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20 APRIL 1945

This publication is RESTRICTED and . shall be safeguarded in accordance with th e

security provisions of U . S . Navy Regulations, 1920, Article 76:


20 April 194 5



1. Ordnance Pamphlet 1507 contains a summary of the more import -

ant items of Japanese underwater ordnance . It is designed to aid i n
identifying the items, to give their tactical characteristics, and to outlin e
precautions to be taken, as required .
2. This publication is not intended= to give instructions regarding the
disposal of such ordnance. These operations remain the duty of speciall y
trained personnel .
3. This pamphlet does not supersede any existing publication . The
information contained herein was gathered with the assistance of th e
U. S. Navy Mine Disposal School .
4. This publication is RESTRICTED and shall be safeguarded i n
accordance with the security provisions of the U . S. Navy Regulations ,
1920, Article 76.

Rear Admiral, U. S. Nav y
Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance


Chapter 1 . Mines Section 4—Experimental 120 Iig 31

Section 1—General 1 Section S—T.,nrecovered Depth Charge s

(Type 2, lIodif . 2 ; Type 8S ;
Section 2 —Type J .1
Type 91 : Type 93 ; Type 96 ;
Section 3—Type JB 5 Yoko) : 32
Section 4—Type JC 9
Section 5—Type JD 11 Chapter 3 . Torpedoes
Section 6—Type JE 13
Section 1—General 35
Section 7—Type JF 15
Section 2—Type 44 36
Section 8-Type JG 17 Section 3—6th Year Model 37
Section 9—Type JAI 19
Section it 8th Year Model 38
Section 10—Type JI 21
Section 5 —Type 89 39
Section 11—Type JJ 23 Section 6—Type 91 40
Section 12—t nrecovered mines (Apricot -
Section 7—Type 91 . _lIodif . 2 41
grapefruit . Avocado, Banana ,
Pear . Plum . Pomegranate . Section S—Type 91, lIodif . 3 42
Quince) 4 Section . 9—Type 93 44

Section 10Type 97 i5
Chapter 2 . Depth Charge s
Section 11—Type 2 (Special) 46
Section 1—General 27
Section 12—Unrecovered Torpedoes (Typ e
Section 2—Type 2 2S 90 ; Type 92 ; Type 94 ; Typ e
Section 3—Type 95 29 9 .5 ; New Inure ; Miscellaneous) . . 47




JA , . , Type 38 . Modif . 1 33" . 9 45" 3 396# 4 chemical horns 3

.TB Type 93. Model 1 34 " 34 " 22(1 . 4 chemical horns [ . 5
-TB - Type 93, Model 2 34 " 34 " 220m 17 chemical horns 5
JD I Type 93, Model 3 34 " 34 " 220# 9 chemical horns 5
JB Type 93 . Model 3, 34" 34 " 2 2 0# 8 chemical horns 7
-3Iodif. 1
JB Type 93. Model 4 34' • 34 " 220# . 9 chemical horns 5
-TC Mark 5 . Modif. 1 32'.'7 32'.'7 182# 4 chemical horns 9
.JD Mark 2, Explo- 8" 10" 8—19# Electric control 11
sive Hook, Mddif .
JD Hark 2. Explo- 3" 10" 8—19# Electric contro l
sive Hoo k and tension 11
JE I Small Type Mine 2075 10'.' 5 44 # 2 chemical horns 13
Modell Hemi-
spher e
Electric control 15
▪lH' 1 Type 94, [odel2 2874 2576 190#

-TG small Type Mine 1 . 1:5 10'.'2 5 22 # 1 chemical horn 17

_Model2 Trunca-
ted con e
-ill I Hark 6 . Model 1 41'.'4 41 .' 4 478 # 4 chemical horns 19
111 l Mark 6 . Model 2 . 4174 41 '.'4 440 # 4 chemical horns 19
Modif . I
6'1 " 4 switch horns 21
.II 1 Y-2 - 14" 123 #

JJ TTnknown 24" 527 5 Unknow n 4 chemical horns 23

Apri- Type 96 20'.' t. 7
27 121# 300# or mor e
co t tension 24
(Ne t
Grape - Type 96 . Hodif . 1 20"1 2772 132 ; 300# or mor e
fruit tension 24
Avo- Unknown 32'.'5 32 :'5 170# Pendulum-im-
cado pact-inertia 24
Banana Unknown 33"5 33"5 275# 4 chemical horns 24
Pear Type 3, Mark 6 35'.'5 45'.'5 440# 4 chemical horns 25
Plum Type 3, Mark 1, TTn- Iin- Un- Unknown 25
Aerial Mine known known know n
Model 1
Pome- Unknown 41" - 41" Un- 6 chemical horns - 25
gran- known
at e
Quince Type 92 rinl :nown 4979 1100 - Electric control 26


Chapter I


Section 1—GENERA L

Designatio n 75%, ferro-silicon 16%, powdered wood 65 and.

The U . S . Navy makes two classifications of Jap- crude oil 3% . It is used in a granular form i n
anese mines . The first covers those that have been main charges, and has a dark grey coloring . Th e
recovered and officially identified . The second in- composition of the explosive may vary by 10% _
cludes those that have not . Type 88 decomposes rapidly at high temperatures ,
An identified mine carries a two-letter designa- and is very sensitive to friction . More poSverfu I
tion. NAVORD OCLM21—44 dated 8 Septembe r than TNT ; it compares favorably with explosives .
1944 states that the first letters shall in all ease s containing aluminum .
be J to indicate the nationality and the second let- Type 9.8-Composed of Hexanitrndiphenylamin e
ters shall indicate the mine . These letter designa- 40%, and Trinitroanisole 60% . It is used in a cas t
tions are assigned by the Bureau of Ordnance only . form in main charges, and has a dark yellow color-
A mine which has not been thus investigated wil l ing. Type 98's power is approximately that o f
be identified by a short fruit name . The circula r TNT . It melts at 68° to 70° . -
letter, mentioned previously, provides that fiel d Type 1, Temporary—Composed of Ammoniu m
units may assign the name if desired . If the Bu- Picrate Sl 5 . Aluminum 16%, Powdered Wood 2 %
reau of Ordnance establishes that the fruit - and crude oil It is used in a granular powde r
named mine is a new type, it will assign an appro- form in main charges. and is greenish-brown i n
priate two-letter designation to supersede the tem- color. The explosive has a distinctive "oil-" odor .
porary appellation. It does not melt on heating, but detonates at - a -
The instructions further authorize the assign- temperature of about 300° C . Jap reports indicat e
ment of fruit names to those mines which have no t that it compares in power with Torpex which i s
been recovered but are Imown to exist only throug h approximately a third more powerful than TNT .
evidence such as captured documents and Prisoner-
The explosives described above are sensitive t o
of-Wa r testimony .
bullet impact and may detonate when struck by .3 0
Explosive Charg e and .50 cal ., and- 20 mm projectiles . Caution ,
therefore, should be observed when sinking floatin g
Explosives used in Japanese mines recovered o r
mines by gun fire . CNO has directed that any ship
reported to date have been one of the following :
or vessel attempting to sink a floating mine by gun -
Shimose, Type 88 . Type 98 and Type 1 Temporary .
fire should not approach closer- than 100 yards :
Shimose and Type 98 are toxic and must never b e
Personnel should not be exposed on weather deck s
handled by the bare hands.
since there is danger of being struck by. fragments .
General characteristics of the ,explosives are a s
follows : The following general safety precautions shoul d
Shimose—Composed of almost pure picric acid . he observed when dealing with Japanese mines :
It is used in a cast form in main charges and has a Do not bend or damage any horns .
lemon-yellow coloring . It may also be used as a Do riot move or jar the mine except from a
booster charge in a granular or pressed form . safe distance .
Sliimose melts at a temperature of 122° to 123° C . Do' not take a strain on any lines or cables
Because of impurities which• form picrate com- which may be attached externally to th e
pounds, Shimose may detonate on rapid heating . case.
It-is slightly more powerful than TNT . Bear in mind that safety disarming devices
.Type 88-Composed of ammonium perehlorate may fail to operate as designed .

Detonato r
Detonator Carrier
Mountin g

Arming Switch Detail

Depth Takin g
Hydrosta t

Figure I—Cross-sectional drawing of mine Type JA .


Section 2—MINE TYPE .!A

This mine apparently is obsolete ; only a fe w External Fittings

specimens have ever been encountered . I .t is sub - Horns— lour, electrochemical, equally space d
marine laid, moored and tired by contact . Th e about the upper hemisphere and 1G" from the to p
.Japanese ' designate it as Type SS, Modification 1 . center of the mine .
The mine may be laid in water with a maximum - Cover Plate—12."75 diameter, in the center of
depth of approximately 1476 feet ; the case dept h the upper hemisphere, secured by 16 bolts . In
can be set to a maximum of 66 feet . Japanese doc- place of the plate, the mine may be fitted with a
uments state that the minimum spacing betwee n
circular pan 1 deep .
mines is 160 feet.
Arming Switch Housing—S" in diameter . on th e
The physical characteristics of the mine are a s
mid-section, 2'.'';5 below tipper, hemisphere, secure d
follows :
by a keep ring.
Case Detonator Carrier—5" in diameter, in the center
Shape—Two hemispheres . 33'.'9 in diameter , of the lower hemisphere . secured by a keep ring .
joined by a 12" cylindrical mid-section . It protrudes about 2" from the mine case .
Color—Black. Lifting Lugs—Two . on the upper hemisphere ,
Material—Steel . 180° apart and Y.'75 from the top center .
Charge—396 lbs. of block-fitted Shimose . Depth-taking Hydrostat—1? " long. bolted to a n
Total Weight—S4' Ibs . extensimP on the mooring bail .

Figure 2—JA mine without anchor.



