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Sugar storage in silos: A slow conditioning approach By Vadim Kochergin and ‘Mark Johnson* {Amalgamated Research Inc, 20. Box 228, Twin Falls, ldaho 89909 USA “Amalgamates Sugar Company LLC, P.O, Box 87, Nampa, daho £9689 USA, Introduction tine, therefore Scruton in product + All produced sugar should be Aualiy sgnicanty let the rate of maintained a deal stnage eects Sidra ales ae coiteing water enoval Mos condoning slos ar 2000 and aa ton wey aoe elie ar dined or retention tie a2 Ne pe Re Se by most widely cused isues inthe lt. 72 hours. Conldoned saga eho ‘suger crystals should be continuously ‘Site Large variation in ypes of foto a storage laclty all atpeces aD ‘the sme ime overdeying See amy eet, climate conditions 9 moisture migration and posse sae atten ‘of sugar plans or sorage facies and hardening, * Air should be disributed evely fologn oceania EN Simple eines cntroed ht toned enone een COE Ig czamlate sgnlfcant oven “maned” signs as enough dot Sing Ti achiamstyamicondt more o cae bardening prop "+ Supe cd be moved ead sea conengiem areca Hit, Dehuldied sir was own openness ‘Mors sl’ contins oreant Bama: through a bed of gar in aoad = Rat of on Coe eet ‘ators til contains enough bound ear containing about 1900 crt of cede Ieisture fort be sow relesed in Sugar which had beer previous 1 Temperature gradients leading to Eoistre mayne elongated in aslo fr several onthe. eras lormaton ee ens saa seen au tefellowing probs Temperature and relative uml) Slecea lene Ronit nares banding: (RH of eating ar were reeorded, “aay conditioning sos wesally ding non ane ate, Mit eating als rated apposite: say mat ois ee Udi pecs 2" SMCS and OR RIL 270th cara selena ea Joading problems ind le for 24 hours, Measurements especially for revolting tin ae 1 Glia formation daring torage. taken the allowing day showed RETin, sek ease *Crustformaton on he walls reduc. the head space of 699 aon ing the effective vole ofa slo ‘Though sugar conditioning systems Factors affecting storage and con <_actilogal problems rated work very eficenty in may gee neg ‘0 water condensation on silo wall plants worll-wide istlone of cing perenne NO WACO DRG oF reoitg of eld Tine of condoning, sr quy and leaning is performed. Impaired by high capt ivestment. quay are not independent ean cate and ones show sows ars report tht gi and shoud Cee ee ring pce ncenetnet cnt capil ives of SKE. tne tae he ee TAT te bls ee, NO_IS reguted to comer xing amoumtstmonane ee) drewanmontee tae elie, storage sls to codiionng mode: air danas hee ee ae Trot Ths apanayCeneibsommon Ther, the tamed raver” Renton tin Ia eae eee tad anak ent Senta storage nomcal soln, which wl combine pales rag sls ecfascmcs erie ait Maes of iar inning withthe Sinn bse ed acon ‘sue of dicussion between sugar tech: opportuniy torent men Pine ee ‘ain requirements ona slo design, My eed Se maenne aro. Ing storage facilis. Increasing con“ ReTarnen ae ally eee he Bk rend for ces ever sugar qulity tnd sey of cele eee exchanger ome cian a adtals sear Landing ae driving forces nbd on comin ney taaBe pte cad hate ote condo searching fornew economical soons eet sed Ta usm soear aly peoticcigrntska gles, Sear sergeandcondioag, Calan Sp tte ‘resly produced sugars loaded into the project goal new slo or retrfiing Stored soccer as MET What woud be considered ideal tsa) na ye ee ‘ransfered to one ofthe avalable stor conditioning sean large variavon in data svalabe inthe age silos. This approach certainly Ineratre fer specie air fweses A tral dreubaces Conn ass=r- ‘The requrements for ideal gar con: review By Mee and wages 8 Stuy conga eaten ae honing and wore sytenay be mune dpe ean 8 + Ssully designed for certain retention summarised nee Europe with air flowrate varying 0.02 194 IN SUGAR NE, 2001, VOL aR NO. to 86 hr per mete on of supa. 5. Brain etal india thatthe pe valve ascepted for many commercial Installations fuctustes azound 3 smfyton.Calaltons shouldbe ca. ‘ed out on a case by-case bai, Understanding ofthe mechanism of mass trasfr is extremely