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Dear Respondent,

I am Charina C. Dizon , a student of Angeles University Foundation’s Doctor of Philosophy

in Management (PHDPM) program. I am conducting a study on “Assessment of Operational Planning
Activities of Selected Business Enterprises in Mariveles Bataan”. This will fulfill the requirements of
the program.
The questionnaire will take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. The information provided
will be used for academic purposes only. Your participation is completely voluntary and anonymous.
I appreciate your valuable time and thank you in advance for your cooperation.

The Researcher

Answers requires a tick ( /) to indicate your appropriate response.

I. Demographic Characteristics
1. Age ; ________________
2. Sex M ( )
F ( )
3. Highest Educational Attainment
Elementary ( )
High School ( )
Vocational Courses ( )
College ( )
Degree ( )
4. Position on the Business ___________________________
5. Types of Business:
Merchandizing ( )
Manufacturing ( )
Services ( )
Others; Please specify ___________________________________________
6. Form of ownership
Sole Proprietorship ( )
Partnership ( )
Corporation ( )
7. Number of employees _________________
8. Business Asset _______________________
9. Years of Operation ___________________
10. Business location _______________________

II. Operational Planning Activities

The following items describe statements about operational planning activities of business enterprises.
Indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements by ticking (/) your response
using this scale:
1 2 3 4 5 6
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree to a Agree to a Strongly
Disagree to a Moderate to a Limited Limited Moderate Agree
Extent Extent Extent Extent

1 2 3 4 5 6
1. The business is preparing a projected income statement of
six to twelve months
2. The business is preparing a cash flow projection (receipts and
disbursement) for six to twelve months ahead
3. The business is formulating an annual financial statement
4. The business is preparing a detailed profit and loss statement
and compare with expectation
5. The business’ Accounts payable (debt) continuously gets
proper attention before they are due at least a month ahead
6. The business is preparing a detailed monthly cash flow
7. The business is analyzing and monitoring operating, selling,
and overhead expenses to ensure they are in line with expense
8. The business is considering several possible tax alternatives
and developing a plan to minimize the store’s tax obligation
on an annual basis.
9. The business is estimating future short range borrowing
10. The business is setting a numerical profit goal for the year
11. The business is forecasting on a regular basis future economic
and business conditions in the market area for a period of six
to twelve months and assessing their probable impact on the
12. The business is analyzing on a regular basis the possible
changes that will take place within a year or less among the
target customers (such as needs, location, size, income and
13. The business is collecting and analyzing data on a regular
basis concerning major competitors regarding prices, quality,
sales, service and promotions
14. The business is analyzing major products on a regular basis
in terms of achieving sales and profit goals
15. The business is estimating what sales volume and sales the
firm expects to reach in a period of six to twelve months
16. The business is setting and monitoring a realistic and
numerical sales target on a monthly and/or quarterly basis
17. The business is determining at which sales volume the store
will break even
18. The business is monitoring ad readjusting pricing policy
based on an analysis of demand, competition and cost
19. The business is developing a plan of action which specifies
the combination of promotional techniques such as attractive
displays, coupons, samples, customer services, and personal
selling needed to support sales goals
20. The business is determining ahead of time what kind and cost
of advertising needed for a period of six to twelve months
21. The business is conducting an informal assessment on a
continuous basis of customer satisfaction
22. The business is reviewing and planning to improve the
business image on a regular basis
23. The business is comparing sales results on a regular basis to
sales quotas and expectations
24. The business is assessing personnel capabilities annually
25. The business is reviewing and setting employee performance
productivity standards annually
26. The business is determining factors of discontent and a
specific annual action plan to improve job satisfaction
27. The business is analyzing training needs at least annually
28. The business is reviewing personnel practices for
compliance with the law at least once a year
29. The business is estimating the store needs of different
inventory items for a period of six to twelve months
30. The business is reviewing the adequacy of the minimum
inventory level for each major item periodically.
31. The business is monitoring the adequacy of stock level at
least once a year
32. The business is reviewing and estimating the time required
between placing the order and receiving the shipment for
each item at least once a year
33. The business is ordering the proper inventory site on a regular
34. The business is reviewing purchasing policies at least once a
35. The business is analyzing major items turnover on a monthly
36. The business is collecting information on the availability of
new sources of material
37. The business is analyzing the cost of placing an order, cost of
purchasing, and cost of keeping inventory at least once a

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