternity. What a great blessing and a tribute to your father and mother.

Love Max
5f fiPtbP
E- M /ftt


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Friday, June 09.
2006. The mornings are
SO refreshing, this time of year,
It is M
quite pleasant
to get up early, feel the cool breezes and see the
sun come up.
Lou went to work, pulling out the weeds, m
to the east side
°£ the house. I ran the lawn
mower until it ran out of gasolingy. Lou A
worked on Sco the computer.
Autobiog. She / computer snafu and could not operate/ i ■

Mary Lou worked all morning, pulling the weeds, in the I

east flower box.
She worked hard, putting the weeds in the green wa^te
barrel. I had success mowing the east lawn. The riding mower worked okay
and cut through the tall weeds and grass well. I ran out of gasoline and
the riding mower stalled in front of the mail box.
The handle used to
start the cutting action is jammed up. I think that I can un-jam the/

I worked on reconciling Lou’s, business checking account.

She has about $1,600 in her balance, at this time. Lou worked on the auto

biog of Scott Shaw. We have finished going over the proofreading again.

A computer disc stuck in the interface of the computer and it would not
easily come/ She called Alton Sissel. He was busy at the Family History

Center with his own computer problems. i He will probably came to help Lou

on Sunday, June 11th.

There is news of the bombing/of Abu Husab al-Zarqawi,

Air/ F-16 attack and

in Ira It was a

betrayal by his own person or persons, that did him in for good.
% i
this air poweKbeeen all the time, in this war? Where has the •i
Where has M
in the war of
CIA been also? They finally came to life, to rid the enemy
It won’t win the war, though «
one of their biggest
and mostyleaders.
n j
I finally have the appointment slip for Dr. F&r{.V&»
10:15 pm Monday, June 2^th.
, Another
Cardiology, at Roseville. It is at
happening is the^se of/ tun gun grenades tostop an alleged riot

tfas happened since the

the prisoners,

. CUl
ncl.c, CA 1« to g..«
- am
way home e-mails to
is going on, *
(Today was Scott Shaw's 46th birthday. We called him. He had a good day i3l
Saturday, June 10, 2006. We had a really successful day. meeting Janel Sorefj
at Sa rancisco, CA. She called us when we in the car, driv near the

San Francesco Bay Bridge. Holly drove to the entrance where we thought she

should be located. Lou and Bob went in the entrance and there Janel was!

She looked good. She has been working long hours in Seoul. She fulfilled 'h&Y
home .
contract and came home after one year. We went to lunch. Tired on arriving /

Gayle Soren called this evening and confirmed that Janel-

had arrived in Boise, ID safely. Janel has been working split shifts and long

hours . She had two kindergarten classes, two third grade classes and a Cf-

grade class, as I remember. She had cultural differences and the folks over

there seemed to r.egard sotfi^what of an American curiousity. There were

-VyKUfaj" IMAM
differences in food^and living accomodations, etc. also.

She still has the job vith^tlyfe travel agency and can re —

turn to work there,. Owen has been living in p1 manufactured home. We wonder

if Janel has been paying the rent? Owen is working again, after attending the

university for a year. Gayle went over and helped Owen clean up his house.

a Mexican lunch, at the Tanforan Shop-

ping CenterJ We had a green ffl'ftilla and it was only fair. Janel was anxious
to be at the airport, when the airplane left for Boise, It? ^ returned to the

airport in plenty of time. She appreciatd us meeting / at the terminal and

showed a lot of affection, to Mary Lou and Holly. Joshua is a good traveler

and keeps things lively! It was so good to meet Janel today, a good granddaughters

We droye through downtown S.F, via Mission Street and

the Ferry Building. We decided to go to Colt Tower. I really rnjoyed seeing th^
historic landmark. Lou and Bob jj the steps, to see the murals, of the
1930*8. " We took the elevator to the top of the tower. There was fog in the Bay

Area today but the views of the Bay were spectacular. We drove home via the
Golden Gate Bridge. San Francisco is an ext.Jfemely fascinating city!
We stopped to purcfftfse some fruits and yeggies, .
near Dixon, CA, The prices were high. The Cherries were extra, good.
was good to talk to Sco£i^ on the phone. We told him. how much we
appreciate his Autobiography. I didn’t have time to start up the rising
mower and run it around/ ■/ have figured out how to release thet>lade lever j
to free up the cutting actions. We were tired, after the trip to the
|------city. We can’t get over how fresh and vibrant Jftnel So^^/was in San Fran.

at an employee took home

in violation of established
y p. en. The data contained
^■^^-^Tes of birth for up to 26.5 million
esult of this incident, information
o note that the affected data did
j VA Inspector General’s office,
ve it is unlikely the perpetrators

ble steps to protect and inform

aware of suspicious activity
3 to protect against possible i
ation is included in the enclosed if
ed up with the Federal Trade
n this matter or you may call 1-
m. to 9 p.m. (EDT), Monday-

om individuals claiming to be
/erification of it. This is often
t agencies, and other legitimate
nformation. If you receive such
iy cause, but we at VA believe
; om this incident. Again, we
. ;s been misused. We will keep
VA take our obligation to honor
nsuring that this never

has agreed to forward this letter

The IRS has not disclosed your


Department of Veterans Affairs ENCLOSED IS AN IMPORTANT

Philadelphia, PA 19255-1498 SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS.
Official Business
Penalty For Private Use $300
ROBERTK7 SHAW11 884 ******AUTO**5-DIGIT 95628

FAIR OAKS CA 95628-3924
2006.I was tired and a bit ill this
tri-P to morning, after that
the Bay Area.
UT, to live I with
didn’t attend Church services,
her daughter, Beryl. Mary Bair is to
There was a recepti fn
Jo"ne Lou and Holly also went to Mark Allen’s
*party» his home. Mark |^|^ed some steaks and had
a good noodle
dish. Not much on the agenda for/
Robert or Mary Lou Shaw during this week.

The front right tire on the Toyota was nearly flat this
corning. I took it over to Searsjto have the tire aired
up . They talked me into
getting brake service on that wheel, Theymachined out the brake drum.
I was
there from 9 a. m. until noon.
They also put in some fluid. They said that the
reason that the brake light was on, was because of the low level of the brake
was in the mire.”
fluid . It wasn’t a very good way to spend a Sabbath morning, but the ”ox/

Alton Sissel came over to fix the computer, as promised.

The Sissels had a busy day with Church responsibilities and home duties, Mark,

the grandson, is reponsible for the baby. He is divorcing his wife. Alton

knew how to get the defective disk out of the CPU and it didn’t take him long.

Eleanor told me of the trips that they have taken to

North Dakota, to obtain family records. They both are'professional gene-

alogist s. They are also busy taking their grand-children around to school, etc.

