2breaking The Norm

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Damaris Mingura

Sociology 1010

Breaking The Norm Assignment

Define Norm​: A norm is the standard and expected behavior that society has made for us to


Describe the norm you are breaking: ​I am breaking the norm of going to a restaurant and

eating there competitors food while sitting in there dining area. When going to a restaurant you

are expected to eat the food that they are selling there because they are the ones providing the

space for you to eat. If you go to a restaurant while eating a different kind of food other than the

food provided in that space can be viewed as disrespectful.

Describe your activity. What did you do?: ​I went to Subway and got a sandwich along with a

soft drink with the subway logo on there and a cookie, right across the street I headed over to

Potbelly’s sandwich shop and went in and sat down and began to eat my Subway meal.

Describe the reaction of people who witnessed your behavior: ​I didn’t receive too many

reactions at first besides a few awkward stares but as time passed one of employees from

Potbellys came out to the dining area to clean up some tables around me and looked at me and

said “ Potbellys better”, I couldn't help but laugh. The employee just continued cleaning as I

finished up eating. As I was picking up my trash to leave, I saw the employee from earlier talking

to what it looked like his manager. They seemed to be staring at me and the manager just

looked at me in a puzzled way. Other than that, I didn’t get any out of the ordinary reactions.

Why did they react this way?: ​They reacted this way because the food I was consuming was

in an out of place setting, it's not something that was common. Most people didn't even
acknowledge it really or they tried not to look. As for the manager, his goal I'm assuming is to

sell his product and not provide service for consumers other than his own, so I can see why he

seemed puzzled about the situation although he didn't do much about it.

Is this the reaction that you expected? Why or why not?: ​No, I thought I would have

received a more negative response. I have heard about people doing this in the past and the

owner getting upset about it and kicking them out of the restaurant. I was definitely expecting

the worst.

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