important to correctly calculate the air parame: ters required for conditioning. The ‘iyi process i diven bythe aie. fence between the pari water vapour pressure of a drying agent and the fuilvium vapour pressure corre ‘ponding tosuper molsture. Therefore, the commonly used asimption dst the diference between RH oir and ‘equlleiam relatve humidity (ERI) fsa earring ore ofa dying preci i aig only when the temper: tres of sugar and surrounding si sre equal, However: this ascumption i ‘ot valid for mort practical problems. The kines of moire release by sugar may significantly affect the ca alton of required air owrates. The sffets of condoning tempersute, frase and other parameters on the ‘ondtioning process have been thor fughly studied Results indicated tn ft, very litle al eure for condoning” Reduction of air flowrate does affect the inital rate of ater removal but has slost no effect Aer 48 hous. The authors alo ind fate that higher than required Foverates are generally applied jus to maintain uniform. air distrbmtion eros the slo, These are very impor tant conclusions which helped jusuly ‘our approach to sugar condoning “Apical dying curve is shown in gure 1. The fist at” prio reflects the dying process when water read. Ay svalale for removal, Thus. sir parameters and Dowrate wil deer. rine the rate of water removal. Most of ‘he remsining surface moisture ay be removed during the period. Various sources indicate dat condoning tie humidity ad temperature have an ‘fect on sugar moister only ding (he fine 2048 hours. These rambers will vary depending on relative flowrates and parameters astociated ‘wih the sugar and conditioning aie Inthe second period the rat of diy ing willbe determined by ersaliestion and intemal diffsion through the Smoephous layer of macros (an excel lent review ofthe condoning mecha. nism is gin by D. M. Meadows). A this tie ale venation may be help tostabilie sugar but exces awl ead to over drying. Aitemperstate, bu lity flowrate wil have very Ite or m0 lfc on mob remora. Today excelent commercial cond- tioning systems are salable frm var ous manufacturers, High com i oi aly payment for high quality One should realise hat significant number of sls inthe USA and other countries ‘were not orginally designed for cond ning. Retrofiting is sometimes df cult oF impossible to jurifyeconom calls The adaiton of double walls for heat compensation reduces uf a time of a slo and ereater strvtaral Droblems. Changing distributors, Adding ar cirelaton systems and ‘redirecting the Dow of sugar are com- plicated and expensive procedures Tr is worthwhile discussing how Insulation oF heat compensation of condoning slo alfecte the operating parameter. Heat compensation (or heating of slo wall) creates a uniform temperature profile acrose the silo. On the oer hand besuze of the igh cost {is opin, it may be only feasible for few insalations. Our evaluations show that just the insulation of rlitiely srl 40 ft lamer slo may cost se eral hundred thousand dolar. It fs ‘worth meationng thatthe presence of Insulstion wil change the erperstre rant across he slo wal but cannot ‘Deconsdered stan ultimate solution. Specialists kom BC Sugar have ind cited that nthe absence of inauaton, ‘moisture migrason othe walls ato be eliminted tut st veil no longer cause problems provided the air Daramneters ae correct" This rales the ‘gestion whether insulation ofthe silos 1S necessary measure in etrfitng spplicaons is well recorded inthe lieraane that good beet nagar quay ean be ‘malatained at temperatures about 20: with an average noite of 0.025% It ‘would be extremely dieu 9 main- fain these condone in the condition. Ing ios because ofthe futastions in product moisture and rates of water fliminaion. Matting the RH of air Inthe head pace af ilo berwoen 55. (60% has a posite fleet on agglomer- lation of dust particles and accumula: tion of sai charge. Overdrying of the Inead space, which may occur when ‘moisture is ot resiy released by sugar, leads to mereased dust and a Potential rik of explosion. although ome silos are equiped