The Van Wagenens brought Mary Lou home from

ehurch services. James will come over this week and cut my toe yilsy .My feet

did quite well, in San Francisco, yesterday. I did a lot of walking and ^ta ir I
I have really slowed down. I hope that I
at the airport and also Colt Tower.
feet in good condition, for a long time to come.
can keep my
Holly came by for Lou and took her to Mark’s birthday

Mark has done a lot of work on his home.

party. Mark had barbecued steaks ✓
added on to the main house. They have
down the old house, that was
He has torn
that Yessa can’t get out. Mark gets food stamps because |
back fence so
a secure
abled military veteran. That helps "lth
he 1* a diS
The Bairs/have lived in
Mary Bair’s party.
£ Mary Lou and Holly also went to
since 1924.
That is 82-years.
this area
The family members have
j^^rai*ed large ^^s^ The Mays are
Mavericks beat the Miajni Heat* 1
I watched
Eveningt£|^y > " but we did not have any ob-
"Family Home
Monday , Tune 12. 2006. This was The news on Erma Staples
and smell the flowers."
"Assisted Living ace." She is complain-
/ She is more alert in the
is encouraging.
Max Staples sent an e-*«=rmail.
so that is a good sign.
about the food,
, cleaning out some of the front shrubs.
Mary Lou worked on
on the ramp.
painter was here and put
°f VfyS&Xg™'t is an opportunity to
It will be

It's good to feel some patrlc im fjo.r the United States,

fly "OLD GLORY."
Michael Shaw's/ is 37-years old now. He
This was

and said that he was planning to spend the day, in the Bay
called yesterday

'a paper at a meeting, in connection with his work,He came home ;!

6/07. He closed on their new home, in Granite Bay. He rent-

ed the house in El Dorado Hills. He moved and was settled in his house by

j? Saturday. The renters were also into Mike and Margo’s house by Saturday.

^ That is pretty quick work, I’d say. Mark Allen helped on house repairs.
When I was ,age 37-years, I had been teaching at Arling-
tijor ^ -ter
^Wrlingon Heights ? for ./years. I think that was the year

when Little John was/ ■■ That was a sad occasion for Mary Lou and
Bob . Little John would have been age3 2-or-so-jrear s ^now.

The riding mower started right off, after being idle

for th4r e or four days.
I mowed the west lawn and the cutting job looked
quite good. I didn’t move the Toyota from under the
trees so will have to
go back to that section and mow later •

The Veteran’s Administration sent a form letter about

the theft of their records,
in May. Why would they wait until June 12th to
notify me/ I don’t think that
the theft of records will affect me . There
was a bill for $20 from
Kaiser for a co­ pay on July 12th
or so, in 2005. I
think that they haye theip
records mixed and I want to write and tell them so.
1 slept a lot today.
I have been eating water melon
! and it has been
W^more discreet giving me the "urination
runs.” T!ll have to be
about my melon
consumption. I do love to get on the riding
m^0Vet and cut the lawns. 1 should turn
to grow It °n 5priJLklinS water and give the

j-uesdgty. «tun-e>^L3. '
IROA My blood sugar read! f are still
very high.
v Some of
the figures are up around 550.
The Diabetes Clinic has not re­
turned ray phone calljF, If the
readings are still up tomorrow, I will have
go to the Kaiser
Emergency Room. Holly came over and sorted out my
ills this evening.
We went to Sacto Housing and showed them the M Shaw
Family Trust" binder.
We printed two copies of Scott’s Autobiog, 199 pp.

It was another cool morning and continued on, through

Instead of a type of "global warming," we are having some days

"global cooling." I usually start sprinkling the lawns around April 1.

The political polls for Pres. Bush will probably go up.

^orce combined forces to wipe out the. Iraqi leade:

Oj tW//
, -yb. .o..
shrill. Can you imagine being married to sucn a person'lj Also, c,an you

imagine being married to Bill Clinton? The Demos are very negative.

Lou mailed about ten or so family history packages to

family members It is expensive for copy work but necessary for family

unity. There is some fracas going between Janel, Alyson, Caroline and

Gayle about Caroline bfi ng preggers. I hear that Holly Miller told Janel

and Janel announced the news to Caroline Beck.

’.AjW-f ✓
We printed Scott Shaw’s autobiog. It has 197 pages.

CounC^ a few more errors in the

"Eagle Eye" Bob and Mary Lou
He was 46-years-old /
sent a copy to Scott Shaw for his birthday.

We also printed a cop y our own to read and enjoy,

We went to the Sacto Housing and gave them a copy of

The office was at 1015-7th St.
some pages, in our family trust binder.
That is really a historical location.
in the old Pioneer Building.
It is
/ on d/u r loan application.
hope they move
the Adult Education
Lou turned in her payroll slip to

Of f i°e

house still very high. I watched the Miami Heat beat the
prices are The game
tate The Mavs now lead 2 games to one.
vericks tonight. Flag Day in USA.
DaUaS Ma 06/14 is commemorated as
tf3S in Miami, FL.
We flew out
FT.AG day*.
Wpdnesday . June 14,.A0°6. three weeks. That will be an-
coming: along in about
Independence Day will be Services and they put me in
I c ailed Patient
othfcY*occasion to appointment at 2 p.m.
They set up an
touch with th ■ f
the old vines out near the entrance of
tomorrow. Lou worked on pulling
We turned on the sprink lers to the east of the
the ramp. It was a hard j ob. i$0/0
Destiny 1 s/eighth grafle graduation.
with Holly and Joshua to
house• Mary Lou went
Mary Lou was
It was another cool and pleasant day.
and lilac shrubs. I ran the
the front yard, pulling out ground covers
out in
that section of lawn, near the twin trees, in the
riding mower and cut down
lot better witf]tf\Sse woody plants cut down.
west yard. The lawn looks a

Bush is portrayed as a favorite of the troops, in

The Demos say that it is just a "smoke screen," to help Bush re-gain
Bush is quite a gritty guy. Flying to
some of his popularity, in the polls.

Iraq and then going around, even with a heavy guard, is quite an accomplishment

I don’t know about the rest of his itinerary. He did met with the main man,

for the IraqLy and also the governmnental body.


Not much mail of importance today. I have not

heard from Keith is several days. It sounds as if Sandy is making a lot of

dtf mands
on him, while she is recovering from the operation, For sure, time is

awasting about the development work on our lot. We cannot even have the eng-

ineers put the correct signatures on the cul-de- sac map. j.

Michael is busy with his new home, family and work,

etc./ I’m sure. Usually, the work piles up, after a vacation time-off. I
wonder when Keith is coming here to work?
Will Mike have the time to act as
f,The Construct! on
Superintendent?” I wonder if Aaron Sage is available, to
work on the project?
Could his
company do the paving job and the land prep?
I haven’t heard
much about Aaron
Sage this Spring,
Mary Lou spends a lot of time
She struggles to with her e-mails.
get them read.
the cell phone,
on T
taxes and other
Barbara Acklin.

