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Catalytic Kinetics:

Cycles and the LHHW Formalism

"A Catalyst is by definition a substance that increases the rate
of approach to equilibrium of a chemical reaction without being
substantially consumed in the reaction; a catalyst works by
forming chemical bonds to one or more reactants and thereby
facilitating their conversion. A catalyst does not significantly
affect the reaction equilibrium."1

"The definition of a catalyst rests on the idea of reaction rate

and therefore the subject of reaction kinetics is central,
providing the quantitative framework."

Common theme: Catalysis ≡ Kinetics

1 Gates, B.C. Catalytic Chemistry, Wiley (1990).

Reactions 1 © Michael T. Klein

Reaction Chemistry:
The Practice of Catalysis

Reaction: A → B + C

o o o o
Thermodynamics: ∆H R = ∆H f + ∆H f - ∆H f

Role of Catalyst: Increase the rate

Implications: Smaller vessels

Better selectivities (relative rates)

Reactions 2 © Michael T. Klein

Reaction Coordinate Diagram
Motivates and Explains Catalysis


A good catalyst

A poor catalyst

∆H R = E B + E C - E A is independent of catalyst
Reactions 3 © Michael T. Klein
Kinetics of Heterogeneous
Catalytic Reactions

External Transport


Internal Transport

Surface Reaction

Reactions 4 © Michael T. Klein

Series and Parallel Events
in Catalytic Reactions

Steps 1,3,4,5,7 in series
1 7
Steps 2,3,4,5,6 in parallel

A ss Bss


Al 3



Reactions 5 © Michael T. Klein



Single Site Dual Site

A R = S A R S

Al Rl Sl Al 1 =Rl 1 Rl 2 Sl 2

Surface Intermediates, Active Centers

Reactions 6 © Michael T. Klein


Physical adsorption Chemisorption

Adsorbent All solids Some solids

Adsorbate All gases below critical point Some chemically reactive


Temperature range Low T Generally high temperature

Heat of adsorption Low, ~ ∆H liq High order, about enthalpy

of reaction

Rate and activation Very rapid, low E Nonactivated, low E;

energy activated, high E

Coverage Multilayer Monolayer and less

Reversibility Highly reversible Often irreversible

Importance For determination of surface For determination of surface

area and pore size concentration, rates of
adsorption and desorption,
estimates of active center
area, and elucidation of
surface-reaction kinetics
From Carberry, J. J. , Chemical and Catalytic Reaction Engineering
, McGraw Hill
Reactions 7 © Michael T. Klein
Adsorption Isotherms

Langmuir Model:
Homogeneous solid surface
Energetics independent of coverage
Adsorbed species don't interact

Mass Action Steps:

A + l = Al
r a = k a C AC l rd = k dC Al

Reactions 8 © Michael T. Klein

Adsorption Isotherms

The Equilibrium Isotherm:

ra = r d ka C AC l = k dC Al

or, with
C t = constant = C l + CAl
ΘA = CAl /C t = K AC A /(1 + KAC A)

0 order
1st order
0 CA / CA 1
Reactions 9 © Michael T. Klein
Extensions of Basic Idea

1. Multicomponent Systems

Θi = C il/C t = K iC i/(1 + ΣKjC j)

2. Dissociative Adsorption of "A"

ΘA = (K AP A) 1/2 /(1 + (K AP A) 1/2 + ΣKjP j)

Reactions 10 © Michael T. Klein

Heterogeneous Rate Laws


Homogeneous Principles Valid

Surface Concentrations Relevant

Three Different Classes of (Equal) Rates

Reactions 11 © Michael T. Klein

Heterogeneous Rate Laws

1. Adsorption A + l = Al
ra = k A(C AC l-C Al/K A)

2. Surface Reaction Al = Rl
rsr = k sr(C Al-C Rl /K sr)

3. Desorption Rl = R + l
rd = k R (C Rl /K R -C R C l)

K i = Adsorption Equilibrium Constant

(used by convention)
Site Balance: C t = C l + C A + C B + …
Reactions 12 © Michael T. Klein
Steady State Solution

This General Rate Expression Reduced for Various

Rate Controlling Steps

Which May:
Not Exist
Change with T
Change with P

Reactions 13 © Michael T. Klein

Rate Determining Step

1. The Usual Procedure

2. Requires that all other steps be in virtual


Two Common Cases:

1. Surface Reaction Controls

2. Adsorption/Desorption Controls

Reactions 14 © Michael T. Klein

Surface Reaction Controlling


r = k sr(C Al - CRl /K sr)

Θi = C il/C t = K iC i/(1 + Σ KjC j)

r = ksrC tKA(C A-C R /K)/(1 + KAC A + K R C R )