with misters for moisture conta inthe headspace, few of tem actly tle this option, ‘The ‘slow condoning approach The goal of removing « signicant amount of water during limited pei ‘dof time impises certain require rents on = conditioning stem design. Sugar cendioning i accom: plished by suppbing the: dying air TNT SUGAR RL, 203, VOL, 108, NO. eB 195 wrth partial water pressure lower with freshly produced sugar, whlk A portion af condoned aii intro- ‘an that fas serounding the sugar the ‘others are either resting cr deed to the head spon of al ties sal. Typical provide sufficient unloaded, The general approach wax manning constant relative bung ater removal re either a large air to conto al produced sugar ant around 38% tar mining the ak anti siculated or desicants are then maintain good storage cond- of explosion, Seven condiees hove teed for tir dshumidiicaon. ons with continuous venation. be sataed slmulascoaly for cole Significant al flows moving through x Thus condoning in the traditonal son to occur inna fnkion one bed of gar usualy create ‘meaning ofthe term will be applied to gy, dat concentration within explosive sure drop and caus excessive dstfor- all stored sugar. The principle flow tang and ignition oares By tect, ‘mation, therefore some degree of sir diagram ofa sytem with one silo lng sr RH nthe heed pace Teche ehumidfcation is wsually required to shown in Figure 2 Airis circulated a) the sale level dt aggomercios ol ‘Provide sufficient drying capacity. a relatively low flowrate, and only 2 lower sac change ae be nate ‘An shernative ‘slow conditioning refrigeration unit was used for partial Te above author alse resoned ta approach, was inroduced "and sir dehumiifestion No desicaus dhstamannae cones oa Tepes naire by & group of specialists were required. Conditioning air hat elect on he srongthofeaplon, from Amalgamated Research Inc.and suffcent drying capacity to remove Contos areulstion dig the ‘Amalgamated Sugar Company for the excess moisture fom sugar crys ent songs prod ere a ee ‘etrofiting an existing cluster of con- tals and runintain suger at optimal migration te slo walls keteoa oe crete silos. Typically one sles eaded storage condition. arow band adjacent tthe wall and oes not afer the blk ofthe sugar The system canbe eal modified fora clas ter of hs by adding booster Mower under each slo One head space vata: ‘ion fan may be used for several slo, The proposed stem wes relatively low air Bowrate (hrough sage) of about 0.8 mite per metre ono ga This quanti of drying ale sitet to remove avaiable moleure without overdyng the sugar A rectal distr tor manta was incall on the bot tom of each slo preventing ir from channeling inside the saga bed and —— ‘minimising the required pressure dep, Sent . Vow sir flowrates do not adversely ‘ eee fect a disibution across the slo. Me Bcaee eae ss BeOS ‘The main features of fatals~ inva es rans How Dram Sie Ginaioang Sto ance to sang and yale equiv lence ofall ott as ben peoven in Indastrial chromstograply ‘columas used for molarses derugarsation * ‘Therefore, the bower blowers should only provide enough pressure to ove: ‘come friction within the bed of sugar Results and Discussion ‘concept of “slow” sugar conditioning » | hasbeen tented atthe Nampa factory | of The Amalgamated Sugar Company LLC. The project had been initiated | mainly because of concerns about safety during slo cleaing. Complete 2 unloading ofthe silos wa diet due es toshigh level of sugar build-up onthe Hot oso 2 este 5 Ashi! ~~ | walla Ttalsoereted unsafe condone Pees att perm natn) | fee eit cea Soe 196 TN SUGAR INL, Oe, VOL THR WO. 129 Namps factory seas parialyretoft- ted to accommodate the new concent, ‘One 40 diameter silo wat complete ly eonverted othe new operation. ‘system for slo ead space vent- lation ‘was installed ae at sep towards the implementation of the news cSnditioning process The Absolute humidity fm the head space (erains of water pee pound of dy) wes monitored. Is clearly shown Figure 3 thatthe treble humiiey

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