Gcodetools - Inkscape/'s CAM Extension

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Gcodetools - Inkscape\'s CAM extension

Posted by Nick - 2010/01/27 05:55


I've remade Inkscape plug-in and want to share it :).

New features in Gcodetools v1.6

Lathe machining
Tools library
Multi-tools machining
Orientation system
other small improvements

New features in Gcodetools v 1.4:

1. Interpolate beiser curves using biarcs, not straight lines.
2. Export a number of curves.
3. Draw resulting curves.
4. Personal header / footer
5. Different scaling
6. Multy-pass cutting
7. Area cutting

The plug-in is available for downloading here:


There are English and Russian support forums.


I wonder could it be added to wiki?

Here is an example: (Blue and green curves - parts of biarc, red - straight lines, black - original path)

Re:New inkscape export to Gcode plug-in

Posted by BigJohnT - 2010/01/28 04:49


The wiki site is commutity maintained and to add or edit follow the steps on this page



Re:New inkscape export to Gcode plug-in

Posted by Nick - 2010/01/28 05:18

I think I'm blind, or stupid or smf... :unsure:

I can't manage first basic step "Log in before editing pages" :).
There's no login button or link. Search gives nothing :).
I thought may be I've logged in already. Then there's no edit button...

EMC Support Forum - LinuxCNC.org Kunena Forum Component version: NEW VERSION GOES HERE Generated: 24 November, 2010, 13:12

Re:New inkscape export to Gcode plug-in

Posted by BigJohnT - 2010/01/28 05:25

At the top of the page

Because of wiki-spamming bots, this wiki now requires that you log in before editing pages. Anyone can log in. You don't
have to register or anything.
Click the 'Preferences' link (it's on the very bottom of the page).
Choose a name for yourself, and in the box marked 'Administrator Password' enter 'emc'.
Now, each page will have an 'Edit' link at the bottom.
Make sure that your browser will accept session cookies from wiki.linuxcnc.org.


Re:New inkscape export to Gcode plug-in

Posted by Nick - 2010/01/28 05:33

Yes I'm stupid or a spam bot :)...


Re:New inkscape export to Gcode plug-in

Posted by Nick - 2010/02/23 01:21

New version of Gcode tools has been released!

Gcode tolls ver 1.2 available here: http://www.cnc-club.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=35 (at the header of the thread).
What's new:

Curve to Gcode is Path to Gcode now according to Inkscape's naming

Automatic Path subdivision added.

Biarc interpolation tolerance added. It defines maximum distance between path and it approximation.
If distance between path's segment and it's approximation is greater than biarc interpolation tolerance the segment will
be split into two segments.
Maximum splitting depth added. It defines how many times path's segment can be split to reach interpolation tolerance.
A small optimization of traverse added.

Area to Gcode removed.

This function was buggy, it worked to slow and it's results are not editable.
Area inkscape is Calculate area curves now. I think this name represents the function better.

It becomes much more easier to work with this function: no need to convert path to dynamic offset or do additional
things. Just fill in tool diameter and offset width and press apply.

Also Loft and Engraving functions are being developed. Also Loft and Engraving functions are being developed.

Version 1.2 works a little slower because subdivision needs additional calculations, but it becomes more stable and the
structure of source code becomes more human readable.

Illustration of version 1.2 advantage:


Any feedback is really welcome :)!


EMC Support Forum - LinuxCNC.org Kunena Forum Component version: NEW VERSION GOES HERE Generated: 24 November, 2010, 13:12
Re:New inkscape export to Gcode plug-in
Posted by Nick - 2010/08/23 01:12

Hi every one!

We have made new version of Gcodetools!

Here are new features:
Lathe machining
Creates trajectory for lathe machining for selected path. There are several options available:
1. Fine cut width - width of fine cut. Allows to make smooth cutting.
2. Fine cut count - a number of fine cuts.
3. Fine cut calculation function - Fine cut can be calculated by offseting the original path or by moving it upwards.
4. Standard axis remap - changes standard lathe axis XZ to specified ones.
Calculates trajectory for engraving paths with cone, spherical or arbitrary shaped cutters. Uses tools library to define
cutters shape.
Tools library
Stores different tools inside the drawing. Allows multi-tool machining.
Multi-tools machining
Orientation system
Calculates transformations (move, scale and rotate) according given two or three dots with coordinates.
Other small improvements
Additional export parameters
Separated interface
Tool alignment checking

Gcodetools is freely available here: http://www.cnc-club.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=35


EMC Support Forum - LinuxCNC.org Kunena Forum Component version: NEW VERSION GOES HERE Generated: 24 November, 2010, 13:12

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