K = KsrKA/K R
Reactions 15 © Michael T. Klein
Additional Examples

Bimolecular Reactions


r = k srC tKAKB(C AC B-C R C S /K)/(1 + ΣKJC J) 2


1st -1
r init


Reactions 16 © Michael T. Klein

Additional Examples

Two-Site Mechanisms

Al1 + Bl2 Rl1 + S l2

r = ksrCAl1CBl2 =

k sr C t KAKBCACB/(1 + ΣKi1Ci)(1 + ΣKi2Ci2)

Reactions 17 © Michael T. Klein

Additional Examples

Rideal Mechanism

Al + B (g) Rl + S (g)

r = k srC tKAC AC B/(1 + ΣKiC i)

Reactions 18 © Michael T. Klein

Additional Examples

Mole Change

l + Al Bl + Cl

r = k srC tKA(C A-C BC C /K)/(1 + ΣKiC i) 2

Reactions 19 © Michael T. Klein

Kinetic Groups

Adsorption of A controlling kA
Adsorption of B controlling kB
Desorption of R controlling kR K
Adsorption of A controlling with dissociation kA
Impact of A controlling kA KB
Homogeneous reaction controlling k

Surface Reaction Controlling


Without dissociation ksrKA ksrKA ksrKA KB ksrKAKB

With dissociation of A ksrKA ksrKA ksrKA KB ksrKAKB
B not adsorbed ksrKA ksrKA ksrKA ksrKA
B not adsorbed, A dissociated ksrKA ksrKA ksrKA ksrKA

Yang/Hougen tables from Froment, G. F. and K. B. Bischoff, Chemical

Reactor Analysis and Design, Wiley
Reactions 20 © Michael T. Klein
Exponents of Adsorption Groups

Adsorption of A controlling without dissociation n=1

Desorption of R controlling n=1
Adsorption of A controlling with dissociation n=2
Impact of A without dissociation A + B R n=1
Impact of A without dissociation A + B R+S n=2
Homogeneous reaction n=0

Surface Reaction Controlling


No dissociation of A 1 2 2 2
Dissociation of A 2 2 3 3
Dissociation of A
(B not adsorbed) 2 2 2 2
No dissociation of A
(B not adsorbed) 1 2 1 2

Yang/Hougen tables from Froment, G. F. and K. B. Bischoff, Chemical

Reactor Analysis and Design, Wiley
Reactions 21 © Michael T. Klein
Driving-Force Groups

Reaction A R A R+S A+B R A+B R+S

pR pR pS pR pR pS
Adsorption of A controlling pA - pA - pA - pA-
K K KpB Kp B
pR p Rp S
Adsorption of B controlling 0 0 pB - pB -

pR pA pR pR p Ap B p R
Desorption of R controlling pA -
K pS - k pA pB -
K ps - K

p p p p p p
Surface reaction controlling pA - R pA - R S p Ap B - R pA pB - R S

pR pR pS
Impact of controlling 0 0 p Ap B - pA pB -
(A not adsorbed)

p p p p p p
Homogeneous reaction pA - R pA - R S p Ap B - R pA pB - R S

Yang/Hougen tables from Froment, G. F. and K. B. Bischoff, Chemical

Reactor Analysis and Design, Wiley
Reactions 22 © Michael T. Klein
Replacement In the
General Adsorption Groups
(l + KApA + KBpB + KSpS + KR PR + KIpI )
Reaction A R A R+S A+B R A+B R+S

KApR KA pR pS KA pR KAp Rp S
Where adsorption of A is rate K K KpB KpB
controlling, replace K A pA by
KB pR KBp Rp S
Where adsorption of B is rate 0 0 KpA KpA
controlling, replace K S pS by
p p p
Where desorption of A is rate KKR pA KKR A KKRp Sp B KKR A B
controlling, replace KA pA by pS ps
KA pR KAp Rp S KA pR KAp RpS
Where adsorption of A is rate K K KpB KpB
controlling with dissociation
of A, replace KA pA by

Where equilibrium adsorption

of A takes place with
dissociation of A, replace KA pA KA pA KA pA KA pA
KApA byand similarly for
other components adsorbed
with dissociation

Where A is not adsorbed

replace KApA by 0 0 0 0
and similarly for other
components that are not
Yang/Hougen tables from Froment, G. F. and K. B. Bischoff, Chemical
Reactor Analysis and Design, Wiley
Reactions 23 © Michael T. Klein
Π ν il
KSR = i Cil

