Blanco Dalmau1983

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Preventing green discoloration of porcelain baked

over silver-palladium alloys

Luis Blanco-Dalmau, D.D.S.*
University of Puerto Rico, School of Dentistry, San Juan, Puerto Rico

M any ceramometal crowns are constructed with

nonprecious alloys, which creates problems to the
1. Sandblast the restoration with aluminum oxide.
technician in laboratory procedures and to the patient 2. Wash with water in an ultrasonic cleaner.
who is allergic to nickel if nickel-containing alloys are 3. Apply ceramic conditioner according to the man-
involved. The laboratory procedures are not modified ufacturer’s instructions.
with silver-palladium alloys, but there is a possibility 4. Apply opaque porcelain at 1,200’ to 1,700“ F
of a green discoloration. Silver melts at 1,761’ F (961’ with Vat and 1,700” to 1,760’ F without Vat. Leave
C) and will varporize above this temperature. The at 1,760” F for 2 to 4 minutes until egg shell
muffle will be impregnated with silver particles that appearance.
will form compounds with the porcelain and form the 5. Apply gingival and incisal porcelain at 1,200” to
green discoloration. 1,700” F with Vat and 1,700” to 1,760” F without
The old principle of time and temperature used in Vat. Leave at 1,760” F up to 30 seconds.
ceramics is applied, with the restoration kept in the 6. Apply a natural glaze at 1,200” to 1,760” F air
oven longer to get the same results obtainable at higher fired. Leave at 1,760“ F for 30 seconds or until
temperatures. The temperature is kept lower than acceptable glaze is obtained. For an artificial glaze,
1,760” F when 1,800” F-type porcelain is used. The follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
oven should be purged periodically; a piece of a carbon
rod may be used during the baking cycle, but this is not CONCLUSION
necessary. The metal framework must be cleansed with A simple technique that will prevent green discolor-
a sandblaster, preferably a nonrecycling one, with 50 ation of porcelain when silver-palladium alloys and
pm aluminum oxide. The restoration is then washed 1,800” F porcelains are used has been described. These
with distilled water in an ultrasonic cleaner for alloys have similar characteristics to gold-containing
approximately IO minutes. A ceramic conditioner rec- alloys, and conventional procedures need not be
ommended by many manufacturers is applied to form a changed. The problem of allergies that could be
coat on the metal and prevent future vaporization of the encountered with nonprecious metals is avoided.
silver in the area to be covered by the porcelain. A
greenish gray color will appear on the metal after the Refmnt requests to:
cycle when the temperature used is approximately DR. Lurs BLANCO-DALMAU
1,925” F (1,052” C). From there on, the temperature SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY
of the oven is never carried higher than 1,761’ F (961’ G.P.O. Box 5067
C) at any time. SAN JUAN, PR 00936

*Professor, Restorative Sciences Department.


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