Mooring Bail—A 2 ;" span, bolted to two lugs pre-set depth, the hydrostat clamps the cable t o
on the lower hemisphere . moor the mine . Fifteen to twenty minutes later ,
Mooring Pulley—6725 in diameter, attached t o the spring-loaded arming switch closes, delay bein g
the mooring bail . caused by an oil dashpot . it should be noted tha t
Come-along—Fitted to the mooring bail and se - there are two cables descending from the min e
cured by a shear pin . when it is moored, one taut and the other slack .
Mooring Cable—14 ;- 6' of 8 mm diameter (0'.'31 ) The mine fires when one of the horns is ben t
cable, with -192 ' of 2 nun diameter (0703) tail rop e sufficiently to break its glass vial thereby allowing
attached to bitter end on cable drum . an electrolytic solution to run into a battery cu p
generating sufficient current to fire the detonator .
Operatio n
The . detonator is manually housed in th e Safety Precaution s
booster prior to laying. upon being launche d The JA is designed to disarm, if the moorin g
from a submarine, the assembled mine and ancho r cable breaks, by having a come-along pull out th e
sink to a depth of 328' where they separate .- In les s detonator carrier when the mooring cable reeve s
than 328' the mine and anchor separate some tim e back through the hydrostat and over the mooring
after the assembly reaches the bottom . Moorin g pulley. The design, however, is by no means de-
cable then reeves out of the anchor, over the moor- pendable and the mine should always be assume d
ing pulley, and through the depth-taking hydrosta t to be in a dangerous condition if found adrift or
with the bitter end secured to the anchor. At a on the beach .

Figure 3—JA mine, floating, with its mooring cable cut .


Section 3—MINE TYPE Al

This is a moored, contact mine with several varia- External Fitting s

tions . but the Japanese designations for all models Horns—Type 93, Model 1—Four, electrochemi-
is "Type 93 . " Lip to the present time Type 93 , cal, 90° apart around the upper hemisphere, space d
Model 1 ; Type 93, Model 2 ; Type 93, Model 3 ; alternately 1672 and 117G from the top center o f
Type 93, Model 3, Modification 1 ; and Type 93 , the case .
Model 4 are known to have been used . Type 93, Model 2—Same as Model 1 with a n
These mines are laid by surface craft as offensiv e additional 3 spaced equally around the lower hemi-
or defensive weapons against submarines or surfac e sphere .
craft. The maximum depth of water in which they ' Type 93, Model 3—Nine, electro-chemical ; 4
can be planted is 3527 feet ; the minimum depth is equally spaced on the upper hemisphere, and 5 o n
25 feet (approx.) . The maximum depth of the bosses equally spaced on the lower hemisphere.
mine case when moored is 246 feet. Type 93, Nadel 4-Nine, electrochemical ; 6
With the exception of the Type 93, Model 3 , spaced irregularly on the upper hemisphere and 3
Modification 1 . which is described in detail on pag e on bosses on the lower hemisphere .
7, the physical characteristics of the mines are , as Cover Plate—Type 93, Model 1—5725 diameter ,
follows : in the center of the upper. hemisphere. This plat e
is recessed (Other models believed to be the same) .
Lifting Lugs—Type 93, Model 1—Two on th e
Shape Spherical, .34" in diameter. upper hemisphere, 130° apart, 13'.'6 from top cen-
Color—Black . ter of the case, and one on the lower hemisphere .
Material—Steel. 18" from bottom center of case. (Other models-be -
Charge—Type 93, Model 1 to be the same . )
and . 220 Ibs . Type 8 8 Base Plate—Type 93, Model 1 — 11'.'75 diamete r
Type 93, Model 2— explosive . in center of lower hemisphere (Other models be-
Type 93, Model 3—Unknown . lieved to be the same . )
Type 93, Model 4--220 lbs . Type I ,
Temporary explosive .
Total Weight--1,84 lbs .

Figure 5—JB mine anchor . The same anchor is

Figure 4—The spherical JB mine . suitable for any of the various JB types .


Booster Releas e
Mooring Spindle Detonator Housing
Mooring Spindle Spring Detonato r
Detonator Carrie r

MD-176 ,
Figure 6—A cross section of the JB mine .

Mooring Spindle and Shackle—Type 93, "Mode l Operatio n

1—Protruding from the center of the base plat e Shortly after the mine ass'embly strikes the wate r
(Other models believed to be the same . ) upon laying . A metal plummet drops away fro m
Anchor—1059 lbs .. 33 r' t 33" x 35'.' 5 the anchor reeling out a plummet cable as it sinks .
Cable—135m of 13mm ( .51") o r When 'the plummet reaches a depth pre-set on th e
260m of 10mm ( .39") n r cable drum . the dram lurks and the anchor ' sepa-
00til of n ; in :n ' .2-;• .' 1 rates f :•nm the mine ease and sinks, reeling ou t



mooring cable from a drum . Weight of the plum- are the same as Type 93 . This mice was first re -
met holds a spring-loaded pawl from engaging a covered on Djaul Island in the Southwest Pacific .
ratchet on the mooring cable drum . When th e The general characteristics of the mine are a s
plummet touches bottom, release of tension on th e follows :
plummet cord allows the pawl to engage the ratchet , Cas e
locking the rotating drum . The mine is then Shape—Spherical, 34" in diameter .
pulled downward and moors at a depth below th e Color—Black.
surface equal to the length of the plummet cord . Material—Steel .
Tension on the mooring spindle in the mine bas e Charge—220 lbs . Type 83 explosive.
plate closes a mooring safety switch and houses th e Total Weight—500 lbs.
booster charge over the detonator, thus arming th e
mine. External Fitting s
Horns—Has receptacles for eight, electrochemi-
The mine fires when one of the horns is ben t
cal, 6 irregularly spaced on the upper hemisphere
sufficiently to break its glass vial thereby allowin g
with one on the top cover plate, two on bosses o n
electrolyte .. to run into a . battery cup and generat e
the lower hemisphere.
sufficient current to fire the detonator .
Cover Plate—3725 diameter, in the center of the
Safety Precautions _ upper hemisphere .
The mooring safety switch is designed to open Lifting Lugs—Two, on the upper hemisphere.
and disarm the mine when tension is removed fro m Base Plate—11"75 diameter in the center of the
the moorin g spindle. This feature, however, is no t lower hemisphere .
dependable . Mooring Spindle—Horizontal lever type on th e
"TYPE 93, MODEL 3, MODIFICATION 1 " base plate .
A moored, contact mine laid by a surface craf t Anchor and Cable—Same as "Type 93 . "
either as an offensive or defensive weapon agains t Operatio n
submarines and surface craft . The depths of wate r This mine operates in the same manner as "Typ e
in which the mine may be planted and case depths 93" described on the preceding pages .

:7- ;-,::':' ,:--

Figure 7—The JB Modification 3 Model I floating . Note the horn in the cover plate .


Cove r Soluble
Plate Plug
Arming Switch
Chemical Lug (3) / Ring Detonato r
Horns(4) Contac t

Mooring Base Plate

Shackle Pocket
o i

Figure 8—Cross section of the JC mine .


Section 4—MINE TYPE J C

A moored, contact mine laid by surface craft a s mine . is launched, however, two snitches close to
a defensive weapon against either submarine or arm it . First, tension on the mooring spindle crise s
surface craft, and designated by the Japanese a s the mooring safety switch ; second, dissolution of a
"Mark 5, Modification 1 ." The maximum dept h soluble plug allows a spring-loaded arming switc h
in which it can be planted is 689 feet ; minimu m in the cover plate to close . The mine is then armed .
depth is approximately 55 feet . The maximum The mine fires when one of the horns is bent suffi -
depth of the mine case when moored is 16 .1 feet . ciently to break its glass vial . allowing an electro-
The JC, . found in the Central Pacific, has ha d lyte to nun into-a battery cup and form a small cell .
limited use . The resultant current fires the detonator .
A description of the case and external fitting s
Safety Precaution s
follows :
The mooring safety switch is designed to open
Cas e and disarm the mine when tension is released froth
Shape—Spherical. 32'.'7 in diameter. the mooring_ spindle. This feature, however, is no t
Color—Black. dependable. -
Charge—182 lbs . block-fitted Shimose .
Total Weight—456 lbs .

External Fittings
Horns—Four, electrochemical, 90° apart aroun d
the upper hemisphere .
Cover Plate—15" in diameter, in the center o f
the upper hemisphere, secured by 18 bolts .
Lifting Lugs—Three, equally spaced around th e
upper hemisphere near the edge of the cove r
Base Plate—10'.'5 ciameter in the center of the
lower hemisphere .
Support Legs—Four, equally spaced around th e
lower hemisphere near the base-plate pocket .
Anchor—Not recovered.
Mooring Cable—525' of 0'.'35 diameter cable .

Operatio n
Details of neither the anchor nor the depth-
taking mechanism are known. Shortly after the Figure 9—Mine type JC .


Filling Hol e

Towing Bracket Towing Swivel

Grapnel Arms (4)

Detonator Carrier
Keep Ring Pad Eye

Charge Container

Filling Hole Towing Swivel


Figure 10—Mine type )D .


Section 5—MINE TYPE J D

Two types of this nine are known to exist, bot h towing ship by a rubber covered cable stopped off
designated by the Japanese as "Mark 2 Explosiv e on the towing cable . When an object is snared, a n
Hook ." Only the " Mark 2 Explosive Hook, Mod- observer on the towing boat fires the charge elec-
ification 1" has been recovered . The "Mark 2 trically . The only difference between the Mark 2 ,
Explosive Hook " has been reported from intelli- Modification 1 and Mark 2 is that the latter fire s
gence sources . both electrically and automatically when an addi-
The intended use of the JD is an explosive tional tension of 55 lbs. is put on the mine.
grapnel for minesweeping . It has been used, how -
ever, as a controlled beach mine . When used as a Safety Precaution s
grapnel it is towed behind a ship, and when it snag s Neither type has any disarming features .
a mine mooring cable, the Explosive Hook is fire d
electrically from the ship . When used as a con -
trolled mine it is planted on beaches and ap-
proaches to beaches and is fired electrically from a n
observation post.
General characteristics of the mine are as fol-
lows :

Shape—Cylindrical, 8" in diameter, with round-
ed ends . Fitted with 4 projecting grapnel arms
with a maximum span of 11 ."S . and a towin g
bracket on each end .
Length—Body 10" ; Overall 25" .
Color—Gray .
Material—Steel .
Charge 8 to 19 lbs. cast Shimose, or granular
Type 88 explosive .
Total Weight—28 to 39 lbs.