X 8 the aPPOl“-*“ tW&AVt?. cVlVieVtUV/o.’°.“ “V.

Thursday, June
15, 2006.
This month is half
over. '
cool and The weather has been
generally pleasant,
I was up early and took
out the trash. It
a good thing that
we have such handy utilities.
I slept in for a
time, iater in the
morning. The big event today was going back to the
Diab e t es Clinic .
They started
me out with the elementary class but I /
really needed a review. assigned to Sue Mott, a healthf^^'
I was

We had the sprinkler hose on the front lawn

area over­
night. I hope that we can save some
of thg, fescue grass that Keith
planted for us when he was here last.
Mary Lou took some time to drag
the garden hose over to the dwarf nectarine
tree. I don’t see much or
any fruit, on the tree, I changed the water to the small peach tree,
later this evening. Irrigation water is so important to these trees.

Carl Rove, the presidential advisor, has appeared

before the Federal Grand July five times o^ so. They were investi-

gating a security leak to a woman in the CIA. I don’t understand all that
I should know about the case. The final action was that charges were/

The Demos would have liked to pin some charges on Bush’s advisor.

Bush is somewhere, on his jaunt over to Iraq. The

Demos don’t want Bush to get any benefit from his visit to the troops.

The Democrats seem to have a deep-seated hatred toward George Bush. They

try in every way to pull him down. The general elections are coming up

in Novemeber. Will the Repubs keep their control of Congress? John Doo-
1/ttle from the Roseville area is one congressman wh.O is targeted for/

School is out. Joshua Miller will be working with his

as. a windo washer/over the summer.

father /

marks n deportment and in hi|T academic

ighthfi ' I suppose she will jjiXend high school, after
ated from the e
school# I remember being graduated from.
completing Rudolf Steiner private me •
at Riverbank, CA school. Those were rough years, for/
the eighth grade, I learned more about the dangers of diabetes, They
went over gene ral facts about the disease, nutrition and medicines^
Mott seems like a strict person. All of the people in the clinic
Nurse to be rough and tough. I have been changed to NPH, twice a day. I
haveto check my blood sugar readings two more times a day, making it four
am I picked up NPH, at the pharmacy. I need to keep my readings
in all­ under control. That is absolutely vital, to my. health.
Friday, June 16, 2006. We went to Dr. Fariba's office. She is a cardiogist

at Kaiser Roseville, I think that the "bottom line," with her, is that I act

as if I am getting better. She said the process will last for one or two years *

from the time I was in the hospital for the heart surgery. Mary Lou

had her hair "coiffed" at Jeffie's shop. We saw the production of

* It is a classic musical, enjoyable.
Oklahoma! at the Davis Musical Theatre.

Keith Shaw called. Shelsie is in Spain and jet up

with Ryan. The Spaniards said that they didn't know the location of the/

where Ryan is attending a university. As we hear, she finally went on the bus
to the proper place. This will be a good experience for Shelsie^to travel in/
\ 2
$ Mary Lou has finally heard from Michael Shaw. He is

busy at work, catching up on his employment requirements. I hope to see the

* Shaws over Sunday, which is Father's Day. I hear that the cul-de-sac map is

back with the civil engineers, down in Elk Gro V^4 They are to get the

official signatures on the map. That is their responsibility. I want to send

* / perusal.
a copy to Keith Shaw. Also, 1,5 d like to get a copyf Aaron Sage, for his/

Eight Marines are being held at Camp Pendleton,

near San Diego, CA. They do not have formal eainst them. Michael

\ S.vage , the'

finementi - fhe eight Marines jt They are slKackled and were in heavy chains. " Mr.

Savage considers this a miscarring of justice was they have not been charged.

There ia to be a demonstrat ion/a Will it

/' ' ^ Pres. Bush or Secretary I don't think 'so.

Mary Lou had her hair "coiffed," at Jeffie's Shop.

* I watched the f^lks * play " ee golf," in the Park at Oak Avenue and Hazel
Avenue. I purchased a lawn sprinkler at the har dwalT^ store. Lowe's did not

have the proper type of sprinkler. I sprinkled the area of the dwarf peach
\ rj’ dW?e
ed by Dears tomorrow. Jl/ hasn't been run, in over a year. (
Holly drove us to the production of Oklahoma!
I'm glad that I went over o Davis, CA.
I saw the new theater on Pena
§% Street, for the first time. It is a nice theater.
pletion is still going on, in the theater.
The work .nf corn-
The orchestra is under the stage
with just a over the orchestra pit. Holly drove us over r^/
back. Chris / ^*also rode with us. Her school was cpmpleted today.
nmaiii .iiif I
Juno e-mail for printed on Saturday, June 17, 2006,5:59 PM
I ' ■

From: "**ShEls ** *h ^
> :

a Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 08:49:24 -0600

•: Subject: WAHOO!

Im not gonna lie-I did cry a little when I finally got to Ryaj thisffiday
morning at 3:00 am-a little bit out of joy and a lot out of pure relief! I
made it right on time to the SLC airport-thanks to Dad and his calmness-as
usual 1 (I was so tired I would fall in and out of sleep on the drive there
and be in a little bit of a panic because we were behind my time schedule).
All the flights went well-but because of bad weather they were all delayed a
little, making the two connections in Cinncinatti and Paris a little bit of
a rush. I sat next to this nice Romanian guy for the long flight and he gave
me some confidence and some tips tor when 1 got to Spain. Now once I got to
Spain is where the main excitement of the journey began-I got off the plain
f in Barcelona and luckily there were pictures and arrows of where the
bathrooms and exit and baggage claim were because heck-I did not understand
: ANY of the written language! I thought I knew Spanish-but it was a different
— dialect of Spanish and I felt like I was illiterate because I could only go
,! by pictures! Anyway-when I got my luggage (i am so glad I packed in a
, backpack and that I packed light) I asked this guy at a sales booth if he *

1 knew how to get to the train station, because I needed to get to Logrono,
and he was way confused because he said he has never heard of the place !