1. Al + Bl Rl + Sl with Adsorption of "A" controlling

r = kaA CA Cl – kd A CAl = k A' (CACl – CAl/KA)

CBl = KB CBCl 
 4 eqn, 4 unknowns
CAl = C RlCSl/(CBlKSR) 
CSl  = KS CSCl

Used instead of final adsorption isotherm

1+  CRCS   KA + K C  + K C  + K C 
 CB K B B R R S S

Reactions 24 © Michael T. Klein

Some Criteria for Parameter Estimation

1. Adsorption and Rate Constants be Statistically


2. E* > 0 ln k ↓ with 1/ T ↑ (Arrhenius)

3. Exothermic adsorption ln k ↑ with 1/ T ↑

Confidence intervals may make negative-value containing

models acceptable.

Reactions 25 © Michael T. Klein

Linearization of Model

kr  KA(p A - p R  pS /K)

rA = (1+ K p  + K y = a + bpA + c pR + dp S
A A R pR  + KSpS ) 2

pA - p R pS /K a = 1/ kKA c = KR / kKA

y= rA b = K A/ kKA d = KS / kKA

This allows linear regression. However, this suffers from lack o

statistical rigor--y not truly dependent variable.

Reactions 26 © Michael T. Klein

Catalysis in Series

r1 r2
A1 → A2 → A3
A1 strongly held, A 2 weak, A 3 not at all

Independent Rates:

r1 = k 1 K1 A1/(1+ K1 A1) ~
– k1
r2 = k 2 K2 A2 /(1+ K2 A2) ~
– k2 K2 A2

@ Max of A2 0 = r 1 - r 2 ⇒ k1 = k 2 K2 A2

or A 2 | Max =k K
2 2
Reactions 27 © Michael T. Klein
Coupled Rates

In reality, with coupling,

k2 K2 A2
r2 = k 2 K2 A2 /(1+K 2 A2 + K 1 A1 ) ~
– K1 A1
k 1   K1 
A2 MAX =    A1
k 2  K 2 

= K 1 A1 >>1

• Gain in selectivity due to coupling

• This is thermodynamic in nature
Reactions 28 © Michael T. Klein
Analytical Rate Laws Derived from Mechanism
BEFORE Use In Reactor Model

A Heterogeneous Chemistry (A  B) Example

A + l ⇔ Al
Al ⇔ Bl
Bl ⇔ B + l

l0 ( A − B / K )
rA =
 1 1 1   1 1 + K sr   1 1 + K sr 
 + +  + +  KAA +  + K B
 K A ksr k A Kk B   K A k sr Kk B   K A ksr Kk A  B

surface rxn control adsorption control

desorption control

l0 k A ( A − B / K )
l k K (A− B / K) l k K( A − B / K ) rA =
rA = 0 sr A rA = 0 B K
1 + K A A + KBB 1 + K A A + KK B A 1 + A B + KBB

Reactions 29 © Michael T. Klein

Steady State Solution


dCAa/dt = r a

dC Al /dt = 0 = r a - rsr

dC Rl/dt = 0 = r sr - rd

dC R/dt = r d
C t (C A-C R /K)
 1 1 1   1 1+K sr   1  +  1+K sr   K C 

  K k  +  k  +  Kk   +   K k  +  Kk  K
 A CA 
+   K sr k A  R R 
 A sr A R  A sr k R 
 K Ak sr 

Reactions 30 © Michael T. Klein

Derivation of Rate Laws: Useful Tools
The Steady State Approximation


Reactions 31 © Michael T. Klein

Derivation of Rate Laws: Useful Tools
The Steady State Approximation

Reactions 32 © Michael T. Klein

The Steady State Approximation
Estimation of Relaxation Time

Reactions 33 © Michael T. Klein

Summary of Relaxation Time Issues
The Steady State Approximation

Reactions 34 © Michael T. Klein

Closer Look at the Relaxation Time
The Steady State Approximation

Reactions 35 © Michael T. Klein

Closer Look at the Relaxation Time
The Steady State Approximation

Reactions 36 © Michael T. Klein

Closer Look at the Relaxation Time
The Steady State Approximation

Reactions 37 © Michael T. Klein

Closer Look at the Relaxation Time
The Steady State Approximation

Reactions 38 © Michael T. Klein

Closer Look at the Relaxation Time
The Steady State Approximation

Reactions 39 © Michael T. Klein

Closer Look at the Relaxation Time
The Steady State Approximation

Reactions 40 © Michael T. Klein

Closer Look at the Relaxation Time
The Steady State Approximation

Reactions 41 © Michael T. Klein

Closer Look at the Relaxation Time
The Steady State Approximation

Reactions 42 © Michael T. Klein

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