External Fitting s
Detonator Carrier—1'.'S in diameter in the mid-
dle of the body.
Filling Holes—One on each end, 2'.'5 in diameter.
Pad Eye—One, on the top center line next t o
the detonator-carrier keep ring .
Towing Swivels—Two, one attached to each tow-
ing bracket.

This mine is armed during assembly . When- 4
used as a ,grapnel, a sweep wire serves as a towing
cable and proper depth is maintained by suspend-
ing the mine from a minesweeping float on a-floa t
pendant. The mine is electrically connected to the Figure 11—View of Type JD the explosive book . "


MD — 9 3
Figure I2—A cross section of wine Type JE .

Figure 13—The JE is often placed as a land mine, as well as for beach defenses .


Section 6—MINE TYPE J E

A manually laid hemispherical, contact min e arming plunger which moves down under sprin g
used both on beaches and on land, and designate d pressure and bridges the contacts of the armin g
by the Japanese as "Small Type Mine, Model 1 . " switch in the firing circuit .
Two electrochemical horn ; protrude from the min e The mine fires when one of the horns is ben t
case ; snag lines and trip wires may be attached t o sufficiently to break its glass vial, allowing the elec-
the horns . trolyte to run into a .battery cup and form a small
Extensive use has been made of the JE i n cell . The resultant current fires the detonator .
shallow-water approaches to beaches and on reefs ;
on beaches above the high-water mark ; ' and alon g Safety Precaution s
roads and landing strips of air fields . . The mine contains no self-disarming devices . I t
The characteristics of the mine are as follows : - ha ; been found with the horns wired so that whe n
the arming plunger is clown it shunts out the de-
Cas e tonator . and retracting the plunger arms instea d
Shape—Hemispherical . 20 ."5 in diameter and of disarms the mine .
10'.'5 high.
Material-Steel .
Charge—44 lbs . of cast Type 98 explosive .
Total Weight—110 lbs .

External Fitting s
Horns—Two, electrochemical, 180° apart an d
5 ."5 from the top center of the ease .
Cover Plate-5 .'' in diameter, in the top center
of the ease _
Arming Plunger-0'.'45 in diameter . spring -
loaded, in the center of the cover plate . The
plunger is grooved and is held up by a safety fork .
Carrying Handles—Two, 180° apart, 90° fro m
the horns and 7'.'5 from the center of the case .
Filling Hole Cover—3'.'5 in diameter, in the cen-
ter of the base.

Operatio n
The detonator is housed in the booster when th e
mine is assembled . The mine, however . is not Figure 14—The JE mine . Note the safety fork
armed until the safety fork is removed from the in place .


Figure 15—Mine Type JE .





\\~\ \ CABLE
\~ ~\ ~~\\ g 900STER
\ \ ~,,,, • `$a . COVER PLATE

\• El

Figure I6—Cross section of mine Type JF .


Section 7—MINE TYPE J F

: .1 controlled', ground mine designated by th e The firing cable enters through a stuffing box i n
Japanese as "Type 94, Model 2 ." It is used de- the center of this plate .
fensively and laid from surface craft in harbor s
External Fitting s
or harbor entrances and controlled from observa-
Lifting Holes—Four, 1'.'2 in diameter, on th e
tion posts on the shore . It was. used, however, o n
skirt, 90° apart and 1"' below the top .
Adak, Alaska, as a controlled land mine . It may
Cover Plate—5'.'2 in di,,oletiir in the top cente r
also be used as a controlled mine planted in shallo w
of the case .
water approaches to-beaches.
Pad Eye—One, on the case, 13" below the up -
General characteristics of the mine are as fol- per edge of the skirt.
lows : Cable Clamp—Shackled to the pad eye. Thi s
prevents strain on the cable from being transmit-
ted to the detonator .
Shape—Hemispherical, 23'.'4 in diameter, 25'. 6 Mine Anchor Truck—Rectangular, east iron, fit-
high, with a steel skirt 9" high and 24" in diam- ted with four wheels .
eter, welded around the top . The mine is bolte d
to a four-wheeled cast-iron anchor truck. Operatio n
Color—Black. The detonator is housed in the booster durin g
Material—Steel. assembly, and, when laid, a rubber-covered firin g
cable connects the mine with an observation pos t
Charge—190 lbs. (approximately) granular
on the shore . The mine is fired electrically by an
Type 88 explosive.
observer .
Total Weight—5S0 lbs. (approximately) .
Safety Precaution s
External Fitting s The mine contains no self-disarming features .
Booster Cover Plate 1" in diameter, on side o f When used as a land mine, it is likely to be burie d
case . 3'.'5 below edge of skirt, secured by six bolts . with other explosives.


ead horn, Acid Typ e

Arming Plunger

Safety Pin Keep Ring

Mechanis m
/ Plate

Main Charge



► ,,,1,, .1
MD —172
Figure 17—Cross section of mine type JG . Note the various shapes of the mine cases .


Section 8-MINE TYPE J G

A contact beach mine designated by the Jap- External Fitting s

anese as "Small Type Hine, Model 2 ." A single Horn—One, electrochemical, on the cover plate ,
electrochemical horn protrudes from the top of th e slightly off center .
mine case, and snag lines and trip wires may b e Cover Prate—572 in diameter in the top cente r
attached to the horn. This mine has generally re - of the case .
placed the JE as a beach and land mine . It wil l Filling Hole Cover—3725 in diameter, in th e
be found in shallow-water approaches to beache s base .
and on reefs ; on beaches above the high wate r Arming Plunger—075 in diameter, on the cove r
mark ; and along roads and landing strips of ai r plate beside the horn . it contains two 0'.'2 diam-
fields . eter safety-pin holes .
A general description of the mine is as follows : Carrying Handles—Two . 180 0 . . apart and 4 "
below the top of the case .
Cas e
Shape—Truncated cone 1475 in diameter at base Operatio n
and 7" in diameter at top . The detonator is housed in the booster when th e
Height—Case only, 10725 ; case with horn, 14'.'6 .
mine is assembled . When planted, a safety P in
Charge—22 tbs . (approx.) cast Type 98 explo-
is manually withdrawn from the arming plunger ,
sive .
and the plunger moves down under spring pres-
Weight—32 .5 to 62 .5 lb&
sure and bridges the arming switch contacts in th e
firing circuit . This arms the mine .
The mine fires when the horn is bent sufficientl y
to break its glass vial allowing electrolyte to ru n
into a battery cup and generate sufficient current
to fire the detonator .

Safety Precaution s
The JG contains no self-disarming features .
W hen used as a land mine it has been found burie d
with other explosives .

Figure 18—Mine type JG . Figure 19—Type JG in the water .


Keep Rin g
Arming Sprin g
Lifting Lu g Cover Plate
Arming Switc h
Mechanism ., Detonator Contac t
Booste r

Glycerine Filled

Mooring Spindle
Keep Rin g

Note :
Chain from mooring spindl e
not shown . Figure 20—Cross section of mine type X. -

0 ,
L,J MD-171


Section 9—MINE TYPE J>'f

(-' A moored, contact mine laid by° surface craft . Cover Plate—1r.'4 in diameter in the top center
Two typed of this mine are known to exist and of the case, secured by 16 bolts .
both are designated by the Japanese " Mark 6 . " Arming Switch Mechanism—6 .'2 in diameter, i n
Only the Bark 6 Model 1" has been recovered . the center of the cover plate .
The "Mark '6, Model 2 " has been reported fro m Lifting Lags—Three, around . upper hemisphere,
intelligence sources . The depth of water in which 120° apart.
the mine may be laid is not known; although a cas e Mooring Bridle—On the lower hemisphere, con-
depth of 82 ' and a mooring cable length o f sisting of five 15 " lengths of chain, four of which
3360' has been reported for the "Mark 6, Model are attached to the support legs, and one to the
2 ." Its use has been limited, although specimen s mooring spindle .
were recovered on Kwajalein and Guam , Mooring Spindle Housing—576 in diameter, in
The characteristics of the mine are as follows : the bottom center of the case .
Cas e Support Legs—Four, around the lower hemi-
Shape—Spherical, 41 ."4 in diameter . sphere, 90° apart .
Color—Black . Mooring Cable—6—l0min (0."24—0'.'39) diameter .
Material—Steel . --
Operatio n
Charge—Mark 6, Model 1—478 lbs . block-fitted
No details of the anchor nor the depth-takin g
Shimose .
Mark 6, Model 2—140 lbs . (Type 88) explosive. mechanism are known. Shortly after the mine is
Total Weight—Mark 6, Model 1—1000 lbs . launched tension on the mooring chain closes th e
Mark 6, Model- 2-- 903 lbs . mooring safety-Switch . Dissolution of a solubl e
plug allows the spring-loaded arming switch t o
External Fitting s close, arming the mine.
Horns—Four, electrochemical, 90° apart aroun d The mine fires when one of the horns is bent
the upper hemisphere . sufficiently to break its glass vial, allowing elec-
trolyte to run into the battery cup and generat e
sufficient current to fire the detonator .

Safety Precaution s
The mooring safety switch is designed to ope n
and disarm the mine when tension_is removed fro m
the mooring spindle . This feature, however, is no t

Figure 21—Mine type JH . Figure 22—Type JH floating .


Figure 23—Mine type JI assembled .

= n .`" ..3

. et,

- - .

Figure 24—Type JI floating, fully armed . The Figure 25 —Type jr floating unarmed.
buoyant tail piece supports the min e
approximately 4 feet below surface .


