Counting Lesson Plan 11

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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Huda Theme: living and non-living

Topic: Counting

Class: KG2B Date & Duration: 21/10/2019

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on: I will work on classroom management.

Lesson Focus

Couniting - living and non-living – days of the week

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:

1) Mastered students will be able to: represent quantities from 1-20 using concrete materials and
2) Developing students will be able to: represent quantities from 1-10 using concrete materials and
3) Emerging students will be able to: represent quantities from 1-5 using concrete materials and

Links to Prior Learning

Math – Students know how to count at least from 1-10
English – Students have to know the song days of the week
Science – Students know that people, animals, plants are living things.
21st Century Skills
Critical Thinking – During group working the teacher asks students to tell her what number they
are counting.

Communication – Students will communicate with the teacher during group activity time.

Collaboration – students will collaborate when they share their work together.

Key vocabulary

Counting, numbers, living things, non-living things, breath, move

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

1} Students can count only tell 15. 1} Count all together and focus about number after
2} Students can’t recognize the number
visually. 2} Show students the number with pictures so they
can count and know the number.

Resources/equipment needed

 celeriac colors.

 painting plate.

 Markers.

 Beads.

 Plate.

 Fluffy balls.

 Painting Apron.

 Play dough.

 Cubes.

 Dice.

& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
-answer the questions teacher asks,
15-20 min then share their answers with the class. Teacher will ask students question about
their knowledge in math (counting) and
-sing the day of the week. English (days of the week):

1) The teacher will ask a student to

count the class:
“who many students we have today?”
Then ask a student to stand up and count
the class.

Teacher will read the classroom rules to the

class before she starts her lesson.
2) After that teacher will ask students
about the day:

“who can tell me what is today? Yesterday

was Sunday, today is………?” then paly
days of the week song.

“so yesterday was Sunday, today is

Monday, what will tomorrow be?”

“who many days we have?” “Yes, seven

days, can we all count to seven?

“who can right me number 7?”

“who can jump for me 5 times? 1,2,3,4,5”

“who can turn for me 2 times? 1,2”

“who can clap for me 7


3) Teacher will ask students question

about their knowledge in science
(living things and non-living

“kg2 what can you see? Yes, it’s envelops.

How many envelops can you see?” “let’s
count them”.

“we learned about living and non-living

things, who can give me one example of
living thing? (e.g student will say cat), how
do we know it’s a living thing?” “because it
can breathe, eat, drink, move and grow”

“okay kg now who give me one example of

non-living thing?” (e.g student will say
door) how do we know it’s a non-living
thing?” “because it can’t breathe, eat, drink,
move and grow”

The teacher will choose random student to

open envelop.

“now I will choose student to come and

pick one envelop, you will find picture
inside it you should tell us if it’s living or
non-living thing and why”.

Every time students choose a picture the

teacher will ask him/her why its living or

After they finish teacher will ask:

“who many living things we have? Can we

count them?” “who many non-living things
we have? Can we count them?”.

Main activities – pizza finger painting
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

Provide more than one color, some students

Students in this activity will paint on may don’t want red color.
the plate as what number they will Teacher also will provide painting apron.
have with their fingers to paint the
sausage on the pizza. Teacher will ask:

“what number is this?”

“can you count for me how many sausages

you paint?”

Differentiation activities (Support)

for emerging students, I will show them A3 paper with numbers 1-20 to help them counting.
Differentiation activities (Stretch)

Mastery students will create new patterns – can be any type of pattern – they will also explain the pattern
they made.

Main activities – cupcake activity
& Time
Students will: Teacher will ask:

In this activity students will make “what number is this?”

cupcake using beads or fluffy balls.
“can you count for me how many
beads/fluffy balls you have?”
Differentiation activities (Support)

For emerging students, I will show them A3 paper with numbers 1-20 to help them counting.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

Master students will have this activity where they should put the clip on the right number

Main activities – Flower
& Time
Students will: Teacher will ask:

In this activity students will put petals “what number is this?”

depending to the number they have.
“can you count for me how many petals
you have?”

Differentiation activities (Support)

For emerging students, I will give them cubes to count by using them.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

Master students will have this activity where they should put the clip on the right number

Main activities – play Doug
& Time
Students will make apples or oranges Teacher will ask:
depending on what number they have
25 min

“what number is this?”

“can you count for me how many petals

you have?”
Differentiation activities (Support)

For emerging students, I will show them A3 paper with numbers 1-20 to help them counting.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

Master students will have this activity where they should put the clip on the right number
Plenary/Conclusion –
& Time
Students will Teacher will
One student from each group will share Ask students what they did in the centers.
5 min his/her work. “can you show us what you did? What was
your activity?”

Assessment Teacher will assess students by using a dice, each side of the dice will have a
Strategies: question relate to counting “can you write number 7 in the board?” “jump for me 9
times” students will count while they jumping
Relate to English “can you tell us what is today? What tomorrow will be?”
Relate to science “can you name me one living thing?”
☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment

☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work ☐ Verbal feedback

and feedback


On Monday, 21st of October I had my first teaching practice lesson with KG2B.

My lesson was math lesson about counting, my outcomes are:

1) Mastered students will be able to: represent quantities from 1-20 using concrete materials and


2) Developing students will be able to: represent quantities from 1-10 using concrete materials and


3) Emerging students will be able to: represent quantities from 1-5 using concrete materials and

I integrated science and English to my lesson, science was about living and non-living things, and

English was about the days of the week.

What I did well in my opening was I started with classroom rules, I ask questions about their knowledge

in math when I asked a student to count the class and they all count together, in English I asked what is

today, what was yesterday, what will tomorrow be and I played the days of the week song, then I go back

to math I asked how many days we have. I asked Maktume to jump 5 times he was shy, and he did it

fast, so I asked Jana to come and jump 4 times slowly and she did it well.

Then I moved to science activity living and non-living things, I ask questions about their knowledge like

who can give one example of living thing, Joud said tree I asked how do you know it’s a living thing

Joud she answer because it can breath, drink, eat, move and grow. I asked Falah to give example of non-

living thing he said a marker I asked him how do you know it’s non-living thing he answer because it

can’t move, eat, grow or drink. I prepared an activity for living and non-living things, what I should

improve about this activity is, it would be better if I add some picture besides the word living and non-

living things, so students will understand better and eraser.

Activity 1: pizza finger painting

Students in this activity are painting depending on what number they have.

I think students liked this activity, they actually did will, they were able to paint the numbers

and count them. I think this activity was easy to do, students had no difficulties with it.

Activity 2: cupcake.

Students in this activity students will have a cupcake with number on it, then they have to put

beads/fluffy balls depend on that number. The numbers were high for the student’s level. Next

time I will have punch of number and let the students choose the number they want.
Activity 3: orange tree

Students in this activity have to make oranges depend on what number they have. I think the

numbers were high for the student’s level in this activity too, but some of the students did well

in this activity like Amna and Khaled. Next time I will make sure that numbers will be on the

student’s level.

Activity 4: flower activity

Students in this activity will put petals depending to the number they have, I saw some students

struggle with the numbers I think because it’s high for their level, so I asked them to put and count for

me, then write the number and their names.

Emerging number sheet:

I think this was very helpful for students while centers, that help students with count. At

closeting time Dana had the question “write number 2” she didn’t know how to write it so I use

it to help her.

For extra activity I use this work sheet, I made 7 of this so when students finish early, they will

have another activity to work on.

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