i Logrono, but that the bus should take me to the center of Barceona, then
there would be a train station there. So I stepped out the doors into a
unknown world! Somehow I bought a bus ticket out of a machiene I didnt even
know what it said, rode the bus to the center of the city-found out that the
train station wasnt there, hopped on the metro,got off at the stop that I
prayed the train station would be at, found the station and bought a ticket
to Logrono-but it was noon when I bought the ticket and the train didnt
leave until 8pm, so I had some time to kill. I could have went back to the
center of the city, but once I walked out the train station doors, I
immediatley walked back in because I feared that I would get lost and miss
my tain- I felt like Tom Hanks in "The Terminal"! I mean yes I did have 7
good hours to kill, but to be honest with you-I really couldnt think
straight with the time difference and the jet lag and the stress and not
being able to clearly communicate with the people around me. So I set my

alarm for 5pm and fell asleep with my backpack on-I knew as soon as I sat
j, down I would be out and I didnt want anyone to steal my stuff. Well when I
woke up there was this group of 5 old men who were sitting accross from me
1 of2
Sat urday,
June 17, 2006 .
Spain and told
Shelsie Sha\? sent an e-
ns that she arrived over
,*d quite an
meeting up with Ryan, 4in a distant town/
She is optimistic about
seeing Spain and Europe,
in general. Shelsie'* is an adventrous and plucky
granddaughter. We went to the last Meditation clas/, in the series.We had |

a 3uiet day at home. njsprai^

I am so happy that Shelsie arrived i
Keith called us this morning and told us the good news f
aboutjShelsie. She felt the pressures of being in a strange place and
not \
i being able to speak the language.
She admitted that she cried when she saw
Ryan. He will be an ‘.anchor for her, on this trip. It was good to get
ShelsieT s e-mail and hear about some of her successes, as a traveler.

It was the last class, in the meditation group. It was

a pleasure to do the light stretching exercises. I hear that Cheryl, the

leader, pretty much works for donations. She provides nice1 veggies and

bottled water. Today, she provided some Middle Eastern ro|l- ups. They

were tasty. I don’t know if there still be more meditation classes.

It was nice to be up and out, after the night "on the I

town," over is Davis, CA last night. • It will be Father’s Day tomorrow.

I am not aware of any plans for the celebration. Keith has already sent a

card and Lou has purchased three shirts from Haband. The shirts should
be right for this warmer weather.I hope that we can have some family/

Maxine Owen and Karen Blakely called today, Erma is

much bed-ridden// she is a fighter and doing quite well, Maxine

up near Redding, They plan to
plans a mobile home trip to visit Linda,
National Park. Sherry and David Silva will go with them.
camp in Lassen
She was not
Karen has had a type of pnuemonia (sp). i
Bruce has sleep apnea. Beth Parker
hospital but she has been ill.
in the
n Sherman will have a birthday soon.. Chyrl plans a ,
is doing Pretty well.±1 this ftimmerV David Mark1#rth will come W^st,
get-tog^er for her "after that kidney transplant f*om
In the celebration. David seemjirpty that David M. has made.


Max .
eter nit ie5 • 1 B
Sunday, June 18, 2006, FATHER'S DAY It was a good Father's Day for me. The

big surprise was the visit " 9f Melissa Mi from San Diego, CA. She looked

beautiful and seemed to enjoy being with her family. Holly /g ave me a 2XX

shirt and that was appreciated. Gayle, Keith, Holly,/ were in

touch with us. Lou said that the program at Church was first-rate good!

Time slipped away from me this morning. I did not get

up and ready to attend Church services. Lou said that the Primary children

the speakers were from the Stake High Council. There was a good

article in the Sacto Bee about the bu^di^^^r^gr^e^s , on the "Temple On The

Hill." Lisa West was mentioned as a/ to the article. Lisa is a good

Public Affairs person for the Church. Around 175,000 people are expected at

for the Open House^an^jt^^d edication. The dedication is Sept. 3rd.

i / the sprinklers around, on the trees and the

lawn areas. It will be hard to keep the grass green, I pulling around the

hoses and the sprinklers. I should figure out how better to use the hjses

and the sprinkler heads. We need to keep^aur lawns and trees in good/

We hear that Sand'

y well enough to clean

the office that is the responsibility of Shelsie Shaw. That is good to hear,

that Sandy is able to be up and working, after the thyroid operation .Keith sent

me a Father's Day card a couple of weeks ago--thank you.

Scott and family had been out .walking on the beach,

of Long Island, NY. He had not received i .his copy of the "Autobiography."

Julia is doing well and using her experience obtained while working in an op­

erating room, at the hospita/ * She is working for some eye physicians.

It was a surprise to s Melissa. She came in by plane

from San Diego at midnight, last evening. ./wants to get a j o orker,

a hospital. She might have to work 12-hour days. Melissa^ to go back
San Iliego in the morning. She makes fast and furious trips up here.i# home.
Gayle very kindly called me. She seemed tired*
ren received excellent grades, at BYU-Idaho. He is living in an
apartment, in or near Snowflake, AZ. They are looking for a house to
purchase. I talked toJjpgryjLQh.. She is doing a lot of reading this summer.
It is pleasant, havingt^support from one's family. I do not see any appoint*-
ments in my date book,\for this week. I wonder if Michael will stop by, in
the morning? The MLamiybeat the Dallas Mavericks by one-point in the fifth
game of the play-0tf^/ The Heat now leads the series, 3 games to 2. Wade J
seeded to be the hero for the Miami team. Novitski was a Leader for Dallas.
"l - >, <
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2006 15:04:01 -0600


Hey hey Shelse

How u dooling?
Your mother said she going to go with Reagan to clean because Reagan's so
tired (from working and his All Star Football Game, which we won!) and
Randon is Life Guarding today, so he won’t be available

And now for some senseamental Fathers Day stuff...

I'm so glad you are my daughter. I am so glad for my son's. This morning
when I gave Reagan his wake up call, it hit me how short my time is as a
"hands on" Dad and how much I love usguys. Made me cry...

Don't be an ol augue in PRAGUE! Be the rague (pronounced rage)in Prague

(pronounced pray age) Get it ...rage in pray age. Have fun and please don't
forget to come home safe!!! So that means please be safe there so you can
come home safe.
Stick wit use brudder.

: Ps watsudooling emailing at 3:37 AM??!!

---- Original Message----

From: **ShEls** * [ ]
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 3:37 AM




junomsg://03E8A590/ 6/19/2006


SHELS rr /J A/*! )

~T ' '
Monda » June 1 Q ,
2006. Mary Lou was
up early, cleaning and
bouse. tidying up the
i could hear her
out in the front yard, doing, some .
gardening. I
didn't feel SO well this ( ;.*»
morning. 1 had the "summertime blues."
We heard
from Keith by e-mail that
Shelsie and Ryan have begun their tour of Eu­
rope and
were soon to visit in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
How about, that ?
Mike did not come down today.
He called and said that Margo and Chloe
have Utah.
gone to Girls Camp and Les and Marcia are visiting from Springville,

The first day of summer l^ill be on June 21st. Time

moves along, when you’re having fun. Shelsie
younger two. ) It seems that Shelsie has an office to cleanf ‘ brothers
owe, her money for cell phone bills and gasoline purchases, They were

: to do the cleaning, to help pay back the debts. We hear that Sandy go"tup,
out of her sick bed, and did the cleaning. Those teens get by with murder!
s Reagan’s football team won the division play-offs.