Section 10—MINE TYPE J I

An aircraft laid, contact, drifting mine use d Operatio n

as an offensive weapon against surface craft an d As the mine is launched from the aircraft arm-
designated by the Japanese as "K-2 . " The mine ing lanyards withdraw safety forks from the tai l
drifts approximately 6' under the surface of th e release and booster release mechanisms . The
water, supported from its buoyant tail section by booster is released under spring pressure and i s
a short length of cable . The tail has the appear- permanently housed over the detonator while th e
ance of an oil. drum floating vertically on the sur- mine is still in the air . On its initial plunge int o
face when the mine is armed . After an unknown the water, the hydrostatic switch operates, closin g
length of time the JI scuttles itself . and locking the circuit from the battery to the
The physical characteristics of the mine are a s horns . Positive buoyancy of the tail brings th e
follows : mine back to the surface and it floats nose down-
ward . with the tail this partly . out of the water .
Case Dissolution of a soluble plug releases the min e
Shape—Cylindrical, 14" in diameter . from the tail, and the case sinks to the end of th e
Color—Black. mooring cable . The weight of the case on the cable
Material—Steel . inverts the tail and it floats base upward on the sur-
Length (including tail)—6' 1 face . The strain of the case on the cable also re -
Length (without tail) .'1" . leases the horns, which snap outward in the arme d
Charge—123 lbs. cast Type 98 explosive . position ; and closes a horn safety switch, armin g
Total Weight—300 lbs. the mine .
The mine fires when one of the horns is bent suffi -
External Fitting s
ciently to make a contact and close the circuit be-
Horns—Three, switch, equally spaced aroun d
tween the battery and detonator .
top of mine .
Suspension Lug—One, on the top center line of After an unknown period of time the solubl e
plug in the tail dissolves, flooding the float an d
the mine .
Detonator Pocket-4 ."25 in diameter, 180 ° allowing the mine assembly to sink .
around the case from the booster pocket .
Filling Plug—3' .'75 in diameter, in the nose o f Safety Precaution s
the mine . ,Since the horns require only a force of approx-
Soluble Plugs Two ; one on the top center line imately five pounds to bend them, it is possible that
4" from the after end of the mine and the apex o f the . mine may fire on striking the bottom. Ther e
the tail. . are no disarming features if the mine should drift
Tail Release Mechanism—On the top center lin e ashore ; and movement of the JI on the beach ma y
of the mine, 2" from the after end. bend a horn and detonate the mine .


t\. -1 ..
4.4 )


Section 11—MINE TYPE J J

This aircraft-laid, moored, contact mine bears a Base Plate—On the bottom of the case, equippe d
resemblance to the U. S . Mine Mark 10, Mod. 1 . with a mooring lever controlled by a soluble-plu g
The mine case is a cylinder that floats vertically in mechanism ; and a hydrostat assembly.
the water when moored. It has four electrochem-
ical horns equipped with brackets that are extend- Operatio n
ed outward above the top of case' by spring pres- The anchor for this mine has not been recovered ,
sure . therefore, its' operation is not known . The mine
The physical characteristics of the mine are a s is laid with a parachute from aircraft ; some time
follows : after laying the spring extensions on the horns are
released and snap outward . Hydrostatic pressure
Cas e releases the booster, which is driven across the
Shape—Cylindrical, 24" in diameter and 52'.'5 booster tube under spring pressure, housing it ove r
long. the detonator . Dissolution of the soluble plug i n
Material—Steel. the base plate allows mooring tension to operate th e
Total Weight—600 lbs. mooring lever, arming the mine.
Charge—240 lbs . Type 98 explosive. The mine fires when one of its horns . is bent suffi-
ciently to break a glass vial allowing electrolyte to
External Fitting s run into a battery, generating. sufficient current to
Horns—Four, electrochemical, equally space d fire the detonator. -
around the top of the case . Each horn is equipped
with a spring-loaded steel extension. Safety Precaution s
Detonator Housing—On the side of the case nea r A safety switch is designed to disarm the min e
the bottom . when the mooring cable breaks or is cut, but this
Booster Release Mechanism—In an opening o n feature is not reliable . Therefore if found adrift,
the case 130° from the detonator housing. - or on the beach, it should be considered dangerous.



In addition to the foregoing mines, specimens o f tact mines, the AVOCADO'S Tiring mechanism i s
which have been recovered, there are the followin g an impact-inertia pendulum device rather tha n
types about which there is intelligence informatio n electrochemical horns .
only . The characteristics of the mine are as follows :


"GRAPEFRUIT" Shape—Spherical, 32'.'S in diameter .
These represent two types of anti-submarine, Material—Steel .
contact net mines designated by the Japanese as Charge—170 Is . Type SS explosive .
"Type . 96" and "Type 96, _Modification 1 . " The Total Weight—150 lbs .
maximum depth of water in which the nets are lai d
is 700", and the depth of the mine case may vary Operatio n
from S' to 300' . Drag lines from the head rope o f Shortly after the mine assembly strikes the wate r
the net to the firing mechanism fire the mines whe n upon laying, a metal plummet drops away from -
subjected to suitable tension. anchor, reeling out a plummet cable as it sinks .
The physical characteristics of the mines are a s When the plummet reaches a depth pre-set on th e
follows : cable drum, the drum is locked and the ancho r
separates from the mine case and sinks, reeling ou t
Cas e mooring cable from a drum . Weight of the plum-
Shape—Cylindrical with rounded ends, 2071 i n met holds a spring-loaded pawl from engaging a
diameter and 27'.'2 long. ratchet on the mooring cable drum . When th e
Material—Steel. plummet touches the bottom, release of tension on
Charge—Apricot—121 His. granular Type S S the plummet cord allows the pawl to engage th e
explosive . ratchet, locking the drum. The mine is then pulle d
Grapefruit 132 lbs . granular Type SS explosive . downward and will moor at a depth below the sur-
Total Weight—Apricot—23S lbs . face equal to the length of the plummet cord . No
Grapefruit—249 lbs . further details of the arming procedure are known .
When the mine- is struck or tilted sufficiently t o
Firing Mechanism cause an inertia pendulum to make one of thre e
Modified type 95 depth charge pistol. electrical contacts, the circuit through . the battery
and detonator is closed and the mine fires .
As the net is lowered into the water, a hydro- MINE TYPE "BANANA "
statically-operated detent on the mines restrains A moored, contact mine laid by surface craft .
the drag lines from transmitting tension to th e The Japanese designation is unknown . The bas e
firing mechanism until a minimum depth of eigh t plate of the "BANANA" is similar to the Dutc h
feet is reached . The "GRAPEFRUIT" has th e Vickers and the British T-MK 3 mines, and ma y
additional safety factor of a shear pin in the firin g have been copied from them. The general charac-
mechanism to prevent firing on a slight tension . teristics of the mine are as follows :
Thereafter, the mines will fire when a minimu m
tension of 300 lbs . is applied to the firing mechan- Cas e
isms -through the drag lines . Shape—Two hemispheres, 33'.'5 in diameter ,
joined by a cylindrical mid-section (width un-
Safety Precaution s known) .
There are no known self-disarming features . Material—Steel .
Charge—275 lbs . Type 88 explosive .
This is a moored, contact mine laid by surfac e External Fitting s
craft . The Japanese designation for this mine is Horns—Four, electrochemical, equally space d
not known . Unlike the majority of Japanese con - about the upper hemisphere .



Base Plate—In center of lower hemisphere, con- Color—Green over. red .

taining a straight-shank mooring spindle . Material—Steel .
Cover Plate—In the center of the upper hemi- Charge—kW lbs . Shimose .
sphere . Total Weight-900 lbs .

Operatio n External Fitting s

Shortly after the mine assembly strikes the wate r Horns—Four, electrochemical, on upper hemi-
upon laying, a metal plummet drops away fro m sphere.
anchor, reeling out a plummet cable as it sinks .
When the plummet reaches a depth pre-set on th e Operatio n
cable drum, the drum is locked and the anchor sep- Nothing is known of the anchor, arming device s
arates from the mine case and sinks, reeling ou t or depth-taking mechanism . The mine fires when
. mooring cable from a drum . Weight of the plum- one of the horns is bent sufficiently to break it s
met holds a spring-loaded pawl from engaging a glass vial, allowing electrolyte to run into a bat-
ratchet on the mooring cable drum. When th e tery generating sufficient current to fire the deto-
plummet touches the bottom, release of tension o n nator .
the plummet cord allows the pawl to engage th e
ratchet, locking the drum. The mine is then pulle d
downward and will moor at a depth below the sur- MINE TYPE "PLUM"
face equal to the length of the plummet cord . Dis- This mine was reported in CINCPAC-CINCPO A
solution of a soluble washer permits mooring ten- Item #9330 as the Japanese "Type 3, Mark 1
sion to withdraw the mooring spindle in the min e Aerial Mine Model 1, Temporarily Designate d
base plate, arming the mine. `Ii.' " No other information is known about th e
The mine fires when one of the horns is bent suffi - "PLUM." The mine JI, recently recovered in th e
ciently to break its vial allowing electrolyte to ru n Philippines, is an aircraft laid, drifting mine an d
into a battery cup, generating sufficient current to is labeled by the Japanese as "Temporarily Desi g
fire the detonator . nated X-2 ." The similarity of designation ma y
indicate that the "K-2" is a modification of th e
Safety Precaution s "PLUM. "
A mooring safety switch is designed to 'open
and,disarm the mine when tension is removed fro m
the mooring spindle. This feature, however, is not
dependable . A moored, contact mine laid by surface craf t
either as an offensive or defensive wea p on . Th e
MINE TYPE "PEAR" Japanese designation is not Down . The " POME-
GRANATE" is similar to the British Vickers an d
A moored, contact mine laid by submarines as a n
is equipped with an upper and/or lower coppe r
offensive weapon and designated by the Japanes e
antenna to increase its operating area . The char-
as "Type 3, Mark 6 ." The mine can be plante d
acteristics 'of the mine are as follows :
in water having a maximum depth of 1220' . The
case can be moored at a maximum depth of 66' . Case
The minimum depth of the mine case below th e Shape—Spherical. 41 " in diameter .
surface is not known . The characteristics given Material—Steel .
below are similar to the mine JA, and it is possibl e
that the "PEAR" is an improved design of tha t External Fitting s
mine .
Horns—Six, electrochemical . four equally spaced
Cas e on upper_ hemisphere, two 150° apart on lower hem -
Shape—Two hemispheres, 35'.'5 in diameter , isphere.
joined_by a 10" cylindrical mid-section . Antenna—Upper and/or lower, copper cable .



