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C O M PA N Y N A M E N O N C O M M O D O L U C T U S , N I S I E R AT P O R T T I T O R L I G U L A .

Module 2
Fro m Ze ro t o S e v e n - Fi g u re s : 

H e re ’s t h e Fo r m u l a
Getting to the seven-figure point is really just
a matter of a simple formula and applying
systems that’ll enable you to cross that
million-dollar mark.
First, why a million? It’s enough to break a threshold where a few cool things can

1. Running a million-dollar business, there’s enough momentum and profit for you to be
a full-time entrepreneur.
2. At a million dollars, you can raise funding and bring on partners and investors.
3. Crossing that million-dollar mark is the point where you can have a major payday if
you want to sell.

A Simple Formula: A million-dollars a year is about $83,000 in sales per month.

Want The Slow Lane Or The Fast Lane?

The Slow Lane: If all you ever did was sell one $30 product to one person at a time,
you’d need about 2,700 sales per month in order to reach $83,000. That equals about
90 sales per day.

The Fast Lane: You could sell three to four different products each making 25-30 sales a
day. Your lifetime customer value will go up, your customer acquisition costs will drop,
and your sales will snowball to get you across the seven-figure threshold much faster.

Remember: Share your progress and give and get some support.
Take advantage of your access to the Facebook group. It’s way easier and more fun to
do this with the encouragement and feedback of other entrepreneurs.
Action Steps
1. Let’s have a little fun with the numbers, shall we?
What are 3-4 products you could sell to the same customer along their journey?

Product #1: ____________________ Retail Price: _________ x 25 units = ________

Product #2: ____________________ Retail Price: _________ x 25 units = ________

Product #3: ____________________ Retail Price: _________ x 25 units = ________

Product #4: ____________________ Retail Price: _________ x 25 units = ________

Total for all products ______________

Product total x 12 months ______________

2. Check for competition. (You want some!)

Are there competitors who are succeeding in serving the same demographic? Is
there competition that has succeeded for a long time serving the same type of
person your brand will serve? Do a little research and note your findings here.





Action Steps
3. Look at your audience.
Audiences are groups of people who are paying attention to something.

On a scale of 1-10, how passionate is your audience about this interest/problem?

Almost indifferent Interested Nearly fanatical

Where do they hang out? (List online and offline places they gather)



Do they have similar beliefs? Briefly, how would you describe their beliefs?




Do they shop at the same places? Where?



What’s your best estimate of how many of your ideal people might be hanging out

If you can't identify where 1,000 or even 10,000 of your ideal people might be
hanging out together, you might want to reevaluate if your product has merit or if
you're clear enough on your demographic.
Action Steps
4. Building a million dollar brand typically takes at least one year to become scalable - but
there are some people who do it even faster. They typically have some “assets” starting
out. Do you have any of the following already?

_______ Have you raised funding?

_______ Do you already have an audience?

_______ Do you have a team with experience building a brand?

_______ Do you know any Influencers?

5. How would you describe the difference between a product and a brand?





6. How would you feel about one day partnering with to take this new
business from 7-figures to 8? What can you imagine a partnership like this creating?





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