It sounds as if Keith and Sandy have their hands full with sickness and
,«r-v the responsibilities of rajsing those two younger tee^aged sons. It just
i does not sound right to me, to have a fifteen-year-old with his own car!

! I changed around the water sprinklers. The new pul-

sating sprinklers work well. I should get a couple more of those waterfjl^g

The peaces are getting ripe, in the east side of the lot. It is
ir tools .
up and pick a peach and eat it on the spo"t / I remember
so good to go
peach jam.I don’t
!' Les F |&ke coming here and picking peaches for making some
on their trip to see Mike & Margo.
know if we 11 be able to see the Flakes,
We plan to take Sophia and Ava on Wednesday to either
I hope that w .an attempt to
the Sacto Zoo, or both.
Fairy Tale Town or
"Move Fast Ava.1 We’ll let them do C.
keep up • with
: woodland./ He is 31so
We sent an birthday card to Ethan

; a„ active boy. *1^°\'‘'er\ealth”fdi!!ato“lkShi tai.ed my toe'.}}" dose i


i ; \
fr flood -near readings under control. »• *s going out to dinner l • }. •

“L home and pick up the iround'and come home. »• have that .) ’

IS- f^drates^countin^class'tomorrow at Kaiser I^.ve

jfSSSari U.SVSU -- -- - -
Caroline e
itm 1
* Tuesday^ 200 6, W6 were able to 566 L6S 3nd Marcia Flake today. They

and took Sophia and Ava to the movi'-

were with Mike and Margo's kids *
We saw MikeTs new house in \
They saw a "G rated" film called "Cars."

Bay and Mike showed Les and Bob a view of the Folsom Lake, from near their

home . We had a taco meal. We also went to the carbohyrate-counting class at

Kaiser in Rancho Cordova. It related to folks with diabetes. We found out *=

sugars down. =
that we are eating quite sensibly and I should lose weight and keep blood/

Mary Lou was enthused about going to the carb-counting

class. We were late arriving because we could not find the classroom. They

* discussed diet, exercise, physical and mental stress, weight and medications.

They talked about "choices." One can build a fairly good food in-take, using

some, id.ea of what is in

the choices. They talked aboiut label ^Aadin^^'.to
-yAJW*/ M'U* fM /carbohydrates.
f ood . They did some/ -building,/ " diabetes Mention

was made of sugar substitutes, the different substitutes the market and

I baking and cooking tips. The class was held from 10 a,m.

We didn’t get any phone calls or

to 11:30 a.m.

mail, about

5 the European travels of Ryan and Shelsie ^Shaw.

little girl.
II She told of him calmly^
Shelsie is surely "daddy’s

r to the Salt Lake City Airport.

ie must have been tired as she kep’t dropping alseep, along the way.

Tomorrow is the first day of sumimer and/ also the

longest day of the year. (hours of daylight) It willj be the Fourth of

July or Independence Day. I didn’t view the game on TV, but the Miami Heat
£ creamed the Dallas Mavericks. The game total was 2 games to four games. Wade

^ of Miami was th^ "Most Valuable flayer."

We drove up to Mike and Margo’s new (to them) house.

It was built in the 1970’s or so. It looks like no one has occupied the house

i for a long time. The lawn and trees were dry. MatK Allen spent a couple of
days tearing out berry vines, etc • 9 in the back yard. The house looked
very wlived-in." It has a large deck and does not have a swimming pool.
Les and Marcia seem to be contented in the West, after living in South
> Dakota. Les is thinkng of going to Alaska, on a fishing trip. Marcia
works at BYU, in the chemistry department, I think. Ryan still goes to BYU, and
probably lives at home still? The other daughter and her anestheseologist (S P)
* husband have been living in Fort Collins, CO. They seem to be looking for
"greener pastures," in his profession. Ava was active —try to keep up wit:“ her^
CftWl1 LLO ID 832 .
k vr. i:
pmti t !.


* vmo ;

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Li A
da -
of summer and the longest day fr&l
not terrifically hot. We talked about

and Margo, that they could purchase their

one 9 at 1313 Downieville in El Dorado,
Hills 1
Marci a and Les did
not bring Sophia and Ava by our house today. I think -
that was fortunate, with her.
as Ava is so active. We’d have a time keeping up/
I don’t know many details of Mike and Margo, when they
Granite Bay, CA.
purchased the home on Mooney Way, in/Mike does not indicate to me that the

house was a particular bargain. The lot size is .8 of an acre. Mike

thinks that he can get a lot ^^li^ai^) b^i^i ^b^vt^er house.I remember * !

selling our house on Haggin^and buying this house. I was between jobs,
the purchase.
at the t ime. I have to compliment Lou and Bob Uh
I wish that Mike were a little more ”forthcoming"/about

Mike talked to us, about where we are j^f.} developing

these lots. I still want to go ahead with our lots, to build the culdesac.

I know that we are under-financed. If it works out that Keith would use^r*
(from Sacto Housing & Redevelopment){f j
his $5Oljy perhap s we could borrow another $50K/and we could take $50K

from the HELOC loan. That would make $150K. Would that be enough for us?
Mike recommends that we think. Ojf,building a house, on

one of the lots. That way, we could occupy it 1

or s&ll it,JX o get more

cash flow, to provide living expenses. He does not^Mary Lou to feel that

I just figuTpe
she has to continue working for FCUSD in Adult Education.
the job when the time is right for her.
that Mary Lou will retire from
It was nice to feel that Mike is looking out for us.

family members. He thinks that there

does not want bad feelings among civil engineer^
the cul-de-sac map, left off by
will/be the proper signatures on
did go down to Raleys ;
We stayed a^pthis day^<
ixings for Lo#s Relief S^Cfety party, atjthe Carter's
and purchase told
Jeannie Williams that Lou was onyof the original
home *get
lived on theIf)Laguna
to work an Ice Beach,
cream in 1944. She
store. Lou also-
wne said
swimming > -|
on nei lunch houf* Jeanne wanted to. ’’censor
ean, "b^ach bums” and the ’’hitch-hiking,etc, .1 wondekhow-.-f
will go at Carter’s place, for Mary Lou? She w4livt0 .the jplay
Dolittle," with Tommy Tune. They enjoyed the pl4V/ Gh-ris Abbe
party today on her long trip to the NEA Convention, in CTrlando-, Florif
r lot of traveling in the South and Midyest. Gppd on .fhrir m
She plans a
J' J

Thursday, June 25, 2006. It will be seven months until Christmas Day, 2006.