Operatio n and rows 524' apart . The maximum distance of a

No information is available on the anchor o f field of such mines from the control most is 1 5
depth taking mechanism. The mine fires when the miles . The physical characteristics of the mine ar e
steel hull of a ship contacts the copper antenna , as follows :
or when one of- the horns is bent sufficiently t o
Cas e
break its glass vial, allowing electrolyte to run int o
the battery, generating sufficient current to fire the Shape—Unknown, 'S'.'9 in height.
detonator Charge—1100 lbs . Type 88 explosiv e
Total Weight—1650 lhs_


A moored, controlled mine laid by surface craf t Upon laying, the mine assembly sinks to the bot-
as a harbor defense weapon and designated by the tom and the case remains attached to the ancho r
Japanese as "Type 92 ." This mine uses an acous- for approximately one hour. At the end of that
tic monitoring system to indicate the presence o f time the case rises and assumes its correct depth .
shipping. It is fired electrically from a control Reports indicate that these mines are laid in group s
post on the beach. The maximum depth of wate r of six. Hydrophones in the mine field transmi t
in which the "QUINCE" is laid is a93', and th e sound of approaching ships to the control post, an d
normal depth is 9S'-131' . "QUINCE" mines ar e at the discretion of the observer, the mines-are file d
laid in two rows, with mines spaced 426' apart, electrically either singly or in 3ronn s


Chapter 2


Section 1—GENERA L

The U . S . Navy makes no separate designation Operation of pistols using this principle is depend-
of Japanese depth charges but uses instead, th e ent upon the rate of flow of water through a n
translated Japanese-names . Thus, one cannot tell , orifice rather than on hydrostatic pressure alone .
by looking at the name . whether the type has bee n The explosives used in Japanese depth charge s
are the same as those used in mines, with the ex-
recovered or not .
ception of Type 97 . The general characteristics o f
Three types of Japanese depth charges hav e
this explosive are as follows :
been recovered and additional types have been re- Type 97—Composed of Hexanitrodiphenylamin e
ported from intelligence sources . The pistols of al
l (HND) 40% and Trinitrotoluene (TNT) 60% .
charges, both recovered and reported, with the ex- This explosive is used in a cast form and has a
ception of "Experimental Manufacture Use 120K G somewhat darker color than Shimose . It has a
Depth Charge " operate on seepage-hole principle . melting point of 770°–80° C . and is slightly les s
Water gradually seeps into a cylinder and build s powerful than TNT . The explosive is very toxic
up sufficient pressure to fire the depth charge . and must not be handled by the bare hands.



SS 17 ."8 29'.'7 326# 80' or 150' 32
91, Model 1, 17'.'8 29'.'7 220 # 80' or 165' 32
Modif. 1

93 'Un- 36 " Un- 100' 32

known known

95 17'.'75 30'.'5 220# 100' ; 200' 29

95 Modif. 1 17'.'75 - 30.1 5 325 # 100', 200', 300 ' 29
390', 490'
95 Modif. 2 17'.'75 30'.'5 242 # Unknown 29

96, Model 1 Un- Un - 242# 100', 200', 300' 32

known known

2, Modif.1 17"56 30 ."5 357# 100', 200', 300 ' 28

390', 490 '
2, Modif. 2 17'.'56 30'.'5 220# Unknown 32

Exp . Us e Un - Un- Un - Delay igniter 31

120KG known known known used

YOSO Un - Un- 55# 130', 165' 33

known known



An anti-submarine weapon launched from sur- stripe, 1" wide, is painted around the end of th e
face craft and designated by the Japanese a s case containing the tilling holes .
"Type Modideation 1 . " Pad Eyes—Two on each end .
The general characteristics of the depth charg e Booster—In the opposite end of the central -tub e
are as follows : from the pistol .

Cas e Operatio n
Shape—Cylindrical, 1, ."36 in diameter and 30 ." 5 Prior to launching, the depth-setting dial is
long . turned to any one of five settings, opening a seep -
Color—Black. age hole in the valve plate . It is not -know n
Material—Steel . whether the detonator is housed in the booster man-
Charge—357 ' lbs . Type 98 explosive. ually or hydrostatically . When the charge is sub -
Total Weight--l91 lbs . merged water enters the pistol through the hole s
in the depth setting dial and through the hole i n
External Fitting s the valve plate . When sufficient pressure has bee n
Pistol—In end of central tube, locked by a bay- built up in the 'pistol, the firing pin is release d
onet joint. Five depth settings, 30, 60, 90, 120 , under spring pressure and driven onto the . deto -
and 150 (100', 200', 300', 390', 490') meters are 'nator,. firing the charge .
inscribed on . face. When the depth-setting dial is set on "Safe . "
Filling Holes—Two, 180° apart, . on the opposite the depth-setting valve positions the valve ster n
end of the case from the pistol . A broken white in such a manner that the pistol cannot operate .

Figure 27—Two views of the type 2 depth charge .


Section 3—DEPT H CHARGE TYPE 9 5

An anti-submarine weapon launched from sur- Charge—Type 95—220 lbs . Type tiff explosiv e
face craft . Throe types of this depth charge hav e with Shimose booster .
been recovered to date and are designated by th e Type 95, Modification 1—325 lbs . Tvn e
Japanese as " Type 95" ; "Type 95, Modification 98 explosive .
1 " ; and "Type 95, Modification 2 ." The only
Type 95, Modification 2—2-12 lbs . Typ e
pistol recovered has been with the Type 95 charge .
1, Temporary explosive .
Data on the operation and characteristics of pistol s
for Modifications 1 and 2 have come from intelli- Total Weight—Type 95—3 .32 tbs .
gence sources . Type 95, Modification 1 .--15T lbs .
The physical characteristics of these charges ar e Type 95, Modification 2—374 lbs .
as follows :
External Fitting s
Case End. Plate—16725 in diameter, forming one en d
Shape—Cylindrical, 17775 in diameter and 30'.' 5 of the case.
long. Pistol Cover—279 in diameter, screwed into cen-
Color—Grey . tral tube in the center of the end plate . This con-
Material—Steel . tains•two holes for a pistol safety fork .

Figure 28—Two views of the Type 95 depth charge . Note the bolted end plate .



Depth Control Valve—Screwed into the oppo- hole . The safety fork is also removed from th e
site end of the central tube from pistol cover . pistol cover at this time. The charge is the n
Type 95 has depth settings of 30 and 60 meter s launched and, as it sinks, increasing hydrostati c
(100' and 200') and 30 meters with parachute . pressure forces the pistol and booster toward on e
Type 95, Modification 1, has been reported wit h another . The size of the seepage hole determine s
settings of 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 meters (100' , the flow water into the space behind the pistol an d
200', 300', 390', 490') . booster, and the speed with which these two part s
come together. When the two meet, the detonator
Pad Eyes—Two on each end of the case.
houses in the booster and the spring-loaded firing
pin sleeve is unlocked . Further pressure releases
Operatio n the firing pin which then strikes the detonator and
Prior to launching the charge, the depth-settin g explodes the charge. .
dial on the depth control valve is turned from When the charge is set on "Safe" the booster
"Safe" .to the desired setting, unlocking th e is locked to the. depth-control valve, the pistol is
booster can and aligning one of three seepage hole s secured to the pistol cover, and none ; f the water-
under the depth control valve with the water inlet . entry holes is uncovered .



An offensive weapon used against surface ship - External Fitting s

ping and carried aboard "suicide " motor boats . Igniter—In tube in diameter centrally lo-
This charge, designated by the Japanese as "Ex- cated in end of charge .
perimental Manufacture Use "120 Kg . Depth Filling Eole—One, centrally located in opposit e
Charge," was recovered by Mobile Explosives In- end from igniter.
vestigation Unit Number 1 in the Philippine area . Pad Eyes-Two on each end.
Two of these weapons are carried aboard light ,
high-speed, plywood-constructed motor boats . Th e Operatio n
standard depth charge pistol is replaced by a de-
Two depth charges are placed in racks, one o n
layed-action pull igniter. The charges are either
each side of the boat, and the pull cords from th e
dropped close aboard or are released when th e
igniters are attached to the rack. The "suicide "
"suicide" boat crashes into the target ship . Th e
boat then heads for the nearest target and eithe r
igniter fires the depth charge shortly after it is re-
manually releases its charges alongside or crashes
leased from the motor boat.
into the target, whereby the charges are automat-
The physical characteristics of the charge ar e
ically released through a lever system on the boat .
as follows :
As the charges drop away from the boat the pull
Cas e cords fire the igniters, which explode the charge s
after a short delay.
Shape—Cylindrical (similar to Type 95, Modi-
fication 1 which is 1777 in diameter and 30'.'5 long) .
Material—Steel . Safety Precautions
Charge—Cast explosive (type and weight un- There are no known safety precautions on thi s
known) . charge . and it must be considered dangerous i f
Total Weight—264 lbs . found on a beach .



Several additional Japanese depth charges, be- Operatio n

lieved to be in use, are described on the followin g
Nothing is known about the operation of thi s
pages . Since this information has been derive d
depth charge except that it sinks at the rate o f
from intelligence sources it must be evaluated ac-
11 .5 feet per second and it can be set to 'fire a t
cordingly .
either 25 or 45 meters (30' or 150') depth .


An anti-submarine weapon launched from sur-
face craft . Since this charge has the same typ e An anti-submarine weapon, launched from sur-
number as the "Type 2, 3Iedification 1," it may-be face craft, designated by the Japanese as "Typ e
a modification of that charge . 91, Model 1, Modification 1 . "
General characteristics of the charge are as fol- The physical characteristics of the charge are as
lows : follows :

Case Cas e
Shape and Size—Cylindrical . 17756 in diameter. Shape—Cylindrical . 1 ;76 in diameter and 29 :' 7
3073 long. long.
Charge—220 lbs . of Type S explosive wit h
Charge— 2 .2u lbs . Type SS explosive . Shimose booster .
Total Weight—352 lbs .
Total Weight—332 tbs .
External Fitting s
Operatio n
Filling Holes—Two . 190° apart, on opposite end
of the case from the pistol . Nothing is known about the operation of thi s
Pad Eyes—Two on each end . charge except that it sinks at the rate of 6 .6 feet
per second, and it can be set to fire at either 25 or
Operation 50 meters (S0' or 16 .5') depth .
No f' rther information is available regarding its
use as a depth charge. However, it has been adopt-
ed for use as a land mine on Iwo Jima . DEPTH CHARGE TYPE 9 3
An anti-submarine weapon launched from sur-
DEPTH CHARGE TYPE 8 8 face craft .
The physical characteristics are as follows :
An anti-submarine weapon launched from sur-
face craft . Cas e
The physical characteristics of the charge are as
follows : Shape—Cylindrical, 36" long .
Total Weight—441 lbs .
Cas e
Shape—Cylindrical, 177S in diameter and 29'.'7 Operatio n
long . The only depth setting given is :3u meters (100') .
Charge—326 lbs . block-fitted Shimose explosive . A parachute is used when launched from -sloir
Total Weight—523 lbs . (less accessories) . craft .



