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PORIO, Criza Mae G.



MWF (11-12nn.)


1. As we have discussed, understanding the consumers in a target market is critical

to creating an effective value proposition. Assume you are the vice president of

marketing for Regal Cinemas. What do you think is the demographic profile

(including the age, income, and life cycle stage) of your largest target market? As

part of a mini-market research project, visit a movie theater on a weekend and track

the people entering. How old are they? Are they families or people meeting friends?


 As a vice President of Regal Cinema, the demographic profile where a

statistical data about the characteristics of a population that include the age of

my customers should be at least at 15- 30 y/o or . I should be aware who will

meet the services that we offered, through evaluating the interest and hobby

of my customers.

 Yes, they are families and some of them are meeting with friends.

2. You are the marketing manager for the Bowflex Revolution Home Gym. You
believe the product appeals to both men and women. As you develop the marketing

strategy, what differences might you consider in the product based on

whether a man or woman is buying? What about the marketing communications

(message, choice of media)?


On the assumption that the customers arriving at Bowflex Revolution Home Gym is

around 20-50 years of age, Men and women prefer different workout styles and

therefore the programs that will suit them will differ. Even the style in which they

utilize the treadmill may be different traditionally, Bowflex Home Gyms have been sold

via television infomercials. These day, you can buy one on the Bowflex web site or from

a sporting goods store. Many exercises you can do on a gym machine can also be done

on Bowflex Home Gyms. But the Bowflex has the advantage of being compact enough

to store in almost any room of the house.

3. Disneyland has traditionally marketed to families; recently, however, new


life cycle patterns have led to changes in the marketing strategy. Identify

three household life cycle stages that Disney may want to consider in the future.


The three household life cycle stages are: 1. Couples: New couples need some time

away from their work to relax and enjoy their lives which they haven’t been able to

owing to their kids in the house are all younger than 6, the parents rely primarily on

credit for purchases and buy mainly household necessities. Families have children 6
and older. The house is still dominated with children, but these individuals tend to

have a little more control over their finances, as wives who took off work to raise

children are likely returning to work around this time. Necessities, such as groceries

and children's clothing, are still the main purchases in these homes. When a family

reaches Full Nest 3 status, its children are older, and in many cases, the children in

the family are also working or in college. A large portion of the family's money goes

to fund the children's education, and parents are more likely to buy high-end furniture

items and purchase vacation packages.

4. The consumer decision process varies by purchase for each individual. Compare

and contrast the consumer decision-making process you go through in buying

gas for your car with the purchase of a new home entertainment system. How

are the processes similar and how are the two purchase decisions different? Why

do you think they are different?


The decision making process while purchasing an item or commodity differs based

on the product we purchase and the objective of the purchase. It can be stated that

the buying need is important in this consumer and business customers approach

purchasing in two very different ways. To successfully market your business to both

types of clients, you need to understand the differences between the consumer and

business buying processes. The business processes you use and the kinds of

products you offer enter into the way that businesses and consumers purchase your

products and view your business.

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