Mary Lou had a good time last night. They

talked about their backgr6und/at a small gathering./

’w>/Jeannie Williams

read their interesting life happenings "in the whole assembly. The ladies

were pretty amazed that Lou lived on the beach in Laguna Beach, CA for two

months in 1944, Jeannie did not censor out the words "beach bums" and "hitch-

hike etc . Many of the ladies remarked about her clothes,grooming,and coif.

today was that Shawn Soren called and told

us that he is going to Manchester, England, on his Church mission. He was

busy calling his family and friends. He will report to the Mission Training

Center in the latter part of September. He' is knowledgeable about the scrip-

tures and has prepared himself well. He is working at a Disney Store and

also has another part-time job, to save money for his mission. He has a whole-

some attttude and will be a good missionary, for the Church.

Chyrl Markworth called. They are having a family get-

together just after the first of July. David Markworth and two of his

children are coming West for the festivities. Heidi works for a podi­

atrist and recommends that I get some help for my foot problems, mainly neu­

ropathy . Erma is doing quite well, in the assisted living place, She is able

to do some assisted waling, so that is fortunate.

The Fourth of July (Independence Day)will be a week

from this Sunday. The fireworks stands are being put in place for the sales by

charitable organizations, etc. We don11 have any special planis. for that hp 1 i-

day. Usually, the Millers go to Hagan Park in Rancho Cordova for aerial^display.

AAJU*' I”q
tha 1 ■
defeated in the U • S. Congress./ The defeat was pretty resounding.Pres.
Bush is being criticised for checking out f inane ial/wor^o(/wide. Bush seems to
justify all his devious seer e
cV in the "cause of the War With Radical Islam."
Lou took some flyers to the Senior Center and to
The Grapevine. She is trying to insure adequate. .enro1lment, to have
her floral class and Family History class continue in July. We hear that
the Adult Education administrators want a guarantee of 15 people the first
class, to have the class continue. There is talk of the f ees Si? IteLouuwi.ll
Education classes going up from $10 a., quarter to §15. I won I am still
he able to have her summer school classes, this summer and fa •
the lawns. I hope that the lawn areas do n°t dry up & blow awaY •
Juno e-mail for printed on Friday, June 23,2006,7:22 PM

From: "Max Staples" < >

r ■ To: "BOB SHAW" < >, "CHERYL MARKWORTH" < >,
Cc: "Amy Staples" < >, "Darin Staples" < >, "Cydney
Woolley" < >, "kEVIN WOOLLEY" < >, "Lynette Helmer"
< >, "Marla Palmer” < >
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 00:11:38 -0600

Dear my dear aunts and uncle:

When I visited mother yesterday afternoon she was very unhappy and irritated with her
mattress. The staff had replaced her foam type mattress with a air mattress. She had been
lobbying everyone in the care center to change the mattress back to the foam type mattress. The
staff was resisting here request because of a bed sore around her tail bone area. There is hardly
any flesh around the area. I found out later tfi'at she had lobbied the staff doctor and he had
made the request to change the mattress. The nurse on shift felt that the bed sore was serious
enough that she stay with the air mattress. The doctor's order was ignored.

When I arrived she started to complain to me that she had not slept well for the past two
nights. Earlier she told the doctor the same thing and he told her that sleep was important. I
listened and decided to talk to the head nurse on shift. She told me the seriousness of the bed
sore and that he had started to heal since the mattress had been changed. I told the nurse that
she was not sleeping well. It boil down that I had to sign a waiver stating that the care center
would not be responsible for the bed sore if the mattress was changed. I signed the waiver and
mother immediately cheered up. I went home worrying if I had made the correct decision. I
talked to Connie and told her what I had done. We decided to wait until today to see if it was the
correct decision.

Connie and I met mother at the doctor's office to see how her arm was healing. The care
center brought mother to the doctor's office. The X-Rays indicated that her arm was healing
properly. The doctor was real positive with the improvement that had occurred the past 3 weeks.
For the past week mother has indicated that there was less pain in shoulder area. She told the
doctor that she knew that arm was healing. She was right. She has an appointment with the
doctor in three weeks to see if it is completely healed. This was great news.
We talked to the doctor about her bed sore. He was more concerned about her bedsore than
jjba arm- She told him that she had slept well last night when the mattress was replaced. Connie
and I talked to the head nurse on shift and she leaned more to the importance of a good night
sleep. Everyone agreed that she should be put on side (good arm side) and that a pillow should
be place on the back side next to the sore. We will wait a couple of days and see if the sore
continues to heal.

At the end of the visit, we had a prayer of thanksgiving for the progress that mother has made
the past three weeks. It was a good day!!!!!!!!!!

Would you please pass this information on to Aunt Beth and Maxine.

Thanks Love Max

1 of 1

£006. I had the May calendar
page showing, on the wall of
my "office."
I was a bit
more mixed-up on dates and events.
back pp Anyway, I am
4 Keith called and told of plans by Keith, Holly
and / for
a get-together in Utah. out
'&of August, at Bear
Lake . We don ?t seem to be invited,ffor (Xz> ,
some reason or another. Scott is
interested in going to such
places as Bunkerville, NV and maybe Overton, NV.
Scott is interested in find
out about the ABBO^TT^^m ilies. I’d like to see
f amily members
but doubt if we could keep up/a travel schedule,
to Nevada.
The BIG event today was the planting of the eight tomato
plants, in buckets, on the west patio. The plants look healthy and should
grow. We had potting soil, enough to put £n the plants. We will have to
have more soil, as the irrigation water drains off the nutrients.The job

took longer than we imagined and we spent most of the morning, on the task.

Max Staples sent an e-mail/ about visiting his mother.

She was critical of her mattress and let the medical p&ftjle know her

though PIln ,n,‘ h“

trCfrkl e sleep-

ing./ The comic strip "CRANKSHAFT” series about a son and daughter-in-
law who care for his mother, in^ home. She has gone through several

so : health aides in the strip, this week. Such is "life in the fast lane."

I mailed the engineer’s map of the cul-de-sac develop-


ment to Keith Shaw. I hope that he can better plan his work, if and when he

San|^ is not well, But, she says th^t^p he wants

comes here.this summer.
the safari with Scott and Holly. Good tiff Sandy.
to go to^Bry e Canyon on
took the referral from Dr. Chang to the derma-
(Dr. Carol Rolaf*80
via Dr. Sanghari at Folsom Kaiser. Dr. S. was not in
tologist/at Kaiser,
The nurse will give him the referral.
his. office, when I was there. It is getting larger,
I also want her to examine the growth on my scalp.
Lou has taken notices of hejc summer classes to the
It will be very difficult
Cordova and the Folsom News.
Grapevine, In Rancho
I read
two classes.for the summer quarter.
ffft;*** igUpfInnigP!Safi|^ a vote on over$750 million of bonds,

to build new school, by Mather FieJ^/an^ear the, new developments,

nearSunrise Boulevard Will the votetfagree to WKow. that much money*
The weather continues hot. We appreciate the air „ y'
Toyota Corolla. Keith will let us know more ofhhe plans f^tBe^et-®
together in Utah, around the middle of August. Too bad that Scott is not
planning to come tp Sactp^CA. It is a traditi
Saturday, June 24, 2005. There were more calls and e-mails about the family

get-together in Utah, about the middle of August, Scott sent an e-mail that
gives the / for the trip. It Is an ambitious one, extending almost

a thousand miles from Cache Valley, UT to^unkerville, NV. It just seems

like an over-ambitious plan. I hear that Holly plans to drive home, after
doing the activities for / of that week. It Is a week crammed with
X exhausting activities. We’ll see what we shall see. We
dance recital.
went to Sophia’s/
Mary Lou and Bob / about whether we could attend