DEPTH CHARGE TYPE 9 6 tot has four depth settings, 30, 60, and 90 meter s
(100' ; 200' and 300') and 30 meters with para-
An anti-submarine weapon launched from sur- chute .
face craft . Only one type of this charge has bee n
reported and this is designated by the Japanese a s DEPTH CHARGE TYPE "YOKO"
"Type 96, Model 1 ." This charge has character-
An anti-submarine weapon towed from surfac e
istics similar to the " Type 95, Modification 2 . "
craft .
The physical characteristics of the charge are as
The physical characteristics of the charge are a s
follows :
follows :
Cas e
Shape and Size—Unknown. Shape and Size—Unknown .
Charge—242 lbs . Type 88 or Type 1, Temporar y Charge—55 tbs . Type 88 explosive .
explosive . Total Weight154 1bs .
Total Weight—374 lbs . Pistol—Modified Type 95 . .

Operatio n Operatio n
Nothing is known about the operation of the Designed as a tactical anti-submarine weapon ,
charge . When launched, it sinks at the rates of 6 . 6 this charge is towed at depths from 131 to 164 feet .
feet per second or 3 .3 feet per second whe n The towing cable is approximately 600 feet lon g
equipped with parachute for slow craft . The pis- and the speed of the towing ship is 24 knots .




44 & 44, Model PT , 18'11" 17'.'7 460# 1830# Recovered 36
2, Modif . .i Picke t
Boa t
6th Year Model SS 22'5 " 21 " 451 # 3200 # Recovered 37

8th Year Model CL, D D 27'6" 24" 880 # 5800# Recovere d 38

(less w.head )
89 & 89, Modif . 2 SS . 23'8 " 21 " 660# 3660 # Intell . Repts . 39
89, Modif. 1 SS 23'6 " 21" 600# 3660 # Recovere d 39
90 DD, CA, 127'10" 24" 880# 3520# Intell . Repts . 47
91, Modif.1 . A/C, PT 17'3 " 17'.'7 338# 1730# Recovered 40
91, Modif. 2 A/C, PT118' 17'.'7 420# 1800# - Recovered ' 41
91, Modif . 3 A/C, PT 17'4" 17 1.'7 522# 1800# Recovered 42
91 . Modif. 3 A/C, PT 18'9" 17'.'7 812# 2100# Recovered 42
with Modif . 6
warhea d
91, Modif. 3 A/C 18' 17'.'7 493# 1800# Recovered 42
with Type 3
92 1 SS 23'8" 21" 660# 13369# Inte1L Repts . 47
93, Model 1 DD, CA, 29'6" 24" 1080-# 6000- Recovered 44
Modif.2 CL 65500 #
94, Modif. 1 1 A/C 22 ' 17 ::7 867 # 3245#- Intell . Repts . 47
94, Modif . 2 ( A/C 17'4" 17'.'7 462 # 1823 # Intell . Repts . 47
95 1 SS 23'8 " 21 " 880 # 3520 # Intell . Repts. 48
New g ore A/C 17n- 17."7 660# 1870# Intell . Repts . 48.
2 (Special) 1 A/C', PT 18'3 :' 2 17'.' 7 650# 1800# Recovere d 46
97 ( Midget "
! Submarines ' 18'5 17'.'7 790 # 2205# ;Recovered 45


Chapter 3

Section 1—GENERAL

Several types of Japanese torpedoes have bee n DESIGNATION OF TORPEDO FIRST TRIAL
recovered and, whenever possible, their character- Type 44 191 1
6th Year Model 191 7
istics have been determined by running them o n
8th Year Model 191 9
the torpedo testing range at Newport, R. I. Per-
Type 89. 192 9
formance has been estimated on the torpedoe s Type 90 193 0
which could not be ranged because of poor condi- Type 91 193 1
tion . In addition to the torpedoes recovered, sev- Type 93 193 3
eral other types have been reported from intelli- Type 97 193 7
gence sources. Type 2 194 2

Japanese torpedoes are designated by the year Explosive charges used with :Japanese torpedoes,
with the exception of -Type 94, are the same as i n
in which the torpedo was first run on a testin g
mines and depth charges described on the pre-
range. The "type" designation of a torpedo is not ceding pages. The characteristics of this explosiv e
changed because of subsequent modifications a s are as follows :
long as the main engine and diameter of the tor-
Type 94Composed of Cyclonite 40%, and Tri-
pedo remain the same . As the Japanese use sev- nitroanisole 60% . This explosive is used in a cast
eral different systems for designating the year, th e form and is rated as slightly more powerful tha n
following list is only approximate TNT .


Section 2—TORPEDO TYPE 4 4

An aircraft torpedo powered by a four-cylinde r Range/' Speed—1300 yards at 3(3 knots .

reciprocating steam engine . and similar in design 8700 yards at. '.G knots .
to early American and European models . Two Exploder—Type 91, Model 3, nose, impact .
types of this torpedo have been reported, bu t
only one, designated by_•the Japanese . Type 44 , Operatio n
Model 2, Modification 1, has been. recovered . In- After the torpedo has travelled through th e
formation on the other, designated Type 44, has . water a certain distance, an impeller, on the nose
been derived from intelligence sources . Although of the exploder being rotated by water pressure,
believed to be obsolete, this torpedo may still b e arms the exploder . Impact with the target shears
used on PT or picket boats . It leaves a visibl e two pins in, the nose of the exploder and drives th e
wake. firing pin onto the detonator, firing the charge .
Three bent-levers are attached to the exploder t o
The physical characteristics of the torpedoes ar e
insure its operation in case the torpedo shoul d
as follows : 1
strike the target at an oblique angle ; rather than
"head-on . "
Length Overall—1S'11" . Safety Precaution s
Length of Warhead—4'1" . : Should this torpedo be found on the beach or i n
Length of Airflask—10' . shallow water, it must be considered dangerous .
Length of Afterbody—4'l0" . - Movement of one of the bent-levers, or the impeller
(Including Tail ) might initiate detonation . Likewise, movement of /1
Diameter—1777 . the torpedo might cause the engine to turn over a
Total Weight—1330 lbs . few revoltitions, driving it forward on the beach .
Charge—16O lbs . Type 97 or 98 explosive . Should the bent-levers or impeller strike anything ,
Tail Fins—4 . -the torpedo would probably detonate .

Gyro Angle Setting Device

Figure 29—Type 44 torpedo with warhead removed .


Section 3—TORPED O 6th YEAR MODE L

A 21" torpedo powered by a four-cylinder recip- Operatio n

rocating, steam engine, this weapon was designe d
As the torpedo travels through the water, an im-
to be launched from cruisers, destroyers and sub -
marines . It leaves a visible wale and is believe d peller on the nose of the exploder rotates, armin g
to be obsolete . the exploder . Impact with the target shears two
pins in the exploder and drives the firing pin ont o
The general characteristics of the torpedo are as
follows : the detonator, firing the charge . Three bent- lever s
are attached to the nose of the exploder to insur e
Descriptio n its operation in case the torpedo should strik e
Length Overall—22'5" . the target at an oblique angle, rather than "head-
Length of Warhead—3' 1 on . "
Length of Airflask—12'9" .
Length of Afterbody—6'7" .
Safety Precaution s
(Including Tail )
Diameter—21" . Should this torpedo be found on the beach or in
Total Weight-3200 lbs . shallow water, it must be considered dangerous .
Charge—451 lbs. Shimose: Movement of one of the bent-levers or the impelle r
Tail Fins-4 . might initiate detonation . Likewise, movement of
Range/Speed— 7650 yards at 37 knots.
the torpedo might cause the engine to turn over a
--, 10900 yards at 32 knots .
1 6.100 yards at 25 knots . few revolutions, driving it forward on the beach .
Depth Setting—6 .' 6 to 52 . S . Should the bent-levers or impeller strike anything.
Exploder—Type 91 . Model 2, nose, impact . .• the torpedo would probably detonate .

Starting Lever
Recess for Plate to Connect Flask and Afterbody \ Gyro Angle Setting Devic e
Guide Stud Guide Stud

Figure 30—Type 6th year torpedo with warhead removed .



.‘. :-l" torpedo powered by a four-cylinder recip- Depth Setting-6 .'6 to 52 :S .

rocating steam engine and fired from either cruis- Ex p loder—Believed to be Type 91, Model 1 ,
ers or destroyers. One of the first Japanese long - nose, impact.
range torpedoes, it leaves a visible wake and it is
believed to be obsolete. Operatio n
The physical characteristics of the torpedo ar e
As the torpedo travels through the water, an im-
as follows :
peller on the nose of the exploder rotates, armin g
the exploder. Impact with the target shears tw o
Descriptio n
pins in the exploder and drives the firing pin ont o
Length Overall-Unknown (27'6" reported fro m the detonator, firing the charge. Three bent-levers
intelligence sources) . are attached to the exploder to insure its operation
Length of Warhead—Unknown (3'9" reporte d in case the torpedo should strike the target at a n
from intelligence sources) . oblique angle, rather than "head on . "
Length of Airrlask—16'9" .
Length of Afterbody—6'11?/2 " .
Safety Precautions
(Including Tail )
Diameter—24". Should this torpedo be found on the beach or in
Total Weight--5800 Ibs . shallow water, it must be considered dangerous .
Charge—Unknown (880 lbs . Type 97 explosiv e Movement of one of the bent-levers, or the impelle r
reported from intelligence sources) . might initiate detonation. Likewise, movement o f
Tail Fins-4 . the torpedo might cause the eng ine • to turn over a
Range/Speed—10950 yards at 41 knots . . few revolutions, driving it forward on the beach.
16400 yards at 32 knots . Should the bent-levers or impeller strike anything,
21900 yards at 26 knots. the torpedo would probably detonate .

Figure 31 —The 24-inch type 8th year long range torpedo with warhead removed.


Section 5—TORPEDO TYPE 8 9

: 21" torpedo powered by a two-cylinder double -

acting reciprocating steam engine and fired fro m Exploder—Typo 9 and Type 89, llndillentio n
submarines . The engine design bears a marke d 2—Bent-lever, nose impact .
similarity , to the British Whitehead torpedoe s Type 89 . Modification 1—Type 90 . hail . impact -
which were sold to Japan in 1923 . Three modi- inertia, fitted on top centerline of warhead .
fications of this torpedo are believed to exist ; how -
ever, only one, designated by the Japanese Typ e Operatio n
• 89, Modification 1, has been recovered . The othe r As the Type 89, Modification 1, torpedo travel s
two, Type SD, and Type 39, Modification 2 ; have through the water, pressure depresses the bail o n
been reported from intelligence sources. This tor- the exploder, freeing an inertia trigger and rotat-
pedo leaves a visible wake when fired . ing an impeller . The rotation of the impeller arm s
The physical characteristics of the topedo ar e the exploder, and impact of the torpedo with th e
as follows : target displaces the inertia trigger . This frees a
firing pin, which is driven downward under sprin g
Descriptio n pressure onto the detonator, firing the charge .
Length Overall—Type 89—23'8" . The operation of the Type 89 and Type 89 ,
Type 89, Modification -23'6" . Modification 2 torpedoes is similar to the 6th Yea r
Length of Warhead—3'8" . Model . As the . torpedo travels through the water ,
Length of Airflask—Type 89—10'5" . an impeller on the nose of the exploder rotates ,
Type 89, Modification 1 — arming the exploder . Impact with the target
13'5" . shears two pins in the exploder and drives th e
Length of Afterbody—Type S9—9'-I" . firing. pin onto the detonator, firing the charge .
(Including Tail) Three bent-levers are attached to the exploder t o
Type 89, Modification 1 — insure operation in ease the torpedo should strik e
6'4" . the target at an oblique angle, rather than "head -
Diameter—21". on : "
Total Weight 3660 lbs .
Charge—660 Ibs . Type 94, 97 or Shimose explo- Safety Precaution s
sive . Should these torpedoes be found on the beach o r
Tail Fins—4. in shallow water . they must be considered to b e
Range/Speed— 6000 yards at 4 .5 knits . dangerous . Movement of the bail on the Type 89 ,
6550 yards at 43 knots . Modification 1 . on bent levers on the Type 89 . an d
10900 yards at 35 knots. Type 89, Modification 2 . may fire the charge .
Depth Setting—6 :6 to 52 :8 . Movement of the torpedo itself may cause the en-
Warhead—Type 89, Modification 1 : --Type 89 , gine to turn over a few revolutions, driving th e
Model 2 . torpedo forward, thus actuating the exploder an d
Type 89, and Type 89, Modification firing the charge .

Access Hole For Bayonet Join t Access Hole

Guide Stu d
Exploder Pocket Locking Ring Gyro Angling For Rudder
Ro d
x.F i, .

Type 89 Model 2 Warhead Access Hole For Access Hole Fo r

Bayonet Joint Locking Bayonet Joint Lockin g
Ring . Rin g
Figure 32—Submarine launched Type 89, Modification I .


Section 6—TORPEDO TYPE 9 1

A 1777 torpedo powered by an eight cylinde r Charge—33S lbs . Shimose, Type 94 or 9 explo-
radial steam engine and designed for use by air - sive .
craft and PT boats . Owing to its length, the Tail Fins—4, long horizontal, short vertical .
Type 91 must be dropped from relatively lo w Range/Speed—3300 yards at 42 knots ..
heights ; otherwise the head or tail would probably Depth Setting—6 :6 to 52 :8 .
break off. Three different types of the torpedo and Warhead—Type 91, Modification 1 .
several types of warheads have been recovered . Exploder—Type 90, Model 2, bail, impact-in-
Because they vary widely in design and operatio n ertia in. pocket on top centerline of warhead .
each type will be discussed separately on the fol-
lowing pages . Operatio n
As the torpedo travels . through the water, pres-
"TYPE 91, _MODIFICATION 1 " sure depresses the bail on the exploder . This un-
Earliest of the Type 91 torpedoes recovered, this locks an inertia trigger and frees the impeller . Ro-
model can be recognized by rivets on warhead , tation of the impeller arms the exploder, and im-
afterbody and tail . It is a single speed torped o pact with the target displaces the inertia trigger.
and leaves a partly visible wake . This releases the firing pin which, -driven - down -
The physical characteristics of the torpedo ar e ward under spring pressure, strikes the detonator ,
as follows : firing the charge .

Descriptio n Safety Precaution s

Length Overall—17'3" . This torpedo must be considered dangerous i f
Length of Warhead—3'I" . found in shallow water or on the beach . Movemen t
Length of Air-ask—8'1175 . of the bail may actuate the exploder and fire th e
Length of Afterbody—5 ' 275 . charge, and movement of the torpedo itself ma y
(-Including Tail ) cause the engine to turn over a few revolutions ,
Diameter—1777 . driving the torpedo forward on the beach . This .
Total Weight—1730 lbs. too, may actuate the exploder, firing the charge .

Access Hole to Water Tank Starting Gear Rac k

WNarhead'Converted to Exercise Head Gyro Angling Devic e

Access Hole for Bayonet Joint Locking Ring

Figure 33—The aircra t and PT boat launched Type 91 torpedo .



This model torpedo has eight tail tins rathe r Charge—420 lbs . Shimose, Type 94 or 97 explo-
than four, and is equipped with anti-roll flipper s sive .
on either side of the afterbody . The warhead and Tail Fins—3 .
afterbodv are of welded instead of riveted con- Range/Speed—3300 yards at 42 knots .
struction . It has a single speed and leaves a visibl e Depth Setting—6 :6 to 52 :3 .
wake. Warhead—Type 91, Modification 2 .
The physical characteristics of the torpedo are a s Exploder—Type 90, Model 2 . bail, impact-in-
follows : ertia. in pocket on top centerline of warhead .

Descriptio n Operatio n
Length Overall—13' . This torpedo operates in the same manner a s
Length of Warhead--3'10" . Type 91, Modification 1 . described on the precedin g
Length of Airflask—3'11' .'5 . pages . It has been replaced in service by the Typ e
Length of Afterbody—5'2'.'5 . 91, Modification 3, and Type 2 .
( Including Tail) .
Diameter—1 ;'.' ; . Safety Precaution s
Total Weight—1340 lb, . Same as Type 31, Modification 1

Guide Stu d Gyro Angling Devic e

Access Hole for Water Tank Fuel Bottle Filling Hole

Water Straine r Pivot of. Anti-roll Flipper

Access Hole for Balance Chamber Access Hole for Bayonet Joint Locking Ring

Figure 34—Type 91 Modification 2 torpedo with warhead removed . Note the 8 tail fins and the pivo t
point for the anti-roll flipper . This flipper has been removed from the torpedo .



This model torpedo has been recovered with thre e Type :i—l :) :3 this, TY!,c !) explosive .
different types of warheads . Two of the warheads , Tail Fins—8 .
designated by the .1apancsc as Type 91, Moditica-
Range, Speed—With Modification 3 Warhead —
tion 3, and Type 91, Modification 6, are of norma l
3300 yards at 4' knots .
design and differ mainly in the length and weigh t
of charge . The third warhead, designated Type 3 , With Modification 6 Warhead -
is equipped with two exploders, one of a new type , :3100 yards at 4 .) knots .
and differs radically from the -Modifications 3 and
With Type :3 Warhead—Rang e
6 heads . The Type 91, Modification 3, torped o
unknown at 42 knots .
has a single speed-and leaves a visible wake .
Depth Setting—6'6 to 59 :4 . -
The physical characteristics . of the torpedo are a s
follows : Exploder—With Modification land 6 Warhead s
—Type 90, Model 2, hail, impact-inertia, in pocke t
Descriptio n on top centerline of warhead .
Length Overall—With Modification 3 Warhea d - With Type 3 Warhead—One Typ e
-17'4" . 90, Model 2, bail, impact-inertia, in pocket on bot-
With Modification 6 Warhea d tom centerline of warhead ; one "Hydroplane Ex-
ploder ." hail . impact . in pocket on top centerline
With Type 3 Warhead—13' . of warhead . -
Length of Warhead—Modification 3--4'9 :'5 .
Modification 6—6'?'.',5 . Operatio n
Type 3—5'5 ."5 . The Type 91, Modification 3 torpedo equippe d
Length of Airflask—l'4" . with either Modification 3 or 6 warheads operates
in the same- manner as the Type 91 .Modification 1
Length of Afterbody5'? ."5 .
described on the preceding pages .
(Including Tail )
As the Type 91, Modification 3 torpedo equippe d
Diameter—17'.'7 . with the Type 3 Warhead . travels through th e
Total Weight—Modification :3—1800 lbs . water, a small hydroplane attached to a towin g
Modification 15—2100 lbs . cable is released from the warhead and stream s
Type 3—1800 lbs . (approx .) . above and slightly abaft it . The drag of the hy-
droplane on the towing cable arms the exploder .
Charge—Modification 3—S22 lbs . Type 97 ex-
Impact of the hydroplane with the target auto-
plosive .
matically releases it from the towing cable . The
Modification 6—812 lbs . Type 97 ex- release of tension on the towing_ cable actuates th e
plosive . exploder, firing the charge .
Type 90 Model l
Hydroplane . Exploder
Guide Stu d

Anti-roll Flippe r
Figure 35—Type 9I Modification 3 torpedo with the hydroplane exploder . This hydroplane-streamin g
above the torpedo allows it to detonate beneath the target .