“the outing, in Utah. We have budgetary problems and will/be somewhat limited

by time. I really would like to see Scott and Andrea Riley

and his wife , plus the other Keith Shaw family members^./ Melissa Miller might

be coming from San Diego , it would be extra nice to see her. The

trip for us would cost j , Very quickly. We are just paying off the last trip

to Boise, ID. I don’t think that any of the Sorens wo attend the outing.

I am the one who really wants to go on . .the trip, to

'^^Utah. Lou has ’serious reservations. She ponders about our health and

ability to walk around, etc. X respect her thoughts and advice.

I did' not feef

to attend the recital.

t erk'y this afternoon.
But, Holly enfOUraged me to go and I* m glad that I
I had decided not

dance program.
did so. ’’The Center Stage Dance Academy” of El Bor^dj^ Hills presented the/
;j £ It )(
was called "Coming to America and was /«. ‘'
.. . at the new theater at the

Folsom High School. We saw Margo and C ho, had just returned from Girls*
> - Camp this afternoon.
Les and Mar £ /.a fi V were a Uo there, cheering on Sophia.
* The auditorium is extra nice. It is quite a contrast

rwith the Bella Vista Cafetorium stage, if tf

Sophia was in the \*<ompani Kidz" group.
w *
^They performed two dances. Sophi^seemed well-trained and talented.Mike took

some photos, was over* Holly shopped at Wal-Mart.The dancer^

did a good^job. The ballet numbers were extra well-done, I’d s$y.
Georgina *4s the chl&f instructor and was also the mistress of , Ceremonies/
\ * suppose that Marcia and Les will be going onward, in ’ their visit.
It was good to see them looking so good. Les is still interested in
^ hunting and fishing. He plans to go back to South Dakota and do more of
these activities. It was an^thexhot day. I received the $10 gift certi-
'teLcate from the Kaiser diabetes
^ ago • Lou will shop at Target and use
y, mailed to them about
the $10 really fast, I irss?^hs
j^jesday %
June 27, 1^0 6.
Keith Shaw called this morning.
I told him about!
t^e b a4
news from the Water District, about the fire hydrant,
* He advised
that we should
c ns.
not let a glitch in the path forward,

That sounded like good advice

slow us down or stop

to me. I notified Michael that Keith

called and talked to me .
Lou went to kai
ser for an eye exam, for glasses,
Keith is still excited about the family get-together,
in Utah, around the 15th of August.
He thinks that the stop at Hobble
Creek will be a time where we can recall old memories.
I surely hope that
we can go on the trip. rest.
I do get tired and need rest. Hopefully.., I can/

Mike also seems resolved to do the job, whatever the

cost. I told him that I would check with the Board of Directors at FOWD
to verify if a fire hyrant is really necessary, I could also check with

the Metro Fire District, to see about who has the authority to require a

fire hyrant, the Fire people or the Water people.

I don!t know if Keith has sent the funds to pay for the

extra engineering^charges, by the engineering company. I dislike taking

Keith 1 s. fnoney, bcause he needs it so much for his family, He keeps

' that he wants to "invest in 5370 Nugget Road." More power, to him.;.

Mary Lou went for an eye exam, at Kaiser in Folsom, CA.

said that her eyes had not changed that much. That is good news. . ■]
The O.D
She has $150
She chose some glasses for around $120 for the "package.

for glasses, every two .years. That is a tangible

ln , credit fromfalSjr,
benefft fro mj membership•

coming in and going out of the U.S.A.[ ft is a Bi

ing the money
' given certain rights and
The citizens of the country were
Rights issue,
to be in But, war i
those rights are too important,
. / ■

told of the

Austin l9Ved the V

ft* *-•P

Wednesday, June 28, 2006. Mary Lou heard from Gayle Soren that Jaron Soren —

wife, Lindsey Doyle—have quit their job in Arizona and are moving back to
daho. Jaron wants’to become a dentist and is willing to put in the effort, to

accomplish his vocational goal. I didn’t feel well today^I have an

) on me !
appointment with Dr. Sanghari, at Folsom, tomorrow afternoon—good luck,/

f Jaron has only 'een on the job in Sno Jfls ke area, .AZ

i for a few months. He said that the job in planting nurseries is quite boring

and he is seeking a change. Lindsey has already had a mis-carriage and is

now p.g. again. Jaron will likely go back to B.Y.U. Idaho, in Rexburg, ID.

I remember how hard it was for us, to get out of BYU

We^ioved from Provo, UT to San
I and seek a job in the "cold, cold world.”
Leandro, CA and finally to Willows, CA I was a bookkeeper for Rumiano Cheese.

Jaron and Lindsey should do just fine. Jaron is a

Ii resourceful and hard-working young man.

It will take them a number of years, to complete dental school.

He ha "A’s" at BYU Idaho, so far.

I don’t know

just what their present situation is, but they should be moving to Idaho.

Not much news on tthje "lpt development front."

S'QS Lou and I discussed the possibility of Ceding tne west lot to Keith and Mike,

with an understanding that the cul-de-sac work will be done. The co-ownership

might shield both Mike and Keith from criticism of the other family members.

Mary Lou finished her e-mail to Ron She told

of being a "beach bum." at Laguna Beach, in 1944. It is an story and

should make a chapter, in her autobiography. She also has the tter, written
16 2002, to the First Presidency, The thing that f)f\lght ” sink" Austin

s that he really never changed his mind about his Church membership, after he

was excommunicated. He lived a goodt1i^4r*'flrtid I respect Austin greatly.

We visited
^ j ' JJllebes
t ^ i (MWMP
atJ living place,
Oaks Boulevard, in Carmichael/ Judy looked good and could communicate

quite well. We talked of Ted Senior and Ted Junior. She laughed and
seemed to remember Mary Lou and Bob Shaw. The meeting plac^ was in the
facility diflf/[w room. Ted and Judy were out-of^&Ufa so theYasked
'^L.Mary Lou and frob to visit JuJhgWe went on our shopping tout, when we
came home from the ^issifted liV/fog place. We made some copies at Staples
£and shopping ate/ Store? We bought some bacon for BLT sandwiches. Lou wrote
‘ ^out a tribute to Carl and Chyrl Markworthlt will be th e Markworths 50th
flaniver sarv Bonn. T.mi tj-11 1 m a -M + y-tI*
1 pt fn M.