The Type 'lo, Model exploder arms and fire s Safety Precaution s
in the same manner as described for the Type 91 , This torpedo must he considered to be dangerou s
ModitIeation, ,i torpedo . if found in shallow water or on a beach . Move-
The hydroplane exploder allows the torpedo t o
ment of the hydroplane towing cable may explod e
he set at depths that will insure detonation under
the target . . rather than on the side . It should fir e the charge . Safety precautions _described unde r
at the end of its run due to the release of tension Torpedo Type 91, Modification 1, should be ob-
on the hydroplane towing* cable . served . -


Section 9—TORPEDO TYPE 9 3

A -l" torpedo powered by a two-cylinder double - Diameter—24" .

acting reciprocating steam engine and launche d Total Weight—6000-6,5(0 lbs .
-from destroyers and cruisers . The use of oxyge n Charge—1080 lbs . Type !)1 exl)lt, ..
in place of compressed air eliminates practically al l Tail Fins—4 .
gas bubbles, leaving only a slightly visible wake .
Its use also gives this torpedo a high speed an d Operatio n
long range. Only one type of this torpedo, desig- As the torpedo travels through the water, pres-
nated by the Japanese as Type 93, Model 1, Modi- sure depresses the bail on the exploder, unlocking
fication has been recovered to date. an inertia trigger, and rotates the impeller . This
arms the exploder . Impact with the target dis-
The physical characteristics of the torpedo ar e
places the inertia trigger and frees the firing pi n
as follows :
which . driven downward under spring pressure,
strikes the detonator, -firing the charge .
Descriptio n
Length Overall—29'6" . Safety Precaution s
Length of Warhead-4'7" . Should this torpedo be found in shallow water
Length of Airflask—1S'1" . or on the beach, it must be considered dangerous .
Length of Afterbody—6'10" . Movement of the torpedo might actuate the-ex-
(Including Tail) ploder, tiring the charge .

Figure 36—This 24-inch destroyer or cruiser launched torpedo is one of the largest underwater ordnance
items used by the Japanese . Its use of oxygen instead of compressed air allows it to trave l
with practically no visible wake . -


Section 10—TORPEDO TYPE 97

A 1 ."7 torpedo powered by a two cylinder double - Warhead—Type 97 .

acting reciprocating steam engine and designed fo r Exploder—Type 90, bail, impact-inertia i n
use by midget submarines . The use of oxygen in- pocket on top centerline of warhead .
stead of compressed air gives the Type 97 a hig h
speed and leaves only a very slightly visible wake . Operatio n
The physical characteristics of the torpedo are a s As the torpedo travels through the water, pres-
follows : sure depresses the bail on the exploder, unlocking
an inertia trigger, and rotates the impeller . This
Description arms the torpedo, and impact with the target dis-
Length Overall—13'5". places the inertia trigger, and frees the firing pin,
Length of Warhead—5 ' 11" . which, driven under spring pressure, strikes th e
Length of Airfiask—7'll" . detonator and fires the charge.
Length of Afterbody—4'7" .
(Including Tail ) Safety Precaution s
Diameter—17'.'7 . This torpedo must be considered dangerous if i t
Total Weight—2205 lbs. is found in shallow water or on the beach . Move-
Charge—790 lbs . Type 97 explosive. ment of the exploder bail might fire the charge .
Tail Fins 4, top vertical one smaller than other Likewise, movement of the torpedo might-allow th e
three . engine to turn over a few revolutions, driving the .
Range/Speed—3500 yards at 46 knots . torpedo forward on the beach . This might actuat e
n Depth Setting—6'6 to 50' . the exploder, firing the explosive .

Warhead Exploder Oxygen Guide Stud Stop Chargin g

Pocket Flask _ /Valve~Volve

Access Hole Fuel Tank Access Hole

For Parting Tool Drain Hole For Parting Too l

Figure 37—Type 97 torpedo used in midget submarines, powered by oxygen . It travels with only a
slightly visible wake.



Powered by an eight-cylinder radial steam en- Operatio n

gine, this l aircraft torpedo is believed to hav e When the torpedo is launched, a safety pin i s
replaced the Type 91 torp edoes. withdrawn from the Type 2 exploder, releasing th e
The physical characteristics of the torpedo are a s hail . It is immediately depressed under sprin g
follows : pressure, and when the torpedo enters the- water ,
pressure rotates the impeller, arming the exploder .
Descriptio n Impact of the torpedo with the target displaces th e
inertia trigger and releases the firing pin . which ,
Length Overall—IS'3" .
driven downward under spring pressure, strike s
Length of Warhead—G' . he detonator, firing the charge .
Length of Airflask—7'0 ."3 . If the Type 90 exploder is used, the bail is not
Length of Afterbody Y'2 .'5 . lepressed until the torpedo enters the water . Th e
depression of the bail unlocks the inertia trigger .
(Including Tail )
The exploder fires in the same manner as th e
Diameter—17"7 . Type 2 .
Total Weight—IS00 lbs.
Safety Precaution s N
Charge—330 lbs . Type 07 explosive. This torpedo must be considered dangerous i f
Tail Fins—l . found' in shallow water or on the beach . The ex-
Range/Speed—3000 yards at 42 knots. ploder-must not be touched, as movement of it s
parts may fire the charge . Likewise, movement o f
(Estimated )
the torpedo itself may cause the propellers to tur n
Depth Setting—S '.3 to 59 :4 . over a few revolutions, driving the torpedo upo n
Exploder—Type 2, or Type 90, bail impact-in- the beach . Impact with the beach may actuate th e
ertia, in pocket on top centerline of warhead . exploder, firing the charge .

Wire Loop . Starting Gear

Access Hole to Remove Afterbody

Figur e 38—Torpedo type 2 (special) with warhead removed . It is powered by an 8-cylinder radia l
steam engine.




several additional types of Japanese torpedoe s magnetic actuation . It is believed to be patterne d

are believed to be in service . The data on charac- after a German electric torpedo .
teristics and description of these torpedoes, take n The physical characteristics of the torpedo are a s
from intelligence reports, are given on the follow- follows :
ing pages . • .
Descriptio n

TORPEDO TYPE 9 0 Length Overall—23'8" .

Diameter—21" .
A 24" torpedo powered by a two-cylinder double - Total Weight—3369 lbs .
acting reciprocating steam engine and designed fo r Charge—660 lbs . Type 97 explosive .
use by destroyers and cruisers . This torpedo has Range/Speed—5400 yards at 30 knots .
largely been replaced by the Type 93 . (When batteries are pre-warmed )
General characteristics of the torpedo are as 3300 yards at 28 knots .
follows : (When batteries are not prewarmed )
Descriptio n Exploder—Impact or magnetic .
Length Overall—27'10" . Operatio n
Length of Warhead—3'10" . Nothing is known about the operation of this tor-
Length of Airflask—13'1" . pedo . It is reported as producing a distinctly
Length of Afterbody—10'11" . whining noise at short distances .
(including Tail )
Diameter—24" . Safety Precaution s
Total Weight—3520 lbs . - 'l'bis torpedo must be presumed dangerous i f
Range/Speed— 8752 yards at 45 knots . found itt shallow water or on the beach .
10940 yards at 42 knots .
1t3410 yards at 32 knots . TORPEDO TYPE 9 4
Charge—880 Tbs . Type 94 or Shimose explosive .
Two models of this 17'.' 7 aircraft torpedo, desig-
Depth Setting—7' to 59' .
Exploder—Type 90, bail, impact-inertia i n nated by the Japanese as Type 94, Modification 1
and Type 94, Modification 2, have been reported .
pocket on top centerline of warhead .
General characteristics of the torpedoes are a s
Operatio n follows : -
As the torpedo travels through the water, pres- Description .
sure depresses the bail, unlocking the inertia-trig- Length Overall—Type 94, Modification 1—22' .
ger, and rotates the impeller . This arms the ex- Type 94, Modification 2—17'4" .
ploder, and impact with the target displaces th e Length of Warhead—Type 94, Modification 2 —
inertia trigger and releases the firing pin. Unde r 5' .
spring pressure, the firing pin is driven downwar d Diameter—1777 .
onto the detonator, firing the charge . Total Weight—Type 94, Modification 1—324 5
tbs .
Safety Precaution s
Type 94, Modification 2—182 3
This torpedo must be considered dangerous i f
lbs .
found on the beach. Neither the exploder, nor th e Charge—Type 94, Modification 1—867 lbs . S hi-
torpedo itself should he moved, as movement ma y
aiose or Type 97 explosive .
initiate detonation.
- Type 94, Modification 2—462 lbs . ex-
plosive .
TORPEDO TYPE 9 2 Range/Speed—Type 94, Modification 1—1 :92 3
A 21" torpedo powered by an electric motor an d yards at 45 knots .
designed for use by submarines . This torpedo i s Type 94, Modification 2—330 0
reported as trackless, firing on either impact - or ' yards at 42 knots .



Operatio n Operatio n
Nothing is known about the operation of thes e Nothing i :. known about the operation of thi s
torpedoes . Type 94, .Modification 1, is reported to torpedo .
have an air ' speed release of 145 knots at an altitud e
Very little is known about this 1 7, .'7 aircraft tor-
TORPEDO TYPE 9 5 pedo . It is reported as weighing 1570 lbs . an d
carrying a eharge of 660 lbs . of'Type 97 explosive .
A 21" torpedo powered by a two-cylinder double - The range is 1600 yards at 42 knots, and the ai r
acting reciprocating steam engine and fired fro m speed release is 190 knots at an altitude of 160 feet .
submarines . The use of oxygen in place of com-
pressed air leaves only a slightly visible wake . MISCELLANEOU S
Physical characteristics of the torpedo are a s Information has been received on two additiona l
follows : torpedoes from intelligence sources which it is be-
lieved worthwhile to print here . The first of thes e
Descriptio n is fired from PT boats which has a gyro-contro l
Length Overall—23'S" . capable of steering the torpedo on a zigzag cours e
at angles of 45° .
The second torpedo is fired. from land based
Total Weight—3520 lbs. tubes and has a range of 7200 yards at 60 knots .
Charge—8S0 lbs . of Type 97 explosive . There are two types of this torpedo, on .: 13' lon g
Range/Speed—1900 yards at 38 knots . and the other 11'4" long . The diameter for bot h
7100 yards-at 35 knots . is reported as 14"-15" .



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