10850 Gadsten Way • Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-5199
Phone (916) 635-6810 • Fax (916) 635-0905

June 27, 2006

Mary Lou Shaw:

' ■*;
In our preliminary planning of course offerings for ^he Summer Term (See your teacher handbook
for dates) you have been tentatively scheduled to teach:

Course Dav Time Place Weeks

Floral Techniques T 6:45-8:45pm Senior Cntr 5 wks

Genealogy W 1-3 pm Senior Cntr 5 Zi wks

The Administration reserves the right to cancel a class anytime if minimum student attendance is
i not sustained, or if an unexpected reduction in State funding occurs. Teachers will be compensated

for instruction only on the approved Adult Ed Calendar days.
hi case of absence, lesson plans or teaching materials must be available for the substitute of your
class(es) to insure continuity of instruction.

In accepting this assignment, it is understood that attendance is required at all faculty meetings.

Teachers in classes for adults will be paid on the schedule adopted by the FCUSD Board of
Xl accept the above assignment with times, days and conditions indicated.
___I will not be able to teach this term. (Please call Denise 635-6810)
V'.My credential is on file at the County Office, 10530 Mather Blvd., Sacramento and
is up to date.

eacher’s Signature

Please write any change of address or phone number below:


(Please return this page, signed to the Adult School office, within 1 week and keep the second
copy for yourself.)

Folsom Cordova Unified School District

125 East Bidwell Street Folsom, California 95630-3252 Phone (916) 355-1100 Fax (916) 985-0722
June 29 1
2006. Michael Shaw came down this evening.
V. He said
that the Fair Oaks
Water District is adaraent about^ putting in, a fire hy-
drant The
cost for th-fi lots is at least $15K.
The sewer connections are
also around $\15K.
Mike has sent the bills to Keith
so we may be able to
the work started, on
the lot development. Mary Lou went to Janie
Ericks s studio and they worked on the mountain painting for Ryan Shaw.

Mike came at about 10 p.m. tonight. He had a work list

from FOWD that totaled to the $15K
. They cautioned that these are just
for peripheral thingf snd that the/'bill could go much high4r. I told Mike
that we are willing to deed the lot #1 to whoever will help .f jjiance or

work on the lot details, in the family. . Mr. Shumway,/draw up the legal ^papers

Mike is planning to drive to Springville, UT tomorrow

with his family. They want to see the parade, the iotic urogram and

the fireworks, etc. I hope that they have a safe trip. Mike/ on

cutting the weeds along the ramp, with the string cutter. He also used

the blower to clean off the ramp and the driveway, etc.

Mike also tried to install a wall phone, in the kit-

chen . Sorry to say, the electrical connection was missing from the box

that the phone came in from the dealer, The phone in. the kitchen, a
We miss many calls because of this.
carry -around model, is not working.
Max Staples sent a kind, letter and report on Erma

Staples • She has been back to Eden with her sons and enjoyed seeing her

She did not get out of the car. They are thinking of placing

Erma is reconciled to the fact.

her in an a ssisted living place.
There were mail responses from Gayle Soren, Ron

The people enjoyed Lou's account of/being "Dcach bums, in

Hobson > e t c.
Scott Shaw also responded to the e-mail.
Laguna Beach, in 1944.
(?) and is not expected to
Mike Mead has brain,/
much longer. Frank Mead and wife sent an e-mail. Mike is in the
live ital, receiving chemo-therapy. It is saddening, to hear the bad news.
eived the three light-weight golf shirts from Haband. I think .that I
ho sp He
I rec like the shirts. I went to see Dr. Sanghari at Kaiser in Folsom*
received the referral from Dr. Rick Chang, for me to see an de£m~
ill burned the growth of my scalp off. I hope that it is efa
had not w Cingular phone for service on her cell phone.
had to go toMike Shaw, at 10 p.m/ tonight. Here's wishing ,
fectlve. their fast trip to Provo and Springyille, HT.
tf/se to >««,,-
a surp on
"bon voyage.
v- 1/ / V

w911 (/V'V' I ^{/Vb\UjL
has ended, ] they Vay'Fn accountin
30/ 20Qfo_- The SJ
day. June in 2006, I am recovering from
ths for me,
It has been a s°°; « well andyiiji good spirits.
/ family members seem
the by-pass
heart surgery. 04^. J(r&
well as /expected. May-
coming along, about =3
development is
The lot
tunnel," on the cul-de-sac building
"light at the end of the
Ca be there is some
.even any errands—good on us!
We had a day at home, not
and related work.
just to check on us. Sandy
sSY Keith called this morning,
trouble, for waiting "to invest in 5370 Nugget Road."
NS might be giving
Michael and Margo/ on their Way to Utah They want to

and also want to attend the/p a t r io t i 6 parade and program, etc.

see the Flakes
are eating a lot of that prepared cereal.
We I 1 ike
Mary Lou likes grape nut f lake s,J, ca 11 ed
the shredded wheat and bran flakes.
Sue Mott (nurse) called back and raised fcfy insulin
in my blood sugar scores.

to 32 units. That seems like a lot but something had to be done about my read-
act ive .
ings, I was, out, he back yard lawn. It is good to be physically /
I received a statement of earnings on my paid-up
Kv'v ^n^-te<^ World j Insurance policy.

The policy now has a balance of

The policy earns about $100 a year, since A|5r il, 19/9 8. Since that date, I
zp be, such )a3/ Uterest . / (#3 1,4657)
$ ^080 .
T i
have earned $810. That does not seem t ! I

Mary Loud ­ the e-mail, to be sent toJ and

Carl Markworth, on their 50th wedldiflg anniversary.
Lou vividly recalled events
over the years. She told about them going to Ora Gilford’s home, when they
were married in the Los Angeles Temple, in August/ 6.*
The Supreme Court has in Mated that Pres. Bush/change
his ways on prisoner
confinement ( Guantonomo Bay, Cuba and other secret places
around the world,
■J It will also affect the
^snooping in phone calls out
of the USA and also
monitoring bank
I the older pin... Some JfC^nJdi
C^^C°Unt^ of American citize
"medicine desk."

I threw away a lot of

were not even
i I also . MfMjn
4 was
some ShJw records on Chryl and

t ““ 1?i. SeVlL °n her hard disk. %'■

al.o helped her out byt°,f1V, a Presentation of She also called

to attend computerized data. Jim Rader
net, v , Publicize k
a^d cnro11 in ber class,
v? rily Hlstory class on.ttje inter-

-----raiVP itlp % ^courage, when

MM i-

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